Biography of Anastasia Voronina, daughter of Lydia Fedoseeva Shukshina. Why are Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina and her daughter Maria unhappy in their personal lives? Youngest daughter Olga: housing issue

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina was married to actor Vyacheslav Voronin for four years. They broke up when the woman met director Vasily Shukshin. Since then, the relationship between the mother and her child from her first marriage has deteriorated. The girl remained to live with her father. It was only in the early 90s, when Anastasia was barely 20 years old, that they met for the first time. It was still not possible to maintain a warm relationship.

On the air of the “You Won’t Believe” program, Anastasia admits that she always tried to establish communication with her mother. When they met, there would be an awkward pause during their conversation. According to the artist’s eldest heiress, her parent did not even congratulate her on the birth of her daughter Laurinda. Now 30 year old granddaughter star grandmother states that she crossed paths with Lydia Shukshina on the set, where they managed to exchange only a couple of short phrases.

“No matter what, I remain her daughter, I am her daughter. You know, when I lost my dad, I really wanted to meet her, I really wanted to call her. I understand that these minutes will never return,” Anastasia explained the situation.

The eldest heiress Fedoseeva-Shukshina warns that she under no circumstances lays claim to her mother’s apartment, the total cost of which is 30 million rubles. She assures her stepsisters that she has no intention of taking property from anyone. She has her own apartment, which at one time she inherited from her father, Vyacheslav Voronin. It is worth noting that Anastasia’s daughter Laura lives separately from her mother. She is raising her son Martin, who has been early childhood dreams of becoming an actor.

It’s hard for Anastasia to come to terms with the idea that after so many years she hasn’t been able to have a normal conversation with her parent. It seems stupid to her that circumstances turned out this way. Laura tries to support her mother and believes that they will not impose themselves on anyone.

“I still don’t understand her actions. Okay, when it was when I was young, but when so many years have passed. It was already possible to establish communication. I have a position that you won’t be nice by force. Well, if a person doesn’t want to communicate, then we won’t,” said the granddaughter of Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

Anastasia recalls that her father compared her to Shukshina from childhood. In his opinion, the daughter of the famous artist exactly resembled her parent. According to those around the family, the two relatives really have a lot in common in appearance and character. Anastasia lived 56 years of her life with the thought that one day she would be able to make up for the lack of maternal love that she had lacked for many years.

The woman is sure that if Shushkina makes herself known, she will leave everything she has in Kyiv and go to her mother. “If she needs help, but not material, because I can’t give anything, physical, moral, then please. I would probably run as fast as I could. If we're talking about about caring for her, then yes, I will do everything, but if it concerns money, then I am powerless here. I want her to understand that she has a daughter,” Anastasia said frankly.

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina(born May 27, 1967, Moscow) - Russian film actress and TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (2008).

The eldest daughter of Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

The elder sister is Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Voronina-Francisco (born in 1960). Younger sister— Olga Vasilievna Shukshina (born July 29, 1968), former actress, now works in a church.


Maria Shukshina was born in May 1967 into a family famous people. Mom Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina was already a recognizable actress. Father Vasily Shukshin is a nationally famous writer, actor and director. In addition to Maria, two more daughters were growing up in the family. Anastasia Voronina is 7 years older, mother’s mother, and 2 years younger Native sister Olga.

Maria Shukshina, as they say, was doomed to become an artist. She appeared on screen when she was barely a year old. She appeared in the almanac " Strange people”, which was filmed by her father. Viewers saw little Masha with her mother in the short story “Brother.” After 3 years, both daughters of Vasily Shukshin starred in his film “Stoves and Benches”. At the age of 6, Maria Shukshina again appeared on the screen. This time in the full-length film “Birds over the City” by Sergei Nikonenko.

Thus, creative biography Maria Shukshina began almost in preschool age. But her mother, who knew the underbelly of the world of cinema well, warned her daughter that not all actresses, even talented ones, have a happy fate. Therefore, after graduating from school, Masha decided to acquire a profession that would give her stable work and means of living. She entered one of the capital's institutes foreign languages.

