Selection of ski and pole parameters. How to choose Nordic walking poles

In this article we will talk about what types of Nordic walking poles there are: we will give instructions on how to choose the right size, height, and length according to your height. Many people think that there is nothing complicated in purchasing such sports equipment and that they can even use a ski set. This is wrong. To make training as useful and convenient as possible, you need to take into account various nuances. When purchasing, you should focus on several factors:

  • level physical training;
  • type of activities;
  • personal preferences;
  • financial opportunities.

Don't ignore expert advice. Consultants in the store will help you.

Types of equipment

There are two options for Nordic walking sticks:

  • Regular. They are suitable for experienced athletes and overweight people. They are reliable, since there is no division into sections, they are less likely to break or become deformed. During exercises, you can put maximum pressure on them. This will reduce the stress on your joints. Fixed products are convenient to use in areas without elevation changes. For example, paths in a park. The downside is that they are difficult to take on vacation or on a hike.
  • Folding (telescopic). They consist of several parts that can be nested inside each other. The advantage is that you can vary their size depending on your needs. For example, if you are tired in class, you can make the equipment shorter and unload the desired area of ​​the body. Or, on the contrary, you feel that you are ready to put in more effort - increase the parameters. When folded, they will easily fit into your luggage and you will not have a break in sports during your trip.

How to choose the right length, size, height of Nordic walking poles according to height

The dimensions of the projectile are the main factor that affects the effectiveness of the exercises. If you carefully consider your purchase, your knees, elbows, and back will be maximally unloaded during training. The muscles work evenly. For those who have foot problems, it is better to use higher products to transfer the pressure to the hands. For osteochondrosis or problem joints, on the contrary, take smaller equipment. The calculation must be made using one of the three formulas that we presented below. It is important to take into account the selected type of activity and physical condition.

How to choose Scandinavian walking poles: table

Classic formula: multiply your height by a suitable coefficient:

  • For beginners, children, pensioners and those recovering from injuries – 0.66.
  • In order to maintain muscle tone, for ordinary physical training – 0.67.
  • At high intensity, for professional athletes – 0.70.

The result must be rounded to a whole number. This will be the optimal length. As the level improves, it can be adjusted. This is another reason why rational decision will purchase telescopic equipment.

Below are the average values. Use them, but do not forget about your goals and body characteristics.

What materials should Nordic walking poles be made of?

The purpose of these equipment is to unload the back, joints of the arms or legs during classes. This means that you need to find a product that will not break or complicate the process. There are three types on store shelves:

  • Aluminum. High quality, durable, inexpensive. Their disadvantage is that they do not spring.
  • Plastic. Lightweight, flexible, reliable. The disadvantages include high cost.
  • Made from fiberglass. Very light weight, absorbs vibrations well, but very fragile.

The higher the carbon content index, the more resistant the equipment is to pressure. For people of large build, trainers recommend buying models with big amount of this substance. They will reduce the impact of impacts on hard surfaces and relieve stress on the shoulders, elbows, and wrists.

What poles are needed for Nordic walking - it’s better to choose and buy once and for a long time

Such sports equipment has several parts, the quality of which directly determines the ease of use.


A good handle is made of durable materials and does not slip out during use. During the training process, the palm constantly opens and closes - this is the execution technique. As a result, the part becomes wet and it is important that the coating absorbs moisture. There are three options:

  • Plastic. The most inconvenient. You can correct their shortcomings by purchasing a special glove.
  • Cork. Absorbs sweat, but wears out quickly.
  • Rubber. They do not slip, absorb water, are easy to clean, and durable.


This is a device that fixes a person's hand in in the right position. It should be made of dense fabric and should not rub or squeeze your fingers. It is rational to immediately purchase two pieces: for summer and for winter, one size larger - for a glove.

There are several types:

  • Base. Can be worn on any hand. Since the products are not adjusted, this creates inconvenience during use.
  • For right or left palm. More widespread than the previous version. Can be adjusted and provide good grip.
  • Professional. Produced together with expensive equipment.


