Interactive educational game based on the fairy tale “Teremok. Didactic game "geometric tower"

Methodical guide to the didactic game


What is the game for:

In class;

For individual activities;

For theatrical activities.

Target: development logical thinking.


Develop imagination;

To develop the ability to distinguish colors and find them in the objects around them;

Develop figurative representation, attention, memory;

Teach children to determine the shape of an object;

Introduce children to the opposite characteristics of objects;

Preparation for mastering the topic “Antonyms”;

Learn to compare objects by size, color, volume, weight, quantity;

Develop children's speech;

Introduce numbers;

Introduce counting within ten;

Introduce geometric shapes;

Learn to compare numbers;

Introduce simple types tasks: tasks that reveal the meaning of addition and subtraction, with tasks on difference comparisons, on increasing and decreasing a number by several units.

Equipment: mansion with two pocket windows; a set of educational cards with colors for memorization; cards with images of objects of one color or another; cards with questions; cards depicting the opposite characteristics of objects; cards with numbers from 1 to 10; cards with shapes (circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle); cards with images of objects for counting, for recognizing figures.

Option 1: “What is this color?”

The teacher inserts a card with a picture of a color into the window and invites the children to remember what can be, for example, red. Children name the objects and find a card with an image of an object of a given color and insert it into the second window.

Option 2: “Look out the window”

The teacher inserts a card with a picture of a color into one window of the tower. Next, the teacher invites the children to “look out the window” - to fantasize and tell what they see “outside the window.” (Usually behind the white sheet children see a winter landscape, a skating rink, a hospital; behind the yellow sheet - a desert, autumn meadow, etc.)

Option 3 “Assemble by color”

IN The teacher suggests collecting objects into groups by color. For example, all the green ones “live” in the first window, and all the blue ones “live” in the second. During the game, monitor the child’s speech. Ask to name your picture. For example: "This green apple", "This is a red strawberry."

Option 4 “Learning numbers”

The teacher shows a card with the number 1 and inserts it into the first window, while clearly pronouncing the name: “One.” Then the teacher takes a card on which one object is depicted. You need to say “There is one toy here. One". Ask your child to find another card that shows one object and insert it into the second window of the tower. When your child remembers the numbers, start making pairs. Place cards with numbers and cards with images of objects for counting on the table. Ask your child to count the objects on each card and put a card with the required number on it, making a pair, inserting them into the windows of the tower.

Option 5 “Studying shapes”

The teacher shows a card with a figure and clearly pronounces the name: “Circle” and inserts it into the first window of the tower. Then you need to take a card that shows a round object. Say: “Here is a round button.” Ask your child to find another card with a round object depicted and insert it into the second window of the tower.

Then invite them to make pairs themselves. Watch the child’s speech, ask him to name what he put in. For example: “This is an oval, and this is an oval ball.”

Option 6 “Pick a pair”

The teacher puts a card with one item in the window of the tower. You need to ask what the child sees on it. Ask them to select a pair based on the opposite characteristic, looking at the cards on both sides and insert them into the second window. Pay attention to your child's speech. In case of difficulty, help with your own formulations: “This is a big ball, and this is a small ball,” “Here is a thin brush, and here is a thick one.” At the next stage, invite the child to make pairs himself and name the opposite signs.

Option 7 " Simple tasks»

The teacher takes cards with the texts of the tasks and reads them. You can read slowly, highlighting the data in the problem and the unknown with your voice. It’s good if, after reading or listening to the text, the child repeats what is known in the problem, what needs to be found. After this, offer to find a card with a picture that suits the plot, describe the solution and select a card with an example corresponding to this solution and insert it into the window of the tower.