After receiving a university diploma, she worked as a translator for several years. Disillusioned with work, I tried myself in the brokerage profession. But even these duties were not in my heart. Parental genes demanded to return to


In the mid-1990s, Maria Shukshina starred in several sensational films. In Karen Shakhnazarov’s film “American Daughter,” the actress played a practical and unsentimental businesswoman who ran away from her husband with her little daughter to America.

The role of Shukshina in the melodrama of another famous director - Pyotr Todorovsky - was somewhat similar. In the melodrama “What wonderful game“Maria played a beautiful student who, without a shadow of a doubt, handed over her classmates to the state security agencies.

A successful start in cinema was followed by a 2-year break. Maria Shukshina went on maternity leave.

In the 2000s, there was a new return to the world of cinema. First, the artist appeared in a small role in the comedy film " Perfect couple" But soon followed the main role in the series “People and Shadows. Secrets puppet theater" The heroine of Maria Shukshina is not like her. This is passionate femme fatale, some kind of energy vampire. With her performance, the actress demonstrated that she is quite capable of playing different roles and easily transforming herself into characters that are alien to her.

Since the mid-2000s, Maria Shukshina appears on the screen regularly. The only thing in which her on-screen heroines are similar is their strong, strong-willed character. This role went to the actress in the melodrama “Dear Masha Berezina.” Her Katya makes her way through difficult times modeling business without stooping to dirty games and intrigues. And in the series “Brezhnev” Masha reincarnated as nurse Nina Korovyakova, for whom Leonid Ilyich had romantic feelings.

The range of roles played by Maria Vasilyevna Shukshina is very wide. She is organic in the image of a businesswoman, circus performer and even a homeless woman. The actress often plays women with difficult fates. Such are her Maria Karetnikova in the film “Take Me with You” and Alexandra in the melodrama “I Love You”. A psychologically complex and multifaceted image was given to Maria Shukshina in the dramatic film “Terrorist Ivanova,” released in 2009.

Of Maria Shukshina’s latest projects, the most striking ones include the films “Mannequin”, “The Outgoing Nature” and “A Strange One”. Viewers first watched these films in 2014 and 2015.

TV projects

After maternity leave Maria Shukshina wondered what she should do next. It was a difficult time, the end of the 1990s. The cinematography was not in the best condition. The offer to become a TV presenter was unexpected. Interestingly, it came from several channels at once. The actress successfully auditioned for the new talk show “Two”. But then another proposal was received, which seemed closer to Maria Shukshina. She was offered to host the program “Looking for You.” The goal of the project is to search for people, dramatic destinies. Soon the program changed its name to “Wait for me.”

As Maria Shukshina admitted, working on this project turned out to be very difficult. But the result obtained, hundreds happy people who found their relatives and friends, completely paid off all the difficulties. Maria Shukshina was the host of the program from October 1999 to December 2014.

Personal life

A strong and strong-willed woman is rarely happy in her personal life. In any case, Maria Shukshina’s personal life was not easy. For the first time she married classmate Artyom Tregubenko. But after the birth of their daughter Anna, a crack appeared in the relationship. After several years life together the couple broke up.

The artist’s second husband turned out to be Artyom’s former wedding witness and friend, Alexey Kasatkin. They met 10 years later. At that time, Maria Shukshina was already divorced from her first husband. Alexey had common-law wife, from which he immediately left when he realized that he had lost his head over the beautiful actress.

Married to Kasatkin, they had a son, Makar. Unfortunately, the couple also divorced soon after. After their divorce, the press savored scandalous story about the abduction of his son by a father. Makar was 2 years old at that time. After Shukshina contacted law enforcement agencies, the boy was returned to his mother.

