Vehicle classes in Armored Warfare. How to play self-propelled artillery

Concept, game mechanics and tactical tricks of “Project Armata”: learning to win in a new generation tank shooter

« Armored Warfare: Armata Project» - new tank A new shooter from Obsidian Entertainment. The game is seriously different from other representatives of the genre, so if you want to spend a minimum of time getting used to it and play at a decent level from the very first battle, read our guide.

Suppliers and the beginning of the game

The Armata Project does not have a classic division of equipment by country, but there are two independent suppliers: Sophie Wölfli and Marat Shishkin.

At the start, only two cars are available to you: Soviet light tank PT-76 from Marat and American armored personnel carrier M113 from Sophie. Fans of traditional tank shooter gameplay should start playing on the PT-76. Those who came to Project Armata in search of a new gaming experience should pay attention to M113.

Leveling system and resources

Each supplier has several blocks (branches) of equipment. Starting branches from PT-76 and M113 will only allow you to level up to the second level. To open more blocks you need to complete special conditions suppliers.

Leveling up within each block is based on the principle of gradually opening models of increasingly higher levels. For example, to play the eighth level MBT Leopard 2A5 from Sophie Welfi, you must unlock its MBT branch, and then sequentially open all the tanks starting with Leopard 1. The next level tank opens to you only after the previous one has been fully upgraded. After you have opened a new tank, you will need to buy it - for this you use the usual game currency, credits.

The more effectively you play, the faster your tank upgrades. For each battle, you get quite a lot of experience for upgrading a car that was used in battle, credits and a little general reputation, which can be spent on upgrading any car in your garage.

If you have fully upgraded a tank, but you still like to fight in it, you can do it for your own pleasure, and you will accumulate so-called free reputation. It can be turned into a common one by spending a little gold - a resource that is bought for money.

Game modes

The game features both cooperative PvE missions and multiplayer PvP battles. It’s better to start with PvE: here you can get acquainted with the controls, undergo training and earn your first credits and reputation.

PvP is fun for more experienced players. There are two modes: control point capture and classic capture-and-hold derby.

Ammunition types

There are three main types of ammunition in the Armata Project: armor-piercing cumulative projectile (APC), high-explosive fragmentation projectile (HEF), and armor-piercing ammunition (AP).

HEAT shells deal more damage than other ammunition, but have slightly less penetration than AP. It is also worth remembering that protection on many modern cars designed specifically for BCS, so do not use them thoughtlessly. To understand whether the armor of a particular tank will be penetrated, you don’t have to remember the entire the lineup, it is enough to know that the sight changes color: green - the probability of penetration is 100%, yellow - there is a chance of penetration, red - it is impossible to penetrate the armor in this place.

Armor-piercing projectiles have the highest flight speed and accuracy, therefore they are especially effective when firing at long distances, as well as against screens and combined armor that absorb damage from the BCS. Their main drawback is that BBs often ricochet.

High-explosive fragmentation is the slowest and weakest type of ammunition. High-explosive fragmentation shells cause area damage. This allows you to quickly disable units of enemy vehicles. Also, OFS are capable of inflicting small damage without penetration, which makes them effective for finishing off already battered vehicles.

One of the key features of Project Armata is the presence of anti-tank guided missiles in the game. ATGM guidance systems allow you to adjust the flight of a missile until it is destroyed. The missiles have high penetrating power and cause serious damage upon impact. Their disadvantage is their low flight speed, as well as the presence of an indicator signaling the enemy about the approach of an ATGM.

The game has tactical ammunition. Some vehicles are equipped with smoke grenades. They need to be used if several enemies are shooting at your tank at once - the smoke screen will hide the car from view and you will have a chance to get to cover.

Self-propelled guns can illuminate a small area using illumination ammunition. They can be used to locate a group of enemies anywhere on the map. For damage to enemies highlighted in this way, reputation and credits are awarded.

The second type of tactical ammunition for self-propelled guns is smoke shells. With their help, you can hide comrades who get into trouble. Credits and reputation are also awarded for successful use.

Remember, you need to use tactical ammunition carefully so as not to accidentally hide enemy equipment or highlight your team members.

Vehicle classes

The Armata Project presents five classes of vehicles: main battle tanks(MBT), light tanks (LT), tank destroyers (IT), armored fighting vehicles (AFV), as well as self-propelled artillery units (SPG).

Best class for a beginner - MBT. Moderate dynamics, heavy armor and powerful weapons will allow an inexperienced player to get to grips with shooting and controls, as well as learn the features of other classes.

