How many children do Kostomarov and Domnina have? Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov: “If there had been no love, nothing would have happened

— In the show “Romeo and Juliet” you don’t have the most romantic roles - Tybalt and Plague...

Roman: But they are so bright! Oksana created a stunning image - everyone who saw the performance noted it. Beautiful, sexy, stylish - in a word, Plague! (Laughs.)

Oksana: Honestly, when we started rehearsing, I had absolutely no idea how to play her?! Ilya Averbukh(the show's director) came up with the dramaturgy of the role: The Plague appears where conflicts, strife, and wars arise.

R.: In one of the scenes, the Plague on the chandelier rises to the ceiling and hovers above everyone, as if evil rock. Very impressive!

— Your costumes are amazing! Oksana is just Maleficent!

O.: (Laughs.) By the way, it seems! Although at first I doubted both the crown and long skirt will I ride?!

— And Roman, I heard, had to learn to fence especially for the show...

R.: I’ll say right away that swords, sabers and other musketeer matters are not my thing. Give me pistols and automatic weapons (laughs). But if it’s necessary for a performance, there’s nowhere to retreat. Physically it is very difficult - after the first training, my back simply fell off! But you still had to remember the sequence of combinations - who attacks, who defends.

A: And you can get injured!

R.: Yes, swords break, tips fly off. Every time I think, just not in the eye! Of course, we get into each other’s hands, sometimes to the point of blood. At first we got it, but now it’s okay, we’ve worked our butts off.

A: We performed in Sochi for three months - we have already performed 59 performances!

R.: Like all ice performances by Ilya Averbukh, “Romeo and Juliet” is loved by the audience. Oksana and I are happy to participate in it. Ilya assembled an excellent champion team: Maxim Marinin and Romeo and Juliet, Alexey Yagudin - Mercuzzio, Alexey Tikhonov - Padre Lorenzo.

— Has your daughter Nastya seen the performance?

R: Of course! She watches all our shows. She just doesn’t like it when Romeo kills dad (smiles).

— You tour a lot. What's included in your champion rider?

A: We don’t have a champion rider, and we don’t require a leather sofa and cognac in our room (laughs).

R.: For the last three years we have been touring mainly in Sochi. Of course, all conditions have been created there. We came with children, grandmother and nanny. If we needed an additional number, we paid for it ourselves, we can afford it.

— Do you miss amateur sports?

R.: I admit, at first my heart skipped a beat. How can it be that they will award medals without me! (Laughs.) Now I’ve calmed down. Everything has its time.

— After the departure of your couples (R. Kostomarov - T. Navka and O. Domnina - M. Shabalin), there was a decline in ice dancing. Maybe I should have stuck around after all?

R.: We did our job to the maximum. But we didn’t want to cover up the hole in the team. Sport is a cruel thing. Today you Olympic champion, and six months later no one remembers about you. We are lucky that we still have the opportunity to go on the ice. There is also enough adrenaline and communication with the public.

— Tatyana Navka told me that she keeps her “champion” Carmen costume. And you?

R.: Why! After the Olympics, I competed there for several more years.

A: We store both medals and costumes. This is our life.

— Do you follow the competitions?

R: Of course. We have our favorites. Fantastic Canadian ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. Of our couples, we are rooting for Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov. Magnificent Evgenia Medvedeva, and all the girls on the team skate at the highest level.

— Do people recognize you on the street?

R.: Sometimes they find out, come up for an autograph, and ask to take a photo. We don't refuse. But the most important thing is that, after watching enough ice shows, parents began to buy skates for their children and enroll them in sports sections.

— Are you already thinking about the time when you will stop performing on the show?

A. No, we live for today.

R.: We can always make a living by coaching - if not in Russia, then abroad. But I want this moment not to come for as long as possible (smiles).

— Your colleague Alexey Tikhonov recently starred in the TV series “Boomerang” in a dramatic role. Roman also has experience working in cinema. No desire to seriously pursue a film career?

R.: My film experience is nonsense. Everything is more or less famous people they try themselves in cinema, but this does not make them actors. This is a profession that needs to be learned, and there are very few truly talented actors. You turn on the TV and think: who are all these people?

A: Alexey likes to play in the theater and act in films. By the way, in our performance this acting experience came in handy for him - he not only dances, but also reads poetry superbly.

— After leaving big-time sports, how do you keep fit?

R.: For me, sport is like a drug. Fatigue after training and muscle pain are a pleasure. A few hours in the gym - and no depression. I alternate classes: boxing, tennis, rocking, cardio training.

