Lottery numbers for cancer in November. There are lunar horoscopes for the day, month and year

These tips were told to me by my grandfather, who played the lottery and won all the time. And one day he won not only a good sum of money, but also his future wife. He went to receive his money, and a charming woman gave him the winnings, they met, then got married. So, read the tips and use them in practice and then you will certainly catch your luck by the tail and be happy!

Firstly, if you need to cross out three numbers on a lottery ticket, focus on the day, month and year of your birth. These are the most lucky numbers for you. Let's say you were born on April 10, 1966 (04/10/1966). This means that the first lucky number for you is 10, the second is 4, and the third is 22 (1+9+6+6=22). If you need to cross out six numbers, think about which ones correspond to your initials. Look it up in the table. If you need to select seven digits, then add the resulting values.

A1 D5 Z9 M13 R17 F21 Sh25 Y29
B2 E6 I10 N14 S18 X22 Shch26
B3 E7 11 O15 T19 C23 E27
G4 Zh8 L12 P16 U20 Ch24 Yu28

Secondly, the day of the month and the day of the week on which you buy a lottery ticket have great importance. If you want to win, it is better to buy a lottery ticket on the day that corresponds to your birthday. If we talk about the days of the week, then happy days before lunch are Monday and Tuesday, and Saturday and Sunday are from lunch until the evening.


Third When you buy a ticket, you must be dressed in a special way. Clothes should not contain red or yellow color. It's better to wear everything black or dark, even underwear should be dark. Stripes, checks, polka dots, colorful patterns scare away good luck. You should not wear anything new. For jewelry, you can afford a silver chain or pendant. There should be no gold under any circumstances. Not bad to pin to inside collar pin head down.


Fourthly, you must follow a certain diet that attracts good luck. Eliminate beets, garlic, and dairy products from your diet. It is better to eat fruits, meat, eggs.

And finally fifth, most important advice. After three wins you need to stop and take a break. does not favor those who exploit it, especially for profit. Might be offended...

Some of these tips can be applied to any type of gambling.

I hope these tips will help you and you will have luck not only in the game, but also in life! I wish you good luck, dear reader!

In September 2018, new perspectives will open up for each zodiac sign. To improve your material well-being, it is not at all necessary to just work. Cash flow can be turned towards you in other ways. In particular, stars provide an opportunity to play with numbers. For a successful game, you just need to focus on the favorable aspects and the date of their formation. Thanks to accurate information from astrologers, everyone can buy their own lucky ticket.


Aries will get a chance to win closer to the middle of the month. Representative fire element you need to wait out the square of Venus and Mars, which will occur on September 9. A little patience - and every Aries can become a rich man. Already on September 11, Mars will move into the friendly constellation Aquarius, and Jupiter will form a favorable aspect with the Sun. Moreover, all these events will happen on Tuesday - the lucky day of the sign. So you can’t hesitate at this moment. You need to bet on all numbers with a two and a one: 1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22.


For Taurus, the whole month will pass in one breath. The position of Mercury in the earthly constellation Virgo and Venus in Scorpio will determine a person’s love for calculated risks. Emotional decisions will be suppressed by the logic of the mind, and the correct numbers will be prompted by sensitive intuition. The best moment In order to listen to it, there will be a rapprochement of Pluto with the Sun - September 10. On the same day, a favorable sextile of Pluto and Jupiter will form. Therefore, it is better to place a bet on Monday on numbers that are multiples of five: 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35.


Geminis always have their favorite lottery in mind. And when the stars are in right time in a good place - representatives of the sign do not hesitate. In September, they will be favored by their home planet Mercury, as well as the harbinger of happiness - Jupiter. A favorable sextile of these luminaries will form on the 16th - Sunday. You should also pay attention to the conjunctions of planets with the mighty Sun (11th and 21st). A successful bet might look like this: 1, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31.


