Folk signs for getting married. Getting married: the surest signs

No matter how independent and self-sufficient a girl is, every representative of the beautiful female sex dreams of how her lover will lead her down the aisle in a beautiful white dress.

For girls who already have a lover, it is much easier in this regard. They don't need to look for a person with whom they want to live their whole life. He already exists - he lies on the sofa, watches football and does not even suspect what insidious plans his beloved girl is making for him. After all, not every man can immediately propose to his other half to legitimize the relationship.

But for those who have not yet found their destiny, things are tough. Not only do you need to be constantly ready to meet your fate, even when taking out the trash (which is why many girls can’t even take a step out of the house in a disheveled state), it’s also not a fact that in the end the young man will be exactly the one you want to go with at the registry office.

Both girls, as a rule, believe in a wide variety of signs, which may be the first sign that the wedding is just around the corner.

The most common signs of imminent marriage

An unmarried godmother may soon become someone's bride.

As a rule, a young mother takes her close friend or relative as godmother. If a young unmarried girl plays the role of a second mother for a child, very soon she will be able to become a young wife. But this will not happen before the baby takes his first steps on his own.

Hair on the neck for marriage

Unmarried girls should pay attention to their neck. If at least a few hairs appear on her, this indicates that she will get married very soon. In this case, the girl must definitely end up in a large family.

Hair loss on the head is a sign of imminent marriage.

If a young girl suddenly begins to lose her hair, but there are no apparent reasons for this, there is reason to rejoice. After all, the girl will probably soon meet her love and get married.

Sitting at a wedding between brothers to soon visit the registry office as a newlywed.

When going to a wedding with relatives or friends, you need to familiarize yourself with the guest list in advance. If two brothers are present among them, you should ask the young couple to seat the guests in such a way that the girl sits between the brothers throughout the celebration. Thanks to this, the girl won’t even have to participate in “races” for bridal bouquet. After all, soon she will 100% get married without him.

A needle or pin from a wedding dress is the key to a quick marriage

In order to soon shine in a wedding dress at the altar, a girl needs to take a pin from the wedding dress of her friend or relative, or ask for the needle that was used to sew the dress for herself. In pursuit of personal happiness, some girls go to various lengths to get such a pin or needle, taking it from the bride in a not entirely honest way. But in love, as in war, all means are fair.

Being doused with champagne at a wedding means getting married soon

Don't be upset about an outfit ruined by champagne. After all, for an unmarried girl, this is a sign that soon she will also be able to tie the knot between herself and her chosen one by marrying her loved one.

Signs that encourage early marriage

Observing correct technique marking the sex, you can “mark” your groom.

Doing daily house cleaning without special labor a girl can independently “adjust” her feminine happiness closer to herself. In order to get married as soon as possible, you need to start sweeping the floor from front door, gradually reaching the window.

Observance of fasting on November 7

The groom will not be kept waiting long for his appearance if the girl adheres to strict fasting for just one day on November 7th. Despite the fact that it will be quite difficult to do this out of habit, the result of the torment will pleasantly surprise an unmarried lady.

Meeting a guy on Thursday - a quick wedding is just around the corner

To the girls leading active image life, which every day in view of its work activity or for some other reason you have to meet a huge number of people, you should take a close look at those who have entered their lives very recently. Having met a nondescript guy on Thursday, after a while it may turn out that this person will become the love of his life unmarried lady, and subsequently offer her his hand and heart.

By hemming the hem of the bride's dress, the girl speeds up the arrival of her own wedding day

When marrying off your friend or close relative, you should not envy someone else’s happiness. You can hardly help yourself with this. It would be much better to help yourself in preparing the bride’s wedding dress. For example, help to hem the hem of a dress by hand. According to folk beliefs, hemming the hem of her wedding dress, the girl dooms herself to imminent marriage.

Having caught the bride's bouquet today, after a while you will be able to throw the same cute bouquet into the crowd at your own wedding

A classic of the genre - catching a bouquet at a wedding. Unlike others, this sign works 100%. However, not just one, but several girls are vying for the bride’s bouquet. Young ladies who are especially desperate to get married are even ready to fight for a bouquet in order to get their happiness in the future along with it.

What should you beware of in order not to remain an old maid?

