The best print ad for the Cannes Lions festival. International Advertising Festival "Cannes Lions"

An advertising festival is held annually in Cannes, France. But this is not just a competition of video and photo presentations. This is a real creative extravaganza, presenting masterpieces of the best advertising authors from around the world. Creative geniuses bring their most original, most successful, and sometimes most ironic works to the Cannes Lions festival. The winners become marketing benchmarks and role models for years to come.

History of the advertising festival

It has long been the case that actors and directors are awarded for their films, and musicians are awarded for their music. The former have an Oscar, the latter a Grammy. But no less talented people work in the industry. They are as creative and ambitious individuals as artists. And if so, then why is there not a single prestigious international award in this area? This is exactly the idea that came to the minds of a group of advertisers. At that time, they were selling time before films in cinemas, which prompted them to think about creating a marketing bonus. And enthusiasts, inspired by this idea, decided to found it for their colleagues. They were inspired by the example of a famous one, which by that time had already been successfully held for 14 years, and already in 1954 the world saw the first festival for advertising creators. Initially, it was held not only in Cannes, but also in Venice, and in 1977 the competition found its permanent home and began to be held exclusively in Cannes, France.

Festival Golden Lions

The Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival also has its own coveted prizes. And it is not surprising that the treasured figurines are made in the form of proud predators - lions. These figurines are the most coveted prize for all marketing industry workers around the world. Naturally, the most prestigious ones are golden lions. This is kind of the first place of advertising championship. But “silver” and “bronze” enjoy no less honor and respect from colleagues and spectators, because from a huge number of competitive applications, the jury selects only a few truly worthy ones.

The number of nominations increases every year. Today, the Cannes Lions festival features television, interactive, outdoor, and even radio advertising.

Holding an international advertising festival

Every year in June, a holiday comes to the French city of Cannes - the Cannes Lions advertising festival takes place here for seven whole days. Every time about 10 thousand representatives of the marketing and advertising industry come here. This is not only a competition, but also a platform for exchanging experiences and solving pressing problems.

More than 16 thousand works, ideas and presentations are brought to Cannes, which form an exhibition as part of the festival. In addition, seminars are held by authoritative representatives of the advertising industry. And, of course, the competition itself takes place, during which an impartial jury selects the best in each category.

Nominations of the festival competition program

During the competition days, the jury selects winners in the following categories:

  • Film.
  • Press and Outdoor.
  • Cyber ​​Lions.
  • Media Lions.
  • Direct Lions.
  • Promo Lions.
  • Titanium Lions.

In addition to these categories, there is a competition for budding advertisers, the winners of which are also awarded festival prizes. This competition is held as part of the youth program and also includes a gala evening for young contestants. In addition, the festival awards “Network of the Year”, “Agency of the Year” and “Palm Branch” (for the best production studios). All this is the Cannes Lions advertising competition.

Composition of international delegations and juries

The Cannes Lions festival attracts representatives of the marketing industry from all over the world. Each participating country represents 2 participants: a copywriter and a creative director. As for the jury, everything is no less strict here. It annually brings together the most respected and renowned advertising and marketing professionals from twenty countries. Interestingly, becoming a jury representative is possible only once. This criterion, coupled with a very serious, truly scrupulous selection of participants’ works, makes the festival prize such a prestigious award. For example, if a company was able to receive the Cannes Lion, there is no need to mention any of its other achievements: the main prize of the competition is already a guarantor of the professionalism of the laureate.

Russian companies at the advertising festival

Every year Russian works participate in competitive program festival And our compatriots have been awarded the prestigious prize more than once. For example, social project agency "Voskhod" entitled "Make Politicians Work" in 2013 collected a whole set of awards: bronze, silver and as many as five golden lions.

A year earlier, the Leo Burnett Moscow agency also received gold for the video “Ring for Good Luck,” created for the McDonald’s company. And in 2011, the same team won the Golden Lion in the outdoor advertising category. Thus, the recognition of Russian creators at international level- Not unusual.