The equipment should come with rubber or carbon spikes in order to improve the connection with asphalt or other hard surfaces. They also minimize noise and extend the life of walking sticks.

Why you can’t practice with skiing and trekking equipment

With specialized sticks for winter sports usually longer than their Norwegian Walking counterparts. This is due to the fact that when a person moves, he pushes them off the ground, rather than leaning on them. Height is calculated using different indices.

The second factor is the tips. Sharp options are suitable for snow cover, and rubber pads are needed for traction on hard ground.

Hiking products are very durable and are designed to carry the weight of a hiker and a backpack with things. They are made of metal, consist of two or three sections, and do not bend. The handle is wide, there are grooves for fingers and there is no lanyard.

Both types are not suitable, since the impact on the surface is not absorbed by the body, and all its force ultimately falls on the joints.

The choice of sneakers and other equipment is not so important. But for the cold season, try to find boots with textured soles - they will slip less. If you have flat feet, buy orthopedic shoes. The wardrobe needs to be multi-layered. It will keep you warm and you will be able to take something off if it gets hot.

For winter, choose a warm but light jacket. Such suits are produced by Stayer. All products are presented in the online store: they are very durable, so they will serve you long years. Unique bright design – distinguishing feature models "Stayer".

A few more rules for a successful purchase

Beginners don’t have to immediately purchase expensive products, but they also shouldn’t save too much. It is important to know that the effectiveness of training and the absence of health problems depend on the quality of equipment. We recommend:
  • Choose a reputable manufacturer. Durable products are created by Finnish and German brands.
  • You should not settle for too cheap, unknown brands.
  • Good plastic models have a carbon index of more than 20.
  • It is necessary to check the properties of walking sticks in the store, take them out of the packaging and inspect them.
  • It is more correct to give preference to equipment with a cork or rubber handle.
  • Do not buy a product with a warranty period of less than a year.

Now you know what Nordic walking poles should be and how to choose the right size for your height.

Don't forget to purchase equipment from Stayer so that your workouts bring you pleasure even in winter!

Let's talk about what to pay attention to if you are planning to choose Scandinavian poles for yourself.

Surely, while walking in the park, you often met people of different ages who walked like you, only in their hands they held poles that looked like ski poles. It is clear that they are not ski shoes, and people hold them in their hands for a reason - they play sports. If you like watching such “walkers” and you have decided that this sport is clearly for you, we will tell you what to look for when choosing equipment.

Nordic walking poles: types

There are two types of Nordic walking poles:

  • fixed length or monolithic;
  • sliding or telescopic.

However, even experienced athletes will not be able to clearly answer which type to give preference to, since both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Monolithic poles are characterized by the following:

  • they have a light weight;
  • there is no risk of injury;
  • will last as long as possible;
  • You can walk on sand, wet roads and even mud.

It doesn’t matter whether you are new to this sport or an experienced walker. The monolithic stick suits everyone. Beginners don’t have to worry about the structure accidentally folding and causing injury. And for those who have been doing this kind of walking for a long time, it is important to know that a monolithic pole gives a constant load during training. The most important thing is to choose a stick that suits your height. We will talk about how to do this correctly, but a little lower.

Telescopic poles fold easily. They have a built-in special anti-shock system - a shock-absorbing spring.

Sliding poles are selected according to for the following reasons:

  • length is easily adjustable;
  • they are easy to transport and take with you on any trip;
  • you can easily adjust the intensity of the load;
  • their cost is cheaper than monolithic ones.

Keep in mind that it is better not to use collapsible poles too often. If water, dirt or sand gets into the clamps several times, they can easily break. Also, the stick may begin to constantly make noise due to excessive vibration. Therefore, if you exercise daily, it is better not to buy such poles. They are more suitable for those who train infrequently or, say, go out of town on weekends to actively relax. In this case telescopic poles are ideal for transportation.

How to choose Scandinavian poles: basic criteria

When you have decided on the type of poles, you need to ensure that the remaining parameters suit you perfectly. It is important that the poles are not too high or too heavy, soft or uncomfortable. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following criteria.

