Where does Sergei Zverev Jr. work? The son of Sergei Zverev passed two DNA tests to find his parents

No one could believe that such a shocking and scandalous figure could even have a family and children!

They said it was younger brother, a student who will receive all the secrets of barbering, and even the nephew of a stylist from Irkutsk.

Zverev himself often says in the media that this is his own son, and his wife left them or died tragically. In a word, the testimony is confused. And there is no evidence that this woman existed.

But Zverev really does have nephews. The stylist had an older brother, Alexander. Due to working at a “harmful” enterprise, he developed asthma and died in 1990. Sasha’s widow Galya and their two children live in Ust-Kamenogorsk. But Alexander’s son lives with his mother and has never left for Moscow.


It turns out that 12 years ago Sergei Zverev brought a three-year-old boy from an Irkutsk orphanage. Moreover, this was not a completely ordinary adoption. The stylist had to save a literally dying child. The situation in orphanages at that time was catastrophic.

When I entered the room of children who could not walk at all, I almost died of fear,” recalls Sergei Zverev. - The wooden cribs were chewed up! I thought: “Rats!” And these are children... I was shocked! They were hardly fed there. They stole food and took it to their home. I grabbed this boy and ran out!

Zverev brought the sick baby to Moscow. To the apartment where he lived with his mother Valentina Timofeevna. By the way, Valentina Zvereva also has a childhood experience in an orphanage. During the war, her parents died of typhus, and she ended up in an orphanage as a baby. I lost my husband when I was young. Anatoly crashed on a motorcycle, leaving two sons in his arms. And when the children were already on their feet, the eldest, the pride of the entire family, Alexander, died. A heartbroken woman has lost everything. And the main thing is health.

Therefore, Seryozha’s “paternity” was initially received with hostility. The new grandmother understood: all the burdens of upbringing would fall on her shoulders.

I was so scared when he brought it! - Valentina Timofeevna says with a trembling voice. “I remember exclaiming: “So he doesn’t walk?!” All sick, my God! There was no living place. Chopped from head to toe. Shame. I still treat him to this day. If it weren't for me, he would have died long ago! He constantly needs treatment. And I go everywhere with him every year, every year. He wouldn't have survived there. How many sleepless nights! He didn't speak at all. I couldn't walk. I didn’t know anything - no candy, no games. He repeated only the words “enough” and “later.” Everything in the shelter was taken away from them.

The stylist’s mother, who herself lost her health, began taking little Seryozhka to medical institutions. It was not possible to cure, and now 15 summer guy have chronic diseases.


During our investigation, terrible facts emerged: the boy turned out to be, in fact, a toy for Zverev. It turned out that the star “son” was sent back to boarding school at the age of six! Only now from Moscow. Can you imagine how the unfortunate child suffered - after all, he probably thought that they had decided to get rid of him again. The poor boy had to go through the stress of being in an orphanage again. Boarding school No. 45 is engaged in the education and upbringing of children with severe speech pathology, providing specialized assistance to help overcome speech disorders and related features of mental development. Why the wealthy stylist didn’t hire the same specialists to do his homework is a question that remains unanswered. But the exhausted boy needed a sense of family!

Further - worse. After boarding school, Seryozha Jr. changed schools like gloves. It was not easy for him: for example, at school No. 128 of the Central District, his classmates bullied him. In the current situation, it was necessary to pay attention to a difficult teenager, but the popular father began only to drag his minor child to parties.

Boy in Lately“I became very nervous,” Nadezhda Konstantinovna, the concierge from the Zverevs’ entrance, shared her pain with “Life.” - Doesn't get enough sleep. They'll comb it, put makeup on it like a doll, and drive it around to parties all night. They bring him home in the morning and take him to school. Seryozhka returns after school, puts down his briefcase and goes to bed in my closet. He is an easy-going, kind boy - he treats me. Not like his family! Grandma - checkmate. And my father is always on set.

The Zverev family also has conflicts with their neighbors. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities received a complaint: “Deal with the chaos!” AND social workers dealt closely with this problem. It is not yet known who will win this battle.

“I’m afraid of them,” Zverev Jr. shares his feelings about the visit of specialists from the guardianship authorities to their home.

One can only guess how these “military actions” affect the child himself.

