Peter Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova opinions. Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova: what can we expect from the most unpredictable couple? Childhood and adolescence

Famous Russian singer Prokhor Chaliapin is one of those show business stars around whom there are constantly rumors and gossip not only related to the singer’s personal life, but also to his singing career. The singer does not hide the details of his life from the public, and last news Prokhora Chaliapin worries both fans and critics, and his actions often shock the public.

In this article we will talk about bright events in the life of a celebrity. VIDEO: Let them talk at the end

The beginning of the singing career of Prokhor Chaliapin

Prokhor Chaliapin's musical career began with "Star Factory-6", where Prokhor reached the finals and took 4th place. "Star Factory" was the first step on the path to fame.

The first scandals involving the artist began with her. It was during the “Factory” period that magazines and social media began to be full of headlines: Prokhor Chaliapin, latest news. The fact is that the artist declared himself the great-grandson of the great Fyodor Chaliapin, a scandal erupted when the daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin, together with journalists, denied these rumors.

Despite the lies, Prokhor remained popular among viewers.

Details of the personal lives of Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina

Prokhor, having a pleasant appearance, was undoubtedly popular among women, started affairs and affairs. But the most high-profile event in the world of gloss was his marriage in 2013 to millionaire Larisa Kopenkina, 52 years old. It was a great event and Prokhor Chaliapin and his wife latest news they warmed up about themselves with stories about the sincerity of their feelings in “Let Them Talk.”

“It was love at first sight,” admitted Prokhor.

Conversations and gossip around this couple did not subside; a lot of information appeared for the artist’s fans with the headlines: Larisa Shalyapina and Prokhor Shalyapin, latest news. Critics, journalists, fans, everyone followed the development of the event. Soon the retired wife found out about her husband’s infidelity with young TV presenter Anna Kalashnikova. Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina, whose latest news shocked the public so much, divorced in 2014. Later, Prokhor admitted that the marriage was fictitious and said that Larisa was a simple manager in a real estate company, the marriage was supposed to ruin the company’s brand and everyone would earn 1.5 million euros.

Latest news: Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova - marriage

Prokhor met TV presenter Anna Kalashnikova during his marriage to Kopenkina. Anna was already pregnant, and in March 2015 she gave birth to Chaliapin’s son Daniel. Everyone was worried about the question: will Prokhor Chaliapin have a wedding on May 24, 2016, It was on this date that the lovers’ wedding was scheduled, on the organization of which the couple had already spent 8 million.

For almost a month now, intrigues around Prokhor Chaliapin and Anna Kalashnikova have not subsided. The couple recently planned a wedding, and now they are breaking up altogether. “StarHit” decided to remember how the relationships between the stars developed.

At the end of 2014, all the singer’s fans were amazed by the news that Prokhor, who was married to Larisa Kopenkina, had got himself a girlfriend. As Chaliapin and Kalashnikova claimed, they met at a friend’s birthday party, and passion instantly flared up between them. True, later the couple voiced a different version - supposedly they had known each other for many years and had always been on friendly terms. The novel developed so rapidly that after some time new darling Prokhora announced that they were expecting a child. According to the singer himself, he was happy when he found out that he would become a father.

Anna's pregnancy was difficult, and during childbirth she was literally pulled out of the other world. When the child was born, his mother was admitted to intensive care, where Anna was operated on several times. It was a real blow for Kalashnikova that the boy was discharged from the maternity hospital separately from her. Chaliapin was then forbidden to take the hut himself - the artist’s bride referred to poor health and unsuitable appearance for meetings with your loved one. Prokhor was forced to agree, and therefore saw the child only a few days later. She doesn’t like to talk about what happened to Anna’s health some time after giving birth. However, the model emphasizes that she would not wish anyone to experience this.

A month and a half after the birth of their son, young parents spoke about the boy on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program.

“At 9 am we wake up and smile. I notice that Danechka understands and hears. We are already starting to hold our head up and crawl on our tummy. Danechka loves to swim. We've been through so much short period, and I think that this will remain in the memory of each of us for the rest of our lives,” said Anna.

Six months after the birth of Daniil, Prokhor started talking about the wedding. The young man was so in love with the model that he was going to go to church with her. “In Anyuta, I finally found my destiny. If we decide to be together for the rest of our lives, then our union must be consolidated not only in the registry office, but also before God,” the singer told StarHit.

However, in November 2015, the first quarrels began to arise between Prokhor and Anna.

“There will definitely not be a wedding this year. Currently, we can’t even move in together and live in one place permanently. various reasons. We live in different houses. And I’m tired of this life of a nomad, I dream of a real strong, friendly family, the same as most people on this earth,” Chaliapin explained his decision.

