Glagolieva's daughters and their husbands. The middle daughter of Vera Glagolev is suspected of anorexia

Over her long career, Vera Glagoleva starred in 48 films and TV series. She was a successful director and producer. Glagoleva’s project entitled “One War” in Monte Carlo received an award for directing at international festival television films.

Anna Nakhapetova is not only a daughter famous parents Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva, but also a talented ballerina and actress. She was born in Moscow in October 1978. It is not surprising that Anna connected her life with art, since she was born into a creative family. Since childhood, the girl was fond of ballet. After graduating from the State Academy of Choreography in Moscow in 1996, Anna began performing on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.

Of course, fans are interested not only in her career, but also in her personal life. The girl decided to say goodbye to her free life in 2006, with the man with whom she had previously lived for several years. Anna's chosen one was Yegor Simachev, Anna's colleague on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Unfortunately, the family union could not be saved even with the appearance of their daughter Polina. Former spouses, announcing the reason for the separation, they said that they could not resolve domestic disagreements.

Maria Nakhapetova was born in Moscow in June 1980, in the family of Rodion Nakhapetov and Vera Glagoleva. Maria was interested in painting from early childhood. She studied at an art school and at the Art Studio of the Pushkin Museum. Later, the girl graduated from the art department of VGIK in the animation department. Maria continued her studies in the USA and received a specialization in computer animation, graphics and design. Now Masha Nakhapetova acts in films, paints pictures, and designs books.

Maria's first husband was the owner of a photo studio, a native of Russia. The girl met him in the USA at a computer special effects course with Steven Spielberg. This marriage did not last long, and Maria returned to Russia. Masha’s second husband was a young businessman from Moscow, from whom Maria gave birth to a son. By the way, the husband was present at the birth of his son, and withstood this event steadfastly.

Anastasia Shubskaya – Russian model and the actress was born in Switzerland in November 1993, in the family of Vera Glagoleva, and her second husband, Kirill Shubsky. Creative life girls started back in adolescence. Nastya made her debut as an actress in 2005, in the film “Ca-de-bo”. Despite the fact that her daughter had already begun her journey into cinema, Vera dissuaded her daughter from enrolling in acting department. In 2009, Anastasia became a student at the production department at VGIK.

In the spring of 2015, Anastasia announced that she was in a relationship with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. In August 2016, rumors spread that Shubskaya and Ovechkin had secretly gotten married. The newlyweds confirmed this information, saying that the wedding took place on August 20, 2016. However, the couple organized a wedding celebration only a year later, on July 8, 2017. The couple organized a grand celebration in Barvikha. Among the guests there were many celebrities; the couple chose Nikolai Baskov as the wedding host. The President of the country, Vladimir Putin, also decided to congratulate the newlyweds on such a solemn day, who personally congratulated the newlyweds with a call, a telegram and a gift.

Soviet and Russian actress and director Vera Glagoleva.

Oh, God... She's almost my age...

People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva died at the age of 62, TASS agency reports. The news of the actress’s death was confirmed to RIA Novosti by her friend Larisa Guzeeva. Vera Glagoleva is a Soviet and Russian actress and director who performed roles in almost 50 film and television films.