There are a number of signs according to which a girl should beware of certain events or actions in order not to end up remaining alone for the rest of her life. Below are just the main ones:

  • You should not pass anything over the threshold - you will not be able to get married. Girls have known about this sign since early childhood. After all, mom probably said more than once that you shouldn’t pass anything over the threshold. Although this sign is relevant exclusively for the fair female sex, men also try to adhere to it for their own reasons. Many of them will not, under any pretext, pass the item over the threshold.
  • By sweeping herself, the girl fences herself with an invisible circle of protection from potential suitors. When sweeping a house or any other room, you should never sweep yourself. Otherwise, the girl will not be able to get married very soon.
  • The younger sister is the first to get married - the eldest should not be expected in the near future family happiness.

Of course, you can't persuade a girl to marry just because her older sister won't be there in the future. female happiness pretty hard. However, it's still worth a try. It is possible that the girl will still meet her older sister halfway, postponing for a while wedding celebration until she, in turn, finally finds true love.

Don't get hung up on wanting to get married. Happiness comes when you don't expect it. Constantly thinking about how good she would look in a wedding dress, the girl, on the contrary, drives away the possibility of soon becoming a happy young wife. But having switched her attention to something else, the young lady will not even notice that she has become a beloved bride for an equally beloved groom, who is ready to go to the ends of the earth for his chosen one.

Wedding beliefs have long been noticed by our ancestors; they almost always came true. From this article you will learn how to bring family happiness closer.

In the article:

Wedding signs for marriage

If you are invited to a wedding ceremony as a guest or bridesmaid, you can take advantage of the chance by knowing the special ones. This honorable role in itself marks fast wedding, but not if you managed to be a bridesmaid more than twice.

The girl sitting between two brothers at the wedding table will soon get married.

In order to become married woman, you can get things from the wedding that have magical power and can help you find happiness - a needle that was used to sew the bride’s dress, a pin pinned to it, and a hairpin from a veil. Box or pillow from wedding rings They also attract marriage, but they are given only to the witness.

If you were accidentally doused with champagne or wine at a wedding party, do not be upset about the ruined dress and stain. This is also a sign of imminent marriage.

You can ask the bride to trust you to hem her Wedding Dress, or rather, the hem. Those who do not know how to sew can clean or wipe their wedding shoes.

One of the most common signs for an unmarried girl is this. But his “original” is considered a family amulet, and a “duplicate” is thrown into the crowd of girlfriends - the same bouquet in appearance, specially prepared in advance. Perhaps this explains that the sign does not always work.

It is believed that dancing with the groom attracts a quick wedding. Moreover, the less time has passed since the engagement, the better. It’s very good if he invites you to slow dance, but you can try it yourself. Dance with those who sit further away.

Everyday signs for getting married

For a girl who wants to get married quickly, her great-grandmothers advised sweeping the floor towards the window or table, and starting from the front door.

Folk signs for early marriage include recommendations for observing fasts. For example, November 7th every year. Lent is also mandatory; failure to comply will alienate a man with serious intentions.

Good housewives are usually lucky in marriage, you can take this into account and improve your skills in cooking and keeping the house tidy and clean. Accuracy is also important, because there are many bad omens, but we will talk about them below. However, there is an exception: it is believed that a girl whose food constantly burns will marry a man with dark hair.

He also believes that order and cleanliness in the house will have a positive impact on the future family life and how soon you will have a husband. Experts in this field recommend keeping figurines in a visible place in the bedroom. happy couples. If you love handicrafts, embroider blossoming peonies.

A girl who knows how to sew well and tears off long threads during this activity will marry a foreigner or a resident of another city.

Find a bouquet - for the wedding. But beware of picking it up, because troubles, illnesses and damage come down to exactly those things that you want to pick up - flowers, gold jewelry and many others.

Folk signs for marriage and the teachings of Feng Shui recommend placing shoes with their toes in one direction so that the sides touch each other.

A sure sign that a girl will soon leave her parents and get married is the dirty tricks of the brownie. He can choke, rattle dishes and frighten the future bride in other ways. By the way, such behavior not only foreshadows the wedding, but also brings it closer, because he, as it were, “survives” you from your father’s house.

Another sign for marriage says that if a girl pricks or cuts her finger New Year, - will meet the future groom. Hair falls out - you will soon go to the altar.

The little child's godmother will marry when he learns to walk.

