How to easily remember English irregular verbs. How to quickly and easily learn irregular verbs in English

Dmitry Romanov 06-07-2016


Oh, these irregular English verbs... How many nerves they frayed for schoolchildren, students and adults who vainly studied the tablets with the three forms of these ill-fated verbs. And the most unpleasant thing is that they fade from memory faster than you can watch the original episode of Friends.

Just don't panic! There is one life hack that will allow you to learn Irregular Verbs in English quickly, fun, effectively and for a long time. Mnemonics will help us in mastering a new step in learning English, but first things first.


We do not know who exactly came up with tablets with a list of almost all irregular verbs (even rare and rarely used ones). However, he hardly expected so much hatred in his direction from students, students and self-educated people. Is it really possible to effectively and accurately remember such an array of words enclosed in tiny cells and then easily retrieve them from memory?

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
be was/were been be
become became become become
begin began begun start off
break broke broken break
bring brought brought bring
buy bought bought buy
come came come come
do did done do
drink drank drunk drink
eat ate eaten eat
find found found find
give gave given give
go went gone go
grow grew grown grow
have had had have
hear heard heard hear
keep kept kept hold
know knew known know
learn learn learn learn
leave left left leave
lose lost lost lose
make made made do
meet met met meet
pay paid paid to pay
read read read read
run ran run run
say said said speak
see saw seen see
send sent sent send
sing sang sung sing
sit sat sat sit
sleep slept slept sleep
speak spoke spoken speak
swim swam swum swim
take took taken take
think thought thought think
win won won win
write wrote written write

Even the most diligent student is forced to spend forever on this, and then regularly repeat, remember, write down and rewrite. Indeed, according to the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, an hour after cramming, up to 60% of the learned information escapes from memory somewhere. This is why many pupils and students learn tables with irregular verbs “for show” and to get a grade, memorizing only 30-50 of the most common forms like “go-went-gone”.

A little theory

We will deliberately not go into detail in what cases the first, second and third forms of an irregular English verb will be useful to you. We'll talk about this another time, but now we'll talk about mnemonics and its benefits in learning foreign languages.

Mnemonics is a set of techniques that maximally simplify the process of memorizing complex, difficult to remember or unmemorable information. It involves creating certain images in your head and in a special way“coded” the received data. When two images are connected, it is much easier to retrieve them from memory and use them when necessary. Moreover correct sequence the received information is saved, which makes mnemonics many times more effective than habitual cramming.

There are several mnemonic techniques, however, it is in the case of irregular verbs in English that rhyming is easiest. It allows you to create colorful images in your head and greatly simplifies the process of learning the most popular irregular verbs. Another plus is that both children and adults can use poems or couplets with rhyme. The first will not find such a task boring, and the second will not have to burden their heads with a set of hard-to-remember words and the process will go faster.

Many progressive English teachers and linguists use mnemonics in their work. Usually these are people who independently encountered a problem in learning irregular verbs and became poets for a while, or those who tried to simplify the problem at one time to your own child in this difficult process. These can be entire poems, short humorous couplets, funny stories, sometimes even jokes.

There are a lot of similar creations floating around on the Internet that seem funny and are really effective. However, we were inspired by only a few of them and invite you to check them out for yourself below. Especially good, according to the My English Classroom team, are the poems of psychologist, teacher and journalist Alexander Pyltsyn, who developed an express intelligence method for learning English. We also liked the short stanzas and sayings of the poet and prose writer Eugene Papusha.

The simplest and most popular examples that even a small child can learn were chosen for the article. Rights to rhymes are reserved by the authors.

Basset Hound dog

Grandfather and grandmother find-found-found
Dog of the Basset Hound breed.
Very close to old people
The dog become-became-become.

Give-gave-given grandfather to him
Dear basturma -
Wow, the dog needs to feed-fed-fed
Something tasty for lunch.
The lard and cutlets themselves
Old people don't let-let-let.