O.: Unlike Roman, I don’t like the gym (laughs). I like it better when I’m so busy that I don’t have time to eat: dropping off the children, cooking, cleaning. When Ilyusha was born, we hired a nanny, but before that we managed on our own. Once a week a woman comes and helps with cleaning. But the rest of the house is mine.

-You are so slim! Is it all diets, proper nutrition?

— I don’t follow any diets and proper nutrition I’m not crazy: I love sweets and flour. But, as Romina’s mother says: you can’t crush a gene with your finger. Everyone in my family on my father’s side is thin.

— Do you live in Moscow or outside the city?

A: We are 100% city dwellers. Two days outside the city - and Roman is already howling like a wolf (laughs). We love the center of Moscow, comfort, civilization. And spend two hours every day on the road to kindergarten- This is madness.

— You lived and worked in America for quite a long time. Have you thought about returning?

A: As long as there is work in Russia, we will not leave here. Here is our home, family, spectators.

— A few years ago you got married. Has this somehow changed your attitude towards each other?

A: This is a very important step for us. We got married in Moscow, with Father Nikolai, who once married Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov.

R.: Katya told us about this priest. What you feel during a wedding cannot be described in words, it must remain inside.

- It seems to me that you are completely different in character.

A: Roman is expressive, impulsive - in a word, an extrovert. I'm calmer.

- You both come from simple families, right?

O.: That's right. As a child, I lived in the same room with my parents, Roman also grew up in a communal apartment. We didn't even have a TV. Some money appeared when we started earning money ourselves.

— Do you remember your first big purchase?

A: The car is a Honda Civic, which I bought in 2005.

— What kind of driver are you?

A: I go to Roman’s school, and he thinks that all the problems on the roads are because of women (laughs). He didn't want me to drive. Even when I got my license, he drove with me and controlled me (laughs).

— There is a five-year difference between your children.

A: This is a great difference! Nastya was very happy about the appearance of her brother. I think we were even more worried than she was. Especially Roman. When Ilya was born, he surrounded Nastya with such care and love! Concentrated completely on her.

- So you can leave the children with Roman with peace of mind?

R.: Better not (laughs). It is difficult for a man to cope with two children.

-Are you a strict dad?

— I try to be like that (smiles). Children must obey their parents.

O.: But in general you are a kind dad.

R.: I don’t like it when I have to repeat the same thing ten times. Sometimes I can raise my voice.

— How do the children get along with each other?

A: So far they are doing great. Ilya is now at an age when he constantly runs after Nastya, inviting her to play. She’s a great guy, she’s happy to communicate with him, and she’s not mischievous.

— Nastya doesn’t go to school yet?

“Considering that today children in first grade should be able to both write and read, we decided to keep her at home for another year.” She goes to preparatory group, and in the summer a wonderful teacher taught her.

—Have you already chosen a school?

— I don’t know whether this is right or wrong, but we don’t bother about an elite or private school. You know what they say best school- close to home.

— Are you considering the option of studying abroad?

- Not yet. Indeed, in this case, one of us will have to move to be close to Nastya. And the family must stick together.

—Which of you is Nastya more like in character?

“She is hardworking, persistent, with a strong core. I think for both of us (laughs).

-What does she like to do?

— Nastya dances at Todes, plays tennis, and in the summer she became interested in gymnastics, but then the desire disappeared. Apparently, she pulled a muscle a couple of times, but she doesn’t want to endure the pain (smiles). She is calm about figure skating. Only recently have I more or less learned to skate. Once he told me: “I want to be a figure skater.” I ask her: “Do you want to get up at six in the morning to train?” - “No” (laughs).

— Does Nastya understand that her parents are famous people?

“We are an ordinary family, and we try to instill this in our children.” Nastya goes to kindergarten as usual. I think if she started imagining, they would have told me. Her friends must have seen us on TV. One girl once asked me: “Are you a figure skater?” That's all the fame (laughs).

— What do you consider the main achievement in life?

R: Of course, children. This is the greatest happiness! There was sport in my life, there were victories. Today there is an ice show and work. Is love. I am grateful to fate that Oksana and I are together. It’s a sin for me to complain about anything.

A: Roman and I have achieved a lot, so I ask God for only one thing - that serious tests passed our family by.

Video with Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov:

Roman Kostomarov is a Russian figure skater known to many sports fans. He repeatedly became the winner of Russian, European, world, and also Olympic Games 2006.

