What communications are called horizontal. Information and communications in management

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    Vertical communication

    Everything here is, in principle, quite clear. Communications flow from top to bottom. That is, the management apparatus issues instructions or another form of communication and sends it down to the departments. From top to bottom general director to lower level employees

    Horizontal communication

    Communications in in this case occur both in the management apparatus and at the levels below, under the management apparatus. Typically, interpersonal relationships at lower levels are conducted independently of the CEO. For example, you can take The educational center, where relationships occur only between employees.

    If you take vertical form of communications, this primarily applies to regulatory documents, orders, and oral form. In addition, information from the management apparatus is sent, both in writing and by e-mail, to telephone exchanges. Approval forms, regulations and documents are usually sent in writing. Moreover, to collect information from the bottom up, i.e. from telephone exchanges and other branches, there is, as a rule, a division that collects statistical data in electronic form, and the ready data is sent to the control apparatus.

    IN horizontal form, everything is much simpler. There are no barriers or units collecting information. Communications here take place according to long-known schemes. That is, this is a telephone by which employees can communicate with each other without leaving their workplace, and if we consider the management apparatus, here in each office each employee has his own telephone. That is, there is a certain office PBX, with a number assigned to each employee.

    Next comes Email(e-mail), which in our time is not an innovation, since it is also one of the most convenient means of communication. Moreover, e-mail is used both in the management apparatus and at telephone exchanges, communicating with each other.

    Another means of transmitting/receiving information is the fax; documents necessary for business management, balance sheets, accounting, etc. are sent through it.

    Another type of communication of Style LLC is “Ring Mail”. Those. there is an office department that is engaged in the timely provision of office supplies (pens, paper, etc.) So, in addition to its main responsibility, the clerical department maintains the "Ring Mail". Those. Each employee in the organization has his own Mailbox. Correspondence, as well as various documents, private mail, etc. are sent to these boxes. This type of communication can be noted in that documents can be transmitted via internal mail, preserving the importance of the document without wasting time searching for the person to whom this document is intended. This type can be considered a plus, since I believe that this is a very convenient way to transmit information, documents, etc.

    Among the unofficial methods of communication, it is worth including a local computer network in which “chat” exists. Employees communicate via chat in their free time, and even during work. This type of communication can also be considered a plus because it eliminates trips, for example, to your friend, who is in the other wing of the building.

    Communications in the organization - This is a complex, multi-level system, covering both the organization itself and its elements, and its external environment. There are a number of classifications of communications in an organization (Appendix 1).

    By nature of information perception communications are divided into: straight, or targeted (in which the purpose of the message is embedded in its text); indirect(in which the information is contained, rather, “between the lines”); mixed. By interacting parties communications can be divided as follows (Fig. 2) Organizational communications is the process by which managers develop a system for providing information and communicating information a large number people within the organization and individuals and institutions outside it. She serves necessary tool in coordinating activities throughout the vertical and horizontal management, allows you to obtain the necessary information.

    Figure 2 - Types of communications in an organization

    Organizational communications are divided into two large groups: external and internal.

    TO external include communications that represent information interaction with external environment. This includes funds mass media, organs government regulation and so on.

    TO internal include vertical and horizontal communications.

    TO horizontal include communications between units of the same management level (departments, services, divisions). Equal relations and coordination of actions are established between them. Vertical communications(between management levels) are divided into communications according to descending(from manager to performer) and rising lines. By descending information about decisions made at higher levels (current tasks, specific tasks, recommendations). This information can be transmitted from one level to another up to the performers. By rising information is transmitted about the completion of tasks, events in departments, various information, etc. Sometimes a situation arises when resolving an issue at the grassroots level requires the intervention of senior managers (incidents, crimes, etc.). And then information through the control levels from below is transmitted to the highest level.

    Vertical communications to characterize the activities of a manager are divided into a number subtypes. Such a division is based on several criteria simultaneously and includes several types of communications.