Previously, grandma sit-sat-sat,
Knit-knit-knit yourself a jacket,
And now her grandfather tells her
It's a quit-quit-quit thing;

Today grandmother and grandfather
Life is different lead-led-led:
Grandfather dozes in the bath with a smile,
Grandma dwell-dwelt-dwelt in the closet,
The dog in the bed lie-lay-lain,
As Emir of the country of Bahrain

A. Pyltsyn

Through the fire with melancholy at times
tigers in the circus throw, threw, thrown

Yu Papusha

There will always be no use there,
where there is plenty of speak, spoken, spoken

Yu Papusha

The sound took flight...
This is heard, heard, heard

Yu Papusha

Blockhead with a Scoundrel

The Blockhead and the Scoundrel all day long
The two of us played “rubbish.”
"I win-won-won." - said Blockhead,
“You lose-lost-lost,” said the Rogue!

A. Pyltsyn

Rollingstones worldwide
by plane fly, flew, flown

Yu Papusha

The poet feels in his heart...
This word is feel, felt, felt

Yu Papusha

For the rich - no question:
How much is cost, cost, cost?

Yu Papusha

Any people on Earth
for freedom fight, fought, fought

Yu Papusha

First class sandwich

I'm at the buy-bought-bought buffet
First class sandwich
For him I pay-paid-paid,
In the classroom at the desk lay-laid-laid
And not think-thought-thought at all,
That his neighbor will make him smarter.
And now I'm very sad -
Smell-smelt-smelt it’s very tasty!

A. Pyltsyn

The lazy one sleeps fat cat,
he doesn't catch, catch, caugh mice

Yu Papusha

Who is blind in love,
after will be - weep, wept, wept

Probably, many of you before the English exam had the thought that the abundance of irregular verbs is a kind of rebellion or revenge of the English on all those who, over the centuries, have attributed to them a love of order, excessive stiffness and pedantry. The nation of conservatives decided to laugh in the face of the whole world and embedded hundreds of irregular verbs in their speech: they say, now it’s your turn to think about how to learn irregular verbs.

We follow the motto “keep calm and learn English” and we hasten to please you!

Firstly, there are only about forty most commonly used irregular verbs. This is some unfortunate one and a half words a day! Secondly, the table of irregular verbs does not have to be repeated like a mantra, but it is enough to print it out and hang it in a visible place so that you can run your eyes over it repeatedly. And thirdly, the compilers of the Oxford Dictionary and fantastic dream They can’t imagine what people in Russia do with irregular verbs!

This rhyme will help you quickly learn irregular verbs.

I'm at the buffet buy-bought-bought (buy)
First class sandwich
For him I pay-paid-paid, (pay)

In the classroom, on the desk lay-laid-laid (put)
And not at all think-thought-thought, (think)
That his neighbor will make him smarter.
And now I'm very sad -
Smell-smelt-smelt it’s very tasty! (smell)

Look, Screwtape's slingshot
Put-put-put (put) in your pocket
And begin-began-begun (begin)
Bully bully!
He's a pillow cut-cut-cut, (cut)
Brother in the bathroom shut-shut-shut, (close)
All newspapers are light-lit-lit, (set on fire)
Hit-hit-hit dog. (beat)
He ring-rang-rung (call) the neighbor
And, of course, run-ran-run. (run)
And not at all think-thought-thought, (think)
That the police will come.

Dig-dug-dug we are a vegetable garden, (dig)
Come-came-come there people. (come)
We said: "Go-went-gone, (go, leave)
This is not a farce."

We fight-fought-fought with our enemies, (fight, fight)
They are caught in a catch-caught-caught trap. (catch, catch)
Day bring-brought-brought good luck, (bring)
We get-got-got reward. (receive)

If the hares bite-bit-bitten, (bite)
Don't give them eat-ate-eaten, (eat)
They will soon learn-learnt-learnt (learn)
Dashing matches burn-burnt-burnt. (spark off)

If a friend meet-met-met, (meet)
Keep him tight-kept-kept. (hold)
Well, what if lose-lost-lost, (to lose)
That's why it's cost-cost-cost. (cost)

Airplanes fly-flow-flown. (fly)
Our children are grow-grew-grown. (grow)
Well, the wind blow-blew-blown, (blow)
He knows-knew-known about everything. (know)

Grandfather and grandmother find-found-found (to find)
Basset hound dog.
Very close to old people
The dog become-became-become. (become)
Give-gave-given grandfather to him (give)
Dear basturma -
The dog needs to be fed-fed-fed (feed)
Something tasty for lunch!
Salad and cutlets for yourself
Old people don't let-let-let. (let)
Today grandmother and grandfather
Another life lead-led-led: (lead)
Grandfather dozes in the bath with a smile,
Grandmother dwell-dwelt-dwelt in the closet, (dwell)
Dog in bed lie-lay-lain, (lie down)
Just like Saddam Hussein.