Maria Shukshina's third marriage was civil. Probably a woman family life which didn’t work out twice, who experienced the kidnapping of a child very painfully, did not want to step on the same “rake.” Therefore, she flatly refused to register her relationship with lawyer Boris Vishnyakov. The couple gave birth to charming twins Foma and Foka in 2005. But 4 years after their birth, Maria Shukshina left her husband, taking the children. Soon a scandal broke out in the press, similar to the one that happened with the actress’s eldest son. But this time, their father announced the abduction of the children.

It is known that now ex-spouses found mutual language and the father participates in raising his sons. But the couple was never able to live together.

Now Maria often recalls the words of her mother. She herself says:

“Children are everything to me. I live for them, take care of myself, work, develop, so that they won’t be ashamed of me.”

The large Shukshin family in Lately Every now and then he finds himself in the center of attention and most often the reasons for this are sad.

On September 25, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina turns 80 years old. Recently, the actress rarely communicates with the press, and one of the reasons for this is difficult family relationships. Why does a movie star, who so often played the roles of mothers and happy women, did not have cloudless maternal happiness in life, the site finds out.

Four marriages of Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina

Private bussiness

The actress was married four times. Her first husband was actor Vyacheslav Voronin. They got married in 1959, when Lydia was studying at VGIK. We lived together for about five years. Then Lidia Nikolaevna called her first marriage a mistake. In 1964, the actress married a second time - to Vasily Shukshin, she idolized him and was ready to endure everything: his difficult character, his addiction to alcohol, his terrible jealousy, and even the fact that he could raise his hand. Lidia Nikolaevna repeated more than once that all the years of their marriage she was very happy. Her difficult happiness lasted only seven years.

Vasily Shukshin and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina in the film “Kalina Krasnaya”. Source:

After Shukshin’s death, she even wanted to go to a monastery. But it all ended in an unexpected marriage for many with a young cameraman Mikhail Agranovich, whom the actress met on the set of the film Tryn-Trava. Fedoseeva-Shukshina lived with him for 10 years. But, as they assured, neither Agranovich, who loved his wife very much and tried with all his might to replace her for his father’s daughters, nor the fourth husband, the Polish artist Marek Mezheevsky, nor Bari Alibasov, with whom, as they assured, the movie star had a relationship that over time grew into friendship, they couldn’t make the actress happy.

Lidiya Shukshina and Bari Alibasov at the Nika Awards, 2018. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

The eldest daughter Anastasia: childhood without a mother and a colony

Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina gave birth to her daughter Anastasia in her first marriage, in 1960. When Voronin was invited to work at the Kyiv film studio. Dovzhenko, Shukshina preferred Moscow to Kyiv, where there was much more for her more prospects. As a result, the young family fell apart, and the daughter was sent to Leningrad to Voronin’s parents.
The girl practically never saw her mother: she disappeared on film expeditions, and then Vasily Shukshin appeared in her life, to whom she devoted herself entirely. When Nastya was 9 years old, the court ordered her grandparents to give her to her mother, but the girl herself did not want to live with her parent. But not so long ago, Lidia Nikolaevna told her version: her ex-husband deceitfully took her daughter to the village, and then she sued for custody for several years, but since Voronov’s parents were quite influential people, she lost the courts.

I met Fedoseev-Shukshin’s daughter a few times. She also didn’t come to Anastasia’s wedding, citing the fact that she didn’t want to see ex-husband. The fate of Anastasia Voronina-Francisco (her exotic double surname from her husband, an Angolan citizen who studied at the military academy in Kyiv) turned out to be difficult. She lived with her husband in Angola for several years when the Civil War, together with her little daughter returned to Kyiv.

Anastasia Voronina-Francisco. Still from the film “Olga Shukshina. If dad were alive..."

In the early 90s, a woman ended up in a colony; she was detained at the border for transporting drugs. There was no work, she borrowed money to start her business, but it failed. An acquaintance agreed to help out with money, but in return asked for a favor: to bring a parcel from Pakistan. According to her daughter Fedoseeva-Shukshina, she understood that something was fishy here, but she didn’t think that the “package” would contain drugs, she assumed that it was about some kind of smuggling of precious stones.