To meet your betrothed, you need to ride a donkey more often. It is difficult to follow this advice in our time; such animals are now rare.

Meeting a man on Thursday is a sign of an imminent wedding.

Signs for unmarried girls - what not to do

Let's consider bad signs for girls who want family happiness. There are many prohibitions that must be followed in order not to remain an old maid.

Everyone knows that it is forbidden to pass or take things across the threshold, especially water. The ancestors believed that this contributed to the lonely fate of the old maid and forbade unmarried people to violate the ban.

The fact that the future wife should be a good and tidy housewife has already been mentioned above. If your hem constantly gets wet while washing dishes, laundry and other household chores, this means that your husband will have problems with alcohol. The same thing awaits those who do not wring out their laundry well and water constantly drips from it.

You cannot sweep around you and in the direction from the windows to the front door, this drives away family happiness. Do not brush crumbs off the table with your hand - foretells an ugly husband.

Signs for the wedding of an unmarried girl prohibit doing your hair when strangers are looking at you. Do not invite guests into your home if you are not sure that you will have time to get yourself in order. You cannot braid your hair or wear jewelry on your ring finger. Only engagement, wedding and wedding rings are worn on it.

Under no circumstances try on other people's dresses or veils. To see how you will look in a wedding dress, go to a specialty store. You cannot wear clothes that were made from a wedding dress.

At weddings, girls are prohibited from taking too active part in competitions and entertainment - such behavior can delay their own engagement.

Signs for unmarried people prohibit sitting on the windowsill and corner of the table. You cannot grow oleander, violets, cacti and other masculine flowers, hang paintings with images of single women and place similar figurines and other decorative elements.

Among white magical rituals, the marriage plot takes pride of place. With his help, parents desperate to marry off their beloved daughter brought closer happy date, and the lonely girls themselves were eager to experience the ancient magic way for a quick marriage. It's time for you to use the proven methods of your ancestors!

When is the ritual to get married valid?

A plot to get married soon can become a life-saving straw for a desperate girl, tired of loneliness. There are several good reasons to use it:

  1. Her personal life does not work out; the young lady, due to her natural modesty or internal complexes, cannot build a long-term relationship.
  2. The beauty has a young man with whom she for a long time meets, possibly lives in civil marriage, however, the lover is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship. So why not push him to take an important step by using marriage whispers.
  3. A loving mother sees how her little one suffers due to the lack of a soul mate and sincerely wishes her daughter female happiness.

So that prayers and requests for marriage are granted, higher power must see the sincere desire of a female representative to create a marital union.

You should not turn to magic if you just broke off a relationship and want to annoy your ex by hastily getting married.

Also, don’t let mothers hope for heaven’s favor, who impose on their daughter the standard stereotype of society: “you’ll stay too long as a girl,” “it’s time to give birth to children,” “all your peers are already married.” If your child feels comfortable and is in no hurry to ring himself, no conspiracy will work!

The result will not follow even in a situation where the chosen one has been married for a long time and deeply. It will not be possible to divorce him from his wife through marriage conspiracies. Required here love magic stronger - look among !

Before using one of the rituals below, answer frankly the question: “How important is it to you to get married?” Only if you have a 100% solution, take up the sacrament, not forgetting to follow the magical instructions.

Like other spells, marriage conspiracies must be read confidently, clearly pronouncing each word and putting faith in their power. But besides general rules, there are conventions, observing which you can speed up the action of this prayer.

  • The key to the success of the ritual is the sincere good intentions of the performer. A few days before the sacrament, refrain from sorting out relations with ill-wishers, try not to get involved in conflicts.
  • You can resort to reading ritual words for marriage only on the waxing moon - so that love grows stronger.
  • Fast for three days: no meat, alcohol, sweets or fatty foods. This way you will be cleansed and prepared to communicate with the forces of light.
  • Conduct the ritual in privacy and silence. If there is a black cat in the apartment, do not kick the animal out of the room - it is considered a conductor between worlds.
  • Girls who wait a long time for a proposal from their chosen one need to clearly imagine the image of their beloved during the ceremony.

Briefly remove the ring from your finger, squeeze it in your palm and sit for a few minutes in front of a lit candle bought in church.

Armed with the basics of magical science, choose the method by which you will attract family happiness!

There are a huge number of rituals that help girls of marriageable age say goodbye to a free life. The most popular and simple ones are included in the following selection.

