What snow looks like. Who is Bigfoot, where did he come from? All known facts about the Yeti at the moment

There are many rumors and legends in the world, the heroes of which are. They come to life not only in folklore: there are witnesses who claim to have met these creatures in reality. Bigfoot is one such mysterious character.

Who is Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is a mysterious humanoid creature, possibly a relict mammal, preserved from prehistoric times. Enthusiasts all over the world talk about their meetings with him. The creature is given many names - Bigfoot, Yeti, Sasquatch, Angey, Migo, Almasty, Autoshka - depending on the area in which the animal or its traces were spotted. But until the yeti is caught and its skin and skeleton are found, we cannot talk about it as a real animal. We have to be content with the opinion of “eyewitnesses”, dozens of videos, audio and photographs, the reliability of which is questionable.

Where does Bigfoot live?

Speculation about where it lives big Foot, can only be put forward based on the words of those who met him. Most of the testimony is given by residents of America and Asia, who saw a half-man in forest and mountainous areas. It has been suggested that even today Yeti populations live far from civilization. They build nests in tree branches and hide in caves, carefully avoiding contact with people. It is assumed that in our country, yetis live in the Urals. Evidence of the existence of Bigfoot has been found in such areas as:

  • Himalayas;
  • Pamir;
  • Chukotka;
  • Transbaikalia;
  • Caucasus;
  • California;
  • Canada.

What does Bigfoot look like?

Since information about Bigfoot is rarely documented, its appearance cannot be accurately described, only guesswork can be made. The opinions of people interested in this issue may be divided. And yet the Bigfoot Yeti is seen by people as:

  • a giant from 1.5 to 3 meters tall;
  • massive build with broad shoulders and long limbs;
  • with a body completely covered with hair (white, gray or brown);
  • head having a pointed shape;
  • wide feet (hence the nickname bigfoot).

In the 50s of the twentieth century, Soviet scientists, together with foreign colleagues, raised the question of the reality of the Yeti. The famous Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdall suggested the existence of three types of known to science humanoids. This:

  1. Dwarf yeti up to one meter tall, found in India, Nepal, and Tibet.
  2. The true Bigfoot is a large animal (up to 2 m tall) with thick hair and a conical head, on which long “hair” grows.
  3. A giant yeti (height reaches 3 m) with a flat head and sloping skull. His tracks strongly resemble human ones.

What do Bigfoot footprints look like?

If the animal itself is not caught in the camera, but the footprints of Bigfoot are “discovered” everywhere. Sometimes the paw prints of other animals (bears, snow leopards, etc.) are mistaken for them, and sometimes they inflate a story that does not exist. But still, mountain researchers continue to replenish the collection of traces of unknown creatures, classifying them as prints bare feet Yeti. They strongly resemble human ones, but wider and longer. Most traces snow people discovered in the Himalayas: in forest areas, caves and at the foot of Everest.

What does Bigfoot eat?

If yetis exist, they must have something to feed on. Researchers suggest that the real Bigfoot belongs to the order of primates, which means it has the same diet as large apes. Yeti eat:

  • mushrooms, fruits and berries;
  • herbs, leaves, roots; moss;
  • small animals;
  • insects;
  • snakes.

Does Bigfoot really exist?

Cryptozoology deals with the study of species unknown to biology. Researchers are trying to find traces of legendary, almost mythical animals and prove their reality. Cryptozoologists are also pondering the question: does Bigfoot exist? There are not enough facts yet. Even taking into account that the number of statements from people who saw the Yeti, filmed it or found traces of the beast is not decreasing, all the materials presented (audio, video, photos) are of very poor quality and may be a fake. Meetings with Bigfoot in its habitats are also an unproven fact.

Facts about Bigfoot

Some people really want to believe that all the tales about the Yeti are true, and the story will continue in the near future. But only the following facts about Bigfoot can be considered indisputable:

  1. Roger Patterson's 1967 short film featuring a female Bigfoot is a hoax.
  2. Japanese climber Makoto Nebuka, who chased Bigfoot for 12 years, suggested that he was dealing with a Himalayan bear. A Russian ufologist B.A. Shurinov believes that mysterious beast of extraplanetary origin.
  3. A monastery in Nepal houses a brown scalp believed to be a snowman.
  4. The American Society of Cryptozoologists has offered a $1 million reward for the capture of Bigfoot.