Cancers should think carefully about getting rich. The presence of Jupiter in the friendly constellation Scorpio allows them to count on monetary success. However, the planet of luck will not remain in it for long. Therefore it is necessary to use favorable days September. In particular, the end of the month will be marked by a Lunar Eclipse on the 25th, and a trine of Mars and the Sun on the 27th. It is recommended to bet on odd numbers: 3, 17, 25, 27, 31, 35.

a lion

Lviv will have full order with finances. September will provide them with an excellent opportunity for enrichment. Jupiter's presence in Scorpio means strengthening positions for leaders. And Leos are originally kings. Therefore, you can place a bet on any day of the week. However, it is recommended to take a closer look at the first numbers, since Jupiter does not like being late. Luck must be used instantly! A favorable alignment for the lottery could be: 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 21.


Virgos will experience a golden period in September. The return of Mercury to a direct orbit and the presence of Saturn in the constellation Capricorn will provide a smooth path for the sign. Each representative of the earthly element will have the opportunity for the desired freebie. Instead of traditional routine and automatic actions, Virgos will experience the taste of improvisation. However, you can even guess wisely. Favorable aspects of Mercury with other planets will be in the following numbers: 3, 7, 16, 21, 24, 27. It is better to place a bet on Wednesday.


Libra will have more luck in love than in finance. Even at work, guys will be haunted by thoughts of romantic trips. However, with a successful combination of circumstances, they can resolve most of their issues. A lottery ticket with the right combination will allow Libra to realize his dream of love in Paris. To do this, they need to choose the numbers where Venus will stop in September: 3, 9, 10, 12, 18, 27. The bet can be placed on a weekend.


Scorpios are favored by Jupiter himself. The planet of luck will have smooth energy all month. You can place a bet in the lottery on almost any day of the week, with the exception of sunny and lunar eclipse(9th and 25th, respectively). The most favorable numbers will be those with favorable aspects of Mars and Pluto. Most of them are located in the second half of the month: 19, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30. It is better to place a bet with your eyes closed - for better interaction with natural intuition.


Sagittarians can also benefit from the support of Jupiter. The happiest guys in the Zodiac will never refuse a freebie if it comes into their hands. Moreover, it is Sagittarians who are phenomenally lucky in the lottery. According to research by astrologers, this sign always has a greater chance of winning the maximum. Perhaps because they are never afraid to make an original bet? In September it may look like this: 4, 12, 19, 24, 28, 30. It is better to give preference to even numbers, since Saturn’s squares are located on odd dates. The best day of the week to bet is Friday.


Capricorns are not the kind of people who throw money around. They know how to count every penny, and place a bet only after careful calculation. Especially for them, astrologers have compiled a detailed table of favorable aspects. In particular, the location of Saturn in its native constellation may become finest hour for Capricorns. Mars and Pluto will also be in the sign. It is better to mark these days with red rectangles on the calendar: 7, 12, 14, 18, 19, 26.


If Aquarius wants to try his luck, he will never find a better time to bet. It is in September that Mars will move into its native constellation, and Venus will be in friendly Libra. However, it is better to place a bet with your left hand, since Uranus is located in the constellation of the earth element. Lucky numbers You can safely count all multiples of six: 6, 12, 18, 24, 29, 30.


If Pisces want to achieve material well-being, then they clearly shouldn’t count on their partner’s support. It's better to go around human factor, and trust Jupiter. The planet of luck will be in the friendly constellation Scorpio, and therefore will allow Pisces to touch the golden horseshoe. The optimal numbers for a bet should be considered all multiples of three: 3, 9, 12, 15, 27, 31. If you make your choice on Thursday, your winnings can double.

There is no point in mentioning that the heavenly bodies played a huge role in the history of mankind. This fact is obvious and has been confirmed more than once. But can the stars predict winning the lottery? And which zodiac sign is more prone to big wins? We need to figure it out...

So, the lottery horoscope. Check, perhaps failures in the game are justified by the wrong choice of the lottery, which is absolutely not suitable for your zodiac sign.


The distinctive character traits of people of this zodiac sign are extreme determination, self-confidence and a reasonable amount of adventurism. This set of qualities is justified by the influence of Mars. The main advantage of Aries is persistence. People born under this zodiac sign are simply created for victories. Luck accompanies them throughout their lives, and not only in lottery games. With such tremendous support from Lady Luck, it would be incredibly crazy not to try your hand at the lottery. Most suitable game for Aries it will beLa Primitiva».