For the ritual you will need a small jar of honey. Draw a symbol of marriage on it - two intertwined rings. Holding the jar in your hands at eye level, say the lines:

As long as the bees flew, honey was collected,
So the servant of God (worldly name) flutters around the house,
Sweeping, tidying up, not knowing about fatigue,
Everything is in order to be kept. How much the bees worked,
So the spouse of the servant of God (worldly name) should not be lazy,
So that there is prosperity in the family,
To love the servant of God (worldly name) greatly.
As sweet as the honey is, so sweet and smooth would the servant of God (worldly name) have a family life. Sip the honey and be considered happy! Be that way.

After the ritual, you need to treat your daughter with the charmed honey so that she does not know that the drug is magical. You can also add it to baked goods. If your daughter already has a partner, treat both of them with a treat.

Towards noon, braid your hair and tie it with a scarlet ribbon. Go with this hairstyle for the rest of the day without adjusting or redoing it. When going to bed at night, let your hair down and burn the ribbon. Bury the remaining ashes with the words:

I light a candle and unbraid my hair. I throw the scarlet ribbon into the fire. I punish the servant of God (name of the man): take the servant of God (your name) as your wife, and from now on call him your beloved wife. Be that way. Amen.

During the year, you will definitely hear the desired phrase from the lips of your loved one.

For the ritual, you need to prepare a ring, a white candle, which it is advisable to purchase in the temple, and some holy water in a glass. After waiting until nightfall, light a candle and dip the ring in the prepared water. Then say the words of the conspiracy three times:

I throw the ring into some water and repeat the magic speeches. So that my betrothed finds me, finds happiness and love with me. So that we can have a wedding and children. Be that way. Amen.

As soon as you finish saying the cherished words, remove the ring from the glass, go out with it to the center of the room and put it on ring finger right hand.

Pour all the remaining water over your head. Then go to bed. After waking up, remove the ring and hide it away from prying eyes. It will be possible to put it on again only after meeting your future spouse.

When turning to magic, remember that you cannot abuse magic rituals. Even if they are aimed at such a good goal as creating a family. If, having done everything correctly, you do not notice any changes over time, wait a

In some eastern countries to attract good luck or before an important deal, a person must meet a goat and feed it plenty, since this animal is considered a symbol of gluttony and, in addition, can absorb all the misfortunes of people coming towards it.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Signs for marriage

Every girl dreams of meeting her betrothed, starting a family with him and living happily ever after with her beloved. When fate is in no hurry to give such a gift, and youth is leaving, it’s time to pay attention to the signs in order to...

Signs for a quick marriage

Become a bridesmaid

Popular beliefs advise unmarried girls become a bridesmaid at a wedding. This guarantees a meeting with your betrothed within a year. If the girlfriend's place is taken, you can rub the newlywed's shoe. Such an action promises the imminent appearance of a suitor who in the future will claim the role of husband.

Catch a bouquet

In addition, it is worth trying to get the bride's bouquet or a pin from her dress. It is believed that this is a guarantee of one’s own marriage in the near future. Champagne spilled by one of the guests and soaking the dress has a similar effect.

  • It's bad luck to get married early older sister. She promises her loneliness. Therefore, the ancestors did not give permission for marriage youngest daughter, until the eldest plays the wedding.

Ask the bride to hem the hem

Those who want to get married faster are advised to ask the bride to hem the hem of her dress. If you take with you the needle that was used to perform this action, then we should hope that in the near future wedding dress the seamstress herself will dress.

Dance with the groom

A good sign is to dance with the groom if the invitation comes from his side. Raising glasses of champagne to the happiness of the newlyweds, you need to clink glasses with an unmarried man and then immediately drink sparkling wine.

Signs before marriage

The cry of a woodpecker indicates an imminent marriage. This event is indicated by the antics of the brownie. If he begins to drive a young girl out of the house, playing petty tricks on her, it means that matchmakers will soon arrive.

ABOUT happy event the following signs say:

  • A bouquet of flowers found on the street.
  • A pair of pigeons that have built a nest under the roof of your house.
  • A finger cut on New Year's Day.
  • Hair falling out for no apparent reason.
  • Long thread cut for sewing.
  • A found ring or earring.
  • Insistent advice from others about changing your hairstyle.

