Summer Solstice Day - what is special about it? Rituals and rituals for the Summer Solstice. Winter Solstice - fortune telling

The week before the summer solstice (21ST OF JUNE) “brings” to light many old, stagnant relationships, sores, and situations. At such moments, the physical body is in a mode of enhanced perception, alignment, and correction of its systems.

Old fears, grievances, and illnesses begin to surface. All this resembles an abscess that has been brewing for a long time and the time has come for it to burst open to complete this moment.

For many, these days may seem nervous, twitchy, and unpredictable. Irritation may occur out of nowhere. You should be attentive to your desires, the needs of your body, and its condition.

We pay attention to the spontaneous desire to do something and through analysis we decide how profitable, interesting, and optimal it is for us to realize this desire.

There is concentration, tension, focusing of energy flows in a given reality, which leads to tension in relationships, both inside and outside. The movement of fluids, tension in organs, and pressure in systems increases. All this can cause increased blood pressure, headaches, a feeling of “bloating” of various organs, and swelling. At such moments, the Physical Body may outwardly look saggy, loose, and blurry. At the same time, stretching is much more effective.

Things also resemble something vague, sluggish, and fading.

Analysis, understanding the moment, allowing it to be, will make it possible to go through this period optimally, simply, calmly.

For those who are experiencing increased stress these days emotional condition, apathy, confusion, you just have to get over it and move on.

The support of those who have experience of such conditions is very important. These are not so much articles from books by specialists, but rather real life experience gained in similar situations.

You shouldn’t blindly imitate someone; perhaps by analyzing someone’s situations it will be easier to find your own methods of getting out of the current state. /Taken from LiveJournal, deleted/

See the schedule of solstices and equinoxes until 2018

FORUM: June 21 to lunar calendar marked as the Summer Solstice. Summer Solstice Festival.

They had been preparing for it since the morning. The girls put on their most beautiful outfits and decorated themselves with herbs and flowers. Herbs were given the significance of amulets against dark and evil forces. The most popular were wormwood, St. John's wort, and nettle. They were attached to the belt.

The guys were busy with other things. They were looking for a tree of suitable size. It could be birch, willow, black maple. Then they installed it in the place where the festivities were planned. The girls decorated the tree with scraps of fabric and flowers. This tree was popularly called madder or kupala. An image of Yarila was installed at the foot of the tree. They were served by a doll, half the height of a person. It was made from straw, clay and branches.

Traditional celebrations were held around the tree and a fire was lit. A doll of Yaril was burned in it. All participants of the holiday had amulets, herbs, wreaths with them in order to resist the evil forces of nature that woke up on this day.

According to the beliefs of our ancestors, along with the burning of Yarila, the sun died, so that the next day it would be born again and delight people.

The Druids considered the Solstice Day to be special, since it was on this day that the planet received a special “tide of life”, which should be enough for a year.

Folk traditions

Folk tradition says that if you wash your face in the morning dew on the day of the Summer Solstice, you will have a beautiful complexion, as well as improved vision.

According to folk beliefs, seven or nine types of wildflowers in the evening, in silence, and then put them under your pillow, then you will dream about your future spouse. But you can’t tell anyone who you dreamed about!

Summer Solstice is the time when you need to cut out branches to make magic wands, since at this time the trees contain more light power.

In the Slavic tradition, this holiday is similar to the Kupala holiday, celebrated, however, on the night of July 6-7. It is believed that medicinal plants, collected on this holiday, act with redoubled force. At night, before sunrise, they picked the flowers of Ivan da Marya. If you put them in the corners of the hut, then the thief will not approach the house.

Solstice is the period of maximum strength of our intentions. Don't miss this chance. In order to adjust the sphere of love, it is not at all necessary to carry out Kupala rituals in the forest. It is important to comply with only two conditions - carrying out a ritual of purification with fire and water, as well as clearly stating what is desired.

Light candles at home. Spend a few minutes watching the fire. Take a bath with aromatic oils and relax. Tune in to thoughts of your loved one or that ideal life partner you are calling into your life.

On Kupala Night, you will be able to literally “revive” what you have written, unexpectedly giving birth in your head to clear images of people unknown to you, some of whom were destined for you by the Stars.

Don't be alarmed. This is such a magical time. Try to spend it productively and with pleasure.

