Mariupol factories enterprises contacts. Old Mariupol

Monday, December 10th, 2018

In the 20s of the last century, the united plants began to be called “Mariupol United Metallurgical State Plants”. They were among the five factories in the south whose restoration and launch were planned in the first place. The restoration was carried out mainly at the former Nikopol, where the equipment was newer. After Lenin’s death, at a mourning meeting, workers of Mariupol state factories decided to name the factories after the leader […]

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

Mariupol, by the will of fate, became one of the centers of the metallurgical industry. Construction in 1882 railway, in 1886–1889, a trading port on the Sea of ​​Azov, proximity to Kerch ores and Donetsk coal, availability work force, customs policy, large government orders, currency reform(the introduction of gold currency in 1895) encouraged foreigners to import not goods, but capital, […]

“Due to the blockade staged by radical nationalist battalions, as well as the lack of coke, the capacity of the Azovstal metallurgical plants is used at no more than 55%, and the capacity of the MMK named after. Ilyich - by 50%,” said the head of the Forum.

According to I. Popova, MMK im. Ilyich is on the verge of a shutdown; 27,000 of its employees may be left without work. The shortage of raw materials is felt so acutely that one train with raw materials has to be divided between two plants - between Azovstal and MMK im. Ilyich.

She noted that in April, dockers of the 1st cargo district of the Mariupol port held a rally due to low wages due to downtime.

“Today the port primarily serves the needs metallurgical plants Mariupol: Azovstal and MMK im. Ilyich. If earlier Mariupol sea ​​port handled from 15 to 18 million tons of cargo, then in this moment it overloads 2 times less. “We can already say unequivocally that the Mariupol city budget will lose about 90 million hryvnia, and the regional and state budget will receive about 60 million hryvnia, which is a total of 150 million hryvnia,” she noted.

Mariupol. Economy. City in Donetsk region

Mariupol. Industrial products. City in Donetsk region

There are 56 operating in Mariupol industrial enterprises various forms property. The city's industry is diversified with a predominance of heavy industry. The total volume of industrial production in 2003 was 16.8 billion ₴ (3.3 billion US dollars), that is, 33,361 thousand UAH. per 1 resident annually.

The total volume of industrial products sold in selling prices of enterprises for January-December 2008 amounted to 51,334 million ₴ Specific gravity Mariupol in the regional volume products sold is 31.9% (Donetsk - 16.6%, Makeevka - 8.5%, Gorlovka - 4.2%).

Mechanical engineering occupies second place in the structure of the city’s industrial production:

  • OJSC Concern Azovmash is the largest engineering enterprise in Ukraine, specializing in the production of equipment for the mining and metallurgical complex, tank cars, port cranes, boilers, fuel tankers, etc. President - Alexander Vladimirovich Savchuk. The company formally belongs to the state, but in fact it is “System Capital Management” (Donetsk financial and economic group headed by).

The structure of the concern includes:

    • "Mariupoltyazhmash" - production of metallurgical equipment for cranes and mining equipment;
    • Company "Azovvagon" - production of tank cars for the transportation of petroleum products, bulk cargo, food and chemical products, liquefied gases, tank containers;
    • "Azovobschemash" - production of fuel tankers, propane tankers, semi-trailers for transporting light petroleum products, body parts and components for armored vehicles;
    • Heating equipment plant - production of household stoves, heating boilers;
    • Production of heat-insulated pipes.
  • Azov Ship Repair Plant (ASRZ) - largest enterprise of its class on the Sea of ​​Azov. The company is subordinated to System Capital Management (Donetsk financial and economic group headed by Rinat Leonidovich Akhmetov).
  • Mariupol Radiator Plant.
    • "Azovmashprom" - production of all-welded sintering carts for sintering production, metallurgical and mining plants, blast furnace air tuyeres;
  • Azov metal structures plant "Stalkon" (metal structures for civil engineering).
  • "Vostokstalkonstruktsiya"
  • Plant "Elektrobytpribor" (production of household washing machines).
  • Mariupol shipbuilding plant "Plaz" (production of yachts and boats).
  • Mariupol Experimental Plant, MOEP (equipment for metallurgical, hoisting and transport engineering and mining and processing plants).
  • Factory "October" (locks and hardware, metal barrels, shovels, metalworking).
  • Plant "Business Group" (mortar pumps, concrete pumps).
  • Plant "Transprogress" (thermal insulated pipes, design of track machines).
  • Fire protection plant (fire extinguishers).
  • Medical equipment plant "Medprom".
  • Process equipment plant

A significant portion of the city's gross income will be used for transportation:

  • OJSC "Mariupol Sea Trade Port" is the largest in Eastern Ukraine, carries out sea transportation of coal, metal, engineering products, ore, grain from Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk and neighboring regions of Ukraine and Russia. Chief - Mikhail Mikhailovich Dergausov.
  • Azov Shipping Company (since 2003 - Donbass Merchant Fleet LLC) is an already bankrupt enterprise that previously carried out sea transportation from ports Sea of ​​Azov(Mariupol, Berdyansk, Taganrog), property (since 2003 - officially) "System Capital Management" (Donetsk financial and economic group headed by Rinat Leonidovich Akhmetov).

In addition to heavy industry, there is food industry (confectionery, canning, food-flavoring factories, 4 bakeries, a cold storage plant, Mariupol bakery plant, Mariupol flour mill, dairies, meat processing plants: “Germar”, Ilyich plant, distillery and brewery), light industry (sewing and hosiery factories, plant "Mariupolsetesnast", Mariupol factory "Souvenir") industry, industry building materials(“Azovzhelezobeton”, brick factories “Keramik”, “Perspective”, ZZHBI - reinforced concrete products plant), chemical industry(insulating materials plant, Khimplast plant, Markograph).

There is a free service on the territory of Mariupol economic zone Azov.