There is no exact formula for calculating the optimal weight. This parameter is strictly individual. The main thing is that you should not feel heavy when holding the sticks in your hands. After all, if they are heavy, then the training will be unbearable and more harmful than useful.


Almost the entire workout depends on the length of the Nordic poles. Poles that are too long can give excessive load, while poles that are too short can, on the contrary, not give it at all. Fortunately, there is a calculation formula that will help you choose the optimal pole height. To do this, you need to multiply your own height by 0.68, and round the resulting result to an even number. Let's say your height is 167, multiply by 0.68 and get 113.6. This means you need a stick approximately 115 centimeters long.


Scandinavian poles must be elastic. This is very important, because hard poles vibrate, and this is harmful to the joints. In addition, you may simply fall while walking if your poles are not elastic. Make a few quick steps, touching the tip until it stops. If at the same time you did not feel any vibrations radiating into your hand, then you made the right choice.


  • Aluminum. Scandinavian sticks are rarely made from this material. And it’s better not to buy ones made from it, because aluminum does not cope well with vibrations. This is not so important and noticeable if you are exercising on snow, but if you are exercising on asphalt terrain, discomfort will arise.
  • Carbon. Poles made of this material are much stronger than aluminum ones. Plus, they will last you quite a long time, as they absorb vibrations well and weigh a little.
  • Fiberglass. Scandinavian poles made from this material transmit the least amount of vibration and are practically weightless in the hands. However, they are not very durable and often break.


  • Cork. This handle is considered one of the most comfortable. The material does not cause allergies.
  • Rubber. The material (a mixture of rubber and cork) provides a comfortable grip and fit, so your hand will not slip.
  • Plastic. The most uncomfortable handle. Plastic is not able to absorb sweat, so the hand constantly slips and the person experiences discomfort.


Many Scandinavian walking poles include lanyards. They can be in the form of half gloves or peculiar traps. They are needed to make it comfortable for you to hold the sticks in your hands. Plus, lanyards take stress off your wrists. But to do this, they must fit tightly around your hands and hold your wrist without squeezing them. It is best to choose removable lanyards. Then you can easily drink water or take off your jacket, for example, without removing your hands from the lanyards.

When choosing lanyards, it is also important to look at the circumference of your palm. They should be about half as large. If the girth is 20 cm, then the lanyard should be approximately 9-10 cm. Also look at the material and fabric from which it is made. It should not be too hard so as not to rub your hand.


You need to choose a tip based on where you plan to train. The hard metal tip is considered universal. With it you can train on any road.

Tungsten or carbide tips are suitable for training on loose soil, sandy or dirt roads. There are models of Scandinavian sticks with replaceable tips. Therefore, they can be purchased separately.

Rubber or carbon tips are suitable for walking on hard asphalt, concrete, tiles or cobblestone roads.

5 November in Zurich Council International Federation Ski Sports (FIS) has approved changes to the rules regarding the height of poles for classic skiing, which must now be no higher than 83% of the skier’s height.

As the website of the FLG KhMAO has already reported, changes to the rules were proposed on September 30 at the autumn meeting of the FIS committees. From the current 2016/17 season, in all competitions under the auspices of the FIS, the ski poles of a classic competitor must not be more than 83% of the skier's height (height is measured in ski boots). Read the FIS explanation of the new rules.

The FIS Council at its meeting approved these changes, which are now officially included in the rules of cross-country skiing competitions (International Competition Rules - ICR). And now at all competitions under the auspices of the FIS these rules must be respected. WITH full calendar competitions under the auspices of FIS in Russia in the 2016/17 season, you can familiarize yourself with.

In classical style competitions maximum length ski pole should not exceed 83% of the participant’s height. In freestyle competitions, the maximum length of a ski pole should not exceed 100% of the participant’s height. Height is measured with the participant wearing ski boots on a flat surface without headgear.

The length of a ski pole is measured from its lowest part (the tip of the foot) to highest point fastening the strap (lanyard).

