How to go to the emirates to earn money. Negative aspects of employment

United Arab Emirates considered one of the richest countries in the world and there are many vacancies for professionals from other countries. Tourists from all over the world are attracted by interesting and exciting stories about this exotic state, which is often called “the land of deserts and sheikhs.” The only option to find out how local people really live there is to travel to this amazing country - no, not on vacation, but on permanent job! Employment in United Arab Emirates is considered a legitimate opportunity to stay longer and gain valuable experience in any field. As in any other Muslim state, there are certain prohibitions and restrictions here, which may also apply to visitors.

High income from oil sales allows citizens of this state to receive numerous benefits. On average, more than 90% of jobs belong to migrants, many of whom are Ukrainians. Work in the Emirates has its own characteristics compared to labor emigration to other countries. for women and men pays well, and in case highly qualified workers, wage will be higher than in Western countries Europe.
As practice shows, few people risk searching on their own vacancies in Dubai. Most often, candidates try to find a suitable vacancy remotely. For this purpose, there are special companies that find worthy employers. Our company, DubaiWork, is just such a company. For many years successful work, we have learned all the intricacies and features of this field of activity, so we are happy to offer our help to everyone!

Jobs abroad for Ukrainians 2018-2019

It can be said that vacancies in the Emirates for Ukrainians, in the first place is the demand in the hotel and restaurant business. We can offer you a great selection of vacancies in Qatar in this area, starting from the receptionist, ending leadership positions. Also, employees involved in the construction sector, service sector and IT sector are in demand here. Moreover, some positions specifically require Russian-speaking workers. In turn, we want integrity and responsibility from candidates, and knowledge is also very important in English on intermediate level and relevant work experience. Having successfully found employment in the desired position, you receive full social package from the employer, and it includes: a work visa, medical insurance, food and accommodation, and flights and vacation.

Our company "Dubai Work" in all cases adheres to the code of professional ethics, achieves its goals, and always takes into account the requirements and wishes of its candidates. In partnership, we greatly value strong, long-term and stable relationships with our clients.

Having an invitation from the employer, the employee is allowed to open a residence visa, which has the form of an identity card. Before starting his work, the employee must undergo a medical examination.
If you are looking for suitable vacancies in the Emirates, our company, will be happy to help you find and obtain it, in accordance with all legal regulations. We have already helped Ukrainian girls and boys over 18 years old who wanted to work abroad to find work abroad. All vacancies in the UAE proposed by us will fully comply with all your wishes. For all details and questions, contact our manager using the phone numbers you see on the website.
Remember, we build our own lives and careers, so don’t be afraid to take the first step towards your dreams, and DubaiWork will always help you with this! Good luck!

Urgent vacancies in the UAE, Dubai, Ajman, Al Ain, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar jobs

Stay tuned for new vacancies on our website.
We have recently filled the following vacancies:

  1. Maid, girls and boys, English spoken, salary from $400 + bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  2. Waiters (waitresses), girls and boys, over 20 years old, average English, salary from $450 + bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  3. Assistant waiter, guys over 20 years old, spoken English, salary from $450, full social benefits. plastic bag
  4. Cook's assistant, girls and boys over 20 years old, intermediate English, salary from $450, full social benefits. plastic bag
  5. Secretary, girls from 20 years old, salary from $450 + bonuses, English intermediate and higher, full social services. plastic bag
  6. SPA Therapist (cosmetologist), SPA worker, specialist who knows how to do SPA procedures, salary from $450 + sales bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  7. Massage therapist, girls needed, work experience 2-3 years, English average, salary from $450 + bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  8. Repair technician, guys from 20 years old, salary 600$-800$, average English, full social skills. plastic bag
  9. Assistant Restaurant Manager, girls and boys, over 20 years old, salary from $1500 + bonuses + tips, English average. full social plastic bag
  10. Administrator in a restaurant, girls and guys over 20 years old, salary from $800 + bonuses + tips, English intermediate and higher, full social services. plastic bag
  11. Inspector (administrator) for monitoring the cleanliness of rooms (head of maids), boys and girls over 20 years old, salary from $800 + bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag.
  12. Receptionist, girls over 18 years old, intermediate English, salary from $600-$800 + sales bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  13. Hostesses, girls over 18 years old, intermediate English, salary from $600 + sales bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  14. Butler/Concierge, guys over 18 years old, spoken English, salary from $450 + bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag
  15. Bartender/Barista, boys and girls over 18 years old, spoken English, salary from $500 - $800 + bonuses + tips, full social benefits. plastic bag