Three years later, Anastasia was released under an amnesty. According to her, while she was sitting, Lydia Nikolaevna did not send her a single letter. At the same time, according to a close friend of the actress, actor and TV presenter Stanislav Sadalsky, the star wrote many petitions for the parole of her unlucky daughter. After this crime story, the relationship between mother and daughter became even colder. And after Anastasia took part in one of the talk shows, talking about their family problems, the famous parent stopped communicating with her for a long time.

Youngest daughter Olga: housing issue

In her marriage to Shukshin, the actress had two daughters of the same age. They starred together in the film “Stoves and Benches”, then Masha was 5 years old, and this was not her first film role. Two years later, together with their mother, the girls played in the film “Birds Over the City.”

Many believed that the girls would have a brilliant actor career. Graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages, but decided to connect her life with cinema and television. And Olga, although she received specialized education, realized that being an actress was not for her. She then entered the Literary Institute, began writing stories and essays, although she never graduated from the university.

In the late 90s, shortly after the birth of her son and problems that arose in her relationship with her husband, Olga Shukshina preferred life in a monastery to worldly life. She said that she found there what she was missing - peace and quiet. There was a woman working out there literary creativity, taught at a church orphanage. Olga's son studied at a community school.

Olga Shukshina. Still from the film “If Dad Were Alive...”

more on the topic

In 2013, after 15 years spent in the monastery, Olga decided to return. It all ended with a widely publicized story involving the division of an apartment. They said that the youngest daughter of the star was offended by the fact that Lidia Nikolaevna bequeathed her share not to her son, her grandson, but to her granddaughter Anya, the daughter of Maria Shukshina. As Olga assured, she wants to get her share in order to ensure the future of her son and buy him a separate apartment. Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina categorically refused to exchange the four-room apartment in which she lived with Shukshin and where everything was dear to her, like a memory.

“For Lida, everything that concerns Vasily Makarych is sacred,” explains Stanislav Sadalsky. He said that Olga set a condition for her mother: either exchange the apartment, or pay her 15 million for the part due by law. Lydia Nikolaevna simply does not have that kind of money. Sadalsky also said that it is difficult to call Olga and her son homeless: the actress bought her daughter two apartments - one in St. Petersburg, in the very center, and the other in Sergiev Posad, and gave her a dacha in the Moscow region.

Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, 2017. Photo: Boris Kudryavov/EG Archive

Fortunately, some time ago the story of dividing the apartment came to naught. Olga has been flying to Russia periodically lately, but she no longer raises the issue of real estate, at least not publicly. Lidia Nikolaevna prefers not to comment on the unpleasant situation: the housing issue has already cost her large quantity nerves. And fans of the famous actress’s work hope that there will be no more conflicts between her and her daughters, and that past grievances will remain a thing of the past.

The heir to the People's Artist of the RSFSR for the first time in several years decided to meet with famous mother. Together with Olga Shukshina, she went to visit the star eldest daughter Anastasia Voronina-Francisco, as well as granddaughter Laura. However, Fedoseeva-Shukshina was not happy with all of her relatives.

Youngest daughter Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina Olga fled from problems to Africa. Neighbors of the famous actress believe that her close people abandoned her due to disagreements over the apartment. Previously, Olga expressed a desire to sell her share, but the woman’s parent is categorically against discussing this issue.

As for the daughter of the People's Artist of the RSFSR from her first marriage, Anastasia Voronina-Francisco, she lives in Kyiv and does not even hope for reconciliation with her famous mother. The woman admitted to reporters that she learned about Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s illness and surgery from the media. The heirs of the star became guests of the NTV program “We Talk and Show.”

According to Anastasia Voronina-Francisco, she saw my own mother only a few times and does not maintain a relationship with her.

The woman frankly admitted that she could not understand the reasons for her disagreements with her mother. “We just don’t know each other at all. Sometimes it seems to me that she is offended by my dad, but I don’t understand what I have to do with it,” Anastasia said. In 2007, the father of the heir to the star, actor Vyacheslav Voronin, was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. He passed away in October 2016. The man died a month before his 80th birthday. Voronin's death was a big blow for his daughter.

