Magic before a birthday. Birthday magic

IN your birthday, first of all, you need to read the charm-amulet from trouble and misfortune:

Angel of my birth
Send me your blessing
Deliverance from trouble, grief
From my enemies nine nine times
From slander and vain blasphemy
From a sudden and terrible illness,
From the edge in the dark, from the poison in the cup,
From the beast in the thicket, from the gaze of Herod and his army,
From anger and punishment, From bestial torn apart,
From eternal cold and fire,
From hunger and a rainy day - save, save me.
And my last hour will come, my angel, stay with me.
Stand at the head, make it easier for me to leave.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Or read this powerful charm charm:

I am a baptized bone, my place is consecrated,
The cross is with me, the cross is in front of me, the Angel is walking with me.
Dawn feeds on the Sun,
The star meets the month.
The dumb one gave birth to my enemies, the blind one gathered my enemies.
She closed her eyes and forgot to open them.
How God's river breaks the sands,
How it erodes the steep banks,
So wash away, unravel the mind-mind of my enemies.
For now, for eternity, for infinity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On the third day after your birthday, you can read the amulet spell from voodoo witchcraft. They read it over the unfinished wine left by the last guest. The spell words are:

Lord Jesus Christ,
In Holy Scripture:
“Ask and it will be given to you.”
I ask you, Lord, -
Your amulet in the house
And beyond
My threshold.
From all evil
From the strongest
From soap
With which the dead man was washed,
From the word that destroyed
From a wax doll
From a steel needle,
From the witchcraft schema,
From the black pentacle,
From the white pentacle,
From the yellow pentacle,
from the red pentacle,
From death
Through them in vain,
From the witch at the gate,
From the lapel.
What they use to whip
What they cut with
What they inject with
What they don't want.
I believe in One God, Christ.
In His indestructible power.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There are people who bring misfortune to others without meaning to. As a rule, they suffer greatly from their “abilities”, but cannot do anything about them. However, on their birthday, they can reprimand themselves with the help of a special conspiracy and become the most ordinary people. To do this, a person must go into an aspen forest and walk around any aspen there, back to front, walking on his heels. In this case, the following conspiracy should be read:

Cursed by God
Aspen root.
Like the blue sea
Fire to the core,
So what should I
That aspen submitted,
On whose branch is Judah
The soul hanged itself.
Go my grief
Go my dashing way,
Go to the aspen tree
Not fast, not quiet.
They're waiting for you here
Here you are accepted
Here my soul from everyone
Likha is released.
Be strong, my words,
Be, my deeds, sculpting
For now, for forever,
On indefinitely.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy on cherished wish read twelve times in a row on your birthday over three burning candles, which are then allowed to burn out completely. The spell words are as follows:

Oh my God,
Bless and have mercy.
Olya-yaksh and the devil-knight himself,
Go through the gate
Through the window,
Through the black pipe
To my oak table.
Bring it to me
Gilded dust,
Pounded hare lip
And three bones from a heifer.
Like the moon in its hour
Walking across the sky
So to me, God's Servant(Name),
From now on you'll be lucky.
Sand in the sea, word, deed -
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

I think it's no secret that people sometimes dream prophetic dreams , there are also those who constantly see prophetic dreams and build their lives based on the dreams they see. However, it happens that a person suffers, trying to remember his dream, but he fails. He is sure that he saw something important, on which his life may depend. future life or the lives of those he loves. Dont be upset. There is a special spell that helps you remember a dream.

They read it at three o’clock in the morning, on your birthday (for example, you were born on March 6, which means you can read the conspiracy on the 6th of any month).

The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Remember, Lord,
My memory.
Let her wash your head
It won't deceive.
Like the holy fathers
Remember the name of Christ,
So be my memory
Strong and strong.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

On your birthday, you can tell fortunes about what awaits you throughout the year. To do this in the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, look out the window:

If a woman catches your eye first, then you won’t have to complain about your health,
if you are a man, you will be alone.
A cat promises illness
and an empty street means a quiet life without any changes.

A lot of questions are asked about whether it is possible to celebrate a birthday during Lent. Of course you can. However, if you do not want to sin and want to do everything according to the rules, then you should remember: you can serve Lenten dishes and it is necessary to exclude alcohol. If your birthday falls on Easter or one of the days of Holy Week (the last week before Easter), then it is still better to move it to the next week. By the way, then you can serve not only lenten dishes on the table.