All measurements should be rounded to the nearest centimeter as follows: less than 0.5 cm - round down to the nearest whole number; 0.5 cm or more – round up to the nearest whole number.

In all competitions, a replacement pole is only allowed if the pole is broken or damaged. In classic style racing, if both poles are replaced, they must also meet the conditions specified in rule paragraph 343.8.1 (i.e. they must also correspond to 83% of the skier's height).

Below is a table of pole length sizes for classic racing


The race jury decides when and where to organize the procedure (or procedures) for checking the length of ski poles.

Competition organizers are responsible for providing competitors with means to measure the length of their ski poles. A few weeks before the start of the ski competition, the competition jury should send the organizers a list necessary equipment for measuring the length of ski poles.

Not all athletes may be subject to inspection - control can be carried out in any order. But at the beginning of the season, most athletes should be tested.

Ski poles will not be marked.


Devices for measuring the length of ski poles must be available during official training. Athletes must be able to independently measure the length of their ski poles. Athletes must also have the opportunity to measure the length of their ski poles before the start of the race and after the finish. If necessary, several devices should be available to measure the length of ski poles.

In mass races (marathons), a device for measuring the length of ski poles must be available at the entrance to each starting box.

At mass starts where measuring pole lengths before the start of the race is not possible, it is necessary to plan to measure after the finish.


An athlete who starts with equipment that does not comply with the rules will not be allowed to start the race (ICR 351.2).

Athletes who use ski poles during a race that do not comply with ICR 343.8.1 will be subject to penalties.

Replacing a stick if it breaks

When replacing one stick, the length of the new stick does not matter. If both poles were replaced, then they must comply with ICR 343.8.1.

Roller ski competitions

Due to the fact that a roller skating athlete stands taller than a ski athlete, the maximum length of poles for roller ski racing with a classic stroke should not exceed 83% of the skier’s height + 5 cm (that is, the maximum length of poles is calculated using the formula “(h+5 cm)x0.83", where "h" is the height of the skier in centimeters.

Original document (on English language), which reflects changes in the rules, you can download

Many people have already heard this, and the question often arises: do you need some correct poles for Nordic walking - or will, for example, old ski poles be suitable? We'll tell you which Nordic walking poles to buy and how to choose them according to your height.

Although there are no common European standards yet, various associations and federations in Europe have defined the following requirements for Nordic walking poles:

  1. The poles should not be telescopic (folding).
  2. Poles should be made from glass and carbon fiber (minimum carbon index 30% to 50%, i.e. CL300 to CL500) and not aluminum.
  3. Handles should be made of plastic, cork or a rubber compound (best).
  4. A comfortable lanyard (fastening for fixing the hands) is required.
  5. Availability of good metal tips (spikes).
  6. The presence of tips (boots, shoes) for walking on asphalt or other hard surfaces where metal spikes slip.

Let us dwell on these requirements for Nordic walking poles in more detail.

Telescopic poles: what's wrong?

Why shouldn't Nordic walking poles be telescopic? Collapsible poles are not recommended as they may collapse unexpectedly during intense pressure and cause serious injury. They can only be used for occasional use, for example during holidays, where monolithic ones may be inconvenient (inconvenient to pack, transport and store).

In general, telescopic poles are cheaper than monolithic poles. Made from aluminum alloys. To “soften” the aluminum shaft, a special “Anti-shock” system is built into some models. IN in this case There is a spring inside that plays the role of a shock absorber and compensates for the shock load. Folding poles with composite carbon shafts are not cheap.

pros folding models are that they are easily adjusted to the height of any family member, can “grow” with the user and, moreover, when folded, they fit into a special case and are more convenient for travel.

Minuses: The latches can break when exposed to sand or water, freeze in winter or fold unexpectedly, and rattling and vibration may occur. Experienced instructors do not recommend them. Please note that among the sticks there are more high class no folding models.