After the end of the festival, the contestants bring their works back to Russia and arrange presentations in different cities, where you can see not only advertising of our compatriots, but also the winning projects of the Cannes Lions competition. Moscow, along with St. Petersburg and others major cities, is a permanent venue for such shows.

Outdoor advertising at the 2015 festival

One of the most spectacular and creative nominations is outdoor advertising. These are banners and posters placed around the city. Their the main task- attract attention. And in this category, perhaps the most extraordinary and creative of all advertisers work.

This year was no exception for the festival and again presented the most unusual and catchy works in the Outdoor category.

The winner in the outdoor advertising category was Apple company with his idea of ​​World Gallery, dedicated to the value of photographs taken using smartphones. This campaign was successful in 25 countries. All the amateur footage taken for this project can be seen online or in Apple TV videos.

This year's notable nominees:

Look At Me campaign, calling on women not to tolerate domestic violence, and others.

Advertising festival "Cannes Lions 2015". Winners

In 2015, campaigns that revealed sensitive social and social problems. Among them are social advertising directed against the bringing together project from Coca Cola; advertising for the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in the town of Meaux; advertising a cream to prevent the risk of breast cancer.

In addition to pressing pressing problems of society, simply creative projects were also noted at the festival. For example, an ironic campaign for the Smart brand, aimed at its closest competitors. Or nice idea from Air Asia, showing waterfalls and other beauty of Thailand under the influx of tourists. Or the adorable Mars ad featuring pet food packages that were torn apart by cats.

Well, or a completely caustic work by a beer manufacturer, in which there is a clear hint at the final of last year's World Cup.

Golden Lion - the advertising Oscar of the marketing industry

The award annually attracts many guests from all over the world to the competition. The competition takes place in the most prestigious place - the Palace of Festivals and Congresses. This already speaks of the high status of the festival, its authority not only in the advertising industry, but also in the art world. At the Cannes Lions event, there is an atmosphere of freedom and creativity, cohesion and originality, but in addition, the festival is distinguished by strict competition, a decent level of organization and sufficient authority. This event is one of the ten most important cultural events in France, along with the famous Cannes Film Festival.

In addition to all this, the Cannes Lions advertising video competition is a meeting center for businessmen and companies working in the advertising industry, a place for discussing various issues of the industry and solving its further development, a platform for the exchange of invaluable experience of creators different countries.

Thus, the Cannes Lions Award is one of the most famous and high-profile festivals in the world. Here they can give a start to beginners and perpetuate the names of famous ones. At the competition, politics or money do not matter, the main thing is creativity and creative thinking, which allows the truly best to win.

“Superhuman” Paralympians, Van Gogh’s Airbnb bedroom and “Fearless Girl” from New York.

To bookmarks

Photo by Reuters

On the last weekend of June, the "" festival, the main advertising competition in the world, ended in France. This year's prizes went to campaigns highlighting gender inequality in business, minority issues and athletes with disabilities.

Four Grand Prix of "Fearless Girl"

The “Fearless Girl” sculpture installed on Wall Street won four grand prizes. McCann Agency Campaign New York became one of the most successful in the history of Cannes Lions, receiving a total of 18 statuettes.

The jury awarded the campaign the Grand Prix in the Glass Lion category, which explores the topic of gender relations in society. “Fearless Girl” also received the Grand Prix in the Outdoor (Outdoor Advertising), PR (Public Relations) categories, as well as in the Titanium nomination, where new advertising formats compete.

A statue of a little girl appeared on Wall Street in May 2017. I ordered it to be placed in front of the famous sculpture “Charging Bull” financial institution State Street. The statue is intended to serve as a reminder of the challenges women face in leadership at large American companies.