Currently, rumors about Yeti are growing, discussions in the scientific community do not subside, and “evidence” is multiplying. Genetic research is being conducted all over the world: saliva and hair belonging to Bigfoot (according to eyewitnesses) are being identified. Some samples belong to known animals, but there are also those that have a different origin. To this day, Bigfoot remains an unsolved mystery of our planet.

I came across a funny selection of photos of American Bigfoots.
I don't know whether to believe it or not. But the lack of clear footage casts doubt on the existence of Bigfoot in the United States.

If you like it, tomorrow I’ll make another selection on a more interesting topic;)

This is the most famous photograph of Bigfoot.
It was filmed in Washington State by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin in 1967.
They say that in those places at that time he was often met

And this shot from a webcam installed in a forest in Oregon was taken on April 30, 2006.
It's a shame that the webcam took pictures every few seconds instead of recording video.

Washington State again, November 17, 2005. Silver Star Mountain.
They say that it could not have been a tourist, since there were no other groups in the area at that moment

This photo is known on the Internet, but its author and description have long been lost

The photo was taken by a firefighter in a forest in Florida in 1997.
This sasquatch is called the Skunk Ape because of the strong stench it produces (according to eyewitnesses). He was spotted quite often in these places recent years 30.

Washington State, 1992. The author of this photo thought she was photographing a bear until she realized that the creature walked on two legs.
Unfortunately, her camera did not have a zoom, but they say that the video itself shows that it is not a bear

Another unclear photo from the Internet with an unknown author and date

Another photo of Skunk Ape from Florida.

Again a photo without information

A photo from Oregon that doesn't really show anything. 2003

This is the bigfoot woman hunters encountered in Ohio in 2002.
She didn’t want to leave, she was probably protecting the children. She was eventually scared away with rocks.

A farmer in Idaho discovered a path with human footprints on his land.
I set up my camera and caught this shot

Details unknown

Also one of the most famous photographs American Bigfoot.
1977, Northern California.

The Yeti is the well-known Bigfoot, living in mountains and forests. On the one hand, this is a mythological creature whose secret thousands of scientists around the world are trying to unravel. On the other hand, this a real man, which because of its disgusting appearance hiding away from human eyes.

appeared today new theory, which perhaps proves that Bigfoot lives in the Himalayas (mountains of Asia). This is evidenced by strange marks on the snow cover. Scientists suggest that the Yeti lives below the Himalayan snow line. To find irrefutable evidence, dozens of expeditions were assembled to the mountains of China, Nepal and Russia, but no one was able to prove the existence of the famous “monster”.


Yeti are easy to spot and recognize. If you suddenly travel around the East, keep this reminder for yourself.

"Bigfoot reaches almost 2 meters in height, and his weight varies from 90 to 200 kilograms. Presumably, everything depends on the habitat (and, accordingly, on nutrition). He is a muscular, big guy who has thick hair all over his body. Coat color can be either dark gray or brown. In fact, it is only. general portrait the famous Yeti, because in different countries ah, he is represented in different ways."

History of the Bigfoot

Yeti is a character in ancient legends and folklore. The Himalayas welcome their guests with old stories, where key figure is the formidable and dangerous Snowman. As a rule, such legends are needed not to scare travelers, but to warn against wild animals that can easily harm and even kill. The legends about the famous creature are so old that even Alexander the Great, after conquering the Indus Valley, demanded from local residents proof of the existence of the Yeti, but they only said that Bigfoot lives at high altitudes.

What evidence is there

More from late XIX centuries, scientists have assembled expeditions to find evidence of the existence of the Yeti. For example, in 1960, Sir Edmund Hillary visited Everest and discovered the scalp of an unknown beast. Several years later, research confirmed that it was not a scalp, but a warm helmet made from a Himalayan goat, which, after a long stay in the cold, could appear to be part of the head of Bigfoot.

