And yet, who owns the year, the Cat or the Rabbit? Year of the Rabbit (Cat, Hare) according to the Chinese horoscope: what kind of people they are - people with a double sign.

A well-known proverb says: a cat always falls on its paws. Does this mean that the cat is lucky in life, the darling of fate? Yes, because a cat (or rabbit), according to the eastern horoscope, is a gifted person. The cat has a lot of talents that amaze other people.

Eastern horoscope: cat or rabbit.

The cat is reserved, ambitious, knows his own worth and does not waste time on trifles. Probably the main drawback of a cat is its superficiality. Unfortunately, this quality extends to the cat’s entire personality - all his virtues, knowledge and talents are often superficial. The cat knows some part of the question that interests him, but the essence of this question is unknown to him.

A cat (or rabbit), according to the eastern horoscope, is a social person. He is sociable and loves to be in society. In public, the cat shines with its knowledge and taste. Loves to be the center of attention. He gossips with pleasure, but is never caught doing it. He has a sense of tact and great caution in discussing others behind their backs.

The cat is always hospitable. His house seems to be created for receiving guests - everything in it is decorated with great taste. The cat loves to be praised and admired. It must be unique and inimitable in everything.

The cat woman often indulges in narcissism. She is educated, cultured, and a pleasant and intelligent conversationalist. A cat can study some subjects precisely in order to show off his knowledge in a casual conversation.

The cat's character trait is balance. But he is also quite sentimental. Even the smallest injustice or trouble can move him to tears. At the same time, other people's troubles do not affect him much. Hunger and war will make him suffer only if they touch him personally. But the cat’s suffering in this case is so strong, uncontrollable and desperate that the cat may even die from it.

Having cried, the cat is quickly consoled. Melancholy is part of the charm of cats. But only if this melancholy does not develop into depression.

By nature, the cat is a conservative. He has a negative attitude towards changes in his usual way of life. He cannot live without a comfortable environment around him; he does not even like to sleep in a bed other than his own. Comfort, tranquility, safety are very important for a cat’s happy and carefree life.

Before making important decisions, the cat weighs the pros and cons for a long time. This indicates some slowness of his character. But it is precisely because of this prudence that many people trust the cat.

The cat seems to foresee the outcome of various important matters: he knows which business will succeed and which is doomed to failure. Therefore, cats succeed in business and trade. The main thing is that his activities are as safe as possible for him.

A cat woman is suitable for professions where she can show all her taste and talent. The cat wife is a gift of fate. She can be brilliant at the same time socialite and a gentle homely woman. She will enliven the house with her mere presence.

The cat values ​​​​his loved ones very much, but easily leaves the family for his loved one. He does not have much responsibility to his family, no sense of duty. The maternal instinct of people of this sign is not very developed; they can leave their children with nannies, while they themselves go to have fun with friends. Often mother cats do not spend time caring for the child and resume their careers immediately after giving birth, entrusting infant to the nanny. However, cat parents will never abandon their child and diligently raise him. The cat's child will not need anything, including parental attention and love.

The cat should choose a goat as a life partner, which he will admire and idolize. Strong marriage will be with a dog or a pig. The rooster will irritate the cat with his bragging. A rat will be able to drive a cat to despair. A marriage with a tiger will be doomed to divorce, since they will compete in everything.

As for the life stages of a cat, the first two stages of its life will pass quietly, unless war, famine or natural Disasters. The third stage of a cat's life can be associated with various dramatic events that will become real tests for his nervous system.

According to the eastern horoscope, in the essence of people born in the year of the cat (rabbit) there is something hidden and even mystical that attracts people to them. His weak sides can bring him great strength. The cat is a sorcerer at heart, he should use his power and mystery to be happy.

Years: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035

People born in Year of the Rabbit (Cat) according to the eastern horoscope, ambitious, modest, refined and virtuous. They make excellent diplomats and politicians, skillfully avoiding all sharp corners. They get along well with people, so they have a huge circle of friends and acquaintances. However, with all this, they are rather secretive individuals who love to be alone, engaged in scientific and intellectual activities.

Cats do not tolerate competition, become restless and lose their composure, so they try to avoid aggression, trying to lead the most calm and comfortable life possible. Even in their behavior they show calmness - their steps are measured, their movements are smooth, and their speech is gentle.

Rabbits have a conservative outlook on life - they, of course, will not point out their vices to others, but in their hearts they will definitely condemn them for their easy behavior, riotous lifestyle or rude statements. Cats love company, and it reciprocates. They love gossip, but they rarely allow themselves to slander, and even if they do, it is done with great caution and very subtly.

