The ending is s es present simple. Using an apostrophe to shorten English words

Endings -es and -s V English language occur quite often. Every English learner needs to understand the rules for using the above endings.

This article will help you quickly and easily understand the essence of this grammatical material. So, the ending -s can serve:

1) indicator 3 l. units part of the verb in;
2) sign;
3) an indicator of the possessive case in nouns;
4) reduction.

Rules for using endings -s/-es have their own specifics. IN affirmative form the third person singular ending is most often added to the verb -s, BUT after root bases on -sh, -ss, -o etc. (see rule below) we use the ending - es. For example,

Pass – passes;
Kiss – kisses;
Finish – finishes;
Wash – washes;
Do – does;
Go – goes.

Ending -s in Present Simple

We use the present simple to express regular actions or constant situations. Ending -s in third person singular h. (he, she, it) in English time verb Present Simple should be added in cases where the subject matches the pronouns "he", "she" or "it".

Rules for writing verbs in the third person singular in the Present Simple

If the verb ends in –ss, sh, ch, x, o– then the ending is added -es .

I always wash up at home.
He always wash es up at home.

If the word has an ending to the consonant and the following one -y, then -y changes to -i plus is added -es .

I sometimes cry.
Baby sometimes cr ies.

If the last letter of the verb is a vowel -y, then it will only follow -s .

I often play with this toy ship in the afternoon.
Alla often play s with this toy ship in the afternoon.

Reading verb endings in the third person singular

Remember: In negative and interrogative forms where an auxiliary verb is used does(not), the main verb has no endings -s, -es .

Does she sing every day?
Ann doesn't go to that college.

Don't forget about the spelling of the verbs to have and . If these verbs are in the third person singular, then they change dramatically. This can be seen in the following examples:

Daddy has much money.
Jane is tired of doing numerous exercises.

Ending -s in nouns

Ending -s occurs not only in verbs, but also in nouns. In the case of nouns, similar endings, as a rule, occur in the plural, or in possessive case. If we're talking about about people and animals in the possessive case, then we use ’ s in the case of one actor.

This is the girl’ s doll. – This is a girl’s doll.
The cat' s tail is long. - The cat's tail is long.

But should be used s' in case two or more are involved characters, people or animals.

These are the boys s' boots. - These are boys' boots.

In English there are exception nouns that create the possessive case in the following way:

Those are the men 's hats. - Those are men's hats.

For a complete list of such exceptions, see.

Abbreviations with 's

And finally 's can be not only an indicator of the possessive case, but also an abbreviation. For example:

it is = it's
that is = that's
let us = let's
How long has it been? = How long has it been?

Other abbreviations can be studied in more detail and.

These are actually all the endings that appear in it. Unlike the Russian language, which is rich in various endings. Due to the fact that there are only three endings in English, their use is found everywhere: in verbs, nouns, adjectives, gerunds, and participles. Let's take a closer look at each of the endings and identify the most common cases of their use.

The ending s in English

So, the ending -s in English (also -es) is used in the following cases:

  1. Plural nouns are formed by adding the ending -s to the noun:
  2. cat - cats;
    table - tables;
    disk - disks;
    window - windows.

  3. If the noun ends in -ss, -x, -z, -ch, -sh or -o, then add ending -es:
  4. fox - foxes;
    bush - bushes;
    potato - potatoes
    dress - dresses.

  5. However, nouns borrowed from other languages ​​and ending in –o add the ending -s:
  6. photo – photos;
    piano - pianos.

  7. The ending - s in English (also - es) is used when using verbs in the third person singular in the Present Simple (for he, she, it):
  8. I play - he plays;
    We go - she goes;
    They see - it sees;

  9. This ending is also used to form the possessive case of nouns, which is written with an apostrophe:
  10. my mother’s coat - my mother’s coat;
    brother's cup - brother's cup;
    Susan's sister - Suzanne's sister.

  11. If the noun is plural or ends in -s, we put only an apostrophe after it:
  12. his parents’ anniversary - the anniversary of his parents;
    students’ books - students’ books;
    Lucas' wife - Lucas' wife.