How to play main battle tanks

MBTs are heavy, well-protected tracked tanks with a powerful gun. Their task is to cause damage and destroy enemy equipment. Vehicles of this class set the vector for the development of the entire battle. Main tanks are always at the forefront of the attack.

The only winning tactic in MBT is to gather in groups, enlisting the support of a reconnaissance vehicle, and break through the enemy defense line. Due to their bulk and slow speed, these tanks are most effective on city streets and other places with a lot of cover.

When playing on MBT, follow these tips: enter a clinch when reloading, move jerkily to throw off the enemy's aim. Shoot at the lower armor plate or target weak areas of the turret and upper frontal part. And most importantly, be cool.

How to play light tanks

Light tanks are high-speed tracked vehicles with weak armor and a good weapon. They do not lose accuracy when shooting on the move and have increased maneuverability.

When playing on LT, you cannot engage in head-on collisions with heavy tanks. Therefore, at the beginning of the battle it is better to avoid cities, factories and other places where heavy equipment is mainly fighting. The tasks of light tanks include breaking through the flanks and destroying fighters entrenched there, as well as reconnaissance officers occupying an observation position. If you successfully break through your sector, you should destroy the enemy artillery, and then go to shoot enemy MBTs in the rear.

How to play armored fighting vehicles

AFVs are high-speed wheeled and tracked vehicles with weak weapons and armor, but with powerful observation devices. The main source of reputation is the damage your allies deal to detected targets. The only class whose representatives are equipped with a rapid-fire weapon. They are able to “tag” enemy equipment - as a result, the enemy remains visible for some time and receives critical damage. Also, AFVs capture a base faster than others.

The best tactic for armored vehicles is to take a competent reconnaissance position. It is often more profitable to mark the enemy than to open fire and reveal your location.

How to play tank destroyers

Tank destroyers are fast but lightly armored wheeled and tracked vehicles with powerful guns. Designed to destroy heavy and light enemy tanks from cover.

When playing as a tank destroyer, you need to quickly take advantageous positions with good review. These vehicles are often positioned on the heights behind a group of allies, from where they provide heavy fire support to their comrades on the front line.

How to play self-propelled artillery

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The game has five vehicle classes, from which you can choose the one that suits your play style. Let's briefly look at each of them.

Main battle tank (MBT)

Representatives of this class inflict incredible a large number of damage in the game. In addition, they are equipped with a high level of armor and average maneuverability. Additional features- presence of guided missiles on some models. Thanks to this, the MBT is versatile and can be used for different tactics. Main battle tanks are suitable for those players who prefer to be at the very epicenter of the battle and are not afraid to take enemy damage.

Light tank (LT)

The name of the tank speaks for itself - it is a lightweight version of the MBT. He has a quite powerful weapon, but far from the highest level of armor, which makes him a central participant in the battle long time he won't succeed. The main advantage of this class is mobility. When playing on LT, you can quickly move around the map and constantly fire at the enemy. This is convenient because light tanks have increased accuracy when firing on the move. There are also no speed penalties for cross-country driving. For some time, you can turn on the forced operating mode of the engine - then the speed increases and the acceleration time decreases. In conclusion, I would like to say that the LT has a sufficient number of smoke grenades, thanks to which it can immediately escape from enemy observation. Playing on LT will be especially enjoyable for scouts, those who like to deal with enemy vehicles without sufficient armor, as well as for team players to cover their flanks.

Tank Destroyer (IT)

A distinctive feature of IT is its speed and the most powerful weapon in comparison with other classes of equipment. All classes of vehicles should be wary of the tank destroyer, but at the same time it itself is quite vulnerable, and correct game involves proper positioning and rapid movement. A powerful weapon is not the only advantage of this class of equipment: reduced noise makes the IT less noticeable when firing from a standstill. But you have to pay for this with a low level of armor and a small viewing radius. Tank destroyers are suitable for those who want to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy team.

Armored fighting vehicle (AFV)

This class of equipment is equipped with an excellent viewing range and has fast acceleration. Due to its lightness and compact dimensions, the AFV is quite difficult to notice. The main mission of this vehicle in the game is reconnaissance. When stopping, the AFV receives additional visibility. It also has another feature called target designation. Using it, you can select any enemy vehicle, and it will be vulnerable to the entire allied team: the invisibility of the “victim” on the map will decrease, it will be displayed on the mini-map, and every hit on it will be classified as critical damage. But that’s not all - compared to other classes of equipment, the AFV can capture an enemy base the fastest. But realizing all the advantages of an armored fighting vehicle will not be so easy, since this is hampered by a meager amount of armor. If you don’t come up with some tricks, don’t hide and stop, then it will be extremely difficult to survive.