Stick material: pros and cons

Fiberglass. Very light weight, effectively absorbs vibrations. Its strength is ensured by a mixture of glass and carbon fiber. Unfortunately, such material is very fragile and does not exclude breakage.

Carbon fiber (carbon). The addition of carbon fiber ensures the strength of the poles while maintaining the quality of fiberglass (shock absorption and light weight). The higher the carbon content, the stronger the sticks. The recommended percentage of carbon should be between 50% and 80%. For beginners, poles with an index of 20-30% are quite suitable. Moreover, it must be remembered that poles from different manufacturers with the same carbon index may differ from each other in elasticity.

Aluminum. Such poles do not absorb vibration well, which very quickly increases the risk of problems for the upper extremities, in particular, inflammation of the joint capsule of the elbow joint. In cross-country skiing, this problem does not exist as the snow absorbs vibrations.

Stick handles

Unlike ski or trekking poles (the latter intended for hikers or climbers), Nordic walking poles require constant gripping and releasing ("opening" and "closing" of the palms of the hands), which causes wet palms. Therefore, it is very important to choose handles that are not only comfortable, but also absorb moisture to avoid slipping.

There are three types of handles:

Plastic. They do not absorb sweat, making them slippery and uncomfortable to use. This disadvantage can be compensated by using a lanyard, which absorbs moisture and provides a grip on the stick.

Cork. Good handles made of natural material, effectively absorb sweat. However, prolonged use in wet conditions may cause the cork to peel off.

Rubber. A mixture of rubber and cork. Excellent handles, absorb sweat, non-slip and very durable. Usually found on professional sticks.

In mid-price models, the handles are either rubberized or made of a material that imitates natural cork. The difference is not fundamental. The main thing is that the handle is thin, fits in the hand, does not slip and does not rub the palm.

What is a lanyard and why do Nordic walking poles need it?

To ensure that the stick returns to your palm after you release it, there is a special fixation system called a lanyard. It is a fingerless glove that allows the hand to fit snugly around the handle of the stick.

Different manufacturers have their own designs. There are 3 types of lanyards:

Base. It does not have a “left” or “right” designation and can be worn on any hand. The fact that the lanyard is not adjusted to a specific hand interferes with the precise movement of the stick. There may be some discomfort when returning to the palm. Fortunately, these are rare now.

Lanyards for right and left hands. Most widely used. They are marked “left” and “right”, provide perfect grip on the poles and increase the precision of movements. Sometimes they are adjustable in length, which allows you to additionally use gloves if necessary.

Lanyard for professionals. It's more modern look, is produced by most manufacturers and is used on professional poles. The professional lanyard is fabric. It is located between large and index fingers. This fabric allows you to absorb sweat. Adjustable for convenience.

A good lanyard comes in sizes S to L and has a quick release system (QLS). At the same time, without taking off your gloves, you can disconnect the poles in a second, answer a phone call, take a good photo, etc.

To select the correct lanyard, measure the circumference of your palm as shown in the picture. If the circumference is from 12 to 20 cm, then choose a lanyard size 5-8, and from 20-30 cm - size 9-12.

Tips for sticks

At the end Scandinavian stick There is a tip (claw, spike) made of durable tungsten carbide. It can be safely stuck into soil, soil and sand, it will not slip or get stuck. In addition, the kit may include special removable metal tips of various configurations for different surfaces. Moreover, you must keep in mind that on more expensive models the tips can be changed, but on cheaper ones - not always.

To walk on asphalt, wear special rubber tips (boots). They should be included with the poles. Plastic tips are much worse.

Metal tips (spikes). This part takes on the main load. Therefore, tips for sticks must be very strong, preferably made of tungsten carbide. In addition, the poles should come with replaceable tips.

Tips for asphalt and other hard surfaces. Nordic walking poles have a carbide tip and a rubber “shoe” for walking on asphalt. There are carbide different types, some resemble a “claw”, while others are made in the form of a pike.

Recently in European countries New tips made from the following materials have appeared.

