What date is Dmitrov's parent's Saturday? Parents' Saturday: what not to do

In Orthodoxy, the days of general remembrance of the dead are usually called “parental Saturdays.” It is believed that Saturday, which is Old Testament called the day of rest, and in the New - the day of forgiveness and remission of sins, is the most appropriate time for prayers for the repose of the dead.

On such days, it is customary to go to church for services, remember deceased loved ones, visit cemeteries and tidy up the graves of relatives, give alms and treat the poor. It is believed that the more generous the alms in the church, the better the soul of the deceased feels in the next world.

The Church Orthodox calendar has established several such days: in addition to Demetrievskaya parental Saturday, these are

  • Trinity parent's Saturday,
  • Meat Saturday
  • The beheading of John the Baptist,
  • days of remembrance of the dead in Lent(second, third and fourth Saturdays from the beginning of Lent),
  • Radonitsa.

Also established is the Day of Remembrance of those killed in the Great Patriotic War, which has a fixed date - May 9, all other days of commemoration are transferable.

On Dmitrievskaya Parent Saturday we remember the difficult bloody battle led by Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo Field in 1380. Then the prophecy came true St. Sergius Radonezh, who predicted victory for the prince’s troops at a high cost.

Thousands of soldiers fighting for the Fatherland died in this battle. Initially, on this day they commemorated all the military personnel who died in that battle. Over time, Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday became the day of funeral commemoration of all deceased Orthodox Christians.

When will Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday take place in 2019?

Its date changes every year, so it should be checked against church calendar. The commemoration takes place annually on the Saturday before the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, celebrated on November 8 (October 26, old style). In 2019, Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday falls on November 2.

The night before, on Friday, a memorial service is held in churches, during which the clergy offer prayers for the dead. Believers bring food to the church as a donation (vegetables, fruits, sweets, bread, flour for prosphora, Cahors for the liturgy), candles and oil for lamps. You are not supposed to bring meat products and strong alcoholic drinks.

Although this memorable date does not apply to universal Saturdays, like Trinity and Myasopustnaya, when ecumenical memorial services are celebrated, it is also of great importance.

On Parents' Day on St. Demetrius Saturday, churches will commemorate the dead, funeral liturgies and memorial services will be served for all soldiers who died on the battlefield. (Emperor Nicholas II even issued a decree in 1903 to perform a special memorial service for the soldiers who fell for the Fatherland - “For the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, who laid down their lives on the battlefield”).

Also in the churches they will remember all the people who died suddenly, who were not guided into eternal life by the prayers of the Holy Church.

At the liturgy you can order the commemoration of loved ones. For this purpose, parishioners prepare notes with the names of the deceased. In such a note, you need to write in large, legible handwriting the names of those commemorated, which are listed in the genitive case. All names must be given in church spelling (for example, “Tatiana, Alexy,” and not “Tatiana, Alexey”) and in full (“Mikhail, Lyubov,” and not “Misha, Lyubov”).

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the temple and visit the cemetery on Dmitrievskaya Parents’ Saturday, November 2, 2019, you can pray for the repose of the deceased at home. At this time, it is important to get serious and put aside all homework, which distracts you from praying for the dead and thinking.

Prayers for the departed on Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday

“Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“Rest the souls before those who depart in the place of refreshment, for it is not the dead who will praise Thee, Lord, those who exist in hell dare to bring confessions to Thee, but we, the living, bless Thee and pray, and offer cleansing prayers and sacrifices to Thee for their souls.”

On Demetrius Saturday, believers honor the memory of St. Demetrius, the patron saint of Russian soldiers. This Christian saint, who lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian in the city of Thessaloniki, preached Christianity during the persecution of supporters of this religion and was executed.

Many temples built in our country are dedicated to him. On the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitry Donskoy solemnly transferred to Moscow from Vladimir the main shrine of the Vladimir Demetrius Cathedral - the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, written on the board of the Saint’s tomb.

