Pyramid solitaire Indian spirit. Options for Indian fortune telling on cards

When the conversation turns to fortune telling with cards, people immediately remember mystery cards Tarot or just ordinary playing cards. However, few people know about cards that are ideal for fortune telling. We are talking about unique Indian maps - pictures.

The deck contains twenty-five cards depicting fifty various items. However, the pictures are not drawn completely, since each card is divided into four parts. Each of these parts contains half of the whole object. So, in order to fold one drawing, you need to put two such cards next to each other, the halves of the objects on which, when they touch, will form one whole. It seems that the entire deck was originally solid, and then was cut into pieces dividing the pictures in half.

Features of fortune telling using Indian cards

Fortune telling on Indian cards is considered one of the most accurate at home, especially regarding the time of fulfillment of predictions. During fortune telling, the cards are laid out in five rows of five pieces each. It is believed that such solitaire predicts events for the next one or two months. Each row is responsible for events of 7-10 days.

Simply put, the first row predicts what will happen next week, the second row predicts what will happen a week later, and so on. Thus, the cards predict events for the next 35-50 days.

What to do if you need to tell fortunes for a shorter or, on the contrary, longer long term? In this case, you will have to mentally imagine the period for which you are going to guess. Each row will be responsible for twenty percent of this period.

Interesting! There are so-called annual cards - a coffin and a wedding ring. The events predicted by these two cards come true within a year, even if they were predicted for a shorter period.

Indian too often, preferably no more than once a day. It is also important to remember that when doing fortune telling to get an answer to a certain question, the predictions received during the first reading are correct. Subsequent predictions on this issue are unreliable.

How to play Indian solitaire correctly

One of the basic principles of any fortune telling is concentration. Think about the goals of fortune telling, decide on the question, set a time period. If you are telling fortunes for another person, think about him. You might even try to mentally imagine him as a person at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go, and ask the cards to help.

  1. Shuffle the deck. Remember, Indian cards cannot be shuffled like regular playing cards, because not only the order matters, but also the sides. It is better to put them on the table and mix them with your hands.
  2. Take the cards in your hands and ask a question. If you are telling fortunes for someone, let him hold them.
  3. Take the deck to right hand, face down and start laying out the cards. They should lie in five rows, five pieces in each.
  4. When everyone is on the table, see which of the symbols match. If necessary, you can rotate the cards around their axis to make the patterns match, however, they cannot be swapped.

Important! If in the scenario it fell out balloon, this means that the cards are trying to deceive you. In this case, you need to play solitaire again. If the ball appears again, it is better to postpone fortune telling until the next day.

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Decoding and interpretation of Indian solitaire

When deciphering Indian solitaire, it is important to pay attention not only to the formed pictures, but also to those that do not match. This kind of solitaire can be read both vertically and horizontally, but for a correct prediction you need to look at the entire layout. At the same time, it is worth remembering that even mismatched drawings can give a lot of results. useful information.

