What professions are included in the top 50? An outside perspective is needed

Pages: 23 ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 09, 2016 N 1551 “ON APPROVAL OF THE FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN SPECIALTY

Federal State Educational Standards have not all been updated yet; draft standards have been prepared for approval (if there is no link, then in the search bar http://regulation.gov.ru/projects indicate: secondary vocational education and select the required Federal State Educational Standards project)

01/08/02 Pipeline installer

01/08/04 Roofer

01/08/07 Master of general construction works

01/08/08 Master of finishing construction works

01/08/10 Master of Housing and Communal Services

01/08/14 Installer of sanitary, ventilation systems and equipment

01/08/16 Electrician for alarm, centralization and interlocking

01/08/17 Electrician-adjuster

01/08/18 Electrician of electrical networks and electrical equipment

01/08/21 Installer of electric lifts (elevators)

01/08/22 Track machine master

01/08/23 Brigadier-traveler

02/08/07 Installation and operation of internal plumbing, air conditioning and ventilation, link

13.02.11 Technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment (by industry), link

01/15/24 Grinding machine operator

01/15/28 All-round grinder

01/18/01 Laboratory assistant for physical and mechanical testing

01/18/19 Machinist-operator in the production of plastic products

02/18/07 Technology of production and processing of plastics and elastomers

01/19/06 Sugar production operator

01/19/07 Confectioner of sugar products

01/19/14 Sausage production process operator

02/19/03 Technology of bread, confectionery and pasta

02/19/04 Technology of sugar products

02/19/05 Fermentation technology and winemaking

02/19/06 Technology of canned food and food concentrates

02/19/07 Technology of milk and dairy products

02.21.04 Land management

02.21.05 Land and property relations

02/21/06 Information systems for supporting urban planning activities

02/21/08 Applied geodesy

01/23/05 City electric transport repairman

01/23/07 Crane operator (crane operator)

01/23/09 Locomotive driver

01/23/11 Electrician for repair of electrical equipment of rolling stock (electric locomotives, electric trains)

02.23.04 Technical operation of lifting and transport, construction, road machinery and equipment (by industry), link

02.27.01 Metrology

02.27.02 Technical regulation and quality management

02.27.03 Automation and remote control in transport (railway transport)

01/29/05 Cutter

01/29/07 Tailor

01/29/10 Milliner of hats

01/29/23 Printing equipment adjuster

01/29/25 Bookbinder

02.29.07 Production of paper and cardboard products

01/34/01 Junior nurse for patient care

40.02.01 Law and organization of social security

40.02.02 Law enforcement

40.02.03 Law and judicial administration

01/43/01 Waiter, bartender

01/43/02 Hairdresser

02/43/01 Organization of catering services

02/43/03 Stylistics and the art of makeup

43.02.04 Applied aesthetics

02/43/08 Household and utility services

02/43/09 Ritual service

02/43/11 Hotel service

46.02.01 Documentation support for management and archiving


Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 831dated November 2, 2015 “On approval of the list of the 50 most popularin the labor market, new and promising professions that require average vocational education», link, link

About making changes to sample programs vocational training drivers Vehicle relevant categories and subcategories, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 No. 1408 and in sample retraining programs for drivers of vehicles of relevant categories and subcategories, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2015 No. 486

Zolotareva N.M. On the implementation of a comprehensive project to modernize personnel training for 50 most in demand and promising professions and specialties of secondary vocational education,link

Webinars on TOP 50 Russia

Interregional competence centers:http://profedutop50.ru

1. Participation of the Councils of Professional Qualifications in the vocational education system. Akimova Yu.N.

2. Managing resistance during the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards according to TOP-50. Akimova Yu.N.

3. The practice of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard according to the TOP-50. Akimova Yu.N.

4. Approaches to creating an innovation environment and system continuing education in professional educational organizations SPO in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for TOP-50. Belkova E.A.