Believers offer a prayer to Saint Demetrius:

“Holy Great Martyr of Christ Demetrius! Standing boldly before the Heavenly King, ask Him for forgiveness of our sins and for us, the accursed (names), to be delivered from the all-destructive plague, fire and eternal punishment. Pray for His goodness to favor this parish (or house) and our temple. Ask us for grace-filled strengthening for good deeds, so that what is pleasing to our Master, Christ God, who works here, may be worthy through Your prayers to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and there glorify Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

How the deceased were remembered on St. Demetrius Saturday

In the old days, on Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday in Rus', it was customary to organize feasts in memory of deceased relatives and friends. The day before, people cleaned their houses and washed themselves. A fresh broom was left in the bathhouse and clean water for the deceased, to appease the soul of the deceased.

Since Friday, the funeral table has been covered with a white tablecloth and candles have been placed on it. Housewives prepared meat dishes, the main one of which was stuffed pig head.

Traditional funeral dishes were served at the table: kutya, pancakes, pies and other favorite dishes of deceased relatives. The shape of pies that were prepared with different fillings (meat, cabbage, cottage cheese) had to be oblong.

For the deceased, a separate plate was placed on the table, where each relative put one spoon of his food. This offering was left overnight so that the deceased could eat with his family.

WITH Dmitrievskaya Saturday there are many signs associated with it. It is believed that if it is cold on this day and snow has already fallen, then spring will be late, and if there is a thaw, spring will be warm. In the old days they said: “Demetrius Saturday is work for the kuteiniki,” since on the eve of the holiday it was customary to serve a ritual dish - kutya - to the table, remembering the deceased.

We hope that once you find out when Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday will be in 2019, you will spend it in accordance with long-established traditions and pay tribute to the memory of your family, following Orthodox customs.

In 2017, due to the coincidence with the holiday of the Kazan Icon Mother of God, which is celebrated on November 4, parents' Saturday has been moved to October 28.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday

The last parent's Saturday in 2017 - on this day in Orthodox churches funeral services, memorial liturgies are held and special commemoration deceased Orthodox Christians.

The special meaning of Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is that on this day memorial services are held for all soldiers who died for the faith and fatherland on the battlefield, as well as for all those who died a sudden death, who were not guided to eternal life by the prayers of the Holy Church.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Ozersky

Icon "Dmitry of Thessaloniki". Pskov school of painting. XV century

Dmitrievskaya Saturday was established by Prince Dmitry Donskoy after the bloody battle on the Kulikovo Field, which took place on Christmas Day. Holy Mother of God in 1380.

Over time, a tradition developed to perform such a commemoration annually before the day of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, whose name has always been associated in Rus' with military feats, patriotism and defense of the Fatherland.

First, on this day they prayed for the repose of those at the cost of whose lives the victory was won. Over time, St. Demetrius Saturday became the day when all Christians “dead from time immemorial (since the beginning of time) are remembered.”

Why parent

The name “parental” most likely comes from the tradition of calling the deceased “parents,” that is, those who went to their fathers. And also because Christians prayerfully commemorated, first of all, their deceased parents.

Among parental Saturdays, Ecumenical Saturdays are especially distinguished, on which the Orthodox Church prayerfully commemorates all the departed. There are two such Saturdays: Meat and Trinity. On these two days, special services are held - ecumenical memorial services.

The remaining parental Saturdays are not ecumenical and are reserved specifically for private commemoration of people dear to our hearts.

But since ancient times, people have most revered Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. Emperor Nicholas II in 1903 even issued a decree on holding a special memorial service for the soldiers who fell for the Fatherland - “For the faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland, who laid down their lives on the battlefield.”

Patron of Russian warriors

On the icons, Saint Demetrius is depicted as a warrior in feathered armor, with a spear and sword in his hands. Russian soldiers always believed that they were under his special protection.

Saint Demetrius was born in the city of Soluni (Thessaloniki) in Greece into a family of secret Christians. After the death of his father, he became the ruler of the Thessalonian region and defended the city from external enemies.

© photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

The emperor demanded from Demetrius the extermination of Christians, but instead he began to eradicate pagan customs. Having learned about this, the emperor ordered him to be put in prison, where, on his orders, the prison guards killed Demetrius with spears. This happened in 306.

Demetrius' body was thrown out to be devoured by wild animals, but the residents buried him secretly. Miracles and healings were always performed at the tomb of the great martyr.