Persistence and caution, devotion and determination - this is what Taurus is all about. Achieve the goal? Will be done! Did you fail? Let's try again! The thirst for success of this zodiac sign can only be envied. The ideal lottery for Taurus is. Their reasonable approach to business and enviable methodology will certainly bear fruit in the form big wins.


Childlike curiosity and stunning charm make people born under this sign an example of a positive attitude towards life. They are full of energy and optimism, with which they charge their loved ones and acquaintances. Happy people always attract fortune, so playing the lottery is the best solution. Geminis have the best chance of winning in the Loteria National lottery game.


In everyday life, Cancers always show pedantry and perseverance. People of this sign slowly but confidently move towards their goal. Cancers are excellent strategists, so in lottery games they often resort to cold mathematical calculations. That is why their victory statistics are so high. The best lottery for Cancer will be “6 out of 49”.

a lion

The distinctive features of the king of beasts are very clearly inherent in people of this zodiac sign. Generosity, valor, pride and the desire for universal recognition will allow you to spot Leo among the crowd. Fate favors representatives of this sign, so they often receive gifts from it in the form of winnings or happy accidents. The best choice for Leo -Powerball».


Representatives of the Virgo sign are the embodiment of rationality and a realistic view of life. They do not feed themselves with illusions. A pragmatic mind and a thorough approach to business determines their unconditional success. Having received the million-dollar jackpot, Virgo will undoubtedly build her business empire in as soon as possible. The most suitable for this zodiac sign is the lottery. The big prizes of this game and high chances of winning appeal to Virgos.


Peace and agreement with oneself inner world make people of this zodiac sign extremely balanced and calm. Harmony in consciousness bears an imprint on their life as a whole. Positive thinking attracts in real life joyful events. “Dreams come true if you believe in them” - this phrase perfectly describes the fate of Libra. Their thoughts about winning the lottery materialize more often than others and provide a chance to get rich. The best lottery game option for this sign is.


Luck favors the strong! Scorpion - the best one example. The passionate nature of representatives of this zodiac sign makes them incredibly attractive not only to people, but also to money. Scorpio is lucky in matters of the heart and financial. This cannot be taken away from them. The lottery game is a clear indicator of their luck for them. The most suitable option would be the “6 out of 45” or “Euromillions” lottery.


Cautious madmen or sweet adventurers Sagittarius. Their burning need for new vivid impressions is embodied in the most incredible undertakings. They are good-natured and active. Best lottery for them - . In this game, they can easily realize their passionate nature and get an unforgettable experience from the game. And a big prize will definitely be a nice bonus.


The unconditional leader is Capricorn. In addition to practicality and hard work, these people are distinguished by some kind of mystical luck. Those closest to them have no doubts about their victory if we're talking about about the lottery game. For these darlings of fate, the lottery is most suitable


The first thing that catches your eye when meeting a person of this sign is his unstoppable energy and amazing charisma. The depth of Aquarius's personality is akin to the incomprehensible element of water. They are so versatile and interesting that communicating with them never tires you and always keeps you on your toes. Their luck is legendary, so playing the lottery is the best leisure activity for them. The Brazilian game is ideal for them "Dupla Sena" or "Megamillions".


The inner world of representatives of this sign is shrouded in mystery. Experts in the field of astrology say that Pisces, like no other, is closely connected with everything otherworldly and mystical. The intuition of these individuals is simply a paranormal phenomenon. For them, the lottery game is another confirmation of their magical abilities. That's why there are so many winners among them. The best option for Pisces there will be a Canadian game “6 out of 49”.

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Dreams come true, you just need to sincerely believe in them! We always want to help people who have dreams in their hearts. We encourage these people to fight, and they really win big.

And lottery horoscopes help them with this. Stars can create successful combination numbers, which will certainly replenish the players’ budget.

Are you ready to meet Fortune? Then quickly look at the Horoscope of luck in the lottery for 2019!