These people are very hospitable, they know how and love to receive guests - there is always food on the table. gourmet dishes, and an atmosphere of peace and mutual understanding reigns in the house. They always make everyone feel comfortable. Although everyone understands that they should not abuse the hospitality of Rabbits, they quickly get tired of talking on their territory, become absent-minded and superficial. By the way, inattention is one of the main qualities of these people. They rarely listen attentively; during a conversation they can think about their own things, and then suddenly join the conversation and skillfully support it.

Cats are equanimity itself; they are difficult to unbalance. They rarely raise their voice, even when they should. When they are shouted at, Cats “close up” and move away from the conflict. During a family conflict, they are offended for a long time, but will never respond with aggression.

These people are sentimental, but not sensitive - they may react with tears to their failure, but will calmly react to the mass death of other people, for example, those killed in a plane crash. War and famine in the country will touch them only when it somehow touches them too. They may even die from such suffering. They simply hate anything that can disrupt their life or cause complications. For them, personal safety is most important, so they always weigh the pros and cons, and only then take any action. All their lives they work to strengthen their positions in life. They are considered the most happy people who live in a harmonious and prosperous world.

People of the Year of the Rabbit (Cat) in everyday life. Rabbits have exquisite taste: modern interior and stylish clothes, expensive accessories, carefully selected. Their home is always in perfect order. This is the only way they feel comfortable and cozy. Also, their own corner is very important to them, even in own home, in which they can sit and think or do what they love - among the Cats there are many jacks of all trades - knitting, sewing, woodworking and more.

The main thing is not to distract them at this moment - they can “scratch” them with a word or action. Although in a normal situation they easily switch from one topic to another. They never lose the thread of the conversation.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). These people are dexterous in business, so they are valued both as a leader, and as an organizer, and as a performer. A contract signed with them or with their help will always be beneficial. Rabbits can be called “speculators”, they simply have a flair for profit, so he needs to choose professions related to trade, the ideal option is the owner of an antique store. Their sense of taste cannot be used only for personal purposes.

They can also choose a job that involves communicating with people; in particular, a lawyer, lawyer or notary would be suitable for them. They will be able to peacefully resolve conflicts between several parties using natural diplomacy and achieve the desired goal, thanks to their ability to listen carefully, but not sympathize. IN financially Stability awaits cats - they will always find a way to earn a decent living.

Love for those born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). Cats are loyal and romantic in love. They do not accept one-night stands, adventures on the side and intimacy without feelings. They never lose their heads, even in a fit of passion. If their feelings are not taken seriously, this greatly hurts the Rabbits. They are looking for a partner to be with him, as if behind a stone wall. After all, for them, relationships are a quiet haven where they can take a break from the raging sea of ​​life’s ups and downs. Cats are killed by quarrels and misunderstandings.

Rabbits are not amorous by nature, but they are very attached to their significant other, so they forgive a lot, except for betrayal. Quite often, these people ask to take a break in the relationship because they need solitude. The partner must understand this and give the Rabbit the opportunity to be alone without checking. Mistrust greatly offends these people.

A family of people born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). You can't name cats family people, they easily part with their family in favor of friends. They never feel responsible to their family and quite often treat children and loved ones worse than strangers. Their parental instinct is limited, but they are very good mothers and dads - children trust them and value their advice.

Rabbits never get irritated, they remain calm even in the most difficult situations, therefore in the family they are considered the most reasonable, you can always turn to them for help, not only physical, but also moral. They get married mature age and live for a long time with the same partner, but in their old age they can suddenly realize that this is not their person, and find themselves a new marriage partner and leave their family for him.

Health of those born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat). Cats strive to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - they do not overeat, drink little and rarely smoke. But there are breakdowns in their lives, because of which they can get into all kinds of bad things, including gastronomic ones. Overeating has a negative impact not only on appearance, but also on the state of health - diseases associated with the intestines and heart begin to appear. Diabetes mellitus may develop.

Characteristics of the Water Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Water Cat are tactful and peaceful. They will never offend anyone, at least they try not to offend with words or hurt with actions. By the way, because of this quality of being good to everyone, they often suffer from depression. The only plus is that cats quickly come out of them.

U Water Cats– excellent memory, they skillfully express their thoughts, and this applies to both written and oral speech. They quickly find mutual language with colleagues and acquaintances. Although many believe that Rabbits are not ready to communicate due to their external inhibition. In fact, at such a moment these people are thinking about their plans for the future. IN love relationships they value calm and mutual understanding.