Slavic calendar M. Krymova for June 2015

... The days of the summer solstice this year are from June 16 to June 27, and this year they are ruled by the Goddesses DOLYA and LELYA.

The energy of the great Goddess ALIVE descends on Earth and from June 16 to 20 her “CONCERN” (from the word “conceive”) begins for changes in fate. These days are the temporary boundary between good and evil. Time is allotted to think through your desires more carefully.

The next two days, June 21 and 22, are called “GOOD NEWS” and you can send good news to the GODS.

Latest magical days during the summer solar period, from June 23 to 27 - “ZAKREP”. These days are fixed on the line of your destiny for 2015 - 2016.

The sun is at its zenith, the solar circle hangs, freezes above our heads and seems not going to go anywhere. Thus begins the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. In 2018, the summer solstice falls on June 21 at 10:07 am.

The history of celebrating this amazing day

Our ancestors treated the Sun with awe and respect, so they especially celebrated this holiday. Historians are still arguing which of the peoples of the world was the first to single out the solstice day as a holiday. It is only known that it was celebrated not only in Rus'.

During the time of paganism, it was one of the main holidays of the year. It was believed that the more rituals you perform on this day, the more prosperous and calm your life will be. future life. Therefore, bonfires were lit everywhere, people danced around the fire, weaved wreaths and floated them down the river.

With the entry of Christianity into Europe, pagan holidays began to give way to Christian ones.

The astronomical meaning of the solstice

Astronomers define the summer solstice as the beginning of astronomical summer. Interesting fact: a couple of days before and a couple of days after the specified day, the Sun practically does not deviate from its location. This is why the term “solstice” is used. On this day the sun is as far as possible from the celestial equator.

At the time of the winter solstice, the sun hovers at its lowest point above the horizon. In contrast to this, in summer, the luminary is in the most high point sky.

Ivan Kupala and the summer solstice

In the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 21 in 2018. On this day, the length of the day is the longest, and the night, on the contrary, is the shortest.

This holiday has great importance in the culture of many peoples. Nowadays in Russia the holiday is called Ivan Kupala, in honor of John the Baptist. The date of the celebration has been moved by two weeks. Now it does not coincide with the summer solstice and falls between July 6 and July 7.

The date shift is due to the difference in calendars. According to the new style, the Christian holiday of the Nativity of John the Baptist falls on July 7, but the day of the solstice has not changed. Many traditions of holding the longest summer day moved on to the celebration of Ivan Kupala. But the summer solstice holiday also remained.

Traditions of the summer solstice holiday

  • The longest day falls during Peter's Fast, so it is an almost complete refusal of meat and dairy products. It's summer and foods grown in the sun are welcome on the table. These are all early herbs: dill, parsley, green onions. Multi-colored vegetables and berries: red, green, orange. These dishes are imbued with solar energy and are very appropriately served on the table on the holiday of honoring the Sun.
  • The wonderful solstice festival takes place at the peak of summer's heat and consists mainly of water, fire and greenery. There is a belief that on this night mermaids sleep peacefully in their pools and people can safely swim without fear of anyone. At night it is customary to swim naked or in embroidered shirts. It was believed that swimming on this day brings strength, health and longevity to a person.
  • The center of the holiday were bonfires, several of them were lit. They danced around the big ones, and jumped over the small ones. They burned fires, sang songs, swam, all this lasted until the morning. The most determined young people went into the forest to look for a blossoming fern flower.
  • A plot to make a wish come true was woven into a wreath woven during the holiday. If at this very short night If there are many stars in the sky, then by autumn there will definitely be a large harvest of mushrooms.

Traditions summer holiday in different countries

  • The Baltic peoples celebrate the night and day of the summer solstice on a grand scale. They light fires, sing songs, praise the sun, and swim. Wreaths of wildflowers are released to float along the river as symbols of the sun. In Latvia this event is called “January Day”. The holiday was officially approved at the state level and declared a day off.
  • In Spain, the solstice is called the Night of Saint John. This is a favorite summer event. The traditions of the celebration are very similar, although there are national nuances. Here, the sunniest day symbolizes the victory of light forces over dark ones, good over evil. Young people jumping over the fire, burning behind them everything bad that happened last winter.

