Fortune telling by dreams, fortune telling by dreams, by the betrothed, by the betrothed. Fortune telling for your betrothed - find out who your true lover is, easily and simply

Fortune telling for the betrothed
In most cases, it is customary to tell fortunes about the groom on Monday. In addition, the ritual should be performed before bedtime and in private. For fortune telling, you need to prepare a mirror, a piece of paper, lipstick, and three bay leaves. Next, you need to apply makeup on your lips, then write the name of the person you are interested in on paper. young man and kiss what is written. This leaf should be placed on the mirror, and the mirror under the pillow. Prepared bay leaves should also be placed there, on which to write the names: Ananias, Azarius and Misail.
After performing the above actions, you need to say the following words of the conspiracy:
"I look at starry sky, I look at the clear moon, let whoever thinks about me appear in a dream at night.”
It was this night that the girl should dream about her future groom.

Fortune telling by twigs
Option #1
If a girl wants to see her fiancé in a dream, she needs to place a deep container of water near her bed and place pre-prepared twigs on it in the form of a bridge. Next, before falling asleep, she should say the following:
“Come to me, my betrothed, and help me cross the bridge.”
That same night, the girl will be able to see her fiancé in a dream.

Option No. 2

Before performing this fortune-telling, the girl needs to pull out several twigs from the broom and build a bridge from them, then carefully place it under the pillow and say the words:
“Who will lead me through a birch bridge or an aspen bridge or along rye straw into the future?”
At night, the girl should dream that her betrothed comes to her and leads her along the bridge. If they walk across the aspen bridge, then they will living together will be full of doubts and sorrows, as well as happiness; if it’s birch, then the girl will feel with her boyfriend as if behind a stone wall. A straw bridge predicts that the future union will not become strong, but if a girl sees in a dream that a guy throws her off a bridge, then real life You can expect big troubles from him.

Fortune telling about the future groom
This fortune telling is different in that it should be performed before bed on Thursday. Before going to bed, the girl needs to say special words:
“Thursday is close to Wednesday, and Tuesday is very close to Monday, even Sunday is close to Saturday, only Friday and I am alone. I lay down on the mountains of Zion, three angels above my head: one of them can see everything, the second will tell me everything, and the third will present my fate.”
That night the girl must dream about her future groom. But if she doesn’t see anything in a dream, then the fortune telling should be repeated only after a year.

Absolutely all girls want to find out who will become their destiny. This question has worried the fair sex for many years. Even in ancient times, girls performed various rituals that allowed them to find out the name of their future husband or see their appearance.

Seeing the appearance of your future husband in a dream. It's enough to know how to do it

One of the most popular rituals is fortune telling for a betrothed in a dream. It is best to carry out such rituals on New Year's holidays or from Thursday to Friday. These days are the most favorable for prediction.

How to prepare for the ritual

In order to carry out fortune telling before going to bed, you need to carefully prepare. The fortune-telling girl must cleanse herself, and this must be done through fasting. Three days before the ritual it is necessary not to eat products of animal origin and alcoholic drinks. On the last day of fasting, you can only eat bread and water.

There is one more very important rule, which must be adhered to. On the day when you decide to tell fortunes for your betrothed, you need to feed everyone who lives with you. And this applies not only to people, but also to animals.

During fortune telling, you need to be alone in the room, because the presence of someone can play a cruel joke on the predictions. And then many people think why the ritual does not tell the truth.

Sleepy fortune telling for the love of the betrothed

The ritual for love must be carried out on specific days, namely from Monday to Tuesday. To hold it in the room, there should be no strangers; it is best to do this when everyone in the family is sleeping. In order to perform the ritual you need to prepare the following items:

  • paper;
  • mirror;
  • lipstick;
  • Bay leaf.

For fortune telling you will need a bay leaf

Using a pen on paper, write the name of the guy you're interested in. Before doing this, paint your lips and make an imprint on a piece of paper. Next you need to put the sheet on the mirror, and after a couple of minutes place it under the pillow. Then take three bay leaves and write on each one a name such as Azarius, Ananias, Misail.

  1. At the time of performing the ritual of fortune telling for your betrothed, you need to pronounce the following words:

    “From Monday to Tuesday I peer into the starry sky, I look at the clear moon, let whoever thinks about me come to me in a dream this night.”