We break-broke-broken the old house - (to break)
It was very boring there.
New house we draw-drew-draw, (draw)
Build-built-built - and we’ll live. (build)

Show-showed-shown light quickly! (show)
Is the sun shining or not?
“Shine-shone-shone,” you answered. “(shine)
See-saw-seen until dark." (see)
Say-said-said and repeat: (speak)
"Swim-swam-swum we until dawn, (swim)
Spring-sprang-sprung with you we are in the water (jump)
Regardless of the weather."

I'm ride-rode-ridden very happy (to ride)
Leap-leapt-leapt for a masquerade. (jump, jump)
If the mask is take-took-taken, (take)
You are mistake-mistook-mistaken, (to be mistaken)
Don't recognize me
And don’t pull him off his horse.

Spell-spelt-spelt any word. (to spell)
Speak-spoke-spoken him again. (speak)
Sweep-swept-swept from the hut the dirty linen, (sweep up)
Hang-hung-hung in the hut an ax. (hang, hang)
Throw-threw-thrown grenades deftly, (throw, throw away)
Set-set-set on the floor rifle, (put, install)
Shoot-shot-shot aimed, accurately, (shoot)
Just don't kill your neighbor.

Lend-lent-lent to the doctor a penny: (to lend)
He mean-meant-meant to buy a turkey, (mean, mean)
Sell-sold-sold her for three rubles, (sell)
Send-sent-sent to friends a nesting doll. (send)

Hear-heard-heard orchestra is wonderful, (hear)
Feel-felt-felt fear in vain, (feel)
Fall-fell-fallen don’t strive (to fall)
Rise-rose-risen and figure it out. (get up, get up)
Wear-wore-worn feather on a hat. (wear)
Write-wrote-written a cantata for us. (write)
Have-had-had is a simple motto, (to have)
Win-won-won is a solid prize. (win).

Drink-drank-drunk an awful lot (to drink)
Our neighbor's uncle Goga,
He forget-forgot-forgotten (to forget)
About family and work,
Because have-had-had (have)
He's in an awful lot of trouble.
He's like do-did-done, (to do)
When you're very drunk!
One day he fell-fell-fallen (fall)
Straight from our balcony
Write-wrote-written on the wall, (write)
Ride-rode-ridden on an elephant, (ride on horseback)
And one day break-broke-broken (to break)
Our house has eight windows,
And recently bite-bit-bitten (bite)
Aunt Vita is at the entrance.

I sleep-slept-slept and dream: (sleep)
I've just been bear-bore-born. (to be born)
Stand-stood-stood cheerful pop, (stand)
His thick forehead!
Shake-shook-shaken beard, (shake)
He talks to himself:
This child strike-struck-struck, (strike)
Or maybe sink-sank-sunk. (drown)
Spend-spent-spent he is wasting his time, (wasting)
Freeze-froze-frozen him I. (freeze)
Leave-left-left I am my native land. (to leave, leave)
Choose-chose-chosen another house, (choose)
About which dream-dreamt-dreamt, (dream)
And now hold-held-held. (own)
If you are already wake-woke-woken, (wake up)
Drink-drank-drunk plain water, (drink)
Do-did-done your exercise, (do)
Make-made-made weeding of the beds. (do)
Drive-drove-driven car quickly. (drive)
Hide-hid-hidden is not coming soon. (hide, hide)
Don't hurt-hurt-hurt, (hurt) anyone
There, you see, you'll get lucky.

One eccentric was looking for the treasure,
A whole month of dig-dug-dug, (dig)
Find-found-found finally (find)
Metal casket
And, of course, think-thought-thought, (think)
That he will live richly.
Take-took-taken he ax (take)
And he tore the lock off the casket.
Before opening,
Go-went-gone home to sleep, (go)
And all night in my sleep there's an eccentric
Drive-drove-driven Cadillac, (to drive, to drive)
Eat-ate-eatten pineapples (eat, eat)
And smoked sausages
Fly-flew-flown in the clouds, (fly)
Keep-kept-kept your treasure in your hands, (keep)
Spend-spent-spent money down the drain, (spend)
Build-built-built yourself a hacienda. (build)
But awake-awoke-awoked (wake up)
He doesn't speak a word, speak-spoke-spoken, (speak)
Run-ran-run at full speed, (run)
Find-found-found in the casket... ax (to find)

Now you can easily remember all the irregular verbs thanks to these verses.