In addition, according to Prokhor, Anna devotes too much time to her career, and she has almost no time left for her son. This attitude of the young mother towards the child alarmed the singer. Provocative photographs of Kalashnikova in company with Michal Terekhin added fuel to the fire.

The relationship between the lovers became more and more tense day after day, so in one of the television broadcasts Prokhor even said rashly that he doubted that he was Daniel’s father. In one of the live broadcasts, Chaliapin said that he plans to do a DNA test. Even during Kalashnikova’s pregnancy, her friends said that she was expecting a child from an oligarch, and not from a popular singer.

Despite the heated quarrels, Prokhor and Anna again announced their upcoming wedding in February 2016 and even set a date for April 15. However, the wedding was not destined to take place on this day. Not long before this, Kalashnikova’s grandmother died, and April 15 was exactly 40 days. According to the church charter, on the fortieth day the soul of a deceased person ascends to God, where its fate is decided, therefore holidays and celebrations cannot be held at this time.

It was rumored that Prokhor and Anna would have to spend 10 million rubles to organize the wedding. Just the bride and groom's outfits cost about three million. Future wife Prokhora planned to change three dresses in one evening. For Anna's sake, the singer even went to take riding lessons: it was assumed that the groom would appear at the registry office door on a horse in order to create a fairy-tale atmosphere for his beloved girl. Chaliapin purchased an expensive ring from... white gold with three diamonds, which cost him about 100 thousand rubles.

However, before consolidating his relationship with Anna by marriage, Prokhor still passed a DNA test. The results of the study canceled out all the plans of the star couple.

In the “Let Them Talk” program it became known that the singer is not Daniel’s father. According to the star's lawyer Maya Sandler, according to a DNA test, Prokhor has no children. Kalashnikova insisted that the result was falsified and she was very upset. Prokhor immediately refused to comment, citing the fact that he needed to think things over.

Chaliapin expressed his decision on the next television broadcast. The star is not going to have a wedding with Kalashnikova.

"I am 32 years old. I decided to dismiss everyone around me and start life from scratch...Today I cannot forgive Anya. The worst thing is that an innocent baby suffers. I am ready to communicate with Anya’s family and with the child, because these are no longer strangers to me. I don’t understand how to react to what Anya is doing; she says a bunch of incomprehensible and incoherent words. Anya and I are drowning in shame. There will be no wedding,” said the distressed singer.

Little Daniel's mother continued to insist that the whole story with the DNA test was a provocation. “It hurts me very much... Everything that Prokhor and I have outlined will not disappear anywhere. I hope that Prokhor and I will be happy, the wedding will take place, and we will have other children. We move on, our family will remain a family,” Anna said.

After such a break, Chaliapin closed his Instagram account and went into himself. The singer feels deceived and regrets that he did not do a DNA test earlier. Friends and acquaintances are trying to support Prokhor. His friend Lena Lenina called Kalashnikova a “lying girl” and sympathized with the situation in which the singer found himself.

However, the public continues to discuss who the real father of Anna Kalashnikova’s son is, so it cannot be said that this story of a whirlwind romance and a tearful separation is over. Anna Kalashnikova remains convinced that her first wedding will still take place, as previously planned, on May 24. One can only guess whether the deceived Prokhor will forgive his beloved, and what surprises the scandalous couple will prepare for fans in the future.

Four months ago, in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, a DNA examination showed that Anna Kalashnikova’s son was not born from Prokhor Chaliapin. For the Star Factory-6 graduate, this news was a real blow. He could not forgive his lover’s betrayal and called off the wedding. A little later, Anna admitted that she did not expect such a reaction from her loved one and argued that Prokhor was not deceived - she initially warned him that she was not entirely sure who the father of her child really was. However, according to Anna Kalashnikova, this did not bother him at all. In fact, everything turned out differently. After the truth was revealed, Anna and Prokhor stopped communicating and did not see each other. Meeting ex-lovers took place in the Let Them Talk studio four months after the scandal broke out.

Prokhor remembered everything he had to endure during these four months. He lived in his bachelor apartment and did not communicate with the press, and also did not get in touch with his former chosen one. Moreover, during this time he realized what kind of girl he dreams of seeing as an ideal wife.

“It’s very strange why there’s no crown,” Chaliapin commented on Anna Kalashnikova’s appearance in the studio.

In response to this, Prokhor’s former chosen one replied that she was glad to see him after such a long separation.

“There are many mothers among you, and you can’t imagine what it’s like when half the country writes nasty things about you. I want to express my gratitude to my friends, fans, fans. Thanks to this situation, I gained so many fans. It was only thanks to them that I survived the whole situation,” Anna admitted.

