Outline on the topic: Intellectual games in the camp. Intellectual game in the camp

Intellectual Championship of the game “What? Where? When?"

Target: creation of a unified intellectual space that makes it possible to popularize forms of youth intellectual leisure and identify intellectual leaders.
Form and develop the intellectual movement of students
Develop competitive qualities of schoolchildren
Conditions :
Health camp teams take part in the Championship.
The team consists of 6 people, students from grades 5 to 8.
Team names are welcome.
Methods: questions
Decor: multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).
Progress of the game:

Presenter: Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you to the game “What? Where? When?". Let me remind you of the rules of the Championship game: I read out the question, you are given one minute to discuss. After a minute has passed, you give your answer in writing. I then say the correct answer and the results of the first question are entered into the table. If a team answers a question correctly, it receives one point. There are a total of 24 questions in the game, after I read half the questions, you have a 5 minute break in order for you to rest. After the break, the game resumes again. Remember the rules. Well nowLet's welcome the teams...
Let's welcome the jury.
Break a leg. Questions 1-12

1. It was this country that gave the world 3000 years ago Olympic Games. (Ancient Greece.)

2. Over 500 years ago, the German Johann Guttenberg invented a machine for printing books and opened the world's first... (printing house).

3. The great Italian artist, scientist, engineer, who more than 500 years ago invented the airplane, parachute and many other things, ahead of his time. True, he was never able to make them; only drawings and sketches remained. What was the name of this genius? (Leonardo da Vinci.)

4. In which country in 1911 was the world's first television invented and assembled? (In Russia.)

5. Name three symbols of any state. (Coat of arms, anthem, flag.)

6. This is one of the largest museums in the world, which contains the most valuable works of art. It is located in the former imperial Winter Palace, built by the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli for Empress Catherine II. What is the name of this museum? (Hermitage Museum.)

7. The name of the first tsar in the history of Russia is known to everyone. And he got his nickname for his stern disposition. (Ivan IV, Grozny.)

8. According to some academic researchers, the heroes of ancient epics - Russian heroes - actually existed. What would we call their profession now? (Border guards; were part of regular troops, civil uprising.)

9. The city of Moscow was founded as a fortress, surrounded by a beautiful and strong stone wall for protection from enemies. Now this fortress is a monument of Russian architecture in the center of modern Moscow. What is it called? (Moscow Kremlin.)

10. This Russian prince is considered one of the greatest commanders of all times. He won his first victory in the Battle of the Neva River when he was barely 19 years old. And the battle strategy on Lake Chud can serve as an example of military tactics. And he also owns the famous words: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” (Alexander Nevskiy.)

11. What was the name of the material on which the residents Ancient Rus' Did you write with pointed sticks? (Birch bark.)

12. What is the name of the science that studies the past of mankind? (Story.)

Round 2

1. In the list of symbolic names it is located exactly in the middle. However, it is believed that she leaves this life like a captain from a dying ship.Attention question: Who is she?
Answer: Hope
2. The Greeks said this about an uneducated person: “He can neither write nor....” Continue the phrase in one word for the ancient Greeks, considering that it has nothing to do with literacy, and we are talking about some kind of physical action.
Answer: "...swim".
3. In a work well known to you, the birth of the main character, her development, her color and becoming are described. This work also mentions two seasons, two representatives of the fauna - a rodent and a predator, Old man and kids. I hope all of the above is enough to name main character this work.
Attention question: Name it.Answer: Herringbone. Based on the plot of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."
4.Recently it has become fashionable in Italy new diet. Its essence comes down to consuming foods in a strictly defined sequence. You should start eating, for example, with raspberries, tomatoes or salmon. Then, after a short break, you can lean on bananas, fried potatoes or a bun with butter. And for dessert - greens, cucumbers or kiwi fruits. By definition, both “white deaths” – sugar and salt, as well as black caviar and eggplant – are excluded from this diet. If you understand the principle on which this diet is based, you can easily write its name.
Answer: "Traffic light".
5. One day, journalist Yaroslav Golovanov proposed to the publishing house "Children's Literature" to establish a prize that would be awarded to a family in which the father is called Mikhail Ivanovich, the mother is Nastasya Petrovna, and their son is Mikhail Mikhailovich. This prize should have a name that is familiar to you.
Attention question: Which one exactly?Answer: "Three Bears"..
6. In Ancient Rus', silver bars served as money - they were called hryvnias. If the item was worth less than the entire block, then half was cut off. Money too!
Attention question: What was the name of the severed piece of silver bar?
Answer: This part of the silver bar was called a ruble. This is where the name came from monetary unit- ruble.
7.During the First World War, newspapers reported one interesting incident that happened to a French pilot. He was flying on an airplane at an altitude of about 2 km and suddenly saw that some object was moving near him. When the pilot grabbed it with his glove, he was very surprised.
Attention question: What was it?Answer: Bullet.
8. A certain Ananda Tur, at the age of 6, took her peers hostage and made demands: 100 kg of sweets and broadcast cartoons on TV. According to her, she decided to do this because her grandfather read her a certain well-known book.
Attention question: Which one?Answer: Guinness Book of Records. She wanted to go there as the youngest terrorist.
9.According to one of the African legends, the first man descended to earth from the sky.
Attention question : And what animal (according to Africans, of course) helped him with this?
Answer: giraffe
10.Cow and chair, chicken and compass, tripod and piano.
Attention question: What do every couple have in common?Answer: number of legs.
11. This list was compiled in the first century BC and it has still remained unchanged although hundreds of attempts have been made to change this list.
Attention question: What are we talking about?Clue: seven point listAnswer: Seven Wonders of the World
12.What is famous ancient Greek philosopher What did Socrates call the best seasoning for food?
Answer: hunger.