Here it is, here it is - the school of my dreams!

How was the language gymnastics? Now relax and, as a reinforcement of the material, watch the competition performance of the UK representative at Eurovision 2014 - the winner of the “Irregular verbs-2013” ​​competition.

It seems that in order to become a guru in the field of irregular verbs, there is everything: a convenient table, a catchy English rap, and a cheerful almost children's poem. Only one thing is missing: an answer to the question, how to learn this verse and an auxiliary ditty for this?! Maybe you have the answer?

The problem of memorizing irregular verbs is of course of interest to all those who study English. Working with a table of irregular verbs has always been not the easiest. Are there methods that make this process easier? In this article we will look at the most effective ways studying irregular verbs.

Irregular verbs in English

Verbs in English are divided into regular verbs and irregular verbs, depending on how they form the past tense and participle. Irregular verbs get their name because they form the past tense in a different way. general rule. Linguistic scientists claim that in 70% of cases irregular verbs are used in speech. Means, memorizing or memorization and correct use various forms Verbs form an important part of learning English.

Do you need to learn all 470 irregular verbs? In general, no, since only 180 of them are often used. Every second student of English faces some difficulties in remembering irregular verbs.

Irregular verbs with transcription and translation
be was were been be / be
begin began begun start off)
can could could be physically able
come came come come
do did done - do do
find - found found find
get ["ɡet] got ["ɡɒt] got ["ɡɒt] get/become
give [ɡɪv] gave [ɡeɪv] given [ɡɪvn] give
go [ɡəʊ] went ["went] gone [ɡɒn] go/go
have had had have/possess
hear heard heard hear
keep kept kept keep / store
know knew known know
learn learn learn study/learn
leave left left leave / leave
let let let let / rent out
light lit lit light up/illuminate
make ["meɪk] made ["meɪd] made ["meɪd] do / force
may might might be able / have the right
put put put put
read red red read
saw sawed sawn to nag
say said said talk / tell
see saw seen see
set set set place/put
shall [ʃæl] should [ʃud] should [ʃud] be to
show [ʃəu] showed [ʃəud] shown [ʃəun] show
take took taken ["teɪk(ə)n] take
tell told told tell / report
think [θɪŋk] thought [θɔ:t] thought [θɔ:t] think
will would would want to be
write wrote written ["rɪt(ə)n] write

We also suggest studying the top 100 most popular irregular verbs in the English language.

One of the most common ways to learn irregular verbs is mechanical memorization. But as a result, very soon most of the words learned are forgotten. Therefore, it is often better to resort to the table of irregular verbs in case of necessary help.

But since all English language learners still need to learn the forms of irregular verbs in any way, we have selected some of the most effective strategies on how to make the learning process effective, simple and, at the same time, fun.

Group verbs by formation method

If you need to work with large volumes of information, then structuring comes to the rescue. Despite the fact that irregular verbs are not formed according to the rules, there are still some patterns, for example: the coincidence of all forms: cut -cut-cut, put-put-put or changing the root vowel: write-wrote-written, drive -drove-driven.

Be sure to learn verbs with translation

First you need to thoroughly understand the meaning of each verb and only then remember its forms. In this case, a person will be able to confidently use verbs correctly both in speech and in writing. For example, come- come, blow- blow.

