A funny commotion. Funny commotion Ilchi Lak newspaper last issue September

In February 1917, a bourgeois-democratic revolution took place in Russia, leading to the overthrow of tsarism. As in the center of the country, the local bourgeoisie used the revolution to seize power. On March 9 (March 22), the Dagestan temporary regional executive committee was formed in Temir-Khan-Shura. The composition of the regional executive committee was diverse. It included both well-known representatives of the bourgeoisie N. Gotsinsky and N. Tarkovsky, as well as democratically minded representatives of the local intelligentsia. From the Kazikumukh district, B. Saidov, A. Kayaev, S. Bashlarov and D. Butaev were included in the executive committee.
The regional executive committee tried to preserve the old orders and forms of government in Dagestan, in particular in Lakia. However, the Laks actively began to advocate for the abolition of the district as a symbol of the tsarist administration. The temporary regional executive committee is forced to issue an order to abolish the post of district chief and replace him with a commissioner. Said Gabiev was elected the first commissioner of the Kazikumukh district.
In the spring of 1917, the Dagestan Educational and Propaganda Bureau was created, which included many progressive-minded Laks - G. Saidov, G. Gadzhiev, K. Zakuev, I. Kurbanov, A. Rashkuev and D. Ibragimov.
The Educational Bureau set itself the task of publishing periodicals in the languages ​​of Dagestan. It was possible to organize the work of the newspaper “Ilchi” in the Lak language. On June 3, 1917, in Temir-Khan-Shura, Garun Saidov became the editor of “Ilchi”.
“Ilchi” had its reliable representatives in the Lak villages in the person of M. Charinov, G. Gadzhiev, I. Kurbanaliev and others, who not only actively spoke on its pages, but also distributed the newspaper among the Laks.
After November 30, 1917, a district military revolutionary committee was formed in the Kazikumukh district, headed by Gadzhi Tumalaev, which proclaimed the transfer of power into the hands of the people and the establishment of connections with Soviet Russia. A lot of work on the creation of organs new government in the Kazikumukh district was carried out by the secretary of this committee, G. A. Gadzhiev, who also took an active part in the fight against the local rich.
After a short break, when representatives of the bourgeoisie temporarily came to power, the Kazikumukh District Military Revolutionary Committee was again created in May 1918 in Kumukh.
G. Tumalaev was re-elected as its chairman, Magomed Kasaev as its deputy, and Gadis Gadzhiev as its secretary. The committee also included Abakar Gadzhiev, Magomed Daudov, Kurban Aliyev, Abdul-Mutalib Omarov, Abid Gazi-Gadzhiev, Mammya Abagaraev, Abdurakhman Inishansky and others.
On June 30, 1918, the Temir-Khan-Shurinsky Council of Deputies, after discussing the wishes of the workers of the Kazikumukh district and others, decided to prepare an appeal in all mountain languages ​​“On the transfer of all state and bek lands into the hands of the working people, and send it to all districts.”
"In July 1918 Turkish troops at the suggestion of the bourgeois mountain government, they occupied the Kazikumukh district and appointed their officers as rulers. The Kazikumukh district revolutionary committee was destroyed.
In the spring of 1919, Red partisan detachments were organized in the Kazikumukh district. The joint headquarters of these detachments included G. Saidov, M. Kasaev, Yu. Rashkuev, G. Gadzhiev, I. Amintaev, I. Kurbanaliev, M. Chankhiev, S. Gabiev. Departments were created at the army headquarters: financial, mobilization, supply, food. The headquarters turned into a leading and directing force in the struggle of the district population for Soviet power.
After a series of defeats in the military field, Soviet power in Dagestan and Lakia fell again. Harun Saidov was captured and handed over to Denikin. In August 1919, Denikin’s men, under the pretext of transferring him to Temir-Khan-Shurinsky prison, brutally shot G. Saidov on the road to Tsudahar.
Having captured Lakia, Denikin’s people plundered its population. So, they invested the village of Shovkra with in-kind contributions: 100 pairs of boots, 70 pounds of wheat, 5 horses with harness, 3 bulls, 50 loads of hay, 25 pieces of Asian cloth and 30 rifles.
In the winter of 1920, in connection with the victory of the uprising against Denikin’s followers, Korkmasov and Efendieva arrived in Kumukh to organize Soviet bodies. Under their leadership, a congress of representatives of the Kazikumukh district was convened in Kumukh, at which a district council of 21 people was elected, headed by the chairman, a member of the district committee, M. Kasaev.
In the spring of 1920, the authorized representative of the Dagrevkom, M. Ramazanov, described the situation in the Kazikumukh district as follows: “Having arrived in the Kazikumukh district on April 10 as an authorized representative, I found that the Councils, both rural and district, had been organized and functioning since February.”
On April 11, 1920, the Defense Council was abolished and the Dagestan Regional Revolutionary Committee was formed. He appointed Arabi Rashkuev and Muta Ramazanov as commissioners of the Kazikumukh district. In 1920, Soviet power was finally established in Lakia.
Many Lak otkhodniks took part in revolutionary events in other regions of the country. The fate of the Unchukatlin jewelers Abid Dzhanaev and Abakar Kasaev, who found themselves in Bukhara on the eve of the 1917 revolution, is noteworthy. Like other Lak handicraftsmen and artisans, holidays they traditionally gathered together. In one of these meetings, Abid introduced the Dagestanis to Said Gabiev’s newspaper “Dawn of Dagestan.” Abid told his fellow Dagestanis about the organization of local poor people for Soviet power and called on them to help them. He was supported by Abakar Kasaev, Magomed Makaev, Kurbanmagomed Muradov and other Laks living in Uzbekistan.
Finished Civil War. Recovery has begun National economy in Dagestan. The first power station in Lakia was built on the Kazikumukh Koisu River in Kumukh. IN agriculture Iron plows begin to be used. In 1928, 10 grain cleaning stations were already operating in the Laksky district.
Watchmakers, tinkers and other artisans united in partnerships. The first tractor appeared in Kumukh, the first bathhouse and furniture factory were built. In Kuli, the “Metalist” artel named after Garun Saidov was opened to produce haberdashery accessories. In 1936, an exhibition of sheep and cattle was held in Kumukh cattle. A new phenomenon in the economy of Lakia was the development of a new industry - horticulture. The first tens of hectares of fruit trees were planted in the village of Unchukatl.
By 1923, 10 schools were opened in the Lak district: in Kumukh, Kuli, Shovkra, Khurukra, Kurkli, etc. They were taught by both pre-revolutionary and new, already Soviet teachers: Gadis Gadzhiev, Abdulkadir Dandamaev, Shafi Kashkaev, Abdulla Karamov, YusuF Khalilov, Gadzhimurad Aminov, Butta Mamatiev, Ali Ubakov, Magomed-Rasul Magomedov, Magomed Omarov, Ata Guzunov, Mariyam Kerimova, Nabi-Magomed Sudenov, Antonina Ilyasova and others.
By 1935, the number of schools in the Lak district reached 16, and the number of students - 2,500, including 116 girls. 79 teachers already worked in 3 schools, including three with higher education and 37 with average. For the involvement and staffing of schools with 97.5% of students, the Lak district was awarded the challengeable Red Banner of the Republic. It was presented by the People's Commissar of Education of Dagestan Said Gabiev.
However, the bitter cup of repression in the pre-war years did not escape the representatives of the Lak intelligentsia. Back in 1936, he was arrested following a denunciation people's commissar on agriculture D. Saidov, younger brother Garun Saidov, who died for Soviet power. Following him, Yu. Tsovkrinsky, G. Gadzhiev, M. Charinov were subjected to repression, and in June 1940 - M. Aliev, T. Muradov, A. Guseinov, S. M. Madiev, A. Kasaev, I. Kurbanaliev. A. Kayaev (secondary). Yusup Tsovkrinsky died in 1943 during construction railway Kotlas-Vorkuta. In the memory of the Laks, who knew him from his last position as head of the department of the Dagestan regional party committee, Yu. Tsovkrinsky remained one of the most educated people of his time in Dagestan.

Today (Friday, April 15), the editors-in-chief of the national newspapers “Istina” and “Lezgi-Gazet” appealed to the Leninsky District Court of Makhachkala with a demand to cancel the competition announced by the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Dagestan for vacant positions of heads of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan “Republican Media Editorial Office”.

The reason for filing the claims were letters sent by the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Dagestan to the editors about the termination of urgent employment contracts. Before issuing the orders, the ministry announced a competition for filling positions - heads of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan "Editorial offices of republican newspapers: ''Istina'' (Avar), ''Lezgi newspapers'' (Lezgin), ''Ilchi'' (Lakskaya), ''Yoldash'' ' (Kumyk), ''Zori Tabasaran''" (Tabasaran).

The Ministry posted on its website information about the composition of the competition commission, which was headed by the Deputy Minister - Zubairu Zubairuev. The commission includes the Deputy Minister Alexander Kurgenyan, Chief Editor Dargin newspaper "Zamana" Arsen Yusupov(son of the former editor-in-chief of the republican newspaper “Zamana” Gazimagomed Yusupova) and other specialists from the Ministry of Press of the Republic of Dagestan.

However, the editors-in-chief (they are also the acting heads of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan since the adoption of new editions of the charters - "ChK") refused to recognize the legality of the dismissal orders and appealed to the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Dagestan with an application to conduct a prosecutor's audit in connection with the inconsistency of the charters of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan with the requirements of federal legislation - the Law of the Russian Federation "On Funds mass media" The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Dagestan identified violations of the law and sent a corresponding letter to the Government of the Republic of Dagestan demanding that they be eliminated.

At the same time, the editor-in-chief of Lezgi newspapers Agariza Saidov, editor-in-chief of the Kumyk newspaper Kamil Aliev, editor-in-chief of the Avar newspaper “Istina” Ali Kamalov deny that the Ministry of Press of the Republic of Dagestan entered into fixed-term employment contracts with them.

Let us recall that in 2012 the Government of the Republic of Dagestan and People's Assembly The Republic of Dagestan adopted new charters of editorial offices of national media, transforming them into State budgetary institutions RD. At the same time, the People's Assembly of the Republic of Dagestan refused to be the founder of newspapers, and the Government of the Republic of Dagestan is the owner and founder of republican publications in national languages.


This week, the editors of Cheka became aware of the names of applicants for the positions of heads of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan.

Three journalists from the publication are vying for the position of head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan "Editorial office of the republican newspaper ''Ilchi''": Zulaikhat Takhakaeva, Ruslan Kardashov, Andriana Abdullaeva and editor of Lak radio Tamara Zakaryaeva.

The candidates for the position of head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan "Editorial office of the republican newspaper ''Yoldash''" are: the current editor-in-chief Kamil Aliev, ex-editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Kumuk Youth Theater” Rashid Garunov, head teacher of Karabudakhkent high school Ruganiyat Musaeva, teacher at DSU Rashid Akavov.

Journalists from the publication are applying for the position of head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan "Editorial office of the republican newspaper ''Lezgi newspapers''": Jasmina Saidova,Emiraslan Sherifaliev, Nariman Ibragimov, Magomed Ibragimov, poet Feyzudin Nagiyev, editor-in-chief of Proji magazine Minaya Kazimova.

Contenders for the position of head of the newspaper of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan “Editorial office of the republican newspaper ‘‘Zori Tabasarana’’” are: the current editor-in-chief of the publication Gadzhimurad Gasanov, journalist Mehdi Adilov, editor of the Tabasaran version of the magazine “Women of Dagestan” Subainat Israpilova, editor of the magazine "Sokolenok" Feruza Radjabova, member of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Dagestan Sarizhat Kasimova and teacher at DSU Gulyakhmed Malaaliev.

Candidates for the position of head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan “Editorial office of the republican newspaper ‘‘Istina’’” are: Ph.D. Sc., Deputy Chief Editor Shamsigat Sultanbegova, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Druzhba” (Botlikh village) Umakhan Umakhanov, founder of the Millat newspaper, editor-in-chief of the Dagestan magazine, Magomed Aliev(Bisavaliev).

Lawyer representing the interests of the Istina newspaper Biyakai Magomedov reported to the Cheka that, along with the lawsuit, a petition was also sent to the court to take interim measures against the claim of the Istina newspaper - to suspend the competition for the position of head of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan until the dispute is resolved. If the request is granted, the Ministry of Press of the Republic of Dagestan is obliged to suspend the competition.

Leaders of specialized trade unions stood up for the editors-in-chief. According to the Cheka, the chairman of the republican committee Marziyat Butaeva This week I sent a letter to the Ministry of Press and Information of the Republic of Dagestan with a request to clarify the procedure for dismissal and appointment to a position, as well as on the basis of which legal act the competition for filling positions of heads of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Dagestan is held. Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Russia Vsevolod Bogdanov in response to a request from the editors-in-chief, he pointed out the inconsistency of the charters of the republican media with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mass Media”. ]§[