Self-propelled artillery unit (SAU)

Self-propelled guns are a special combat class that can attack the enemy from a fairly long distance. The self-propelled gun has a special sight, which is used to inspect the entire battlefield. Possessing a very powerful weapon, the vehicle is practically devoid of armor protection. In this regard, it is simply impossible to fight at close range, like with MBTs. The smartest thing to do is to place the self-propelled guns at a safe distance; It wouldn't hurt to have allies accompanying you.

Artillery is practically useless to use against single targets - it does not cause serious damage. But for striking a group of enemy vehicles, this class of vehicles will be simply ideal - with one shot, the self-propelled gun can cause damage over a huge area.

The self-propelled gun can also fire special ammunition, which is important in battle: these are smoke and illumination shells that help hide allies from sight for a short period of time. What makes this class balanced is its weak defense and detection after each shot.

Which tanks are currently leading in power and how newcomers perform on the battlefield.

Gambling addiction

A few months ago, the developers of the tank action " Armored Warfare: Project Armata» presented a fresh concept for game updates. The patches are now linked common theme And storyline: The first season, called “Caucasian Conflict,” recently opened to everyone.

New content awaits tankers: vehicles, among other things! The Israeli branch is not only not inferior to the “old guys” in firepower, but is also friendly to new players: the vehicles do not have serious drawbacks and do not require special tactical knowledge. Moreover, Israeli tanks entry levels are pumped up faster than similar equipment from other countries.

New cars can be tested a little later, when the second part of the “Caucasian Conflict” is released. And now we have time to figure out which tanks are currently leading in power and how newcomers perform on the battlefield.

Leopard, dragon, wolf and... barberry?

In the Armata Project, equipment is divided into five classes: main battle tanks (or simply MBT), light tanks (LT), armored fighting vehicles (AFV), tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery. The thickest of the MBTs is the Challenger 2 ATDU, an upgraded version of the British Challenger 2. With a hull strength of 4,200, it can easily withstand about ten hits; powerful armor will help the player out if he makes a mistake or finds himself under crossfire. Another modernized version (already German), Leopard 2AX, is different increased slaughter rate. In one shot, a 130 mm projectile can penetrate up to 875 mm of armor.

The domestic T-14 "ARMATA" does not lag behind these steel monsters in terms of characteristics. The tank penetrates 750 units of armor and deals 850 units of damage, and in a minute - as much as 5880, thanks to fast reloading. The performance of the premium version of the T-14 - T-14-152 - is even more impressive: 1000 units of armor and damage. In terms of firepower, it generally outstrips all other MBTs. True, the speed suffered a little from the improvement in strength - 152 is 5 km/h slower than the regular T-14.

Despite this, it is the ARMATA series that holds the leadership in the class of main battle tanks. Yes, the T-14 has less armor and penetration is weaker than its counterparts, but this is more than compensated for by its speed and acceleration.

But with light tanks everything is not so clear. The Polish beauty PL-01 has the best penetration in its class, good damage and durability. The five-level premium Begleitpanzer 57 Joker is much inferior to the PL-01 in damage and penetration, but reloads twice as fast. Thanks to this, the German produces a cosmic 10,072 units of damage per minute! PL-01, tank tenth level, capable of only 6316.

High-level premium tanks ASCOD LT-105 and VT5 also have high damage per minute: 7894 at the eighth and 6493 at the ninth levels, respectively. VT5, by the way, is also stronger than PL-01 by 200 units.

Thus, if you want to play LT, it is better to choose premium equipment. The same Begleitpanzer destroys not only all living things of its own level, but also opponents a couple of levels higher. In the end, it all depends on your tactical preferences: more damage with ASCOD or more survivability plus fast reload with the Chinese VT5.

Next up are armored fighting vehicles. They are not distinguished by high strength and damage, but are fast and unnoticeable due to their small dimensions: them it’s harder to hit than some Panzer waiting for prey in the bushes. Playing on such a vehicle forces you to be careful and maneuver a lot, which means it is better to choose a faster car. Alas, the only thing that stands out here is the French Sphinx. The Mercedes-Benz engine accelerates it to 109 km/h, and the damage can be increased to 10,158 units per minute. The domestic Kornet-EM can act as an alternative: it is at least not inferior to the Sphinx in either mobility or firepower.