Interestingly, it is on this holiday that the Spaniards usually burn old furniture. Considering the Spanish temperament, it becomes clear that the holiday is not complete without fiery dancing, loud songs and, of course, swimming in the warm sea.

  • Thousands of tourists come to the famous Stonehenge (England) every year on the summer solstice to celebrate this holiday. Their number sometimes reaches 40 thousand people.
  • In Norway, the celebration is named after John the Baptist "Midsummer's Night". A special feature of the holiday in Norway is the obligatory stay awake until the morning in order to hear the singing of the elves in the morning, and also to coming year was successful.
  • In Finland, the holiday is set on the sixth day of the week between June 20 and June 26. His name is Yuhannus, a derivative of the name of John the Baptist. Also on this day is Finnish National Flag Day. The day is officially recognized as a holiday.

The magical meaning of the solstice holiday

In the old days they believed in magical power God of the Sun and his influence on the Earth. After all, it is on the day of the summer solstice that the luminary seems to hover above the earth, illuminating the farthest corners, driving out everything dark and evil. The time has come to make wishes. During this period, the most cherished of them come true. It was believed that one could even change fate.

Our ancestors associated each pagan holiday with a specific plant. On the solstice it was a fern. By the night of this day, the fern blossomed and was filled with magical power.

The dark spirits of the forest surrounded the flower with an impenetrable thicket; only a very strong person could decide to enter such a forest. brave man. The spirits of the forest could take away the power of speech from the daredevil who plucks the treasured flower. After the advent of Christianity in Rus', the ritual of searching for ferns became a tradition on the day of Ivan Kupala. They used herbs to tell fortunes at the fire. A man threw healing herbs into the fire. If smoke from the grass rose up, then health and wealth awaited him this year. But if smoke spreads across the surface of the earth, then expect trouble.

Traditionally, weddings were held on this day; it was believed that such marriages were especially happy and strong.

What signs did the people share with the summer solstice?

This is the time when the line between worlds becomes very thin and it is necessary to adhere to some rules and signs.

  • A person who was born on such a holiday has the gift of treating people with medicines and herbs.
  • At sunrise, you must take a drink of water; it is credited with medicinal properties.
  • On the day of the solstice, you need to place nettles at the doorstep of your house, then all misfortunes will bypass your home.
  • If a husband and wife, holding hands, jump over the fire on Kupala, then the marriage will be strong and have many children.
  • Girls who want to get married need to dance around three fires, then their wish will come true, and they will find a partner in the same year.
  • And the most important thing. On the day of the solstice you need to collect medicinal herbs, make a bouquet of them and hang them in a prominent place at home. This way, all troubles and illnesses will pass through the house.
  • Interesting facts about the solstice day.
  • According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest bonfire was lit on the summer solstice in 2010 in Norway. The height of the flame reached 40.5 meters.
  • IN ancient Greece they revered the solstice so much that they allowed slaves, along with free people, to participate in all festive events. On this day, the Greeks prayed to the god of agriculture asking for a good harvest.
  • There is still no exact date for the solstice. The calendar cannot accurately reflect the rotation of the Earth.
  • It was on the day of the solstice that Galileo renounced his claim that the earth revolves around the sun. On the same day, 42 years later, the Greenwich Observatory was founded.


The summer solstice is a wonderful, exotic holiday. Greet him with kindness and just look at the Sun. How much it means to all living things. At noon, place dishes with clean water, and the sun will turn this water into “solar”. Good luck and light to you.

The Summer Solstice is traditionally celebrated on June 21st. A day beloved by all magicians, it is extremely popular for many rituals, especially those aimed at improving the current situation and relationships.

The peak of the Solstice in 2017 falls at night in many regions of Russia, at 04:24. But not only this moment is considered magical, but the whole day of July 21st. If possible, try the practices that I recommend to readers of Astro7 magazine.

Practices and rituals on the day of the summer solstice

This mystical day is associated primarily with the Sun (no surprise!), so round objects should be given Special attention. Girls with wreaths on their heads near the fire? Well, of course! It has already become a tradition to spend Solstice Day in nature.

  • Oregano - to be healthy and attractive to the opposite sex. Sexuality and charisma are enhanced;
  • St. John's wort will give you self-confidence, help you become richer, and bring good luck in the financial sphere;
  • Daisies - for those who want a large, friendly family;
  • Shepherd's purse - to preserve and increase wealth;
  • Field poppies - to enhance feelings in a partner, strengthen the union;
  • Thistle - from bad influence;
  • Clover means easy money.