Learn verbs in songs and poems

Another way to learn irregular verbs is to memorize them through songs or poems that use their different forms. You can compose them yourself. Like this, for example, here:

I'm a brick throw - threw - thrown, (throw)
He's through the window fly - flew -flown, (fly)
My uncle catch - caught -caught, (catch)
To mom and dad bring - brought - brought. (drive)
I'm still surprised -
Fling -flung -flung where is he from? (leap out)
Cling - clung - clung collar, (cling)
Oh, what a nasty old man!
I, of course, say -said - said, (speak)
That the neighbor broke the window,
He doesn't me hear - heard -heard, (hear)
It's like he's leading me to execution.
I'm danger feel - felt -felt(feel)
And I was ready kneel - knelt - knelt... (kneel)
Oh, it hit me hard -
Cost - cost - cost a lot of glass! (cost)

Make up sentences or stories using irregular verbs

To easily remember a new verb (this also applies to other parts of speech), you need to try to use this verb in oral speech in lessons with the teacher and with friends and in writing. You can use this method anywhere and anytime. You can come up with various stories with irregular verbs on the way to work, or you can just try to describe yesterday: Yesterday I went for a walk and visited my friends…

Games using irregular verbs

This strategy is useful not only for children, but also for adults. One of the most common ways is to study irregular verbs using flashcards. These can be either independently compiled cards (word - transcription - translation) or electronic cards that use various technologies for memorizing words (audio voiceover and visual accompaniment). You can use crossword puzzles to test yourself.

So, remembering irregular verbs is actually not that difficult. The main thing in this process is motivation: the desire to learn how to correctly use irregular verbs in your speech.

regular verbs- regular verbs
irregular verbs- Irregular Verbs
memorizing- memorization
card- card
transcription- transcription
translation- translation

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Irregular verbs cause a lot of difficulties for people learning English. It seems impossible to remember this endlessly long list. Remember the huge table of irregular verbs. Is it really necessary to contact it every time to view the required form?

In an attempt to simplify their lives, English learners resort to different methods: some learn irregular verbs in poems and songs, others try to group them by sound and memorize them.

In this article we will look at how effective these ways of learning irregular verbs are and tell you how how to learn them correctly.

How to remember irregular verbs?

Irregular Verbs- these are verbs whose past form does not change according to the rules. There is no logic in its formation, so you just need to remember the verbs. How to do this?

Most often, people resort to 2 methods to remember irregular verbs:

1. Teach in verse.

2. Teach by grouping verbs by sound.

Let's take a closer look at each of them and find out how effective they are.

Attention! Can't remember English words? Find out in Moscow how to learn words correctly so as not to forget them.

Method number 1. Learn irregular verbs in poetry

One way to learn irregular verbs is to memorize them using special rhymes. Let's look at an example of such a poem.

Airplanes fly - flew - flown (fly).
Our children grow - grew - grown (grow).
Well, the wind blow - blew - blown (blow),
He knows - knew - known about everything.

Remembering such a rhyme is much easier than simply learning irregular verbs by heart. Such poems are quickly stored in memory.

But will they help us use these verbs in life? After all, this is what we teach them for. Unfortunately, this method of memorization has significant disadvantages:

1. You will not be able to use the necessary verbs easily and quickly.

Why? Now you will understand. Imagine a situation where you are communicating with a person. You say a sentence that uses an irregular verb. Since you learned them in verse, you will have to mentally recall the entire verse and all verb forms in order to remember the right one. After all, you teach them together (know - knew - known), and not separately. Is it worth telling how long your interlocutor will have to wait until you do this?

2. You learn verbs that rhyme, not ones you will use.

I have said many times that you need to learn those words that you use or will use in life immediately, and not in 10 years. So, you won’t be able to find a poem containing the words you need. After all, verbs in poetry are selected according to rhyme. You may not use some of the verbs from such verses because you will never encounter them.

3. It will be difficult for you to remember the translation of verbs.

As you will notice, three forms of the verb are included in the rhyme, and the translation is indicated in parentheses. If you remember exactly the verse, it will be difficult for you to remember the translation. And if you don't understand what a word means, you won't be able to use it. In addition, it is important to understand that all three forms have different translations.

He knows - knew - known about everything;

know (know) - knew (knew) - known (known).

Despite the ease of memorizing such verses, this method is not effective. Since memorizing a verse is one thing, but using the desired form in your speech is completely different.

This method has a small advantage. It can be used to teach English to young children as a supplement.

Method number 2. Learn irregular verbs by grouping them by sound

Despite the fact that there is no logic for the formation of past forms of irregular verbs, some of them are similar in sound. For example:

catch - caught - caught - to catch;
teach - taught - taught - to teach;
keep - kept - kept - keep;
feel - felt - felt - feel.

It is believed that such rhyming blocks are much easier to remember than learning verbs with different sounds. In addition, unlike poetry, there is nothing superfluous here, you only remember the forms of verbs.