Prokhor also stated that everyone supported him too. The friends who came to the program were divided into two camps: some stood up to defend Prokhor, others believed that Anna was right. Some decided that Kalashnikova was complaining that she was raising a child alone.

Anna said that she does not position herself as a victim. Prokhor accused his former lover of drawing too much attention to their situation. Chaliapin could not understand why she was giving numerous interviews all this time.

Kalashnikova decided to return the ring that Prokhor gave her when they decided to get married. However, Chaliapin categorically refused to accept the decoration. Anna was surprised, but did not insist, thanking her ex-fiancé.

Spectators and guests in the studio began to discuss that Anna and Prokhor were a wonderful couple and should be together. However, Prokhor's mother believes that her son needs another bride.

“You have to look from a simple family. Where to look? In the village. The main thing is not the models. The feeling of a grandmother has matured to such an extent,” said Chaliapin’s mother.

// Photo: Still from the “Let Them Talk” program

Many became interested in what kind of bride Prokhor was looking for and who he was dreaming of.

“Age is not important, preferably more beautiful. To enter the world of happiness and love. She must love folk songs. Not an actress, not a singer, I don’t need hippos, income level is not in the first place, but I won’t refuse. You can take cheerfulness from Kopenkina, and appearance from Kalashnikova. Darling, I’m waiting for you,” said Prokhor.

Close friend Dilya Dal tried to reason with Prokhor and Anna. She believes that Kalashnikova and Chaliapin still love each other, but are afraid to admit it. Guests in the studio also discussed provocative photographs of the “Star Factory” graduate. Prokhor responded by saying that he was offended by the video in which his ex-fiancee was allegedly marrying someone else.

At the end of May ex-lover Prokhora Chaliapin admitted that she would become a mother for the second time. 33-year-old Anna Kalashnikova kept the name of the child’s father a secret, but did not hide the fact that the man was spoiling her expensive gifts. For her birthday, he presented Anna with an apartment worth more than 40 million rubles.

Unfortunately, in the fifth month of pregnancy, the girl lost her child. Prokhor Chaliapin stated from the very beginning that he did not believe that his former lover was pregnant, and said that this story would sooner or later end in a “miscarriage.”


Prokhor has reason to doubt Kalashnikova’s sincerity. In 2015, Anna gave birth to a son, Daniel. The girl assured that the father of the child was Chaliapin, but it turned out that the actress became pregnant from her former lover, with whom she broke up shortly before the start of her affair with the artist. Prokhor accused Kalashnikova of betrayal and broke off the engagement.

Recently, Anna and Prokhor became guests of Dmitry Shepelev’s program “Actually.” Former lovers came to the show to use a polygraph to find out everything they had long wanted to know about each other. Kalashnikova asked the singer to confirm that even during her first pregnancy he knew that the child might not be his. Chaliapin did not deny that he knew about Anna’s previous relationships, but he wanted to know for sure, so he practically deceived her into the “Let Them Talk” show and persuaded her to take a DNA test.

In turn, Prokhor wanted to find out whether Kalashnikova was pregnant for the second time. Anna stated that she really was pregnant and lost the child. The polygraph showed that the model was telling the truth. However, the singer remained unconvinced. “Unfortunately, I don’t believe in this,” Chaliapin concluded.

Name: Prokhor Chaliapin (Andrey Zakharenkov)

Age: 35 years

Height: 197

Activity: singer, composer

Family status: divorced

Prokhor Chaliapin: biography

Prokhor Chaliapin - scandalous famous singer. The man has good vocal abilities, but his name appears much more often in the tabloids than in the lists of participants in music shows. Prokhor posed as a relative of the legendary, married a wealthy older lady, caused a scandal with a DNA test and opened a casting for the role of his life partner. In addition, nude photo shoots of the singer and his intimate photos constantly appear on the Internet.

Prokhor Shalyapin (real name Andrey Andreevich Zakharenkov) was born in Volgograd on November 26, 1983. The future singer was born into a simple family of Andrei Zakharenkov and Elena Kolesnikova. Prokhor's father worked all his life as a steelmaker, and his mother was a cook at the same factory where her husband worked. The hardships of Soviet everyday life and poverty forced early years Chaliapin to think about the future career of a singer.

When the boy was in elementary school, he had already connected his life with music and took up vocals seriously. Prokhor took part in all school concerts and also sang in the city choir. Then the boy began to attend music school, where he learned to play the button accordion and performed in the ensemble “Vyunok”.