Other evidence:

Russian expedition

In 2011, a conference was held, attended by biologists and researchers from all over Russia. This event was organized with the support of the government Russian Federation. During the conference, an expedition was assembled that was supposed to study all the data about Bigfoot and collect irrefutable evidence of his existence.

A few months later, a group of scientists announced that they had found White hair in a cave that belongs to Yeti. However, the scientist Bindernagel proved that all the facts were compromised. This is evidenced by the work of Jeff Meldrum, an Idaho professor of anatomy and anthropology. The scientist said that the twisted tree branches, photographs and collected materials were crafts, and the Russian expedition was needed only to attract the attention of tourists from all over the world.

DNA samples

In 2013, geneticist Brian Sykes, who teaches at Oxford, announced to the whole world that he had materials for research, which were teeth, hair and skin. The study examined more than 57 samples and carefully compared them to the genomes of every animal in the world. The results were not long in coming: most of the material belonged to already known living creatures, such as a horse, a cow, a bear. Even the teeth of a hybrid of white and brown bear, who lived more than 100,000 years ago.

In 2017, another series of studies was carried out, which proved that all the materials belonged to Himalayan and Tibetan bears, as well as a dog.

Proponents of the theory

Despite the fact that there is still no evidence of the existence of the Yeti, entire communities dedicated to Bigfoot have been organized around the world. Their representatives believe that mysterious creature It's simply impossible to catch. This proves that the Yeti is an intelligent, cunning and educated creature that is carefully hidden from human eyes. Absence irrefutable facts does not mean that such creatures do not exist. According to the theory of adherents, Bigfoot prefers a reclusive lifestyle.

Neanderthal mystery

Researcher Myra Shackley, in her book about Sasquatch, described the experiences of two tourists. In 1942, two travelers were in the Himalayas, where they saw black spots moving hundreds of meters from their camp. Thanks to the fact that tourists were located on the ridge, they could clearly distinguish the height, color and habits of unknown creatures.

“The height of the “black spots” reached almost two meters. Their heads were not oval shape, but square. It was difficult to determine the presence of ears by the silhouette, so perhaps they were not there, or they were adjacent too close to the skull. Broad shoulders were covered with reddish-brown hair that hung down. Despite the fact that the head was covered with hair, the face and chest were completely naked, which is why flesh-colored skin was visible. The two creatures uttered a loud cry that echoed throughout the entire mountain range."

Scientists are still debating whether these sightings were real or just the imagination of inexperienced tourists. Mountaineer Reinhold Messner concluded that big bears and their tracks were often mistaken for Yetis. He wrote about this in his book "My Quest for the Yeti: Confronting the Deepest Secret of the Himalayas."

Does Bigfoot really exist?

In 1986, tourist Anthony Woodridge visited the Himalayas, where he also discovered the Yeti. According to him, the creature stood only 150 meters from the traveler, while Bigfoot did not make any sounds or move. Anthony Woodridge for a long time tracked unnaturally huge footprints, which later led him to the creature. Finally, the tourist took two photographs, which he presented to the researchers upon his return. Scientists studied the pictures for a long time and carefully, and then came to the conclusion that they are genuine and not a fake.

John Napira - anatomist, anthropologist, director of the Smithsonian Institution, biologist who studies primates. He also studied Woodridge's photographs and said that the tourist was too experienced to confuse the image of the Yeti with a large Tibetan bear. However, more recently, the images were re-examined, and then a team of researchers came to the conclusion that Anthony Woodridge took a photograph of the darkened side of the rock, which stood upright. Despite the indignation of true believers, the photographs were recognized, although real, but not proving the existence of Bigfoot.

The vastness of our vast planet holds many secrets. Mysterious creatures hiding from the human world have always aroused genuine interest among scientists and enthusiastic researchers. One of these secrets was Bigfoot.

Yeti, Bigfoot, Angey, Sasquatch - these are all his names. It is believed that it belongs to the class of mammals, the order of primates, and the genus humans.

Of course, its existence has not been proven by scientists, however, according to eyewitnesses and many researchers today we have Full description this creature.

What does the legendary cryptid look like?

