When is the best time to do exercises? Why is morning exercise beneficial?

All people living on earth can be divided into two categories: those who do exercises in the morning and those who find reasons not to do them. Every person has good reasons to justify own behavior. Those who don’t do exercises say that they have little time in the morning and need to get ready for work, think and plan the day’s activities. Those who do exercises in the morning claim that they wake up faster, get a boost of energy for the whole day and, in general, thus prolong their life.

Let's try to understand the truth and fiction related to morning exercises.

The first and most important question. Do I need to exercise at all? In this regard, let us remember the saying of the ancient Chinese: “Ten minutes of morning exercise is equivalent to half an hour of daytime training.” We conclude - if you want to save 30 minutes during the day, do exercises in the morning.

Morning exercises should not take more than 10 - 15 minutes. Unless, of course, you are involved in professional sports.

There is always a question. Why do you need morning exercises? By doing exercises in the morning, we help the body (brain, internal organs) move from a sleepy state to wakefulness. Thanks to this, our body is able to adequately respond to external physical and mental stimuli, and ultimately we experience less stress.

During morning exercises, you should not do exercises that are very stressful. muscular system. The time for training is after lunch. In the morning we need to activate the work of internal organs, stretch the main joints and ligaments of our body. This warm-up will reduce the risk of injury during the day. Remember that it's not just professional athletes who get injured. Unfortunately, pull a muscle, ligament or
Each of us can twist a joint or feel a sharp pain in the back in everyday life. But if in big sports injuries arise due to very high loads, then in Everyday life injuries are a consequence of elementary inattention to one’s own body. 90% of these household injuries can be avoided.

Exercise is not a replacement for morning coffee or breakfast.
You should not perform exercises “forcibly” or “grinding your teeth”. First, tune in, find motivation for yourself, and then gradually start doing morning exercises.

The set of exercises that you will do in the morning must be selected individually, and not blindly copy someone else’s experience. Be sure to include exercises that activate the functioning of your internal organs. The easiest way is
done with self-massage of the hands. Rub your palms until red. Clench your fists and hold them tense for a few seconds. Rub and stretch the fingers on one hand first, and then on the other. Total time let it take a few minutes to apply the effects on your hands.

After waking up, take your time to put slippers or socks on your feet. Walk barefoot on the floor for several minutes with springy small steps. Try to roll from heel to toe when walking. By influencing the feet and hands, we, thanks to nerve connections, have a positive effect on internal organs and the entire body, preparing for the day's stress.

IN morning exercises It is imperative to include exercises that affect the spine. Since the spine can respond with pain to various awkward movements during the day. This is the minimum required exercise.

1. Bend forward. Hands fall freely to the bottom. Do not try to immediately reach your palms to the floor. Your task is to feel the stretch in the lumbar spine. Do 7 - 10 inclines.

2. Bend the upper body back, while moving the pelvis forward. You can lower your arms freely behind your body, or clench your hands into a fist and press forward on the lumbar region, helping your body to bend. Do 7 - 10 repetitions.

3. We bend the body to the sides 7 - 10 times to the left and to the right. Gradually increase the amplitude. We feel the spine stretching.

4. Twisting the torso lengthwise vertical axis. Feet shoulder-width apart, we turn around and look at what’s behind us. The arms are freely lowered along the body. We make 7 - 10 revolutions in each direction.

So 10 minutes of morning exercises have passed. Don't expect any miracles from her. But you will feel your positive effect within a few days.

Sincerely, Alexander
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Surely many people remember how in childhood they were taught to do exercises before going to wash and have breakfast. Exercise is very important and beneficial for the human body. However, there is currently still debate as to when is the best time to exercise.

Most of the institute's specialists physical culture They believe that physical exercise should not be done immediately after waking up, but during the day. To be more precise regarding the question of when is the best time to do exercises, this process should be carried out after 15:00. Experts say that the fact that morning exercises can improve performance, increase flexibility and tone the body is just a myth. The only advantage is that you will wake up sooner.