A couple of years later, Prokhor Chaliapin began performing in the teenage show group “Jam”. The guy worked a lot and improved his vocal abilities, so the next stage was creative path Prokhora became Samara Academy arts and culture, where the young man received vocal lessons from professional teachers.

In 1996, the young man wrote his first song called “Unreal Dream”, and three years later the young singer participated in the music show “Morning Star”, where he performed both a song of his own composition and the eternal hit “Loving Do not Renounce”. Prokhor took third place.

At the age of 15, Chaliapin went to conquer the capital. In Moscow, he entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School, but the guy’s studies there did not last long. A few years later, the singer entered Russian Academy music named after the Gnessins. Prokhor constantly participated in music competitions. In 2005, he went to New York, where he became a bronze medalist at the Star Chance pop competition, organized by Performing a song in Ukrainian.


In 2011, the support of several familiar musicians contributed to the release of Chaliapin’s first album, “The Magic Violin.” The public did not appreciate the singer’s work; the debut album was distributed among family and friends. Prokhor did not give up then and began to act more decisively in order to establish himself with positive side.

Prokhor Chaliapin at the Factory

In 2006, the singer was awarded the Golden Path award. But Prokhor Chaliapin became popular only after his participation in the selection for “Star Factory-6”. Then the artist managed to conquer the judges and spectators and reach the final.

Very soon the peak of fame changed loud scandal, associated with the biography of the great Fyodor Chaliapin. Andrei Zakharenkov openly declared his relationship with Fyodor Chaliapin, claiming that he was his great-grandson. But journalists and the daughter of the famous performer Maria quickly refuted this information: Prokhor and Fyodor Chaliapin are not relatives at all. The young man simply changed his first and last name in his passport, coming up with such a sonorous and memorable pseudonym.

Despite the fact that the lies surfaced, the singer did not lose popularity among viewers and soon signed a contract with a producer.

In collaboration with Drobysh, Prokhor created modern arrangements of Russian folk songs, which later became the singer’s main repertoire. In terms of the number of recorded songs, Prokhor is the leader among all participants of “Star Factory-6”.

Folk songs have become business card a young man who opened up touring activities for him. In many cities of Russia they happily listened to a young guy perform songs such as “ White Swan"or "Dubinushka". In addition to universal love, processing of folklore brought Prokhor awards. The most prestigious of them was the state prize “For the revival of Russia in the 21st century.”

Unfortunately, the tandem broke up in 2007; Chaliapin and Drobysh stopped collaborating after a series of scandals. Since 2008, the artist began filming videos for his songs.

In addition to music, the artist participates in fashion shows, acts in films. He appeared in the TV series "Zhukov" in the role opera singer Boris Shtolokov. And under his real name, the musician acts as a composer. He has written some famous songs of popular pop singers. For example, “Mamaria” was written by none other than Andrei Zakharenkov.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the talented artist works a lot, constantly feeding the audience with his creativity, the attention of the audience is more focused on the scandalous personal life of Prokhor Chaliapin. The singer claims that he first got married at the age of 18, but there is no confirmation of this story.

The acquaintance with his first famous lover, Adelina Sharipova, took place at the casting of the Star Factory project. True, the relationship between the young people began to develop only after their joint participation in the “Let’s Get Married” project. The press more than once recalled the stormy romance between the singer and the model, displaying photos of Prokhor with his lover at joint parties. The couple dated for a short time, but managed to excite the Internet with their candid photos.

After their separation, the young man was not upset and continued to surprise fans with his “adventures.” In 2013, Prokhor Chaliapin attacked a businesswoman who was 52 years old at the time. The ceremony took place more than pompously. An extremely wealthy bride rented a steamer, then Chaliapin and Kopenkina set off on new apartment artist, given to him by his wife the day before.

This wedding became one of the most scandalous and high-profile in 2013. After some time, the newlyweds came to the “Let Them Talk” program, where they tried to convincingly prove to the public that they had a real bright feeling. However, in 2014 it became known that Prokhor Chaliapin and Larisa Kopenkina.

After some time and a collapse of criticism on young singer Chaliapin admitted that their marriage with Kopenkina was an ordinary business agreement. Prokhor said that his ex-wife is not a millionaire, but a simple manager in a real estate company, and their marriage was necessary to promote the company’s brand. But, according to Larisa, the real estate agency belongs to her.

Even during the marriage, Kopenkina learned about the relationship young husband with the TV presenter, who was already pregnant at that time. In March 2015, Chaliapin and Kalashnikova had a son, Danya. The artists decided to legitimize the relationship. Anna and Prokhor constantly fought and then made up, and fans were forced to only guess with bated breath whether there would be a wedding.