Help to bring you closer to your loved one Easter signs for marriage. To meet your betrothed, you must Maundy Thursday get a new towel and wipe your face with it. Then wrap the cake in it and painted egg. Take the bundle with you to the Easter service and give it to those in need.

Since ancient times, girls, in order to get married quickly and successfully, have used a special girlish marriage plot. After all, it often happens these days that a girl seems to have a pretty face, a quiet, calm character, and a hard worker, and a reasonable one - but family happiness is not in a hurry to come to her door. And no matter how hard various psychologists try to convince modern women the fact that a strong, intelligent, educated woman should first of all think about her interesting work and successful career - and still, almost every normal girl most of all in life wants to marry the man she loves, she wants simple family happiness, so that the house is a full cup and children who look like your loved one. But how to find him, the only one?

If the years pass, and there are no more suitors on the horizon, there is only one way out - to resort to the help of ancient magic. Over hundreds of years, more than one girl has been helped by a spell for a successful marriage; more than one beauty has found her betrothed thanks to the help of witches and ancient divination.

A conspiracy for a quick marriage belongs to the rituals of white magic, but only if the girl does not want to take the man away from her already existing family, tear away from legal wife and especially children. Such a marriage will not be happy: the young husband will still strive in his heart to old family, A new wife Over time, it will begin to irritate him with its very appearance. You cannot force a person to love himself despite fate; this has never led to a happy life.

You should not use a spell to marry a person who does not love you. The magical bonds will keep him near you, but over time they will weaken, and then your family, based not on love, but on coercion, will fall apart. And if by then you have children, you will make not only yourself unhappy, but them too.

Of course, you can cast a spell on fate, but only to attract your betrothed, who is walking somewhere around the world and does not know that you are waiting for him. Before the ceremony, you must keep for three days strict fast– only bread and water are allowed. The ritual itself should be performed on the waxing moon, preferably in the first week after the new moon, at a rosy dawn.

Lay a new white tablecloth on the table, place a lit church candle and a cup on it honey water. Read the spell for water smoothly, without interrupting for a moment, twelve times in a row, while reading, imagining your wedding day. Wait until the candle burns out and goes out on its own, then wash your face with the enchanted honey water and spray it on all the doors in the house, especially the entrance.

I'll light a candle and burn some incense. I will express my desire to God. I will tie two red threads in three knots. One knot is for love, another is for passion, the third is for fidelity. I’m not tying threads, but connecting souls (names). They should be together, live together, conduct business, and have children. And friendship and respect - that’s their relationship! From the beginning of the century to the end. No one will untie the knots, no one will destroy the relationship, no one will cancel it. Strong and tenacious.

Attention: Be sure to write this plot down on a piece of paper, it’s better if it’s Blank sheet. Learn the spell from sight, not from the monitor.

Conspiracies are an important component of human life, especially that part where there is a place for love.

Love comes in different forms, just like people themselves. But the goal of every lover is a wedding. However, it is more wanted by representatives of the female half of humanity, who since childhood have dreamed of a white dress, a luxurious limousine and a prince groom. But what to do if your prince is in no hurry to call you down the aisle? Of course, hurry him up! And you can do this with the help of magic, by reading a plot for a successful marriage, which will take care of your maiden lot, turning it soon into a woman’s.


You will find out which one is easier only after you get married, and for this you first need to receive a marriage proposal. We wish you success in achieving your goal, we provide you with options for conspiracies, one of which will certainly elevate you to new status- brides, and then wives.


The ritual begins with the purchase of a new broom. This should only be done on Wednesday or Friday. When buying a broom, do not take change! When walking home with a new broom, think about how nice, foldable, and convenient it is, how good it will be for them to sweep and restore order.
The ritual can be continued only on the new moon. At night, sweep up all trash in the yard or entryway and collect it in a yellow dustpan. The material from which the scoop is made may vary, but yellow principled. If you don't find a yellow scoop in a store or market, repaint it white.

While sweeping, say:

“I’m driving the fellows into my house. Not quitters, not greedy, not thieves. Come quickly, my suitors. From your own or even other people's yards.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The ritual can be repeated countless times. The main thing when performing it is to sweep the floor as cleanly as possible. It is this fact that increases the number of suitors, and with them the chances of getting married quickly.