5. Explanations of methodological recommendations. Melnik I.O.

1. Review of methodological recommendations for the design of OOP Federal State Educational Standards according to TOP-50.
2. Creation of an innovative environment and a system of continuous education in VET in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for TOP-50
3. Independent assessment professional qualifications

September 21, 2016. New Federal State Educational Standards for secondary vocational education in the most popular, new and promising professions and specialties

TOP 50. Informatization


  • Topic for discussion: "Educational trends. Health-saving technologies and new professional competencies" http://pressmia.ru/online/951276949.html
  • Discussion topic: "Learning: mobile, mixed, distance learning"

These specialties are included in the list of the 50 most in demand on the labor market, new and promising professions that require secondary vocational education. The list was approved on November 2 by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

When compiling the list, the focus was primarily on high-tech industries and the service sector.

The lists of specialties were compiled by the Russian Ministry of Labor together with the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, and the Councils for professional qualifications National Council under the President of the Russian Federation on professional qualifications, government bodies, employers' associations, trade union associations, educational and other interested organizations.

Top 50 professions requiring secondary vocational education

1. Auto mechanic

2. Database administrator

3. Graphic Designer

4. Cosmetologist

5. Laboratory assistant for chemical analysis

6. Master decorative works

7. Master of joinery and carpentry

8. Metrologist

9. Mechatronic

10. Mobile roboticist

11. Serviceman-repairman industrial equipment

12. Drone operator aircraft

13. Machine operator with program controlled

14. Optician-mechanic

15. Hairdresser

16. Tiler-facer

17. Pastry chef

18. Programmer

19. Web and multimedia application developer

20. Plumber

21. Collector electronic systems(electronic instrument and device specialist)

22. Welder

23. Network and system administrator

24. Locksmith

25. Specialist in the field of instrumentation and automation (by industry)

26. Additive technology specialist

27. Hospitality Specialist

28. Specialist in information resources

29. Specialist in information systems

30. Non-destructive testing specialist (flaw detector)

31. Specialist in the maintenance and repair of automobile engines

32. Telecommunications service specialist

33. Specialist in aircraft production and maintenance

34. Testing specialist in the field of information technology

35. Specialist in technical quality control of products

36. Specialist in mechanical engineering technology

37. Specialist in refrigeration and ventilation technology

38. Aircraft engine technician

39. Technician for automated process control systems

40. Technician for biotechnical and medical devices and systems

41. Information Security Technician

42. Composite Materials Technician

43. Robotic Manufacturing Maintenance Technician

44. Design technician

45. Mechanical technician in agriculture

46. ​​Printing technician

47. Technical Writer

48. Universal turner

49. All-round milling operator

50. Electrician

To find out your predisposition to a particular activity, you can take

Photo: agregator.pro

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), prepared and approved a list of “50 most in demand in the labor market, new and promising professions that require secondary vocational education.”

The top 50 included: an auto mechanic, a mobile roboticist, an unmanned aerial vehicle operator, a programmer, a plumber, a welder, a mechanic, specialists in information resources, aircraft production and maintenance, mechanical engineering technology, aircraft engine technicians and others. The full list can be found.

“We studied the personnel needs of companies. The Ministry of Labor used a survey in which more than 14,000 enterprises took part. Employment statistics by individual professions were also used. Thus, professions were identified that provide mass employment and are critical for employers today and in the near future. The second source is an assessment of companies' participation in personnel training. Here we were helped by the WorldSkills championships, which show the demand and promise of certain professions. Third point -promising professions from the point of view priority areas technological development, emergence of new technological markets. For example, the list included a biotechnology specialist and an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles,”- said the deputy head of the department of the “Young Procession” direction of ASI Zhanna Kadyleva.

In March 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a set of measures aimed at improving the system of secondary vocational education. By 2020, half of the country’s professional educational organizations will have trained personnel according to this list in accordance with the best standards and advanced technologies. Work on creating six interregional competence centers in Russia, which will train personnel from this list (partially), has already begun. The educational process will be controlled by national and regional experts according to competencies.

In Russia, there has long been a tendency for humanities scholars to retreat into the background. However, now the replacement process has become even more accelerated, because the current situation in the country requires it. But in order to get rid of this “gap”, the Government needs to “sweat a lot” - as Dmitry Anatolyevich said, the vocational education system in the country has collapsed.

“We need to move forward here, because the previous system of vocational and technical education has largely exhausted itself and has collapsed somewhere. New system It’s just being created now, and we must take the best of what is being done in the world and create our own system of vocational and technical education,”- said the Russian Prime Minister.