The most popular image of Bigfoot

Its physique is dense and muscular with a thick coat of hair over the entire surface of the body, with the exception of the palms and feet, which, according to people who have met the yeti, remain completely naked.

The color of the coat can be different depending on the habitat - white, black, gray, red.

The faces are always dark, and the hair on the head is longer than on the rest of the body. According to some reports, the beard and mustache are completely absent, or they are very short and sparse.

The skull has a pointed shape and a massive lower jaw.

The height of these creatures varies from 1.5 to 3 meters. Other witnesses claimed to have met taller individuals.

Bigfoot's body features also include long arms and short hips.

The habitat of the yeti is a controversial issue, since people claim to have seen it in America, Asia and even Russia. Presumably, they can be found in the Urals, the Caucasus and Chukotka.

These mysterious creatures live far from civilization, carefully hiding from human attention. Nests can be located in trees or in caves.

But no matter how carefully the Bigfoot people tried to hide, there were local residents who claimed to have seen them.

First eyewitnesses

The first to see mysterious creature live, there were Chinese peasants. According to available information, the meeting was not isolated, but numbered about a hundred cases.

After such statements, several countries, including America and Great Britain, sent an expedition to search for traces.

Thanks to the collaboration of two prominent scientists, Richard Greenwell and Gene Poirier, confirmation of the existence of the Yeti was found.

The find was hair that was believed to belong only to him. However, later, in 1960, Edmund Hillary had the opportunity to examine the scalp again.

His conclusion was unequivocal: the “find” was made of antelope wool.

As one would expect, many scientists did not agree with this version, finding more and more confirmation of the previously put forward theory.

Bigfoot scalp

In addition to what was found hairline, whose ownership is still a controversial issue, there is no other documented evidence.

Except for countless photographs, footprints and eyewitness accounts.

Photographs are often of very poor quality, so they do not allow one to reliably determine whether they are real or fake.

The footprints, which, of course, are similar to human ones, but wider and longer, are considered by scientists to be the traces of known animals living in the area where they were found.

And even the stories of eyewitnesses who, according to them, met Bigfoot, do not allow one to establish for certain the fact of their existence.

Bigfoot on video

However, in 1967, two men were able to film Bigfoot.

They were R. Patterson and B. Gimlin from Northern California. Being shepherds, one autumn on the river bank they noticed a creature, which, realizing that it had been discovered, immediately went on the run.

Grabbing the camera, Roger Patterson set off to catch up with the unusual creature, which was mistaken for a yeti.

The film aroused genuine interest among scientists who long years tried to prove or disprove the existence of a mythical creature.

Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson

A number of features proved that the film was not a fake.

The size of the body and the unusual gait indicated that it was not a person.

The video showed a clear image of the creature's body and limbs, which ruled out the creation of a special costume for filming.

Some features of the body structure allowed scientists to draw conclusions about the similarity of the individual from the video footage with the prehistoric ancestor of man - the Neanderthal ( approx. the last Neanderthals lived about 40 thousand years ago), but very large sizes: height reached 2.5 meters, and weight – 200 kg.

After much research, the film was found to be authentic.

In 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, who initiated this filming, his relatives and friends reported that the film was completely staged: a man in a specially tailored suit portrayed an American Yeti, and unusual marks were left by artificial forms.

But they did not provide evidence that the film was fake. Later, experts conducted an experiment in which a trained person tried to repeat the filmed footage in a suit.

They concluded that at the time the film was made, it was impossible to carry out such a high-quality production.

There were other encounters with an unusual creature, most of them in America. For example, in North Carolina, Texas and near Missouri, but unfortunately there is no evidence of these meetings, except for oral stories of people.

A woman named Zana from Abkhazia

An interesting and unusual confirmation of the existence of these individuals was a woman named Zana, who lived in Abkhazia in the 19th century.

Raisa Khvitovna, granddaughter of Zana - daughter of Khvit and a Russian woman named Maria

The description of her appearance is similar to existing descriptions of Bigfoot: red fur that covered her dark skin, and the hair on her head was longer than on the rest of her body.

She did not speak articulately, but made only shouts and isolated sounds.