1. During a drought, Bulgarians ask THEM for rain. And in Poland, parents teach their children: “Don’t kill HER - maybe it’s your dead GRANDMOTHER.”Attention question: Who are the Poles talking about like that?Answer: About the butterfly.
2. This was invented by men three thousand years ago in the sultry deserts of the East. IN medieval Europe, where the first Christian preachers brought it, women were also not allowed to do this. Many knights did this, and getting into the closed guild of professionals was possible only after six years of training and a strict exam. Times are changing: men have long forgotten about this and consider it entirely a female prerogative.
Attention question: What it is?Answer: Knitting.
Presenter: I would like to end our game with a parable: A journalist talked to a sage:
- What is the biggest stupidity in life?
- Tell me, who are you? - He named himself. - No, this is your name, and who are you?
- I am a journalist.
- No, this is your job, and who are you?
- I am human.
- No, this is yours biological species, and who are you? - The journalist thought...
- The biggest stupidity is to live and not know who you are
Commands during the game:

Jury: The game is over. Summarizing. Announcement of points for the game.

Intellectual casino in summer camp. Scenario

Two or three teams can take part in the game. Each of them is assigned a number by drawing lots. Unlike a real casino, where people come with their money and exchange it for game chips, in a smart casino, game chips are redeemed for knowledge. The host gives each team equal chances to buy back chips.

First task. In 30 seconds, come up with a word that contains as many letters as possible. It can be a noun, adjective, adverb or verb. After completing the task, each team receives as many chips as the number of letters in the word they came up with.

Second task. In 3 minutes, come up with a more or less coherent story, all words of which (except prepositions) begin with the same letter. (The letters: O, P, S are suitable for completing this task.) Then the guys read their stories and receive as many chips as there are words in their story for a given letter.

Third task. Within one minute, each team names objects, creatures or concepts on the topic that the leader suggested to them. (You can write themes on leaves or chamomile petals.)

Here's what the guys can call:

1. Car brands.

2. Constellations.

3. Male and female names starting with the letter “A”.

6. Representatives of the cat family.

7. Hats.

8. Celestial bodies.

9. Minerals.

10. Chemical elements.

11. European countries (Asia, Africa, America).

12. Capitals of states.

13. Flour products.

14. Meat dishes.

15. Types of weapons.

17. Trees.

18. Literary heroes men (women).

19. Drinks.

20. Furniture.

23. Russian (foreign) writers.

24. Types of ships.

25. Dog breeds.

26. Ungulates.

Each team will receive as many chips as the number of concepts they name.

Now each team has, so to speak, “capital”, which it can dispose of at its own discretion and place as many chips on the playing field as it sees fit.

The very first bet on the playing field is made by the team that was drawn No. 1. It can place its chips on sector A, B, C, or on “Yes - No”, or on the outer circle, where the cards with questions are located text down.