  2. With the help of this fortune-telling, the old people assured that the betrothed mummer would come in a dream. This guy will be with you for life. Most often, the prediction comes true, but you should not expect results so quickly.
  3. There is another working option, which is done using some kind of container and a twig. In order for a betrothed mummer to come in a dream, you need to take a container and fill it with water, and place a twig on top. And all this is placed near the bed or under it. At night you need to say words such as:

    “My betrothed, come and help me cross the bridge.”

  4. On this night, the one who will spend your whole life should definitely come. This option is the most popular and accurate, but there is another similar method of fortune telling. To do this, you need to remove the twig from the broom. After which you need to take it and put it under the pillow so that it does not break during sleep. At this moment, say the following words:

    “Who will lead me through a birch bridge, who through an aspen bridge, who along rye straws into my future?”

A betrothed mummer should come to the girl in a dream, who will lead her along this difficult bridge of life. Since there were three types of bridge in the conspiracy, they have different meanings:

  1. An aspen bridge indicates that sadness will walk nearby in your relationship.
  2. The birch bridge provides good life with a real man.
  3. A straw bridge means that you will not be able to have a long-term relationship with this person.

Walking with a guy across a straw bridge? You will have a relationship with him, but not a long one!

It also happens that a girl dreams that her intended guy pushes her off the bridge. If you dreamed about this, then it is better to refuse such a suitor. After all, these relationships can not only end over time, but also lead to irreversible consequences.

What other sleepy fortune telling are there for the betrothed?

Above are only a small part of the rituals that allow you to find out who you are destined to be with, who is the same costumed groom. To find out the name of your soulmate, you need to read the following words from Thursday to Friday:

“Thursday is next to Wednesday, Tuesday is next to Monday, Sunday is next to Saturday, and Friday is lonely and I am alone. I lay down on the mountains of Zion, 3 angels above my head: one sees everything, the second will tell me everything, and the third will show me my fate.”

Old people are sure that if you perform such a ritual, then at night you will definitely dream about the person with whom the girl will go down the aisle. Try to choose for this ritual holidays, it's best if it's Christmas or old New Year. And it must be the night from Thursday to Friday.

This is only a small part of sleepy fortune-telling, let's look at a few more ways to find out who your betrothed-mummer is:

  1. To find out who your betrothed mummer is, you can use plain water from the tap. This ritual is carried out only from Tuesday to Wednesday; on other days it will not be true. To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare such items as: a castle, only it must be new and water from a spring. Next you need to take the lock and close it over a bowl of water. At this moment you need to say the following:

    “Come, my mummer, come, my betrothed, and ask me for a drink.”

  2. People are sure that the guy who comes asking for water will be your future husband.
  3. Popular fortune telling are rituals under the pillow. They should be carried out only from Friday to Saturday; on these days the rituals are the most powerful and truthful. In order to see the prediction of who your betrothed is, you need to place your comb under your pillow. Then let your hair down, if it is in a ponytail, and go to bed, at this moment say the words:

    “My betrothed long-awaited mummer, come and my hair.”

  4. In a dream, the betrothed mummer will come and comb your hair, and you will connect your life with this person.

There is another popular ritual that allows you to find out the name of your future husband and ask fate who your betrothed is, this is fortune telling using a dream book. It is carried out from Wednesday to Thursday, on these days fortune telling is the most accurate. The ritual process itself is very simple and anyone can perform it.

Fortune telling using a dream book, conducted from Wednesday to Thursday, will help you find out the name of your future spouse.

The fortune-telling girl needs to write several male names on pieces of paper and place them under the pillow. When you wake up, reach under your pillow and pull out one piece of paper. The name that appears and will be the answer to the question, your mummer is the one who is betrothed.

Frying pan and sleep in hand

An unusual and popular dream fortune telling is the frying pan ritual. One more person participates in this ritual, this is your mother. You need to put a frying pan under her bed, just so that she doesn't know about it. Then read these words:

“My betrothed, come this night to your beloved mother-in-law and eat delicious pancakes.”