    Communications of the type “manager - subordinate” make up the absolute majority of all information exchanges in the organization and occupy a special place in the sphere of interpersonal relations. The combination of the direct nature of contact with its hierarchy - basic peculiarities this type of information exchange. Less often, it can also be carried out indirectly - for example, in the form of a written instruction, order, etc. In a specific subtype of communication “manager - subordinate”, the first is a senior manager, and the second (subordinate) is also a manager, but at a lower hierarchical level.

    Communications of the type “manager - manager” include two varieties: between the heads of parity divisions within the organization and between the head of the entire organization and the heads of other institutions and organizations.

    These types of communications are characterized by common feature - they are wearing individual character and are deployed, as a rule, by direct contact. These communications include the manager (of various hierarchical levels) as one of the communicants, and in their totality they characterize the “individual communication vertical.” The presented vertical also includes communication of the type “manager - work group”. This type of communication is characterized by a combined individual-collective feature and is implemented in various organizational forms: meetings of the manager with work groups, reports of groups to the manager, local inspections, control checks of work groups, etc.

    Intraorganizational communications are divided according to the communication channel into formal and informal. Formal communications are directly determined by the structure of the organization, its leading functional goals and objectives. Informal communications - These are those contacts that are realized outside and in addition to formal communication channels. They include a number varieties:

    1) informal contacts between ordinary members of the organization;

    2) informal connections between the manager and subordinates;

    3) informal external communication connections between the manager and the environment (the “phenomenon” great connections"manager).

    A special role among all informal communication contacts belongs to such a variety as gossip), which predominantly create the social microenvironment of the organization. They influence public opinion, on the activities of members of the organization, on their status and reputation. studies show that they are true and fair in 80% of cases, and in relation to the state of affairs within the organization, this figure reaches 99%. Grigorieva N.N. Communication management Educational and methodological complex / N.N. Grigorieva. - M.: MIEMP, 2007. - 44 p.

    Types of rumors are presented in Appendix 2.

    Typical information transmitted through rumor channels: upcoming layoffs of production workers; new penalties for lateness; changes in the structure of the organization; upcoming moves and promotions; a detailed account of an argument between two executives at a recent sales meeting; who dates whom after work.

    Organizational communications are classified according to the form of communication - channel that is used in certain communications. In this case, verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-speech) . Verbal communication - transmission and perception of information (ideas, thoughts, etc.) through certain specific signs (words). Verbal communication can be verbal when used colloquial(face-to-face conversations, on the phone, tape recordings, etc.), and written(letters, notes, forms, email, etc.). Oral and written communication involve the use of words and accordingly refer to the verbal aspect of communication.

    Verbal communications are more effective when immediate reactions from other employees are required, and a subsequent written “batch” of information helps give the communication a more sustained nature, which is important when communication is aimed at continuing in the future. Oral messages have the advantage of allowing immediate, direct two-way communication between people (groups of people), while written messages are either one-way or require time to receive a response.

    Information transmitted by the sender without using words as a coding system forms the nonverbal message underlying nonverbal communication. Main types of nonverbal communication:

    1) body movements (gestures, facial expressions, eyes, touches, postures);

    2) personal physical qualities (body structure, weight, height, body odor, etc.);

    3) use of the environment (way of using and feeling external environment, manners of placing oneself in the environment, distance proximity in communication, a sense of “one’s own” and “alien” territory, etc.);

    4) physical environment (design of the room, furniture and other objects, decorations, cleanliness and neatness, lighting, noise, etc.);

    5) time (being late, arriving early, the tendency to make people wait, the culture of time, the relationship between time and status);

    There is differentiation of communications based on that stage organizational functioning, in which they play a predominant role. These are: communication during hiring, during orientation in the range of job responsibilities, in the process of activity itself, in the process of its evaluation, during disciplinary control over it.

