Blogger Arslan Valeyev died from a snake bite. Mom of a blogger who died from a black mamba bite: I will strive to preserve the collection

31-year-old blogger Arslan Valeev, author of the BobCat TV and Private Exotarium video channels dedicated to exotic animals, died on Monday afternoon. The young man's death was the result of a black mamba bite he received during a live broadcast on YouTube on the night of September 23. After this, Arslan fell into a coma. Doctors fought for Valeev’s life, but they were unable to save him.

Meanwhile, information is being spread on the Internet that shortly before his death, Arslan’s mood worsened due to the departure of his wife Catherine. According to some reports, Valeev was allegedly very jealous of her and even beat her the other day, and on the eve of the tragic incident he behaved strangely - he used obscene language and talked about death and pain.

Shortly before the tragic incident, the young man met his good friend Marina, with whom they took a puma cub to the hospital. Friends celebrated this event. After Arslan’s friend left, he again got in touch with subscribers. At some point, Valeev walked away from the computer and then returned, showing the snake bite.

“I’ll just stay with you for a little while. If anything, there is an entry on the phone for Katya. Just reading your messages. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. Bye everyone. I can’t even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya’s phone number, if she manages to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I’m shaking,” said the young man.

Valeev's worried spectators did not understand what was happening. After some time they called ambulance, and the moderators turned off the chat, writing that Arslan was alive. All this time, the young man’s subscribers watched what was happening in live and panicked. Then Ekaterina came to the blogger and turned off the broadcast.

Subscribers' opinions about what happened to Arslan vary. Some of them believe that he decided to commit suicide. At the same time, others, on the contrary, believe that Valeev did not intend to take his own life, and his dying speech was not planned and represents the body’s shock reaction to a snake bite. In their opinion, the Internet activist was the victim of an accident. Many of Arslan’s followers urge him not to blame Catherine for what happened to him.

Valeev's fans wish him to rest in peace. Internet users write that they do not believe in sudden death blogger. From the outside, there were no signs of trouble. Arslan seemed like a motivated young man who genuinely cared about animals. “We remember, we love, we mourn”, “Please take care of yourself”, “Sincere condolences”, “This is creepy. Hurt. I hope his soul is at peace. Sleep well, good friend", "How loved one lost”, “Very sad”, “Looks like a bad dream”, “His channel gave me so much positivity,” Valeev’s subscribers discuss.

The fact that the blogger broke up with Ekaterina became known in April of this year. Valeev’s followers suspected that there were difficulties in his relationship with his wife and fell asleep young man questions.

“Why are there so many channels? Where is Katya? Why is that? Why is this? Yes, we separated, it’s simple. And there are no problems with this, just to get rid of unnecessary questions. We’re dividing everything up little by little,” Arslan shared a few months ago.

Last Thursday, Arslan publicly apologized to Catherine. The blogger said that he behaved unworthily, omitting unflattering statements about ex-lover. Valeev noted that he was in pain and lonely.

“There are no justifications for my statements addressed to you personally, I acted basely and stupidly, I am extremely far from the ideal, but you understand, it’s very hard for me now, it’s hard to live within the walls in which we wanted to meet old age, it’s hard to see everything that connected with you and is an obligatory part of my lonely (I have no one!) life, it is very difficult to accept the fact that everything is already behind and nothing can be fixed. And I see that for you everything has definitely passed, it has begun new life with someone you have long sympathized with,” the blogger addressed Ekaterina.

Valeev also noted that the girl was a wonderful person whom he undeservedly offended. “Not a single impartial statement addressed to you personally has any meaning or weight, all this is a lie out of resentment and wild envy, you know this, but not everyone watching understood this. I have apologized to you more than once. He apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I’m not a robot for cleaning up after animals and generating videos, I’m a human, quite weak character, as it is,” Arslan shared.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev led a public BobCat TV about wild cats and the YouTube channel “Private Exotarium”, where he talked about snakes. Arslan worked professionally with snakes, which is why some consider his death not an accident, but a suicide related to separation from his wife Ekaterina. The blogger studied the physiology and habits of snakes, and at home he kept a whole zoo where snakes, lizards and even lynxes and pumas lived.