After collecting the garbage in a yellow dustpan, take it home, pour it into a canvas bag, put it in the farthest corner of your house and keep it there until the new moon. You must recite the Lord's Prayer nine times over a bag of garbage.

Now wait for the suitors, there will certainly be many of them, the main thing is to do right choice. When the main events associated with the ritual take place, the garbage should be buried away from the house and so that no one can see you.


This plot is read in honey:

Do not skimp on the delicacy - after all, the more honey a girl eats, the more successful her marriage will be.

“How long have the bees been flying and collecting honey?
So much for the servant of God (daughter’s name) to fly around this house
And you don’t know fatigue.
Clean up, sweep up.
The house is kept in order.
How bees work.
So the husband of God’s servant (daughter’s name) works.
So that there is plenty of money in the house. So that he deeply loves the servant of God (daughter’s name).
Like sweet honey
So that family life is sweet
The servant of God (daughter's name).
Sweet and smooth.
Drink honey.
And be happy!
My word is strong.
You can't cut it with a knife.
You can't cut it with an ax
As I said, so be it.

After finishing reading the plot, sit down with your daughter to drink tea with honey, which she should add more of: add to tea, spread on bread and treat her as a snack to tea. The more the daughter eats the charmed honey, the better her family life will be.


Yes Yes Yes! Men also sometimes use conspiracies, wanting to get married quickly. First, the future groom needs to plant flower seedlings near his house. This should be done on the waxing moon, at dawn, while everyone is sleeping. When planting flowers, say:

“I will go out, servant of God (name),
From home to door
From door to gate.
I'll look into the blue sky;
The sun is red.
May my bride smile at me like that,
Soon he will get ready for the crown,
How my flowers will bloom
This is how I will find a bride.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

For the next seven days, you need to very carefully and carefully look after the seedlings so that they do not die. While watering it every evening, read the Lord’s Prayer nine times.

You will meet your betrothed when the first flower blooms. Don't delay your marriage proposal. This must be done before the last flower fades, which should be secretly picked, dried and stored in a secret place so that it protects your family hearth from adversity and litter.


This ritual is performed in the kitchen on a moonless night. Pour water into a bowl, light a regular white candle next to it, throw a ring into the water, cross yourself three times and say:

“I throw the ring into the water, I voice the cherished words: God's servant(name) marry me, the servant of God (name) immediately! My word is strong, as I said, so be it. Amen".

Then stand in the middle of the kitchen, pour water on the top of your head, put the ring on the ring finger of your right hand and go to bed.


When trying to find a rich groom, do not forget about such important aspect like love.

Take a handful of millet and begin a conspiracy over it, then pour it out at the crossroads:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Fathers-matchmakers, do not walk sideways,
Walk in a hurry.
Go to my house
Invite suitors to me.
Like the birds will peck the millet,
So to me, servant of God (name),
Matchmakers will come.
The key to my thoughts, the lock to my words.
For centuries, for all time.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".


In order to quickly meet the man destined for you, go to the nearest church at midnight, taking with you three church candles. When you are near the temple, light the candles and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Wind-breeze, ship’s helmsman, you fly to high heights, you blow, don’t creep, you blow everywhere, and wash my face, the servant of God (name). Breeze, tell me where to go, show me what to do, direct my gaze, give me my betrothed. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen". After this, try to carefully monitor the movements of the flames on the candles.

If the fire constantly leans to the right, it means that your loved one lives very far away and will appear in your life from across the sea. If the fire leans to the left, it means that your future lover lives with you in the same country, but in different cities. We can safely say that the direction to the left also indicates an imminent meeting. If the flame of the candles is directed towards you, then your betrothed is somewhere nearby and you need to take a closer look at the men around you in Everyday life. It often happens that the fire from the candles leans away from the performer, this means that fate has not yet appointed you as a future lover and husband, so get ready to wait.

A bridge is a symbol of transition from one state to another, it is a road from one life to another. That is why go to the bridge and go to a new life.