    Forms of communication in the organization, within the framework of which certain communications are implemented in the organization, depend on factor of awareness of the recipient(s) of information. Thus, the manager must focus directly on the recipient of information, and not on its source. In the case when the manager himself acts as a source of information, he must be sure not only that he speaks the same language as the recipient of the information, but also that the form of communication has been chosen correctly. Thus, what is significant is the extent to which the communicator correctly assesses the form of receiving information, as well as the significance of feedback. To the main forms business communications relate discussions, conversations, meetings, sessions, negotiations, briefings, press conferences, presentations, receptions on personal matters, telephone conversations, business correspondence.

    Dialogue- a type of speech communication carried out in the form of a verbal exchange of remarks between two, three and a large number interacting interlocutors. IN in the narrow sense two-way exchange of information between people both publicly and through the media. In more broadly understood- horizontal transmission of information, in the process of which the communicator and the recipient take equal part. Discussion- public discussion of any controversial issue or problem; dispute. The most important characteristics discussions that distinguish it from other types of dispute are publicity(availability of audience) and argumentation. When discussing a controversial (debatable) problem, each side, opposing the interlocutor, argues for its position. Discussion is a type of argument as a verbal competition.

    Let's consider content of activity various types discussions. Discuss- publicly discuss a controversial issue. Dispute- participate in a debate, public discussion on any issue. Debate- organize debates or debates on any issue. Polemicize- participate in polemics, publicly make an objection, refuting someone’s views, opinions, expressing and defending one’s point of view. Thus, if discussion is a public debate with the goal of achieving the truth by comparing different opinions, then controversy - a public dispute in order to defend one’s point of view and refute the opinion of an opponent.

    Conversation - method of obtaining information based on verbal (verbal) communication; question-and-answer collective form of discussion of various problems with a specific purpose. In an organization, a conversation can be carried out in the form of a meeting and a meeting, which are divided into dictatorial (autocratic), segregative, discussion And free.

    On autocratic During the meeting, the leader asks questions to each participant in turn and listens to the answers. On informational At the meeting, new official information is brought to the attention of employees. On segregative At the meeting, a report is made by the head or a special person, and then a debate is held. One or more employees may participate in the debate at the discretion of the manager. Discussion the meeting is reduced to a free exchange of opinions and to the development general solution, while participants can freely express their thoughts and openly oppose the leader’s point of view. Free the meeting is held without a pre-prepared agenda. As a rule, responsible decisions are not made there.

    Negotiation - a process in which mutually acceptable positions of the parties are developed, opinions are exchanged in order to find out the points of view of the parties and make a decision.

    Press conference - exclusive presentation of information with the right to publish it, with or without disclosing its source (closed press conference). A press conference is an organized meeting of journalists with representatives of companies, organizations or individuals. Press conferences are organized with the aim of providing the media with problematic and commentary information and are characterized by the opportunity to obtain first-hand information, verify information and clarify versions using questions.

    Briefing - specially prepared meeting with journalists for short message about the activities of governing bodies (parliament, government, etc.), as well as about current events affecting the interests of authorities and the population. Typically a briefing is a short meeting officials, representatives of commercial or other structures with media workers, which sets out their position on a particular issue.

    Presentation- official presentation of a newly created enterprise, firm, project, product, product to a circle of invited persons. Typically, a presentation is carried out for advertising and commercial purposes to gain buyers of the goods being demonstrated.

    Reception for personal matters - the process of interaction between a manager and employees in order to clarify non-official issues that arise for them.

    Telephone conversations, official correspondence using fax machines, e-mail, the Internet and other devices constitute business communication tools.