After the first team, the second team makes its bet. She cannot place her chips in a sector that has already been chosen by the first team.

The third team places its chips on the sector that neither the first nor the second team chose.

The facilitator asks each team a question from the sector in which they placed their chips. If the team answers the question correctly, then the presenter returns the chips at stake to them and also gives the same amount of his own. If the team gives the wrong answer, the presenter (dealer) takes the chips that the team placed on the playing field.

When each team has answered its question, the presenter offers to make another bet, but now the second team gets the right to be the first to place chips on the field; The third one follows her, then the first one. After this round, the third team will be the first to bet, followed by the first, then the second.

The presenter carefully ensures that the order of the first bet in each round of questions is not violated.

The game continues until: either one of the teams runs out of chips, or for a while (40-60 minutes). In the latter case, a gong is heard. The presenter (dealer) asks to count the chips (winnings).

The team that collects more chips during the game than its opponents wins. (The second and third places are determined by the number of chips the teams have.)

1. Sector “Yes - No”

1.1. The year of foundation of Moscow was 1652? (No. 1147)

1.2. The birthplace of kefir is Georgia? (No, Russia)

1.3. Does the surname Schwarzenegger translate to "Black Negro"? (Yes)

1.4. A mule's dad is a donkey and his mom is a mare? (Yes)

1.5. The Pleiades and Stozhary are one and the same object. (Yes)

1.6. Between Scorpio and Capricorn is the Sign Libra. (No. Sagittarius)

1.7. The largest peninsula in Europe is the Apennine Peninsula? (No. Scandinavian.)

1.8. Batu Khan is a descendant of Genghis Khan. (Yes)

1.9. Poisonous boas are found in nature. (No)

1.10. In America, football is played with a round ball. (No. Oval)

1.11. All coniferous trees- evergreen. (No)

1.12. The Neva flows from Lake Onega. (No. From Ladoga.)

1.13. Is there at least one painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Hermitage? (Yes)

1.14. highest peak Kamchatka Klyuchevskaya Sopka. (Yes)

1.15. The largest ostrich is the Emu. (No. African)

1.16. There are cobras that reach five or more meters in length. (Yes)

1.17. Are chickens raised in Australia? (Yes)

1.18. Mikhail Gorbachev was a Laureate Nobel Prize peace. (Yes)

1.19. Are Japanese cherry blossoms edible? (No)

1.20. The anarchist Nestor Makhno was a Knight of the Order of the Red Banner. (Yes)

1.21. A tarantula is a spider. (Yes)

1.22. A bazooka is a machine gun. (No. Grenade launcher)

1.23. The Wright brothers were the first to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. (No)

1.24. Did Cyrano de Bergerac, the hero of Edmond Rostand's play, really exist? (Yes)

1.25. Does it succinic acid vitamin? (No)

1.26. The iris flower has a middle name of “kasatik”. (Yes)

1.27. The echo can last up to 15 seconds. (Yes)

1.28. Is it true that the leader of the rock band Aquarium, Boris Grebenshchikov, professes Buddhism? (No)

1.29. The stonecutter is a lizard. (No. Bird)

1.30. Sonar and sonar are the same thing. (Yes)

1.31. Is it true that calico cats are all female? (Yes)

1.32. The hummingbird bird makes up to two hundred wing beats per second. (Yes)

1.33. Are targets for skeet shooting called “saucers”?

(No. Plates)

1.34. Front side The coin is officially called the obverse. (Yes)

1.35. A castrated rooster is called a capon. (Yes)

1.36. The largest left tributary of the Volga is called Oka. (No. Kama)

2. Sector “A B C”

2.1. What color is the submarine from the famous Beatles song?

a) Yellow *;

b) green;

2.2. What is the name of an English penny?

b) penny * (can be: pence);

c) shilling.

2.3. What is the most common tree in Russia?

a) Birch;

b) larch *;

2.4. In what branch of the army did he participate? Crimean War officer Leo Tolstoy?

a) Artillery *;

b) cavalry;

c) infantry.

2.5. What is a helicopter?

a) Helicopter *;

c) parachute.

2.6. How many kopecks were there in a five-altyn piece?

2.7. On what river is the city of Krasnoyarsk located?

a) Angara;

b) Yenisei *;

2.8. What do you use to hit the ball when playing croquet?

a) Wooden hammer *

c) with a stick

2.9. Which continent is the birthplace of cocoa?

b) America *;

c) Africa.