didactic game
(five options)
second for children junior group

Most difficult for children preschool age is the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Making a didactic game based on the Russian language for children of the second junior group folk tale“Teremok” I also intended to solve problems of mathematical development. Children know this story well and love to listen to it. I believe that playing this game, children will also solve a didactic task.
The didactic game "Teremok" can be used by educators both in directly organized educational activities with children of primary preschool age, and in the joint activities of the teacher with children in the morning or evening.
Benefits: House - “Teremok”, characters from the fairy tale “Teremok”, “shutters” (geometric shapes) for closing square, round and triangular shape different sizes and different color, high and low fir trees, four stripes (paths) Brown different lengths and width.
Game No. 1. “How many animals settled in the tower? »
Goal: To consolidate the ability to distinguish the number of fairy-tale characters, using the words “one”, “many”.
Preparing for the game. The teacher places a tower in front of the children. The teacher puts fairy-tale characters aside so that the children do not see them.
Progress of the game.
Game plot based on the Russian folk tale “Teremok” using cardboard theater.
Educator: Children, look, there is a tower.
A small mouse runs past. She saw the tower, stopped and asked:
Nobody responds. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live there.
Educator: How many mice are there in the house? (one)
A frog-frog galloped up to the mansion and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse! And who are you?
- And I'm a frog.
- Come live with me!
The frog jumped into the tower.
Educator: How many frogs are there in the house? (one)
Educator: A runaway bunny is running past. He stopped and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse!
- I, frog-frog!
- And who are you?
- And I’m a runaway bunny.
- Come live with us!
The hare hops into the tower!
Educator: How many hares are there in the tower? (one)
How many animals are there in total in the little house? (a lot of)
Educator: A little fox-sister is walking past. She knocked on the window and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- I, the bunny, am a runaway.
- And who are you?
- And I am a fox-sister.
- Come live with us!
The fox climbed into the mansion.
Educator: How many chanterelles are there in the tower? (one)
How many animals are there in total in the little house? (a lot of)
Educator: A gray barrel top came running, looked into the door and asked:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- And who are you?
- And I am a top-gray barrel.
- Come live with us!
The wolf climbed into the mansion.
Educator: How many tops are there in the tower? (one)
How many animals are there in total in the little house? (a lot of)
Here they live in a little house, sing songs. Suddenly a clubfooted bear comes. The bear saw the tower, heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs:
- Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?
- I, little mouse.
- I, frog-frog.
- Me, the runaway bunny.
- Me, little fox-sister.
- I, the top-gray barrel.
- And who are you?
- And I’m a clumsy bear.
- Come live with us.
- And I will live on your roof.
The bear climbed into the tower. The tower was big, there was enough room for a bear.
Educator: How many bears are there in the tower? (one)
Educator: How many animals are there in total? (a lot of)
Educator: All the animals began to live together in harmony.
Game No. 2. "Neighbours"
Goal: To exercise the ability to determine spatial directions from oneself and denote them with the words “up-down”, “lower-upper floor”, “right-left”, “above-under”, “between”.
Preparing for the game. The teacher places in front of the children a mansion in which fairy-tale characters “live”.
Progress of the game.
Educator: All the animals live in the little house together, they go to visit each other.
Then the teacher asks the children questions, the children answer.
-Who lives on the lower (first) floor?
-Name the animals that settled on the top (second) floor.
-Who settled on the roof?
-What animals does the bear live above?
-Who lived under the fox and the wolf?
-Who lives to the left of the mouse?
-And who lives to the right of the hare?
-Who lives between the mouse and the hare?

Game No. 3. “Close the windows for the animals at night”
Objectives: Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Strengthen the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by size, using the words “big” and “small”. Reinforce the names of primary colors in speech.
Preparing for the game. The teacher places the tower on the table in front of the children. Near the tower there are geometric figures: two equal-sized circles, a large and small square, a large and small triangle.
Progress of the game.
Educator: The animals have a large mansion, beautiful. What geometric shapes does it consist of? (from a large red square and a large triangle yellow color) . Then the teacher reports that night is coming, the animals go to bed. We need help closing the windows at night. Children select the appropriate geometric shapes and close the windows. At the same time, the figures are compared by size: “I’ll close the mouse window with a small triangle Green colour", "The wolf's window is a large yellow square."