At the end of the year, Prokhor left Kalashnikova after the news that she went on dates with a womanizer and a handsome man. Prokhor was sure that the bride was cheating on him, and did not intend to continue such a relationship. For a singer, trust is important in marriage. Chaliapin assured the press and fans that, despite such a break, he would behave like a gentleman and continue to support the mother of his child. After such a scandal, the couple again surprised the press and fans and made peace.

Soon the artist received a new unpleasant surprise from his ex-fiancee. In April 2016, in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, it turned out that the DNA test did not confirm the paternity of the baby - Anna gave birth to a child from another man. It turned out that the singer has been raising someone else’s child for a whole year. Kalashnikova was not sure of the veracity of the test, but the scandal had already erupted. Continued family quarrel in the program “Confrontation” on NTV.

Kalashnikova herself claims that Prokhor knew that the child might not be his, but he assured Anna that he would not tell anyone about this and would raise his son in any case. The TV presenter said that she met Prokhor literally on the same day when her previous lover left her, so imminent pregnancy initially raised questions, and Anna honestly warned the singer that his paternity was in doubt. But Prokhor still broke up with Anna.

Prokhor did not despair of starting a family. In 2016, information appeared that the singer was again looking for a bride. Chaliapin approached this issue professionally and on a grand scale. With the help, the singer organized a show on Channel One called “The Bride for Prokhor Chaliapin.” The singer voiced it all over the country necessary qualities, including height, weight and love of folk songs. At the same time, Prokhor does not want his chosen one to be a singer or actress. He admitted that he wanted to find a woman whose personal qualities would be like his ex-wife, and whose appearance would be like that of a failed wife.

In January 2017, grief happened in Prokhor’s life: his close friend suddenly died. The former lead singer of the group "" was 33 years old, the girl was healthy and had no bad habits– the death came as a surprise.

The artists knew each other since the filming of “Morning Star”; they communicated very closely and warmly. IN " Instagram" singers constantly appeared joint photos. In the whirlwind of wives, brides and girls, friend Zhanna was truly a dear and close person to Prokhor. The singer died shortly after their conversation. The friends agreed on a meeting that never took place.

Prokhor Chaliapin now

The handsome handsome man (his height is 197 cm and weight is 77 kg) did not stay single for a long time. In November 2017, Prokhor revealed the identity of his new lover. She turned out to be Tatyana Gudzeva - a non-media girl, far from show business.

In January 2018, he proposed marriage to Tatiana, but her mother was categorically against this marriage. In order to make peace with their future relatives, Prokhor, together with Tatyana and her mother, came on the air of the “Male/Female” program. And at the end of January, with their participation, the program “Actually” was released. Tatyana Gudzeva was connected to a lie detector, thanks to which Prokhor learned a lot of new and secret things about his chosen one.

Firstly, it turned out that the girl was not 27 years old, as she said, but 39. And secondly, on the program it turned out that she did not give birth to her daughter ex-husband, but from a lover. Such shocking information perplexed the singer; he did not even comment on the current situation, and the question of the lovers’ separation remained open. Later, Prokhor Chaliapin stated that his feelings for Tanya were too strong and he would not part with her.

True, already in March the singer’s fans announced that his chosen one was for him. According to witnesses, blue-eyed blond Sergei Boytsov did not hide his passion for the girl throughout the entire training, and she reciprocated his feelings. The man even allowed himself a kiss while the girl was exercising on the machine, and at the end they said goodbye, hugging each other.

After this, the couple again appeared on the “Actually” program. First, Prokhor underwent a polygraph test. It turned out that the singer himself was not faithful to his beloved. But he immediately began to justify himself, saying that he was being consoled. Afterwards, Tatiana Gudzeva and Sergei Boytsov passed the test on the detector. From their answers it became clear that there were intimate relationships. But the woman categorically denied these polygraph testimonies. She also appeared in the studio ex-man Damir Galimzynov, who believed that he could be the father of her daughter. But a DNA test did not show their relationship.

As before, love relationship Prokhora means scandals and intrigues. In May, Prokhor once again became the guest of Dmitry Shepelev. Only this time he decided to “expose” his new lover ex-wife Larisa Kopenkina. Her chosen one was an actor who is 18 years younger than the woman. The program turned out to be funny, Prokhor sincerely wished her happiness, namely, to find herself an old man of about 80. He also said that Larisa is his “product”, because his best years he spent on her. Now he just wants to warn her.

In April 2018, secular society began to discuss a possible romance between Prokhor and now ex-wife- pianist. The actor supported the girl during, and after that he was seen in her company on vacation, in shops, in the bathhouse and for walks. Prokhor and Vitalina managed to record several songs together.

The couple stirs up interest in the union with joint photographs.
