Why do you need the characteristics of the nomenclature in 1c. Why do we need product characteristics?

What is the characteristics of the nomenclature? This property could be color, size, or some other addition. Let's consider filling out the characteristics of a product item in the 1C program: Trade Management 11.3. Initially, you need to check the activity of this setting. Go to the menu tab “Master data and administration”, section “Setting up system parameters” and select “Nomenclature”:

Expand the “Accounting Sections” item and check for a checkmark next to the “Item Characteristics” parameter:

The item is ticked. Now go back to the “Master data and administration” tab and select “General settings”:

Here we expand the item “Additional details and information” and check whether the checkbox next to “Details and information with general list values":

Checked and noted. Now go to the menu tab “Master data and administration”, section “Master data” and open the reference book “Nomenclature”. Let's say we plan to sell clothing items. We create new group"Cloth". And there is a subgroup in it, for example, “Children’s shoes.”

Let us immediately note that the characteristics of the previously created and existing nomenclature were not recorded. Now this parameter is necessary for more precise definition. First you need to modify the display of the nomenclature directory.

Find the gear icon on the right and select “Navigation by views and properties”:

Instead of the “Item Hierarchy” item, the “Types and Properties” setting appears at the top:

Click the “Properties” setting. Below in the “View” field, select “Show all”:

The “Item Types” window opens. Mark “Product” and right-click and select “Change”:

Go to the “Product” group settings. Here you need to activate the “Characteristics” item. To do this, press the “More” button and select “Allow editing details.” After which the “Unblocking details” window will open, where you need to tick all the parameters and press the “Allow” button.

Now check the box next to the “Characteristics” item and select the “Individual for item” option in the field:

Be sure to click “Record”. Go to the section on the left “Additional details”. Above the field on the right “Characteristics details” press the “Add” button and select the “New for view” item:

We get to the “Additional details” setting. It is necessary to indicate the name of the props, for example, “Color” and write it down. After this, the name of the setting will change:

Go to the “Value” tab and use the “Create” button to add color characteristics - white, green and others as necessary. Next, click “Save and close” and see that the created parameter has appeared in the field on the right “Characteristics details”:

In the same way, using the “Add” button, we create, for example, the “Size” parameter. Since the shoes will be for children, we add the appropriate size range - 29,30, 32 and others:

Now there are two parameters in the characteristics details:

If this product is characterized by some other parameters, you can add them too. For further correct design (for example, display in printed form) go to the tab on the left “Name templates”. Here you need the item “Working name”:

    Available details - here you need to select the type of details. In this case, the display order is determined by the selection sequence;

    Operators and functions – here you are interested in the “Separators” item. That is, how the details selected in the previous window will be divided;

    The field below will display what we select in the previous fields.

Let's take a closer look. Let’s say you need the color to appear after the product name, and then the size. To do this, find the “Color” attribute in the left field, double-click, and this inscription appears in the lower field. Now you need to choose how the details will be separated from each other. In the right field we find “Separators”, expand it and select from the list what suits you: comma, slash or dash, etc. Select by double clicking. The parameter appears in the lower field. Then, similarly, double-click on the “Size” attribute in the left field. The formula is displayed below:

If this field is not there, then you need to click on the button on the right “Show all”. Click “Save and close”.

Please note that a small black triangle has appeared in the item list to the left of the newly created item. This means that records are kept by characteristics.

Now let's make a purchase of this product. Go to the menu tab “Purchases”, “Orders to suppliers”. We place your order in the usual way and proceed to selecting the product. We find “Moccasins for children” in the nomenclature and open it. We find ourselves in the product characteristics section, which has not yet been filled out. Next, press the “Create characteristic” button:

The Registration Assistant window will open. new characteristics" Suppose you need to purchase 20 pieces of “Moccasins for children” white 32 sizes and 15 pieces of green size 29.

The nomenclature field already reflects the name. Fill in the following fields in order:

    Color – choose from the details;

    Size – also choose from the details;

    Working name – filled in by pressing the key at the end of the “Fill in template” field;

    The name for printing is the same, by pressing the “Fill in template” button.