Name " fighters tanks" speaks for itself. The high damage and penetration of these vehicles are combined with good maneuverability, which allows you to “open” almost any defense and avoid dangerous situations. The T-15 "Barberry" is easier to detect at a distance than an armored fighting vehicle, which is why its hull strength is excellent - 3000 units.

But he is armed with a 30mm rapid-fire cannon, penetrating 155 mm of armor. Deals only 50 units of damage - not much, especially in battle with heavy MBTs. But if you replace standard shells with expensive ATGMs, you can fight with 1200 mm of protection. Or, for example, take the Italian B1 Draco self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, which rushes across the map at a speed of 100 km/h, penetrates 350 mm of armor, but is “thinner” by 850 units.

On guard

We sorted out the existing equipment. What lies ahead for players? The Israeli branch is represented by Solomon Schreiber. He will have thirteen MBTs at his disposal, two of them premium ones.

Entry-level tanks - M50 Super Sherman, M51 Isherman, Sho't Kal Dalet and the Magach family - are distinguished by good accuracy. Their real strength, however, lies in their long-range guns. In addition, Magach 5 will receive a thermal imager, an increased viewing range, will become more invisible, more accurate and will be able to aim faster than its American counterpart M60A1. But the tank’s maneuverability is frankly average.

Merkava tanks are more versatile. Although the armor of Israeli tanks is not the most powerful in the game, this series is equipped with advanced active protection systems. The Super Trophy system installed on a level ten vehicle can (hypothetically) shoot down any shells. The vehicle will also receive a first-stage ammo rack: it briefly increases the rate of fire. In addition, the Merkava line is equipped with LAHAT anti-tank guided missiles, which allows you to play both passive and active defense.

Merkava Mk.1 is the most durable among the fifth tier tanks. This makes him both a good defender of allied vehicles and an effective frontline fighter. The model is equipped with a first-stage ammunition rack for four shots, but the performance of the 105 mm gun is average. The Mk.1 pays for its strength with speed: it is the slowest Tier 5 MBT. When playing on the Merkava Mk.1, you will have to carefully think through your position and movement on the battlefield, since you won’t have to count on speed in battle.

All the equipment is well balanced, and there is simply no single “immune” here. T-14 "Armata", T-15 "Barberry", Sphinx - almost the best tanks in the game, but you have to pay for them no need. And those that are available for purchase for real money are strong, but they won’t make you an invincible tanker.

WITH new technology everything is clear: accurate and inconspicuous, but less durable and inactive tanks. All that remains is to wait for the Israeli branch to appear in the game and test the ammunition rack in real combat.

Beginners, as they say, are lucky.

Concept, game mechanics and tactical tricks of “Project Armata”: learning to win in a new generation tank shooter

« Armored Warfare: Project Armata"is a new tank shooter from Obsidian Entertainment. The game is seriously different from other representatives of the genre, so if you want to spend a minimum of time getting used to it and play at a decent level from the very first battle, read our guide.

Suppliers and the beginning of the game

The Armata Project does not have a classic division of equipment by country, but there are two independent suppliers: Sophie Wölfli and Marat Shishkin.

At the start, there are only two cars available to you: soviet light the PT-76 tank from Marat and the American M113 armored personnel carrier from Sophie. Fans of traditional tank shooter gameplay should start playing on the PT-76. Those who came to Project Armata in search of a new gaming experience should pay attention to M113.

Leveling system and resources

Each supplier has several blocks (branches) of equipment. Starting branches from PT-76 and M113 will only allow you to level up to the second level. To open more blocks, you need to fulfill special conditions from suppliers.

Leveling up within each block is based on the principle of gradually opening models of increasingly higher levels. For example, to play the eighth level MBT Leopard 2A5 from Sophie Welfi, you must unlock its MBT branch, and then sequentially open all the tanks starting with Leopard 1. The next level tank opens to you only after the previous one has been fully upgraded. After you have opened a new tank, you will need to buy it - for this you use the usual game currency, credits.

The more effectively you play, the faster your tank upgrades. For each battle, you get quite a lot of experience for upgrading a car that was used in battle, credits and a little general reputation, which can be spent on upgrading any car in your garage.

If you have fully upgraded a tank, but you still like to fight in it, you can do it for your own pleasure, and you will accumulate so-called free reputation. It can be turned into a common one by spending a little gold - a resource that is bought for money.

Game modes

The game features both cooperative PvE missions and multiplayer PvP battles. It’s better to start with PvE: here you can get acquainted with the controls, undergo training and earn your first credits and reputation.

