How can an accountant make big money? Remote earnings for accountants

If you are a specialist in your field and have devoted your entire life to being an accountant, then you can be sure that you will be able to earn money on the Internet remotely.

According to one of the founders of the online office furniture store (the products can be found at the link -, the accounting profession is quite complex and for many entrepreneurs who have achieved success, your services are simply necessary, and given the widespread use of online business today, your services will definitely be in demand.

Remote earnings for accountants is in a great way have an income of free time when, for example, you are in search permanent place work or are on maternity leave or already retired.

To get started this activity, You need to use some technical equipment: computer with constant Internet access, printer, fax, communication equipment, microphone, web camera and much more.

If you decide to engage in such activities professionally, then you will have to find a permanent employer, which sometimes is not so easy to find, because you entrust your finances to to a stranger Not everyone can do it on the Internet.

Thanks to various sites that provide vacancies, you can find employers, or this can be done on thematic forums or, for example, on freelance exchanges.

When composing an advertisement that you are looking for remote earnings, be sure to indicate real data in order to instill trust in the future employer, in addition, indicate your professional experience, previous place where you worked and the reason for seeking this type of income.

On the part of entrepreneurs, using your services can save a huge amount of money. They save on wages and taxes, and besides, in this case, the employer is sure that he is paying for the result, and not just for going to work.

You will most likely not be able to find a permanent employer on freelance exchanges. But on the other hand, you will work exclusively in your free time, and you will be able to collaborate with several employers at once. In this case, you will have a stable and high income.

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The position of an accountant at an enterprise is not very attractive due to its pay and work schedule. Computer technology and programs to automate many accounting processes have somewhat simplified the work, but also led to a reduction in staff.

An alternative to working directly in the office is the possibility of remote work via the Internet. By independently choosing customers and determining your working day, this can be either full-time work or additional income. It is especially convenient for students, young graduates, retirees and existing business accountants. In other words, anyone who understands the features can make money accounting and has free time.

Priorities for remote work

  1. At home on your own schedule.
  2. Earnings are generally higher than those of ordinary accountants, but the responsibility is greater; the more competently the order is completed, the more better recommendations and demand for services.
  3. Work is not limited. There are no bosses, so no one will overload you with work beyond the norm.
  4. Incentive to level up. Professional services are better paid.

It is also profitable for entrepreneurs to hire remote accountants, it’s cheaper than keeping a permanent staff of accounting employees, savings on vacation pay, no need to maintain workplace(furniture, software, stationery, etc.).

Similarly, you can work without the Internet, provide private services locally, but why limit yourself to just one city or region?

Payment for services

A remote accountant who has just started his activity can earn about 500 dollars per month. Over time, when many appear good reviews, a reputation as a specialist is earned, earnings can increase up to $10,000. It all depends on the professionalism, the customer company and the amount of work performed.

Necessary qualities of an online accountant

  1. A person should already understand accounting, no one will pay for bad job and extended deadlines.
  2. An accountant must have a thorough knowledge of the legislation that relates to his activities.
  3. Knowledge computer programs. For example, you need to know the 1C program almost perfectly.
  4. Responsibility, competence, integrity, attentiveness. Don’t forget that the specialty of the job is finance. The slightest mistake can greatly harm the customer and at least ruin the name of the accountant.
  5. Communication skills. Communication with the customer should be business style, in compliance with all rules of conversational ethics.

IN modern world many different professions have begun to turn into remote work.

Accounting is no exception, Lately New proposals for remote cooperation are increasingly appearing, and resources are being opened that offer relevant services.

Remote accounting, who needs it? A huge number of users who want to earn money while sitting at home and no less a large number entrepreneurs who want to save money.

Earning money as a remote accountant

Anyone who is well versed in accounting can take advantage of offers for remote cooperation.

Getting such a job on the Internet is not so easy; as a rule, employers are looking for employees from a certain city, but do not require official employment and an office visit.

On the one hand, this is an excellent opportunity to get work from home, but on the other hand, you will not be officially employed and, your level wages may be slightly lower. Where to look for work? You can view lists of remote vacancies on freelance exchanges (,).

Offers for remote accountants do not appear often, so it is better to start searching on your own. Visit the websites of various companies and find the “Vacancies” pages on almost every website large company, there is a separate page with lists of vacant positions.

Benefits of remote accounting

In addition to private remote accountants, outsourcing companies have been created on the Internet that provide a range of services. Working with them is much safer, because remote workers systematically fail to fulfill plans or miss deadlines.

On the other hand, you will have to pay decent money for such services. Don’t forget that by hiring a remote accountant, you have the opportunity to seriously save on taxes and keeping an employee on staff.

The most common type of service used by company owners is remote preparation of accounting reports. It is not easy to do such work, but they pay a lot of money for this work.

Whether it is worth using remote accounting is up to you to decide, because for employers and performers, this activity is accompanied by both positive aspects, and negative.

Earning money for an accountant from content

A specialist from any field can use his knowledge to make a profit by writing useful articles.