The face was large, the cheekbones protruded, and the jaw protruded strongly forward, which gave her a fierce look.

Zana was able to integrate into human society and even gave birth to several children from local men.

Later, scientists conducted research on the genetic material of Zana's descendants.

According to some sources, their origin dates back to West Africa.

The results of the examination indicate the possibility of the existence of a population in Abkhazia during Zana’s life, and therefore cannot be ruled out in other regions.

Makoto Nebuka reveals the secret

One of the enthusiasts who wanted to prove the existence of the yeti was the Japanese mountaineer Makoto Nebuka.

He hunted Bigfoot for 12 years while exploring the Himalayas.

After so many years of persecution, he came to a disappointing conclusion: the legendary humanoid creature turned out to be just a brown Himalayan bear.

The book containing his research describes some Interesting Facts. It turns out that the word "Yeti" is nothing more than a corruption of the word "Meti", which means "bear" in local dialect.

Tibetan clans considered the bear to be a supernatural creature that possessed power. Perhaps these concepts came together, and the myth of Bigfoot spread everywhere.

Research of different countries

Numerous studies have been carried out by many scientists around the world. The USSR was no exception.

The commission for the study of Bigfoot included geologists, anthropologists and botanists. As a result of their work, a theory was put forward that states that Bigfoot is a degraded branch of Neanderthals.

However, then the work of the commission was stopped, and only a few enthusiasts continued to work on the research.

Genetic studies of available samples deny the existence of the Yeti. A professor at Oxford University, after analyzing the hair, proved that it belonged to polar bear, which existed several thousand years ago.

Still from a film filmed in Northern California on 10/20/1967

Currently, discussions are ongoing.

The question of the existence of another mystery of nature remains open, and the society of cryptozoologists is still trying to find evidence.

All the available facts today do not give one hundred percent confidence in the reality of this creature, although some people really want to believe in it.

Obviously, only a film shot in Northern California can be considered evidence of the existence of the object being studied.

Some people tend to believe that Bigfoot is of alien origin.

This is why it is so difficult to detect, and all genetic and anthropological analyzes lead scientists to incorrect results.

Someone is sure that science is silent about the fact of their existence and will publish false research, because there are so many eyewitnesses.

But questions are only multiplying every day, and answers are extremely rare. And although many believe in the existence of Bigfoot, science still denies this fact.

Many people believe in the existence of Yeti. The question has been raised by scientists more than once, but no direct evidence of the life of such creatures on the planet has been provided by witnesses. The most common belief is that Bigfoot is a mythical humanoid creature that lives in snow-covered forests and mountains. But no one knows for sure whether the Yeti is a myth or reality.

Description of Bigfoot

The prehistoric bipedal hominid was named Homo troglodytes by Carl Linnaeus, which means “caveman.” The creatures belong to the order of primates. Depending on their habitat, they received different names. So Bigfoot or Sasquatch is a snowman living in America, in Asia Homo troglodytes is called yeti, in India - barunga.

Outwardly, they are something between a huge monkey and a human. The creatures look scary. Their weight is about 200 kg. They have a large build with a large muscle mass, long arms- to the knees, massive jaws and a small frontal part. The creature has stocky, muscular legs with short thighs.

The entire body of bigfoots is covered with long (the size of a palm) and dense hair, the color of which can be white, red, black, and brown. The Bigfoot's face protrudes forward at the bottom and also has fur starting from the eyebrows. The head is conical. The feet are wide, with long, flexible toes. The giant's height is 2-3 m. Yeti's footprints are similar to human ones. Usually, eyewitnesses talk about the unpleasant odor that accompanies sasquatch.

Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl proposed a classification of bigfoot:

  • dwarf yeti, which are found in India, Nepal, Tibet, up to 1 m tall;
  • a true bigfoot has a height of up to 2 m, thick hair, long hair on the head;
  • giant yeti - 2.5-3 m tall, the savage's tracks are very similar to human ones.