After you read the readings of the candles, blow out the fire and go from the church to the river, or rather to the bridge over the river. Stand in the middle of this bridge, throw the remains of the candles into the river and say the words:

“Candles, candles, you are floating along the river, you will find my dear one, and bring him to me, the servant of God (name), as soon as possible. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If the candle fire was directed away from you, then you will need to go not to the bridge, but to the most crowded square in your city. Stand in the middle of this square, mentally draw a circle around you and say the words of the conspiracy: “My beloved, come quickly for me, hurry to me, I, the servant of God (name), am alone and as if on fire. Come to me, come, let the girl’s heart calm down. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, quickly go home and try not to talk to anyone on the way. If you meet a person wearing black clothes, spit over his left shoulder, and if he is wearing white clothes, spit over his right shoulder. When you are home, go to open window, comb your hair with a wooden comb and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Most Holy Theotokos, help me, servant of God (name), shelter me, protect me. You, Mother of God, gave birth to Jesus, fed your son, loved your son. Give me the strength to wait for one person, so that I can live with him, so that I can love him, so that I can bear children for him, so that I can make his bed. Help me, Most Holy Theotokos, protect me from harm. My betrothed, I, the servant of God (name), am scratching my braids, and ask you to hurry to me. Come to my porch, from the porch to the entryway, from the entryway to the upper room, and to the bedchamber. Hurry to my house, don’t get lost on the way, God will help you along the way. My lips are the lock, my words are the key. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Then close the window, turn off the lights, lie down in bed, read the Lord’s Prayer three times and sleep.

At dawn during the waxing moon, light a thick church wax candle and place it in front of the image of the Mother of God “Kazan”. Consistently read the troparion, kontakion prayer for a blessing for marriage to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her “Kazan” icon. Read with your head covered.

Troparion, tone 4: “Due to the Intercessor,Mother of the Lord Most High! Pray for everyone, Your Son, Christ our God, and do to everyonethose who seek refuge in Your sovereign protection will be saved. Intercede for us all, oh G O Lady, Queen and Lady, who in adversity, and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, stand and pray to You with tendernesssoul and contrite heart before Your Most Pure Image with tears, and the irrevocable hope of those who have in You for deliverance from all evils. Grant usefulness to everyone and save everything, O Virgin Mother of God: for You are the axes of Divine protection for Your servant.”

Kontakion, tone 8: “Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin; let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes unto us endless mercies, advances to our aid and delivers Her well-behaved and God-fearing servants from great troubles and evils.”

Prayer:" Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and all creatures, the most honest, pure Virgin MaRie, good worldassistant and everyonepeopleaffirmation and deliverance in all needs! Look now, O All-Merciful Lady, upon Thy servants, with tenderness to Theesouland praying with a contrite heart, falling with tears to Your most pure and wholesome image, and asking for Your help and intercession. Oh, All-Merciful and Most Merciful Virgin Mary, honored! Look, O Lady, at Your people: webo,sinners, imams have no other help, except for You and from You, born Christ our God. You are our intercessor and representative, You are the protection of the offended. Joy for the grieving, refuge for the poor,widowsguardian, glory to the virgins, joy to those who cry, visitation to the sick, healing to the weak, salvation to sinners. For this sake, oh GodMother, we run to You and to Your most pure image with the eternal baby held in Your hand, looking at our Lord Jesus Christ, we bring tender singing to You and cry: have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for Glory befits you now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

When the candle burns out and goes out on its own, leave the house and go to a field (a forest, a flower bed, I think you can go to a flower shop), where you need to pick flowers and weave a wreath from them.

Accompany all the actions described above by reading the plot: “The Most Holy Theotokos walked across the holy field, picked holy flowers, and wove a wedding wreath from holy flowers. I, the servant of God (name), will approach the Most Holy Theotokos, bow low, read the holy prayer and ask for marriage: “Most Holy Theotokos, Mother, help me, the servant of God (name), find my betrothed. Put on me, the servant of God (name), a wedding wreath, which is woven from holy flowers by You, blessed by Your Holy power, filled with love, decorated with happiness, fidelity. I ask you, Most Holy Theotokos, Mother, help me, bless me, the servant of God (name), with a wedding wreath. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then, taking the wreath, immediately go to church.

Buy a candle, light it and place it near the icon of the Mother of God “Kazan”, praying to Her for a quick and prosperous marriage.

At home, put a wreath on your head and don’t take it off until sunset. Until marriage, keep it in the eastern part of the house (apartment).

At sunset on the seventh day after the wedding, burn the wreath in a secluded place, away from pedestrian and public roads. Scatter the ashes to the wind.

There is no need to say anything.

Return home by a different route without talking to anyone.

Do not talk about the ceremony.