We indicate this data, click “OK”, and the product is transferred to the lower field. We similarly fill out the characteristics for the subsequent product. Then we transfer everything to the order:

We process, process payment, arrive and set prices in the standard way. You can check receipts through the “List of goods in warehouses”:

The product is ready for sale. You can generate sales without a sales order directly from the Sales Documents journal. All fillings occur in the usual way.

Let's pay attention to the selection of goods. The nomenclature directory for the product “Moccasins for children” reflects the total quantity without division by color and size.

And when you click, you can view the quantity, cost and availability in stock according to the selected characteristics.

When building an accounting system, it is important to correctly organize the structure of its main objects, which will then become the basis for the analytics of documents and reports used in automated accounting. In this article, specialists from the STiS group of companies (A.V. Vasiliev [email protected], [email protected], K.V. Sobolevsky [email protected]) talk about the implementation of this rule using the example of implementing the 1C:Management program manufacturing enterprise 8" in production organization, engaged in the production of double-glazed windows.


GC "STiS" - leader Russian market double-glazed windows, producing window glass for glazing the facades of buildings, offices, houses, cottages. The holding's products are used in their work by the largest window companies in Russia. Windows with double-glazed windows "STiS" can be found in residential buildings, public buildings And country cottages from Black Sea coast to the Arctic Circle. And thanks to modern equipment that allows us to produce window glass large sizes, and rich experience in working with complex types of glass, STiS Group actively cooperates with the largest construction companies, taking part in the construction of modern hotel, shopping, office and entertainment complexes.

A feature of the production of double-glazed windows is the small number of product items. Finished StiS products are only three items, namely: single-chamber double-glazed windows, double-glazed windows and cut glass. Moreover, each double-glazed window consists of a combination of various elements, which form a huge number of product modifications. Therefore, to account for finished products, it was necessary to be able to keep records of characteristics, the set of properties of which determines the final product.

A group of companies, consisting of eight production and two non-production branches, chose to automate their core activities software"1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". The main selection criteria were:
the need to create a unified information space for production and warehouse operations;
the ability to plan both operational and long-term.

One of the most voluminous and important in the created information system became a reference book Nomenclature. During the implementation, settings were made for this directory, as well as the directory Item Specifications. It was necessary to create convenient reference books, visually understandable, with easy search for the necessary elements. It was also important to avoid duplication of elements in the presence of a large number of similar nomenclature items.

Each element of the products manufactured by the group of companies has geometric dimensions and consists of a combination of glass, frames, various fillings and Supplies, which form a huge number of modifications.

Therefore, to take into account the nomenclature Finished products it was found Keep records of additional characteristics(see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1

For example, for Glass for cutting the following were specified important characteristics: thickness, height, width, and for double-glazed windows - “Glass1”, “Glass2”, “Glass3”, “Frame1”, “Frame2” (materials from which products will be produced in the future).

In the characteristics, properties were specified in which the main parameters “Height”, “Width” and the main components “Glass1”, “Glass2”, “Glass3”, “Frame1”, “Frame2” were determined. These values ​​were subsequently used in the formation of the directory Specifications.

This organization of the directory made it possible to accurately keep operational records of manufactured products and prevent the directory from “growing.” As a result, the system user was spared the need to search for elements in a multi-level directory Nomenclature.

Indeed, with a different option for organizing accounting, each parameter (property) of the characteristics of the item would be either an extra level in the directory Nomenclature, or a separate element in a huge list.

Using the “by characteristics” accounting method, we provide the program with control over the occurrence of duplicates. The system itself monitors the similarity of filling out analytics and warns the user if it is repeated. Analytics in terms of characteristics passes through the chain of documents from Buyer's order through Production order, Shift production report, Implementation.

This setting also made it possible to reduce the number of elements in Item Specifications. Indeed, in the presence of a huge range of products, as a result of using the properties of the characteristics, only three specifications of the finished product were obtained. Their use allows you to determine what components the product consists of. The specification uses a mechanism for substituting materials from the properties of characteristics and calculating material consumption using formulas (Fig. 2).

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With this setup, calculating the cost of finished products turned out to be a typical task.