In conditions of import substitution, it is very important to improve the system - and as soon as possible. The thing is that at present, products that specialists could manufacture on Russian territory are imported into Russia from abroad. The country has potential, it just needs to be allowed to develop and reveal itself, creating the necessary environment for this.

In 2019, Russia will host the WorldSkills professional skills championship (the country has only been part of this international organization since 2012), which, according to Dmitry Medvedev, will contribute to the development of blue-collar professions in the country.

If the authorities have set themselves the task of becoming more competitive in the international arena in the field of blue-collar professions, then this championship can really become a good platform for adopting some positive experience from competitors and making a name for itself.

In 2013, Russia took the last 41st place at this championship, so we have room to grow. And in order to be, if not better, then at least on par with competitors from other countries, young specialists must meet the requirements of the international level, for which the approval of the top 50 professions became the starting point. This list will be used to develop and update professional standards, federal state educational standards (FSES), as well as individual educational programs.

Let's return to the vocational education system, because before working professions can be developed, they must also be acquired.

“Over the last decade, the share of those who go to receive vocational education after the 9th grade has increased by almost 10 percentage points – from 34 to 45%. After 9th grade, a little more than 55% of schoolchildren choose the “high school – university” trajectory, the rest go to colleges and technical schools,”- said the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov.

That is, the problem of redistribution of educational institutions in the country is really relevant, since the indicators of “attractiveness” of technical schools and colleges are growing. It is clear that you cannot sharply reduce the hours allocated for the training of certain specialists who are not included in the “top”, followed by a complete abandonment of “non-trend” specialties.

Medvedev said earlier that most secondary educational institutions are business structures, which would allow businesses to independently generate orders for certain specialties, for which they are trained in vocational schools. The development of vocational education is truly possible only on the basis of cooperation between business and local authorities.

What does it take to have a successful business? Yes, managers and economists, of course, play an important role, but we also need those who will put into practice technical solutions. Economists and lawyers are gradually fading into the background. Vladimir Putin has already said that as many specialists in these areas are currently being trained, “ national economy and the economy” is simply not necessary. And the Ministry of Education began to gradually reduce the training of “unnecessary” specialists.

Slowly but surely, humanitarian knowledge is degrading, this should be recognized. But we need to look at things and the current situation sensibly: the domestic producer must be competitive in the face of falling oil prices, sanctions and other circumstances. Alas, for a long time, secondary vocational education was not given due attention, and in many areas it remains “on the sidelines” to this day; its financing is carried out on a residual basis, as a result of which the employer remains dissatisfied with the quality of training of such specialists, leaving, it seems, a person with a crust without a job.

But it's not only that. The popularity of this type of education has decreased, there are enough reasons for this. Firstly, the size wages for many workers is quite low compared to the income of managers at various levels. Let me give you an example: the same auto mechanic currently earns approximately 45 thousand rubles on average across the country. A little, you will agree, for a profession that is truly, to put it mildly, labor-intensive. What should a young man be guided by when choosing the profession of the same auto mechanic, without giving his preference to any less mentally and physically expensive work? You can sit on your fifth point and “do nothing,” getting twice as much for it.

The state needs to increase the attractiveness of these professions, perhaps by increasing wages for the work of “top” specialists, because all this is solely in the interests of the country. The financial part of the issue will always be one of the main ones, it is worth recognizing this.

What have former vocational schools or TOP-50 professions that require secondary vocational education become these days October 25th, 2017

Tell me honestly, which of you works in the profile in which you received your first education?
But these days, when the speed of life and technology is growing at an increasingly incredible pace, if you go to study in the “wrong place,” you can miss out on even more.

I confess, I myself am also infected with the cliche - “you must” go to university. But in fact, many boys and girls will benefit much more in life from the real knowledge and skills that they will receive by going to college or technical school after 9th grade. In 2 years, they will not only have completed secondary education, but also a specialty plus an understanding of whether they like the chosen direction or not, whether they are succeeding. A higher education is not going anywhere, the most talented guys who graduate from college then receive it in absentia according to an accelerated program without interrupting their work or their business.

I’ll say right away that in 2 days at the Interregional Competence Center - Cheboksary Electromechanical College (MCC-CHEMK), my idea of ​​modern “vocational schools” was completely turned upside down. At my Kazan Aviation Institute in the late 90s, such conditions and equipment could only be dreamed of...