The ending ed in English

When do you use the ending ed in English?

  1. If the verb is used in Past Simple and it is correct, you need to add the ending - ed to it:
  2. She waited for the concert yesterday. - She watched the concert yesterday.
    He looked for it two days ago. - He was looking for him two days ago.
    I borrowed this dress from a friend. - I borrowed this dress from a friend.

  3. This ending is also used when we are talking about the third form correct verb(past participle) in Perfect tenses:
  4. She has learned English since she was 5.
    The snow had stopped when we arrived.
    I will have dressed the baby by 10 a.m.

  5. A verb ending in -ed is sometimes translated as an adjective (which? which? which?)
  6. folded T-shirt - folded T-shirt;
    blessed marriage - blessed marriage;
    opened door - open door.

Always look to see if such a word is followed by a noun in order to know which part of speech is more correct to translate the verb with the ending; ed.

The ending ing in English

In what cases is the ending ing used in English?

  1. If we are talking about the fourth form of the verb (or present participle) - tenses of the Continuous group:
  2. She is typing now.
    He was walking along the street when he saw an accident.
    I will be reading tomorrow at 5 p.m.

  3. We can also translate a word ending -ing as an adjective if it is followed by a related noun:
  4. sleeping baby - sleeping baby;
    crying lady - crying woman;
    boring book - boring book.

  5. You can also translate a word with the ending - ing noun(see topic Gerund) - it all depends on the context and word order:
  6. Stealing is a crime. - Stealing is a crime.
    Walking is good for your health. - Walking is good for health.
    I like dancing. - I love dance.

The ending -s for verbs in English

  2. he, she, it - 3rd person singular in simple present tense receives s
  3. yyyyyyyyyyyyyy vytfvvffgn hvgcrfvf-kgnbnbghyhreb-klk11d4
  4. in the Present Simple in the 3rd person singular (pronouns he, she, it or noun in singular) adds the ending -s,
    If the verb ends in hissing or whistling, -es is added: catch - catches, crash- crashes, pass - passes.
    If the verb ends in -y, which is not preceded by another vowel, -y changes to -i+es: try - tries, cry - cries (but play - plays, because there is another vowel before -y)
    The verbs go and do also add -es: does, goes (do changes its sound)
  5. to swim ending s or es
  6. The ending -s/-es is added to nouns to form the plural. The ending -s/-es is added to verbs to form the 3rd person singular in the Present Simple (Present Indefinite) form. The rules for adding -s/-es to nouns and verbs are almost the same.
    1. The standard case of adding the ending s to a noun or verb.

    book books book books;
    to look (he/she/it) look s look (he/she/it) looks; 2. If a noun or verb infinitive ends in -o or sh, -ch, -x, -ss, -tch,
    then the ending es is added to the word

    addre ss addresses address address;
    bru sh brush es brush brush;
    cargo cargo es cargo cargo;
    tax taxes tax taxes;
    church churches church churches;
    to pass pass es pass (he/she/it) passes;
    to sma sh smash es smash (he/she/it) breaks;
    to d o does (he/she/it) does;
    to rela x relaxes relax (he/she/it) relaxes;
    to ca tch catch es catch (he/she/it) catches;
    to teach teaches (he/she/it) teaches;
    Please note that nouns borrowed from other languages ​​and ending in
    on o, add the ending -s.

    photo photo s photograph of a photograph;
    pian o 2 piano s piano 2 piano;

    3. If a noun or verb infinitive ends in -y with a preceding consonant, then the ending es is added, and y is replaced with -i.

    bab y bab ies baby babies;
    to fl y flies fly (he/she/it) flies;
    Please note that if there is a vowel before -y, then -y is retained and the ending is added

    key key s key keys;
    to stay stay s stop (he/she/it) stops;
    4. If a noun ends in -f, -fe, then when forming the plural
    -f, -fe is replaced by v and the ending -es is added.
    wife wi ves wife's wife;
    life lives life;
    wolf wol ves wolf wolves;
    However, some nouns ending in -f, -fe, when forming
    There is no plural substitution of f for v. The plural is formed only
    by adding the ending s.
    chief chief s chief chiefs;
    hoo f hoofs hoof hooves;
    reef reef s reef reefs;
    roo f - roofs roof;
    sa fe safe s safe safes;
    handkerchie f handkerchief s handkerchief handkerchiefs;