Free vacancies in 5* Hotel (Dubai)

Follow our website. since from time to time we have free vacancies.
We recently filled the following vacancies:

1. Receptionist - girls and boys over 20 years old, English average, rate from $600 + bonuses
2. Concierge - girls and boys over 20 years old, English average. and above, bet from $600+ bonuses+ tea
3. Room service assistant - guys over 18 years old, English. conversational, rate 410$+ bonuses+ tea
4. Butler - guys and girls from 20 years old, English. conversational, bet $500 + bonuses + tea
5. Hostess - girls over 18 years old, English. avg. and above, bet $700 + bonuses + tea.
6. Bartender - girls and boys over 20 years old, English. medium and above, bet 650$ + bonuses + tea
7. Barista - girls and boys over 20 years old, spoken English, rate $750 + bonuses + tea.
8. Waiter/Waitress - girls and boys over 20 years old, English average, rate $520 + bonuses + tea.
9. Cook and assistant cook - girls and boys over 20 years old, English intermediate and above, rate from $800 - $1650 + bonuses.
10. Lifeguard (aqua zone administrator) girls and boys over 18 years old, English. conversational, bet $450 + bonuses.

Personal interview with the Employer in Kyiv.

We also have free vacancies

There are also job vacancies in Kuwait, Algeria and Saudi Arabia.

The United Arab Emirates is one of the richest countries in the world. Thanks to high income from oil sales, citizens of this state receive numerous benefits and are in no hurry to take what they consider to be low-paying positions. As a result, more than 90% of jobs are occupied by migrants, many of whom are our compatriots. More than 100,000 citizens of Russia and CIS countries constantly work here. How can you become one of them and get a job at UAE enterprises?

Features of the United Arab Emirates and its labor market that are important for an immigrant

The UAE is a Muslim country in which all life is subject to Sharia law. When moving to permanent residence in the United Arab Emirates, you need to be prepared to comply with them, especially in in public places. Thus, women in trousers or short skirts may not be allowed into some organizations, and during the holy Arab month of Ramadan, all residents of the country are prohibited from openly eating and drinking before sunset.

UAE Labor Law

In accordance with labor code In this country, the working day is 8 hours, and the week is 48 hours. But in service and tourism enterprises it can be increased by one hour per day. Employees are given a day off once a week. As a rule, it falls on Friday. For overtime work during the daytime, an additional payment of 125% is required, and for overtime work at night - 150%. The employer may replace the salary increase by providing an additional day off.

All employees of UAE enterprises, regardless of their position and citizenship, have the right to annual paid leave. It usually lasts 30 days. Some organizations compensate their foreign employees for the costs of air tickets purchased to travel to their home country during vacation.

The laws of the United Arab Emirates provide for a probationary period of up to 6 months. During this period, an employee who does not comply with the terms of the work contract may be fired within one day.

After the end of the probationary period, the employment contract can be terminated at the request of either party by notifying the other one month in advance. If dismissal occurs before the expiration of one year from the date of conclusion of the contract, then the administration of the enterprise has the right to demand from former employee reimbursement of all expenses incurred in connection with his employment. These include the costs of processing the documents necessary for hiring and purchasing air tickets.

The activities of trade unions and the organization of strikes are prohibited in the United Arab Emirates. All disputes arising between participants in working relationships are considered by the country’s Immigration Service and the Ministry of Labor. Their decisions can be appealed in court.

Video: how to avoid becoming a victim of an unscrupulous employer when applying for a job in the UAE

Specialties in demand in the United Arab Emirates

The greatest shortage of personnel is experienced by UAE enterprises operating in the services and trade sectors. Our compatriots without special labor get a job:

  • waiters;
  • bartenders;
  • animators;
  • cooks;
  • sellers and consultants of retail stores;
  • parking attendants.

In addition, boys and girls from Russia and the CIS countries often find jobs as stewards and stewardesses in the airlines of the United Arab Emirates; employers conduct interviews with potential employees in major cities our states. For applicants who have passed competitive selection, companies pay for the flight to the UAE and the preparation of the necessary documents.