But this method also has disadvantages.

1. You will not be able to achieve automaticity in your speech.

Of course, by learning words this way, you won't have to remember an entire verse to say a phrase. However, when you need to remember past form verb, the whole chain starting with the present form will pop up in your head: feel - felt - felt.

Consequently, the word felt will not immediately appear in your head, but feel will appear first. Because of this, you will constantly make mistakes, or you will not be able to pronounce the phrase without delay, automatically.

2. You will have no idea when to use these verbs.

One translation is given for all three forms. For example: write - wrote - written - to write. However, you must understand that these words are translated differently and, accordingly, are used in different situations: write (write) - wrote (wrote) - written (written).

3. There is no point in learning all three forms until you know how to use them.

Why would you want to learn all 3 forms if you don't know what the third one is for and aren't going to use it? Until you get to those sections of grammar (passive form, Present Perfect), where you need the 3rd form, it is useful for you to know only the first 2.

It turns out that by grouping verbs by sound, it will be easier to memorize them. However quickly remember the right verb in a certain situation, it will be difficult for you to use in your speech.

It is impossible to say that this method is ineffective. Despite all these disadvantages, many people learn irregular verbs this way. Over time, if a person actively uses verbs in speech and writing, he will be able to get rid of remembering unnecessary forms. But why wait until that time comes?

Now I will tell you which method is the best.

How to learn irregular verbs correctly?

The main drawback of the previous methods was that in order to remember the desired verb, you need to remember a lot of unnecessary information: either a poem or other forms of the verb. Therefore, you will not be able to speak automatically. This method solves this problem.

If you're just starting to learn English, it's best to learn irregular verb forms gradually. That is, learn as you go through the times in which you need to use them.

There is no point in learning all three verb forms at once if you only know the present tense. You will only use the initial form. You will not use the remaining two forms, which means you will forget them. But when you get to the past tense, it makes sense to learn the second form of irregular verbs.

If you already know grammar, within which you can use all 3 forms, you can teach with chains of verbs, but you need to do it correctly.

Let's look at an example.

We have a chain of irregular verbs: break (break) - broken (broken) - broken (broken).

Step 1. Look up the meaning and translation in the dictionary.

We need meaning and translation in order to understand in what situations we use it.

Step 2. Make up sentences with this word.

To remember this word, you need to immediately start using this verb in your speech and writing. To do this, make sentences with this word (from 3 to 10 depending on the difficulty of memorizing).

Read more about how to learn words correctly.

Now we do these two steps with words broke And broken.

Having learned verbs in this way, during a conversation you will immediately remember the right word, and not go through all the forms of this verb, selecting the right one. This way, you can easily use irregular verbs in your speech and achieve automaticity in their use.

So, learning these verbs is quite possible. The main thing to always remember is that you learn irregular verbs not just to know them, but in order to be able to use them in your speech.

How do you learn irregular verbs? I would be glad if you share your opinion regarding the methods discussed in the article in the comments!

Verbs in the English language - the most extensive grammar topic. Here are 12 aspects of time, and countless phrase combinations, and exception words in the formation of forms that are commonly called irregular verbs. It is the latter that will be discussed in today’s material. As a rule, they are presented in the form of a large table that contains at least 170 positions. Therefore, many beginners are tormented by the question of how to quickly learn irregular verbs in English, without suffering from huge printouts and without wasting energy on outdated words. Is it possible? Quite if you use the methods given in this article.

So, we have a long list of words that are new to us, each of which has 3 forms. It is not practical to teach them all in alphabetical order, since frequently used words may be at the very end of the list, and rarely used expressions, on the contrary, at the very beginning. Therefore, it will be easier and more effective to learn English irregular verbs, starting from the frequency of their use in everyday speech. To do this, we recommend using the tables from this material. They are incorrect English verbs are given with transcription and translation, and are collected in convenient lists for study of the top 50 and top 100 most used words.

Grouping words

If it’s hard for you to work even with shortened lists, and the words just can’t be remembered, then you should choose more effective method. For example, a good way to remember English irregular verbs is to break them down into similar features for small groups.

Identical forms

It is easiest for students to learn verbs whose infinitives coincide with the past tense and participle forms in spelling and pronunciation. There are more than a dozen such irregular verbs in English. They are so easy that they can usually be learned in just one lesson.