Owls and larks

Those people who are early risers do not need to exercise at all. They can wake up quite easily in the morning even without additional physical exercise. But that part of the population that considers itself to be a night owl, instead of getting out of bed and starting to actively bend over and squat, is ready to lie down for another half hour so that the body gradually awakens on its own. Speaking about when is the best time to do exercises, it is worth noting that physical activity should coincide with the peak release of certain hormones.

Scientists conducted an experiment. Workers at the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports asked people who had never played sports on a regular basis to participate in the experiment. All members of the experiment were pre-divided into four groups, after which they were asked to do exercises in different times:

  • the first group did exercises in the morning;
  • the second - during the day;
  • third - in the evening;
  • the fourth group did no exercise at all.

Ultimately the most best results achieved by the group members who did exercises between 15:00 and 18:00.

Based on this, a conclusion can be drawn regarding when it is better to do exercises: both owls and larks should exercise in the afternoon, but not in the evening.

The difference between charging and other types of loads

The benefits of morning exercises are obvious: such exercises help fight hypokinesia syndrome, which is expressed in bad mood, irritability, increased drowsiness, decreased tone, fatigue and lethargy.

However, when considering when it is better to do exercises: in the morning, after lunch or in the evening, it should be noted that it does not need to be turned into a workout. Charging is called that precisely because the goal is to charge the human body for the whole day. The same exercises that are performed in the gym are aimed at straining muscle tissue by exhausting your body. After such training, the body needs rest, as a lot of strength and energy have been spent. Without certain preparation, you can even harm the body.

Many people prefer to run in the morning, combining running with other strength exercises aimed at the muscles of the arms, abs and others. This type of training has longer duration, when compared with conventional charging. Therefore, this type of load does not apply to morning exercises. Exercise is usually called a set of physical exercises that are aimed at warming up muscles and joints.

It can also be produced in combination with power loads, however, their number and duration should be determined individually, based on the physical fitness, amount of free time and desire of the person. Therefore, when answering the question of what time is best to do exercises, the training schedule will also be important.

Charging rules

The human body begins to wake up gradually, so any physical activity immediately after waking up will force the heart to suddenly switch to an active mode of operation, and this is harmful to the heart muscle. Speaking about when it is better to do exercises, before or after breakfast, you should know that it would be wiser to warm up an hour and a half after eating. But light exercises can also be done before breakfast, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that after exercise it is not recommended to have breakfast for another hour.

There are some types of such exercises that you can do without getting out of bed. This should include warm-up exercises that do not carry any load. This is not enough to be active and cheerful all day. Therefore, it is better to walk around after waking up, drink at least 1 glass of water, wash, and only then do basic exercises.

To do means to do something after which a person feels a surge of vigor and strength. Quite often, many people make a mistake when doing exercises, which is excessive load. The main thing is to raise the tone of the human body. These exercises are not intended to build muscle mass or losing weight. Therefore, the question regarding what is the best exercise to do for weight loss will be inappropriate here. You just need to identify the measure of the load using your own well-being: during exercise there should not be a feeling of overwork or tiredness. If this happens, then you need to reduce the load. And if someone has a goal to lose weight, then more intense physical activity will be required, as well as adherence to a certain diet and diet.

Neck exercises

Exercises for doing morning exercises have different variations. The first of these involve performing exercises for the neck:

  1. Turns the head left and right.
  2. Slow circular rotations of the head.
  3. Tilt the head to the right and left, forward and backward.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that if a person has problems with the vestibular system, then there is no need to close his eyes while performing these exercises.

Hand exercises

Hand exercises include the following:

  1. Fist rotation to warm up your wrist joints. You can also do a rotation by clasping your hands together.
  2. Rotation of the shoulders - first together, then in turn.
  3. Rotation with straight arms.
  4. Circular rotational movements of the forearms. In this case, you must simultaneously bend your elbows, first towards yourself and then away from you.
  5. Circular rotations with elbows. In this case, you need to touch your shoulders with your fingers and keep your arms bent.