Indian Card Meanings

  • hospital bed- indicates a possible illness and deterioration in health. Sometimes means problems in intimate life.
  • Jack- a young man who acts as a loyal friend and, at the same time, has romantic feelings for you. Depending on the cards that match nearby, you can draw conclusions about his personal qualities or your relationship. If Jack doesn’t work out, it means the relationship with your friend is deteriorating, possible reason you can search on the map between the two halves.
  • Wreath- one of the best cards. By association with a laurel wreath, it denotes success in any endeavor, glory and honor.
  • Camelgood map. Means wealth, perhaps an unexpected influx of money.
  • Scales- can talk about the need to weigh the pros and cons before making any important decision. The pictures nearby will tell you where to be careful. For example, Camel means that this is a decision of a material nature. Torn Libra may be talking about the wrong thing the decision taken.
  • Question mark- talks about an existing problem or an unresolved issue that haunts. The nearby symbols will tell you what the question concerns and how to solve it.
  • Penguin- speaks of a timid and indecisive person, of cowardice. If there are torn positive cards nearby, then about missed opportunities.
  • Scissors- may talk about the possibility of resolution difficult situation through decisive action. Much depends on the surrounding symbols.
  • Lock is a serious problem that has not yet been resolved. If the Key is nearby, then the issue will be resolved, if there are bad cards nearby, the situation will worsen.
  • Bed with a heart– a picture associated with intimate relationships. If there is a Bonfire or Ring nearby, everything is great. If nearby symbols are negative, this indicates problems in the relationship.
  • Two heartsmutual love. If the image is torn, it may warn of a deteriorating relationship.
  • Glass– separately can predict an invitation to visit. If Jack is nearby, perhaps your lover is inclined to alcohol addiction.
  • Scull- indicates extreme fatigue and stress. Symbols lying nearby may suggest the reasons for this condition.
  • Wedding ring - may indicate a marriage proposal, but if there are negative cards around, something may interfere with the marriage. If it has already fallen married woman, she talks about the strength of marriage.
  • Envelope– you should wait for important news.
  • Bonfire- symbolizes the all-consuming flame of love. Talks about possible love.
  • Coffin– denotes unexpected news of someone's death during the year.
  • Burning candles– a positive card, symbolizes optimism, hope, faith in a bright future. It may indicate the end of the black stripe and the beginning of the white stripe.
  • Heart pierced by a dagger– a strong blow that will lead to stress. Often associated with unsuccessful love.
  • Watch– a card warning that you should not rush, especially when making important decisions.
  • Torn Necklace- a sad card, speaks of missed opportunities. Sometimes you can see from nearby cards what chance was missed.
  • Crown- a good card. Portends success in business, achieving a goal, fulfilling an old dream.
  • Parachute– a decisive step that will lead to a positive result. A torn Parachute may indicate indecision to take a responsible step.
  • Necklace fastened– an unpleasant event that awaits, a stab in the back, however, it can be prevented if you start acting in time. Nearby symbols will help you understand the nature of the problem or the necessary actions to prevent it.
  • Queen of Spades– someone experiences negative emotions towards you – envy, jealousy, hatred.
  • Sun- a good card, speaks of an unexpected surge of vitality.
  • Moon and Stars– a very rare and positive card. Predicts serious changes in life, and the prediction is usually fulfilled exactly on time. Depending on which symbols are nearby, the changes can be positive or negative.
  • Pigeon– you have a real one true friend.
  • Stones- indicate obstacles in your path.
  • Key- a way to solve existing problems.
  • Rainbow- a harbinger of the carefree, happy days.
  • crying eye– troubles, failures, experiences.
  • Snake- someone is spreading gossip about you.
  • Box– a good card, means money, unexpected profit.
  • Lightning- sudden troubles.
  • Anchor- a period of stagnation in business.
  • Bell- good news.
  • Letter in the ring– long-awaited news that came too late.
  • Goldfish- a major quarrel, an unpleasant conversation.
  • Road- portends a pleasant journey, but if nearby bad characters, the trip could turn into trouble.
  • Sail– like Penguin, denotes an indecisive person.
  • House– noticeable changes in life, can be both bad and good.
  • Kingimportant person, which can help in resolving any issue.
  • Glasses– there is a two-faced person nearby. Nearby maps will tell you who we're talking about.
  • Ladder- talking about career growth and career advancement.
  • Queen of Heartsgood friend which is nearby.
  • Heart pierced by an arrow- unrequited love.
  • Horseshoe– denotes good luck, the fulfillment of a dream is possible.
  • Eagle- a new acquaintance, a patron who will help and support. If the card is torn, it means you had a fight with the person who plays this role in your life.

As can be seen from the descriptions of the cards, most meanings should be considered taking into account the nearby symbols, which is why in Indian solitaire it is so important to look at the entire layout as a whole. With this approach, it will definitely be possible to decipher true predictions.

Indian fortune telling is a fascinating pastime that gives you the opportunity to lift the veil of the future. Elementary symbols depicted on special Indian cards for fortune-telling will bring pleasure to true lovers of solitaire and magic layouts.

In the article:

Indian fortune telling: universal layout

The layout is the same for any topic of fortune telling. These are five rows of five cards, laid out from left to right. The pictures are laid out face up after being shuffled for a few minutes right on the table. During the process of mixing cards, you need to calmly and focusedly ask the question of interest.
You can rotate the map in all directions to get a consistent image. Sometimes one card can coincide with two different halves, in this case the fortuneteller himself makes the choice: which symbol to fold and which to ignore. You can combine images as you lay out cards or analyze the whole picture.

Panoramic picture of the future

Indian fortune telling shows a picture of the events of the next two months. Each row contains information for a period of 7 to 10 days. Using this principle, it is very easy to calculate the approximate date of the event predicted by the dropped symbol.

There are a couple of images that have a longer spacing - these are Wedding ring And Coffin . These cards are valid for a whole year. Picture Moon and Stars valid for 28 days, so another month should be added to the estimated date.