For two days we were told and shown how the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is implementing the project “Workforce for Advanced Technologies” using the example of the interregional competence center (ICC) created in Cheboksary.
They even introduced us to the Russian national team, which was training at that moment at the training ground deployed in the college before traveling 2 weeks later to Abu Dhabi for the WorldSkils2017 World Championship.

Picture in larger size opens by clicking:

And now, in order:

1. I’ll immediately give you a link to the college website for those who came to the post with a specific desire to explore the place for themselves or for their children - http://www.chemk.org/

2. I personally immediately remembered my student years and our department "Automated systems for processing and information management"

3. I haven’t seen my grade books for 17 years after graduating from university.

4. Our first interlocutor was the deputy director of MCC-CHEMK Polikarpov Igor Lvovich.

And he immediately infected me with his enthusiasm and convincingly showed, using examples of specific children, that 100% finishing 11 grades at school and going to university is not an option at all.
One, instead of getting C grades and cramming theory in grades 10 and 11, comes here to study after grade 9 and now he has best service in the city for equipment repair in 8 years, but according to the traditional scheme, he would have just left the university with a diploma at the ready. Simply working with his hands and understanding electronics turned out to be more interesting for him than studying bare textbooks.

But there is also counter examples, when a gold medalist goes to college, but in the process finds out that he doesn’t like working with his hands at all and he leaves, eventually becoming a great analyst in another field.

It would be nice to introduce additional interviews in technical disciplines to exams and competitions, says Igor Lvovich:

5. I was surprised to learn that many, after graduating from universities and receiving a diploma in, say, “economist”, after unsuccessful attempts find a job, come to retrain at college and get a real profession that inspires them, gives them motivation and good earnings over a very short period of time.

6. After all, doing something with your own hands is a special thrill, and you can only experience it by trying it!

7. But let's return to the guys and girls (of which there are certainly few here) who are studying in college.
And we will take a tour of the laboratories and workshops where they conduct practical classes.

8. Stand for laboratory workshop "Detection and correction of faults in electrical circuits."
They study the same courses abroad. Made in the USA, Texas.

9. The following numbers also surprised me.
Currently, the secondary vocational education system has 3,600 educational institutions, with nearly 3 million students. In addition to traditional specialties - mechanics, mechanics, hairdressers, you can master the profession of a mobile roboticist, an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles and many others - about 500 specialties in total,

10. A great construction set - I think every school should have one in their physics classroom!

11. I’ll get ahead of myself, but I want to immediately note a pleasing moment:

"An important item in a college graduate’s “knowledge base” will be knowledge in English(taking into account professional specifics) for free work on equipment with an English-language interface and instructions, as well as an “entrepreneurial package” (knowledge on organizing your own business as a individual entrepreneur, understanding of market conditions in the chosen specialty, ability to analyze and assess risks).”

Is this finally happening!!!

12. Take a photo of Kukmor filming for “story” how Vlad photographs a robot, an example of bloggers’ favorite game;)))

13. Center created with the support of the main strategic partner of the college - JSC NPK "Elara".


15. In the radio installation workshop.

16. Surface mounting workshop.

17. Board under a microscope.


19. "Oven" for circuit boards)

20. Workshop for setting up and adjusting radio-electronic equipment.
The most modern equipment has been installed. We have heard this about almost all laboratories and workshops.
Well done!

By the way, at the end I found out that Igor Lvovich and I lived in the neighboring dormitories of the Aviation Institute on the street. Friendly in Kazan. It’s true that in 1986 he graduated from the 5th faculty of KAI Radioelectronics, 8 years after that I entered the 4th faculty. It's always a pleasure to meet KAISTs in the vastness of the country;)

21. The college actively cooperates with many local enterprises and factories from all over Russia

22. Nearby there is a workshop with CNC machines and a computer-aided design laboratory technological processes and programming of CNC systems.

23. It was nice to see a 3D printer produced in Tatarstan in the city of Zelenodolsk.


25. The guys were enthusiastically discussing the laboratory, they weren’t even distracted by us)

26. Here are the mechanism parts printed on this printer.


28. Class HAAS, another partner. MCC ChEMK.


30. Laboratory technical mechanics, technological equipment and equipment.

ABOUT! Dumbbells and a weighty pointer! Now you can see why college students are so successful!