Core Exercises

Morning exercises necessarily include core exercises:

  1. Feet should be placed shoulder-width apart, and then bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers or palms, if stretching allows this. It is worth paying attention to the fact that movements must be performed smoothly.
  2. Rotation of the pelvis. Hands should be placed on the belt, and movements should not cause pain or pinched muscles.
  3. Tilts in different directions. At the same time, for greater stability, your feet should be placed shoulder-width apart. Place your left hand on your belt, and extend your right hand up. After several bends, change hands, and do the bend in the opposite side.
  4. Finally, you should rotate your torso. In this case, your arms should be bent at the elbows, your hands should be locked. Several turns are made left side, and then slightly in the opposite direction. The legs should be in place, the feet should not leave the floor.

Leg exercises

The morning exercise ends with exercises for the legs:

  1. Swing your legs forward and backward. In total, you should do 15-20 swings.
  2. Alternately raise your legs in different directions. Approximately 15-20 times with each leg.
  3. Make circular movements in your knees, keeping them slightly bent.
  4. Do squats. The heels should not come off the floor. While squatting, extend your arms in front of you. 15-20 squats will be enough to start with.


When considering when it is better to do exercises (morning or evening), experts lean more toward the afternoon. There is no need to do exercises on a full stomach. It is also necessary to remember that exercise can never replace a hike. Gym, If main goal is burning fat or gaining weight.

The most important purpose of physical exercise is to bring joy to a person and be a source of Have a good mood. Under no circumstances should this type of activity become a burdensome duty. If you perform the exercises with enthusiasm, the benefits from them will be much greater, and the positive effect will accordingly increase. That is why, right time so important for charging. And this time should completely coincide with your biorhythms.

So when is it better to do exercises, in the morning or in the evening?

According to verified scientific data, morning exercise burns more efficiently. extra calories, accordingly, get rid of excess weight, you can be much more effective by doing exercises in the morning. If you do 20 minutes of exercise in the morning, it will be equivalent to 40 minutes of the same exercise done in the afternoon.

The explanation for this phenomenon is elementary. The fact is that the human body uses energy more intensively until 5 o’clock in the afternoon, but after this time it goes into energy saving mode.

Morning exercises for the whole day will relieve you of the feeling of hunger, since during its execution the hormone responsible for appetite is suppressed. Morning workouts help the body recover faster and reduce the likelihood of injury.

However, morning exercises also have their pitfalls. You have to get up much earlier. In addition, exercise will be effective only after breakfast, and most ordinary people tends to refuse the first meal. Unfortunately, training on an empty stomach cannot bring any benefits. In addition, in the morning, human blood has a thicker consistency than in the evening; accordingly, physical activity increases the load on the heart and blood vessels. To avoid these risks, you should eat a light breakfast and drink a few glasses of water before your workout. They will help make the blood somewhat thinner. Morning exercises begin with light exercises that gradually become more difficult.

So, as if by chance, we answered your question about when is it better to do exercises before or after meals?

But morning is not the only time of day that is suitable for exercise. Evening workouts also speed up your metabolism, which slows down after 5 p.m. Thanks to evening exercise, the body will continue to burn calories even during sleep, since the muscles recover after physical training for about 12 hours.

The only disadvantage of evening exercises is that setting yourself up for additional exercise at the end of the day is not always easy. The body already gets tired enough during the working day, and certain difficulties may arise with sleep after evening workouts. Therefore, it is better to train 3 hours before bedtime.

There are many ways to improve your physical fitness or simply keep your body in good shape. One of these methods is daily morning exercises, thanks to which you can perfectly relieve fatigue and feel energized throughout the day. It won't take you long to do physical exercise. And if you remain in a good mood all day, you will easily achieve the goals and objectives you have set for yourself. It is recommended to do a short jog and exercise before breakfast.

Simple exercise in the morning includes light jogging and simple exercises which help improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, the tissues of your body are saturated nutrients and oxygen, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on health. Daily exercise also leads to faster thought processes, increased concentration and improved memory. The benefits of morning workouts for women and men will only be revealed if the entire complex is performed regularly.

If you get used to daily morning exercises, you will soon become more active and stop experiencing excessive fatigue and drowsiness during the working day. Charging also helps you mood improves. It helps the body wake up by increasing the flow of oxygen to various muscle groups. Also, with increased breathing, the phlegm that accumulates in them during sleep will be removed from the lungs and bronchi, but the exercises must be performed correctly. Physical exercise helps increase physical strength and improve general tone muscles.

Correct execution of exercises

Morning exercises are a set of relatively simple exercises that help stimulate blood flow, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system and brain. If you can overcome laziness and make exercise a daily healthy habit, you will feel healthy even in old age. It is recommended to perform a five-minute physical warm-up before each exercise. In addition, it is important to adhere to some rules while doing your morning warm-up:

  • It is best to warm up on fresh air or in a well-ventilated room.
  • Clothes for physical education should be chosen that are comfortable and will not restrict movement.
  • Make sure your breathing is even and correct.
  • Charging will only be beneficial if you do it systematically.
  • There is no need to rush; it is best to train at a calm pace.
  • The program should include at least 5, preferably 10, physical exercises, which must be performed an average of 10 times.
  • You should not start exercising immediately after waking up; it is better to wait 10 to 15 minutes for the body to completely recover from sleep.

If you follow these simple rules every day, you will be full of energy until the evening, which will have a positive effect on your productivity and mood.

Set of exercises

Morning warm-up will bring you a lot of benefits if you choose a set of exercises that suits you. It is very important to warm up your joints and stretch your muscles before heavy exercise to avoid injury in the process. Try to choose the most simple exercises so as not to feel tired, but on the contrary, get charged energy.

The duration of physical exercise in the morning should be on average 4-5 minutes. It is recommended to include in the program a lot of tilts and turns of the head, torso, rotational movements of the arms, as well as walking on the toes. The main complex of sports training includes strength exercises in the form of push-ups, leg swings, all kinds of rotations and squats.

Doing a warm-up

Before starting more strenuous exercises, be sure to do a short warm-up to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the main program. You can start warming up your body with regular stretching while still in bed. Choose suitable music for training and begin to rotate your head 10 times in each direction, then switch to your shoulders, body and hands. When the warm-up is completed, you can go through all the toilet procedures. If you do not have personal preferences, you can refer to our warm-up complex (exercises are performed 8-10 times):

  1. We tilt our heads alternately to the sides and perform smooth turns torso.
  2. We clasp our hands in a “lock”, after which we turn our hands towards ourselves and away from ourselves.
  3. Bend your elbows, touching your shoulders with your fingers, and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. We bend forward, trying to touch the floor with our fingers.
  5. We raise left hand up and the brush right hand put it on your waist, then tilt your body to the right. We change the positions of the hands after a couple of bends and repeat the movements.
  6. Place your hands on your waist and begin to rotate your hips alternately to the right and left.
  7. We swing our legs, then lunge forward and squat as deeply as possible.

Head tilts

To lift general tone without leaving home and improving the body’s performance, you should approach each exercise with great responsibility. We make about 10 turns of the head to the right and left, after which we bend back and forth. Then we begin to perform slow circular rotations. If you have problems with the vestibular system, you should not close your eyes when turning in order to prevent your health from deteriorating. Such exercises should take no more than 2-3 minutes.

Shoulder rotations

To improve blood circulation and tone the body with the help of a morning warm-up, you should pay great attention to shoulder rotation. If you perform warm-up movements incorrectly, you can easily injure the shoulder joint, so shoulder rotations should be performed in the right way:

  1. We stand up straight, straighten our back, while our arms should be lowered along the body.
  2. Raise both shoulders up at the same time.
  3. Strong in a circular motion we send them back.
  4. We do approximately five rotations of the shoulder joints in each direction.

Swing your arms

One of the most effective exercises which are recommended to be done during morning exercises are arm swings. They help the body quickly recover from sleep and gain energy. The main thing is to do this kind of warm-up regularly. You don't need to spend any energy to increase your physical activity through various strenuous exercises.

  1. We move our hands up, then down. After this, we raise one hand and leave the other at rest. We perform the exercise, after which we change limbs.
  2. We swing our arms in front of the body - right and left.
  3. You can also perform 8 to 16 swings back and forth in an inclined position, without straining your shoulders and neck.