As a result, these mechanisms made it possible to simplify the work of the accountant in writing off materials for production, as well as their further distribution to manufactured products. Navigation in the program was simplified by eliminating the “mega-level” nomenclature structure. The consumption of materials throughout the company was brought to a single standard, and as a result, a fairly accurate picture of the movement of goods and materials was obtained.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that correct setting regulatory reference system is the key to successful implementation of accounting tasks.

To keep track of items by characteristics, you first need to set the types of items. The use of characteristics is specified when a new element is created. Once it is recorded, it will no longer be possible to change the value of this attribute.

The values ​​given for selection are self-explanatory. Options:

  • No records are kept of characteristics;
  • Accounting is maintained, the characteristics are common to the type of item (i.e., you create characteristics for this type once, and then use it for any item of this type);
  • Accounting is maintained, the characteristics are individual for the item (for each item of this type you will have to create elements of the characteristics directory individually);

After recording the item, you need to create the characteristics themselves (if the characteristics are common to the type of item). Also from here you can immediately proceed to setting prices by characteristics.

Indication of the characteristics of the item in the tabular section

In order to indicate a characteristic, the item must have a completed item type in which it is necessary to keep records of the characteristics. In the document itself it is filled in similarly to Fig. 4.

Rice. 4

In order for this column to be available in the document, and for accounting to be available based on the characteristics of the item, it is necessary that this be enabled in the accounting parameters.

"Parameters such as characteristics and series of items have been introduced. In addition, the program uses concepts such as properties and categories. Properties and categories can be assigned both to item items and to other program objects, for example, contractors or documents. In this section methods for using these parameters in the configuration are discussed, their differences among themselves and the method of using these parameters for analyzing data in reports. The examples given in the methods were modeled using the “Trade Management for Ukraine” configuration, edition This methodology is also applicable for configuration "Production Enterprise Management for Ukraine", edition 1.2, release

Product characteristics

As characteristics for items of the nomenclature, those parameters are set for which it is necessary to maintain quantitative and batch accounting. Characteristics of goods are used in all documents responsible for the movement of goods, including documents that provide reservation of goods, such as customer orders and orders to suppliers.

Whether or not to keep records by characteristics in the program is determined in the accounting parameters settings by setting the “Use item characteristics” flag. If this flag is disabled, then the “Item Characteristics” column will not be shown in the documents, and the “Keep records of additional characteristics” flag will not be visible in the “Nomenclature” directory.

If the enterprise keeps records based on characteristics, then for each item in the nomenclature it is possible to separately determine whether records based on characteristics will be kept for this item. If accounting for characteristics is not maintained for a given product item, then the “Keep accounting for additional characteristics” flag does not need to be set.

Product characteristics are a set of parameters. For each product item, its own list of parameters is determined that will characterize the product position.

The types of parameters that will be used to describe the characteristics of the product are usually known in advance. They are set in the “Plan of characteristic types” object, which is called from the menu item “Operations - Plan of characteristic types - Object properties”.

In order to determine the types of parameters that will be used to describe the characteristics of a specific item, you must select the "Item Characteristics" Directory on the left side of the dialog box, and specify a list of parameters for item items on the right side of the dialog box.

This list includes all types of characteristic parameters that are assigned to all items in the product line. In order for you to enter specific values according to the characteristics in the list there were only those parameters that characterize this item of the nomenclature; when entering a new parameter, you must specify the purpose of the characteristic, that is, indicate for which object it is intended this characteristic. This information is entered on the “Property Assignment” tab.

A characteristic of a certain type can be assigned both to a group of objects and to a separate item in the nomenclature. For example, in the demo database, the "Size" characteristic type is assigned to all objects included in the "Seafood" group, and the "Keyboard Type" characteristic type is assigned only to the "Keyboard" object.

On the "Property Values" tab, you can set known values characteristics. For example, for the “Cutting” characteristic type, you can set possible size values: “Without head”, “Uncut”, “Fillet”, etc. You can also set these values ​​when entering specific characteristics for objects.

Each object is characterized by a set of characteristics. For example, the product “Frozen silver carp” is characterized not only by the cutting method, but also by the size of the fish. The number of types of characteristics that can be entered for one product is not limited. However, you should adhere to reasonable limits and enter as types of characteristics only those types of characteristics for which you later plan to obtain information about current balances in warehouses. For example, in the future we will be interested in how many seafood of a certain size and cut are in the warehouse, but we will not be interested at all in what body of water this fish was caught. Therefore, we will not assign the catch water as a characteristic for this product.