The boy’s appearance in scandalous shows like “Full Fashion” clearly affected his psyche. Looking at the report card, you can track the deterioration in the performance of Zverev the son. Due to nightly parties and lack of sleep, Seryozha barely completed 7th grade. Teachers at a prestigious school have to push grades up to Cs. In their opinion, Zverev Sr. neglects his parental responsibilities. And Seryozha Jr. wants his father’s love so much...

Evgeniy Shaposhnikov, professor of therapeutic psychology

With such an unnatural way of life, the boy faces the threat of neuroticism, psychological neglect, confusion in the head, and loss of real life guidelines.

To prevent the child from losing himself as a person, the father should stop. It is imperative to coordinate with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

I never cease to be amazed how some parents ignore elementary educational principles aimed at the free abilities and inclinations of the child.

Based psychological analysis, the father wants to protect the boy from the difficult realities of life, but thereby he does not give him the opportunity to develop naturally, to go his own way. The father is raising a copy of himself, only of a hypertrophied type.

“King of Glamor” Sergei Zverev has finally made peace with his son. The singing stylist spoke about this at the celebration of the 11th birthday of the Musicbox TV channel. According to the artist, all misunderstandings with his son are left behind.
Zverev was among the first guests at the holiday. At first, his mood was not at all joyful. Apparently because they started asking him about his childhood.
“I grew up in a barracks,” the singer did not hide. “We had one toilet for ten barracks, and that was on the street.” Rats were always running around him. And I wanted beauty. I dreamed that when I grew up I would buy myself white suit. He understood that there might not be enough money for him. So I decided this: I’ll buy a white jacket and dark trousers!
In a conversation with reporters, the topic of the stylist’s relationship with his son, Sergei Zverev Jr., came up. Let us remember that the conflict in star family occurred when the son decided to get married. The famous hairdresser categorically did not like his son’s chosen one. He began to publicly criticize his daughter-in-law and did not even show up at his son’s wedding. He was sure: the guy would get divorced and very soon.

Sergei Zverev Jr. admitted that he was wrong when he did not listen to his father

“Everything is fine with Serezha now,” Zverev explained to ProZvezd. – Recently he visited his grandmother in Altai. Today I met him at the airport, we stopped at a restaurant, ate, and had a great conversation. He told me: “Dad, how wrong I was for not listening to you!” In principle, we did not argue with him. This situation was misrepresented in the media. I will say this: my son and I had a misunderstanding. Children, when they get married, do not see anything around them. They think they know everything better than anyone else. And everything turned out as I said.
– You recently announced that you are going to look for a wife for your son. What should it be like?
- I will accept any one he loves. This is the main thing - nothing can happen without feelings. I saw that he didn't love her. The son himself did not hide this. They're not a couple at all. Everyone saw it. Otherwise they turned me into a monster! But they actually called me and said: “Your daughter-in-law has been a prostitute since she was 11 years old.” Would you be pleased to hear this? Neither do I! Young people need to understand that they are obliged to show their chosen one or chosen one to their family. And if their relatives do not approve of their choice, then they need to think about it. And it’s better to listen to grandmothers and fathers; mothers are not always right, because they are jealous.
The stylist said that after the divorce, his son got busy with work:
- He has to go out tomorrow. He works in the same place as before. He started there as a DJ, then became an assistant manager. They see that the guy is trying. Now he is held in high esteem there. I'm proud of my son. He's great for me!

from our star commentator Otar Kushanashvili:
“However, when it came to X., Y.’s narrative confidence instantly disappeared.” There is a suspicion that the young man who grew up before my eyes and whom SZ subjected to such trials that it is strange that the guy survived is the same son of war as I am, the heir of Bob Dylan. But mercy is great anyway.

Our article will talk about an extravagant stylist, makeup artist, singer, actor, and the author of the phrase “The Star is in Shock.” And all this is about one person, namely Sergei Zverev. He is popular not only in the vastness of domestic show business, but also worldwide.

Winner of many prizes and awards in the art of makeup and style. The life of a star is interesting and complex. In the article you will learn about life, about his women, son, career. His work and perseverance bore fruit, he was recognized by the world community as best stylist in the world.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Zverev

The most extraordinary personality Russian show— business Sergey Zverev. He has his own circle of fans who follow his life. One of the questions asked, which comes from the lips of his fans, is what height, weight, age, how old is Sergei Zverev. At 53 years old, Serezha considers himself a “boy.” He's enough tall, which is 187 centimeters. Given his height, Sergei Zverev wears shoes with a 40-centimeter platform, which immediately makes him one of the tallest men in Russian show business. Looking at photos of Zverev with a naked torso, you will notice that he does not have pumped up muscles and abs, and he weighs only 75 kilograms. According to the zodiac sign, the Russian vocalist is Cancer.