2.10. What number is denoted as D in Roman numerals?

2.11. Which country's flag was called the Union Jack?

a) Great Britain *;

2.12. Which Goddess was born from the head of Zeus?

a) Artemis;

b) Athena *;

c) Aphrodite.

2.13. In which country did the first paper money appear?

a) Germany;

b) China *;

c) France.

2.14. Where was Sanskrit spoken?

a) In Egypt;

b) in India *;

c) in Persia.

2.15. What was the name of the ancient Greek Muse of Dance?

a) Melpomene;

c) Terpsichore *.

2.16. How many players of one team can be on the court at the same time when playing bandy?

b) eight;

at eleven *.

2.17. How many ballerinas are usually involved in the dance of the little swans from the ballet Swan Lake?

a) Four *;

at ten.

2.18. B) in which country did the Rumba dance originate?

a) Spain;

b) Italy;

2.19. B) in which country did the first steamship appear?

a) Great Britain;

c) France.

2.20. What name did he have? ancient greek god Underworld?

a) Pluto *;

b) Saturn;

2.21. What prehistoric monster was brought to London from the expedition by the heroes of Arthur Conan Doyle's story "The Lost World"?

a) Dinosaur;

b) ichthyosaur;

c) pterodactyl *.

2.22. How many Empresses were in power in Russia in the eighteenth century?

at four *.

2.23. What kind of God is in Slavic mythology was the patron saint of animals (especially livestock)?

a) Veles * (or Volos);

c) Svarog.

2.24. Which bird species are called whooper or mute bird?

b) swan *;

c) nightjar.

2.25. Name the third largest land animal (after African and Indian elephants).

a) Hippopotamus * (or hippopotamus);

b) grizzly bear;

c) rhinoceros.

2.26. What was the world's first alphabet?

a) Arabic;

b) Greek *;

c) Latin.

2.27. In which country did rhythmic gymnastics originate?

a) England;

c) France.

2.28. What disease killed the leader of the Queens group, Fred Mercury, and Rudolf Nureyev, the great Soviet ballet dancer.

a) Malaria;

c) tuberculosis.

2.29. Who was Mary Shelley, who invented Frankenstein in 1818, related to the great English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley?

a) Wife *;

b) mother;

c) sister.

2.30. What is the name of the ancient robber weapon in the form of a short stick with a metal ball suspended on a chain?

a) Mace;

b) flail *;

c) club.

2.31. Which continent is home to the most poisonous snakes on Earth?

a) Australia *;

c) America.

2.32. In which country was sunflower oil first produced?

a) Greece;

b) Spain;

in Russia *.

2.33. What material is the clarinet primarily made of?

a) Tree *;

2.34. Which nation's epic was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the greatest?

a) Indian (called “Ramayana”);

b) Kyrgyz * (called “manas”);

c) Finnish (called “Kalevala”),

2.35. Which metal is the lightest?

a) Aluminum;

b) lithium *;

2.36. What did the Russian engineer and inventor Vladimir Kuzmich Zworykin come up with in America in 1931?

b) television *;

c) telegraph.

3. Questions in a circle.

3.1. What is the name of the signature dance of Carnival in Rio de Janeiro? (Samba)

3.2. What is the official name of the gymnastic horizontal bar? (crossbar)

3.3. Which legendary King turned everything he touched into gold? (Midas)

3.4. What is the scientific name for the embryo of animals and humans? (Embryo)

3.5. What plant is believed to repel vampires? (Garlic)

3.6. What, according to Russian beliefs, is the name of Domovoy's wife? (Kikimora)

3.7. What is the name of the greatest in length? mountain system Globe? (Cordillera in North America and their continuation of the Andes in South America)

3.9. What was the name of the rat that almost killed Pinocchio? (Shushara)

3.10. What is the name of the American prairie wolf? (Coyote)

3.11. Who is Yeti? (Big Foot)

3.12. Who is the last People's Artist THE USSR? (Alla Borisovna Pugacheva)

3.13. What is another name for the sweet potato plant? (Sweet potato)

3.14. Who sang the song “And I recognize a sweetheart by his gait” in the TV show “Old Songs about the Main Thing”? (Garik Sukachev)

3.15. According to the Bible, in how many days did God create the World, including man? (For six)

3.16. Who was the first Russian Emperor? (Peter the First)

3.17. Name the world's largest city beyond the Arctic Circle. (Murmansk - Russia.)

3.18. What plant, found in our gardens, is also called earthen pear? (Jerusalem artichoke)

Mind games

In fact, all intellectual games come down to a very simple “question-answer” formula and are aimed at developing interest in a particular subject of the reality around us.