Astrology is becoming increasingly popular. Millions of people turn to astrologers for advice and predictions. And in the Middle Ages, astrologers were persecuted by the Inquisition. Astrologers do not come up with horoscopes out of their heads, they just “read” the stars. And this or that arrangement of stars can influence the course of a person’s destiny. You can order a forecast for any area of ​​your life.

People order predictions regarding love and family. Even successful businessmen Before taking on a project or concluding a deal, order a business horoscope. We are sure they are successful for this reason!

Politicians also commission career forecasts.

Exist lunar horoscopes for the day, month and year.

We are creating a unique lunar horoscope that will help gambling and passionate people win the lottery and become rich by winning the lottery jackpot. Hurry up, open the horoscope for your sign and look for that special day on which you will be lucky!

Our goal is to convince even the most ardent opponents of horoscopes. Just think, participants of the famous Powerball lottery with a huge jackpot of $1680.5 million also read the forecasts!

What is so secret about the horoscope, you ask.

We answer: in the horoscope for winning the lottery, astrologers usually write information about specific dates when it is best to purchase your lucky ticket. This can be done through a reliable online lotto intermediary, TheLotter, from the comfort of your home.

Find out your auspicious days and win!

To make the game successful for you, focus on your horoscope sign. Check out the data for the current year, which will show you when your sign is lucky. If the forecast is not the most rosy, carefully consider your options.

Remember the golden rule of the lottery: after three big wins in a row, stop and thank the stars. Otherwise, fate may punish you.

Fortune favors the smart, not the greedy and greedy.

Lunar horoscope 2019 for the Russian lottery

If you are ready to play the lottery, do not rush to buy a ticket. Check first lunar phases! Games that take place on Tuesday, Friday or Saturday during the waxing moon will be the most profitable! During this period, profits increase in all transactions, which is why you need to act!

Your financial success this year is associated with your date of birth and your horoscope sign, respectively.

Aries(21.03. – 20.04.). Look through the calendar, select the day when the lucky day coincides with the day of the draw. Your lucky days: 1, 20, 30. Feel free to buy a ticket on these days. If you fill out the winning combination of Gosloto “5 out of 36”, use the suggested numbers 6,9,14, 25,33,34. If today is Thursday, hurry up and get your ticket! This is your chance!

But check when the draw takes place. When crossing out the required numbers, it is better to use the numbers suggested at random: 13, 23, 29,30, 38, 40. On Friday, we advise you to go for a ticket early in the morning!

Since this is a double sign, you can safely count on a double jackpot! Doubts away, choose the Lotolion website, which offers free tickets (after the first purchase). The bonuses won't end there if everything happens on Friday. If the day of the week coincides with a lucky date (3,11,28), your chances of winning increase exponentially. When filling in the fields with a specific combination of numbers, focus on the numbers: 1,21,41,24,4,29.

We remind you that your day is Friday - don't miss your chance!

Cancer(June 22 - July 23). Your day is Tuesday. The day must coincide with a lucky date: the 9th, 14th or 18th. These days, feel free to buy any lottery ticket! By setting a combination of numbers: 32,43,28,25,3,37, you can grab a huge jackpot! In any case, a bonus will be waiting for you, as it should be according to the rules of the game.

a lion(July 24 - August 23). Leos are the children of the Sun. Their star illuminates the path to good luck and fortune. Leos will be lucky with any paid or free lottery on Mondays. They will not be left without their bonus if they link the game to the 2nd, 13th, 25th of the month. The numbers 19, 26, 34, 42, 44, 38 will bring you luck - you can cross them out or choose them confidently, without doubting a successful result. We have already checked, try it too!

Virgo(August 24 - September 23). The stars will align for you every Tuesday, but only on the 16th, 17th and 25th. A win-win option there will be a choice of tickets for Stoloto. Buy a line of tickets right away and catch your luck by the tail! Fill in playing fields a combination of numbers: 6, 7, 3, 35, 33, 40. Gambling will bring success and big dividends, no doubt!