Biography of Sergei Zverev

In Kultuk on July 19, 1963 working family A boy is born, who is named Seryozha. Seryozha lost his father early, his mother remarried some time later, and the whole family left for Ust-Kamenogorsk. WITH early years the boy became interested in sewing and dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. After graduation secondary school in Ust-Kamenogors he enters vocational school No. 13. In that educational institution he mastered three professions: hairdresser, makeup specialist and designer. Sergei Zverev associates his childhood with pictures of berries: he and his mother and brother often went to the forest and picked berries. In memory of his father and brother, the stylist created hairstyles that he signed “A”. In 1982 he served in the army.

The biography of Sergei Zverev as a stylist begins in the 90s. Initially, he worked in a small hairdressing salon. But many stars learned about his “wonderful scissors” and wanted to become his clients. He was the stylist of Alla Pugacheva and Ksenia Sobchak.

In 1996 he became the champion of Russia and the world in hairdressing. He won many awards and honors during his career.

  • The stylist tries himself in various paths: singer, actor, fashion designer.
  • In 2006, his hit “Alla” was released. Later the song “For Your Sake” and “Sincerely Yours.” Sergei Zverev released only 2 discs of his songs.
  • He takes care of his “golden pens” and therefore decided to insure them for $1,000,000.
  • A year later, the doll “Stylist Sergei Zverev” was released.
  • He is the owner of several beauty salons.

Sergei Zverev in his youth, photos can often be seen on the Internet. You may have noticed that the vocalist has radically changed his appearance.

Personal life of Sergei Zverev

The personal life of Sergei Zverev interests many fans of Star. From a young age, he was surrounded by female attention. Sergei Zverev lived with 4 women: Natalya Vetlitskaya, Alexandra Ginzburg, Irina Bilyk, Elena Galitsyna. All of Sergei's unions did not last longer than 2.5 years. The singer was seen in love affairs with many pop stars. Now Sergei Zverev lives in civil marriage with Elena Galitsyna, they are similar not only in appearance, but also in their outlook on life. Also, the artist has a son - Sergei Zverev (junior).

Family of Sergei Zverev

WITH early age Seryozha lacked his father's attention. Anatoly Zverev crashed on a motorcycle when the boy was 4 years old. He recalls that his father loved to play the accordion and accordion. Valentina Zverev's mother was a pupil orphanage, so she was very strict about raising her sons. Mom got married a second time. The stepfather treated Seryozha and Sasha well, but they were never able to find a father in the person of their stepfather. There was an older brother, Alexander, who died of asthma in 1991 because he worked at a hazardous industrial plant.

Now Sergei Zverev’s family consists of his mother, common-law wife Lena and son Sergei.

Children of Sergei Zverev

In 2000, all the magazines were full of headlines: “Children of Sergei Zverev”, “Zverev is raising his son himself.” For a long time the singer said that Seryozha (the youngest) is the son of a girl with whom Zverev lived together, but she died tragically. Later, he revealed the secret that he adopted this boy from an orphanage in 1995. The star was amazed by the conditions in which children did not live, but existed, and decided to give at least one child a happy childhood.

Sergei Zverev (senior), although he enjoyed great success with women, none of them gave the star a child.

The son of Sergei Zverev - Sergei Zverev (junior) - got married

The son of Sergei Zverev - Sergei Zverev (junior) was born in 1993. Sergei Jr. is the adopted son of a stylist. Zverev took little Seryozha from the Irkutsk orphanage at the age of 3 years. After that, he raises him like his own son. Seryozha (junior) did not follow in the footsteps of his father, he chose working profession.