    Horizontal communications are communications between different departments of an organization. In addition to sharing information downward or upward, organizations need horizontal communications. The organization consists of many departments, so the exchange of information between them is necessary to coordinate tasks and actions. Since an organization is a system of interrelated elements, management must ensure that specialized elements work together to move the organization in the desired direction. For example, representatives from different departments in our institute periodically exchange information on such issues as scheduling classes, the level of requirements in graduate programs, cooperation in research and advisory activities and service to the local population. Horizontal information exchange often involves committees or special groups in which equal relationships are formed, which are an important component of the satisfaction of the organization's employees.

    Communication models.

    Communication in organizations is a complex and dynamic process. It can be viewed as an action, as an interaction, and as a process itself. Depending on this, communication models differ.

    Communication as action. In this model, the source of communication develops a message consisting of symbols. The symbols are then turned into signals, or encoded. Signals are sent through channels to the recipient of information, who deciphers or interprets them. The model also includes sound, which influences the process. There is no room for feedback in this model.

    Communication as interaction. The introduction of the feedback element marked the transition to the second type of model - communication as interaction. This model has been repeatedly criticized for inaccuracy. Later models were developed to reflect the entire process and dynamics of communication between people.

    Communication as a process. Modern communication models are more complete because they reflect communication as a process. The essence of the model of communication as a process is that a person simultaneously and constantly acts in it as both a source and a recipient of information. The development of this model reflects the transformation of ideas about communication: from a linear model to a process model with an emphasis on internal and external factors.

    Business conversation- a type of communication, the purpose of which lies outside the communication process and which is subordinated to the solution of a specific task (industrial, scientific, commercial, etc.) based on the common interests and goals of the communicants. Business communication is a communicative subject-target and primarily professional activity in the field of socio-legal and economic relations (M. V. Koltunova 2005).

    Features of business communication[edit | edit wiki text]

    1. A partner in business communication always acts as a person significant to the subject.

    2. Communicating people are distinguished by good mutual understanding in matters of business.

    3. The main task of business communication is productive cooperation.

    Depending on various characteristics, business communication is divided into: from the point of view of the form of speech:

    · written;

    from the point of view - unidirectionality / bidirectionality of speech between the speaker and the listener:

    · dialogical


    in terms of number of participants:

    · interpersonal

    · public;

    from the point of view of the absence/presence of a mediating apparatus:

    · direct

    · indirect;

    from the point of view of the position of communicants in space:

    · contact

    · distant.

    Forms of business communication[edit | edit wiki text]

    Business conversation- interpersonal verbal communication several interlocutors in order to resolve certain business problems or establish business relations. The most common and most frequently used form of business communication.

    Business conversation on the phone- a method of operational communication, significantly limited in time, requiring both parties to know the rules of telephone conversation etiquette (greeting, mutual introduction, message and discussion of the subject of the call, summing up, expressing gratitude, farewell).

    Business meeting- exchange of views to achieve a goal, develop an agreement between the parties.

    Service meeting- one of effective ways involving employees in the decision-making process, a tool for managing employee involvement in the affairs of their department or the organization as a whole.

    Business discussion- exchange of views on a business matter in accordance with more or less certain rules procedures and with the participation of all or individual participants.

    Press conference- meeting of officials (managers, politicians, representatives state power, public relations specialists, businessmen, etc.) with representatives of the press, television, radio in order to inform the public on current issues.

    Public speech- a monologue oratorical speech addressed to a specific audience, which is pronounced with the aim of informing listeners and exerting the desired impact on them (persuasion, suggestion, inspiration, call to action, etc.).

    Business correspondence - written form interaction with partners, which consists of exchanging business letters by mail or e-mail. Business letter is a short document that serves several functions and addresses one or more related issues. It is used to communicate with external structures, as well as within an organization to transfer information between physical and legal entities on distance .

    Also forms of business communication are Public bidding And Presentation.

    Business communication technology[edit | edit wiki text]

    1. Verbal communication - oral verbal transmission of information.

    2. Non-verbal communication- information transmitted using non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, intonation, body posture, etc.).

    3. Remote communication - transfer of information using various types technical means(telephone, fax, mail, Internet communications, e-mail, television and radio broadcasting systems).