Carbon. Made from a mixture of rubber and carbon, which together improve grip and make the pole's impact on the ground quieter. They have deep grooves that, in addition to being comfortable when driving on hard surfaces, provide good traction on grass, sand or soft ground, that is, they are a kind of “all-terrain vehicle”. They are 3-4 times more durable than regular ones.

Tips made of Kevlar (para-aramid fiber). The design is similar to carbon fiber. Their body is made of Kevlar, and the pad is made of a rubber-carbon mixture. The result is a softer platform that improves contact with the ground and makes them even quieter in operation. Improved durability.

Nordic walking poles by height: table

The calculation formula is quite simple: you need to multiply your height by a certain coefficient. Its value varies depending on your health status and the goals you want to achieve.

For light walking - coefficient 0.66. Suitable for people with a slow walking pace or people who are recovering from an illness or injury. For example, height 171 cm x 0.66 = 112.86 cm. You can use poles 110 cm long.

For healthy people - the coefficient is 0.68. This coefficient is suitable for more trained people, lovers of moderate walking, who want to socialize friendly company. For example, height 171 cm x 0.68 = 116.28 cm. You can use poles 115 cm long.

For training with increased load - coefficient 0.70. Increased load is required for athletes and fast walkers who want to maintain physical fitness on high level. For example, height 171 cm x 0.70 = 119.7 cm. You can use poles 120 cm long.

By the way, the poles you choose will be about 25-30 cm shorter than the length of the ski pole that is suitable for you.

When choosing poles, you should also take into account that elongated models enhance physical activity on top part your body and reduce the load on your leg muscles. The use of shortened ones has the opposite effect.

Man's height Stick length
136 - 141 cm 90 cm
142 - 150 cm 95 cm
151 - 158 cm 100 cm
159 – 165 cm 105 cm
166 - 173 cm 110 cm
174 - 181 cm 115 cm
182 - 188 cm 120 cm
189 - 196 cm 125 cm
197 - 203 cm 130 cm
204 - 210 cm 135 cm

Since everyone’s body structure is individual, the calculated size may differ slightly from your physiological length. Therefore, the selected length should be checked again “in operation”. To do this, take a stick in your hand and place its tip on the toe of your foot. In this case, the elbow of the hand holding the stick should bend at a right angle.

And one moment. The length of the stick and its weight directly determine the width of your step, the intensity and length of the path that can be covered during exercise. Estimate the weight, compare it with the weight of other poles in the sports store. The smaller it is, the easier the classes will be.

What not to do when buying poles

  1. Rely on the integrity and professionalism of sales consultants. Unfortunately, there are cases when, instead of Nordic walking poles, ignorant beginners are sold poles for alpine skiing or trekking (for tourism and mountaineering).
  2. Buy packaged poles in stores where you are not allowed to open the packaging and inspect the purchase.
  3. Buy poles with plastic handles. Plastic handles do not absorb sweat and quickly become slippery.
  4. Don't buy poles that vibrate too much - they're also usually heavy and clumsy. Be sure to check the shaft for vibration.
  5. Do not purchase poles that have a warranty of less than one year.

Gennady Kibardin

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Comment on the article "How to choose Nordic walking poles"


When I see these grannies dragging sticks behind them, I want to kill the one who “attracted” them to this walk

really very good view sports, even for young people who have injuries, like me. I haven’t been able to run for many years, and I basically hate sports :)
and with Nordic walking - if done correctly - a huge number of muscles work; both chest and arms, including the area of ​​the shoulder blades, right up to the spine. Well, legs, pelvis, of course. and walking itself is non-traumatic, like running, for example

In my opinion, pensioners in Russia with these sticks look exactly like a cow with a saddle...
Our pensioners have health problems not because they don’t walk enough ((
They don’t have cars, they just walk and walk around Pyaterochka and Dixie...
This needs to be done by young people who sit for 12 hours at ####, either in the office or in the car...

See other discussions: How to choose Nordic walking poles. Telescopic poles: what's wrong? What is a lanyard and why do Nordic walking poles need it? To do this, take the pole in your hand and place its tip on the toe of your...


