Why do you have erotic dreams? Why do I often have erotic dreams?

Dreams are an integral part of every person's life. They can give us both pleasant and not so pleasant moments, while presenting us with important information in the form of encrypted symbols. Why do you dream erotic dreams? How to deal with their appearance (and maybe you shouldn’t do this) - you can learn about this and much more from our material.

It is generally accepted that someone who dreams in a dream hot night love shows you the lack of that same thing in real life. But often erotic dreams contain rather unpredictable elements, which are not at all so easy to interpret on your own.

Surely, if you often encounter such dreams, you would like to know what they mean. So quickly remember the plot of your nightly love drama and read its interpretation below.

If a man has an erotic dream

  • If you dreamed of a flared passion with a young girl, you will want to dramatic changes. You will be drawn to new experiences or love adventures, do not resist this call.
  • Sex with a mature lady will indicate good career prospects. You may be invited to new job, you can open own business- this is what is hidden under this dream. If you were completely satisfied with the intimacy you dreamed about, feel free to agree to what fate offers you.
  • It happens that you have a rather intriguing dream in which married woman cheats on his spouse with you. In this case, it would not hurt to be careful - as a result of ill-considered actions aimed at making money, you can suffer greatly.

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If a representative of the stronger sex had such an “interesting” dream, it means that the man is envious of his dream partner. The dreamed person may become your dangerous competitor in work or love. If you want to find out who will win this competition and be able to deliver to the opponent more problems, rather remember who took an active position in the dream.

For girls, such dreams indicate strong selfishness. After all, only crazy self-love can create such an unusual picture of a nightly erotic adventure.

Sex with exes

Try to honestly acknowledge that you probably still have some feelings or affection for this person. Moreover, in this case, an unconscious desire to get back into the burning abyss of passions with him, or even a desire to resume a broken relationship, can also play a role.

The pictures are etched in my memory environment places where you made love? This means that you miss the emotions and experiences that you were able to experience with your ex.

Why do you dream of cheating on your husband with his friend?

A very ticklish dream that foreshadows the beginning of a black streak in love relationships with your martyr. But this will not be your fault, but your partner's.

You will begin to experience strong indifference on his part. There is no need to be afraid that he will do the same thing as in the dream, but his composure alone will be enough for you. There is no need to panic about this - the negative period will soon end safely.

Rape in a dream

This is perhaps the most unpleasant of all erotic dreams that you can have. Let's try to figure out what was what in it.

Were you a spectator in this terrible scene? This means that you worry too much about people who are almost impossible to help.

Was violence committed against you? Then do something urgently negative impact stress on your body. Such a dream indicates a difficult life situation and your moral exhaustion. Organize some rest or relaxation for yourself as soon as possible to get rid of nightmares.

You may dream that the rapist's face is hidden by an impenetrable mask. This is a kind of warning. You are very useful person, so those around you often try to manipulate you. Do not give in to provocations so as not to harm yourself!

Other options for erotic dreams

You may dream that you are completely naked in front of a large crowd of people. This means that in reality you are regularly tormented by remorse due to some actions or offense that you caused to your to a loved one. We advise you to go to confession to ease your soul.

Lack of pleasure from sex in a dream indicates difficulties in achieving goals in reality due to laziness and unwillingness to work.

Someone is stopping you from studying love pleasures in a dream - in life you constantly need approval from other people about your partner.

In general, erotic dreams do not carry any terrible signs or warnings; they have a fairly calm energy and can simply push you a little to more active actions in real life.

Text Psychology:

Dreams reflect everything that worries people, and the sexual side of life, as we know, occupies a significant part of human thoughts. If you have erotic dreams, this is quite natural. But perhaps they indicate some psychological circumstances? You can try to figure it out.

Most common reason

Despite the fact that people are very concerned about the sexual side of life, very few people can say that they have a regular sex life and are very satisfied with it. If you have a lack of sex or its low quality, then the appearance of erotic dreams is quite natural. The body is “waiting” for orgasm, and sleep only indicates this. Even if everything is fine with sex in life, such dreams still occur from time to time, although rarely.