Despite a significant decline in oil prices, the construction industry continues to actively develop in the UAE. For its successful functioning, a constant influx of specialists is required. different professions, starting with builders and ending with real estate sales managers.

Computer technology experts are in high demand in the UAE labor market. Programmers and system administrators can easily find high-paying jobs in almost any city in the country.

Salary amount

UAE laws do not define a minimum wage. Enterprises in the country have the right to independently decide how much their employees will receive.

Today, the lowest wages in the country are among low-skilled workers. Thus, the salary of cleaners and landscapers often does not exceed 1,500 thousand dirhams per month (27,000 rubles). Such low level wages is explained by the huge number of visitors from the poorest countries in Asia who are willing to work for any money.

Labor in the service sector is valued somewhat higher. The average salary in hotels and restaurants is 2,500 dirhams per month (about 45,000 rubles). In addition, their employees receive free housing, food and transportation to their place of work.

Highly qualified specialists earn significantly more. Depending on their position and work experience, their monthly income ranges from 8,000 to 30,000 dirhams (144,000 - 540,000).

Table: salary amounts for representatives of some professions in the UAE

Job title Salary amount (Dirhams per month)
Taxi driver2,000–3,000 (36,000–54,000 rubles)
Waiter1,500–3,000 (27,000–54,000 rubles)
Secretary-assistant2,500–6,000 (45,000–108,000 rubles)
Account Manager9,000–12,000 (162,000–216,000 rubles)
Interior designer9,000–16,000 (162,000–288,000 rubles)
Electrical Engineer10,000–20,000 (180,000–360,000 rubles)
System Administrator12,000–22,000 (216,000–396,000 rubles)
IT manager15,000–45,000 (270,000–810,000 rubles)
Real Estate Sales Manager15,000–40,000 (270,000–720,000 rubles)
Financial Controller35,000–58,000 (630,000–1,044,000 rubles)
CFO of a medium-sized company45,000–65,000 (810,000–1,170,000 rubles)

Ways to find work for Russians, Ukrainians and other residents of the CIS countries

In Russia and other countries post-Soviet space There are many recruitment agencies that recruit personnel for Arab enterprises. Usually their services are paid for by the applicant. average cost participation in such employment programs is 800–1000 US dollars, excluding the cost of purchasing a ticket.

You can find a job in the UAE on your own. Almost all employers in the country advertise open vacancies on various Internet sites. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • ;
  • ;

Large companies Countries use their own Internet portals to inform job seekers about available jobs. So, you can find a suitable position in the duty-free zone of Dubai Airport on the website

Video: how to find a job in the UAE

Features of official employment of immigrants in the United Arab Emirates

Any foreigner who meets the following requirements of the country's immigration service can enter the UAE:

  • age not older than 50 years;
  • good health;
  • availability of a job offer from an enterprise located in the United Arab Emirates.

To enter the country for the purpose of employment, a work visa is required. It is issued in the UAE by an employer intending to hire a foreigner. The future immigrant is only required to send him a completed application form in English, a copy of his foreign passport and two color photographs. In some cases, a certificate of education may be required, the validity of which has been confirmed by the UAE consulate. To undergo the diploma legalization procedure you must:

  1. Receive an archival certificate from the graduated educational institution.
  2. Certify the translation of a diploma or certificate to Arabic at a notary;
  3. Confirm the notary's credentials with the Ministry of Justice of your home country.
  4. Certify the seal of the Ministry of Justice at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  5. Provide the diploma and archival certificate to the UAE consulate for examination.

In case of a positive decision by the authorities of the United Arab Emirates, confirmation of extradition work visa sent to email applicant within 2–3 weeks. To successfully cross the border, it must be printed on a color printer and presented to the customs officer.

All migrant workers arriving in the UAE are required to undergo a medical examination, which necessarily includes HIV tests. All expenses for its implementation are borne by the receiving party.

The validity of a work visa does not exceed 60 days. During this time, the employer must transfer the foreigner’s (Russian, Ukrainian) passport to the immigration service for affixing a resident visa to it. In addition to it, the migrant receives plastic card, identifying him in the UAE (Resident ID). Since 2014, this document has replaced the previously issued work permit (Labor Card).

A resident visa is usually issued for three years. After the expiration date, it can be extended. To do this, the employer who hired the foreign employee again contacts the local immigration office.