Roman was born on February 8, 1977 in Moscow. The boy grew up in an ordinary family: his mother worked as a cook, and his father worked as an electrician. When Roman was nine years old, his parents asked him if he wanted to play any sports.

He really liked artistic gymnastics back then and often watched gymnastics competitions on TV. But at the age of 9 it is very late to start playing this sport, so he was not accepted.

He also wanted to go sailing, but for some reason they didn’t want to take him there either. One of my mother’s friends worked at the AZLK stadium, and the boy was brought there to practice figure skating.

He really didn’t like this sport, he considered it some kind of girly, so he often lied to his acquaintances that he was involved in hockey.

Creative "ice" rise

When he learned to skate, he began performing at the Theater on Ice. The guys had a friendly team with whom they went on tour with New Year's matinees. After two years of such performances, coach Lidia Karavaeva noticed him.

At that time, she was looking for a partner for her daughter Katya, so she took Roman to the sport. They skated together with Katya for ten years and achieved considerable success: in 1996 they won the World Junior Championships.

Although it cannot be said that everything was so rosy. There was a period of getting used to partners, several times Roman wanted to give up the sport altogether, at the age of 15 he staged a real rebellion and began to skip training, citing illness. But his mother found out and sternly returned him to the ice.

At this time I took a closer look at Roman famous trainer Natalya Linichuk. She invited the young man to become a couple with Tatyana Navka and move to America. It was difficult to decide to take such a step, but Roman did it anyway.

After a year of skating with Navka, Linichuk decided that Anna Semenovich would be the best partner for Roman and ordered Roman to notify Navka about this as his own decision. The young man found himself in difficulty, but completed the assignment.

After riding with Anya, he realized that emotions always take over in a girl, and the technical side fades into the background. A year later, he realized that as partners they were not suitable for each other and would not achieve great success.

Roman decided to return to Tatiana. By this time she had given birth to a daughter. After thinking for three days, Tatyana agreed. The couple left Linichuk and began training with Alexander Zhulin, Tatyana’s husband.

At first it was not easy, but over time success began to appear and soon the couple began to win one championship after another. And in 2006, the couple won gold at the Olympic Games.

It must be said that Roman did not have a very sweet time overseas. For a long time he lived on $150 a month and had to live on hamburgers. There was no own corner either.

For some time he lived with Zhulin and Navka, then with agent Plushenko, then with a friend of the figure skater Oksana Baiul. And only after winning the World Championship was he able to afford to rent an apartment.

Now Roman actively participates in various ice shows on television. But he understands that he still won’t be able to skate for a long time and plans to realize himself either in coaching or as an ice show director.

He also gained some experience in filming and played several roles. But he believes that everyone should do what they are good at.

Family life of Roman Kostomarov

Now Roman is married for the second time. His first love was figure skater Yulia Lautova. They met during training in Moscow. Julia is 4 years younger than Roman.

The young people had strong feelings. They continued to communicate even when Roman flew to America, and tried to see each other whenever possible. In 2004 they got married. But within the first year the marriage began to crumble.

Roman devoted a lot of time to training and little to his wife. And she wanted to have fun. Scandals at home after nerves during training were the last straw. Both decided that it was better to get a divorce.

At this time, Roman had already begun to show interest in another colleague on the ice, Oksana Domnina. They understood each other well and soon began to meet, and then live civil marriage.

And at the beginning of 2011, their daughter Nastya was born. At some point, a rift arose in the couple due to the fact that Roman did not seek to stamp his passport, and Oksana was offended by this.

They even separated for a short time, but quickly got back together and were legally married.

Read about the creative flight of other skaters and their personal lives outside the skating rink

It's the same as in native home not to return. This time Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov came here with their whole family - with their 6-year-old daughter Nastya and son Ilya, who is about to turn one and a half years old.

“We quarreled at home, made up at the performance”

Oksana, last year you came to Sochi straight from maternity leave. Then Ilya was only 4 months old. Do you regret that you were able to spend so little time only in the role of a mother?

I was the one who stayed too long (laughs). Despite the fact that all these months I was completely immersed in children, I was drawn to the ice. Performances, spectators - ask any artist, he will confirm: it’s like a drug (smiles). And everything worked out so well that Ilya Averbukh began the summer tour season of “Carmen” in Sochi, where I had my own role, and I returned to the ice with pleasure.

- You quickly got into shape...