She was born in Moscow on January 31, 1956 in the family of physics and biology teacher Vitaly Pavlovich Glagolev (1930-2007) and elementary school teacher Galina Naumovna Glagoleva (1929-2010).
The family lived near the Patriarch's Ponds, on Alexei Tolstoy Street, in house No. 22/2 of the People's Commissariat of Railways, in an apartment that was given to Vera's maternal grandfather, who worked in the 1930s as a designer and inventor of high-speed trains. In 1962, the family moved to Izmailovo. From 1962 to 1966, Vera Glagoleva lived in the GDR, where her parents worked as teachers in a Russian school.
In her youth, Vera practiced archery, became a master of sports, competed for the Moscow youth team and did not think about becoming an actress.
Vera Glagoleva acted in films for the first time immediately after graduating from school, in 1974. She was spotted at Mosfilm by the cameraman of the film “To the End of the World...”. Vera agreed to play along with the actor who was auditioning for the role of Volodya, quickly learned the text and behaved very naturally. As a result, she was invited to main role. The director of the film, Rodion Nakhapetov, explained Vera’s looseness by the fact that she did not strive for an artistic career, and therefore was not worried. Glagoleva says that she was immediately offered a role in the film, so she was sure that she was the only contender, and therefore was not worried. In fact, another actress was approved for the role of Sima, but Nakhapetov insisted that Glagoleva star in the film.
Soon Vera Glagoleva married Nakhapetov and starred in several more of his films: “Enemies”, “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “About You”.
In 1977, Glagoleva received an invitation to play the role of Varya in the film “On Thursday and Never Again” directed by Anatoly Efros. The performance of the unprofessional actress impressed Efros so much that he invited Glagoleva to his theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Vera Glagoleva, under the influence of Nakhapetov, refused the offer. Later she said that she regretted that she could not learn everything she could learn from Efros.
Having never received an acting education, Vera Glagoleva acted in films a lot. Her unique acting type - fragile poetry combined with hidden strength and integrity, brittle plasticity, precision of “psychological gesture”, extraordinary and cinematic appearance - came at the right time and was in demand in the 1970-1980s.
In 1989, Nakhapetov went to work in the USA, began living there with producer Natalya Shlyapnikoff, and their marriage to Glagoleva broke up.
In the 1990s, Vera Glagoleva made her debut as a film director, directing a film based on the script by Svetlana Grudovich “Broken Light” - a story about actors who, after the collapse of the Union, cannot find work.
In 1991, at a film festival in Odessa, Glagoleva met businessman Kirill Shubsky, whom she asked to help finance the film. Shubsky refused, but they continued dating and later got married.
In 2005, the film “Order” was released, which won the audience award at the Pacific Meridian Film Festival. The director’s next work, the film “Ferris Wheel” (2006), was awarded the Grand Prix at the 1st All-Russian Film Festival “Golden Phoenix” in Smolensk.
In 2010, Vera Glagoleva made the film “One War,” which tells about hard fate women who gave birth to children from the German occupiers. The film has received over thirty awards. international film festivals. In 2014, Vera Glagoleva filmed Ivan Turgenev’s play “A Month in the Country” (the film “Two Women”).
Vera Glagoleva played in the enterprise performances “Russian Roulette. Female version"(enterprise "Amethyst"), "Emigrant's Pose" (enterprise by Leonid Trushkin at the Anton Chekhov Theater).
She led the workshop of the theater department of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino".
Vera Glagoleva died on August 16, 2017 in the USA. According to some reports, the cause of death could be cancer.
Personal life.
The first husband is actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov.
The eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova (born October 14, 1978) became a ballerina and actress, dances in Bolshoi Theater and acts in films. As a child, together with her mother Vera Glagoleva, she starred in the film “ Sunday Dad", playing the role of the daughter of the heroine Glagoleva. She also starred in the films “Upside Down,” “Russians in the City of Angels” and “The Secret of Swan Lake,” and in Vera Glagoleva’s film “One War.” In 2006, she married Bolshoi Theater artist Yegor Simachev. A few years later she divorced. Raises daughter Polina.
Granddaughter Polina Simacheva (born November 24, 2006).
The middle daughter Maria Nakhapetova (born June 28, 1980) got married and moved to the USA, where she graduated from school with a degree in computer graphics. Divorced and married in Moscow in 2007. In 2007, she starred in her father's film Contagion. Lives in Moscow.
Grandchildren Kirill (born September 19, 2007) and Miron (2012).
The second husband is businessman Kirill Shubsky (born January 21, 1964).
The youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya (born November 16, 1993), graduated from the production department of VGIK, starred in the films “Ferris Wheel”, “Ca de Bou” and “A Woman Wants to Know...”.

Vera Glagoleva was an idol for many. Although seemingly fragile and defenseless, she possessed extraordinary inner strength, which helped her to withstand all the blows of fate and achieve success. This article presents the biography and personal life of Vera Glagoleva. Family, husband, children have always been of paramount importance to her. She was married twice, and became a mother three times, giving the world three lovely daughters - Anya, Masha and Nastya. How are her girls living now? What are they doing? What plans are they making for the future? Are they happy? About this and about good ones, but far from simple relationships in their large and unusually friendly family, our story.