It’s good to roll a round aspen (namely aspen) stick with your feet. It helped my mom.

Wiring! Elena Torshina, the famous blogger whose Facebook you copied, does not have a husband, dear editors. You would steal the accounts of less popular personalities online.

Nordic walking in the Eastern Administrative District is free. The necessary sports equipment is also provided free of charge. Nordic walking in Moscow parks. Free classes. Everyone has seen people with Nordic walking poles.

    To choose the right classic skis and poles for them, you must rely on your height.

    To do this, you must add from 10 to 20 cm to your height. For example, my height is 170 cm, which means I choose skis somewhere around 190-195 cm. As for ski poles, here you need to do the opposite, choose 15-195 cm. 20 cm less than height. With my height, I need poles of about 150 cm.

    We chose skis for our daughter, came to the store and the consultant suggested that the skis should be the height of a child, plus 10-20 cm, but the poles should be approximately armpit height, with arms outstretched, fingers should hold the pole in a grip.

    The selection of skis and ski poles depends on your skiing style. To skate, you need to place your skis next to you in front of you, their length should be 15 cm above your height, and the ski poles should be 15-20 cm below your height. For classic skiing, add 25-30 cm to your height, the height of the poles should be 15-20 cm below your height. For walking, the length of the skis should not exceed more than 15-25 cm above your height. When choosing equipment, pay attention to its weight and rigidity - it should be rigid and light.

  • Skis and poles.

    Skis and poles are available for classic and skating.

    for classic running, the length of the skis should be 10-25 centimeters greater than a person’s height, and the length of the poles, on the contrary, should be 20-30 centimeters below a person’s height

    for horse racing, the length of skis and poles should practically coincide with the person’s height.

  • There is an easy way to choose the length of your skis. You need to take your skis and place them vertically next to you. And raise your hand yourself. Comfortable skis should be the length from the floor to the base of the fingers. And ski poles should be from floor to shoulder length. But this, so to speak, is advice for amateurs. And for professionals, there are tables of ski and pole lengths depending on height and type of skiing.

    When I was at school, they picked out our poles and skis this way. The poles were selected in such a way that they reached the armpits (no more, no less), and the length of the skis should be such that if you put them vertically in front of you, their height should be equal to the height of your outstretched arm. Everything is simple.

    To choose skis and poles according to height, you must first decide what kind of skis? You need. As a rule, skis are bought for skiing. Walking skis you need to buy a length 15-25 cm longer than your height. But you still need to take weight into account. How fuller man, the longer the skis he needs so as not to fall into the snow.

    Skating skis should be shorter - only 10-15 cm longer than body. But poles for skating, on the contrary, should be 10 centimeters longer than the classic ones.

    Classic ski poles should be 25-30 cm below your height.

    The skis should be higher than the person, but at the same time he should be able to easily reach with his fingertips the top of the ski standing vertically next to him, like this:

    As for the poles, they should reach the armpits and even be a little higher.

    At the same time, there are some differences between classic and skate skis, the difference is clearly visible in the following table:

    Skate skis are more flexible and resilient, allowing you to gain greater speed. Classic equipment is softer, the dimensions are larger.

    There are also skis with and without notches. I would recommend buying skis without notches, they glide better. Although if you just want to walk, buy ones with notches, they slow down the move.

    And yes, do not forget to lubricate your skis with special ointment.

    If we mean the selection of skis for classic running, then they are selected according to the person’s height along the outstretched hand, and ski poles are selected according to the person’s shoulder. If the height is 155 cm, the poles should be 130 cm and the skis 170 cm, for skating the skis and poles should be 10-15 cm higher, that is, poles 140 cm, skis 185 cm.

    A skiing They select according to a person’s weight and height and it depends on who came to buy skis - a beginner or a professional person.

    The width of the ski should be 1/2 the size of the shoe, the length of the ski should be 1.5 times the height of the person, ski poles should be selected based on 2 pieces and their length should be equal to the width of the arms spread to the sides of the person picking up the poles.