Early dissolution employment contract will result in visa cancellation and a six-month ban on working in the country. This can only be avoided by receiving from the employer a document indicating the absence of claims - No Objection Certificate. UAE enterprises are extremely reluctant to agree to issue it, so it is almost impossible to change jobs.

Consequences of illegal migration

Only citizens of the Gulf States have the right to work in the UAE without obtaining any documents. All other foreigners must obtain a resident visa and ID card in a timely manner.

UAE authorities strictly enforce immigration and labor laws. All enterprises in the country are regularly inspected by authorized bodies. Employers found hiring illegal migrants are punishable by a fine of up to 300,000 dirhams (5,400,000 rubles) and imprisonment for at least 2 months. The failed employee will also suffer the well-deserved punishment. He will be arrested for 2-3 months and deported from the country. In addition, a foreigner will have to pay 100 dirhams (1,800 rubles) for each day of illegal stay in the country.

Table: pros and cons of working in the UAE

Opportunities for internships at enterprises

Most hotels and restaurants in the United Arab Emirates are happy to hire young interns from other countries. They are provided not only with free housing and food, but also with a salary of at least 1,500 dirhams (26,211 rubles). In addition, the host party bears the costs of purchasing tickets and obtaining a work visa.

Students or graduates of specialized fields are allowed to participate in internship programs at UAE tourism enterprises. educational institutions no older than 30 years of age and fluent in English. You can find a vacancy for internship on the websites of large hotels operating in the United Arab Emirates. For example:

  • ;
  • .

Typically the practice lasts from 3 to 6 months. After its completion, a permanent employment contract can be concluded with the trainee. The knowledge acquired during practice will become the foundation for a successful career in the future.

Subtleties of business immigration

The United Arab Emirates attracts businessmen from all over the world due to the almost complete absence of taxes and the high solvency of the population. But starting your own business in this country is not so easy. According to UAE laws, at least 51% of any enterprise must be owned by a citizen of the country, so the first priority of a foreigner who decides to open a business is to find a local partner. A similar service is provided by specialized Arab companies. Its cost usually ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 dirhams per year (190,000–450,000 rubles).

After a partner has been found, it is necessary to begin registering a new enterprise. This procedure can vary significantly depending on the type of organization being established. So, in order to open a Limited Liability Company, you will need:

  • open a bank account and transfer the authorized capital to it (the amount of the minimum contribution depends on local laws and ranges from 40,000 to 80,000 dirhams or 720,000–1,440,000 rubles);
  • reserve the trade name of the company;
  • enter into a lease agreement for office or retail space;
  • obtain prior permission to register an enterprise from the Emirate Department of Economic Affairs;
  • draw up and sign constituent documents;
  • obtain a license to engage in the chosen activity.

Video: registering a business in the UAE

You can avoid the lengthy and complicated procedure for opening a business by purchasing already ready business. Small shops, cafes and beauty salons are especially in demand among migrants from Russia and the CIS countries. The average cost of such objects ranges from 100,000 to 400,000 dirhams (1,800,000–7,200,000 rubles).

Owners of enterprises registered in the UAE receive a three-year resident visa. If the company is successful, the visa can be extended an unlimited number of times.

Let's imagine that you wanted to go to Dubai and find a job there, but you are afraid that you won't succeed and don't know where to start. I hasten to please you, this is far from difficult, I will show you step by step guide, which will help you quickly find a job and start earning $1,000 or more on your own.

How to find a job in Dubai

1. To begin with, you need to have small savings, this will be enough for the first time.

2. The price will include:

Buy a ticket XXX - Dubai - XXX, buy full fare tickets with full price, you can (Y) class or those in which you can return at any time for the return trip or re-issue for another date. This is usually done when you have already got a job and you don’t have to go back to your home. If you couldn’t find a job, then you already have a ticket as insurance.

Tourist visa and visit visa

You can apply for a tourist visa or visit visa either from your travel company, or you can find people who are already making such a visa at half the price on the website apartmentflat/. With this visa, you will fly into Dubai International Airport and go through the Security Checkpoint. The duration of the visa will be about a month and therefore you will also have exactly a month to find a job. You can, of course, extend your visa for another month; you will do this yourself later, when you have counted your expenses and if, in fact, you are attracted to some position, then you can safely extend it.