Accountants are no exception; they can write texts on many different topics and then sell them to website owners on a suitable topic.

What, for example, can you write about?

  • proper accounting;
  • recommendations and advice on accounting;
  • main problems with booze. accounting;
  • the importance of the work of an accountant in an enterprise;
  • review of programs for accountant work.

If you are an experienced and competent accountant, then you can come up with a huge number of different topics, for writing articles.

For sale finished articles use exchanges and . Thousands of useful texts are purchased with them every day.

In terms of cost, decide for yourself, but it’s better to start with small prices in the range of 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters. When you get promoted and regular customers appear, you can safely raise prices.

From the large list of available options for earning money, I would like to highlight specifically for accountants.

How often do we face a lack of money! It seems like there is a permanent job, and they pay well, but there was still no money! Sometimes the task of making it from paycheck to paycheck seems like something fantastic. For some, this situation in life is permanent, for others it is temporary, but both the former and the latter are united by the desire to change this situation as quickly as possible. This is where the opportunity to earn extra money comes in handy. And when the question “How to do this?” appears, the easiest way is to do what you already do for a living. If you work as an accountant, then it is easiest to look for a part-time job of this type.

Where are accountant services needed?

Finding an advertisement in a newspaper or on the Internet offering to work as an accountant from home is almost impossible. Even if it gets there, the hype around it is crazy. But you shouldn’t despair, since there are few such offers only from large companies. But small businesses or those that have just opened are often in great need of such specialists. After all, creating and maintaining a full-fledged workplace is beyond the means of many young companies, and it is necessary to submit reports, even zero ones. This is where you can come to the rescue for a certain amount money.

How to start earning money as an accountant from home

You should understand that one company can give you relatively small income per month. Therefore, start by building up a base of several companies. Then Your monthly additional income can reach 20,000 – 30,000 rubles . And this is already very, very good.

You can search for companies through the Internet, acquaintances or friends, posting your resume on different sites. You can (and even need to!) call or come to small companies yourself and offer your services. You shouldn’t, of course, expect that all of them will welcome you with open arms, but it is quite possible that some of them will need your services (they may be especially often needed in small shops and private entrepreneurs). Be prepared to be rejected. It `s naturally! The main thing is not to give up and keep looking.

Here you need to understand that the more actively you search, the more you will get as a result. So don't sit idly by. It is unlikely that the job will come to you on its own; you will have to try and spend some time searching. Then your activity will generate income, so let’s drive laziness and embarrassment away!

What features of working from home as an accountant should be taken into account?

Do not forget that you are an unofficial worker. Since it is expensive for an employer to officially employ you, your contract will most likely be oral. There are both pros and cons.
The advantages include the fact that you do not bear any financial or legal responsibility. After all, all documents are signed not by you, but by the head of the company. And taxes will not be deducted from your income.
But informal employment can also be considered a disadvantage. After all, you will have no guarantees! Therefore, do not rush to send reports (especially if these are the first reports for any company) by e-mail. It is better to spend a little time and hand over the report “from hand to hand”. Of course, it’s better to take the money right away too! It’s better to start using email when you are confident in the company and see that they are interested in your services.

Who is suitable for working at home as an accountant?

Of course, we can say that if there is a desire, there will be opportunities, but you still need to take into account that you will need a sufficient amount of free time. If you are constantly lacking it, then you should not take on additional obligations. As a last resort, do not recruit too many companies so that your earnings do not come at the expense of your main work and personal life.
If the lack of free time does not bother you, then feel free to take on this task. By gradually collecting your own “client base”, you will get involved in this business, it will not be so tiring and difficult to do additional reports in your free time, and a good amount of money that you can earn with the help of such a simple business will be a good help for family budget and will more than cover all the shortcomings of this part-time job. So go for it! You will definitely succeed!

The benefits of a part-time job for an accountant are obvious. This is both additional income and versatile experience, because everywhere has its own specifics. And the more experienced an accountant is, the faster he gets the job done, which means he becomes even more in demand and highly paid in the labor market. A third of the accountants we surveyed work part-time (see Figure 1).

Finding a part-time job as an accountant is not difficult. You can’t even do without this specialist small company. Reporting, even if “zero”, must be submitted. When making decisions, managers often rely on accounting data, and they simply feel much more confident if they are accompanied by an experienced accountant. However, not everyone can afford to support a full-time accountant: provide him with a workplace, supply him with stationery, office equipment, an accounting and legal system, and pay contributions to funds for him. Therefore, employers are increasingly interested in freelance accountants.

— From January to July, the salary offered in Moscow increased within one percent. Positive changes concern the construction industry, sales and logistics, says Maria Ignatova. — And the most noticeable negative trend is observed in accounting. The salary offered in this area has decreased from 62.1 thousand rubles to 61 thousand rubles.