A large role, if not the main one, in all intellectual games is played by beautifully formulated and creatively presented questions.


1. The answer is in the question. Take a closer look at the words champion, cook, buckwheat, collar and answer the questions:

2. As in the beginning, so in the end. Make up six words, each of which begins and ends with the same letters: ..but.., ..l.., ..op.., ..am.., ..pi., (splinter, tracing paper, ham, speaker , rapier).

3. What kind of work - such fruits. By successively changing in words “labor” into “fruit” (4), “flour” into “cake” (4), “bullet” into “goal” 5). For example, you need to turn “thief” into “court” (3): thief - rubbish - juice -


From changing one letter, an animal turns into a snake (hedgehog - already), a domestic animal - into a bird (donkey - eagle), and Domestic bird- into a furry animal (chicken - marten).

5. Seven words. The word “order”, as you can see, is read the same from left to right and in the opposite direction. Find six more words that have the same funny property. Each word you choose must have at least five letters. (Possible answers: hut, stomp, income, Cossack, lump, argument.)

6. Big cities. Try to form a third word from each pair of words by rearranging the letters - the name of a large city.

Floor + cotton wool = ? (Poltava),

Ditch + hundred = ? (Rostov),

Ear + slave = ? (Bukhara),

Horn + bottom = ? (Grodno),

Log + water = ? (Vologda).

7. Few letters - many words. On the card, the letters D O, K, L, A are written in a circle. From these letters you need to make 8 words. (Report, salary, treasure, document code, harmony, hell, ode.)


The competition consists of players determining the truth (or falsity) of statements proposed by the presenter. The presenter reads out a statement. All who believe in its truth go in one direction, the rest go in the other. It turns out which of them is right. Those who “missed” leave the stage, and for those who guessed correctly, the procedure is repeated. And so on until one person remains - the winner of the game. Interest in the game is largely determined by the statements that the presenter offers. They should be paradoxical, on the one hand, and curious, educational, on the other hand.

For younger children:

For older people:

1. Each of you, of course, has seen a portrait of a Barnum and Bailey circus performer named Old Joe. (Yes, that's a camel on a pack of Camel cigarettes.)

2. At the annual agricultural fair in Paris, cheeses are replaced with replicas. (Yes, cheese starts to smell strong when it's warm.)

3. Prince Charles owns one of the world's largest collections of skirts. (Yes, these are Scottish men's kilts.)

4. Thrifty people starch their laundry in the water in which they boiled pasta. (Yes, it is cited in the book “Our House” as an example of too much savings.)

5. Two animals are nicknamed “spectacled” - a snake and a bear. (Yes.).

6. The word “sconce” comes from the word “hand”. (Yes, but in French.)

8. The Kremlin chimes in Moscow once chimed the melody “Ah, my dear Augustine.” (Yes.)

9. The very first name of perfume that has come down to us dates back to the 18th century. (No, 1367, and this perfume is dedicated to the Queen of Vienna.)

10. In the United States, the Statue of Liberty is prohibited from being depicted on beer mugs, dog collars, cat food and toilet lids. (Yes.)



For younger children:

For middle and older age:

1. “Overseas caviar, eggplant!” (“Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”)

2. “What a disgusting thing, this jellied fish of yours!” ("The Irony of Fate".)

3. “Oatmeal, sir!” (“The Hound of the Baskervilles.”)

4 “You are attractive! I'm damn attractive!" (“An ordinary miracle.”)

5. “And now - Hunchback! I said - Hunchback! ("Meeting place can not be Changed".)

6. “If someone here and there sometimes ...” (“The investigation is conducted by experts.”)

7. “Don’t teach me how to live, it’s better to help me financially.” ("Moscow does not believe in tears".)

8. “And you, Stirlitz, I’ll ask you to stay!” (“17 moments of spring.”)

9. “The main thing is that the suit fits!” (“Sorcerers.”)

10. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!” ("Alexander Nevskiy".)