Since ancient times, the saint has been especially revered in Rus' - since the first centuries of Christianity, many churches have been built throughout the country. Russian princes gave one of their sons, usually the eldest, the name Dmitry.

Prince Dimitry Donskoy was a great admirer of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. In 1380, on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, he solemnly transferred from Vladimir to Moscow the main shrine of the Vladimir Demetrius Cathedral - the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, written on the board of the Saint’s tomb.

Traditions of remembrance

On Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday, they traditionally commemorate their deceased parents in church - people submit notes for their deceased relatives to the priest, and also pray for the repose of their souls in the afterlife.

According to church canons, in order to remember your deceased relatives, you must come to church for a service on Friday evening, the day before parental Saturday. At this time a great funeral service is celebrated. In the morning at funeral Saturday a funeral liturgy is performed, after which a general memorial service is served.

On this day, they usually bring treats to the temple for the poor, which are blessed during the service and later distributed to everyone. Also on this day, it is customary to give alms to the poor with a request to pray for the deceased.

After visiting churches, Orthodox Christians go to the cemetery, read prayers for the repose of the souls of deceased relatives, and tidy up the graves. But, if it is not possible to visit a temple or cemetery these days, you can pray for the repose of the deceased at home.

Prayer for the departed

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

During a church service, Orthodox people They remember by name many generations of their deceased ancestors.

Customs and signs

Women, like others memorial days We were busy with general cleaning - we cleaned the courtyards, washed all the benches, windows, and tables. Before parents' Saturday, the whole family had to wash themselves, after which they left water and a broom for the deceased relatives.

On Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday, dinner was special and took place a little differently than on other memorial days - in the old days they believed that all the deceased on this day descended to earth in their native homes, and therefore they tried to gather the family in their ancestral dwellings.

They began to commemorate the dead on Friday, and for this they always purchased a new white tablecloth, which was used to cover the funeral table. Candles were placed on the table both on Friday and Saturday - people believed that the family was thus giving a sign to the dead that they had not been forgotten and were being remembered.

The housewives tried to prepare as many meat dishes as possible, but the stuffed pork head remained traditional and basic. They also prepared traditional funeral dishes - kutya, pancakes, pies, as well as other favorite dishes of deceased relatives.

A huge number of pies with different fillings were served on the table - with meat, cabbage, cottage cheese and so on. Moreover, the shape must be oblong.

During the meal they remembered what the deceased were like during life, about their good qualities and deeds. Also, the eldest in the families told the youth the family history and genealogy.

On Friday, after the whole family had dinner, the mistress of the house cleared the entire table, covered it with a clean tablecloth and placed cutlery with food and invited all the deceased relatives to the table.

The next day, Saturday, at the funeral meal, each family member put one spoon from each dish into a separate plate, and then it was all left overnight for the deceased. This was done so that the souls of the dead could come home and be satisfied with food along with the whole family.

A bowl of water and a towel were placed next to the plates so that they could wash themselves after the meal.

For a long time, Dmitrievskaya Saturday was considered the day of transition from autumn to winter, and accordingly, many signs were associated with the weather: Dmitrievsky day - winter is climbing the fence; on Dmitry the rivers freeze; Winter does not begin until Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

People believed that if it was cold on this day and snow fell, spring would be late, and if there was a thaw, spring would be warm.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead in the calendar of Orthodox holidays, which appeared there as a memory of the Russian army that died in Battle of Kulikovo. The moving date is directly related to the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessaloniki - November 8. The closest Saturday before the celebration of the saint sometimes coincides with other important Orthodox dates and then it is moved forward a week.

The choice of this particular date for commemoration was not accidental, and took place in 1380 by the will of Dmitry Donskoy. Saint Dmitry of Thessalonica was greatly revered in Rus' in the early Christian period and was even revered as an assistant in the fight against Tatar-Mongol yoke. His personality aroused special respect among the Russian princes (not only Donskoy was baptized in honor of the saint), and Dmitriev's day was traditionally considered a great holiday among all Slavs.