PvP is fun for more experienced players. There are two modes: control point capture and classic capture-and-hold derby.

Ammunition types

There are three main types of ammunition in the Armata Project: armor-piercing cumulative projectile (APC), high-explosive fragmentation projectile (HEF), and armor-piercing ammunition (AP).

HEAT rounds deal more damage than other ammunition, but have slightly less penetration than AP rounds. It is also worth remembering that the protection on many modern machines is designed specifically for BCS, so you should not use them thoughtlessly. To understand whether the armor of a particular tank will be penetrated, you don’t have to remember the entire model range; it is enough to know that the sight changes color: green - the probability of penetration is 100%, yellow - there is a chance of penetration, red - it is impossible to penetrate the armor in this place.

Armor-piercing projectiles have the highest flight speed and accuracy, therefore they are especially effective when firing at long distances, as well as against screens and combined armor that absorb damage from the BCS. Their main drawback is that BBs often ricochet.

High-explosive fragmentation is the slowest and weakest type of ammunition. High-explosive fragmentation shells cause area damage. This allows you to quickly disable units of enemy vehicles. Also, OFS are capable of inflicting small damage without penetration, which makes them effective for finishing off already battered vehicles.

One of the key features of Project Armata is the presence of anti-tank guided missiles in the game. ATGM guidance systems allow you to adjust the flight of a missile until it is destroyed. The missiles have high penetrating power and cause serious damage upon impact. Their disadvantage is their low flight speed, as well as the presence of an indicator signaling the enemy about the approach of an ATGM.

The game has tactical ammunition. Some vehicles are equipped with smoke grenades. They need to be used if several enemies are shooting at your tank at once - the smoke screen will hide the car from view and you will have a chance to get to cover.

Self-propelled guns can illuminate a small area using illumination ammunition. They can be used to locate a group of enemies anywhere on the map. For damage to enemies highlighted in this way, reputation and credits are awarded.

The second type of tactical ammunition for self-propelled guns is smoke shells. With their help, you can hide comrades who get into trouble. Credits and reputation are also awarded for successful use.

Remember, you need to use tactical ammunition carefully so as not to accidentally hide enemy equipment or highlight your team members.

Vehicle classes

The Armata Project features five classes of vehicles: main battle tanks (MBT), light tanks (LT), tank destroyers (IT), armored combat vehicles (AFV), and self-propelled artillery units (SPG).

The best class for a beginner is MBT. Moderate dynamics, heavy armor and powerful weapons will allow an inexperienced player to get to grips with shooting and controls, as well as learn the features of other classes.

How to play main battle tanks

MBTs are heavy, well-protected tracked tanks with a powerful gun. Their task is to cause damage and destroy enemy equipment. Vehicles of this class set the vector for the development of the entire battle. Main tanks are always at the forefront of the attack.

The only winning tactic in MBT is to gather in groups, enlisting the support of a reconnaissance vehicle, and break through the enemy defense line. Due to their bulk and slow speed, these tanks are most effective on city streets and other places with a lot of cover.

When playing on MBT, follow these tips: enter a clinch when reloading, move jerkily to throw off the enemy's aim. Shoot at the lower armor plate or target weak areas of the turret and upper frontal part. And most importantly, be cool.

How to play light tanks

Light tanks are high-speed tracked vehicles with weak armor and a good weapon. They do not lose accuracy when shooting on the move and have increased maneuverability.

When playing on LT, you cannot engage in head-on collisions with heavy tanks. Therefore, at the beginning of the battle it is better to avoid cities, factories and other places where heavy equipment is mainly fighting. The tasks of light tanks include breaking through the flanks and destroying fighters entrenched there, as well as reconnaissance officers occupying an observation position. If you successfully break through your sector, you should destroy the enemy artillery, and then go to shoot enemy MBTs in the rear.

How to play armored fighting vehicles

AFVs are high-speed wheeled and tracked vehicles with weak weapons and armor, but with powerful observation devices. The main source of reputation is the damage your allies deal to detected targets. The only class whose representatives are equipped with a rapid-fire weapon. They are able to “tag” enemy equipment - as a result, the enemy remains visible for some time and receives critical damage. Also, AFVs capture a base faster than others.

The best tactic for armored vehicles is to take a competent reconnaissance position. It is often more profitable to mark the enemy than to open fire and reveal your location.