The cheapest tickets from Moscow to Dubai and back

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Housing – it is advisable to think in advance about where you will live in the near future. Either this is a hotel, but it will cost you a pretty penny, or you can find cheap bed space housing (about 1000 dirhams per month) through an ad or newspapers about 274 dollars). The difference between the second and the first is that in the room where you will sleep there will be a lot of you, since housing in Dubai is expensive and therefore from 2 to 8 and even more people. There is another option to live with your friends, if you have them, but prepare for the worst (just kidding). The housing will be normal, the main thing is that you can get along with other nationalities from other countries, and this you already know is a foreign religion, cuisine, ritual and others. Here's some advice: look for a room where Russian speakers from the CIS countries live, it will be easier and more useful for you with them. Ours will quickly explain to you what's what.

international passport

Your international passport must be available; without it you will not be allowed to leave the airport from where you will be departing. In some CIS countries, an OVIR is pasted into the passport, which is also permission to travel abroad. If everything is in order, obtaining a passport will not be a big problem.

3. That's it, you have a ticket in your hands, you have a visa to Dubai and you know where you will stay for the first time, but what next? And then the most important thing is to get to Dubai and start looking for a job as soon as possible.

Search for work via the Internet, useful sites

One of the ways to find a job is through Internet search engines and employer websites, one of them will be:


There are a huge number of such companies, maybe you’ll get lucky. But there is a small problem, the probability that you will be invited based on your application via the Internet is 0.0001%. You might be lucky if you are a stunning girl or a really sought-after specialist, but this is also a negligible chance. Usually, employers do not weed out each contestant one by one, but simply stupidly divide them into two piles, one in the trash can as a pile of losers, and the other, as if there is still a chance to find something there. Therefore, your resume on the Internet must be unique in order to attract an employer.

Job search is through a recruiting company (recruitment agency)

Another way to find a job is through a recruiting company (recruitment agency) or as they call themselves Head Hunter (head hunters - that is, smart heads). On the plus side, your chance of finding a job will be doubled, you don’t have to go to Dubai to look for work, they will do all the legal work themselves. Of the minuses, the very high cost of services after concluding a contract, there are no guarantees that you will like it there or not, and it will be very difficult to get an interview right away since the number of clients of their agency will be very high, thereby they will be invited to almost all interviews with employers; increased competition for one in a word.,, etc.

Finding a job on your own

A way to come to Dubai yourself and find yourself suitable job according to your requirements and your level of knowledge. It is about the last method that we started this guide.

Finding Local Jobs in Dubai

4. So, we have briefly dealt with all types of entry and types of job search, now let’s focus on the option when you decide to come yourself and try your luck. Let's fast forward a little, and so you safely passed visa control and left the airport, got to your place of temporary residence and that's it, what now? Now the real job search begins short term, if you are purposeful and don’t give up, then everything will work out for you.

First, print out your resume, preferably there will be a lot of them. I hope you won’t have to explain how to prepare a resume; we’ll assume that you know how to do it; if not, ask someone who can do it for you in English. Your resume is ready, now take it and go to the city center, to various recruiting companies, shopping centers, restaurants, hotels, cafes, supermarkets, etc. Go everywhere and leave your original resume wherever you are. Be sure to write down which companies you have already submitted your resume to and if you receive a call from this company, be sure to find out all the details on the Internet so that you can be confident in the interview with the employer.

The second option is to buy a local newspaper and highlight the main vacancies, get a phone number or e-mail, try to get in touch with them. If everything goes smoothly, you will already be offered a job. Don’t expect anything, you will have tough competitors from other countries who, just like you, want to find a decent job. So take advantage of every opportunity.

First, remember - you will need to gain a foothold in Dubai, and this will be very difficult to do the first time, so you will not get a good job right away; you may be offered a job in the service sector. But this is also a plus, as soon as you get a job, it doesn’t matter which one you adapt at first, and then if you don’t like it, you simply change it to another one in accordance with their laws.

You found a job - what next?

5. About the main thing, well, you got your job, even if it’s not the one you dreamed of, but still the goal has been achieved, but what’s next? Now everything is simple: they buy you a round-trip ticket to Oman, so that you can fly out of the country and cancel your tourist visa, and then fly back with a copy or original of a new resident visa, which already allows you to work here legally and freely.