Now I want to talk about the rules that should be followed when celebrating your birthday, so as not to make a mistake and not cause trouble.

You can't celebrate your birthday earlier. It’s better not to do the same thing later.
If someone wishes you happy birthday in advance, it is not good. In this case, you immediately need to say: God grant you to live and survive all your enemies.
You shouldn’t celebrate your birthday on a grand scale if a man is forty years old, a woman is fifty-three years old, and a child is thirteen years old.
Guests are never invited in numbers of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine or a hundred people. These numbers negatively affect the birthday person, shortening his life.
You should not place three, nine, twelve or eighteen candles on the table. It’s better to completely abandon such decoration.
Counts bad omen, if you were given an even number of flowers for your birthday (especially bad if you are celebrating an anniversary). This may not be done on purpose, because modern bouquets can sometimes be very elaborate, and people don’t know all the signs. If something similar happens, break one flower and throw it into a bucket, saying:

There are two dawns in the sky.
One blossoms at dawn,
The other one is fading.
Without dawn
The sun doesn't rise
Without evening dawn
Don `t come in.
The Lord of the apostles believed
And my flowers are countless.
Who's in trouble
You will consider my prayers,
That one is not an even number
Once it changes.
Key, lock, tongue.

If during the holiday a rice dish (any kind) is served, then guests cannot be treated to pancakes: either one or the other.
It is not recommended to serve a pig's head or pigeons on the table, otherwise you will make a serious mistake and can bring death to the birthday person.
If you have a dog in your apartment, it is better to take it out of the house during the celebration. The fact is that guests can start singing songs, and the dog will sing along with them. On any other day there is nothing wrong with this, but if a dog howls on the birthday of one of the family members, then this promises misfortune for the birthday person.
The birthday person cannot borrow money on his birthday.
If dishes break during the holiday, they cannot be thrown away until the last guest leaves.
It is considered a bad omen if the birthday person changes clothes twice during the celebration.
On your birthday, you shouldn’t cry, regretting the years gone by. Instead of being sad, it’s better to think about what the Lord has given you all these years. How many good things have you had during this time, and there certainly have been good things, how many loving relatives, friends and girlfriends you have, how many interesting things you have seen and learned. Of course, it’s a pity for the lost youth, but what a blessing that you were born and lived in this wonderful world, and it is beautiful, no matter what anyone says. You were, are and will be people who love and appreciate you - isn’t this a miracle? Therefore, do not cry on your birthday, because your tears may offend your Guardian Angel.
If you decide to celebrate a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, ask if a wake was celebrated there the day before after a funeral. If you did, look for another place or celebrate at home. If you still made a mistake and the person got sick, then you need to read it immediately. To do this, read a special spell over the lamp oil and with this oil draw crosses on the person’s arms and legs, while reading the same spell:

In an open field
In pure expanse
There are four oak trees,
Four vortices.
Fuck you, four whirlwinds,
You will spread the misfortune
Servants of God (name).
So that the trouble goes away from her,
Rolled down
Fell, fell,
As the leaves fall
Frequent from four oaks,
From four
Vetrov Vikhrovich.
How do you shoot?
Winds, leaves from oak trees,
From their trunks,
Branches and twigs,
So remove all troubles,
From God's servant (name).
Be my word strong
Sculptural and tenacious
And not discontinuously.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Under no circumstances should a wedding be celebrated on the birthday of the bride or groom. For example, if the bride was born on Tuesday, then the wedding is not celebrated on Tuesday.
It is forbidden to get married on your birthday.

I (approx. I mean Natalya Stepanova) are very often asked about what numbers should be reported in the date of birth. I have already written about this, but given numerous requests, I will again publish the necessary conspiracies. In the date of birth you need to report

A birthday is not just a long-awaited holiday. This is also an important and rare moment from the point of view of human energy. On this day another new cycle begins in a person’s life and this best moment in order to try a little, or even quite significantly, to improve your destiny, strengthen your health and your protection from bad influences, and also achieve the fulfillment of some of your desires. The best remedy This is what birthday spells are for.