Characteristics of the Wooden Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Cat of the Wood element are diplomats by nature. They are sociable and very funny. They hate, unlike their brothers, loneliness. They work a lot and hard to achieve the desired result. Afterwards they give themselves a break and rush into battle again.

They get along with people easily, so they have many friends, but they trust Wooden Cats only for yourself. Although many will be happy to come to the aid of a pleasant Kitty. In the family they sometimes show despotic qualities, especially for children. However, children love and respect their strict parent very much, because Wood Rabbits know how to not only scold, but also praise in such a way that you want them to do it again and again. In old age, these Cats always live with their family, in which they are greatly loved and respected.

Characteristics of the Fire Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Cat Fire element, have developed intuition, which they always trust. They are sensual and need the support of others. They love to be praised and petted. These are the people they choose as friends. Although they will come to the rescue even to to a stranger, if he asks for it.

Fire Cats– excellent listeners, however, as long as they are interested in the topic. However, to true friends they are always attentive, responsive and selfless. Peace and mutual understanding reign in their family, but they resolve minor quarrels only by talking, without raising their voices. They are peaceful and easily get along with others, although not with everyone, but in whom they feel trust.

Characteristics of the Earth Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Cat of the Earth element are sober-minded and clearly know what they need from life. They always have a plan to which they go, no matter what. Earth Cats are able to work long and patiently. They are convincing in their speeches; colleagues, relatives, and friends always listen to their opinions, since they are always correct.

Developed intuition helps Earth Rabbits predict where and how best to earn money, so they have a stable financial income and respect in society. The only thing that can repel the Earth Cat is his manner of speaking - floridly, but he does this on purpose when he wants to ward off unpleasant people.

Characteristics of the Metal Rabbit (Cat)

People born in the year of the Metal Cat are reserved, which is why many consider them unsociable. They always try to stay in the shadows to see what mistakes others make and draw their own conclusions, which help them in financial, personal, and production matters.

Metal Cats They never set unrealistic goals for themselves, so they always achieve what they want. They are careful in love, they prefer to be chosen, and they either agree to continue the relationship or refuse, but they do it very correctly so as not to offend the person’s feelings. It is better for them to choose a profession related to trade and art.

You can find out online which year correlates with which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element on the page.

We have long been accustomed to every New Year we pass under the sign of one of the symbols of the Eastern horoscope. We will know in advance who the patron will be next year what he promises us, what his character is, how we should celebrate the New Year so as not to anger his owner. On the contrary, we try to appease him with our outfits and New Year's menu so that good luck will accompany us in the coming year.

Why did it happen that there are two animals per year and it is generally not clear who should really be honored? Do you know why this or that animal becomes a symbol of the year? If not, then I present to your attention 2 legends that explain the traditions of the Eastern horoscope.

Legend one.

One day Buddha invited him to a feast (on the occasion of his birthday or New Year - there are various interpretations) animals - everyone who wants to come to him. The time was already cold, and on the way to Buddha the animals had to overcome a cold river with a rapid current. Only 12 animals dared to do this. As a reward, Buddha gave each of them one year of reign.

The Rat came first- she got the first year of the twelve-year cycle. True, they say that the cunning Rat, not wanting to get wet in the icy water, asked the Buffalo to transfer her to the other side. He agreed out of the kindness of his heart, and while he was shaking himself off on the shore, the Rat quickly jumped off his back and appeared before the Buddha first. Buffalo, Thus, came second.

I was already hurrying after him Tiger, who constantly competed with Buffalo. While the eternal rivals were arguing, the next animal reached the shore, but due to the fact that everyone was captivated by the spectacle, they did not take a good look at this animal - either it was a Rabbit or a Cat. After so many years, it is no longer possible to establish the truth.

Fifth turned out to be The Dragon, sixth was Snake, came for her Horse.

Fog fell on the river, so eighth guest It was not possible to identify with certainty - definitely it was either a Goat or a Sheep.

Sly Monkey looked at everything that was happening, was convinced of the safety of the event and then ventured on such a trip, so I was given control ninth year.

Tenth got it Rooster. He, of course, could have arrived earlier, but he had been giving instructions to his large family for a very long time.

I ran after him Dog, and the last one was Boar(other sources claim that he sent the Pig in his place). Be that as it may, the last 12th year was in his control.

Second legend.