Scales(September 24 - October 23). Despite the “telling” name of the sign, throw all weighings and doubts away.

Feel free to shop on Tuesdays by selecting to purchase lottery ticket Suitable date of the month: 1, 3 or 8. On these days you can play instant free lottery on websites and get big bonuses and prizes. Huge winnings await you in paid circulations. Use the numbers 11, 36, 3, 27, 10, 30 to fill the cells of the playing field. When entering the game, visualize victory.

Scorpion(October 24 - November 22). Your decisive day is Sunday. It will be fateful if this day coincides with the dates of the month: 3, 17, 27. If the purchase coincides with the drawing on these days, expect a large cash prize. In digital combinations, you can use the auto service online. When filling out the playing field, use the numbers: 13, 1, 27, 7, 3, 32. Play and catch your luck!

Sagittarius(November 23 - December 22). This is a particularly gambling sign of the zodiac. Your day of “glory” is Wednesday. The well-known intermediary Lotolion will advise you on the procedure for purchasing tickets and lottery draws. When purchasing tickets for good luck, pay attention to the coincidence with the dates of the month 1, 4, 2, when you will be absolutely successful. Use the numbers 45, 33, 20, 25, 22, 37 to fill the playing field and the jackpot will soon be in your pocket!

Capricorn(December 23 - January 20). Perseverance is the key feature of this sign, which is why Capricorns most often become winners. Order an online game on Saturdays, on this day the stars are favorable to you. Refer to the Golden Key lottery, the draw of which takes place on this very day. Try to choose happy date of the three proposed: 13, 16, 24. To fill all the cells (15 out of 27), you need to turn to your lucky numbers 27, 19, 3, 2, 7, 29. Play and become rich!

Aquarius(January 21 - February 19). Stop doubting, start playing, but first listen to our advice. Thursday is an energetically correct day when Capricorns are lucky. It is important that the draw coincides with successful days for the lottery: 8, 9, 18. When filling out the playing fields in your account, use the auto mode, leaving yourself to the will of fate. If you are filling out a ticket purchased at a kiosk, do not miss the recommended numbers: 23, 27, 33, 45, 34, 43.

Fish(February 20 - March 20). The global lottery intermediary Tipp24 will help you keep your luck in your hands. The stars advise not to waste your time on trifles, but to play big! Solid prizes will be received by those who take advantage of the lotto agent's offer on the 2nd, 3rd, and 25th of the month on Thursdays. It is advisable to purchase not just one lottery, but the entire line. The chances increase several dozen times if you use the following numbers when filling out a digital combination: 21, 12, 15, 42, 40, 37.

Monthly horoscope indicators for winning the lottery

The calendar year begins on January 1. But it has nothing to do with lunar calendar. According to him, Each sign has its own path to victory and winning. Use recommendations specifically for your horoscope sign, and then success and wealth await you!

Anyone who dreams of winning and asks themselves the question, when will I finally win the lottery, we advise you to carefully read the horoscope. It will become your indispensable guide to the world of lottery super prizes and bonuses!

Lotto horoscope for January 2019

This month you need to be careful, avoiding cooperation with lotto intermediaries with a dubious reputation.

Luck does not like debts and loans; under no circumstances take out loans to buy tickets. By following this advice, you will avoid unnecessary financial risks.

Act confidently and thoughtfully. When filling out the playing fields, be guided not only by intuition, but also by logical diagrams, taking into account lucky numbers and days for your zodiac sign. Don't delay buying a ticket, you can hit the jackpot this month! The lucky ones in the January lottery draw will be Leos, Aquarius and Virgos.

Lottery horoscope for February 2019

February is our players' favorite month. Carefully study the offers in the world of lotteries. Please pay Special attention for the EuroMillion lottery. It will bring you good cash prizes!

  • You can safely place your bet Aquarius, Leo and Aries. By placing a bet together, you will find new friends and significantly improve your financial situation.
  • Sagittarius will also experience incredible financial success!
  • Capricorns and Virgos, you should also hurry up and buy lottery tickets!
  • Pisces, Libra and Scorpio need to be careful when buying tickets. Trust only trusted sites and resources.
  • Gemini, Aries and Cancer will also experience financial success this month. But don’t rush to share it with others, win first, and then brag!