  7. - when we are talking about a third person (he, she)
  8. In the third person singular. For example, he writes, she smiles, it seems, etc.
  9. If an action is performed by a person of masculine, feminine or neuter gender (he, she, it, dog, person, waiter, etc.) then in such cases an s is used and also when they use who (who knows? - who knows? for example) . In general, if our verb ends in no e or it (knows, writes, looks), then English necessarily ends in s - this is the easiest way to understand when to use
  10. Then, when your action is performed by the 3rd person unit. number! He, she, it!!!
    Example: He fucks, she sucks! :))) or He does dirty work every day! (pay attention to does, third person singular! in the usual form this verb looks like this - do!)

Endings in English occupy an important place in grammar. Although there are only three types of endings, each of them has an important grammatical meaning. Endings are needed for formation, obtaining the verb formation of the possessive case and temporary forms Continuous groups, obtaining some forms and in many other grammatical cases, each of which is worth examining in more detail.

Ending s/es

One of the most common endings in the English language is the ending s/es. Adding this ending helps to make the noun plural, possessive, and 3rd person singular verb tense.


The Present Simple tense uses the third person singular form of the verb with the ending -s/-es.

Mary makes a pizza– Mary is making pizza.
The Moon goes round the Earth — The moon revolves around the Earth.
Jim likes to lie- Jim likes to lie down.


Almost all nouns in English form their plural by adding the ending -s/es.

cat - cats(cat - cats)
ball - balls(ball - balls)
eagle - eagles(eagle - eagles)
pen - pens(handle - handles)

If a word ends in -sh, -ch, -z, -x, -o or -ss, the plural form is -es.

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witch - witches(witch - witches)
potato - potatoes(potato - potatoes)
fox - foxes(fox - foxes)
bush - bushes(bushes - bushes)
class - classes(class - classes)


The endings of words in the possessive case are always written with an apostrophe. In the case where the noun already ends in -s or is plural, only an apostrophe is added instead of the ending.

it is John's pen- This is John's pen.
Alice's best friendbest friend Alice.
the children's grandfather- children's grandfather.
kids' textbook- children's textbook.

Ending ed

English uses the ending -ed to form the second form of a regular verb in the Past Simple, to form the third form of a regular verb in the Perfect tense, and to create a past participle.

Yesterday she watched new movie- Yesterday she watched a new movie.
Bob has loved her since childhood- He loves her since childhood.
The snow had stopped when Kate left office- The snow stopped when Kate left the office.
Opened window- Open window.

Ending ing

Adding the ending -ing serves to form the fourth form of verbs of the tense groups Continuous and Perfect Continuous, and also to create verbal adjectives. Our table will help you figure this out.



Verbal adjectives (gerunds) are formed by adding the ending -ing.

Mary like swimming- Mary loves swimming.
She likes reading– She loves reading.
Thanks for coming- Thank you for coming.

Video about endings in English:

When in English do we put the ending s and when does we end with es?

  1. There are a lot of options. If we boil everything down to one rule, it will sound something like this:
    V general case is given by S, and ES is an auxiliary.

    http://www. alleng. ru/mybook/rn3-3. htm
    remove all spaces from the link

  2. he, she, this is the 3rd person singular in the simple present tense:)) I wanted to write in more detail, but I can’t, “The answer cannot be added.
    Try not to use characters from the English layout in your answer! "

  3. Examples:
    book books book books;

    bru sh brush es brush brush;
    cargo cargo es cargo cargo;
    tax taxes tax taxes;




    key key s key keys;

    wife wi ves wife's wife;
    life lives life;
    wolf wol ves wolf wolves;

    hoo f hoofs hoof hooves;
    reef reef s reef reefs;
    roo f - roofs roof;
    sa fe safe s safe safes;