Both women and men have erotic dreams, but to an unequal extent. According to studies, they visit men slightly more often than women. But, as psychologists note, it all depends on temperament, in which some women can give a head start to any man.

At the same time, there are some differences between women's and men's erotic dreams: fair half humanity, there is often a psychological subtext.

Even if you have a very naughty dream that may embarrass you, this is completely normal. Standards of morality and decency are acquired in the process of education; these are restrictions that are necessary for a person to exist in society. But in a dream there are no such restrictions, so you can see anything there.

What could an erotic dream mean?

Sometimes dreams don't mean anything, but sometimes they can indicate something psychological characteristics person or reflect the situation in which he finds himself. The frequency of erotic dreams, for example, suggests that in real life you really miss sex. The more you think about sex, the more often you dream about it.

To understand what exactly your dream is about, it is useful to write down as many details as possible immediately after waking up. Ask yourself, what did you like about what happened? What shocked you? Did you experience pleasure? It is important what your partner was like, how he behaved with you. All this may reflect your secret desires or fears.

Try to build associative series. Is there something in your dream that hints at some recent events in your life? Were some of your secret and strong aspirations reflected in your dream?

It happens that dreams tell people about psychological trauma and suppressed emotions. Try to spin things that resonate deeply with you, even if you don't understand why. Don't forget to write everything down to make it easier to draw conclusions.

Whatever you find, don't forget that dreams are often just dreams. The subconscious does not always try to tell or explain something to you; sometimes you just see interesting “pictures”.

If you think that when you have a dream with erotic content, this is only a consequence in real life, we dare to disappoint you. In most cases, sex in a dream does not tell us about eroticism at all.

Let's start with the fact that our personality is controlled not only by consciousness, but also by a huge layer of unconscious desires, motives, and fears. When a person falls asleep, a passive phase begins for consciousness, while the unconscious component does not sleep 24 hours a day.

The unconscious does not obey the laws of logic and never speaks to us directly. What it wants to tell us is always symbolic. That is why dreams should never be interpreted literally.

Many people misunderstand what they saw in a dream. I dreamed of sex with a stranger - that means I want intimate relationships with another partner. I experience erotic fantasies towards an employee, boss or ex-husband- I secretly wish to have a connection with them.

By understanding the basic patterns and essence of dreams, you can easily decipher their true meaning.

The girl has matured

Erotic dreams, especially brightly colored ones and accompanied by orgasm, do not at all indicate that a man or woman has “neglected” their intimate life- rather, it is a signal that our body is ready for sex. Our body has prepared itself at the hormonal level for discharge and is trying to convey this information to us.

This explains the fact that pregnant women often dream of amorous dreams, including orgasms. It would be strange to think that dreams of such a sensitive nature indicate that future mom wants sex with a housemate or ex-lover- it’s just her body’s way of reacting to hormonal fluctuations.

Through dreams, including erotic ones, the subconscious tries to convey to us information that we are not aware of or are not able to “digest” in conscious life.

Sometimes night fantasies may indicate the fact that the relationship with a man was not psychologically worked out at the time. So, for example, you can see your employee as a lover, and it is not at all necessary that you will have a romantic relationship with him. More likely, you didn’t agree on something in real life, you haven’t survived some situation, you are in the process of resolving a task that is important to you. As a result, your brain tries to process it.

Also in a dream we can demonstrate behavior that is not typical for us in everyday life.

Often a woman in bed is gentle and attentive, “white and fluffy,” but in an erotic dream she sees herself as aggressive and dominant.

Don't be afraid of this. In fact, this may mean that unexpressed aggression has accumulated inside, which has powerful energy potential.

Record your emotions

The unconscious part of the psyche in a dream talks to us through symbols in the language of feelings, emotions and sensations. Therefore, it is very important after waking up to analyze what feelings you had after watching the dream. It is quite possible that the erotic dream carried anxiety, doubt, feelings of shame or guilt.

The unconscious part tries to “scan” the event associated with this experience, and the dream simply registers this.