In 2014, the son of Sergei Zverev got married, photos that you could see on social networks. There were many celebrities at the ceremony and the wedding was richly celebrated. Seryozha’s father did not like his son’s chosen one, since she was far from fashion and social life, however, he did not interfere with this relationship. A year later, this couple separated.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Natalya Vetlitskaya

Sergei Zverev's common-law wife is Natalya Vetlitskaya, lead singer of the Mirage group. The love affair between the couple occurred in 1995. A spark of passion flashed between Vetlitskaya and Zverev. He fell in love with Natalya at first sight and immediately offered to live together. Zverev and Vetlitskaya made plans for the future, but living together quickly drowned their feelings, and the days began to be routine. Realizing this, Sergei Zverev invites Natalya Vetlitskaya to separate and remain friends. Now the singer lives in Spain with her husband and is raising their daughter Ulyana.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project)

Sergei Zverev's wife - Alexandra Ginzburg ( Sasha Project.) The popular young singer turned the head of stylist Zverev. The press started talking about their romantic relationship in 2004. The couple was often together at all social evenings and parties. Their feelings were stormy and passionate. Frequent separations from his beloved prompted Sergei to propose to Sasha to live together. Family life lasted only a year, after which they broke up. Now Alexandra Ginzburg is happily married and raising children.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Irina Bilyk

The common-law wife of Sergei Zverev is Irina Bilyk, a Ukrainian pop singer. In 2010 we started intimate relationships between Sergei and Irina. Irina Bilyk lost her head over this extraordinary stylist. She even left her husband to be with Sergei Zverev. The couple lived in a civil marriage for more than 1.5 years. Family life was not cloudless; frequent quarrels occurred over views on life. Now Irina Bilyk lives with Aslan Akhmadov and is raising two sons: Gleb and Tabriz. The singer tries not to remember her relationship with Sergei in interviews.

Sergei Zverev's common-law wife - Elena Galitsyna

Sergei Zverev's common-law wife, Elena Galitsyna, is a famous TV presenter and singer. Sergei Zverev and Elena Galitsyna met at a club; they found many common interests and topics for communication. After this acquaintance they met often, and now they live together. Sergei and Elena are getting closer every day, and so he thinks that they will soon submit an application to the registry office. The couple does not think about children, since each is raising a child, they simply enjoy life in each other’s company.

Photo of Sergei Zverev before and after plastic surgery

Sergei Zverev is famous not only for his scissors, but also for the number of made plastic surgery. He performed his first operation at the age of 32, changing the shape of his nose. The operation was unsuccessful, and now he wears makeup because of this. Photos of Sergei Zverev before and after plastic surgery can be seen on the Internet. You will notice that his face has changed. Every year the number of plastic surgeries is only increasing. Sergey Zverev before and after surgery, photo dramatically different men. There was nothing left of the previous Sergei, but a completely different Sergei appeared.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergei Zverev

If you want to keep abreast of events that happen in the lives of stars, you should subscribe to everything social media stars Sergey Zverev is registered on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. The stylist is quite active on his Instagram feed. Many photographs and videos are dedicated to his work, as well as photographs from professional filming, and photos with his common-law wife Elena Galitsyna. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Zverev are some of the reliable sources in which you will learn last news from the life of a star.

24-year-old Sergei Zverev Jr., the son of a flamboyant stylist, leads a far from stellar lifestyle. The young man works in one of the hotels on the outskirts of Moscow and earns about 30 thousand rubles a month. The celebrity's son claims that this money is enough for him to buy food and pay for housing and communal services - he doesn't need more.

At the same time, Zverev Jr. has a rather eventful personal life. Not so long ago he married for the second time. His chosen one was his work colleague Julia. The woman is much older than her chosen one, but this does not bother the couple. A friend of Zverev reported this to the press and former member show "Dom-2" Rustam Solntsev. According to him, Yulia - unlike Zverev’s previous passion - treats Sergei “in a sincere way.”

A family friend recalled that Zverev Jr. divorced his previous wife, waitress Maria, two months after the wedding. According to rumors, the couple broke up because Zverev hit his lover. True, Sergei himself later began to claim that Maria herself often beat him.

Ex-wife Zvereva then told reporters that the young man wanted to get away from the influence of his star father:

Seryozha moved to Kolomna because he wants to get on his feet on his own, without resorting to the help of his dad. Sergei Anatolyevich once told Seryozha: “If you want, you will work in show business.” But he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t like it, and he told his father that he would achieve everything himself and earn money. He really worked a lot: both as a car mechanic and as a salesman in Gorbushka. Now he is a DJ at the Olympus park hotel in our Kolomensky district. There he lives and works. This hotel belongs to Seryozha’s cousin, Alexander Ivanovich Afanasyev.

Zverev Sr. himself admitted that he did not understand his son’s choice:

When I saw this woman next to my son, I said that they could be friends and communicate, but just not get married. I insisted on this in every conversation we had. She is not a match for him, we all told him so. We understood that Sergei was not marrying for love, that he did not like her at all, and he did not hide it. He said: “Maybe I’ll get married and fall in love with her.” He thought that getting married would fix things.