The fact that birthday conspiracies have great power has long been proven. As a rule, a wish confirmed by a magical action comes true within a year. But at the same time, it is very important not to ask for everything at once, but to choose exactly what you need in a specific period of life.

For example, this could be a desire:

  • Give a birth to a baby;
  • Find your soulmate;
  • Find family happiness;
  • Get career growth;
  • Improve your financial situation.

Security spells that are aimed at protecting against external negative influences are also very effective on birthdays.

In no case should you wish on your own birthday, and confirm this with a magical act, evil to other people, even if you consider them ill-wishers or enemies. Remember that in this case, the conspiracy of desire will work against you and will bring bad luck and failure into your life.

Security plot

In order to provide yourself with protection from the evil eye and damage for the year ahead, a protective plot is used on your birthday.

At dawn on your birthday they say:

“My guardian angel, on your birthday, accept this request:
Defense for the whole coming year. Send me your blessing
Deliverance from misfortune and grief, from evil and terrible illness,
From slander and vain blasphemy, from dishonorable punishment,
From a dashing spell. Come with me everywhere,
Protect me from all troubles"

To fulfill your deepest desire

A special conspiracy on a birthday is also pronounced to fulfill a secret desire. You need to get up in the morning, wash, comb your hair thoroughly and, closing your eyes, say a spell.

It sounds like this:

“My birthday is starting, everything works out for me today.
A raven will not fly over me, a black cat will not run across,
Everything will work out in my opinion and my wish will come true.”

Ritual for happiness

Popular birthday conspiracies also include a good luck conspiracy. If you are hosting a festive feast on your birthday, say magic words the night before the guests arrive.

They sound like this:

“I set the table with dishes, I gather good people.
Guests will come to me and bring me gifts.
And as I receive those gifts, my happiness will increase.
Many guests have been invited, many gifts have been prepared.
My house will be filled with happiness and freed from trouble and grief.”

Options for turning to God

Birthday wish spells that contain an appeal to God are considered very effective. Such spells have a more general focus and apply to all areas of life. But, as in previous cases, an appeal to God should not contain a desire for evil or death for other people. In addition, you need to remember that this type of conspiracy will be effective only if you perform the ritual in a positive mood and with faith in your soul in your own bright future.

To attract good luck in life

Waking up early in the morning on your own birthday, you should go to the window and open it wide.

“Lord Almighty, I turn to you, Servant of God (s) ( given name) give me a good and happy fate. Let all the evil that is next to me life goes on, forever goes into the bottomless mirror. And all the bad luck goes away on a long journey and never comes back to me. With your holy crosses I reliably protect myself from life’s failures and remain with happiness forever. I praise and pray to you, Lord. Amen".

The ritual must be continued after the feast, which is traditionally organized on the birthday. To do this, you need to collect the leftover food from the guests' plates into a linen plate and wrap it.

Then say the following magic words to the received packet:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), defend myself with the Holy Cross in the name of the Lord God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is advisable to immediately go and throw this package away as far as possible from own home. From this moment all bad things will go away from your life.

To a cherished dream

This ritual should be performed only if you have a deep desire or cherished dream. Moreover, no one should know about it. It cannot even be voiced when reading the plot, but at the same time, during the ritual, one must constantly think about the innermost desire.

For the ritual you will need to use the following attributes:

  • Three church candles;
  • Holy water from the church;
  • A few black peppercorns;
  • Two completely white saucers;
  • A couple of cinnamon sticks;
  • Red linen bag.

At midnight before your birthday, you should retire to a separate room and light the prepared church candles. After this, you need to pray and sit for a while in absolute silence. It is important to ensure that there is no external interference at this moment. This means that pets must be removed from the room in which the ritual will be performed and all communication devices must be turned off.

Then you need to do the following:

  • Place black peppercorns on one of the saucers;
  • Place cinnamon sticks on another saucer.

The saucers should be placed in front of you and, looking at the flames of the candles, read the following plot:

“By the great spirit of the Lord’s help, may my deepest desire be fulfilled. I know that the Lord God helps those who ask him for help. I, the Servant of God (my own name), hope and believe that help will come to me along unknown paths and roads. Soon my deepest desire will become a reality. And when it comes true, I will become the most happy man on the ground. I will tie a scarf for my desire and mentally ask God to make my dream come true. Amen".