Mom Vera

Before I talk about Vera Glagoleva’s daughters and their husbands, I would like to dedicate a few words to their wonderful, talented mother. Vera Vitalievna looked much younger than her age, but plastic surgery never did. Perhaps her face was given youth by the childishly naive look of her large beautiful eyes, her perky upturned nose and kindness. This is exactly how she will be remembered by all admirers of her talent.

In 1956, on a frosty winter day on January 31, her biography began. Vera Glagoleva’s daughters and their husbands know the family’s pedigree well and are proud of it. They know that their mother Vera as a child was a mischievous girl who spent all day on the street, played football no worse than the boys, and shot accurately with a bow. In this sport, she even fulfilled the standards of a master of sports and competed for the youth team of the capital.

The girl Vera got into the cinema by accident. One day she was asked to play along with Vadim Mikheenko, who auditioned for the role of Volodya in the film “To the End of the World.” Vera, since she did not try to form a positive opinion of the directors about herself, behaved completely freely on camera. This did not escape the attention of the then young director Rodion Nakhapetov. He convinced the artistic council to cast not a professional actress in the main role, but this unknown girl. This is how Glagoleva made her debut. Later she had many roles. There are exactly 49 of them in total. She also tried herself as a director. Vera Vitalievna has 6 paintings to her credit, each of which received excellent reviews from critics and was awarded prizes and awards. Also, Vera Glagoleva participated as a screenwriter in the films “Order” and “Two Women”, and as a producer in the films “One War” and “Two Women”.

Papa Rodion

Without a story about the actress’s personal life, her biography will be incomplete. The daughters of Vera Glagoleva and their husbands support a good relationship with their mother’s first husband, Rodion Nakhapetov. He lives in America, where he moved in the controversial 80s. In a foreign land, not everything was smooth for Rodion at first; his scripts remained unclaimed. Success came to him after the film “Telepath”, in which he acted as a director and also played one of the roles. Subsequently, Rodion Nakhapetov not only made new films, such as “ destructive force", "Russians in the City of Angels" and others, but also created his own film company called RGI Productions. The daughters of Vera Glagoleva and their husbands know very well unusual fate their mother's first husband.

He was also born in winter, on January 21, in the difficult war year of 1944. This wonderful event happened in the small Ukrainian village of Pyatikhatki during another bombing. His mother covered her baby from the fragments with pillows. She named her son Rodina in honor of the partisan detachment in which she was a liaison. Only many years later his name was transformed into Rodion. The boy grew up in poverty, from which he strongly dreamed of escaping. Arriving in Moscow, he easily (on the first try) entered VGIK and studied with Yuri Raizman. In 1972, he additionally completed directors' courses. He worked as both an actor and director at Mosfilm. Rodion Nakhapetov is the father of Vera Glagoleva’s two eldest daughters, Anya and Masha.

Betrayal, divorce

The marriage of Vera Glagoleva with Nakhapetov was quite successful, but lasted only 12 years, unable to withstand the test of separation. In distant America, Rodion became infatuated with his manager Natalya, who has Russian roots and the surname Shlyapnikoff, changed to a foreign style. Glagoleva found out about the betrayal when she once again went overseas to visit her husband, but did not create a scandal so as not to traumatize her young daughters. Vera not only adored her husband, she idolized him, so his betrayal became a difficult test for her.

Glagoleva did not say anything bad about their father to her daughters, Anya and Masha; on the contrary, she tried to preserve the children’s affection for him, respect and love. This behavior of a wise woman later played a good role - both eldest daughters maintain warm relations with Nakhapetov and take part in his directorial projects.

Papa Kirill

After divorcing her husband, Vera Glagoleva tried to be strong. Her daughters and her favorite job helped her with this. Despite the troubled years of perestroika, the actress was in demand and participated in many projects. But she wanted to “make movies” herself. Her directorial debut was the film “Broken Light.” Glagoleva went to Odessa for the Golden Dick film festival, where she met a successful businessman who was 8 years younger than her. His name was Kirill Shubsky. He began to show her signs of attention, giving her luxurious bouquets of flowers, and soon offered to become his wife.