Yeti food

Cryptozoologists who study non- discovered by science species, it is assumed that Bigfoot belongs to primates, and therefore has similarities with monkeys large sizes diet Yeti eats:

  • fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, honey;
  • edible herbs, nuts, roots, mushrooms;
  • insects, snakes;
  • small animals, poultry, fish;
  • frogs and other amphibians.

It is safe to assume that this creature will not disappear in any habitat and will find something it can feast on.

Bigfoot habitats

Anyone can try to catch a bigfoot. To do this, you just need to know what Bigfoot looks like and where he lives. Reports of Yeti come mainly from mountainous areas or forests. In grottoes and caves, among rocks or in impenetrable thickets, he feels most safe. Travelers claim to have seen Sasquatch or their tracks in certain places.

  1. Himalayas. This is Bigfoot's home. Here, for the first time in 1951, a huge footprint similar to a human one was recorded on camera.
  2. Slopes of the Tien Shan mountains. Climbers and rangers in this area never cease to claim the existence of bigfoots here.
  3. Altai mountains. Witnesses have recorded Bigfoot approaching human settlements in search of food.
  4. Karelian Isthmus. The military testified that they saw a yeti with white hair in the mountains. Their data was confirmed by local residents and an expedition organized by the authorities.
  5. North-Eastern Siberia. Bigfoot traces were discovered during ongoing research.
  6. Texas. According to eyewitnesses, the yeti lives in the local Sam Houston Nature Reserve. Those who want to catch him come here regularly, but so far not a single hunt has been successful.
  7. California. San Diego resident Ray Wallace made a film in 1958 in which he showed a female Sasquatch that lives in the mountains in this area. Later, information surfaced that the filming was falsified; the role of the Yeti was played by Wallace's wife, dressed in a fur suit.
  8. Tajikistan. In the summer of 1979, a photo of a 34 cm long footprint discovered in the Gissar Mountains appeared.
  9. India. A three-meter-tall monster covered with black hair is often encountered here. The locals call him barunga. They managed to obtain a sample of the animal's fur. It is similar to the hair of a yeti obtained by British climber E. Hillary on the slope of Mount Everest.
  10. There is also evidence of the existence of Bigfoot in real life found in Abkhazia, Vancouver, Yamal and Oregon, USA.

It is quite difficult to understand whether the existence of Bigfoot is a myth or reality. Chronicles Tibetan monks contain records of humanoid animals covered with fur noticed by temple servants. In this region, traces of Bigfoot were discovered for the first time. IN printed publications stories about Sasquatch first appeared in the 50s of the last century. They were told by climbers who conquered Everest. New adventurers immediately found themselves wanting to see the giant wild people.

Bigfoot family and offspring

The existence of tribes of Bigfoot people and children found by hunters, completely covered with hair, is evidenced by the stories of residents of Tajikistan. A family of wild people - a man, a woman and a child - was spotted near Lake Parien. The locals called them “Oda Obi,” that is, water people. The Yeti family approached the water and more than once scared the Tajiks away from their home. There were also numerous traces of Bigfoot presence here. But due to the dusty sandy soil and insufficient clarity of the contour, it turned out to be impossible to make a plaster casting. There is no real material evidence of these stories.

The newspaper wrote about the DNA analysis of a real female Bigfoot. The Times"in 2015. It was about the legendary wild woman Zana, who lived in Abkhazia in the 19th century. The story goes that Prince Achba caught her and kept her in his cage. She was a tall woman with dark gray skin. Hair covered her entire massive body and face. The cone-shaped head was distinguished by a protruding jaw, a flat nose with raised nostrils. The eyes had a reddish tint. The legs were strong with thin shins, wide feet ending in long flexible toes.

Legend has it that over time the woman's temper pacified and she lived freely in a hole dug with her own hands. She walked around the village, expressed her emotions with shouts and gestures, human language I didn’t learn until the end of my life, but I responded to my name. She did not use household items and clothing. She is credited with extraordinary strength, speed and agility. Her body retained its youthful features until old age: her hair did not turn gray, her teeth did not fall out, her skin remained elastic and smooth.