Two Graham Grand Prix

The main award for the best health-related video (Health & Wellness category), campaign of the Australian road safety organization The Transport Accident Commission. Its employees created a conditional “person” named Graham, who is able to survive any car accident.

The campaign with Graham was also awarded the main prize in the Cyber ​​category, awarded for online promotion.

Two grand prizes from the mobile operator Boost Mobile

Another successful advertising campaign highlighted at the festival was Boost Your Voice, which was shot by the agency 180 L.A. for telecommunications company Boost Mobile. The jury gave advertising the main prize for the best integrated campaign (Integrated), as well as for involving consumers in the campaign (Promo and Activation).

The campaign was launched in the US during the presidential election with the goal of turning mobile phone provider stores into polling stations - and thus making voting more accessible to minorities and diasporas.


The main award in the Film category went to a series of videos called “We are Superhumans.” They were created by Blink Production and 4Creative studios at the request of Channel 4. The jury chose the winner of the nomination in just 10 seconds.

Videos created for the 2016 Paralympic Games show disabled athletes overcoming challenges in sport and life.

Creative Effectiveness

Advertising agency Leo Burnett Chicago won the Grand Prize for Creative Effectiveness for its campaign for the Art Institute of Chicago. The jury noted the impact on the brand's audience and the income generated from advertising.

As part of the campaign, the Art Institute of Chicago recreated the bedroom from Vincent van Gogh's painting "The Bedroom at Arles." After that, anyone could rent it on Airbnb for $10 a day. In the end, the campaign generated $2 million in additional revenue on a $500,000 investment, and 133,000 people visited the room.

Digital Craft

In the Digital Craft category, Analog Studio and W&N agencies won for the video for the song “Notget” by singer Björk. The video was created using augmented reality glasses for the HTC Vive VR helmet, in which Björk appeared as a fairy fairy.

Film Craft

For the technical skill of creating a video (Film Craft nomination), the Grand Prix was awarded to the Iconoclast agency, which shot a video for the French electronic duo The Blaze. The video for the song Territory tells about the main character returning home, surrounded by relatives and friends.


In addition to “Fearless Girl,” the Twitter hashtag campaign received the Grand Prix in the Outdoor Advertising category. It was launched ahead of the US presidential election and collected discussions and opinions on public issues.

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Product Design

The main winner in the Product Design category was the Gray Colombia advertising agency. Creatives have turned payphones into micro-saving systems for low-income residents. As part of the campaign, even the smallest money could be deposited into an account and then used to pay for various purchases.


Three nominees received the Grand Prix in the Cyber ​​category. In addition to Graham, the prize went to RBK Communication Stockholm's campaign for the Finnish bank Bank of Aland, which released biodegradable eco-payment cards. The Droga5 New York agency also won the grand prize for its campaign with nine mystery products.


The Grand Prix in the Direct category, which recognizes advertising addressed to a narrow target audience, went to the David Miami agency's campaign for Burger King. The essence of advertising is that when broadcasting a video with the phrase “OK, Google. What is a Whopper? Google Home speakers responded to the command and read out the first sentence from Wikipedia about the burger.



Print And Publishing

David Miami's advertising campaign for Burger King also received the Grand Prix for Print and Publishing. The photo shows the chain's locations on fire and the message "Grilling Since 1954."

[("title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/ \/3\/club\/49\/d0\/e8\/c622c2557661e3.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color ":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid": "https:\/\/\/3\/club\/1d\/ac\/10\/6f1c22901777e9.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size": 0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":"","image":("type":" image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/\/3\/club\/5a\/dd\/14\/5a3c3e430fb5e0.jpg","width": 800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":)))]


The Grand Prix of the Cannes Lions festival in the Film category went to “Superman” - an emotionally powerful video created by Blink Productions for the British television channel Channel 4. The video announced the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. In the video musical group, consisting of people with disabilities, performs a composition in which the words “Yes, I can” are repeated. At this time, on the screen, Paralympic athletes from different countries are setting records.