In April 2017, Arslan divorced his wife Ekaterina. The breakup occurred with a scandal: Ekaterina Pyatizhkina claimed that things had come to the point of assault - her husband beat her out of jealousy, and she left him. Later, Catherine admitted that that incident was not the only one, and the reason they broke up was, in fact, constant beatings.


In September, Arslan went online with an unusual stream. The herpetologist tried to shift the dangerous snake from the terrarium into the container, and she bit him. The black mamba's bite was fatal. Realizing that he was about to die, Arslan recorded a farewell video where he asked to contact his ex-wife. After spending several days in a coma, Valeev died.

Roofer fell from a skyscraper

The acrobat, roofer and extreme sportsman Wu Yunning had 230 thousand subscribers - all of them watched with bated breath the desperate Chinese's stunts, which he performed on the roofs of skyscrapers without insurance. Before each of his videos, Wu warned that there is no need to repeat after him - he has many years of practice and training behind him.

However, they did not help him. During the 10 months that Wu Yunning maintained his blog, he shot about 300 videos from the roofs of high-rise buildings. Interested advertisers approached him, and specifically for this video, Wu was supposed to receive $15 thousand, which he was going to save for the wedding and for the treatment of his sick mother. Unfortunately, something went wrong - the roofer tragically fell from an 82-story skyscraper. His body was found only a day after the stream.

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In front of her three-year-old daughter, Monalisa gave in to her boyfriend’s persuasion and pulled the trigger.

Pedro did not wait for the ambulance to arrive and died on the spot. Monalisa faces 10 years in prison or a fine of $20,000.

A blogger from Tatarstan had an accident

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The blogger's car flew into the oncoming lane and collided with a passenger bus. The girl died on the spot, five bus passengers, including a small child, were injured.

Video blogger Arslan Valeev became famous thanks to his public page about big wild cats BobCat TV and the channel about snakes and other reptiles “Exotrium”. He received a bite from a poisonous reptile on live television. It is known that shortly before the transfer he quarreled with his wife.

The bite of a black mamba is fatal to humans if an antidote is not administered in time. The snake attacked Arslan Valeev live, writes MK.


On the night of September 23, the blogger talked about the black mamba, and at some point it bit the presenter. Subscribers watching the online broadcast called an ambulance. Doctors took Arslan to the hospital in critical condition. The doctors did everything possible, but they could not save the naturalist.

It is reported that Valeev's spat with ex-wife caused the blogger to be very upset. He was jealous of the girl, once even allegedly raised his hand against her (so, in any case, she claims, showing medical documents). Later, Arslan published a public appeal to Ekaterina Pyatizhkina in one of his groups, where he asked her forgiveness for everything he had done.

“I have apologized to you more than once. I have apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I am not a robot for cleaning up after animals and generating videos, I am a person with a rather weak character as I am,” the blogger wrote on the eve of his death on air.

The permanent TV presenter of the program “In the Animal World”, biologist Nikolai Drozdov commented on the tragedy. According to him, attention is dulled on live television, and the black mamba is a fast and merciless snake, REN TV reports.

“You lose attention on live television and get distracted by filming. It’s very dangerous. I was bitten by a snake only once; I was filmed by a viper; I spent time in the hospital. It’s better not to go on air with snakes. Mamba is very dexterous and fast, bites instantly,” said Drozdov.

Blogger Arslan Valeev quarreled with his wife and died from a black mamba bite live on air.

Famous blogger Arslan Valeev died from a snake bite live on air.

Valeev was bitten by a black mamba living with him, while he himself provoked the reptile and did not try to save his life.

Last words blogger were dedicated to his wife Katya Pyatyzhkina. Shortly before the tragedy, the wife left Valeev, accusing him of beatings. After a woman complained about violence on her Instagram, the host on his YouTube channel began to accuse her of cheating. Viewers of the channel were outraged by this behavior, Valeev apologized, but his wife never returned to him.