Weave a wreath and be sure to say or sing your wishes out loud. Singing is also part of the magic of this day.

Once the wreath is ready, it's time to secure everything with fire. The idea is very simple: the wreath must pass through the fire. In the maximum program, you need to jump over the fire, but if you are at home and don’t want to leave your cozy home, take a candle - let it burn for 15-20 minutes, then move the wreath over it clockwise seven times, saying your wishes out loud. Save the wreath and burn it after it has completely dried.

Ritual for marriage on the day of the summer solstice

It is believed that with the help of herbs collected on the day of the summer solstice, you can attract love into your life. To do this, collect the following herbs: calendula, oak bark, Birch buds, mint, rosehip. Mix in any quantity in a clay pot and drink before bed. Collect the rest in an envelope and put it under your pillow. Go to bed peacefully.

Making a wish on the summer solstice

There is another interesting ancient practice on the day of the summer solstice. Spring water is taken (necessarily from a holy source) and placed in direct sunlight. At sunrise, a wish is spoken into the water, and then the water is drunk. We believe that it must be fulfilled before the next holiday.

Interesting fortune telling on the day of the summer solstice

Let's start with the most simple fortune telling which can be done alone or in the company of friends.

Pour into a deep bowl clean water. If you are telling fortunes in a group, sit in a semicircle and let everyone have a small stone. First ask a question, and then throw a stone into the water: an even number of circles means the answer is “yes”, an odd number means “no”.

Fortune telling with chamomile. Take a bowl of water and place two flowers in it. If the flowers stay together (float nearby), the lovers will live with each other all their lives; if they separate, the couple will separate.

Also on the day of the Solstice, manipulations with wax remain relevant. Melted wax is poured into water and the future is predicted from the figures that form in the water.

All this is quite simple, but fun fortune telling for small company, which will help you have an unforgettable time and look a little into the future.

Signs for the Summer Solstice

Pay attention to the signs on the day of the Solstice - they will help you better navigate in space and tell you what to expect in the near future.

If the morning on this day is sunny, you will be able to reap a rich harvest. If it starts with rain, expect losses.

Giving money to a beggar or suffering person on this day is a big day. financial luck. It is believed that the money will come back later in a much larger volume.

Candles burning from sunrise to sunset will protect the house from bad energy, thieves and ill-wishers. Just buy candles that burn for several hours and change them promptly. The flame must burn continuously, so first light a new candle, then extinguish the stub from the old one.

If you are suffering from consumption on this day, try to count how many times you sneezed. If the number is even, this means good health and peace of mind; if it is odd, beware of minor troubles.

It is believed that if you propose to your beloved today and she says “yes”, the marriage will be happy and long.

Keep track of what happens to you throughout the day. For example, if you stumble several times in a row, you should go to church or turn around clockwise three times, cross yourself at the intersection and move on - this will get rid of the negativity.

For me, this mystical holiday is reminiscent of Valentine’s Day in its energy. You can feel how unknown energies wander through your body, causing your heart to beat faster. Of course, decisive measures and vivid impressions will be provided to you, but I recommend controlling yourself and your impulses. Refrain from sorting things out and devote more time to empathy rather than talking.

By the way, talismans bought on this day or made with your own hands have enormous power. It is preferable for talismans to be round in shape.

In fact, there are a lot of mysteries and signs on the night of Ivan Kupala. The main thing you should trust today is your intuition. Spend more time on your feelings and the feelings of your loved ones. And then you can truly improve your life.

The summer solstice in 2019 will take place on June 21st. It starts when the Sun enters 0 degrees zodiac sign Cancer, this happens on June 21, 2019 at 18:54 Moscow time. On this day, the ancient pagan holidays of Midsummer, Kupala, and Lita were celebrated.

Summer solstice- This is one of the four main sunny points of the year. Others are the winter solstice when the Sun enters 0 degrees Capricorn, the spring equinox when the Sun enters 0 degrees Aries, and the autumn equinox when the Sun enters 0 degrees Libra.

For those who work on self-development, these days are very important. On the summer solstice, solar energy intensifies and the potential for magic, ritual and meditation increases dramatically.

What kind of magic is Summer Solstice Day suitable for?