Try to analyze what situation in real life creates and for a long time retains the feeling experienced in a dream.

This may be related to the partner you saw in your dream. Let's say you dream of an erotic scene with a loved one, but what you saw may be based on a completely non-erotic feeling, a problem that you cannot solve in reality.

Psychoanalysts who interpret dreams always take information about dreams based on the feelings and sensations that remain with clients after they awaken. And they ask that a person who wants to explore his dreams keep a diary. It is not so much the plot that is recorded as the experiences experienced, so to speak, the “aftertaste” from it, the essence of dreams, because the plot can change, but feelings can be obsessively repeated. Sometimes prophetic dreams can tell you a lot.

In someone else's body

If in a dream you act as a man, perhaps in real life you are trying to get into someone else’s territory, making responsible decisions, doing something unusual for female energy.

The second option is that a woman takes a dominant role in a relationship, while completely ignoring the interests of her partner. Such a dream is an excellent opportunity to look at the feelings that a man experiences in a given situation from the outside.

Unsuccessful attempt

A fiasco in a dream can indicate dissatisfaction in sexual life and in other areas: for example, a person is not satisfied with his position, size wages. If there is a feeling of disappointment behind the dream, then perhaps you feel that you made a mistake in choosing a partner. Analyze the current period, determine in which aspects of your life there is a place for such experiences.

Gay sex

If you have a dream in which you make love to a woman, you should not interpret it as a desire for same-sex love. The essence of the dream may mean that in this period If you don't have enough attention to your body, treat yourself to a massage or manicure.

Or this is a signal that there is not enough care on the part of the partner. If a person begins to think about a dream from this perspective, he usually immediately understands what kind of problem is indicated.

As a witness

The meaning of such a person’s dream depends on the emotional coloring of the dream. If what you see excites and encourages you, then perhaps you want to become a more public person, to be in the center of attention.

If you feel confusion because you have been exposed, this is a consequence of anxiety due to the fact that some secret situation has become obvious and has come to the surface.

Should you tell your loved one?

  • Your relationship with your partner is trusting and fairly open. You understand that the discussion will not be reduced to a literal interpretation of what was seen.
  • You trust your lover so much that you can discuss with him not only the essence of dreams, but also the feelings that underlie what you saw.
  • Your companion is able to give good feedback: an adequate assessment and support of what kind of dream you are having.
  • At the same time, you should not dedicate a close man to your nightly fantasies if there is a possibility that, interpreting the essence of the dreams, he may accuse you of wanting to cheat on him. In a word, everything depends on the level of trust, mental and intimate harmony, on the extent to which partners can allow themselves to discuss such intimate experiences and feelings of each other, to be a support for the other, and not a danger.


Try to bring maximum trust and intimacy into your relationship, because if the partners are close, even the most compromising dream can be turned to your advantage by simply turning it into a joke: since it’s a dream, let’s try!

Photo in text: Depositphotos.com

Despite the fact that people are very concerned about the sexual side of life, very few people can say that they have a regular sex life and are very satisfied with it. If you have a lack of sex or its low quality, then the appearance of erotic dreams is quite natural. The body is “waiting” for orgasm, and sleep only indicates this. Even if everything is fine with sex in life, such dreams still occur from time to time, although rarely.

Both women and men have erotic dreams, but to an unequal extent. According to studies, they visit men slightly more often than women. But, as psychologists note, it all depends on temperament, in which some women can give a head start to any man.

At the same time, there are some differences between women's and men's erotic dreams: the fair half of humanity more often has psychological overtones.

Even if you have a very naughty dream that may embarrass you, this is completely normal. Standards of morality and decency are acquired in the process of education; these are restrictions that are necessary for a person to exist in society. But in a dream there are no such restrictions, so you can see anything there.

What could an erotic dream mean?

Sometimes dreams do not mean anything, but sometimes they can indicate some psychological characteristics of a person or reflect the situation in which he finds himself. The frequency of erotic dreams, for example, suggests that in real life you really miss sex. The more you think about sex, the more often you dream about it.