The Jade Emperor sent his servant to earth to bring 12 of the most beautiful animals to his palace early in the morning.
The first executor of the imperial will met Rat, who was invited to become a guest in the palace.
The servants were also invited Buffalo, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster and Dog.
The “invitation card” remains to be given to one more animal, which was supposed to become Cat. The servant had heard a lot about his beauty, but he could not find the Cat anywhere. Then the servant asked the Rat to tell the Cat that he needed to be with the Jade Emperor early in the morning. The Rat promised to fulfill this order. She found the Cat, who was sleeping soundly in a secluded place, informed him about the upcoming reception and volunteered to wake the Cat early in the morning, since he did not rely on himself to get up early. Returning to her hole and looking at herself in the mirror, the Rat decided that the Cat would perhaps outshine her with her beauty and charm. The insidious Rat did not wake up the Cat, and he was late when the emperor distributed his gifts - to each animal a year of reign in a twelve-year cycle.
And it all happened like this: Rat conquered the emperor with her playing of the pipe and received First year. Buffalo received second for your kindness Tiger for obvious advantages - third, Rabbit got it for a beautiful fur coat fourth, to the dragon the prize went to the most exotic appearance, Snake was rewarded for wisdom, received according to the year of reign Horse and Sheep, for dexterity Monkey became the mistress ninth year, Rooster on the tenth, Dog on the eleventh. The question of who will become the ruler of the last, twelfth year, as they say, “hangs in the air” - There was no cat.
The servant hurriedly descended to the ground and called the first one who came across his path. The first was Pig. And although the emperor did not like her, there was nothing left to do; she was given twelfth year.
Cat rushed to the palace when it was already too late. The Cat was so offended by the Rat that to this day they remain irreconcilable enemies.

These are the two most common legends about animals, which today, according to the Eastern horoscope, are symbols, rulers of each year. The first of them explains why the symbol of the year has variants (Rabbit - Cat, Goat - Sheep), and the second explains why cats are the best hunters of mice and rats.

Based on materials from the site:

Discrepancies in determining the main animal of the next year there are Chinese and Japanese astrologers. The Chinese claim that 2011 is the year of the Rabbit. The Japanese are sure that this is the year of the cat.Based on materials from
Based on materials website the opposite is true: 2011 in China is considered the year of the Cat. The Japanese consider this same year to be the year of the Rabbit.

However, in both one and the other horoscope Rabbit and Cat are characterized approximately equally- This is an affectionate and non-conflict, but nimble animal that abhors any risk. Both are known for their ability to “land” on all fours after any fall.

We are used to combining very similar Japanese and Chinese astrology into one, and call it Eastern. And only occasionally are we forced to remember that these are still different teachings. For example, in the year of the Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep), or Pig (Boar).

Based on materials from

The coming year 2011 is a “servant of two masters”

It’s so interesting that the stars have aligned this time: the coming year 2011 has two owners - the Cat and the Rabbit. So we will have to please both.

Happy New Year!

Tomorrow, February 3, 2011 at 05:30 Moscow time, according to eastern calendar, the year of the White Hare (Rabbit, Cat) is coming - the year of Sin-Myo. Some astrologers prefer to talk about the Yellow Hare.

And yet, who owns the year, the Cat or the Rabbit?
The eastern (lunar) horoscope is not only a horoscope, but also a kind of chronicle - a beautiful legend that has been created since 2637 BC. up to 61 AD

Together with Chinese culture Variants of the legend about why a cat failed to become one of the twelve zodiac animals, each of which has its own year (according to Chinese astrology). One of them says that the cat simply did not appear to Buddha Shakya Muni on the day of his entry into nirvana (February 15). She was busy hunting mice. Therefore, since then, in some Buddhist schools it has been considered a symbol of lower astral forces, lower human qualities that should not be present in a Buddhist who wants to achieve enlightenment and liberation.
Although there is another legend about a cat and Buddha. When Buddha was dying, all the animals gathered at his deathbed and began to mourn him. Suddenly a rat appeared and began to lick the oil from the lamp. The cat, without thinking twice, immediately grabbed and ate it. The animals wondered what deed the cat had done: on the one hand, she saved the sacred oil for burning incense smoke to the glory of the Enlightened Buddha, therefore, the deed was good, but on the other hand, the Buddha commanded all living beings to love each other, and therefore that the cat has done a bad deed. The animals were unable to decide whether the cat did good or bad. Since then, this animal has been considered capable of bringing both good and evil.
The rabbit is also a lunar animal. Like the hare, it lives on the Moon and is associated with all kinds of lunar goddesses and Mother Earth. In Aztec symbolism, the Moon is a rabbit or hare. In China, figurines of white rabbits were made for the Moon Festival. Among the Wooded Indians east coast America's rabbit or hare is a fabulous trickster. It also symbolizes fertility and lust, but in rituals, clothes made from rabbit skins mean obedience and humility before the Great Spirit. The rabbit is also a pre-Christian symbol of rebirth and renewal at the beginning of the spring equinox. Emblem of the Teutonic goddess of spring and dawn Ostara or Eastra. Probably, the name of the Christian holiday of Easter (Easter) comes from the name of this goddess.
Modern emblems exploit the sexual symbolism of the hare. As an erotic symbol of lust, this emblem is used, in particular, by the notorious American men's magazine Playboy.