In the morning, when you wake up, ask your mother what she dreamed about, she must say who she dreamed about. If she dreamed that she was feeding your betrothed pancakes, then he will be your husband. But if no one came to your mother at night, don’t be upset, your time has not come yet. You can carry out such a ceremony a little later.

Girls who perform such rituals should know that they do not always bring joy. There are situations when the result is negative and fortune tellers are very upset about this. Therefore, when performing a ritual, do not expect a positive response. Try to relax as much as possible and tune in to the process itself. If it didn’t work out this time, then next time everything will work out.

You need to take absolutely everything from sleep rituals that they give. Believe that this night your betrothed will come to you and then everything will be fine. If one ritual does not work, perform another. In any case, sooner or later you will meet the one. You chose the wrong day for fortune telling. You can trust dreams, but people cannot. Therefore, read the conditions for performing the ritual well and everything will work out.

How to see your betrothed in a dream

How to see your betrothed in a dream? Who saw whom?

Fortune telling about a dream about a betrothed is very diverse. Better days fortune-telling - on Christmas (they are called Christmas fortune-telling), on the "Old New Year" - from January 13 to 14, on the night before Epiphany (Epiphany evening - January 18) or on Friday, during the waxing month or on the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, you must not talk to anyone or be distracted by extraneous thoughts and deeds. The less conversations you have with other people about the supposed fortune-telling, the better. To see true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over to reverse side, also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up and put the shirt on inside out.

Below are a variety of dream fortune telling options. You can choose any one that; I liked it the most.

1. This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. Re-braid your hair before going to bed. When you go to bed, put a small new padlock into your braid, close it with a key and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and ask for the key to unlock the lock.” Place the key under the pillow. In a dream, a groom will appear who comes to get the key.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb or comb under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come comb me.” (With this fortune telling, people go to bed without combing their hair).

3. Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."

4. Before going to bed, place a jug of water and a mug close to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

5. Eat a thimble of salt at night without drinking water. “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.” Instead of a thimbleful of salt, you can eat over-salted food.

6. They make a bridge out of twigs, place them under the pillow, wishing: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

7. They make a well out of matches and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”

8. When going to bed, put socks on your feet, then take the sock off your left foot and put it under the pillow. Say the words: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”

9. Before going to bed, take out the twig from the new broom, put it under the bed, and put some thing from the horse (horseshoe, bridle) under the pillow. Since such things are rare these days, you can make a drawing of a horse or cut it out from a picture, you can also draw a horseshoe. After that, going to bed, say: “Betrothed, my sir, go to my home, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, urge the horse, kiss me.”

10. Read three times at night: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday is a widow, what kind of dream will I have? Let me, God, see the one with whom I will live forever.”

11. Place a bowl of jam near your head and say before going to bed: “I have all the sweets!” The groom will dream, and besides, there will be no end to the suitors. Make the jam yourself.

12. So that the mother-in-law dreams about her future son-in-law. Place a frying pan with a pancake under your bed before going to bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

13. If a girl sleeps as a guest in a new place, before going to bed say: “The bridegroom will dream about the bride in a new place.”

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Kan Victoria Vladimirovna

Specialist in fortune telling and spiritual practices. For 2 years she traveled in Tibet and India. Conducts free fortune telling sessions for readers of our resource.

Articles written

Fortune telling about your betrothed or fortune at night before going to bed has existed for more than two thousand years. Such events should be treated as prophetic. After all, with their help, completely free of charge, a person is able to find out not only his future husband or wife, but also the answer to an exciting question. Of course, fortune telling for the night or for the husband is more popular and is widely known beyond the borders of the earth. Slavic peoples. It is difficult to say when such predictions appeared and who became their progenitor, but it has already been proven by more than one generation that they work.

All you need to do is make a wish, say the text correctly at night and go to bed.

All about types of predictions at night

Most of the spell words have already been lost, but the part that remains is divided into categories. They should only be used on permitted days. For example, fortune telling, in New Year's Eve, should be carried out according to the old style, and not the new one, taking into account the fact that you will have to go to bed before 12 o’clock at night. But fortune telling for love before bed or from Thursday to Friday will give the answer on any of the selected days or weeks. But again, worth a look church calendar. This is required in order not to guess on holidays, both large and small, but related to the Christian faith.