Subscribers watched online as Valeev passed away.

black mamba snake killed blogger Arslan Valeev

In his last broadcast on the night of September 23, Arslan calls Katya’s number, asks to call her and ask her to come. An ambulance was called for the blogger, but they did not have time to save him. He was brought to the hospital still alive and put into an artificial coma, but on September 25, around noon, Valeev died.

A well-known blogger among animal lovers, he ran the “Private Exotarium” channel about reptiles, as well as the BobCat TV channel about tigers, lions and other large cats.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev died from a black mamba bite on September 25. This was reported on his BobCat TV page.

We express our sincere condolences to Arslan’s family and friends at this very difficult moment for us all! He left approximately at noon, but his Love will remain in our hearts forever!, wrote the group administrator Andrey Derevyankin.

Bite live

Live on his channel, the blogger set a poisonous snake on himself. After the bite, he was immediately hospitalized. Valeev's subscribers called the ambulance.

All these events took place on September 23. After poisonous bite the blogger fell into a coma and died two days later without regaining consciousness.

The recording of this stream has already disappeared from the YouTube channel. However, the shocking video is still available online. It shows Arslan sitting in a semi-fainting state, but still talking to the audience. He dictates his ex-wife's phone number.

This is Katya's phone. If someone gets through to her and she has time to drive up to me and at least see me... I would be glad,” the blogger can barely find the words, rolling his eyes. - In fact, I’m already dying... But Katya would be glad to see... How she’s shaking.

It is known that the reckless act was preceded by loud quarrel with ex-wife Ekaterina Pytyazhkina.

Back in August, a woman said on her Instagram page that a blogger, who allegedly caught her cheating, broke into her apartment and beat her. The girl also published a certificate from the hospital with a diagnosis of concussion on social networks.

Then, however, Valeev apologized sincerely, but Catherine did not return to him. It was then that the blogger set a poisonous snake on himself during a stream.

It is known that Arslan had four lynxes living at home. As his fellow members of the public say, the animals are now under “close supervision.”

Sensitive and risky

Arslan Valeev was not just a popular blogger, but also a major expert on venomous snakes in Northern capital. In any case, this is how it was recommended in several large veterinary clinics in the city on the Neva. Previously, he was a zootechnician at the exotarium of the Leningrad Zoo.

His close friend Polina Maratkanova, with whom they once began working together at the Leningrad Zoo in the exotarium department, spoke of Arslan as an excellent specialist and expert in his field.

“He was not only in our city, he was one of the best in our country,” she said. He is such a very risky guy, he was not afraid of anything. But he was a very sincere person, hospitable. I corresponded with him literally last week. It's terrible that this happened to him. Reptiles were his life. He was so attached to his work. And he absolutely adored reptiles,” said a friend of the blogger.

He cheated a lot rare species. And he did amazing things, took good videos and photographs. He created his own private exotarium, says Maratkanova.

Failed manipulation

Andrey Derevyankin, administrator of the BobCat TV public page, told his version of what happened:

The day before, Arslan announced on his Instagram stream a night broadcast on YouTube with one of his most favorite snakes - Mamba. Turning on the camera, as he regularly did before, he went to take the snake out of the terrarium to move it to Plastic container, used for broadcasts. In the process of manipulating the snake, a bite was received, he said.

Since the man had worked with snakes for more than 20 years, he understood perfectly well what happened to him.

Arslan, realizing what had happened, left a message for his wife Ekaterina, and asked the audience, who turned out to be eyewitnesses, to contact Katya by phone, as his limbs began to quickly go numb, making it impossible to call for help on his own, after which he soon went outside, waiting for help to arrive, - Derevyankin tells the events of that evening.

Fast and poisonous

Black mamba among poisonous snakes second only in size king cobra. The Guinness Book of World Records says she is probably the most fast snake in the world. But, despite its abilities, when a mamba meets a person, it tries in every possible way to avoid contact. She freezes in the hope that they will not notice her and pass by, or she tries to sneak away just as unnoticed. And only with the inevitable meeting does the snake become aggressive.

The mamba can grow up to 3 meters in length and has deadly dangerous poison. IN wildlife This African snake feeds on rodents and birds, avoiding people.

If it does bite, the person affected by its venom needs immediate administration of an antidote. Otherwise, he will die.