The energy of this month is so strong that all your dreams will come true. Most importantly, visualize as if you have already won! March awaits you, in which life will be in full swing. Just have time to catch luck by the tail.

Check out the horoscope for March:

  • Success awaits Sagittarius, Aquarius and Aries. Pisces will receive the fulfillment of any dream, as well as a large jackpot. Hurry up, play and check the reality of the horoscope for yourself!
  • Cancers, Scorpios and Geminis can also try and achieve success, everything is in your hands!
  • Virgos and Libras are better off waiting and not taking risks this month. Don't worry, you will come to success, but later.
  • Capricorns and Taurus, your luck is close, but you need to be careful and diligent. Everything is possible!
  • Aries, Gemini and Leo will have a busy month of work. But don’t worry, luck will smile on you too!
  • The final ten days of the month will be phenomenal for Taurus, Cancer, Libra. Your business will skyrocket! Be prepared and don't miss the moment! Giveaways are already waiting for you!
  • Virgos, Scorpios and Sagittarius need to think and not make rash decisions. Look carefully at your calendar of lucky days, and only then purchase lottery tickets. The recipe for success is simple.
  • The finest hour has come for Capricorns and Pisces. Activate your financial flows, fortune is on your side. Buy lottery tickets quickly and get guaranteed winnings.
  • Aquarians are recommended to participate in collective game, so you will have more chances of winning the coveted prize.

Lottery forecast for August

This month, it is important to cast aside all doubts and forget about uncertainty when choosing the best circulation.

    • Virgo, Sagittarius and Scorpio, use logic and reason. Carefully study your lucky days and combinations of numbers, you won’t be able to poke at random!
    • Leos, Pisces and Aries can safely enter online games and use auto-selection.
  • Already from the second half of the month, Capricorns can actively play lotteries, or better yet, several at once. Such a favorable position of the stars does not happen often!
  • Gemini and Libra will also have incredible luck in the first half of the month. Buy tickets and check. And we will be waiting for gratitude from you!
  • Taurus, Cancer and Aquarius better be more careful, this month may bring financial difficulties to you. There's no point in taking unnecessary risks. Just wait for your time, it will certainly come.

Horoscope for lottery player for September

Autumn is the time of beginning: children and students go to school. But to realize your dream you will need very little: just buy a lottery ticket, which will become your “lucky ticket”.

  • This month will be significant for Virgos, Scorpios and Aries. But you need to think prudently and carefully, that’s when you will succeed!
  • We advise Libra, Capricorn, Cancer and Leo not to stray from the intended course, everything will work out! The main thing is a strong and unshakable belief in your luck! Money, like happiness, loves silence. They will easily come to you. Repeat this like a mantra, play the lottery, and everything will work out.
  • For Aquarius and Taurus, everything is not so simple, but if you look at your days of luck and buy a ticket on this particular day, the long-awaited jackpot will certainly come to you. Perhaps your happiness awaits you in SuperEnalotto tickets.
  • Sagittarius and Pisces will certainly achieve success if they choose the right game option. Our horoscope will help you with this.

Lottery horoscope for October

October is a time to take a break. Rest your soul and body for the first two weeks, and then start with new ones financial plans, in the second half of the month the stars will align as needed to replenish your budget!

    • Geminis should be careful, first study the horoscope, and only then think about lottery tickets. Luck does not like excessive haste.
    • Success in all endeavors awaits Libra, Aries, Taurus and Leo. Success is your middle name this month!
    • Virgos and Aquarius, you should take a break for now. Don't waste your last money on lotteries. This month the stars are not as favorable to you as possible.
    • Scorpios and Capricorns, purchase tickets economically. A pack of tickets will not necessarily bring you a jackpot, but one or two tickets to a proven lottery will help you get rich!
    • We advise Sagittarius and Pisces to start their journey with free lotteries. Even there you can try your luck and get nice bonuses.
  • But Rakov will experience untold success by the end of the month! Go for it! Your life is only in your hands!