    Organizational communication is the process by which managers develop a system of providing information to large numbers of people within the organization and to individuals and institutions outside it. It serves as a necessary tool in coordinating the activities of the organization’s divisions and allows you to obtain the necessary information at all levels of management. It is an important link between the manager and his subordinates, between managers of the same level, between the organization and the external environment.
    Communication processes allow you to use information from various available sources - superiors, subordinates, customers, suppliers, managers at the same level and make decisions on choosing the optimal strategy to achieve your goals.
    Communication can be defined as the use of words, letters, symbols or similar means to obtain information about an object or event. Communication includes a number of terms: communication semantics refers to the meaning of words and symbols; communication syntax indicates the relationships between the symbols used; pragmatics of communications is associated with effectiveness and efficiency in achieving certain goals.
    The following types of communication are distinguished:
    - non-verbal personal;
    - verbal oral;
    - written personal;
    - written group work within the organization and outside it.
    In the process of communication, the manager sets criteria for subordinates, controls the results of the actions of subordinates and corrects them. An important step communication and decision-making by the leader is the feedback process. The forms in which communications take place depend on what is known about the recipient(s) of the information. This means that the manager in his actions must focus on the recipient of the information, and not on the source, i.e. he must be sure that he speaks the same language as the recipient of the information and that his assessment of the situation does not contradict the assessment of the recipient.
    Most important factor What violates the “commonality” in communications between the source and the recipient are the changes that occur in its encoding and decoding; they must be uniform. When they become heterogeneous, communications break down. This process is called entropy, i.e. the tendency of human communication processes to disperse.
    The communication flow can move horizontally or vertically. The vertical direction is divided into downward and upward flows.
    Downward direction - the flow of communication moves from one level in a group or organization to another, more low level.
    It is used by the manager to set tasks, describe work, inform about procedures in order to highlight problems, and offer options for feedback on the results of work.
    Ascending direction - moving information from a lower to a higher level. It is used to provide feedback from subordinates to management. Serves as a means of conveying the opinions of employees to managers, who use the information received when analyzing how to improve the situation in the organization.
    Horizontal direction defines the use of communication between members of the same group or working group same level, between managers or personnel of the same level. It saves time and ensures coordination of actions. In one case, such communication is formal and obligatory, in the other it occurs spontaneously.
    The elements of communication are:
    - source;
    - coding;
    - signal transmission;
    - channel;
    - decoding - reception;
    - Feedback;
    - interference and barriers that disrupt signal quality.
    Source - in an organization, the source of communication is employees.
    Coding is the translation of a source's ideas into a systematic set of symbols, a language that expresses the source's goals. The function of encoding is to provide a form in which ideas and goals can be expressed as signaling.
    Signal transmission - the purpose of a communication source is expressed as a signal, the shape of which depends on the channel used.
    Channel is a transmission mechanism from source to receiver. In an organization, this means verbal communication to each other, telephone conversations, informal communications, group meetings, etc.
    Decoding - reception. To complete the communication process, the signal must be decrypted. Each recipient of information deciphers the signal using experience and suggested recommendations.
    Feedback determines the signal that the recipient has received information from the source, which allows the manager to evaluate the effectiveness of his communication, as well as improve the accuracy of signals in future communications.
    Interference and barriers that disrupt signal quality. In the activities of an organization, these include: distractions, incorrect interpretation on the part of the recipient or source of information, different meanings, attached to the same words different people(semantic problems), status difference between managers and subordinates in the perception of organizational distance, as a result of which the communication gap between them widens, the recipient of information hears only what he wants to hear (value assessment), the code is not understood, the inconsistency of information with the position of the person sending it , noise is detected during transmission.
    Communication in organizations is a complex and dynamic process. Therefore, it can be considered as an action, as an interaction, as a process. In accordance with this, communication models are built.