As a result of this marriage, Nastenka was born. The eldest daughters of Vera Glagoleva and their husbands consider Kirill Shubsky their comrade. They were always impressed that this man treated their mother so reverently and with such love. Little is known about the personal life of Kirill Shubsky. He is a native Muscovite, born in 1964. His birthday is the same as that of Rodion Nakhapetov - January 21. Shubsky, like all children Soviet era, had a happy, carefree childhood, successfully graduated from school, and entered college. Upon graduation, I went to work as an engineer. In 1988, he began his career along the party line, becoming an instructor at the Lublin district Komsomol committee. Soon perestroika broke out, and the young party-crat retrained as a businessman. In this field, phenomenal success awaited him. Now Shubsky is a member of the board of directors of the Atlant-Soyuz company, a ship owner.

Another betrayal

The daughters of Vera Glagoleva and their husbands always admired the way Kirill treated his wife and tried to follow his example. It seemed to everyone that Vera was serenely happy. But her second marriage was also not without troubles. Her beloved and loving Kirill, while in America, began an affair with a young gymnast Svetlana Khorkina. As a result of their relationship, a boy, Svyatoslav, was born. So you have a blood brother. True, the Glagolev family does not maintain relations with him. Did Vera know about her husband's betrayal? Of course, she knew, since the media wrote about it. But she again showed wisdom and willpower, saving her family.

Anna Nakhapetova

The turn has come to tell how the eldest daughters of Vera Glagoleva live and who their husbands are. Anya was the first to appear in the family of Vera and Rodion.

It happened on October 14, 1978. When she was very young, Anya became interested in ballet, and in the third grade she entered the Leningrad Choreographic School. After 3 years, she transferred to Moscow and began studying at the State Academy of Choreography. Anna successfully debuted on the stage of the famous Bolshoi Theater in the ballet “The Nutcracker”. She was entrusted with the role of the Devil. Later she danced the Jig in Don Quixote, the Courtesan in Spartacus, and participated in the productions of La Bayadère, Copellia, The Sleeping Beauty, The Pharaoh’s Daughter and many others. In parallel with ballet, she began, or rather continued, acting in films. The first time this happened was in childhood, when seven-year-old Anya played with her mother in the film “Sunday Dad.” Her real dad, Rodion, involved her in his project “Russians in the City of Angels”, entrusting her with the main role. Now the ballerina and actress has more than a dozen films.

Egor Simachev

At the Bolshoi Theater, Anna met the artist Yegor Simachev, a colleague on stage. Things started between them friendly relations, which grew into something more. The young people lived together for about 10 years, and in 2006 they finally decided to legalize their relationship. Soon, namely on November 24 of the same year, daughter Polina was born. As often happens, the birth of a long-awaited baby did not strengthen, but destroyed the relationship between his parents.

Anna's family has broken up, but she maintains a warm relationship with Yegor. Apparently, her mother’s life experience taught her to be wise. Ex-spouse eldest daughter Vera Glagoleva comes from a ballet dynasty. He is also a native Muscovite, born in 1976. In 1995 he successfully graduated State Academy choreography and began working at the Bolshoi Theater. He has dozens of roles in his creative repertoire. He danced Galifron in The Sleeping Beauty, Lorenzo in Don Quixote, and David in The Flames of Paris.

It so happened that Yegor, like his former mother-in-law, fell ill with cancer. These two often communicated, supported each other, and were interested in analyses. Yegor's young body managed to cope with the disease. Now he continues to serve art at the Bolshoi Theater, enjoys raising his daughter Polina and son from his second marriage, and is friends with his ex-wife.

Maria Nakhapetova

Masha was born in 1980 on a warm summer day, June 28th. Girl, unlike older sister, was not interested in ballet or cinema. In her creative treasury there is only one small role in her father’s film “Contagion,” which was released in 2007. Since childhood, Maria loved to draw, visited the art studio at the Pushkin Museum, entered and successfully graduated from art school, and then was enrolled in VGIK, the art department. Having received an excellent education in her homeland, the girl went to improve it in the USA, where she entered the Gnomon Hollywood School.