Lottery horoscope for November

Be realistic, and the world of wealth will open up to you. Only prudent and thoughtful people will succeed. Have you decided and weighed everything? Then go ahead, step on the road to success! Start with free lotteries, work with your luck, and then move on to paid lotteries with huge cash prizes!

  • It is recommended for Scorpios, Sagittarius and Cancers to purchase lotteries this month.
  • By the end of the month, the stars will be favorable to Capricorns and Taurus. Be patient and get ready!
  • Aquarius and Virgo will receive small but pleasant bonuses. It’s better not to play big this month.
  • Pisces and Leos are advised to wait a month, your finest hour will come very soon, but in the meantime, don’t rush to spend your money!
  • Success awaits Aries, Gemini and Libra, but follow the rules and check your horoscope: no haste or rashness!

Lottery horoscope for December

End of the year, time for New Year's fairy tales and Christmas miracles!

    • Your full potential will bring you luck if you play. It was created in December, which is why the stars favor those born in December in the constellation Sagittarius. Go for it, the jackpot is waiting for you!
    • Aquarius and Taurus also believe in luck. Your dreams will also easily turn into reality. Apartment or car? Easily!
    • Leo, Libra and Capricorn also need faith and visualization. You just have to believe in yourself and your luck, then it will certainly smile on you, and you will finally receive prizes and a jackpot under the Christmas tree.
    • Pisces, Gemini and Virgo will also complete this significant year no less significant wins. Open your pocket wider and expect financial income!
    • But Aries and Cancer need to be more careful, your time is still ahead!
    • We will not leave Scorpios without pleasant gifts! Enter online games and boldly claim the jackpot!

Lottery horoscope for today

How to find out if today is a good day for you, use a horoscope for lottery numbers. He will tell you how to act!

  1. Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo and Cancer! When filling out a combination of numbers on a lottery ticket, choose even numbers and numbers with your date of birth. You can reach the peak of luck on Tuesday.
  2. The rest of the zodiac signs choose odd numbers, respectively. Also try numbers from your parents' birth dates. Your day of luck is Friday!

Lottery winnings according to tomorrow's horoscope

Already from the very early morning of tomorrow, luck in any financial matter will affect Capricorn, Aries Cancer. Play any daily lottery and win the best bonuses!

Forecasts for several days and a week are considered the most accurate, because they are based on the characteristics of each player, his internal data and, of course, his date of birth. Pay attention to the moon phases. On the full moon and during magnetic storms in the sun (especially if these two phenomena coincide) - it’s worth running and buying lottery tickets. This best time in order to become rich!

There are many ways to win, but your chances skyrocket if you use a horoscope in accordance with your zodiac sign and the location of the planets in this moment.

  1. The air is favorable fire signs: Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. Your financial issues will be easily resolved!
  2. Fire and air will help Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini play the lottery and win the main prizes.
  3. Water and earth favor Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. It is these elements that promise enormous wealth the above signs.
  4. Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers should rush into the game headlong only when the Sun is in an air or water sign. That's when your time will come!

The unity of the elements will help a person who believes and visualizes to realize his dream. But at the same time, your desire must be sincere, no greed or greed. Otherwise everything is doomed.

We recommend that everyone who believes in the horoscope and is ready to follow it contact a personal astrologer for more details and details. They will definitely draw up a natal chart for you. The astrologer will study the placement of the planets for maximum benefit for you. Based on these data, life is planned and periods are identified in which luck simply cannot turn away from you!

If you move forward natal chart, then you yourself will not notice how quickly you will achieve success in all areas of your life, not only in the financial part.

And we will be happy to help you with this.

Anyone can get rich: you just need to know your lucky days. Winning the lottery won't take long if you follow the stars. In November 2018, the heavenly helpers prepared enough opportunities for each representative of the zodiac.