If you want to tell fortunes for the distant future, you must clearly state the time interval. It must be divided into five equal parts that will correspond to one row. Thus, it is very easy to find out what awaits you in the next 10 years.

How to see prospects in love with the help of Indian solitaire?

It is generally accepted that Indian. Most of the symbols depicted on the cards are directly related to this bright feeling. To get a complete picture of love and even intimate relationships, the question should be formulated within 10 minutes, immersed in your feelings.

Mutual love predicts Double heart , talks about falling in love and starting a new relationship Arrow in the heart , and prophesies hot passionate meetings Bed . Best symbol in the deck for women, of course, is the Ring. For unmarried girlssure sign prospects for starting a family within a year, for married ladies - a prophecy of a stable and happy marriage.
When playing solitaire for the first time, you should very carefully consider not only the formed symbols, but also the neighboring pictures. They have great importance. Sometimes a good positive sign radically changes its meaning under the influence of negative cards that fall nearby.

You can tell fortunes about love only once a day. daylight hours days. Indian maps and night are incompatible things.

Work, business, income: Indian fortune telling - an interesting forecast

The most interesting thing is that not a single similar fortune-telling gives such a detailed picture of events in business sphere. Ups and downs in a career, fatigue from work or a surge of new strength, prospects for profit with an indication of the source - a small part of the information that the ritual reveals. The layout always contains tips for difficult life situations, a warning in case of danger or encrypted advice.

Before playing solitaire, you should carefully work out the wording of the question. You can’t ask about everything and expect specifics. The universe understands simple shapes and gives similar answers. You need to remember about the time interval; it is advisable to declare it in the question.

Few people have such a developed intuition to easily recognize hypocrisy, envy, greed and many other human vices. And these feelings can push a person to betrayal, meanness, and playing behind one’s back. The alignment of business prospects will bring to the surface the secret machinations of enemies, and sometimes the unexpected treachery of friends.

Of the many known and secret rituals that predict the future, this one is the most popular among successful people. Probably because each image has a familiar, natural meaning. A careful analysis of the layout in search of coincidences becomes an excellent training for vision and memory. Good acquaintance with this ritual it will become.

Indian cards are picture symbols. Arranged 5 in a row. Each card contains four halves of a whole picture. The principle of this fortune telling is that the pictures match, by which the future is determined. These cards are believed to have amazing ability predict the truth and sense emotional condition fortuneteller
Usually the cards predict the future for two months, but, if necessary, you can find out what will happen in the coming days. You just need to mentally think of the required date and play solitaire.
Good luck!!! And if something's wrong,
don't worry - it's just a game!

So, lay out the cards from left to right. It turned out to be five rows of five cards. To find half of the picture, the cards cannot be swapped, they can only be rotated around their axis.
As already mentioned, Indian maps predict events on average one and a half to two months in advance. You can even make a wish for a specific thing. Let's say, will there be a profit from some operation? Then the main ones for you will be the “money” cards - Camel, Chest, Wreath...
If the indicated cards do not coincide, it is worth thinking and asking yourself: “Is this how we conceived our business? Did you go the right way?” In any case, never settle on one layout. What some cards didn’t say, others will definitely say.
And remember about the annual cards - Wedding Ring and Coffin. In any layout they are annual, i.e. the events they indicate will occur within a year.
The drawings are combined horizontally and vertically, but sometimes even more meaning is hidden in all possible options. Therefore, you need to take into account those cards that surround the matching pattern. Absolutely every card matters, and nothing happens by chance. In the interpretations you will learn the meaning of each card individually.

Interpretation of cards

It characterizes quite well the person you are guessing about. Before you is a timid, doubtful, insecure person. He often rushes around and may miss the right moment.
And if the Libra and Parachute cards lie nearby, but not matching, but “cut” by other cards, then you can draw the following conclusion: this indecisive person did not take an important step that could bring good luck. It could be that
anything - from personal relationships to business issues.

The situation in which a person finds himself only seems insoluble, but in fact everything can be resolved. If there is a Castle, Clock or Skull nearby, then the problem is very serious, it is important to think everything through, otherwise the state will be close to stressful. And don't forget that Indian maps don't always have all the answers.

A person has a problem that cannot yet be solved. If the Key lies further away, the problem will be resolved soon. If there are unfavorable cards near the Castle card (Hospital Bed, Crying Eye), then the situation worsens.

Bed with a heart
Intimate relationships are wonderful. An unforgettable night of love is ahead. See what's nearby. For example, Bonfire means new love, intimacy. And if the two halves of the Bed with the Heart card do not coincide - intimate relationships They don’t bring joy, they bring pain. If the Ring is also “broken” by other cards, the marriage has lost its former value.