    Horizontal communications: corridors, galleries, passages - provide a connection between rooms and vertical communications within one floor.

    The minimum width of the main corridors of a public building is recommended to be 1.8 m, secondary corridors - 1.2 m (with a length of no more than 10 m).

    Corridors are of the following types: with one-sided construction, with two-sided construction, with mixed construction and paired corridors with rooms on the outer sides and between them.

    It is necessary to design natural lighting in the corridors (Fig. 4.1). Wherein maximum length corridor when illuminated from two ends 48 m, when illuminated from one end 24 m, with a longer length it is necessary to organize light pockets, the distance between which should be no more than 24 m, while the distance between the light pocket and the window at the end of the corridor should be no more 30 m. The width of the light pocket must be at least half its depth.


    Vertical communications include stairs, ramps, elevators, escalators.


    Stairs and staircases are divided into:

    • on 1 - internal, located in staircases;
    • 2 - internal open (Fig. 4.2);
    • 3 - external open. Conventional staircases:
    • L 1 - with glazed or open openings in the external walls on each floor;
    • L 2 - with natural lighting through glazed or open openings in the roof. Smoke-free staircases:
    • H1 - with the entrance to the staircase from the floor through the external air zone along open passages, while the passage through the air zone must be ensured that the passage through the air zone is smoke-free;
    • H2 - with air pressure into the staircase in case of fire;

    with double-sided building and lighting from both sides

    when installing light pockets

    with dead-end buildings and lighting from one end

    not standardized

    Rice. 4.1

    Rice. 4.2. Types of open stairs in public buildings(dimensions are given in millimeters):

    A- one-march; b- two-flight; V- two-flight with a turn; g - three-march; d- branched three-flight; e- branched four-flight

    NZ - with entrance to the staircase from the floor through a vestibule with air pressure (permanent or in case of fire). Smoke-free staircases must be designed

    in buildings higher than 28 m, while the height of the building is taken to be the height from the planning level of the ground to the level of the window sill of the last floor of the building. To ensure fire extinguishing and rescue operations, fire escapes are provided:

    • P1 - vertical;
    • P2 - marching with a slope of no more than 6:1.

    The floor height of a public building is usually 3.3 m; 3.6 m; 4.2 m. Staircases are designed from this calculation.

    Stairs can be one-, two-, three- and four-flight. The staircase consists of a tread and a riser. Tread width 300 mm, riser height 150 mm.

    The width of a flight of stairs in a public building should be:

    • 1.35 m - for the main staircases leading to the premises for the main occupancy of people;
    • 1.2 m - for evacuation stairs;
    • 0.9 m - for stairs leading to a room with up to 5 people simultaneously staying in it.

    The width of the landings must be at least the width of the flight, the intermediate landing in a straight flight of stairs is 1 m.

    The slope of flights of stairs in ground floors should be no more than 1: 2 (except for the stairs of the stands of sports facilities). The slope of stairs leading to the basement floors and attic, not intended for the evacuation of people, should be 1: 1.5.

    The number of rises in one flight of stairs between landings must be at least three and no more than 16. The height of the railings of flights of stairs and landings must be at least 900 mm.

    Staircases should be designed with natural lighting through openings in the external walls; in buildings up to three floors high, it is possible to use overhead lighting through a skylight. In addition, it is necessary to ventilate the stairwell - 1.2 m2 within each floor.

    Ramps are flat inclined structures without steps. Slope of ramps on the path of people's movement:

    • 1:6 - inside the building;
    • 1:8 - outside;
    • 1:20 - on the path of movement of disabled people in wheelchairs inside and outside the building and in hospitals of medical institutions.


    Passenger elevators are provided in public buildings in the following cases:

    • - in newly designed public buildings - when the floor level of the upper floor is 9.9 m or more from the level of the first floor;
    • - in newly designed sanatoriums, in hotels, tourist centers and motels of the “three star” category - when the floor level of the upper floor is 6.6 m or more from the level of the first floor;
    • - in the buildings of hospitals and maternity hospitals, outpatient clinics, sanatoriums social services population, as well as in hotels and motels of the “five star” and “four star” categories - if there are two floors or more.