11. “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime.” ("Three Musketeers".)

12. “In Brazil there are so many wild monkeys! ("Hello I'm your aunt!")

13. “Who is this, why don’t I know?” (“Chapaev.”)

14. “Normal heroes always take a detour!” (“Aibolit-66.”)

15. “Ha-ha-ha-ha...” (“Fantômas.”)

16. “Beauty is a terrible power!” ("Spring".)

17. “Do you want big and pure love..." ("Love Formula".)

18. “So he’s a monument. Who will put him in jail? ("Gentlemen of Fortune".)

19. “I feel sorry for the bird!” (“Prisoner of the Caucasus.”)

20. “Why are you silent, like a fish on ice?” (“Wedding in Malinovka.”)

21. “What a blue sky! We are not supporters of robbery!” ("The Adventures of Pinocchio".)

22. “If there were no schools, what would a person have come to…” (“Adventures of Electronics.”)

23. “What are you doing here?” (“Welcome or unauthorized entry prohibited.")

24. “Not wolves, but forest orderlies...” (“Streets of Broken Lanterns.”)

25. “I’m not a wizard, I’m just learning...” (“Cinderella.”)

26. “I thought it was your heart that was crackling, but it was your cigarette that was crackling...” (“Chasing two birds with one stone.”)

27. “Shurochka, restore the status quo! " ("Golden calf".)

28. “In the evening - money, in the morning - chairs; in the morning - money, in the evening - chairs! ("12 chairs".)

29. “Take away what’s ready!” ("Property of the Republic".)

30. “Guys, how much is two and two equal to four?” ("Little Red Riding Hood").




The Swedish ambassador who arrived at the court of Ivan Vasilyevich. (Sergey Filippov, “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”)

- “Mustachioed nanny.” (Sergei Prokhanov.)

Nyura from the film “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”. (Tatiana Doronina.)

The bride to whom Balzaminov wooed. (Nonna Mordyukova.)

The blonde is around the corner. (Tatiana Dogileva.)

His best role- Budulai. (Mihai Volunteer.)

He was at both “Heights” and “Seventh Heaven”. (Nikolai Rybnikov.)

His acting talent was revealed by Müller himself. (Leonid Bronevoy.)

All his life he was an actor, played for various directors, but Leonid Gaidai offered him the role of director Yakin, into which he put all his observations of his colleagues in the shop. The image turned out to be memorable. (Mikhail Pugovkin.)

An actress who loves “Winter Cherry.” (Elena Safonova.)

An athlete, a Komsomol member and, finally, simply a beauty of Soviet cinema. (Natalia Varley.)

- “Perfection and ideal itself” - Miss Mary Popline. (Natalia Andreichenko.)

floor + cotton wool = ?

ditch + hundred = ?

ear + slave = ?

horn + bottom = ?

log + water = ?


Op.. ..am..






"In the world of words"

Take a closer look at the words champion, cook, buckwheat, collar and answer the questions:

What flower was awarded to the champion? (Peony.)

What is the name of the dish prepared by the cook? (Uha.)

What is the name of water flow who grows buckwheat? (River.)

Where did you throw the clamp? (Whirlpool).

Funny transformations of words. Tell me with which words such transformations occur.

If you deprive a predator of one letter, it becomes a domestic animal (wolf - ox).

Add one letter to a sea animal - it will turn into an insect (lobster - mosquito).

Take away one letter from an insect - a fish (mite - bream) will appear.

From the change of one letter the animal turns into a snake (hedgehog - already),

pet - into a bird (donkey - eagle),

and poultry - into a furry animal (chicken - marten).


1. The most toothy animal on Earth is the garden snail. (Yes, she has 14,175 teeth).

3. Carlson’s little friend’s name was Pippi Longstocking. (No, Baby.)

4. The girl who visited the spaceship on the Third Planet is called Alice. (Yes.)

5. The violin bow is a tuft of horsehair, which is stretched onto a stick curved at the end. (Yes.)

6. Dolphins have the largest and best developed brain among animals. (Yes.)

7. To avoid feeling hungry, a tiger needs to eat only 7-8 kg of meat per day. (Yes.)

8. An adult elephant drinks about 90 liters of water per day. (Yes.)

9. The largest land predator is the lion. (No, a polar bear.)

10. A pair of sparrows catch about 400 harmful insects every day. (Yes.)

11. Eagles can carry away a small sheep in their talons. (Yes.)




I Several teams (8-10 people) are formed from those who wish. Each team receives cards with letters. Having chosen one card for themselves, the players of each team line up. The presenter thinks of a word, and the players, having guessed it, must quickly “write”, that is, line up in a row so that the word can be read. Whichever team “writes” the word faster wins a point.