Two hearts
You love and are loved. If between the two halves of this card goes Road - your relationship may worsen after some trip.

A sign of your fatigue, physical and mental, the danger of a nervous breakdown. Pay attention to the surrounding cards. For example, a Lock means the impossibility of finding the key to solving a problem, loss of money... This is the reason for the breakdown!

Wedding ring
Within a year (annual card) they will propose to you and you can get married. But we need to see what lies next. For example, the Clock will give you time to think carefully. If the Ring is “broken” by another card, the marriage has lost its former value. If the halves of the Ring are located in the same row, but very far from each other, the marriage may fall apart. If the Ring falls to a married woman, it means that the marriage is strong, despite the deteriorating relationship.

Important expected news that may even change your plans. This is more of a business card than a personal one.

It means success in business, achievement of a goal. Glory and honor await you.

An important decision has to be made. There is no need to rush, you need to think everything over carefully. Let’s say Libra is “torn” or next to this picture there is half of a Camel, a Crying Eye, which means that it was necessary to make a decision after thinking carefully about the move. But you didn't. Hence the loss of money and stress.

The flame of love burns you. Possible new love or falling in love. If there are cards nearby that indicate sadness and failure (for example, Crying Eye. Lightning) - don’t stop! fall in love.

An invitation to visit is possible. And if Jack is nearby, it means that the person who loves you is partial to alcohol (this person can become a drunkard).

This is an annual card. Sad the event will happen during a year. Unexpected news of death. If the Coffin is “cut” along the same line by two cards, someone close to you is terminally ill.

Burning candles
Faith in the future. Heralds the end of the crisis, failures. You can have a successful trip and make acquaintances.

A decisive step with a happy ending. But if the Parachute is “broken,” you will be afraid to do something. But in vain!..

Heart pierced by a dagger
A mental blow that leads to stress. My heart aches from failed love. There may be cards nearby that once again confirm this: for example, Broken Necklace, Hospital Bed mean unresolved problems. You need to think about whether all this should be preserved?..

Necklace (closed, buttoned)
Backstab. An unexpected unpleasant event. Other cards will “tell” who exactly will deliver this blow and what the consequences will be. For example, an unsolvable problem will arise (Castle), failures and stress await you (Crying Eye), and loss of optimism.

Warning. Take your time when making an important decision. If unfavorable cards come next, it means you were in a hurry. But in vain!
Torn Necklace
A missed moment, a missed chance.

Success in business, business. Making a dream come true.

A devoted friend is next to you. If the drawing is “broken” on one line, your relationship has deteriorated. Cards located between the halves of the Jack can determine the cause of tension in the relationship. IN in this case What matters are the halves of the pictures that surround the matching card. For example, halves of a Question Mark, Crown, Queen of Spades mean that with you he will not be able to achieve his goal. His mother is interfering, she doesn’t like you.

Queen of Spades
Someone hates you, despises you, envies you, is jealous.

Good mood, increased vitality. Neighboring cards will tell you where to expect a surge of energy.

Moon and stars
This card accurately predicts changes in life. It is very important in which row it lies. The stars mean major changes in life in 28 days. Each row corresponds to a week. Let's say the Moon and stars coincide in the third row. Take as a basis the number when you are guessing, and add to it, respectively, three weeks and another 28 days. Using a similar arithmetic operation, you can determine when changes will begin. If no other cards match next to the Moon and stars, it means that you have unexpected and good changes ahead.

A faithful and devoted friend is next to you. Sometimes it can mean that your husband is faithful to you. And one more meaning of this card is that tranquility, peace in your home and love await you.

Pile of stones
There is an obstacle on your way, an obstacle in your plans and deeds. Look at the surrounding maps and you can find out what kind of obstacle it is.

Problem solving.

hospital bed
Illness, poor health.

Ahead great mood, cheerful carefree days.

Money, profit, a successful operation. Making profit and spending money.

Unexpected unpleasant event, news. Look where the wind is blowing. Perhaps betrayal by an official (Eagle) or a loved one.

Business stop. If there are favorable cards nearby, then the Anchor card can be regarded as a desire and need to simply relax. If there are continuous failures, then a person simply gives up.

crying eye
Failures, worries, troubles, a state close to stressful. Look at what cards are nearby - perhaps you will find the reason for the failure.

Gossip and slander are directed at you (maybe not unfounded!). If the Queen of Hearts appears in the same layout, this means that the friend is slandering. If Glasses lie next to her, then her friend’s behavior is two-faced: she says one thing to her face, and another behind her back.