To understand what exactly your dream is about, it is useful to write down as many details as possible immediately after waking up. Ask yourself, what did you like about what happened? What shocked you? Did you experience pleasure? It is important what your partner was like, how he behaved with you. All this may reflect your secret desires or fears.

Try to build associative series. Is there something in your dream that hints at some recent events in your life? Were some of your secret and strong aspirations reflected in your dream?

It happens that dreams tell people about psychological trauma and suppressed emotions. Try to spin things that resonate deeply with you, even if you don't understand why. Don't forget to write everything down to make it easier to draw conclusions.

Whatever you find, don't forget that dreams are often just dreams. The subconscious doesn’t always try to tell or explain something to you, sometimes you just see interesting “

Interpretation of dreams - erotic dream.

It is generally accepted that erotic dreams are a consequence of a lack of sex. However, such dreams can be caused by a number of other reasons. Both men and women can have dreams with sexual overtones. This article talks about nature erotic dreams, and also answers the question of whether they are a problem.

Erotic dream - what is it?

To begin with, it should be said that similar dreams are not deviations from the norm. Erotic dreams can be depraved and perverted, but sleep is an uncontrollable process, so there is no need to talk about moral restrictions. Most often, erotic fantasies take place in adolescence when puberty occurs most actively. However, erotic dreams can occur throughout life under the influence of various factors.

Causes of erotic dreams

Most often, such dreams are actually somehow connected with sex life. However, they can be caused by watching melodrama, reading literary work or even a casual glance at an image of romantic content. Sometimes the cause of erotic dreams is poor sex life, and the body thus makes its needs known. In addition, secret erotic fantasies can also take the form of dreams, especially if these desires are prohibited.

If the dream characters were of the same sex, this is interpreted as problems in relationships with friends, for example, serious conflicts or quarrels. Moreover, the brightness of a dream can directly reflect the degree of tension in a relationship. If you get pleasure in such a dream, most likely you have a penchant for this type of pleasure, perhaps inflated by external sources of information.

If in a dream a plot was revealed that led to sex, but this did not happen for a number of reasons (someone started to interfere, acquaintances or parents appeared, the bell rang, your partner was distracted or left, etc.) - this indicates that that you are not happy with sex in reality. That is, physically he may suit you, but emotionally something is clearly missing.

If an erotic dream is accompanied by aggression and violence, this indicates your closure from the world and the environment in which you live.

If in an erotic dream you see your ex-partner, this symbolizes unfinished business, you should finish everything so as not to drag out the past.

If the partner in an erotic dream is a stranger, this is interpreted as a desire to try something new.

Sensual dreams according to Freud:
The famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud gave a special place to dreams in his research. He believed that sleep is an expression of a person’s hidden or obvious needs, which can be hidden under a variety of images. Freud denied that an erotic dream could occur purely by chance. He saw in such dreams reflections of real life, which just needed to be recognized. Erotic dreams are no different from ordinary dreams, and they should be treated as such.

How to induce an erotic dream?

Some people try to deliberately induce an erotic dream. This happens by various reasons, however, most often a person tries to experience new sensations in this way. In order to tune in to the right mood, two conditions must be met: a person must be calm both physically and emotionally. Before going to bed, it is not advisable to drink invigorating drinks, as well as alcohol and heavy food. In addition, you should, if possible, avoid mental and physical labor, which can lead to overexertion. Lying in bed, you just need to indulge in erotic fantasies, which should be as clear as possible.

How to get rid of erotic dreams?

If a person is bothered by the very fact that he is having erotic dreams, the problem needs to be solved. To do this, you need to carefully think about your dreams, writing them down in a notebook. At the same time, sexual overtones and emotions should be ignored as much as possible. A detailed analysis of what you dreamed will help you understand what causes erotic fantasies and deal with the real problems that cause this phenomenon. If the dreamer lacks affection and suffers from lack of attention, then the ways to solve the problem are obvious.

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Tags: Dream Interpretation, interpretation of dreams, erotic dreams, having an erotic dream, having an erotic dream.