I gained a little during pregnancy - I was worried that I wasn’t 8 (smiles). This is the minimum during pregnancy. But she didn’t starve herself, she limited herself only to flour and sweets. Therefore, after giving birth, the weight immediately went away. There were only a couple of unnecessary kilograms left that I had been fighting with for six months.

The Moscow premiere of the ice performance "Romeo and Juliet" is scheduled for autumn

- They say that Ilya Averbukh is very strict with his artists. Does this apply to extra centimeters at the waist?

Oksana. Our team consists of figure skaters, no one brings themselves to this point. And Ilya is unlikely to notice if someone gains a kilogram or two. We don’t have a rule about getting on the scale before every performance and getting reprimanded for taking an extra hundred grams.

Roman. Averbukh's severity lies elsewhere. He demands that at performances sports
the shifts were given their all. Of course, every person sometimes gets tired, or when the audience reacts in a different way. So, you have to abstract yourself from all this and just do your job. No, not just, but brilliantly.

- You have a lot of family duets in your team. Do personal relationships affect your work?

Roman. Certainly! We quarreled at home, but made up at the performance (smiles).

Oksana. We generally cannot be offended at each other for a long time. Five minutes is enough for one of us to understand: “Somehow I lost my temper!” And he goes to make peace.

"Children change lives for the better"

- You got married when Nastya was 3 years old. How much did the stamp in your passport affect your relationship?

Oksana. In a global sense, it seems like nothing. We have a full-fledged family, we live in peace, harmony and kindness.

Novel. The wedding was a formality, something attached to a more serious decision - to get married.

- And how did you come to him?

Roman. It’s just that one day we promised each other that we would try to always be together. Therefore, for us, the wedding was not just a beautiful and memorable ceremony, but something special. If you have decided to take this step, it means that you have weighed and assessed everything correctly and know what you want. This means that you are ready to pacify your ego and make concessions to each other. Being together requires patience (smiles).

Oksana. You also need to be able to hear each other, respect and love - this is the basis strong family.

- You are two stars, two artists. How are the roles distributed in your family?

Oksana. The husband, of course, is the head of the family.

Roman. But this does not mean that only I provide the rear, and Oksana only takes care of the house and children. We do not have a clear distribution of responsibilities. Just a minute - she will make delicious cheesecakes. No, let's go to a restaurant.

Oksana. Roman is a good cook himself. He will fry a chicken or cut a salad - all with soul.

Novel. Or sausage with ketchup - also very tasty (laughs).

- Wait, I thought athletes had a completely different diet and a strict diet!

Novel. Well, I’m not picky about food (laughs). Besides, to stay in shape, it doesn’t matter what you eat. The main thing is how much.

Oksana. By the way, before the birth of children, we ate mostly outside the home.

Novel. Children change their usual way of life a lot. But definitely in better side.

“If you have decided to take this step, it means you have weighed everything correctly”

“Mom wanted a better fate for me”

This year Oksana and Roman will celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary

Nastya is almost seven. Do you remember yourself at this age? How did your parents raise you and which of those methods do you now apply to your children?

Roman. It's hard for me to compare. Nastya is still a girl. And in our family there were two guys, with a small age difference. We fought constantly, shared something. If it weren’t for my mother’s tough upbringing... She always asked very strictly for grades at school. Then, in order to become one of the people, you had to study well. And my mother wanted a better fate for me. So that not an electrician, like dad, but an astronaut or a pilot, a diplomat, at worst (smiles). In a word, I had what I needed, the carrot and the stick!

Oksana. Here I am - severity and love. This is exactly how I try to raise my children now. Of course, sometimes I want to hug you directly, but I control myself. An excess of parental love does not give children anything good: they will simply sit on their necks and dangle their legs.

Novel. A child is not a cat or a dog. This is a man. The task of a parent is to guide and explain what life is. And if you hold a child in your arms and stroke his head throughout his entire life, sooner or later he will still run away from your clutches, but he will never learn to live on his own.

- Are you preparing Nastya for a sports career?

Novel. Of course, we want her life to be connected with sports. And we will do our best. Especially when it’s time to fall in love for the first time and you want to give up everything.

- Are you going to drive away the suitors?

Roman. We'll just be there for her to make her right choice.

And Romana Kostomarova became a pleasant surprise for everyone. The skaters got married after seven years of civil marriage and Oksana went into the arms of another. Everyone was eager to know the details of how the celebration went, despite the fact that the ceremony took place back in April. And then pictures from the wedding appeared on the Internet. Judging by them, the holiday took place in a very close circle.