Wrist rotations

For morning exercises to be complete, it is necessary mash not only arms, but also hands. To do this, we interlace our fingers in our palms and perform successive rotational movements in both directions. The duration of such movements should not exceed one minute. The movements should be performed without jerking, very smoothly, since a sharp transition of the body after sleep to the stage of physical activity is fraught with stress for it.

Tilts of the torso in different directions

In order for the body to return to good health after sleep physical fitness, and health always remained high level, you should bend your torso from side to side every day. For this we borrow initial position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist.

To burn belly fat you need to do this exercise 3-4 times during the morning warm-up and at least 20 repetitions in each direction, alternating bending twice, first to the left, then to the right. Another excellent exercise is the downward bend of the torso. You should perform such gymnastics as correctly as possible, trying to reach the floor with your hands, especially if you plan to then proceed to more difficult ones. physical activity.

  1. On the count of one we lean towards the right leg, on the count of two - towards the left.
  2. We straighten the body on the third count.
  3. Next, straighten your legs together and try to touch your knees with your forehead, if your stretch allows you to do this. If you manage to do this, hold this position for several seconds, and then straighten your body. This exercise must be done up to 40 times, otherwise you risk overloading your body in the morning.

Pelvic rotation

A great exercise to awaken the muscles of the entire core is rotational movements pelvis in a circle. To perform this exercise, you need to put your hands on your belt, and then start rotating. Movements should under no circumstances cause pain in the lower back or pinched muscles. Do about 10 circular rotations to the left and right. The workout is great for fully developing your spine, toning previously inactive muscle groups and improving blood circulation. By regularly performing this warm-up, you can notice a significant reduction in pain in the back muscles.

Swing your legs

When performing leg swings, you gradually make your limbs stronger and more mobile, ridding them of excess fat deposits, which in a positive way affects general condition your body. In addition, leg swings contribute restoration of blood circulation and normal functioning of the muscles in the legs. The order of performing such training should be as follows:

  1. We stand up straight, with our feet shoulder-width apart, our hands at our chest, and lower our elbows down.
  2. We swing with a straight left leg, and it is recommended to try to raise it as high as possible above the body, hold it for a split second and return it to its original position. Next, change the leg and repeat the movements. It is also necessary to exhale or hold your breath while lifting your legs.
  3. Do about 10-15 swings with each leg.
  4. When swinging a straight leg back, keep your foot heel up. Perform 5 to 15 repetitions with each limb depending on your physical training.

Squats: rules

Squats will help make your body more toned, and if you work hard on your legs every day, your body will soon look like the poster models hanging in the gym. If you decide to join the daily morning exercises, then do not forget to supplement your set of exercises with squats. With their help, you can easily develop muscles in the waist and hips.

First, try squatting 10 times. At the same time, keep your back straight, bend your knees to the angle at which your joints and muscles can bend. If you do not experience muscle pain the next day, then you need to increase the series of squats to 2-3 approaches, increasing the number of repetitions to 20 or 30 times.

Exercises for the abs

One of the most effective exercises for the abs is considered to be lifting the torso from a lying position. With this exercise, you can work out the entire complex of muscles on the abdomen, but the area of ​​the rectus muscle on top will receive the greatest load. It is recommended to do such lifts in morning time days when your stomach is still empty. When starting the exercise, you should prepare a special rug and choose a room where there are no strong drafts.

  • We lie on our backs, pressing our lower back to the floor, and place our hands behind our heads or on our chests.
  • Bending the torso should begin from the head, trying to touch the chin to the chest. You can try to reach further, but this will lift your back off the floor.
  • Having reached the maximum point, we return to the starting position. The number of repetitions should be done based on your physical fitness (from 10 to 50 times).

As you can see, morning exercises help not only wake up the body, but also get your body in shape. beautiful body. The main thing is that a set of exercises is performed daily, and if available serious illnesses joints, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Attention, TODAY only!