1. Best protection from rain and sun. (Umbrella.)

2. A very, very loud scream. (Op.)

3. An attempt by the two parties to agree on a successful purchase or sale. (Bargain.)

4. Musical instrument, the sounds of which quickly gathered all the children together. (horn.)

5. He can be friendly, or he can be threatening. (Tone.)

6. A place where everyone can test their vision and accuracy. (Tir.)

7. A distant line that we strive for, but cannot get close to. (Horizon.)



The drake saving the world. (Black Cloak.)

Drake is a miser. (Scrooge McDuck.)

Russian version of Tom and Jerry. (The wolf and the hare.)

Three heirs to a huge fortune. (Willie, Billy, Dilly.)

The friendliest ghost. (Kasper.)

Second soloist in a duet with a lion cub. (Big Turtle.)

A cat that swallowed a beast. (Leopold.)

The name of the most famous crocodile. (Gena.)

Two plump investigators. (Koloboks.)

A boy who was not afraid to stay home alone. (Kevin.)

The tavern where Pinocchio feasted with Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat. (“Three minnows.”)

The motor ship on which Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov and Gennady Petrovich Kozodoev took a cruise. (“Mikhail Svetlov.”)


The presenter calls a phrase from a movie (cartoon), you must name this tape. (Note: this order questions are not required, they can be changed at the discretion of the presenter.)

For younger children:

1. “And I love money!” ("The Bremen Town Musicians".)

2. “You and I are of the same blood.” (“Mowgli.”)

3. “It won’t be enough.” (“Last year’s snow was falling.”)

4. “We want to tell one simple tale, or maybe not a simple one.” (“Plasticine crow.”)

5. “Hare? Hare, Hare...” (“Well, just wait!”)

6. “So and so ran away from her father!” (“In the footsteps of the Bremen musicians.”)

7. “Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?” (“80 days around the world.”)

8. “Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail!” (“The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”)

9. “There was a grasshopper sitting in the grass.” (“The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.”)

10. “A smile will make everyone brighter.” ("Little Raccoon".)

11. “Pull the string and the door will open.” ("Little Red Riding Hood".)

12. “Little children, don’t go for a walk in Africa for anything in the world.” (“Barmaley.”)

13. “I’ll sing right now!” I’ll definitely sing right now!” (“Once upon a time there was a dog.”)

14. “Do you remember this Wednesday you called us for dinner?” ("Cat house".)

15. “If you want, I’ll hit him, and he’ll turn purple and speckled.” (“The Secret of the Third Planet.”)

In the summer, many children spend time in school camps. To organize interesting leisure time for children, it is necessary to think through the program in advance. Can be prepared for school camp games and competitions. In addition, such events are not only entertainment, they can also have an educational function.

Intellectual games and competitions for camp children

Game methods are very effective in learning. Various games can be used to repeat any material, for intelligence. We can suggest several interesting

  1. Little cooks. The guys need to be divided into two teams. Some are given the task of cooking soup, and others - compote. That is, one team must name vegetables, the other fruits, they do this in turns. Whoever stops first loses.
  2. Words. This option is suitable for rainy weather, when you need to organize leisure time indoors. Children take a piece of paper or a pen, they are given a long word, from which they have to select many short ones. Whoever can write down the most words wins.
  3. Who counts better? Children are divided into teams of 8 people and each of them has numbers from 1 to 8 placed on their backs. But at the same time, the participants do not know their numbers, but see only the number on the back of the one who is in front. You need to be smart and line up in order.

Creative and sports games and competitions at school camp

It is known that development must be comprehensive. Therefore, we can offer the children the following competitions:

  1. Pull-push. The guys need to be divided into teams. They must run a distance of up to 30 m and back. But the peculiarity is that two participants from the team will run at once and they do this with their backs pressed against each other and holding hands.
  2. Dramatized song. Each team must prepare a performance for a song. Next, you can hold a competition for such musical performances.