Game No. 4. “Tall and low Christmas trees in the forest”
Purpose of the game: to train children in comparing objects by height.
Preparing for the game. The teacher places a tower in front of the children. The windows in the little house are open. Christmas trees are placed near the tower: large and small.
Progress of the game.
Educator: Morning has come. In the little house, all the animals woke up and hurried into the forest to do their business. Christmas trees grew in the forest.
Educator: Children, please look at what trees grow in the forest? Children: Christmas trees grow in the forest.
Educator: Are the Christmas trees the same in height?
Children: Christmas trees vary in height.
Educator: What height of Christmas trees grow in the forest?
Children: Fir trees in the forest are high and low.
Educator: Please show me the tall (low) Christmas trees.
Children compare Christmas trees by height, show and name high and low Christmas trees, and use the words “high and low.”

Game No. 5. “Paths in the Forest”
Purpose of the game: to improve the ability to compare two objects in width and length using the overlapping method.
Preparing for the game. A tower was placed in front of the children. Near the tower there are high and low fir trees, two stripes (narrow and wide). Progress of the game.
Educator: Children, look, there is a tower. And two paths lead from the tower. The mouse will go into the forest along a narrow path, and the bear along a wide one.
Educator: Children, show which path the mouse (bear) will take? Children find narrow and wide paths by overlapping.
Then the teacher puts a long and a short strip from the tower.
Educator: The frog will jump along the short path, and the fox and wolf will go along the long one.
Educator: Children, show me which path the wolf and the fox (frog?) will take.
Children find a way to overlap long and short paths.

a) appropriate for the age of the children;

b) compliance with the didactic task;

c) compliance with methodological requirements.

    Method of playing the game:

a) organizing children to play (receiving interest, placing children);

b) the role of the educator;

c) management techniques;

d) use of a learning algorithm;

Scheme of analysis of a physical education lesson

    Hygienic conditions for conducting classes.

    Correlation of tasks and content of the lesson with the age and physical capabilities of children.

    Correspondence between the ways of organizing children and the stages of mastering movements.

    Quality of children's motor skills.

    Techniques for an individual approach to children when teaching them movements.

    Physical activity in the classroom: indicators of the child’s body’s response to the load. Techniques for regulating physical activity.

    Activation of children's mental activity during the lesson.

    Emotional state of children.

    General and motor density of the lesson.

    Terminology and quality of teaching exercises by the teacher.


Scheme for analyzing classes to introduce children to nature

    Age group.

    Organization of the lesson:

a) switching children from play to activity;

b) organizing children in class;

c) equipment: quantity and quality of natural objects, visual materials, their placement, use of TSO, items for caring for plants and animals.

    Preliminary work with children, its influence on the mastery of the lesson topic.

    Program content:

a) compliance with the objectives of environmental education of children of this age group;

b) accuracy of educational, developmental and educational tasks, connection with everyday work, other methods;

c) the relationship between new and familiar material;

d) cognitive and emotional load.

    Methods and techniques of work, their correspondence to the age of the children, the topic of the lesson, and the conditions of the lesson. The appropriateness of the relationship between the materials used.

    Start of the lesson:

a) attracting the attention of children;

b) setting a cognitive task for children and ways to solve it.

    Progress of the lesson:

a) the role of the teacher (explanation, formulation of questions, nature of assistance to children);

b) a technique for activating attention, memory, and thinking;

c) independent activity of children, taking into account the individual characteristics of their development.

    End of class:

Summing up form;

Involving children in generalizations and conclusions;

Tasks for consolidating the material.

    Analysis of children's behavior during classes (interest, activity, independence, mastery of practical skills, degree of speech relations, ability to observe, compare); level of knowledge of natural history.

    Total duration of the lesson.

    Results and proposals.


Scheme of analysis of visual arts classes

    Purpose of the lesson:

Development of visual sensitivity, associative-figurative thinking, perception.

Work on the expressiveness of the artistic image;

Training in technical skills;

Development of perception of works of art.