On April 25 at 11 am we gathered at the Tagansky registry office,” the photographer told the StarHit portal Yuri Vasilevsky. - There were the parents of the young people, their 3-year-old daughter Nastya and friends, including Ilya Averbukh and Marat Basharov. After firing firecrackers at the newlyweds, the guests got into a rented Chrysler, the newlyweds into Roman's Nissan Skyline.

Solemn moment. Photo

I was immediately warned that there was very little time left: we quickly went around the sights, took photos, and went to the restaurant,” Yuri shared.

That's how it all happened. The happy newlyweds managed to get everywhere. But the main thing is that Oksana and Roman simply glowed with happiness. And this makes me very happy! For long years Happy family life, Oksana and Roman!

Walk along Red Square. Photo: Yuri Vasilevsky (

Parents are crying. Photo: Yuri Vasilevsky (

Sincere congratulations to friends. Photo: Yuri Vasilevsky (

Little Nastya is happy. Photo: Yuri Vasilevsky (

Now peace reigns in the family of actors Nonna Grishaeva and Alexander Nesterov. A year ago, everyone thought that the couple had broken up and would never reunite.

In March 2015, a piquant video featuring Grishaeva, filmed in Sochi, appeared on the Internet. Nonna came there on tour with the play “Warsaw Melody”. In the evening after the performance, the paparazzi filmed a passionate kiss between Grishaeva and her stage partner, 42-year-old Dmitry Isaev. So Nonna’s infidelity became known throughout the country.

The reaction of her husband, 31-year-old Alexander Nesterov, to what happened is unknown: neither during the scandal nor after the wife did they give a single comment on this topic. Nesterov skillfully avoided questions from journalists, claiming that he and Nonna were doing well and there was no talk of divorce.

After some time, the couple began to go out again and looked happy.

Now Nonna and Alexander seem to be experiencing their second Honeymoon– they travel a lot (they go skiing in the mountains with their children, explore Mexico) and appear everywhere only together.

Sergei Zhigunov and Vera Novikova

Sergei Zhigunov married actress Vera Novikova in 1984. Since then, the couple lived in perfect harmony and gave birth to two children - Masha and Yulia. And in 2007, Sergei met Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. I met the actress on the set of the series “My wonderful nanny", which he himself produced.

The romance between the actors broke out quickly and unexpectedly for everyone. Sergei divorced his wife Vera and was already planning a wedding with Nastya. Even with his own children, according to close friends of the Zhigunovs, the actor began to spend less time, paying all his attention to the Zavorotnyuk children.

We watched the romance between producer Shatalin and nanny Vika for two years. The couple did not particularly hide their relationship. Zhigunov and Zavorotnyuk posed for photographers together at social events and gave interviews.

Sergei’s ex-wife Vera, meanwhile, sought help from psychologists. And, according to rumors, she was even thinking about starting new life In Bulgaria. But…

In 2009, during preparation for the show " glacial period“Sergei caught his skate on the ice and injured his leg. An X-ray showed that the actor had a closed fracture.

By that time, it was already rumored that Zavorotnyuk had become interested in a new man: on the set of the television project “Dancing on Ice,” she met 37-year-old figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. These rumors became stronger when it became known: instead of Zavorotnyuk, the injured midshipman was being cared for by... his wife Vera. It was she who helped him get through a difficult period. It turned out that the wife still loves her husband and is ready to support him in any situation. Sergei appreciated the devotion, and as a result, in October 2009, Zhigunov and Novikova re-registered their marriage.

As for Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, she married Chernyshov and still lives happily with him.

Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina

Fans figure skating They remember very well the trials Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov went through.

The couple lived in a civil marriage for five years, raising their daughter Nastya. Journalists and colleagues tormented them with the question of when the wedding was. The athletes fought back, saying that registering a relationship is a secondary matter, the main thing is that we love each other and always want to be together.

And in December 2013, Oksana suddenly began appearing at events with her partner in the Ice Age project, actor Vladimir Yaglych.

Of course, this was discussed in the context of “Domnina was tired of waiting for a marriage proposal, so she left.” In general, it doesn’t matter why there was discord in the family. The main thing is that they were able to rise above the situation and bring the relationship to new level. Six months after the quarrel, Kostomarov and Domnina signed and then got married.

“Life together is built on many little things. Everyone chooses their own way out difficult situations. But I would not advise anyone and would not wish for such a separation as happened in our case,” Roman said in an interview with Antenna magazine.