Leningrad in Cannes

Unexpectedly, one of the festival prizes went to the Russian group "Leningrad". Their video for the song "Kolshchik" took silver in the Entertainment for Music category. Several agencies worked on the video at once - the London company Great Guns and the Russian Versus Pictures and Fancy Shot. The director of the video is Ilya Naishuller, known for the film "Hardcore".

Invulnerable Graham

Graham is a man who can survive in any car accident. The artist Patrizia Piccinini created his model with the help of a trauma surgeon and accident specialist, commissioned by the Commission on transport accidents Australia. Thanks to his both comical and frightening appearance, Graham quickly became an Internet meme. And now he has won the Cannes Lions Grand Prix in the Cyber ​​and Health And Wellness categories. More precisely, not him, but the Australian agency Clemenger BBDO, which worked on the concept.

“Superhuman” Paralympians, Van Gogh’s Airbnb bedroom and “Fearless Girl” from New York.

To bookmarks

Photo by Reuters

On the last weekend of June, the "" festival, the main advertising competition in the world, ended in France. This year's prizes went to campaigns highlighting gender inequality in business, minority issues and athletes with disabilities.

Four Grand Prix of "Fearless Girl"

The “Fearless Girl” sculpture installed on Wall Street won four grand prizes. The McCann New York campaign became one of the most successful in the history of Cannes Lions, receiving a total of 18 statuettes.

The jury awarded the campaign the Grand Prix in the Glass Lion category, which explores the topic of gender relations in society. “Fearless Girl” also received the Grand Prix in the Outdoor (Outdoor Advertising), PR (Public Relations) categories, as well as in the Titanium nomination, where new advertising formats compete.

A statue of a little girl appeared on Wall Street in May 2017. The financial institution State Street ordered it to be placed in front of the famous “Charging Bull” sculpture. The statue is intended to serve as a reminder of the challenges women face in leadership at large American companies.

Two Graham Grand Prix

The main award for the best health-related video (Health & Wellness category), campaign of the Australian road safety organization The Transport Accident Commission. Its employees created a conditional “person” named Graham, who is able to survive any car accident.

The campaign with Graham was also awarded the main prize in the Cyber ​​category, awarded for online promotion.

Two grand prizes from the mobile operator Boost Mobile

Another successful advertising campaign highlighted at the festival was Boost Your Voice, which was shot by the agency 180 L.A. for telecommunications company Boost Mobile. The jury gave advertising the main prize for the best integrated campaign (Integrated), as well as for involving consumers in the campaign (Promo and Activation).

The campaign was launched in the US during the presidential election with the goal of turning mobile phone provider stores into polling stations - and thus making voting more accessible to minorities and diasporas.


The main award in the Film category went to a series of videos called “We are Superhumans.” They were created by Blink Production and 4Creative studios at the request of Channel 4. The jury chose the winner of the nomination in just 10 seconds.

Videos created for the 2016 Paralympic Games show disabled athletes overcoming challenges in sport and life.

Creative Effectiveness

Advertising agency Leo Burnett Chicago won the Grand Prize for Creative Effectiveness for its campaign for the Art Institute of Chicago. The jury noted the impact on the brand's audience and the income generated from advertising.

As part of the campaign, the Art Institute of Chicago recreated the bedroom from Vincent van Gogh's painting "The Bedroom at Arles." After that, anyone could rent it on Airbnb for $10 a day. In the end, the campaign generated $2 million in additional revenue on a $500,000 investment, and 133,000 people visited the room.

Digital Craft

In the Digital Craft category, Analog Studio and W&N agencies won for the video for the song “Notget” by singer Björk. The video was created using augmented reality glasses for the HTC Vive VR helmet, in which Björk appeared as a fairy fairy.

Film Craft

For the technical skill of creating a video (Film Craft nomination), the Grand Prix was awarded to the Iconoclast agency, which shot a video for the French electronic duo The Blaze. The video for the song Territory tells about the main character returning home, surrounded by relatives and friends.