You can come up with a lot of games, quizzes and competitions for children at summer camp; you just need to show your imagination and take into account the age and interests of the children.

Description of the game.

The first round of the game is in absentia. The participant buys a “ticket” with five questions.

Questions can be in one direction or in several (history, music, literature, etc.).

Having filled out the ticket form, the player sends it to the game organizers. From the winners of the 1st round, three trios of players are formed who participate in the further game.

The second round of the game is played in the hall. The presenter has 6 numbered envelopes on the table. Each envelope contains questions in one of the areas: history, literature, geography, biology, drawing, music (there may be other areas, depending on the age of the participants in the game).

Participants have a cube with numbers from 1 to 6 on the sides. By throwing the dice, the participants take turns choosing an envelope for themselves, and the presenter asks them questions from the selected envelope. The first participant to score 3 correct answers - 3 points - advances to the finals. A player who does not answer 3 questions in a row is eliminated from the game. If the participant cannot answer the question, then the audience answers. A token is awarded for the correct answer. For 3 tokens - a prize.

In the final, the players have a die with numbers from 1 to 3 on the sides, and the leader has 3 numbered envelopes. The envelopes contain questions of varying difficulty - for 1 point, for 2 and for 3, that is, a player can earn 3 points by rolling the dice just once, if, of course, he answers the question. But in the final, you can earn both 4 and 5 points if the player rolls 2 and 2 or 2 and 3 on the die. For additional points, an additional prize is given.

The winner is awarded a super prize.

Ticket option.

Sample questions.


1. Murder little boy gave him no peace. He constantly saw his ghost. Who is this man and who is this boy? (Boris Godunov and Tsarevich Dmitry.)

2. Who was the first to accept Christianity in Rus'? (Duchess Olga.)

3. This prince built many churches, began teaching children to read and write, and defeated the evil Pecheneg nomads. What did the people call him? (Yaroslav the Wise.)

4. The son of a cruel father, he was weak-willed, did not like to reign, but he loved to ring bells. Who are we talking about? (Fedor Ivanovich.)

5. Forgetting his royal position, he rushed to save ordinary sailors, caught a cold in the icy water and died. (Peter I.)


1. Who is a wood pigeon? (Wild pigeon.)

2. Who is the Siberian Crane? (Crane.)

3. An animal that is not afraid of such strong poisons, like arsenic, sublimate and hydrocyanic acid? (Hedgehog.)

4. Sun flower or sunny flower? (Sunflower.)

5. The bird that arrives later than everyone else and flies away before everyone else? (Martin.)


1. Where did jazz originate? (IN THE USA.)

2. Is a musical instrument a symbol of Russia? (Balalaika.)

3. He went down in history as an outstanding violinist of all times. His name was covered in legends. The church forbade him to be buried. Who is he? (Niccolò Paganini.)

4. Quartet - number of participants? (Four.)

5. He wrote music and played the violin when other children did not yet know how to add letters. Who is he? (Mozart.)


1. Who and when invented the modern pencil? ( Late XVIII century, French scientist N. Conte.)

3. What is stained glass? (Picture on the window glass.)

5. In which city is the well-known Tretyakov Gallery located? (In Moscow.)


3. What is the language of geography? (Map.)

4. Where is the Dead Sea? (In Israel.)

5. What is the name of the model of the Earth? (Globe.)


2. Who invented grandfather Shchukar? (Sholokhov.)

3. Which writer lived in Yasnaya Polyana? (L.N. Tolstoy.)

4. What were the names of the sons of Taras Bulba? (Ostap and Andriy.)

5. Who was hired for a job in 3 clicks? (Nonsense.)


1. A peninsula resembling women's shoes? (Italy.)

2. Which bird has scales instead of feathers? (Ancient bird - Archeopteryx.)

3. Can elephants swim? (Yes.)

4. Are animals born blind or sighted? (Sighted.)

5. Where is the Three Minnows tavern located? (On the way to the land of fools.)


1. What was Gulliver's name? (Lemuel.)

2. Opera house in Milan? (La Scala.)

3. The most poisonous spider former USSR? (Female karakurt.)

4. A dog that is the pride of a Russian dog breeder? (Greyhound.)

5. Poisonous snake does it sting or bite? (Bites.)


1. A tree whose name can be found by translating the phrase “ fresh air"? (Eucalyptus.)