After this, you need to take a sip of holy water and continue:

“I, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, turn to you, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, and Holy Mother of God. I ask for help, let what you want come true. Amen".

At this moment, you need to mentally complete a description of what you dream about. After this, the peppercorns should be poured onto the table and crushed with a saucer, and the cinnamon sticks should be held over the flame of one of the candles, but not burned.

During this process, you need to say the following magic words:

“Hear my prayers from my heart directed to you, Lord Almighty, Most Holy Theotokos, all Heavenly Saints, all Wonderworkers. Help me, Servant of God (proper name), hear my prayers, in my needs, fulfill my deepest desire. Amen".

Cinnamon sticks should be placed in a linen bag along with crushed peppercorns and stored under the pillow after the ceremony until the wish comes true, and then hidden in a secluded place so that no one will ever find them.

To attract good luck to yourself on your birthday, you cannot change clothes several times. In addition, it is important to remember that if dishes break during a feast, they should not be thrown into the trash until the last guest leaves your house. Broken cup or the plate should be set aside. This will prevent financial losses in the near future.

To attract good luck into your life, you need to celebrate your own birthday every year with friends. At the same time, it is necessary to organize a real holiday, filled positive mood and joy. Positive energy from people who truly love you will push away negativity and fill your life with happiness.

Do you know what birthday spells you can use to attract love, luck, and prosperity? A birthday is a special holiday that is suitable for numerous rituals.

Birthday conspiracies - a ritual for love

Birthday is truly an amazing holiday with a lot associated with it. Since ancient times it was believed that if, then throughout next year Happiness and luck will not leave you, you will be healthy and loved. You can still use this knowledge today.

If you don't want to use love spells, but really want to meet the right person and finally become happy, you can perform such a ritual. As soon as the guests leave you and night falls, lock yourself in your room, take White list and a pink wax candle. Light it, pick it up and think about what kind of person you would like to meet.

You can describe his personal qualities, attitude to life, appearance. Try to describe as many little details as possible. After that, take a piece of paper and write down what you want your meeting to be like.

Once everything is ready, fold the sheet several times and set it on fire. You will need to collect the ashes from the burnt leaf, so you can put it in a fireproof container. While the description sheet is burning, say these words:

Love will come into my life, I meet love, I protect love. Let it be as she said.

When everything is ready, the ashes should be scattered to the wind. If the candle has not yet gone out, you can extinguish it. Be sure that this year you will meet a person with whom you will have a serious and wonderful relationship.

Such rituals are carried out only if you know at least the approximate time of your birth.
Shouldn't you ask your parents for the exact hours? minutes. It is enough to know whether it happened in the morning, afternoon, evening or night. Rituals are performed at the time of day you were born.

Take a piece of paper, write down on it your first name, last name, patronymic, as well as the day, month, year and time (if the exact time is known) of birth. Fold the sheet several times. Light a candle, take it in your hands and say:

Merciful God, come to my table along the paved road through the oak gates. Bring me lighted wax candles and gilded dust. The moon is hurrying across the sky, beckoning happiness to my home. From century to century, my words will be forever.

As you pronounce these words, imagine how fortune finally turns to face you, everything begins to work out for you. When the plot is said three times, the piece of paper with the recording will need to be held several times over the candle flame and hidden. Keep it throughout the year and good luck will be attracted to you.

In this case, you will also need a piece of paper on which to write your name, day, month, year and time of birth. After that, write down the following words on it:

I conjure that illnesses of me, God’s servant (name), will be bypassed, so that all ailments will disappear, so that pain and adversity will not lie in wait. Amen.

You will also need a candle and fireproof utensils. Set fire to the piece of paper with the note and, while it burns, repeat the text of the conspiracy again. When only ash remains from the leaf, it needs to be scattered into the air. Now you can not be afraid, any illnesses will bypass you throughout the year.

Nothing makes you happier than money for new purchases

This ritual is performed only at midnight. When the birthday celebration is over, fill your pocket full of coins and go outside. Position yourself so that you are under moonlight. It would be ideal if the moon is waxing at this moment.

Take a few coins out of your wallet and place them in front of you. Let the rest lie in your wallet. Take it in left hand and shake it. At the same time, say the following words:

I leave a few coins, I wish wealth to Mother Moon. May there be more coins in my wallet, and may there be fewer troubles in my life.