Anastasia Voronina-Francisco also spoke out about the contradictions that arose between her mother and sister. The woman believes that her relatives will be able to agree on something. According to Anastasia, she doesn’t need anything from the famous actress. Voronina-Francisco lives in a spacious two-room apartment, which she inherited from her father.

Then Anastasia’s daughter Laura appeared in the studio. The girl raises her son Martin and devotes everything she has to free time family.

According to the girl’s mother, she was offended by Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina’s neighbor. Unfamiliar woman allowed herself to speak negatively about the star’s loved ones. However, Laura says that she is still ready to make contact with her grandmother.

After some time, the celebrity’s great-grandson, the charming Martin Voronin-Francisco, joined the close people. The child is interested in boxing, which he demonstrated in the studio of the program. According to the boy, he watched films with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, but never met her. “Bah, I’d like to see you,” Martin said on the show.

The program also showed a conversation between Olga Shukshina and her mother. The woman called the actress on the phone. People's Artist The RSFSR frankly told her daughter that she was not feeling well. According to Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, she was on the verge of death.

In the finale of the TV show, Olga, Anastasia and Laura went to visit the famous actress. The artist’s youngest daughter left her apartment in tears. According to Olga, her mother is really very sick, old and can barely walk. The woman decided to declare a truce in the struggle for the apartment.

However, Lydia Nikolaevna refused to see her eldest daughter Anastasia and granddaughter Laura. “I assumed it would be like this. Yes, it’s very offensive and sad,” Voronina-Francisco said.

Children of Lidia Shukshina, these are not only her two daughters from her marriage with Vasily Makarovich Shukshin, but also her daughter from the actress’s first marriage - with actor Vyacheslav Voronin, Anastasia. Anastasia's parents met on the set in Lvov. Vyacheslav had already graduated from VGIK by that time, and Lydia Nikolaevna was still studying acting. They got married after they found out they were going to have a child. The young family settled in Kyiv, but Lydia Nikolaevna was eager to go to Moscow to build a career and become famous actress, like her classmates at VGIK. However, Vyacheslav Voronin did not like his wife’s plans, however, she did it her way. This was the reason for the collapse of the actress’s first family.

In the photo - Lidiya Shukshina with her husband and children

Nastya was sent to Leningrad to live with her grandmother, Lidia Nikolaevna’s mother, and her father often visited her. During the filming of the film “What is it like, the sea?”, which took place in Sudak, Lydia Fedoseeva had a whirlwind romance with Vasily Shukshin, which put an end to her relationship with Voronin. Nastya stayed to live with her father, or rather, with his parents in Zherdevka, where he was from. Nastya then saw her mother, perhaps no more than twice, and, in general, according to her, she never learned what true motherly love is.

In the photo - Lydia Shukshina's eldest daughter Anastasia

When Anastasia grew up, she married the head of Angolan counterintelligence, Major General Nelson Francisco, and gave birth to a daughter, Laura. There was also a dark period in her biography, when Anastasia, convicted of drug trafficking, spent several years in prison.

In the photo - Maria Shukshina

The youngest children of Lydia Shukshina - daughters Maria and Olga were born one year apart, after the actress became the wife of Vasily Shukshin. Despite the small age difference, the sisters were never particularly friendly, and when they grew up, their fates also turned out differently. At first Masha did not want to follow in the footsteps of her parents and entered Foreign Languages, and later she nevertheless became an actress and TV presenter.

In the photo - Olga Shukshina

The youngest of Lydia Shukshina’s children, Olga, immediately entered VGIK and managed to star in several films, but then she quit her profession and began writing stories, and later entered the Literary Institute. A few years later, Olga decided to devote herself to serving the church, but recently returned to worldly life. Lidia Nikolaevna always tried to support her daughters, but last year she had an accident with Olga. serious conflict because of the bad behavior of her son Vasily - the grandson of Lydia Shukshina, whom she actually raised.
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