There are a lot of options - Rabbit, Hare - and all of them are no good. I'm still leaning towards the Cat. Firstly, because he is handsome. In addition, he is by no means a coward or a free rider, but a brave man and a great warrior. A bit of a swindler, of course, but harmless. Further, the Cat as an open sign requires worldwide distribution, while hares hide in the forests, and rabbits on farms. The cat is a healer, a keeper of comfort, a creature that we love without any hope of direct benefit, distributed throughout the world. And most importantly, the cat is on his own, and loves for no reason, and not for a reason.
However, if rabbits and hares become regulars on our sofas, our souls and the souls of our children, then we will have to recognize the equivalence of names. For now, only the Cat.

Characteristics of the sign:
Chinese name for Rabbit:
Fourth sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Element: Metal in 2011
Color: White in 2011
Polarity: Negative

This year brings comfort, diplomacy, hospitality and warmth.
Positive qualities: intelligent, observant, developed, peaceful, friendly, romantic and very devoted to those he loves.
Negative qualities: restless, fearful, pedantic and too preoccupied with himself.
Recommendations for choosing a profession: You will make an excellent diplomat, teacher, actor or priest, as well as a very respectable administrator in any business.

We are accustomed to the Avestan astrological school, in which it is customary to divide the whole year according to zodiac signs. Eastern sages believe that during all 12 months humanity is under the protection of one or another magical animal. These are Horse or Dog, Ox or Buffalo, Snake or Dragon and so on. Each of them has their own temperaments and habits, which they generously share with us, subordinating our destinies to their life rhythms. Moreover, in Chinese, these animals also personify luck, calmness, prudence or, conversely, suspicion, stinginess, and ferocity. Therefore, some years are marked by economic and political stability, calm environmental situation. Others, on the contrary, are characterized by crises, small and major wars, natural disasters.

Rabbit, aka Cat

Consider, for example, the year of the Cat. The next zodiac cycle begins with it. What is interesting: this cute pet is considered their good patron by the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, i.e. the Chinese. The Japanese call it the year of the Rabbit (or Hare). And if in nature cats come in a variety of colors, then rabbits are only white, gray, brown and black. However, we have already met the Fire Hare and the Blue, while the year of the Cat has always been modest color range. But both animals are not short of cunning. According to legends, the modest Bunny (aka Kitty) put the Dragon himself to shame. And few of the other heroes of the astrological zoo are capable of such a feat!

Distinctive features

So, it's the year of the Cat. Let's find out how they see theirs pet in China. Firstly, the cute purr is considered a very happy and lucky animal. Don't forget that if he falls, he lands on all 4 paws. And therefore, most of the troubles are successfully experienced and come out of troubles unharmed. And if you take into account the saying about his 9 lives, it becomes clear: the year of the Cat should be calm. If troubles happen, they will be resolved positively and easily, just as they arose. According to Chinese astrological teachings, prosperity, comfortable existence The cat is simply obliged to provide, if not everyone, then most of the inhabitants of the Earth for sure!


“Neither friend nor foe - but so...”

Alas, not one can do without outcasts. big family, where many relatives are gathered under a common roof. So is Kotyara - for some zodiac signs a sweet and easy-going brother, for others - a rival with claws. And some people are completely ignored. Without his mercy, the hard-working Ox, the fussy Rooster, and the restless Pig will have to survive this year. When distributing generous pieces of pie, alas, the Cat bypassed them. Therefore, the signs have no choice but to lead their usual way of life, work hard and only hope for happy changes. The main thing is to try to avoid stress and scandals - they are so tiring! In the end, one day everything ends, and so does the unpleasant year!

Let's sum it up

In general, as they say, the years of the Cat pass under the “plus” sign. And to support yourself, protect yourself and find a good helper, get this cute animal at home. You'll get a loyal friend, a fun playmate, a gently purring creature, and even your own personal doctor! A wonderful living talisman that brings good luck and happiness to its owners - isn’t that great?!