    It is allowed not to provide for the installation of an elevator in the case of adding an attic floor to an existing building when justified in the technological part of the project.

    Hospital elevators should be provided with:

    In the buildings of hospitals, maternity hospitals, hospices, rehabilitation centers, boarding homes for the disabled and the elderly, in sanatoriums when ward, residential and other departments (premises) are located above the first floor, where patients can be transported on a gurney.

    Passenger elevators may not be installed if the design and control system of hospital elevators are also adapted for transporting passenger flows.

    The number of elevators should be calculated, but not less than two; in this case, one of the elevators is allowed to be used as a cargo-passenger elevator. One of the elevators must have a cabin depth or width of at least 2.1 m, a width of at least 1.1 m, and a doorway width of at least 0.85 m to ensure that the elevator can be used to transport a patient on an ambulance stretcher. If a doorway is provided on the wide side of the elevator, it should be offset from the center to the side and have a width of 1200 mm.

    Exits from passenger elevators must be designed through the hall. The width of the elevator hall should be (Fig. 4.3):

    For single-row elevators: at least 2.0 m - with an elevator cabin depth of up to 1500 mm; not less than 2.5 m - at depth

    Rice. 4.3. Elevators and elevator halls (dimensions are given in millimeters): 1 - passenger elevator; 2 - cargo-passenger elevator

    elevator cabins from 1.5 to 2.0 m; at least 1.3 times the depth of the elevator car - when the depth of the elevator car is over 2.0 m;

    In a two-row arrangement with a common elevator hall - no less than twice the minimum depth of the cabin, but not less than 5.0 m.

    In all buildings, the premises of which, located above the first floor, are intended for use by people with disabilities in wheelchairs, elevators should be provided, the cabins of which must have dimensions of at least: width 1.5 m; depth 1.7 m; doorway width 0.95 m.

    Periodic elevators are divided according to their intended purpose:

    • - for passengers with a carrying capacity of 300-600 kg;
    • - cargo with a carrying capacity of 500-5000 kg;
    • - cargo-passenger;
    • - sick leave;
    • - special.

    To transport goods weighing less than 100 kg, small elevators or lifts are used, which are divided into store, library, kitchen, and pantry elevators.

    Structurally, elevators include a construction part: the elevator shaft and a machine room - and a mechanical part: the lifting mechanism, cabin and counterweight. The enclosing structures of elevator shafts can be made of brick, prefabricated and monolithic reinforced concrete structures, and metal. Currently, elevators are manufactured with both upper and lower machine room locations. Shafts and machine rooms of elevators should not be adjacent to rooms with permanent occupancy.

    The distance from the doors of the most remote room to the door of the nearest passenger elevator should be no more than 60 m. Various elevator layouts are possible: single-row, multi-row, perimeter, island.

    In the basement and ground floors, exits from elevator shafts should be provided through airlocks with air pressure in case of fire (Fig. 4.4). It must be remembered that when calculating escape routes, elevators are not taken into account.

    At metro stations, in station buildings of all types of transport, at airports, as well as in large shopping centers, business centers and exhibition halls, escalators and travelators are widely used to organize communications.

    Escalators - inclined moving stairs with large throughput. There are two types: mounted on ceilings and on separate foundations. Escalator step height 200 mm, width 400 mm, slope 30°. Escalators should be equipped

    Rice. 4.4.

    1 - vestibule with air pressure; 2 - fire door; 3 - wall with a four-hour fire resistance rating

    rivet in accordance with the requirements established for internal open stairs.

    Travelator - moving sidewalk, a moving stepless path that makes it possible to speed up or facilitate the movement of pedestrians.