Now she is engaged in computer graphics, design, animation. Perhaps this is family karma, but in her personal life, not everything was smooth for Maria, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva. Her #1 husband couldn't give her happiness. A girl met him in America. The couple got married there. The newlyweds lived in the USA. Maria learned to create computer effects at the Gnomon school, her husband was engaged in business (he has his own photo studio). All that is known about him is that he comes from an ex. Soon the couple broke up. He remained in the USA, she returned to Moscow.

At home, Maria married a second time. This happened in 2007. In the same year, her first-born Kirill was born, and 5 years later her second son, Miron, was born. The couple does not advertise themselves in public. All that is known about this family is that it is very friendly. Maria's husband - successful businessman, and she herself is a talented artist.

Anastasia Shubskaya

The third daughter of Vera Glagoleva captivates with her beauty and charm. She was born in 1993 in Switzerland, where her loving father and mother moved after their wedding. Nastya's biography began on November 16.

The girl showed independence from childhood. She wanted, just like her mother, to connect her life with art, so she entered VGIK, but studied there not to become an actress, but to become a producer. In 2009, while still very young, she played with Vera Glagoleva in the film “A Woman Wants to Know.” Tall, slender, very beautiful Nastya I tried myself in modeling business, took part in advertising campaigns. Then she left for the USA, where she decided to go to study again, but this time to become an actress, for which she enrolled in acting classes in Hollywood.

Nastya is a multifaceted, self-confident person. Her interests are not limited only to acting, although in this field everything is going well for her (she took part in the films “Ka-De-Bo”, “Ferris Wheel”). In addition, she does jogging, fitness, and pole dancing.

Alexander Ovechkin

Many people are interested in who is the husband of Vera Glagoleva’s daughter Nastya? When the girl was studying in the USA, there were rumors that she became the bride of a student from New York, Artem Bolshakov. But in fact, the young people had only friendly relations. Nastya found her betrothed in her homeland. He became famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. He was born in 1985 in sports family. His dad was a football player, a member of the Dynamo Moscow team, and his mother was a basketball player, twice becoming an Olympic champion. Sasha fell in love with hockey, as they say, from the cradle. At the age of two, coming with his mother to shopping mall, he insisted on buying him a hockey uniform, and at the age of 8 he began playing in the hockey section.

He was the youngest member of the Russian hockey team. He was accepted there when he was only 17. Nowadays young man many awards, an asteroid is named after him, and the museum in Washington has his wax figure. Husband youngest daughter Vera Glagoleva is one of the richest athletes in Russia, earning over $12 million a year.

Anastasia and Alexander

Young, handsome and rich Alexander Ovechkin was a desired groom for many girls. At one time he dated Maria Kirilenko (a famous tennis player), the couple even announced their engagement, but soon the young people separated. In the spring of 2015, Alexander met Nastya Shubskaya, and in September they announced their engagement. About a year later, namely on August 28, the couple registered their marriage, but magnificent wedding took place much later, in the summer of 2017. Having dozens of opportunities to organize a celebration in any country in the world, Sasha and Nastya decided that the most an important event in their lives should take place in their homeland. A restaurant in Barvikha was chosen as the venue. At her daughter’s wedding, Vera Glagoleva and her husband looked unusually happy. The actress was already seriously ill, but did not betray her condition in any way. She laughed, danced, joked. This was on July 8, and on August 16, the actress died in a hospital in Baden-Baden.

Maria Nakhapetova turned 38 years old. She did not follow in her mother’s footsteps and has nothing to do with cinema. After getting married, Maria moved to the USA, where she graduated from school with a degree in computer graphics. She subsequently divorced, returned to Moscow and married again in 2007. At the moment, she still lives in the capital and is raising two children - 10-year-old Kirill and 6-year-old Miron.