In addition to “Fearless Girl,” the Twitter hashtag campaign received the Grand Prix in the Outdoor Advertising category. It was launched ahead of the US presidential election and collected discussions and opinions on public issues.

[("title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/ \/3\/club\/79\/14\/e4\/8d4a0e4254690c.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color ":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid": "https:\/\/\/3\/club\/52\/42\/e3\/cc651a5e987923.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size": 0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":"","image":("type":" image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/\/3\/club\/16\/c1\/de\/d71fca4e12ed46.jpg","width": 800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":" ","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/\/3\/club\/30\/6c\/ 91\/cfcdd2f9307e24.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":))),( "title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/\/ 3\/club\/0b\/6f\/06\/2f88485b8ad6ab.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color": "","external_service":)))]

Product Design

The main winner in the Product Design category was the Gray Colombia advertising agency. Creatives have turned payphones into micro-saving systems for low-income residents. As part of the campaign, even the smallest money could be deposited into an account and then used to pay for various purchases.


Three nominees received the Grand Prix in the Cyber ​​category. In addition to Graham, the prize went to RBK Communication Stockholm's campaign for the Finnish bank Bank of Aland, which released biodegradable eco-payment cards. The Droga5 New York agency also won the grand prize for its campaign with nine mystery products.


The Grand Prix in the Direct category, which recognizes advertising addressed to a narrow target audience, went to the David Miami agency's campaign for Burger King. The essence of advertising is that when broadcasting a video with the phrase “OK, Google. What is a Whopper? Google Home speakers responded to the command and read out the first sentence from Wikipedia about the burger.



Print And Publishing

David Miami's advertising campaign for Burger King also received the Grand Prix for Print and Publishing. The photo shows the chain's locations on fire and the message "Grilling Since 1954."

[("title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/ \/3\/club\/49\/d0\/e8\/c622c2557661e3.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color ":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":"","image":("type":"image","data":("uuid": "https:\/\/\/3\/club\/1d\/ac\/10\/6f1c22901777e9.jpg","width":800,"height":567,"size": 0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":))),("title":"","author":"","image":("type":" image","data":("uuid":"https:\/\/\/3\/club\/5a\/dd\/14\/5a3c3e430fb5e0.jpg","width": 800,"height":567,"size":0,"type":"jpg","color":"","external_service":)))]


The 2016 Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival took place from June 18 to June 25. The jury determined the winners in 19 categories. Agencies used Google Cardboard and 3D printing technologies to create advertisements and also talk about social issues.

Creative Effectiveness

For the second year in a row, Monty's Christmas advertising for the John Lewis chain of stores received the Grand Prix at the Cannes Lions festival. Last year, the campaign was awarded in the Film Craft category, and this year - Creative Effectiveness. Adam & Eve/DDB agency developed a complex project consisting of many activities and partnerships.The main advertising tool was a video that collected more than 32 million views.

The campaign also included animated outdoor advertising featuring a penguin and in-store customer engagement. Using Microsoft technology, children could scan their toys and see them with glasses virtual reality Google Cardboard. IN virtual world children's toys interacted with the main character of the advertising campaign - Monty the penguin. One of side effects was a threefold increase in the number of penguins taken under WWF care.


The main prize in the Cyber ​​category was won by two advertising campaigns. Justino, developed by the Madrid branch of the Leo Burnett agency for the national lottery in Spain, and "" by the J. Walter Thompsom agency for the financial corporation ING.

The Justino campaign has been launched to promote the annual Spanish Christmas lottery. A series of videos made in the style of Pixar cartoons. It tells the story of a night watchman at a mannequin factory. He and his colleagues work in different time, so he leaves them “signs” in the form of mannequins placed unusual places. At the end of the video, the factory workers are touched by the security guard’s behavior and give him a lottery ticket.