And in January 2016, their son was born.

Tatiana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov

Several years ago, reports appeared in the media that 44-year-old singer Tatyana Bulanova and 36-year-old football player Vladislav Radimov were on the verge of divorce. All because of the athlete's betrayal.

A close friend of the singer gave an interview where she said that divorce in the family is inevitable, and also confirmed that Radimov really has another woman.

Photo: Maxim Dynnikov/Antennas – Telesem archive

Bulanova refused to comment on rumors of divorce and infidelity, saying that she did not intend to share the details of her personal life.

But this couple also experienced a relationship crisis: after a couple of months, the couple were spotted in one of the St. Petersburg restaurants. Bulanova celebrated her 44th birthday in the company of her husband. Later, Tatyana nevertheless told reporters that she and Vladislav decided to save the family, and the day on which this decision was made is now celebrated every year as the second birth of their family.

Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum

The romance between Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum began during a tour in 1997. The relationship was officially registered when their daughter Elizabeth turned two years old.

Agutin and Varum always treated each other so kindly that it seemed like they really were two halves. But probably even ideal relationship must pass tests.

A few years ago, a video appeared online showing Agutin hugging and kissing an unknown brunette at a party at the New Wave festival in Jurmala. Then all the media wrote about it.

Varum packed her things.

But Agutin and Varum are a brand. Work is work. And the artists did not cancel their pre-planned tour. Away from home and gossip, the couple managed to figure everything out. As the singer said in an interview, after one of the concerts Varum came into his dressing room, they “sat on the sofa, cried and felt... happy.”

Now it seems that their relationship has become even stronger. The couple is so tender with each other that it seems that there was no dark streak in their relationship.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

In August 2015, it became known that Ben Affleck had an affair with his nanny, 28-year-old Christine Ouzounian. Jennifer Garner could not come to terms with this and began divorce proceedings. We don’t even know whether it’s worth mentioning that this couple was considered one of the strongest in Hollywood...

The situation was greatly complicated by Christine. It wasn’t enough for the girl that she destroyed her family. Feeling interest from journalists, the nanny wanted fame. Determined to “strike while the iron is hot,” she set her sights on appearing on a television show. At the same time, he filed a lawsuit against Jennifer for dismissal “in violation of the employment contract.”

A common enemy, as we know, unites. Such impudence suddenly united the actors: by saving their reputation, they saved their marriage.

“Ben realized the pain he caused his family,” close friends of the couple told Western publications. - He also realized that Jennifer had always been his strong support and remains so now. She's one of the few people who doesn't love him because of his money or his fame."

Although the actor has not yet managed to finally make amends, he is trying in every possible way to regain his wife’s favor. And, it seems, he succeeds: the couple spent the Christmas holidays together - supposedly solely because of the children (they have three of them), but, judging by the photo, the ice is melting. Jennifer looks calm and happy next to her husband, and has put off the divorce. It looks like the actress is ready to forgive Ben for his little affair and become Mrs. Affleck again.

Josh Dufmel and Fergie

The young people first met on the set of the Las Vegas show in 2004, in 2007 they bought a house, and in 2009 they got married.

And just a few months after the official ceremony, Fergie’s husband, actor Josh Duhamel, cheated on her with a stripper, which the explicit dancer hastened to tell the American tabloids.

After which several more “seduced” girls followed her example.

But Fergie is a wise woman. The singer did not file for divorce, but, to her surprise, immediately forgave her husband for her pranks. Moreover, according to the Black Eyed Peas vocalist, this situation further strengthened their family relationships.

“It was hard,” she admitted to Oprah Winfrey on her show. - But when a couple is worried hard times together, this makes their union stronger. And our relationship also became stronger after this whole story, and the love is definitely stronger.”

And indeed, since then not a single scandal has been heard in the star family, and in August 2013, 38-year-old Fergie gave birth to a son, in whom both spouses dote.

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Bill and Hillary Clinton married in 1975. It was thanks to the support of his wife that Clinton became president of the United States in 1993.

None of them could have imagined then that their family would be at the center of a scandal, because of which Bill would be removed from this position. In 1998, Clinton was accused of cheating on his wife for several years with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Subsequently, the president confessed to what he had done and apologized to his wife. But the most interesting thing in this story is the reaction of the first lady.

Many people will probably be surprised, but the first thing Hillary did was publicly support her husband. She said that this whole story is a conspiracy against the president. Hillary never condemned her husband, and there was no talk of divorce.