However, about new darling My son’s stylist also doesn’t speak very positively. Zverev Sr. does not approve of his son’s choice and sincerely believes that the young man should not study family matters, but to develop in creativity and build your career. His son has not yet introduced him to his wife.

Sergei Zverev managed to break out from a simple village boy into a respected and popular stylist of the most famous stars Russian show business. Despite the fact that the hairdresser and designer-stylist are not male profession, but Sergei knew from childhood what he wanted to become in the future.

The guy decided on his dream and confidently walked towards it step by step. Today, the name of Sergei Zverev is on everyone’s lips. He made his own career, achieved success thanks to his skill and talent, and is a shining example of how to work on yourself.

The popular and outrageous stylist has radically changed his appearance; millions of glances are always focused on him, which means everyone wants to know what his height, weight, and age are. How old is Sergei Zverev, each of us wonders, because he looks quite young. Few people believe, but this year is his anniversary - 55 years old!

The country's famous hairdresser is 187 cm tall and weighs 75 kg. For his height, Sergei is quite thin and rarely visits gyms. If anyone surprises with their appearance, then this is Sergei Zverev. The photos in my youth and now are very different. Now the designer has changed beyond recognition.

Biography of Sergei Zverev

The biography of Sergei Zverev is very interesting and significantly different from standard life stories. A future popular stylist and hairdresser was born in a small town Irkutsk region. Father - Anatoly Andreevich Zverev, mother - Valentina Timofeevna Zvereva. Sergei's father worked as a mechanic at an agricultural enterprise, and his mother worked as a technologist at a meat processing plant. Unfortunately, his father died in a car accident, almost two years later Valentina Timofeevna married a second time, and so Sergei got a stepfather and a stepbrother. The family moved to Kazakhstan, and later returned to their native Irkutsk.

After receiving secondary education, Sergei Zverev managed to enter a school where they did not want to take him, because at that time the art of makeup and hairdressing was considered a purely female specialty.

While still studying at a vocational school, young Zverev won prizes in various competitions. According to Zverev himself, he went to study in the fashionable capital of the world - Paris, but no facts could be found to confirm his words.

Few people believe, but a young man with such a rare calling (especially during the USSR) managed to serve his homeland in the ranks Soviet army. Sergei Zverev served in Poland, in the army air defense. Here Sergei succeeded, rising to the rank of sergeant.

After finishing his military service, Sergei Zverev again returned to improving his skills in the field of clothing design, makeup and hairstyles. At the same time, he worked as a model.

Thanks to the first star client Tatyana Vedeneyeva, who was satisfied with the work of the young stylist and hairdresser, Sergei Zverev began to give haircuts to the most popular artists in the country. The master’s golden hands were so in demand that a line of Russian stars lined up.

Meanwhile, Sergei continued to take part in international competitions, managing to achieve decent heights and titles.

Although Sergei Zverev (in his youth the photos are very different from the current ones) has changed significantly in his face, which is noticeable to the naked eye, he himself talks about the forced operations that he needed after the accident. But it is hardly possible to call changes in cheekbones and lip shape forced operations.

Today, Sergei Zverev has succeeded not only in hairdressing, but also began to sing, shoot videos, participate in television shows, and also acquired his own beauty salon in the capital of the country.

Personal life of Sergei Zverev

The personal life of Sergei Zverev is no less colorful than his profession. The list of his girls included the following: famous personalities as singer Natalya Vetlitskaya, Oksana Kabunina, Yulianna Lukashevich, Irina Bilyk.

According to some reports, he was married four times, but all the marriages were not long-term. Zverev has a son, about whose origin there are discussions and many assumptions are made. Sergei Zverev himself claims to have adopted the boy. However, many facts from the stylist’s personal life are contradictory and confusing. The tabloid press has not yet been able to get to the bottom of all the secrets of the country's popular hairdresser and makeup artist.

Family of Sergei Zverev

Initially, Sergei Zverev’s family is him and his parents. After tragic death father, his family became his mother, stepfather and half-elder brother. The stylist's mother grew up in orphanage Therefore, it was important for her that there was order and discipline at home. She raised her son in strictness and taught him to adhere to the rules. This is what helped Sergei Zverev achieve such success in his life and career. He is very grateful to his mother for raising him and believes that without her he would not have such a future.