Solar magic rituals are greatly enhanced. For example, on this day you can make a Sun talisman for yourself.

Opportunities for communication with astral beings: elves, fairies, gnomes, etc. are enhanced on this day.

Subtle communication with the astral world occurs much easier.

Fortune telling on the day and night of the summer solstice is much more accurate. Fortune telling using Tarot cards and Runes is especially suitable. Fortune telling for love gives truthful answers.

Love magic spells work much better on the summer solstice. For love magic collect seven different herbs and flowers and sew them into an amulet. Flowers of calendula, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, leaves of fern, verbena, oak, rowan, etc. have properties that attract love on this day. magical colors of this day - yellow and red, red and red are also suitable for love magic pink flowers. On this day you can perform a ritual to attract love.

It's powerful magical time for rituals with crystals, stones using solar energy.

This day is very good for starting healing work, because the Sun is an esoteric healer.

Collecting herbs for magic, especially those used for solar magic, fire magic, and healing. Powerful healing power The sunny herbs collected at this time have the following properties: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. And some, such as nettle, rowan, burdock, and dill, are used at home to protect against evil. On the day of the summer solstice, you can perform a ritual to protect your home.

The night before the summer solstice is a magical time. To celebrate the solstice, rituals are performed at night on the eve of this day. This is the time when the veil between ours and parallel worlds becomes subtle, allowing magic, spirits and fairies to permeate our world.

In ancient times, celebrations of the summer solstice almost always included ritual bonfires. The tradition of jumping over the fire has been preserved from ancient times to the present day. Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to make a fire, but you can light yellow or orange color. The element of fire symbolizes vitality and life itself. Death is cold. Fire is warmth and life. In many traditions, this day celebrates the unification of the elements of Water and Fire, and water also has powerful magical powers.

Solstice(Also solstice) - an astronomical event, the moment of passage of the center of the Sun through the points of the ecliptic, most distant from the equator of the celestial sphere and called solstice points.

The winter and summer solstice are separated. Summertime most often falls on June 21st. IN leap years may fall on June 20th. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and the shortest night.

So let's talk about the solstice. What is its peculiarity from a magical point of view? Firstly, this summer day is the longest day of the year. This means that the so-called “solar frequencies” last the longest. And their influence is concentrated as much as possible in our world. Secondly, from the point of view of the cards, other maximum high frequencies and vibrations prevail on this day. Accordingly, the cards say, any positive magic, any positive and active energy interaction and influence is shown.

What the cards recommend. They suggest devoting the entire day, if possible, of course, to energy spa treatments. For example, try not to eat meat and fish on this day. It is advisable to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, dairy products, etc. Drink charmed water. And also wash your face with it in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Water is enchanted as follows: pour into a container, cover the container with your hands. And the following manipulations are performed three times: say hello to the water, ask it to remove previous negative programs, ask for health, happiness, thank you.

You need to wake up as early as possible in the morning, the best option is sunrise. Work with your energy. You can meditate, you can simply imagine how golden light permeates your entire body. It is advisable to work with energy a convenient number of times during the day.

On this day all vibrations are as strong as possible. And any action is as effective as possible, both in a positive and negative sense. That is, if you sincerely wish health for yourself and others all day long, then the chance of improving your health is greater than ever.

It is advisable to shower your family and yourself with wax on this day. Don't forget that the operator is the last to spill. Chat with spirits friendly to people - banniks, brownies. Give them a treat and thank them. There is an opportunity - visit the bathhouse. Ask the bath attendant to clean you.

Finally, mermaids. You need to be extremely careful with them. It’s better to just say hello, treat them, ask for help in your personal life, and thank them. On the night of this day, pay attention to your dreams. Before going to bed, ask the Gods to help you visit worlds with the most beautiful energy. In such worlds you will be able to harmonize yourself, imbue yourself with the necessary energy, and cleanse all your bodies. The opportunity to see the future of yourself or your loved ones is not excluded.

Be sure to make a sacrifice on this day. You can feed animals or birds, help people in need. The main thing is to do it without expecting gratitude, with all your heart.

The cards recommend turning to God Kupala on this day. You can ask to be cleansed of any magical negativity, ask for the fulfillment of a wish. And be sure to say hello and thank you! Have a nice holiday! Good luck to everyone!