Important information - wages here are different, so don’t be happy that you will be paid about 800 or 600 dollars, maybe in your country this is a lot of money, but here it’s not very much.

6. Further, even if you were offered such a salary, do not be discouraged, because you always have to start somewhere and if you decide to develop further here, then everything will be fine. Your level of English should be sufficient for you to be able to earn a normal salary; if your level is weak or you don’t know it at all, then your salary will be correspondingly low. It is advisable to save some money and get a local driver's license, since good work always require local licenses. You can also unlearn your license if it is legalized under international standard, or you can pay part of the total amount for training, since you already have a driving license.

I wish you good luck in your job search and welcome to the UAE!

The United Arab Emirates is included in the list of the richest countries in the world. There are practically no poor people here, it is noted high level life, government benefits are paid. Salaries in Dubai are very high, and this attracts foreigners here from both Europe and Asian countries. But local residents receive the highest wages. The country's leadership first of all tries to take care of its own citizens.

Salary in Dubai

Foreigners can also count on higher salaries if they are highly qualified specialists. For people from the CIS countries, it seems that even janitors and cleaners here have fairly decent salaries. There is no fixed minimum wage or standard benefits in Dubai. They depend on qualifications, nationality, experience and other factors.

Popular professions for foreigners

Salaries in Dubai can be both minimum and maximum, even for foreigners. When employed as a waiter, janitor, maid and other unskilled positions, applicants can expect a salary of up to 1.5-2.5 thousand dollars. But there are also in-demand specialties that pay well without additional advanced training courses:

  • flight attendants, pilots and airport workers;
  • scientists, regardless of industry;
  • computer technology specialists;
  • system administrators;
  • managers for the sale of building materials, cars and real estate.

Russian doctors are most valued in the United Arab Emirates as excellent specialists not only in making the correct diagnosis, but also in treatment. The Russian school of medicine is highly valued in this country. But on good positions It's not so easy to get to in the United Arab Emirates. There is a tough selection. But the wages of the same doctors are appropriate - over 50,000 dirhams (translated into Russian money - 900 thousand rubles).

Minimum wage

Low salaries in Dubai are mainly received by those who do manual work. In the majority, it goes to citizens of Asian countries, mainly immigrants from India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Pakistan. They work 12-hour shifts for weeks on end. The low salary category includes:

  • nannies;
  • maids;
  • security guards;
  • gardeners;
  • drivers.

How much does a janitor earn in Dubai? Since this handmade, she is classified as low-paid. Janitors receive $500 monthly. But they are provided with free housing, which attracts foreigners.

The minimum wages for maids, for example, are equal to those established by the local government. Russian women receive higher salaries. They are valued for their balance and patience. Girls from other countries have different salaries:

  • female workers from Sri Lanka - 850 dirhams;
  • from India - 1100;
  • Bangladesh - 750;
  • Indonesia - 800;
  • from the Philippines - 1400 dirhams.

Work in the service and tourism sectors is poorly paid. Secretaries and administrators receive a small salary. But the salary increases significantly when employees reach the level of assistant manager. Knowledge greatly influences wages foreign languages, especially Arabic.

average salary

The average salary in Dubai is constantly increasing. It varies from 5 to 10 thousand dirhams. Moreover, even such payment may have big difference. For example, the director of an Indian school receives approximately 10 thousand dirhams, and an international one - 25,000. But these values ​​are considered average. Most managers are well paid, but the demands placed on them are quite high.

High salary

Accountants and architects, pilots and lawyers can count on high salaries. As already mentioned, doctors also belong to this category. Managers and immediate supervisors of companies receive large salaries, but it is quite difficult to achieve such positions here. Construction directors or directors earn well information technology- 48,000 and 90,000 dirhams.

The salary of a lawyer is 55,000, an auditor and controller is 48,000. Financiers receive up to 75,000 dirhams monthly. The salary of executive directors reaches one hundred thousand. Bank executives receive up to Dh135,000. Chief accountants earn slightly less.

Teachers' salaries

Working as a teacher in Dubai brings a small profit to the latter. Teachers receive only Dh2,000 per month. But this is not the final bet. For example, teachers at private foreign schools receive between Dh5,000 and Dh15,000. Some teachers are even luckier. Their salary reaches 20 thousand monthly.