Fortune telling at night before going to bed can only be done in certain days. These special ones include:

  • from Sunday to Monday on New Year's and Epiphany holidays;
  • on the night of Friday 13;
  • from Thursday to Friday any week;
  • on Saturday at midnight.

As in previous times, it is recommended to carry out a fortune-telling ritual at night before going to bed so that the night light is full or increasing. The new month is generally considered an excellent moment for a prediction for the bride or fortune telling for the groom to become prophetic. Also, the period differs from all days of the year. At this moment, you can perform any secret ritual to find out: fate, future, loved one. Not only the spell of dreams is used, but also cards, mirrors, candles, and many other tricks. Lately gain popularity new way- online fortune telling at night before bed, which is several times simpler than the standard options. It works just as well on New Year's Eve and on other days.

Night answer-question

Having dealt with the types and methods of magical events, questions arise about fortune telling at night before bed. And the main one is: “How to make a prophetic dream?” In fact, there is no problem with this. Everything is based on the concentration of your impulses and desires. There are also additional rules. They must be fulfilled. Although, as practice shows, and judging by the reviews, many people manage to get an answer to a simple fortune telling about the groom without following them. But to keep everything in accordance with the rules, let’s voice them:

There are methods of night predictions from the class “My betrothed, you are my mummer” using playing cards. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to guess on maps at night, this disappears on its own. The only thing worth considering is that no predictions can be made for Easter or Red Hill.

Performance Champions

Among hundreds of old and new methods to recognize your future husband, three of the most effective and popular can be identified. They are held not only during Christmas or New Year's holidays, but also at the girl’s request (only the permitted day is taken into account). All of them require a lining under the pillow:

Four Kings

One of the methods of fortune telling at night before going to bed is divided into options. The first of them is “For 4 Kings”. To do this, kings are selected from a new deck of cards and placed on White list paper. Then put it under the pillow and when going to bed they say: “I saw four kings, I attached it to white paper. I don’t know his name, but I want to see the groom. Let the king come to me in a dream, take my white hands and lead me down the aisle.”

Salty plot

You can only guess from Saturday to Sunday. Before going to bed, eat a lot of salty foods, but do not wash them down. Take a handful of salt with you under your pillow. Go to bed right away. Turn the pillow over three times and say the following words: “I ate salty, I ate salt. She didn’t ask for water, her mother sent her to bed. From Saturday to Sunday, your betrothed one, come and give me spring water to drink.”

Another type of fortune telling at night before bed. From Thursday to Friday or the night before Christmas, we put our comb and open scissors under our pillow. As soon as we have taken a comfortable position, we say: “As the white night descended into the light of God, like a cloud of sleep flies towards me, slave (name), the wind does not interfere with him, and helps to tell fortunes on the young foliage. The groom will come in the middle of the night, comb my hair and trim the ends.” On this day, the person for whom the fortune-telling girl is destined should dream.

Love, romance, relationships - this is what occupies the heads and hearts of most young girls.

From time immemorial, women and girls have been guessing and casting spells to find out what their loved one is thinking about, who is destined for them, what their betrothed will be called and what awaits them on the love front. All these questions have always worried the fair sex, which is why such an incredible number of predictions and fortune-telling have come down to us - about the betrothed!

Traditional fortune telling for the betrothed can be carried out on playing cards, as well as on various kinds props - simple objects that every young lady has. If you are concerned about the love sphere, you want to find out the name of your future chosen one or your destiny, tell your fortune!

Modernity is different from the life of our great-grandmothers, and today girls tell fortunes for free online, and not “live.” Many traditional predictions - on cards, in the name of the betrothed, on fate - have passed into online mode, and allow you to get answers quickly and easily.

But you should still trust the old methods, and if you need a reliable and truthful answer about your betrothed, do not rush to completely trust online programs. Do everything as our wise ancestors did, and tell your fortune for real, at home.

Moreover, many methods are impossible in virtual mode, so you will have to carry out the ritual yourself. Try it, it’s not difficult at all, it won’t take any effort or time, and besides, the process is beautiful and interesting.

Betrothed-mummer, come...

This is exactly the spell our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to call upon their destiny in a dream or in waking visions, to find out its name or appearance. “Betrothed-mummer, come to me dressed up,” or “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner” - the options are different, but the essence is the same: the girl calls her future chosen one to look at him.