Zana had five children from local men. She drowned her firstborn, so the rest of the descendants were taken from the woman immediately after birth. One of Zana's sons remained in the village of Thin. He had a daughter, who was interviewed by researchers in search of information. Zana's descendants had no hominid traits, they only had the traits Negroid race. DNA studies showed that the woman has West African roots. Her children had no hair on their bodies, so there were speculations that the villagers might have embellished the story to attract attention.

Frank Hansen's Bigfoot

At the end of 1968 in Minnesota, in one of the traveling booths, the body of a Bigfoot appeared frozen in a block of ice. Yeti were shown to spectators for profit. Owner unusual creature, resembling a monkey, was the famous showman Frank Hansen. The strange exhibit attracted the attention of the police and scientists. Zoologists Bernard Euvelmans and Ivan Sanders urgently flew to the city of Rollingstone.

Researchers spent several days taking photographs and sketches of the yeti. Bigfoot was huge, had large legs and arms, a flattened nose, and brown fur. Thumb the legs were adjacent to the rest, like those of people. The head and arm were pierced by a bullet wound. The owner reacted calmly to the scientists’ comments and claimed that the body was smuggled out of Kamchatka. The story began to gain increasing popularity among journalists and the public.

Researchers began to insist on defrosting and further studying the corpse. Hansen was offered a huge sum for the right to examine Bigfoot, and then he admitted that the body was a skillful dummy made at a monster factory in Hollywood.

Later, after the fuss had died down, in his memoirs, Hansen reiterated the reality of Bigfoot and recounted how he personally shot him while hunting deer in Wisconsin. Zoologists Bernard Euvelmans and Ivan Sanders continued to insist on the plausibility of the Yeti, stating: they heard the smell of decomposition when they examined the creature, so there can be no doubt that it is real.

Photo and video evidence of the existence of Bigfoot

To this day, no physical evidence of the existence of Bigfoot has been found. Samples of wool, hair, and bones provided by eyewitnesses and owners of private collections have long been studied.

Their DNA coincided with the DNA of animals known to science: brown, polar and Himalayan bears, raccoons, cows, horses, deer and other forest inhabitants. One of the samples belonged to an ordinary dog.

No skeletons, skins, bones or other remains of Bigfoot people have been found. One of the Nepalese monasteries houses a skull allegedly belonging to Bigfoot. Laboratory analysis hair on the skull pointed to morphological characteristics Himalayan ibex DNA.

Witnesses have provided numerous videos and photographs of evidence of the existence of the Sasquatch, but the quality of the images leaves much to be desired each time. Eyewitnesses explain the lack of clarity in the images as an unexplained phenomenon.

The equipment stops working when approaching bigfoot. The gaze of Bigfoot has a hypnotic effect, introducing those present into an unconscious state when it is impossible to control their actions. The Yeti also cannot be clearly captured due to its high speed of movement and overall dimensions. People are often prevented from making a normal video or photo by fear and poor health.

Refutations of Yeti Stories

Zoologists are inclined to believe that stories about the existence of Bigfoot are unreal. There are no unexplored places and territories left on Earth. The last time scientists discovered a new large animal occurred more than a century ago.

Even the discovery of an unknown type of mushroom will now be considered huge event, although there are about 100 thousand of them. Opponents of the version of the existence of the Yeti point to the well-known biological fact: for a population to survive, more than a hundred individuals are needed, and such a number is impossible not to notice.

Numerous eyewitness accounts in mountain and forest areas can be caused by the following facts:

  • oxygen starvation of the brain at high altitudes;
  • poor visibility in foggy areas, twilight, observer errors;
  • deliberate lies to attract attention;
  • fear that gives rise to imagination;
  • retellings of professional and folk legends and faith in them;
  • Found footprints of yeti may be left by other animals, for example, Snow Leopard puts his paws in one line and his print looks like the footprint of a huge bare foot.

Despite the fact that no material evidence of the reality of the Yeti, confirmed by genetic examinations, was found, rumors about mythical creatures don't subside. New evidence, photos, audio and video data are being found that are of dubious quality and may be fake.

DNA research continues on the submitted bone, saliva and hair samples, which always match the DNA of other animals. Bigfoot, according to eyewitnesses, is approaching human settlements, expanding the boundaries of its range.