Today is the most close person singer and showman - his Foster-son. Coincidence or not, he is somewhat similar to his father.

Children of Sergei Zverev

Are there any children of Sergei Zverev? Yes, I have. The stylist raised his adopted son alone. There was a lot of controversy about the boy's mother, but in the end, his identity was never established. Although Sergei Zverev claims that he took his son from an orphanage, the public sees the boy’s resemblance to his father, which means that Sergei simply does not want to reveal the name of his son’s mother.

Today Zverev’s son is already an adult guy who has managed to get married and divorced.

The popular presenter, singer, designer and makeup artist has many female fans, and most likely, many of them dream of presenting Sergei with an heir, but the stylist himself does not yet want to have a family or children.

The son of Sergei Zverev - Sergei Zverev Jr.

The only son of Sergei Zverev, Sergei Zverev Jr., was born in 1993. The child lived in an orphanage from birth, and when he was three years old, the singer and presenter adopted him.

Despite the fact that Sergei Zverev planned his son’s future, was going to pave the way for him to glory, wanted him to choose the same profession as his father, yet the son refused his father’s privileges. He completely abandoned his father’s idea and did not consider becoming a stylist or hairdresser. He was more interested in music and now works as a DJ.

In 2015, the son of Sergei Zverev got married (photos from the wedding are available online), his father was not at the wedding, as he was against this marriage. Sergei Zverev believed that the girl was not suitable for his son, and he was not mistaken. A few months after the wedding, the young people divorced.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Natalya Vetlitskaya

The first and long ago common-law wife Sergei Zverev - Natalya Vetlitskaya. The romance between Zverev and the popular pop singer did not last long. The initiator of the relationship was Zverev, he was so charmed by the girl that he immediately proposed cohabitation.

According to some reports, they broke up due to past passion. Other sources report on Vetlitskaya’s adventures, which did not bother Sergei. Although the romance did not last long, the couple managed to attract attention and make a lot of noise in the press. Today, the singer lives in Spain, she has a husband and daughter.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project)

The former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev is Alexandra Ginzburg (Sasha Project). The extravagant and bright girl immediately attracted Sergei’s attention. There was a beautiful courtship in their relationship, violent passion, cohabitation, which Zverev insisted on. The fact is that due to the busy schedules of both celebrities, the young people saw each other very rarely.

But who would have known that this would be the beginning of the end of their love. There are few details about the breakup; everyone walked away from annoying journalists and did not answer questions about the reasons for the breakup.

Former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev - Irina Bilyk

Another former common-law wife of Sergei Zverev is Irina Bilyk, famous singer Ukraine. This relationship was different. Here passion rather flared up, leading to an intimate relationship between Irina and Zverev.

According to journalists, the Ukrainian performer was delighted with the man. It is known that she was attracted to extraordinary personalities. But after living together more than a year, the couple also broke up. Exact reasons ex-lovers they don't call it. But the press suspects that this was another fleeting romance of the popular fashionista and stylist.

Sergei Zverev's common-law wife - Elena Galitsyna

Sergei Zverev met Elena Galitsyna in one of the capital's nightclubs. A conversation ensued, and then meetings, dates. The couple has many common interests, and their communication is easy and unforced.

According to many, soon, the fourth common-law wife of Sergei Zverev, Elena Galitsyna, may acquire the status official wife stylist. This is constantly written about in the media, and the lovers themselves do not deny this fact. It is interesting that Sergei and Elena are even somewhat similar to each other, which others could not help but notice.

Discussions of Sergei Zverev’s photos before and after plastic surgery cause great resonance. Obviously, the celebrity has visited a plastic surgeon several times. According to the country's most sought-after hairdresser, he initially had to go under the scalpel due to an accident.

Sergei was in a car accident, as a result of which he was disfigured. Then, a plastic surgeon corrected the consequences of the accident. Then, Zverev corrected the consequences of the plastic surgery that did not suit him. If you look at what Sergei Zverev looked like before and after the operation, the photos are radically different.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergei Zverev

Many fans of the popular presenter, makeup artist and stylist get information and photos of the celebrity by looking at the data contained on Sergei Zverev’s Instagram and Wikipedia. Instagram is replete with not only the latest photographs of the stylist, but also videos from various events.

Sergei Zverev is often invited to the openings of elite nightclubs, restaurants, various competitions beauty. And he shares everything that happens with his fans. There are also quite detailed information about a celebrity on Wikipedia.