After you have read the plot 5 times, you can go home. Do not take away coins left as a gift to the Moon under any circumstances. Otherwise, higher powers will be angry and they will not send you wealth.

When blowing out the candles, don't forget to make wishes!

Everyone wants their wishes to be fulfilled. However, how can this be achieved? Of course, you can summon a magical entity that can make your dream come true (mermaid,).

There is also a special one that is read only on birthdays. In order to perform one of the short rituals, find a few minutes to retire during the holiday. Take a small handkerchief (preferably one that you often carry with you) and say three times:

Whoever asks the Lord for help, the Lord helps him. May your greatest wish come true with heavenly help. May happiness come to me along unknown paths. I am tying this scarf now, for the help of light, for good deeds. Amen.

Make a large knot in the handkerchief. Until the knot is untied, your wishes will come true. However, they must be kind and bright. If you wish evil on other people, it will not come true.

You can also use another spell. It is used at night. Go outside, position yourself so that you can clearly see your shadow, and say:

Just as night cannot live without a day, so a shadow cannot live without me. Just as the Lord created day and night, so He gave me a shadow on my birthday. Fulfill my shadow dream (describe the wish). As she said, so it will be. Amen.

In this article:

Rituals and magical rites on a birthday can have a different focus, but most often - to fulfill desires, to attract money, good luck and love. Such magic is highly effective, since birth itself is the process of bringing a person into the world; on this day each of us begins independent life and a person has a strong energetic connection with this day.

But do not forget that a birthday is a great stress for a child, since his body and mind have been subjected to strong stress. negative impact on this day. That is why, shortly before a favorite holiday, various troubles can happen to a person.

Magic rituals for birthdays

A person may or may not love his birthday, however, this does not change the fact that it is on this day that enormous opportunities open up for him to influence his own destiny and the whole the world. Due to the strong energetic connection between a person and the Universe, it is best to hold special magical rituals to fulfill desires.

Before you begin to perform a ritual for a wish, you need to clearly formulate each of your dreams in one phrase, and this phrase should fully reflect your desire and not leave room for variations.

For example, if you want to find a job, then make a wish like: “I want to find a high-paying job,” you can also indicate the field in which you want to work. The more specifically your desire is formulated, the faster and more accurately it will be fulfilled; remember this before performing magical rituals.

A simple ritual for desire

On your birthday, try to set aside about an hour for the ritual. To do this, stay completely alone, close your eyes and imagine as if golden rays are pouring down on your head from above. Try not just to see them, but also to feel them with your body. Imagine that these rays warm your skin, filling your body with energy and life.

After this, say in a whisper: “I (name) and the Universe are one. I (name) am the Universe.” Now imagine that the golden rays become denser and brighter, they completely envelop your body, and you feel that the energy of these rays penetrates your skin. Now think about your deepest desire.


Say the prepared phrase out loud, hear your own words, try to imagine how your desire resonates in the physical world and your words begin to materialize. Concentrate on your desire, mentally turn it into a clot of energy and send it upward - towards the rays falling on you. After this, you can open your eyes, the ritual is completed and your wish has been sent to the recipient.

Ritual at the crossroads

Effective rituals for fulfilling desires are not uncommon; each of them has a certain power, and effectiveness fully depends only on the performer.

If you believe in your own powers, in magic and are completely confident that the ritual you perform works, then any of your wishes will definitely come true.

On your birthday, find a moment of solitude and, around noon, go to an intersection that is far from prying eyes. Stand in the center of the intersection, turn east.

Make sure no one sees you and bow three times to each side of the world in the following order: east, then west, north and south. After this, turn east again and say the words of the conspiracy four times:

“I bow, servant of God (name), to the east, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I bow to (name), to the east, to the west, to the north, to the south. I command all four directions of the world: you will convene all the powers of heaven and the powers of earth. May all forces fulfill my cherished wish (say the prepared phrase with the wish). Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now bow again to all four cardinal directions in the same sequence, throw four identical coins at the intersection and say “Paid.” Now turn away from the intersection, close your eyes and clearly and clearly imagine that you have already received what you want.