Interestingly, teacher pay, even within the same school, can vary greatly. This largely depends on the nationality of the teacher. IN government institutions they receive from 25 thousand dirhams. In addition to nationality, remuneration also depends on work experience.

Policeman salary

The salary of police officers in Dubai primarily depends on the rank of human rights defenders. Generals receive 69,000 dirhams, and colonels - 40,000. For example, in 2016, their work was paid in the amount of 35 thousand dirhams, and the service of majors - approximately 29,500. The salary of a police officer with the rank of captain is 25,000 dirhams, and lieutenants receive from 22,000.

Salaries in real estate

Real estate jobs in Dubai are very popular. Agents and realtors are in great demand. A senior manager receives between 15-40 thousand dirhams monthly. The amount of wages directly depends on the number of transactions carried out.

A property appraiser receives approximately 20-30 thousand monthly. And the salary of an advertising manager starts from 24,000.

Remuneration in the field of information technology

The head of the IT technology department is paid from 35 to 65 thousand dirhams. Manager information security earns from 25,000 to 45,000. Programmers and project coordinators earn approximately 15 to 45 thousand. The salary of a system administrator ranges from 10,000 to 22,000.

How much do Russians earn in Dubai?

For foreigners, the most common offers in the UAE are work in the tourist services sector. The positions and salaries available to Russians in Dubai by profession look like this (payment is indicated in dirhams):

  • waiters - from 1000;
  • bartenders - from 1100;
  • sales consultants - from 1500;
  • laborers - from 600;
  • hairdressers - from 2500;
  • designers - from 17,000;
  • security guards - from 1,000.

In addition, it is easy to get a job in the Emirates:

  • beach lifeguards;
  • fitness instructors;
  • animators in hotels;
  • cooks;
  • nannies;
  • crane operators;
  • electricians;
  • master finishers;
  • maids.

Russian job seekers most often find themselves in the first two wage categories - minimum and average. Highly paid positions in this country are filled by its own citizens or Europeans. Accordingly, salaries in Dubai for Russians can vary from 700 to 20,000 dirhams. And it depends on the specialty and qualifications.

If, for example, we take the salary of a cook, then they receive from 1.5 to 2 thousand dollars monthly. Waiter for quality work earns from $300 + tips and bonuses. The Emirates are interested in permanent workers, so contracts are most often issued for two years.

The UAE has always encouraged the attraction of foreign work force for unskilled labor. IN last years the situation began to change. Now Russians can count on jobs with higher pay. But it is installed if one or more conditions are met:

  • the person must have a higher education;
  • the employee must be able to work in a team;
  • knowledge of English and (ideally) other languages;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • the person must have practical skills.

A lot of attention is paid to the appearance of applicants. The United Arab Emirates is paying close attention to this. Especially if the person works in a prestigious company. A presentable appearance must correspond to the image of the company or enterprise.

Career growth for foreigners

When visiting foreigners start working in the UAE, their initial salaries in Dubai are very small. But if a person shows remarkable abilities, he may well do good career. This means that if you work hard, you will rise career ladder you can do it pretty quickly.

The Emirates welcomes the training of specialists needed by the country. Therefore, even if a Russian or another foreigner gets a job first as a simple security guard or bartender, then after special courses he can move to the position of administrator or department head.

Although wages in the United Arab Emirates seem quite high, and even the minimum salary is not that low, it is necessary to take into account the cost of renting a home. It's very big. Although there are employers who pay their employees for accommodation, transport, visas and even round-trip tickets.

The United Arab Emirates today is one of the most attractive countries for labor migration and business development. Working in the UAE means high earnings, social standards, quality and standard of living. This is an opportunity to receive decent pay for your work.

The attractiveness of the UAE for business and employment is determined by the fact that:

  • high level of security, law and order and legality;
  • modern infrastructure. Which is constantly evolving;
  • ease of registration and implementation of business activities;
  • no income tax;
  • high quality of life;
  • almost one hundred percent of employers in the hotel and service sector invite foreigners to work;
  • you can find a job even without qualifications or with minimal experience;
  • high probability of career growth;
  • the opportunity to legally stay on the territory of the state within 30 days after the end of the work contract, which makes it possible to find new job to the UAE and stay in the country;
  • many employers offer free accommodation, food, work clothes, transport, visas, flight tickets, health insurance and other benefits;
  • an important point is the Wage Protection System - a program that allows a migrant to receive money even if the employer turns out to be unscrupulous;
  • in the future, the creation of the world's first pension fund for foreign migrants in Dubai.