Letter in the ring
The long-awaited news, which, unfortunately, will not change anything.

Argument, quarrel, unpleasant conversation, accusatory speech. It is better to avoid such a turn of events, especially if there are such unfavorable cards nearby that indicate stress, illness (for example, Heart pierced by a dagger or Hospital bed).

A pleasant journey, a wish fulfilled on a business trip. If the Road is “cut” by one card, then you are thinking about a trip, but so far it doesn’t work out, perhaps the time has not come. If there are unfavorable cards nearby, you should not embark on this journey, even if you really want to.

Here is an indecisive man with his nose to the wind. If the Penguin is also nearby, then this person will never dare to take desperate steps, perhaps that is why he is haunted by failures. Hence - mistrust, indecision and obstacles in solving problems.

Serious changes in your personal life, including moving or changing your place of residence. It may mean the husband (or wife) leaving home. If favorable cards are located nearby, you are expected good changes in life.

Wealth, income, profit, money.

Next to you is a two-faced and hypocritical person. Sometimes you can even see who this person is. Adjacent matching pictures (for example, Queen of Spades or Queen of Hearts) will help you recognize this person.

Career promotion, success in a planned business. When you tell fortunes to a person who is not working, this card may mean that your plan will come true.

Queen of Hearts
A friend, a woman next to you with friendly intentions. If the Queen of Hearts is “torn” and, for example, there is a Golden Fish nearby, you will quarrel with your faithful friend, and if Glasses are nearby, your friend is a two-faced person and you should not trust her.

A bright personality in your destiny (if this card is not surrounded by unfavorable cards). The King card can be deciphered as follows: it will help you in solving important issue official person that you know or may soon know.

Heart pierced by an arrow
Unrequited love.

Good luck in life, success at work, fulfillment of some desire.

Question mark
You are tormented by some question, problem, relationship. The solution to this question will be suggested to you by the adjacent matching pictures.

The cards are deceiving you, shuffle them again and lay them out. Sometimes the cards don't want to predict. So they should rest today!

A patron who is always ready to help you and support you in difficult times - Perhaps even a new acquaintance with a wealthy person. If the Eagle is “cut” by one card, then you can quarrel with this wealthy person and lose his favor, especially if unfavorable cards come next. Sometimes Eagle means a new acquaintance that is very important for you in the future.

Before you is one of the most interesting fortune telling Recently - online fortune telling "old solitaire". Now it is difficult to determine when this solitaire fortune-telling game first appeared; time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune telling is a reflection folk wisdom, because its symbols are close and understandable to every person and come from life situations, and not from the magic of magic or the interpretation of some other fortune-telling.

So, oh happy man They always said and say that the sun shines brightly above it, the symbol of lovers has always been a flower, the shine of swords has been associated with war and quarrel. “A penny saves the ruble,” teaches us folk saying, and about the windmill they say - “Meli-shoal, mill”, etc.

This one worldly wisdom and formed the basis of the magical fortune-telling offered to you, to which popular rumor ascribes the property of reflecting the present and predicting the future. Whether this is true or not - judge for yourself. However, we can say with confidence: playing solitaire is truly a very exciting activity. It calms and brightens up your leisure time, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind think. Like any other fortune telling, solitaire requires communication with your magical subconscious. To do this, you must empty your mind of all thoughts except the desire to know a specific present or future.

how to choose cards
select design

So, the rules for playing solitaire. Choose its design and how the cards will be laid out. Cards can be laid out either from a deck laid out on the screen, or by pressing a button. Clearly formulate the question that worries you most about given time and click the "start layout" button. After this, you will be taken to the solitaire page, where the process of laying out the cards begins. The layout ends after all 20 pieces are dropped. Cards fall out from left to right, 4 in each row. As you noticed, each solitaire card shows half of the four pictures. If adjacent cards contain halves of the same picture, then such cards need to be combined.

A little more detail. If to the left or above the last card drawn there is a card with the second half of the picture located on the last card, then such cards need to be combined. To do this, click on the word that appears, indicating the matching picture. If both to the left and above the last card drawn there are cards with the second halves of the picture on the last card, then you will need to select only one picture that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear, indicating the matching pictures. You cannot rotate previously aligned cards along their axis.

This solitaire game is almost completely automated, so don't be put off by some of the confusing rules. Good luck!

Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question, do not be distracted by extraneous noise. After this, say your question in your mind as specifically as possible.