Try not just to see what you wished for, but also to feel the whole range of positive emotions that you would really experience if at this very moment your dream came true. The more clearly you imagine what you want, and the more strongly you feel positive emotions from the fulfillment of a desire, the faster and more accurately it materializes. After this, you can leave the intersection, but under no circumstances look back. On the way home, don't talk to anyone, or better yet, don't look at other people.

During the process of performing this magical ritual, nothing should interfere with you. The intersection should be empty of cars and strangers, so in advance find some intersection on the outskirts, where there are practically no people. If something interferes with you during the ritual, it will be interrupted and can only be repeated at another intersection.

Ritual to get rid of troubles

On your birthday you can not only fulfill own desires, but also to get rid of various troubles and negativity forever. Best given magical ritual Suitable for restoring poor health, strengthening your vital energy and getting rid of negative interference. The ritual is performed outdoors in complete solitude.

Light a small fire, cross it and cross yourself. After this, looking at the fire, say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As you, King Fire, burn branches and logs, as you burn everything in your path and overcome all obstacles, so you burn my illnesses and ailments, take away all ailments, all pain and suffocation forever. Let what is said come true. Amen".

After this, dry your face with a damp towel, throw it into the fire (the fire should be large enough for the cloth to catch fire), and say the words:

“To you, King Fire, I give all illnesses and ailments. Go, my pain, into the sacred, hot fire. Deliver me, Fire, take my illness with you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Collect the remaining ash from the fire and bury it in the ground in the same place along with a few coins. After that, get out of there and don't look back.

To attract good luck

Birthday - unique time, which allows you to radically change own life. In addition to getting rid of illnesses and fulfilling desires, on this day you can also enlist the support of good luck, which will be useful in any life situation and every person needs it.

This magical ritual must be performed in the first half of the day. Place a small mirror on the table, light one church candle made of natural wax next to it, place a vessel with holy water to the left of it, and Thursday salt to the right.

Do not perform this ritual in the evening or at night.

Close your eyes, throw all extraneous thoughts out of your head and read the following prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary, Rejoice”, “May God rise again.” After this, whisper the words of the conspiracy three times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord God, Heavenly Father, bestow upon me, your servant (name), a happy fate, a successful life. I leave my evil share forever, I send it to the mirror world. You, bad luck, go away and don’t come back. I, the servant of God (name), will remain happy, I cover myself from failures with crosses. Let what has been said come true.”

After this, dip your fingers right hand into holy water, and cross yourself, saying the words: “In the name of the Lord God, the Heavenly Father, I protect myself from failures forever with the Holy Cross. In the name of Jesus Christ, I protect myself from failures. In the name of the Holy Spirit I become happy. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now eat a small pinch Thursday salt, wash it down with three sips of holy water, bow, facing east, cross yourself and put out the candle.
The next day you will need to go to church and light candles for your own health to the icons Holy Trinity, Mother of God and Jesus Christ.
At the end, donate any amount of money to the needs of the temple, but do not give alms to those asking on this day.

A person’s ability to change the future or the present with desire and the power of thought is magic; it is the most ancient companion of man. From time immemorial, people believe that through rituals they will change the present, the future and their world as a whole. Rituals can be performed both at night and during the day, on Christian holidays, common days. It is believed that it is best to perform magical rituals on your birthday.

By blowing out all the candles on the birthday cake and making a wish, you are already performing a magical ritual, as well as when you invite your guests to your birthday. By marking it, you create a clot of energy around you, which will keep those people who came to congratulate you on this day near you throughout the year. But this is an unconscious use of magic. If you use magic essentially and consciously, you can perform rituals for the whole year for happiness, wealth and good luck.

How to make a talisman for next year

You need to prepare some items in advance:

  • Dry oak or clover leaf
  • 12 candles
  • You need to prepare ribbons of red, white and green, where red is a talisman in business, white is health, and green is good luck (to correctly measure the length of the ribbons, wrap them around your wrist four times)
  • The last thing is your photo, which you should take 7 days before your birthday.

When all the necessary things are ready, fold the ribbons and tie them into twelve knots. When tying knots, for each completed knot, name the month, starting with the month of your birth.