Information about the characteristics of the product is entered into the reference book “Item Characteristics”. Information about a new characteristic can be entered both from the “Nomenclature” directory (Tab “Characteristics”), and at the time of registration of goods receipt at the warehouse. An important point is that information about characteristics is entered only for those products for which the “Keep records of additional characteristics” flag is set in the “Nomenclature” directory.

Information about the characteristics of the goods can also be entered at the time of receipt of goods during registration, for example, when registering the document Receipt of goods and services. Entering a new characteristic in this document, as in any other document that provides for filling in characteristics, is done in the “Item Characteristics” column. When you activate the “Item Characteristics” column, a dialog box opens showing a list of available types of characteristics for a given item item.

At the top of the dialog, a set of object characteristics is sequentially entered. When entering values, an automatic selection is made of those characteristics that satisfy the entered values. Thus, if a characteristic has been recorded at least once, it will definitely be included in the list, and the program will not allow you to enter another similar characteristic for the product. If the entered characteristic is not in the list, the lower part of the screen will be empty and the “Enter” button will appear. When you click the “Enter” button, the new characteristic will appear at the bottom of the list. Using the “Select” button, information about the characteristics of the product will be transferred to the document.

If a product with characteristics has already been entered into the information base, information about the characteristics can be entered by line-by-line entry in the “Item Characteristics” column.

Example. If you type “n” in the “Item Characteristics” field, a list of all characteristics that have the cut type “Uncut” will appear: “Uncut, Large,” “Uncut, Medium,” etc. You can select the desired characteristic from this list.

Since operational records of warehouse balances are kept based on the characteristics of goods, when selling goods it is possible to select goods based on the characteristics of the goods. For the selection options “By item balances” and “By item balances and prices”, the display of balances by characteristics is implemented in the item list.

With the selection option According to the directory, balances in the context of product characteristics can be viewed in a separate dialog box, which is activated by clicking on the “Remaining balances and prices of goods” button.

If you need to select the same product with different characteristics into a document, it is recommended to set the “Characteristics” flag in the selection dialog box. Then filling in information about products with different characteristics can be filled out in a separate dialog box.

Nomenclature series

Nomenclature series is a complex concept that includes a serial number, certificate and expiration date. The nomenclature series also includes information about the customs declaration and countries of origin.

Unlike the characteristics of an item, the number of parameters in a series of an item is strictly defined and cannot be changed. Product series are filled in in goods distribution documents. It is believed that a series of items is an element of warehouse accounting. An item series is filled in at the time goods are received or written off from the warehouse. By series, as well as by the characteristics of the item, quantitative and batch records are kept of the remaining goods in the warehouse.

Reservation of goods by series is made only for those customer contracts for which separate accounting is maintained for customer orders. The user can manage the reservation of goods by series ( Service - Settings accounting - Setting up accounting parameters).

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Serial accounting of goods, as well as accounting by characteristics, can be disabled for the entire enterprise or for each product item.

The program offers the following scheme of work for product series.

At the time of receipt of goods, information about its serial number, certificate number, and expiration date is filled in.

For each product, all three parameters or only one of them can be filled in. Information about product series is entered into the subordinate directory “Product Series”, which is called up by clicking on the “Product Series” column in the document.

Information about product series can also be filled in when selecting goods into a document using the selection dialog box (the “Selection” button).

In the selection dialog box, you need to set the “Series” flag and then during selection the series of the item will be requested.

At the time of shipment, information about the series can be filled in manually. When selecting products, you can also set a selection mode in which a series of products will be displayed. At the same time, when registering shipping documents, the balances of goods are additionally shown in the context of product series (in the selection modes “By product balances” and “By product balances and prices”.

It is possible to automatically fill in series of goods in documents for the sale and movement of goods. Automatic filling is done by clicking the “Fill and Post” button. In this case, the program automatically distributes goods into series in accordance with the remaining goods in the warehouse.

Write-off occurs in accordance with the expiration date specified in the product series. Those goods that have the shortest expiration date will be written off first.

For example. We have in stock:

10 kg of product "Granulated Sugar" with the following parameters: series S-908, expiration date: 05/30/2008. 10 kg of product "Granulated Sugar" with the following parameters: series C-918, expiration date: 06/30/2008.

In the implementation document, we fill in all the main parameters of the document (organization, counterparty, etc.). In the tabular part of the sales document, we fill in information about the shipment of the product “Granulated Sugar” in the amount of 15 pieces. We are not filling out the series. After that, click on the “Fill and Post” button. The information in the tabular section will automatically be split into two lines:

10 kg of product "Granulated Sugar" with the following parameters: series S-908, expiration date: 05/30/2008. 5 kg of product "Granulated Sugar" with the following parameters: series C-918, expiration date: 06/30/2008.

Item properties and categories

There is no accounting of stock balances in warehouses or batch accounting for properties and categories of items. Item properties and categories are intended for additional classification of item items. They are used to make it convenient to group data when drawing up reports. Therefore, you should assign parameters as properties that are not used in operational work when issuing documents, but are necessary for a more complete analysis of data in reports.

Example. When working operationally and issuing documents, it is not very interesting to know which manufacturer’s product is being sold to the buyer. However, in the future, it will be very interesting to analyze which manufacturer’s products sell better or which manufacturer’s products are more often returned by customers due to their poor quality.

If the product range is large, it is also useful to group products by product type. This will allow you to make an enlarged analysis of sales of various types, without detailing sales to the level of specific product items.

The difference between nomenclature properties and categories is that nomenclature properties can take on many values. For example, as a property of goods, you can enter the property “Types of goods” and assign many values ​​to it: coffee makers, mixers, waffles, chocolate candies etc. The category divides the items of the item into two parts: one part of the item belongs to this category, and the other does not.

Example. The “Imported” category has been added for products. If the product belongs to this category (the category belonging flag is set), then the product is imported. If the product does not belong to the category (the category belonging flag is not set), then the product is not imported.

Assignment of properties and categories for goods can be carried out at any stage of maintaining the information base. Properties and categories of goods can be entered both in the item list and in the item form. To enter a property or category of a product in the list, you must place the cursor on the desired product and click on the corresponding icons (enter a property for a product) or (enter a category for a product). In the nomenclature element form, information about properties and categories is entered on the corresponding tabs. You can assign any number of properties and categories to products.

Each property is characterized by the type of property and the values ​​that are assigned to specific products.

Example. In the demo database, the property type is set for products - "Sales Channel". This property has multiple values: Sales, Retail. IN in this case The list of values ​​specified in the "Property Values" reference book is used as a property value. In this case, “Value type” - “Directory link: Object property values” is used as the value type.

As a property value, you can also use the values ​​that are specified for objects in any other directories.

Example. The value of the “Manufacturer” property in the demo database uses information from the “Counterparties” directory. For this type of property, the “Value Type” is specified as “Directory.link Counterparties”.

Same as for item characteristics, certain type properties cannot be assigned to all item items. This is determined by the information that is specified for the property type on the “Property Assignments” tab.

Example. For the "Manufacturer" property, no value is selected in the list of property assignments, so this property will be assigned to all items in the item. For the "Product Type" property in the property assignment list, you can specify those groups of products for which an aggregated analysis by product type will be performed: " Appliances", "Products", etc. Then this type of property will be displayed only for those products that belong to these groups.

Unlike properties, object categories are assigned to all item items. The category name is entered as text. The belonging of a product to a category is determined by checking the box next to the category name.

Properties and categories for other objects

Characteristics and series are assigned only to item items. At the same time, properties and categories can be assigned to other objects - directories and documents.

The program provides for the assignment of properties and categories for objects in the following directories: Counterparties, Contact persons of counterparties, Contracts of counterparties, Contact persons, Warehouses (storage locations), Nomenclature groups, Individuals, Organizations and for all documents.

The method for assigning properties and categories for all other objects is similar to that used for the “Nomenclature” directory.

I would just like to note that the property introduced for one document applies to all types of documents. Assigning different types of properties to documents various types not provided.

Using characteristics, product series, as well as properties and categories when generating reports

The use of nomenclature characteristics for grouping and selecting data is provided for in all reports that include selection and grouping according to the Nomenclature directory. As an example, we can cite such reports as “List of goods in warehouses”, “Analysis of customer orders”, “Sales”, etc.