Maria Ignatova,

HeadHunter Research Director

Choose the right time to look for a job

In summer there are few vacancies, but there is also less competition among applicants. By autumn, both vacancies and candidates become more numerous. Closer to New Year's holidays- decline again. Seize the moment when everyone is already relaxed in anticipation of a vacation, and HR specialists have not yet managed to close positions before the end of the year. The next burst of activity is in early spring, and to May holidays and in the summer there is calm again. Even seasonality will not interfere with the search if you use modern methods: mobile app with notifications of new vacancies, automatic searches for vacancies with a fresh selection daily. This will help you be the first to send your response and receive the coveted invitation to an interview.

How many companies to run?

The income from running one company is relatively small. Therefore, many accountants manage more than four companies (Fig. 2). We asked experts how many companies need to be run in order to find a balance between financial results and labor costs and in reporting period handle all the work?

“Reporting on ten “empty” companies on the simplified tax system can be prepared in a couple of evenings,” says Maya Divnina. — But if we talk about companies that conduct real economic activity, then even one company takes quite a lot of time. It is necessary to collect the “primary information”, reminding the manager more than once to receive documents from suppliers! Print the cash book, etc. And when everything is collected and the reports are compiled, it turns out that the taxes are too high and this needs to be discussed with the director. It is realistic to run no more than one or two such companies as a part-time job in the evenings. In an audit firm, of course, the accountant leads more firms.

— On a full-time basis you can work from 10 to 15 small companies, in free time - about five,” adds Svetlana Sheveleva.

*According to an online survey of 68 people

How to formalize the relationship?

Second important question— which method of cooperation to choose: informal, part-time or part-time work in an accounting firm?

Accountant at home

Despite the possible risks, the most popular type of cooperation between a customer and a freelance accountant is an informal oral agreement. Pros: no need to pay income tax, bear financial and legal responsibility - all documents are signed by the head of the company. However, if a conflict arises, it cannot be resolved officially. Experts advise against sending work by email until you are sure of the client. First, transfer reports “hand to hand.”

Part-time work

An obvious advantage of this type of cooperation is official employment. Part-time workers receive an official salary, from which the employer pays contributions to funds, labor Relations regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Often the “main” employer is against their accountant working for someone else. However, for part-time work, the consent of the employer at the place of main work is not required, with the exception of special cases provided for by law (Article 343 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employer does not have the right to fire a part-time worker, apply other enforcement measures, or stipulate such conditions in the contract. But if part-time work prevents an employee from performing his duties normally, he may be dismissed under the conditions provided for by labor legislation, both from his main and additional place of work.

Part-time job at an accounting firm

In the West, accounting outsourcing has long been popular, especially among small companies. This service is also becoming more and more in demand here. Managers are beginning to understand the benefits of a “remote accountant.” There is no need to pay contributions to funds as a freelancer. The risks of being left alone with accounting and reporting are minimized if the accountant suddenly gets sick or quits, or if the computer breaks down and the data disappears.

“You can successfully work in an outsourcing company both part-time and full-time,” says Svetlana Sheveleva. — After all, the accountant himself chooses how many organizations he should manage. An employee of the accounting service department is not tied to the workplace and the daily routine of the organization. He can plan his own employment and work anywhere where there is Internet. This is suitable for women with small children who find it difficult to fit into the daily routine of a full-time accountant.

“We have sad experience of working with part-time accountants,” says Maya Divnina. “One, because of a small child, did not manage to complete more than half of the work on time, another’s computer crashed on the day of delivery... The work of an accountant is responsible and confidential, it is better to entrust it to full-time, time-tested employees.

Is the work of an in-house accountant different from working for an outsourcing company?

“Our work is divided into sections, like in the accounting departments of large corporations,” continues Maya Divnina. — This “conveyor” distribution of responsibilities allows us to serve more clients, but requires a clear organization of the process. We work in Kontur.Accounting, so I even control what is happening in the client databases from my home computer or phone.

Maya Divnina,

General Director of Financial Consulting Center LLC

Grow professionally

I recommend accountants to improve their skills and thereby increase their income. From an assistant accountant to an accountant, from an accountant to a chief accountant, from a chief accountant to an auditor or financial director. Or open your own accounting business, if you feel like it.

How to keep records easier and faster

It is important for both full-time and freelance accountants to simplify and speed up their work as much as possible. The outsourcing company also needs to work remotely and reduce service costs. We found that 42% of accountants work remotely (Figure 3). Online accounting services allow you to solve these problems. For example, Kontur.Accounting is suitable for a full-time accountant, a part-time accountant, an accounting firm, and even a director who has at least a little knowledge of accounting. And now, with the help of this service, a manager can find an accountant, and accounting firms can find clients.

*According to an online survey of 68 people

Svetlana Sheveleva,

founder and director of the company "Accounting-Online"

Work remotely - build relationships

With development cloud services, such as Kontur.Accounting, the circle is significantly expanding potential clients. You can hire companies from any region of Russia for service. It is better not to start working until the contract has been signed. New clients take a lot of time, since you first need to understand the essence of their company's activities and build relationships with the director or owner of the business. Subsequently, relationships are built with clients based on trust and mutual respect. Working as an accountant remotely, you can receive stable income, comparable to the income of a full-time accountant and even exceeding it.