Fold the knotted ribbon into a circle. Place candles on the outside of the nodes, and place a photo in the center of the circle. A clover or oak leaf must be placed on the chest of the photograph. Lighting the candles clockwise, read the prayer as many times as you are old:

After reading the prayer, you need to extinguish the candles. As you gather the ribbons, plant leaf, and candles, wrap them in new white or red fabric. Be sure to store it in the eastern part of the house. Place the photo in the album.

On your birthday, you can wash off alone.

Nine days before your birthday, prepare silver water, that is, dip a silver object in spring water, just make sure it’s not a ring! On a table covered with a white cloth, place a crystal bowl with silver water and, circling clockwise, read the spell eight times:

Having done this, you need to drink a glass of water from the bowl and pour the rest of the water from head to toe.

Attracting love into your life

To perform this ritual, you need to take a bath with ylang-ylang oils. On paper you need to write the name of the person you love. Then burn nine dried rose petals on the flame of a red candle and a piece of paper with the name on it. Mix the ashes from the petals and pieces of paper and scatter them in the wind, saying the following words:

I am waiting,
I will accept love with my heart,
I will repay love with love.

It's no secret that our date of birth influences our destiny. But not many people know that the natural factors that prevailed on your birthday also affect your life.

If you were born in bad weather, the following ritual must be performed. It is important to remember that such a ritual is carried out only in clear weather! If there is bad weather on your birthday this year too, the ritual will have to be postponed until next year. So, get up early in the morning, at dawn, raise both hands and read the following words three times in one breath:

Clean water in the spring,
clear sky,
bright Star,
so my share is pure! Amen.

It is good to perform magical rituals on your birthday. There is a huge amount different rituals, it is very good on such a day to carry out rituals for prosperity, wealth and well-being.

To perform the ceremony, you need to buy a gray poppy, but remember, poppies are not bought from male representatives and change is not taken! When you come home, lay a black scarf on the table. Draw a circle on a handkerchief with soap that one person used. Place the poppy you bought in the center of the circle and ring finger Draw a cross on the poppy while reading the following words:

Raising money

A very simple ritual that can be performed anywhere. We take a candle, pull out the wick from it, then light the wick on both sides and say very quickly simple words:

Eternal flame, my spirit is marked with silver, gold and all good things. Amen.

Money Bath Ritual

Take 1 tsp. cinnamon, 4 tsp. parsley and throw 8 coins. Pour all this over five cups of water and brew. Then draw a bath and, pouring a cup of your broth into it, say the following words:

“Money flows like a river of gold and stays with me forever!”

Having said these words, plunge into the water 5 times, and then lie completely calmly in the water for 8 minutes, thinking about improving your financial situation. After you get out of the bath, there is no need to dry yourself; your body should dry on its own. For best result Take a bath this way for 5 days in a row after your birthday.

Ritual “Achieving the goal”

For the ritual, you need to take a candle that directly relates to your goal.

Candle colors and their purposes:

  1. Pink heals emotional wounds
  2. Green attracts finances
  3. Red attracts passion
  4. Yellow helps overcome stiffness
  5. Silver will help increase your ability to self-realization
  6. A golden candle helps to find and accept right decisions and will direct your talents in the right direction.

Write your wish on the candle you choose. You will also need white candle, which will symbolize the purity of your intentions. You also need a third candle, which will symbolize you.

Place a candle in the center of the table white, and on the left side - a colored candle with your desire, light it. Place the candle that symbolizes you on the right and light it last. Say the words out loud:

A colored candle is brought closer to the middle of the table, then you need to say the same words again and move the candle that symbolizes you to the center of the table. Repeat this until the candles are nearby, then, without taking your eyes off, look at the three candles burning together, saying the following words:

“My intentions are pure, My will is strong, This is my goal. From now on. Forever. Forever."

When you feel that you can no longer concentrate, put out the candles.

A few rules of what not to do on birthdays:

  • You can’t go to cemeteries or funerals for a week after your birthday.
  • Don't raise your voice, you can't quarrel with anyone
  • You can't cry and spread gossip
  • It is not recommended to chew seeds on this day and 8 days after if you plan to have children next year
  • Spitting on the ground is also prohibited.
  • Be sure to make peace with your family, friends and loved ones if you are in a quarrel with them.

Subject to these simple rules your year will be filled with happiness and good fortune.

The video shows a few more rituals:
