What happened to the verbose artist. “We don’t know what happened to Vera Glagoleva in Germany,” Natalya Ivanova

The actress and director died in Baden-Baden, where she was being treated for cancer

For many it came as a thunderbolt clear skies. Nothing seemed to foretell trouble. Recently we all saw the beautiful and happy Vera in the wedding photographs of her daughter Anastasia, who was marrying famous hockey player Alexandra Ovechkina. Because of this marriage, Vera Vitalievna unexpectedly became the heroine of gossip columns. And she liked her son-in-law, she herself became interested in hockey and began to follow the latest sporting events. Only those closest to her knew what was happening to Vera, about her illness. She received treatment in Germany and continued to work. We learned about Vera Glagoleva’s departure from her friend and producer of her films, Natalya Ivanova. She herself was in Spain at that moment.

Vera passed away this afternoon. Her husband Kirill called me. I myself don’t really know what caused all this. She went to Germany for treatment. But, as a rule, they are treated for one thing, but die from completely different diseases. Vera is a courageous person, and her illness was not the subject of our conversations. It was taboo for her. This is also unexpected for relatives. If Vera is still listening, then she is extremely surprised by what happened.

She was an honest person. She started out as an actress, and I have seen more than once how the audience loves her. We sometimes argued because Vera constantly fought against injustice, even if it did not directly affect her. She spoke out for a park near the Belorussky railway station and against the demolition of some building near Tverskaya. And people often turned to her, knowing what an active person she was, knowing her principles, to which she remained faithful. Living honestly in a movie is something not everyone can do.

Vera and I still have an unfinished painting “Clay Pit”. We filmed the Russian part, we still had to do additional filming. Vera and I discussed the film until the last second, thinking about filming in Kazakhstan...

“Clay Pit” is based on a play by Olga Pogodina-Kuzmina about life in the provinces. This is a story about a mother and two daughters. The eldest, Galina, lost her drunkard husband, and now she is raising her sons alone. She has a lover - a native of Central Asia. Younger sister Milka lives in big city and comes to visit relatives on New Year's days. The mother is not happy with Gali’s choice, but the second sister will try to fight off her boyfriend.

And Vera’s last completed film was “Two Women” based on Turgenev’s “A Month in the Country,” where Rakitin was played by the outstanding British actor Ralph Fiennes. Once upon a time, movie people laughed when they learned that Vera dreamed of inviting him. Few people believed that this was possible. Pavel Lungin wanted to invite Fiennes to play the role of Hermann in " Queen of Spades", but it didn't happen. Officials were also in no hurry to support the project. They probably reasoned like this: Vera’s husband is wealthy (businessman Kirill Shubsky. - Auto.), All financial difficulties will somehow be resolved. In general, the financing was in trouble. But chance decided everything. Vera and Ralph Fiennes met in Ivanovo at the Mirror festival. She's somehow the only one in a known way captivated him with her idea, pulled him out of the rigid schedule planned for years in advance. And then I postponed filming and waited. Why did she need him? I was looking for an alien for whom the concepts of goodness and honor still meant something. For Vera herself they were immutable. And then it started amazing life in the company of Fiennes. He is a great lover and connoisseur of Russian culture, he has learned the Russian language. Vera hired him a teacher, and Rafe taught him for eight hours.

“Two Women” was filmed at the estate of Mikhail Glinka near Smolensk. And before that, Vera had traveled to more than one estate in Russia, always looking for what she needed. When we were together in Vologda, at the now defunct festival of young European cinema, we went together to an estate near Vologda. The place was amazing. Despite the day off, when they learned that Vera Glagoleva was coming, the museum employees came out and showed all their wealth. We walked around the old two-story house, walked in the park that turned into the forest, and went down the wooden steps into the ravine. There was a church nearby, which was also opened for us. And after a few weeks, Vera, who had come to the Golden Phoenix festival in Smolensk more than once, found a more suitable place for filming.

It’s a pity that the filming process itself was not captured, when Ralph Fiennes lived in a wooden Russian house, ate borscht, potatoes, and herring. And he really wanted to speak for his hero. And Vera had to muster up the strength to tell him that this was impossible. “It would be strange if we turned Rakitin into an Englishman. He could not speak with an accent, even if we assume that he lived abroad for a long time. But on the set, Rafe played Rakitin in Russian and understood his soul. I was surprised at how the Englishman felt the Russian person. When he uttered some phrases without an accent, we rejoiced like children,” Vera Glagoleva told MK then.

Vera was often scolded for her directorial work. She, of course, was upset. And in general she was vulnerable, worried about anyone harsh words, although she didn’t show it. Glagoleva filmed the military drama “One War” on Valaam, and, perhaps, this is her best work. It is celebrated at many festivals around the world. I remember how much joy there was when our jury of the Golden Minbar festival in Kazan awarded her the Grand Prix. With “Two Women,” Vera also traveled around the world, even to Costa Rica.

Once we talked with Vera Vitalievna on the eve of the anniversary of “MK”, and then she said: “Your Chief Editor- a person with an open and honest position. I read the wonderful Alexander Minkin, who always tries to get to the bottom of things, to tell the truth about what is happening, although, probably, this is not always easy. It is important for me to receive reliable information, and best articles your authors convey to us, the readers, an objective reflection of reality. Less crime news, although life keeps throwing things up similar stories, and more attention to art, which can save in the most hard times" I think this was advice not so much to the newspaper as to our entire exhausted society. It's a pity that wise sayings often acquire weight and meaning after the death of their authors.

“MK” expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends of Vera Glagoleva.

The cause of death of the Honored Artist of Russia could be stomach cancer

“Even to transport a body from Russia, you must have in your hands a large number of documents before sending the body across the border. In such a bureaucratic country as Germany - and even more so, says an employee of one of the Moscow funeral homes. “First of all, it will be necessary to conduct an autopsy so that doctors can confirm death due to the disease. This document will have to be signed by law enforcement agencies, stating that they have no questions regarding the death of a citizen, even from another country.”

After this procedure it is decided main question- how to transport? In the case of Germany, there are two options - an airplane or a car. The funeral agency noted that in 90 percent of cases, relatives choose the second option. This is primarily due to the serious difference in price. On average in Moscow, they charge from 2,500 to 4,000 thousand euros for just one transportation from Germany. Transferring a body by plane is much more expensive - from 6,000 euros. In addition, to this we must add the employee’s services, as well as his travel allowances and flight tickets. The difference between the two methods is one - time. By car, transporting the body will take about three days, and by air no more than three hours, but there is practically no significant difference in the transportation itself.

“In both cases, the body of the deceased is placed in a special zinc container called a Euro-module. For additional safety of the body, it is not only treated with formaldehyde, but also covered on all sides with special formaldehyde pads. Such security measures guarantee the safety of the body for several days,” said the interlocutor at the funeral home.

Vera said the following: “I met Vera Glagoleva at the end of July at one of the parties at the Moscow Film Festival. Vera smiled, she was in good mood. She said she felt great. When a person is very sick, when he feels bad, he does not go to parties, does not wear a white dress.

And she was all so bright and looked absolutely healthy. What could have happened in this Baden-Baden clinic? Was it a doctor’s mistake or the medicine didn’t work?”

The actress also notes the fact that Vera Glagoleva in a great mood I flew to the clinic with my husband and daughter. She entered there with a smile on her face, and a few hours later the news of her sudden death arrived. Nothing, according to the actress, foreshadowed trouble; what could have happened behind the walls of this institution?

Larisa Guzeeva, who was her close friend, shared her memories of Vera Glagoleva. “Vera was a little girl, she could say how much she loved pancakes, eat half a pancake in the evening and say: oh, how I ate! I was jealous of her figure,” she admitted.

Assumes that the reason unexpected death there was no actress cancer, and oncologist at the Central Clinical Hospital Russian Academy Sciences Pavel Koposov. He notes that people don’t die from cancer so quickly - the director came to the clinic in Baden on her own two feet, but he’s not inclined to blame his German colleagues either.

In his opinion, Glagoleva’s death was most likely the result of hard work and associated nervous exhaustion. Against the background of cancer, she developed concomitant “sores”, and her weakened body could no longer cope with them, it simply did not have enough strength, he told Moskovsky Komsomolets.

It is impossible to believe that the happy woman dancing fervently at the wedding of her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya and hockey player Alexander Ovechkin is terminally ill... but even here, Vera Glagoleva’s friends remembered some details. As the publication Dni.ru writes, back in July Vera danced at the wedding of her daughter Nastasya Shubskaya.

It is noteworthy that, according to family friends, at the celebration eldest daughter actress, ballerina Anna Nakhapetova, looked very sad. Moreover, at some point Anna burst into tears. However, then everyone decided that it was from an excess of feelings.

Suppressing all kinds of rumors and speculation about the reasons for the death of his beloved wife, Kirill Shubsky said that they should be determined exclusively by medical workers.

In the early spring of 2017, the media sounded the alarm: Vera Glagoleva was terminally ill. They wrote about emergency hospitalization, intensive care, and regular blood transfusions, but the star remained silent, and her relatives categorically denied the presence of health problems.


the site also tried to achieve the truth, but Glagoleva just waved it off: “I don’t know anything about this at all. Fortunately, I feel great.”

In one of the interviews, the actress spoke very harshly about the fact that these rumors are based on the media’s desire to increase ratings. "The fact that I make films, for some reason, today no one cared. Just grab some fictitious sensation! It’s disgusting!” Glagoleva was indignant.

Vera Vitalievna did not deny that she went to the clinic, but only in order to gain strength after filming, which sometimes lasted 14 hours: “I was filming in the city of Aleksin Tula region and on my day off I came to Moscow for one day to get IVs to restore my strength. We were making a movie, a feature film. It was supposed to be completed in two weeks. The main thing is that they report: “She was in intensive care, and the doctors sent her home.” I immediately went to filming, on the 4th I was already on set, where I worked for 1.5 weeks! Well, what is this?” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the artist.

Posted by Nastasiya Ovechkina (@nastyashubskaya) Aug 16, 2017 at 6:25 PDT

It was impossible not to believe these arguments. In addition, a month ago, at the wedding of her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya, the 61-year-old star had fun along with the young people. The second day of the festival was celebrated in one of the Moscow restaurants, the toastmaster was showman Vyacheslav Manucharov. The guests danced until they dropped. Vera Glagoleva started dancing along with the soloists of “Ivanushki” Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Manucharov published a video of fiery dances with the caption “New soloist” on Instagram. Numerous fans of the actor approved of the movements of Alexander Ovechkin’s mother-in-law: “The soloist is fire!”, “Wonderful actress, I really like it!”, “Vera is super!”

Even her colleagues had no idea about her diagnosis. “No one knew about the disease, because out of a sense of tact she did not want to burden anyone with her problems. Unfortunately, such serious illnesses take away from us the most dear people. Of course, this is a loss for Russian cinema. Alla and I were at all of her last film premieres, when she was already acting as a director,” TV presenter Maxim Galkin told reporters.

Let us remind you that Russian actress Vera Glagoleva died in Germany at the age of 62. Moskovsky Komsomolets reported this on August 16, citing a source close to her family. According to the insider, the cause of the artist’s death was cancer.

After the first rumors about terrible disease Glagoleva then continued acting in films, and her friends believed that the disease had subsided. “On May 21, actress Aiturgan Temirova, with whom we also starred in “Snipers,” wrote to me. She told me that Vera was very, very sick. I immediately went on the Internet, there was no information about this,” Yakovleva continued.

It is known that a few months ago the actress’s health deteriorated sharply. She was hastily admitted to intensive care, where Vera Glagoleva spent a day, after which she received repeated blood transfusions. For some time, Vera remained under the supervision of specialists, and then went to Germany for treatment.

Trying to find out the truth, the actress called Vera's daughter. “She said that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Nastenka’s wedding. We were just filming with Slava Manucharov, he told me that he was the host at the wedding and Vera danced beautifully there. Well, that’s it, I finally calmed down and was happy for her family! And then there’s such a shock,” “Interlocutor” quotes Marina Yakovleva.

Vera Vitalievna herself did not mention her illness, and her daughter completely rejected such information. Elena Proklova, who was her colleague, also spoke about the death of the actress. Elena confirmed that rumors about Glagoleva’s illness had been circulating for a long time, but everyone hoped only for the best. Vera did not confirm anything. “In general, she was the kind of person they say about, all in herself,” Elena added in an interview with StarHit magazine.

And then we played magnificent wedding, well, when do you get sick here? In July, Vera Glagoleva married her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya. A luxurious wedding ceremony has long been one of the most discussed topics on the Internet. That evening Vera Vitalievna was particularly cheerful. She sang along with the stars who came to the celebration and danced dashingly with them. It was after this that rumors about Vera Glagoleva’s alleged illness completely subsided. She really was incredibly good that day.

Looking at these positive shots and smiling Vera, who could have imagined that she had such serious health problems? And she continued to deny everything. In a recent interview, the artist claimed that rumors about her serious illness were untrue. "Everything is fine with me!" – she said.

Producer Natalya Ivanova, a close friend of Vera Glagoleva, said that literally on the eve of her death they called each other and talked about work and previous filming. “ Last message It came from her yesterday. And today she and I were supposed to discuss issues concerning our new film on the phone,” producer KP quotes him as saying. “I don’t know what caused the exacerbation of her illness, what caused the crisis.” I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. Even before that, she had consulted at different clinics there. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She wasn’t sick at all…”

Singer Alexander Buynov clarified the situation. According to him, Vera Glagoleva simply did not want anyone to worry about her. Apparently, the actress herself forbade her relatives to tell anyone about the terrible disease.