To group or select data in reports by characteristics, you must select the “Item Characteristics” object. In this case, the grouping and selection of data in reports is carried out to the level of summary characteristics for the product.

Example. In case of detailed information on the characteristics for the product “Frozen silver carp”, characteristics like “Uncut, Large”, “Uncut, Medium”, etc. will be given.

If you need to drill down in the report to the level of the component characteristics (size, cut), then in the report you need to set the "Use properties and categories" flag. In this case, the list of groupings and data selection will contain objects such as Size (Item Characteristics property), Cut (Item Characteristics property). You can select any of these objects and group the objects by size or type of cutting item item.

Product series are used only in those reports that record the movement of goods: receipt and sale of goods from the warehouse. For example, in the reports “List of goods in warehouses”, “List of goods in warehouses”. To analyze the activities of the enterprise (reports “Sales”, “Purchases”, “ Gross profit") series are not used.

Example. The report “Statement of mutual settlements with counterparties” contains grouping and selection according to the “Counterparties” directory. Therefore, in this report, selection and grouping by properties that are assigned to objects in this directory will be available.

In order for properties and categories to be available for grouping and selecting data in reports, you must set the “Use properties and categories” flag in the report settings on the “General” tab. Then in the list of data for grouping and selection a list of all types of properties that are assigned to objects of directories and documents will appear. For example, Type of product (Nomenclature property), Region (Counterparty property).

Example. In the “Analysis of Customer Orders” report, in the list of groupings for the report there is a document “Customer Order”. If you set the “Use properties and categories” flag in the report settings, then in the list of objects for grouping data in the report it will be possible to group data by properties assigned to customer orders.

They find us: product series is, object properties and parameters, Accounting for characteristics is not maintained, 1s 8 2 list of object property values, how to make a report with the ability to use properties and categories of objects, characteristics of a product range, the field for using characteristics is not filled in, use properties and categories, how a series differs from a characteristic, product characteristics in whoop

Many companies sell products with additional characteristics, such as color, size, completeness, material, etc.

Let's say our company sells clothes different colors and sizes. There are a total of 6 colors and 4 sizes for each clothing model. When entering information about products into the database, we can use one of the following methods.

Method 1. Creating a new item for each color/size

In this case, we will be able to track all information for each color/size (remains, sales, profits, prices, etc.). But then there will be a lot of positions in the “Nomenclature” directory, because for each model you will need to enter 24 (6*4) items in the directory. Such a number of products will make it very difficult to work with the directory, including searching for the right product in it. And if it appears new color or the size of the volumes will increase even more.

Method 2. Do not reflect the availability of colors/sizes in the database

In this case, the volume of the “Nomenclature” directory will not grow. But then we will not be able to get in the database necessary information about goods. For example, we will not know what colors/sizes it comes in this model. If a customer orders, for example, a white T-shirt in size M, we will not be able to immediately tell him whether it is in stock. We will only have information about the total number of T-shirts of a given model in the warehouse, but to find out about a specific size, you will have to go to the warehouse. Not knowing the exact balances by color/size will also cause difficulties when ordering goods from suppliers. We will also not be able to see which colors/sizes are selling best, because the sales report will only contain general sales data for the model.

Method 3. Using item characteristics

Both previous methods have significant drawbacks and are not suitable for use in trading company. Therefore, in the 1C:Enterprise programs there is a special mechanism for creating additional characteristics of the item. On the one hand, when using it, there will not be very many positions in the Nomenclature directory, since there is no need to enter each color/size as a separate element. On the other hand, all the necessary detailed information will be available to you, for example, sales of a product of a particular color or its remnants.

Let's take a closer look at the use of the additional characteristics mechanism using the example of the 1C: Trade Management, Rev. 10.3 program.

Enabling the ability to use item characteristics

Using characteristics in the database is optional, so this option can be enabled or disabled in the settings. Let's go to the accounting settings and enable the use of characteristics in the program.

Menu: Service – Accounting setup – Accounting settings setup

On the “General” tab, set the “Use item characteristics” flag:

Click the “OK” button to save the changes and close the form. Now you can use the item characteristics mechanism in the program.