The first zodiac sign should not rush in November. His ruling planet Mars forms a favorable aspect with Venus only on November 9th. In this game you can play your favorite lottery according to a proven scheme. Experiments should be decided on the 15th, when the planet of innovation, Uranus, will be friends with Mars. On this day it is recommended to try new lottery, vary the combinations. You should also be lucky at the end of the month: on the 27th there should be no obstacles on the way cash flow in the pockets of the badge. General point in these dates is their divisibility by 3. This is definitely worth paying attention to.


Unlike impulsive Aries, slow Taurus should become more active at the beginning of the month. The most successful day for winning the lottery should be November 2, when Venus forms a harmonious aspect with the planet of luck - Jupiter. To avoid biting yourself later, it is recommended to purchase a lottery ticket in advance. Taurus will have their next chance no earlier than the 17th, when the Sun will provide its support. November 29 may be a good day: on this day Jupiter’s transition to its abode will finally complete.


Gemini will have many opportunities to win. Children should buy lottery tickets on the 4th. Their ruling planet forms a harmonious aspect with the planet of obstacles, Saturn. This means that all barriers are on the way Money will be removed. It is recommended to take advantage of this chance, since the next have a good day you'll have to wait a few weeks. Gemini will have great opportunities to get rich in the last week of November. The period from 25 to 27 should be considered the most optimal for betting.


At Cancers happy life will start on November 2nd. The harmonious aspect of Jupiter and Venus will please the guys with unconditional success. In the middle of the month, almost all even numbers will be successful. In the end, you should change tactics and choose odd numbers. In particular, it is recommended to pay attention to the 25th and 27th, when Jupiter forms favorable connections with other planets.

a lion

For Leo to feel like a king again, all he needs to do is fill out a lottery ticket once a week. November will pamper representatives of the sign with successful days throughout the month. You should start on November 5 (harmonious trine of the Sun with Neptune). Then the following favorable dates will follow: 10, 17, 27, 29. You should only avoid the 7th, when the Sun forms a partial eclipse.


Virgos are advised to place their bets on the last ten days of the month. In this case, it is better to stop the choice on odd numbers, when Mercury forms harmonious aspects with big planets. Thus, you can collect a decent amount of money in a few days. If you can’t bear it at all, you can purchase a lottery ticket on November 4th. However, in this case, the combination of numbers must consist exclusively of even digits.


Libra is planning interesting period. Their material well-being will not be stable due to the transition of Venus into the treacherous sign of Scorpio. However, any losses can be compensated by winning the lottery. Have a good day for betting, the 2nd, 9th and 17th should be considered, when the ruling planet forms harmonious aspects with the Sun, Mars and Jupiter.


Scorpios will be able to resolve all financial issues in mid-November. Total luck will follow them on the 9th, 10th and 15th. These days they will be pleased with the behavior of Mars and Pluto, the rulers of the sign. They form monetary aspects with other planets. It is also welcome to purchase a ticket on the 25th, when Saturn weakens its negative influence.


For Jupiter's protégé, almost the entire month will be marked by good luck. The transition of a major planet into the constellation of a sign will mark colossal luck for its representatives. It is also symbolic that the peak of Fortune’s favor will be November 10th. The perfect day to win the lottery. There will also be excellent opportunities at the beginning of the month (November 2) and at the end (25, 27).


Whatever Capricorn does in November, he should not forget about the stars. They rarely give carte blanche to Saturn's protégé (rightly believing that Capricorn will achieve everything on his own), but on November 4 they will pamper the guys with a gift. Aspect of Mercury from big planet will bring them great luck. If Capricorns manage to miss such a chance, the merciful Sun will give them a discount. You just have to wait until November 29th...


Everything will work out successfully for Aquarius if they choose good days for bets. The most successful days are expected to be the 4th and 15th of the month. Their patrons in the sky form monetary aspects with other planets. Also, don’t discount November 29, when Saturn forms a conjunction with the Sun.


Pisces will be able to collect their well-deserved winnings in the second ten days of the month. During this period, bets should be placed on even numbers (November 10 and 16 promise to be especially favorable). But to buy a lottery ticket at the end of the month, you should prefer odd numbers (25, 27). These days, Jupiter forms monetary aspects with other participants in the solar system.

Astrologer Evgeny Nazarov