All this makes the UAE a very attractive country for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other residents of post-Soviet countries. The potential level of income and the opportunity to live in a modern civilized country with a warm climate allow employers to hire employees from many countries around the world. Every year, the emirates accept citizens from more than 200 countries for various vacancies.

The UAE has a very friendly policy towards migrants, issuing a large number of work permits and thereby stimulating the flow of migrant workers, who in turn dynamically participate in the galloping pace of development of the country's economy. One of the preferential directions economic development The United Arab Emirates is a tourism business. It has been brought to such a level that even in winter period hotels are almost 90 percent full. A large number of hotels are built and opened every year, providing new places for tourists and, naturally, vacancies.

It is obvious that the majority of in-demand professions relate specifically to the hotel business, service and leisure sectors.

What might scare off a potential applicant?

Firstly, working in the UAE primarily means “working” 100%. You will have to work 48 hours, 6 days a week. All entertainment events, travel and walks will have to be included in one day off.
Secondly, it’s hot in the UAE subtropical climate, which residents of the northern regions get used to with difficulty and not without problems. In summer the heat can reach 50 degrees. Of course, it should be taken into account that all premises, restaurants, hotels, cafes have air conditioning.

Thirdly, a huge number of migrants from all over the world create a unique multinational palette that does not accept intolerance on racial and national grounds. Therefore, if a person has difficulty restraining his emotions from meeting with different people, he should refrain from traveling to the UAE and find a job among his compatriots.
Fourthly, the UAE - religious country, which respects traditions. You should be aware of them, as well as Islamic laws, before travel and employment.

Fifthly, contracts are concluded mainly for one or two years, and the probationary period is as much as six months, although the level of remuneration during these six months does not differ from the usual one.

Sixthly, the high attractiveness that distinguishes work in the UAE determines the no less level of competition between applicants. And this, in turn, complicates remote employment. Of course, you can find a vacancy and submit a resume via the Internet, but an applicant who comes in person for an interview has a much better chance. In view of large quantity those wishing to get a job, there is a high probability that a resume sent by email will never be read potential employer before hiring the relevant employee.

If the UAE is suitable in terms of worldview, climate and the ability to really work, then in this country you can live for quite a long time and without problems, get a solid career and, of course, a corresponding increase in salaries. Visas, unlike the USA and Canada, can be extended without problems.

Most common vacancies in the UAE

An analysis of popular vacancies allows us to identify the most relevant ones for Russians and other residents of post-Soviet countries. These include:

  • bartender;
  • cook;
  • waiter;
  • receptionist;
  • head waiter;
  • Butler;
  • supervisor at a restaurant;
  • Guest Relations.

Requirements for applicants

As a rule, candidates wishing to find employment in the UAE must meet the following parameters:

  • age 20-29 (for leadership positions the maximum age reaches 35 years);
  • conversational level of English;
  • communication skills and the ability to communicate freely;
  • skill to work in team;
  • employment opportunity for at least one year;
  • no visible tattoos;
  • availability of a valid passport (valid for at least six months).

An advantage for a job seeker who wants to find a job in the service sector in the UAE will be to have at least some experience in the restaurant, hotel business, tourism and recreation. Those who have had this experience in the Gulf countries get an even bigger advantage.

Without knowing at least basic English, finding a place in the Emirates will be quite difficult. In addition, it can be an extremely simple and low-paid job. Most of those who came to the UAE in search of employment and left with nothing note that the reason for their failure was their poor level of English proficiency.


Almost any activity quickly becomes overgrown with many intermediary companies that offer to perform certain actions for you. It is worth contacting them to facilitate the procedures of moving, searching for vacancies, and purchasing tickets. At the same time, do not forget that it is quite possible to implement all these actions yourself. When contacting recruiting companies, you should be prepared to pay a hefty sum.

In general, if you want to save time and effort, but spend money, intermediary companies will help you prepare documents and travel abroad, select a vacancy, contact the employer, and provide all the necessary formalities. The main thing is to carefully and responsibly approach the selection of an intermediary. You should only trust companies that have a reputation, proper documents, and recommendations from clients.

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