Choose for yourself the fortune-telling for your betrothed that you like and suits, and find out who is your destiny!

Seeing your betrothed in a dream

Surely you have heard about ancient fortune telling on the groom, or on the betrothed, which is done with a regular comb. Why does the comb become a magical tool in this case?

It’s simple, a woman’s hair is something mystical, it’s like a connection with the subtle, otherworldly world, a woman’s sacred power is in her hair. And the comb, thus, takes on the role of a magical conductor.

So fortune telling for your betrothed with an ordinary comb will help you see him in a dream. It is carried out at home, very simply, but with little preparation.

  • Wait until evening, take a shower.
  • Wear a simple nightgown and remove all jewelry.
  • Comb your hair, saying “Mummer, come comb my hair.”
  • The comb is then placed under the pillow.
  • After this, go to bed peacefully.

Most likely, you will dream of a person - he is intended for you as a betrothed. It is likely that you will see someone you know in your dream, or will dream stranger guy. Or maybe in your dreams you will hear a name - it will be the name of your future chosen one.

Don’t worry if the next morning you can’t remember the dream - this fortune telling for the betrothed can be done again.

Another interesting way to recognize your future chosen one in a dream was invented by our quick-witted great-grandmothers. Before going to bed, the girl should eat a lot of something salty, and, going to bed, say: “My betrothed, mummer, give me something to drink.” After this ritual, it is believed that her future chosen one will appear to the girl in a dream!

On the mirror

Everyone has heard about the ancient fortune-telling on a candle and a mirror - this is how people used to tell fortunes about their betrothed many centuries ago, and this prediction is the most accurate and most mysterious. It is carried out at home, in a room, at night. Preferably on a full moon. You need to let your hair down, take off your jewelry and put on a nightgown, turn off the lights and all electrical appliances.

A mirror and a burning candle are placed on the table so that its light is reflected. Then say the words that you have already memorized and start looking in the mirror, somewhere in its center.

At one point, the surface of the mirror will begin to become slightly cloudy until it becomes completely cloudy. If you continue to look, you will see vague outlines, and then the appearance of a person.

They say that many people saw their betrothed, future husband, in this way. The main thing is not to be scared! And immediately after they saw the betrothed, cross themselves and say “mind me.”


There is also fortune telling on cards for the betrothed, and more than one. Among girls, it is quite simple, at home, on ordinary playing cards.

You need to take four kings from the deck and wish for a guy for each of them. In order not to forget, it is better to write down the suit of the king, and next to it - the name of the person. This way you can determine which of your friends is most suitable for you.

After you write the name opposite each suit, put the piece of paper aside and begin fortune telling with playing cards. Place the kings in a row, and the rest of the deck, after shuffling well, place them under them into 4 equal piles.

Then examine each stack to see how many of which suits are in it. Which suit predominates under the king, you will have more of that if you are together.

  • Worms are love.
  • Clubs - failures and troubles.
  • Diamonds - money and well-being.
  • And the peaks are the probability of children.

So, after examining the stacks, choose the king that you least like based on the suits that were drawn, and put it aside along with the stack of cards that was dealt to it. Shuffle the remaining cards again and repeat the operation with three kings. Study again what fell to whom, and remove one king.

In the end, you will choose one of the two, and see which of the young people you have a happy future with. Well, the choice, of course, is yours!

What will they be called?

A funny and unusual fortune telling was invented once upon a time, in very distant times, by young ladies. They came up with it to find out what the name of the future groom and husband would be.

To do this, you should leave the house at midnight, outside the gate (well, at least just into your yard) and wait for a male person to pass by. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or an old man.

When you meet a passerby, you need to ask his name. Whatever it will be - this will become the name of your betrothed!

This prediction is best carried out during Christmas time, Christmas or New Year, especially immediately after the chimes. But you can also do it at normal times, if you really want to find out your fate!

Of course, fate and love excite you, like the rest of the fair sex. But don’t rush things, know that everything in life is arranged harmoniously and correctly, and everything has its time. Happiness is just around the corner, you just need to wait a little longer!
Author: Vasilina Serova