  4. The ending -s/-es is added to nouns to form the plural. The ending -s/-es is added to verbs to form the 3rd person singular in the Present Simple (Present Indefinite) form. The rules for adding -s/-es to nouns and verbs are almost the same.
    1. The standard case of adding the ending s to a noun or verb.

    book books book books;
    to look (he/she/it) look s look (he/she/it) looks; 2. If a noun or verb infinitive ends in -o or sh, -ch, -x, -ss, -tch,
    then the ending es is added to the word

    addre ss addresses address address;
    bru sh brush es brush brush;
    cargo cargo es cargo cargo;
    tax taxes tax taxes;
    church churches church churches;
    to pass pass es pass (he/she/it) passes;
    to sma sh smash es smash (he/she/it) breaks;
    to d o does (he/she/it) does;
    to rela x relaxes relax (he/she/it) relaxes;
    to ca tch catch es catch (he/she/it) catches;
    to teach teaches (he/she/it) teaches;
    Please note that nouns borrowed from other languages ​​and ending in
    on o, add the ending -s.

    photo photo s photograph of a photograph;
    pian o 2 piano s piano 2 piano;

    3. If a noun or verb infinitive ends in -y with a preceding consonant, then the ending es is added, and y is replaced with -i.

    bab y bab ies baby babies;
    to fl y flies fly (he/she/it) flies;
    Please note that if there is a vowel before -y, then -y is retained and the ending is added

    key key s key keys;
    to stay stay s stop (he/she/it) stops;
    4. If a noun ends in -f, -fe, then when forming the plural
    -f, -fe is replaced by v and the ending -es is added.
    wife wi ves wife's wife;
    life lives life;
    wolf wol ves wolf wolves;
    However, some nouns ending in -f, -fe, when forming
    There is no plural substitution of f for v. The plural is formed only
    by adding the ending s.
    chief chief s chief chiefs;
    hoo f hoofs hoof hooves;
    reef reef s reef reefs;
    roo f - roofs roof;
    sa fe safe s safe safes;
    handkerchie f handkerchief s handkerchief handkerchiefs;

  5. The ending -s/-es is added to nouns to form the plural. The ending -s/-es is added to verbs to form the 3rd person singular in the Present Simple (Present Indefinite) form. The rules for adding -s/-es to nouns and verbs are almost the same.
    1. The standard case of adding the ending s to a noun or verb.

    book books book books;
    to look (he/she/it) look s look (he/she/it) looks; 2. If a noun or verb infinitive ends in -o or sh, -ch, -x, -ss, -tch,
    then the ending es is added to the word

    addre ss addresses address address;
    bru sh brush es brush brush;
    cargo cargo es cargo cargo;
    tax taxes tax taxes;
    church churches church churches;
    to pass pass es pass (he/she/it) passes;
    to sma sh smash es smash (he/she/it) breaks;
    to d o does (he/she/it) does;
    to rela x relaxes relax (he/she/it) relaxes;
    to ca tch catch es catch (he/she/it) catches;
    to teach teaches (he/she/it) teaches;
    Please note that nouns borrowed from other languages ​​and ending in
    on o, add the ending -s.

    photo photo s photograph of a photograph;
    pian o 2 piano s piano 2 piano;

    3. If a noun or verb infinitive ends in -y with a preceding consonant, then the ending es is added, and y is replaced with -i.

    bab y bab ies baby babies;
    to fl y flies fly (he/she/it) flies;
    Please note that if there is a vowel before -y, then -y is retained and the ending is added

    key key s key keys;
    to stay stay s stop (he/she/it) stops;
    4. If a noun ends in -f, -fe, then when forming the plural
    -f, -fe is replaced by v and the ending -es is added.
    wife wi ves wife's wife;
    life lives life;
    wolf wol ves wolf wolves;
    However, some nouns ending in -f, -fe, when forming
    There is no plural substitution of f for v. The plural is formed only
    by adding the ending s.
    chief chief s chief chiefs;
    hoo f hoofs hoof hooves;
    reef reef s reef reefs;
    roo f - roofs roof;
    sa fe safe s safe safes;
    handkerchie f handkerchief s handkerchief handkerchiefs;