Some people don’t do exercises, considering physical exercise a waste of time. You can feel invigorated by drinking a cup of strong coffee. But the aromatic drink contains caffeine, which can hardly be called beneficial. But the benefits of charging are beyond dispute!

The benefits of morning exercises are revealed when the complex is performed regularly. Gradually getting used to physical activity, a person becomes active and does not experience drowsiness or excessive fatigue during the day.

Increased performance

The benefits of exercise in the morning are manifested in increased performance. Warming up makes blood move through the vessels more intensely. As a result, the body tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen. Oxygen saturation of the brain leads to increased concentration, improved memory, and acceleration of thought processes.

A person who is in no hurry to get out of bed after the alarm goes off experiences drowsiness for 2-3 hours after waking up, which makes it difficult to concentrate on the tasks facing him. The amateur is forced to periodically replenish caffeine reserves in the body - the substance is eliminated after an hour, which provokes “energy hunger.” An exercise enthusiast has no problems waking up, easily gets into a working rhythm and enjoys good health.

Improvement of the body

The benefit of exercise for the body is to stimulate blood flow, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and respiratory organs. Stagnation of blood in the veins is eliminated, phlegm that accumulates during sleep is removed from the lungs and bronchi. At the same time, the functioning of the vestibular apparatus improves, which leads to increased coordination of movements.

We cannot remain silent about positive changes in posture. Systematic physical exercise straightens the back and teaches a person to stand upright. And this is prevention against scoliosis, spinal hernia, osteochondrosis. Saturation of lung tissue with oxygen simulates acid-reduction processes, which helps remove overweight, strengthen muscles, achieve coordinated functioning of internal organs.

Physical exercise, performed without excessive zeal, strengthens the immune defense. A person who does not neglect exercises rarely catches a cold. The immune system protects the body, preventing infectious processes from getting a chance.

Improved mood

If you perform a gymnastic complex to an invigorating musical tune, a long-lasting mood is ensured. A rhythmic melody coupled with exercises cleanses energy channels, removing the negativity accumulated over the past day. Relaxation to relaxing melodies does not increase the strength of bone tissue and joints. Morning exercises combines 2 in 1 - improves mood, awakening interest in life, and blocks the path of pathogenic microorganisms.

Strengthening discipline

Parents have long appreciated the benefits of exercises for children. Children accustomed to physical activity in the morning wake up easily, are not capricious, are happy to attend kindergarten, and do not experience problems with discipline. A person accustomed to exercise copes with adversity and moves up the career ladder.

Elimination of insomnia

Waking up early will allow you to stick to your daily routine. A person does not stay up all night. Fatigue makes itself felt when the biological clock indicates rest time. Compliance with the regime guarantees sound and restful sleep.

Exercises for exercise

It's easy to change your life using exercises for morning exercises. The complex is divided into 3 parts: warm-up, main and finishing.

It is recommended to start warming up before you even get out of bed - stretch and have fun. The first part includes smooth bends forward and to the sides, turns of the body and head, and stretching. They warm up by walking around the room on their toes, rotating their arms.

A warm-up set of exercises for charging lasts 2-3 minutes and helps to stretch the muscles.

Having completed the warm-up, they perform toilet procedures and begin the second part of the gymnastic complex. Exercises are selected individually, based on your own preferences.

If there are no personal preferences, use a ready-made complex. Practice these exercises to exercise children, men, women.

  1. Tilt your head alternately to the sides, perform torso turns.
  2. Clasp your hands in a “lock” and turn your hands towards and away from you.
  3. Bend your elbows, touching your fingers to your shoulders, and slowly rotate your arms.
  4. Bend forward, touching your toes to the floor.
  5. Raise your left hand up, place your right hand on your waist. Lean to the right. Change the position of your hands through 2 bends.
  6. Place your hands on your waist and rotate your hips alternately to the right and left. Try not to lift your feet off the surface. Make the exercise more difficult by stretching your arms forward and clasping your hands together.
  7. Swing your legs while holding the back of the chair with your hand. Lunge forward with your legs, squatting as deep as possible. Squat without lifting your heels from the surface, stretching your arms in front of you.