Since the death of her mother, Maria has not made a single publication on Insatagram, but the sisters still decided to congratulate her through the microblog. She was the first to publish her congratulations Anna Nakhapetova. She posted two photographs: an archival photo with her sister, taken in early childhood, And recent photo Maria with children. “Happy Birthday, my girl! Smile and be always happy!!! I love you,” Anna wrote (the authors’ spelling and punctuation are given unchanged hereinafter, - Note edit.).

Anna and Maria Nakhapetova in childhood

Maria Nahapetova with her sons

An hour after congratulating Anna, Anastasia Shubskaya dedicated her post to her sister. The wife of Alexander Ovechkin published a photograph in which all three posed together. “Happy birthday, dear @mashanahapetova! We love you,” Nastya wrote, adding the hashtags “three sisters”, “family”, “birthday”. “Beauties! Happy Birthday to the newborn!”, “What a legacy from VERA... three beautiful daughters, three sisters!”, “What wonderful three sisters you are. Health and peace to you,” followers joined in the congratulations. Some, remembering Nastya’s pregnancy, asked her not to wear shoes anymore. high heels.

Let us recall that rumors about Anastasia Shubskaya’s pregnancy appeared back in April, when the girl published on her microblog in Instagram photo, on which a rounded belly is noticeable. On June 8, the couple officially confirmed this information: Nastya came to congratulate Alexander Ovechkin on winning the Stanley Cup in a tight-fitting cocktail dress, which emphasized her impressive belly.

Even before the official announcement of the Ovechkins about the imminent addition to the family, journalists managed to find out that the couple six months ago chose a clinic in America where their first child would be born. The couple is still hiding the sex of the child. However, if a girl is born, Alexander and Anastasia

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Biography, life story of Maria Rodionovna Nakhapetova

Maria Rodionovna Nakhapetova - Russian designer, known to the public as the daughter of an actress and director.

early years

Masha was born on August 28, 1980 in the capital Russian republic. This event became possible thanks to the actress’s meeting with. The meeting did not happen by chance. starred in the film “To the End of the World”, in the production of which director Rodion was involved.

Directly on the set, the young people had a romance, which ultimately led to the appearance of family union. The marriage gave birth to first a daughter, and then, two years later, Masha. The daughter of talented parents showed creative inclinations in childhood: she drew pictures with pleasure.

Mom and dad saw the child’s abilities in time and assigned her to the studio visual arts. Masha started going to this circle, which operated at the Pushkin Museum, when she was only four years old.


By the time it ends high school Masha has already made her choice future profession. The graduate took the documents to VGIK, where she successfully passed the entrance exams. The girl chose the art department because she dreamed of creating cartoons.

After graduating from the famous Russian Film Institute, Maria Nakhapetova decided to continue improving her skills abroad. The girl went overseas, namely to the USA. Her father lived in this country, who divorced Vera Glagoleva in 1991.

There she studied at Gnomon, in which Hollywood masters taught their students the art of creating visual effects. Educational institution, which was located in the very center of the legendary Hollywood, helped to master computer graphics.



After graduating from this school, Maria Nakhapetova became a specialist in the field of animation and design, which allowed her to design works of art. At the same time, the girl paid attention to painting, which she fell in love with early age. The young artist preferred to depict animals on canvas, and was very successful in her work. Lovers of fine art liked Maria Nakhapetova’s paintings, and they began to willingly purchase them.

But young Nakhapetova did not only do this. Following the example of her parents, Maria tried her hand at cinema. Currently, she only has a single role in the film “Contagion,” which was filmed. By the way, Maria’s mother, a famous Russian actress (now deceased), also appeared in this picture. Masha herself had to portray the image of Tatyana Mikhailovna Ogunova on the screen.

Personal life

Maria Nakhapetova was married twice. At first, she married an entrepreneur. Her marriage to him occurred during the period when Maria attended the Hollywood School of visual effects (that is, Gnomon). However, the relationship with the American businessman did not work out, and the couple broke up. After this, Maria married a second time. Her sons Kirill and Miron are growing up.

After the parents' divorce, the daughters tried their best to reconcile them so that they would be reunited again. But I found it in America new passion, so the idea