How to play tank destroyers

Tank destroyers are fast but lightly armored wheeled and tracked vehicles with powerful guns. Designed to destroy heavy and light enemy tanks from cover.

When playing as a tank destroyer, you need to quickly take advantageous positions with good visibility. These vehicles are often positioned on the heights behind a group of allies, from where they provide heavy fire support to their comrades on the front line.

How to play self-propelled artillery

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A joint product of and Obsidian, the tank simulator Armored Warfare: “Project Armata” continues to win the hearts of the gaming audience. Obsidian's brainchild has to compete with such monsters of tank simulators as World of Tanks and War Thunder. But Armored Warfare has an ace up its sleeve - branches of modern combat vehicles with formidable missile weapons, smoke screens and incredible speed.

Which tanks should a newbie download in Armata?

A novice tanker in the Armata project, looking at big choice different combat vehicles, you will certainly think: which tank is better? Let's try to figure it out together. It’s worth starting with a general analysis of the suppliers, of which there are two in the game - Sophie Wölfli and Marat Shishkin.

When visiting Sophie, you can find:

  • American branch of main battle tanks (MBT);
  • German branch of MBT;
  • a branch of light reconnaissance vehicles;
  • excellent set of tank destroyers (IT);
  • a series of BMP - infantry fighting vehicles;
  • Soviet and German artillery installations.

Marat Shishkin suggests tank crews upgrade:

  • the Soviet-Russian “T” series of MBTs, the crown of which should be the mysterious Armata tank;
  • European MBT (British and Italian vehicles);
  • branch of fire support vehicles;
  • US and Italian artillery;
  • light tanks.

In order to decide which branch to choose for leveling up for a beginner, you can watch a short video review from an experienced tanker and streamer. The video shows which branch of tanks you should download first, and why.

Hit parade of the best combat vehicles for a beginner

For beginners, the real difficulties begin at level 3-4 of the tank branch. At the IV level of battles, artillery appears, making its own adjustments to the development and dynamics of battles. It is for this reason that a hit parade should be started best tanks for a beginner in “Armata” it is from level 4. To make the task easier, it was decided to select five combat vehicles that would bring significant benefits to the general understanding of the game and the growth of personal statistics. There will be no prizes or podium, so let’s go list:

1. Swingfire (supplier Sophie Wölfli)- an armored fighting vehicle class vehicle armed with an ATGM installation. There is no alternative to missiles on it, and that’s the beauty of the “pig,” as tankers affectionately call it. It is on this vehicle that you can hone your ATGM shooting skills, learn to take the right lead and provide competent coverage for your allies. The Swingfire has no armor or speed, so choosing the right position with the ability to retreat is very important.

2. T-62 (Marat Shishkin) MBT level 3. This tank starts a winding, difficult path through the T-series of battle tanks. Despite some disadvantages of the vehicles (lack of elevation angles, weak armor and slow aiming of the gun), it is on these masterpieces of Soviet-Russian tank building that you can feel the full power of the 125-mm gun.

3. Dragoon 300 90- wheeled IT level 3 (Sophie Wölfli). Will teach a beginner to play on wheeled, fast vehicles with excellent weapons. Speed ​​will allow you to take advantageous positions at the beginning of the battle, fast reload will allow you to infuse a large amount of damage. Smoke grenades on the car will allow you to escape from the concentrated fire of angry opponents.

4. BMD-1- fighting machine 3rd level landing force (Marat Shishkin). Equipped with ATGMs, it has the ability to mark an individual enemy unit and keep it in constant coverage. The excellent visibility of the BMD-1 will teach new tankers to correctly determine the positions of hiding enemies, and to perform tricky maneuvers with speed. In addition, the BMD-1 branch allows you to open several vehicles of levels 8 and 9, in which the acquired skills will allow you to win more often and faster.

5. Sheridan - light tank tier 4 (Marat Shishkin). Despite the “light” prefix, the Sheridan is equipped with a powerful 152 mm gun with huge single-shot damage and an ATGM system. With this unusual and interesting car The conquest of a whole branch of light tanks begins. Playing on the LT class is quite difficult, so it is best to level it up after several hundred battles on other types of equipment.


Naturally, the above vehicles in the hit parade are not a dogma, and Almaty newcomers may well begin their journey with other types of equipment. Those who like the power of armor and a leisurely fighting style can choose the European MBT branch. Some will choose the German Leopard, others the American Abrams. In general, each tank in Armored Warfare has its own highlight and its own disadvantages. They will be determined by those who downloaded this game and set out to conquer random terrain on modern combat vehicles.