    Form, type, type of lesson:

Form - individual;



View - lesson-tasks, lesson-exercise, lesson-graphic stories, etc.

Subject, subject, decorative;

Type - by condition;

According to the sample;

By my own design.

    Material (objects; visual and illustrative)

    Adequacy of the methodology and form of training for the stated goal.

    The effectiveness of the techniques used in the lesson, their focus:

To create interest in the topic;

To complete the task;

For each student to fully understand the means and methods of action;

With the goal of creating quality and expressive work;

To stimulate an independent method of action;

For individual assistance, if necessary;

To stimulate independent activity.

    Emotional state, mood of children during and after classes.

    Qualitative indicator of the effectiveness of the lesson (evaluation of children's work).

    Level of self-service skills and self-organization of one’s activities during classes.


Scheme of analysis of classes using the methodology of music education

    The program content of the lesson, according to the tasks and content of the lessons in a given age group and the level of development of children; functional content; emotional and aesthetic uplift; educational impact; modern sound.

    Organization of classes: hygienic conditions; aesthetic design of the music hall; culture of children's behavior; preparation and quality of visual aids, use of TSO, attributes.

    Structure of classes: type, form of delivery, logic and duration of structural parts. The duration of the lesson, the focus on the emotional provision and interest of children.

    Training and development techniques:


a) methodological techniques specific to a given direction, used by the music director in different structural parts of the lesson. Their validity, effectiveness;

b) interaction between the music director and the teacher in different structural parts of the lesson in order to jointly solve the assigned tasks;

    The manner in which the music director conducts a lesson: tone of speech, emotionality, expressiveness, accessibility of explanation, professionalism of performance, interaction with the teacher, aesthetic taste in the selection of musical repertoire, the ability to see all children, individualization of education.

    General assessment of the lesson: preparedness, importance in the training and development of children’s musicality, wishes for improving the work of the music director.


Scheme of analysis of a lesson on speech development (vocabulary work)

    Type of activity (excursion, observation, viewing).

    Correct choice of lesson topic. Correspondence of program tasks to the topic of the lesson.

    The sequence of implementation of program content during the lesson.

    Organizational expressiveness of the lesson (logical harmony of each part and completeness as a whole).

    The teacher’s choice of rational methods and teaching techniques which provide children with better learning of new material.

    The duration and quality of the organizational part of the lesson (the presence of various techniques that contributed to the emergence of interest in the content of the lesson: conversation based on personal experience children, artistic expression, visual, gaming, etc.). What conclusion can be drawn based on this part of the lesson about the interest of children, about the solution of educational tasks in this part?

    Did the children understand the purpose of the lesson (the teacher’s explanation of how to achieve this goal)?

    Teaching a purposeful observation process (teaching children systematic observation, the sequence of transition from the analysis of one side of an object to the other, from the general to the specific; and vice versa, activating different analyzers in the process of observation).

    The teacher’s speech, his role in the lesson.

    The presence of techniques that activate the thinking and speech of children (methods of examining an object, a sample of a new word, an explanation of a new word, repetition of new words by children, the teacher during the lesson, lexical exercises, problematic speech situations, etc.)

    Children’s ability to express their judgments about an object (object), identify the main features, compare an object with another object, use new words, expressions, etc. in their judgments.

    The use of generalizing concepts in children's speech.

    The purpose of the final part of the lesson.

    Methodological techniques aimed at consolidation (games, artistic expression, questions, etc.).

    Solving other problems for the development of children's speech (grammar, coherent speech, education of sound culture of speech).

    Draw a conclusion about the level of development of vocabulary work of children of this age.

Head Busaeva E. A

kg. Kostroma, Ave. Mira, 137

email address: *****@***ru


Developed and tested:


Kostroma, 2011

Explanatory note

Didactic game"Teremok" according to the rules traffic

Intended for children of senior preschool age." align="left" width="250" height="174 src=">" width="461 height=319" height="319"> We recommend using the game “Teremok”, which is multi-functional and accessible to children; in in a playful way will help you understand difficult situations on road. The game “Teremok” was tested at the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution kindergarten No. 34 and recommended to parents.