After the battle on the Kulikovo Field, Dmitry Donskoy visited the Trinity-Sergius Monastery and his spiritual mentor. Sergius of Radonezh had recognized ecclesiastical influence for his monastic activities, and at the same time was a wise politician. This ascetic of the Russian land strove to unite the people, and his spiritual and moral authority allowed him to become Dmitry’s advisor and help in the affairs of the principality. Sergius approved the idea of ​​commemorating the fallen army, because in that fateful battle many defenders from different places Rus'.

Historians estimate that numbers have been distorted over time, bringing the number of combatants on both sides to hundreds of thousands, which is not true. What researchers agree with chroniclers who tend to embellish reality is that almost half of the entire Russian warriors actually died (approximately 20-30 thousand people).

Traditions of commemorating the dead are rooted in the pre-Christian past. There were also autumn commemorations in the calendar of the ancient Slavs - Grandfather's Saturday. Traditional rich food and symbolism, for example, spoons for the dead, were adopted by the Orthodox Church, but ennobled and improved. In the church practice of that time, performed according to the Greek model, Demetrius Saturday did not appear until 1380. But even after its establishment, changes occurred over time.

From surviving documentary sources it is known that in the 15th-17th centuries they did not limit themselves to memorial services in a number of parishes; the charter of worship equates the importance of Demetrius Saturday with the ecumenical Saturday, although this is not entirely true (Meat Empty and Trinity Saturday are considered such). Today, the liturgical rite includes evening and morning services. Before visiting the graves, you should come to the church where the memorial service is being served in order to have time to submit a note with the names of the deceased and order commemorations on the altar. It is worth giving up household chores if this interferes with visiting the temple and praying for loved ones.

To this day will be organized cultural events, aimed at spiritual, moral and patriotic education, because this particular Saturday serves as a reminder of the ancestors who gave their lives for the protection of the Russian land and Orthodoxy. The importance of this holiday and the duty of every believer is to help the dead receive relief through prayer, which serves as a way of communication between the living and the dead.

Any church date has its own characteristics that every believer should know. On the Day of Remembrance of the Dead, it is very important to observe all traditions and prohibitions in order to ward off troubles and not bring grief to your family.

Every year people celebrate Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday. On this day, Orthodox believers visit churches and temples to light a candle for the repose of their loved ones, and also remember relatives who have already passed on to another world. The history of the holiday begins in 1380, and the date was set by Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Previously, on Parents' Saturday, people held memorial services for fallen soldiers. It was believed that Russian soldiers are always under God's protection, and even after their death it is necessary to pray for the people who gave their lives for their homeland.

Now on memorial day people pray for their loved ones, attend services and divine liturgies, and after that they remember the dead kind words. This can be done at home or near the grave of the deceased. It is believed that on this day the souls of the dead descend to earth, so all traditions and prohibitions should be observed in order to please them and not anger them.

What to do on Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday

In Rus' it was believed that this day marks the transition from autumn to winter. Began very coldy, for which people prepared in advance. Despite the fact that many tried to complete their work on the farm even before Intercession on October 14, some for some reason did not have time to do this, and then they tried to complete the preparations before Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

The funeral meal is held after the service. On Dmitrievskaya Saturday, it is customary to set a rich table, which must include dishes that your deceased loved ones loved during their lifetime. The most important dish on the table were pies: the housewife must prepare a lot of pastries with with different fillings. In ancient times it was believed that this could appease and please the deceased.

During the funeral meal, it was necessary to place a separate clean plate on the table, where each relative put one spoon of his food. This dish was left overnight so that the deceased could come and eat with his family.

Before parents' Saturday, on Friday, the hostess after dinner must clear everything from the table and lay out a clean tablecloth. Then re-set the table and place freshly prepared dishes. Thus, in ancient times, the deceased was called to the table.

On Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday, the family of the deceased should remember only good things about him, share warm memories that are associated with the deceased. This way you let the soul of the deceased know that you still remember and love him.

Despite the fact that during many church events it is strictly forbidden to do household chores, this does not apply to Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday. On the contrary, on this day you should spend general cleaning and then wash yourself. Our ancestors always left a fresh broom and clean water in the bathhouse for the deceased in order to appease the soul of the deceased. The most important thing is that your household chores do not interfere with attending church.