Infinitive=Past Simple=Past Participle Translation
let allow, give
set install
bet bet
put put
cut cut
hurt harm, cause pain
shut close
hit strike
fit try on, be true to size
quit leave, leave
cost cost
cast throw, pour (metal)
burst explode
split split
spread distribute
shed shed

Similarities between Past Simple and Past Participle

It is not very difficult to learn verbs in which only two forms coincide. By the way, they make up most of the entire list. We will divide them all into consonant groups, which will allow you to not only easily but also quickly learn English irregular verbs of this type.

Infinitive Past Simple=Past Participle Translation
1 send sent send
spend spent spend
lend tape lend
bend bent bend, bend
smell smelt smell
2 meet met meet
feel felt feel
sleep slept sleep
keep kept hold
weep wept cry
sweep swept sweep
feed fed feed
bleed bled bleed
3 read read* (pronounced "red") read
hear heard hear
lead led lead
dream dream dream, dream
leave left leave, leave
mean meant mean
deal dealt deal with
build built build
4 lay laid put
pay paid pay
say said speak
5 have had have
sit sat sit
get got receive
lose lost lose
sell sold sell
tell told tell
win won win
shine shone shine
find found find
6 understand understood understand
shoot shot fire
make made do
hold held hold
stick stuck glue
strike struck strike, strike
7 bring brought bring
fight fought fight
think thought think
seek sought search
buy bought buy
teach taught teach, train
catch caught catch

It is worth mentioning separately a small group of verbs that have the same infinitive and participle forms.

Infinitive=Past Participle

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
run ran run run
become became become becomes
come came come come

Consonances of different forms

We have figured out how to correctly learn similar forms, but the question remains of how to learn irregular verbs of the English language, all three forms of which are completely different. The answer is very easy - we learn them in exactly the same way as the previous words, i.e. We try to group according to similar characteristics.

Verbs starting with -own

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
know knew known know
grow grew grown grow
fly flew flown fly
throw threw thrown throw
blow blew blown blow
show showed shown show
mow mowed town mow
sow sowed south sow

Root vowel alternation

Ending –en (n)in Past Participle

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Translation
eat ate eaten eat, eat
speak spoke spoken speak
give gave given give
drive drove driven drive
break broke broken break
freeze froze frozen freeze
take took taken pick up, take
shake shook shaken shake
forgive forgave forgiven forgive
ride rode ridden ride (on horseback)
hide hid hidden hide
bite bit bitten bite
write wrote written write
forget forgot forgotten forget
fall fell fallen fall

Of course, even grouped verbs represent extensive material, which, frankly speaking, is boring to memorize. For those who want to diversify their studies, we have come up with another method on how to memorize English verbs with the help of funny poems.

How to quickly learn irregular verbs in English using poetry

Studying shouldn't be boring, especially when you have the opportunity to learn grammar rules with the help of funny poems. Talented creators have managed to rhyme three forms of English verbs into funny rhymes that are very easy to learn. After all, all their text is written in Russian, and from English you only need to know correct pronunciation verb forms. Here are examples of such works.

Poem Verb translation
Drink-drank-drunk an awful lot (drink, drink)
Our neighbor's uncle Goga.
He forget-forgot–forgotten (forget)
About family and work
Because have-had-had (have)
He's in an awful lot of trouble.
He's like that do-did-done, (do, commit)
When you're very drunk!
One day he fall-fell-fallen (fall)
Straight from our balcony
Write-wrote-written on the wall, (write)
Ride-rode-ridden on an elephant, (ride, ride)
And one day break-broken-broken (break, destroy, smash)
Our house has eight windows,
And recently bite-bit-bitten (bite)
Aunt Vita is at the entrance!

Now you know several methods on how to quickly and easily learn irregular verbs using English language. But they will never give 100% effect if you neglect to repeat the material you have already learned. Good way unobtrusive repetition - prepare and post stickers with several verbs around the apartment. They will often catch your eye, which will allow you not to forget the words you have already learned. And, of course, do it as often as possible practical exercises on irregular verbs of the English language online or in your workbook. Only constant practice will bring the expected results from your labors. Good luck with your studies foreign language and see you in new classes!