Car accident" href="/text/category/avtokatastrofa/" rel="bookmark">car accidents. They check that vehicles were in good order.

Educator:- Well done boys! You learned a lot at the School of Pedestrian Sciences and helped our guest Dunno.

And we will return by public transport. Guess which one?

Little houses run along the street

Adults and children are taken home (by bus)

Children:- children's answers.

Educator:- take your seats. Let's remember the rules of behavior in public transport.

Children:- children's answers.

Educator:- Well done! You are good passengers, you know how to behave. We quietly get off the “bus” and we are pedestrians again.

So we returned to the group.

Appendix 2

to the Regulations on conducting

regional competition

for the best educational game

according to traffic rules

"The ABCs of Road Safety"


participant of the regional competition for the best educational game on traffic rules “The ABCs of Road Safety”

Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Kostroma Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 34 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of cognitive and speech development of children in the city of Kostroma

Surname: ,

Municipal district Kostroma city

Address: kg. Kostroma, Prospekt Mira, 137, tel.

Contact phone number (with code) (49,

Address Email: *****@***ru

Exhibition participant:

Datsyuk Olga Yurievna,


MADOOU TsRR – d/s No. 50 of the city of Tyumen

Didactic game "Teremok"

This educational game is intended for preschool children from 5 to 7 years old.

Main goal: Development of all components oral speech children, the formation of primary ideas about objects of the surrounding world, properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world.

The game set includes a panel in the shape of a house with opening doors, 11 pockets, sets of cards on a leg with images of letters, syllabic division of words, animals, birds.

With this game you can solve problems in educational fields“Speech development” and “Cognitive development”. It is recommended to use it as a method within the framework of organized educational activities for speech development, cognitive development, joining fiction. Can be used especially successfully for individual work and for working with small subgroups of children according to speech development, correction of speech development disorders. Can be used by children independently.

The game includes several didactic tasks.

1 task “Remember the fairy tale”

Task: develop children’s coherent speech, practice using ordinal numbers.

The teacher shows object pictures of fairy tale characters.

Guess which fairy tale the heroes came from?

Tell this fairy tale (the child tells the fairy tale independently or with the help of a teacher).

Who was the first to find the tower? Who came second? Third? Who came last and broke the tower?

Task 2 “Come up with your own story of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Task: develop children's coherent speech, imagination, and fantasy.

The teacher offers to come up with and tell your own story of the fairy tale “Teremok” using other characters.

The teacher depicts fairy tale characters: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. The child guesses. Then the child and teacher change roles.

Task 4 “Who lives where?”

Task: Learn to use prepositions over, under, between.

The teacher places animals in pocket windows, asks them to look carefully and guess who they are?

This beast lives above the wolf. This... - This animal lives above the fox. This...This beast lives under my arm. This...This beast lives under the frog. This...This beast lives between the wolf and the hare. This... - This one is between the mouse and the bear. This …

Then the child himself makes riddles by pronouncing the words over, under, between

Task 6 “Settle the tenants”

Task: Fix spatial representations to the left, right, top, bottom.

The teacher offers to move the animals into apartments.

The mouse will live on the third floor on the left. Fox is on the second floor on the right. The bear is on the first floor on the left. The hare is on the third floor on the right. The frog is on the second floor on the left. The wolf is on the first floor on the right.

Task 7 “Select pictures with the given sound”

Task: develop phonemic awareness, learn to isolate a given sound in a word, automate the sounds [w], [h], [ts], [l], [zh], [r] [z] in words.

The teacher puts a letter in the top window indicating the sound [w] (or another sound being assigned) and invites the child to find pictures with this sound.

Task 8 “Divide into syllables”

Task: practice dividing words into syllables.

The teacher places syllable patterns in the windows on the right side and invites the child to place residents on the left side in accordance with the pattern.
- Name each resident. Clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word, and you will find out who lives in which apartment.