On Parents' Saturday it is customary to go to the cemetery. The grave of the deceased needs to be put in order and cleaned. After this, pray for the repose of his soul.

On St. Demetrius Saturday, it is customary to feed the poor so that they pray for the soul of your deceased relative.

What not to do on Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday

On this day it is forbidden to scold the deceased. You should remember only good things about them, otherwise you may anger their soul.

It is believed that it is strictly forbidden to remember the dead alcoholic drinks. However, if there is such a tradition in your family, then try to do it in moderation. The souls of the deceased may become angry due to drunkenness during the funeral meal.

Also, during remembrance, you should not laugh or sing songs. Despite the fact that the holiday is not of a mourning nature, do not forget that on this day you remember loved ones who are no longer among the living. Therefore, fun will be inappropriate.

If your deceased relative committed suicide or was not a believer during his lifetime, then you will not be able to remember him in church and light a candle for the repose of his soul. In this case, you can pray for him at home.

It is probably difficult for each of us to come to terms with the death of our loved ones, but their soul is always with us. In order for our loved ones to feel peace in another world, it is necessary to read memorial prayers for the deceased. We wish you and your family health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

27.10.2017 05:10

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What is Dmitrievskaya Parent Saturday?

Parents' Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead. There are several such days a year, they are established by the Orthodox Church. Some of them have fixed dates, and some are counted in connection with moving Orthodox holidays. In order not to get confused about the dates on next year and don’t miss parental Saturdays, follow all the posts and important Christian dates according to the Orthodox calendar for 2017. Dmitrievskaya Saturday is special in that it is actually the last day of remembrance of the dead of the year. As always, in 2016 it will be on November 5th. Moreover, the name and date themselves were not chosen by chance.

Why is parent's Saturday called Dmitrievskaya?

It would be more correct to call it Dmitrovskaya, and it is connected with the events of the distant 14th century. These were the times of the reign of Dmitry Donskoy and the Battle of Kulikovo. Returning after the battle and victory, the prince visited the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where a funeral service was held for the fallen soldiers and their memory was honored with a public meal. It was these events that became the beginning of the commemoration of the dead on November 8 or the Saturday closest to that day. However, this day is named Demetrius Saturday in honor of the memory of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, and not in honor of the great Russian prince.

Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica

IN Orthodox Church On November 5, the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Solone, who, like many other saints, accepted death for the faith of Christ, is honored. He was the son of a rich and noble man who secretly professed Christianity and baptized his son. Having accepted a significant post in the state after the death of his father, he began to openly preach Christianity and converted many townspeople to the faith. On this day it is very important to pray for the salvation of your soul. For example, strong effect will have the prayer “I Believe,” which can be read along with others.

The Emperor was informed about this and he took Dmitry of Thessalonica into custody. Christians were also arrested and forced to fight in the arena with the emperor's favorite gladiator. Saint Dmitry strengthened the spirit of one of the Christians and he was able to defeat a strong fighter, which greatly angered the emperor. He executed the Christian on the same day, and the next day he sent his soldiers to prison to Saint Demetrius. They found him in prayer and immediately pierced him with spears.

Traditions of Dmitrov Parents' Saturday

On this day, believers visit cemeteries and order prayer services for deceased relatives. On this day the Church honors soldiers who died in the war for the Fatherland. But we can and should commemorate all our deceased loved ones on this day. After all Dmitrov Saturday- the last memorial day of the year, as opposed to spring parental Saturdays.

They pray to Dmitry of Thessalonica for help with many ailments and diseases. This saint is believed to restore sight. It adds courage and patience, which are simply necessary for many things in life. Warriors also turned to Dmitry Thessalonica before the battle, asking for victory.

Among the people, the autumn marriage season was ending and people began to prepare for the Nativity Fast. The tradition of commemorating the dead at the beginning of November is characteristic not only Eastern Slavs, but also to many other peoples. IN catholic church A few days before this, parents' Saturday also takes place. During this period, the Macedonians and Serbs left bread and water for the dead, and the Croats celebrated the “Day of Souls” in early November.

In addition to praying and going to church, there are always many other very important things to do. You will always learn how to distribute them correctly and attract good luck in. We wish you all the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.11.2016 02:13

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