Creating an item with characteristics

Menu: Directories – Nomenclature – Nomenclature

Let's add a new element and specify the name - T-shirt. Let’s select the item type – product, and the base unit of measurement – ​​pcs.:

In order to be able to specify additional characteristics for a product, we will check the “Keep records of additional characteristics” checkbox. characteristics":

Let’s save the new product using the “Save” button. After saving, you can begin entering additional characteristics on the “Characteristics” tab:

Each characteristic will represent several properties and their values, for example:

You can create as many additional characteristics for a product as you like. different colors and sizes. The properties themselves (color, size) are created in advance or at the time of entering the first additional. characteristics.

Click on the “Add” button to create a new characteristic, a new window will open:

The name of the characteristic is indicated at the top; you don’t have to fill it in manually - it will be filled in automatically.

The properties table will indicate possible properties (while the table is empty, no properties have been created) and their values ​​for this specific characteristic.

Let’s create the properties we need – “Color” and “Size”. To do this, click on the “Add” button in the property table and indicate the name of the property:

On the “Property Assignments” tab, the products or groups of products for which this property will be specified are indicated. If all your products that have additional. characteristics will have the “Color” property, then this tab can be left blank.

Let's assume that in addition to clothing, we also sell laptops. Laptops will also have additional characteristics, but completely different: volume hard drive, processor power, video card type. That is, when entering laptops, we will not need to indicate the color in the characteristics. If you don’t do this in the “Color” property additional settings, then it will be displayed when entering the characteristics of any product, including laptops.

Let’s specify the product group – “Clothing” – as the assignment of the “Color” property. To do this, add a row to the table and select the corresponding product group in it:

Thus, the program will understand that when entering the characteristics of any product from the “Clothing” group, you need to show the “Color” property. If the item is not included in this group, then the “Color” property will not be shown in it, as if this property does not exist.

And list the possible color values ​​in the table using the “Add” button:

Important: Possible property values ​​can be added to in the future; it is not necessary to enter all the values ​​at once.

The properties and its value are ready, click on the “OK” button and return to the characteristic creation window:

In the same way, create the second property – “Size”:

Now everything is ready to create product characteristics, select the required color and size:

And click the “OK” button to save the first characteristic. Please note that the characteristic name was generated automatically:

Product with completed characteristics:

Let's create a second product with similar characteristics. Creating properties (color, size) is no longer required, you just need to select required values and create product characteristics.

Preparation of documents for goods with characteristics

Once characteristics are created, you can use them in all program documents. For example, you can buy or sell a T-shirt of a certain color, set different prices or discounts for different sizes, and much more. Let's consider the preparation of documents with characteristics using the example of the document “Receipt of goods and services” - we will formalize the receipt of T-shirts and jumpers from the company “Modnik”.

Menu: Documents – Purchasing – Receipt of goods and services

Let's create a document and fill in all the standard details - organization, counterparty, warehouse:

You need to indicate the color/size of the T-shirts you are purchasing in the “Characteristics” column. We can choose one of the previously created additional ones. characteristics or create a new one:

To register the arrival of other colors/sizes, add new lines and indicate in them required characteristics. We will also fill in the price and quantity in each line.

Other documents on the movement of goods are prepared in the same way. Simply indicate additional characteristics of the product in the “Characteristics” column!

Note: There are some features when setting prices and discounts for goods with additional characteristics. If you set a discount on a product without specifying the characteristics, the discount will apply to everyone possible characteristics this product. If you set the price for a product without filling out the characteristics, then given price will not apply to any product characteristics.

Reports on products with characteristics

If a product has additional characteristics, then it is very important to be able to view information about it in the context of each characteristic. For example, look at the remains of black T-shirts in size S. The program has this option in all the necessary reports. Let's take for example the report “Statement of goods in warehouses”.

Menu: Reports – Inventory (warehouse) – List of goods in warehouses

In the report, click the “Settings” button and add the “Item Characteristics” grouping to the row groupings:

Example of a generated report:

The “Item characteristics” field can be used not only in groupings, but also in selections, additional fields and for sorting. With it, you can always see the necessary information about the product in terms of additional characteristics.