31. Here you can simulate the fully automated operation of a large warehouse.

32. The dancing terminator dog surprised me. It runs on pneumatics, but to turn it on you need to put it in a special place 5 ruble coin exactly 2003! Checks the coin for its composition first!

33. Turning shop.

34. Next we had a meeting with the management of the college.
Sudlenkov Alexey Alekseevich is already 40!!! has been in charge for years, only the names and sizes of the institution change!
He is also vice-president of the Union of Directors of Secondary and Vocational Education Institutions (SPO) of Russia.

He told me very interestingly about what was, has become and is planned in the open source software system.
But most of all I remember the phrase:
“Of those who study with us, 40% live with their mother in a single-parent family. I myself grew up in such a family.

They know that there is no time to waste and they need to learn how to make money."

The second thing I liked from his words:
"Relationships with business and enterprises are the main component of the success of any educational institution, but for this educational institution must be in demand by business.
How will it be in demand?
An employer comes with his specialists and they meet with our teachers and they understand each other! Then there is a chance for mutual respect and cooperation."

I myself remember from the 90s that we were taught at the university what was no longer relevant in the market and I received all the knowledge and practical skills at home on my home computer

35. Visual infographics on the top 50 working professions, which were selected as the most in demand and promising at the moment

Click on the image to open in a larger size:

Dual education solves the problem of shortage of specialists. Germany is one of the first countries to introduce dual training practices, which combine theoretical and practical training. Currently, more than 60 countries have switched to a dual education system: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia and others.

How personnel training is carried out in Russia in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education, the heads of professional organizations discussed at webinar “National system of qualifications and professions TOP-50”, which took place on May 22, 2017.

The expert of the webinar was Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy at Moscow State Pedagogical University Vladimir Igorevich Blinov, who heads the Center for Vocational Education and Qualification Systems at the Federal Institute for Educational Development.

Production worker studies on the job

The implementation of the Set of Measures to improve the SVE system continues. By 2020, it is planned that 50% of vocational education institutions will introduce training in the TOP 50 in-demand and promising professions and specialties.

At the webinar, Blinov expressed the opinion that a production participant should be trained on the job.

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that today the current federal law internship is precisely defined as educational program“,” Blinov noted, “previously, an internship was only a form of work.”

Today, internship is considered as a form of program implementation, within the framework of which the content of training, requirements for results and control and evaluation tools are determined.

It is also planned that by 2020, 70% of managers and teachers will take continuing education courses.

In the future, I really want all vocational education teachers to have two qualifications: technical and pedagogical,” the expert noted.

The base center is designed to create a system in which advanced training and additional professional education programs are implemented.

Tasks of the Base Center:

  • formation of regional coordinators;
  • development support educational material: textbooks, manuals, guidelines, further education programs;
  • providing information space: lists of current professions and practices.

An outside perspective is needed

There are currently several qualification systems in place: 850 professional standards and various job systems. Professional standards and job systems must be brought into compliance, the first step to which is the formation of qualifications. A qualification development tool is an independent assessment.

I want to emphasize that employers stubbornly continue to insist that skills and knowledge are necessary for qualifications,” the expert said.

A serious discrepancy arises here, since the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education defines competencies, but does not specify knowledge and skills.

Professional Exam Procedure

The professional exam consists of theoretical and practical parts. Successful completion of the theoretical part is admission to the practical part.

The webinar participants actively discussed the topic in the chat and asked questions to the expert.

Questions from participants:

Mashkova Elena Valerievna:

To get an internship, you need to find a company that has a license for this activity, although there are high-tech organizations that are ready to accept internships but do not have a license. Why such strict limits?

Vladimir Blinov:

Ideally, of course, the enterprise where foremen or workers undergo training should have a license for educational activities in the field of additional education. I'll tell you that those training centers, yes, by the way, some even very small enterprises have such a license. In particular, I know of hairdressing and beauty salons that are engaged in advanced training and implement DPP programs on completely legal grounds. But even if an enterprise does not have a license, this does not mean that jobs are this enterprise cannot be bases of practice.


- Are there any plans for additional funding for the TOP-50?

Vladimir Blinov:

It is there, it is coming. This funding is aimed primarily at supporting interregional qualifications.

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