Why do bamboo leaves turn yellow in the ground? Bamboo leaves are turning yellow

Many housewives grow bamboo at home. This is a beautiful and attractive plant that looks like a palm tree.

The indoor flower has nothing in common with bamboo, which grows in wild conditions. In nature, grass grows, the height of which can reach 35 meters.

At home, flower lovers grow a variety of flowers - dracaena. Housewives often look for information about why bamboo turns yellow and the leaves become limp.

There are several common reasons why the tips of leaves begin to turn yellow. The plant is also called the bamboo of happiness. A home flower rarely gets sick and does not require special care.

Important! The cause of yellow leaves is not proper care.

Beginning flower growers often make the following mistakes:

Cause How to fix
Insufficient nutrition of the root part The roots and soil need to be fertilized at least once every 25 days. To do this, use fertilizers that are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus.

Specialized fertilizers and fertilizers are sold in specialized stores. Soil needs organic matter and minerals

Poor quality water for irrigation The liquid must not contain chemical impurities or substances.

For irrigation, use boiled, purified or settled rain water. Optimal temperature water – 20-24 degrees Celsius

Absence or insufficient drainage system Small holes are made at the bottom of the pot or container for planting bamboo to ensure drainage. They remove excess moisture and prevent roots from rotting.

Water flows into the pan. Expanded clay, pebbles, and broken bricks are used to arrange the drainage system.

The wetted material in the additional tray has not been replaced When the weather is hot outside, bamboo needs additional moisture.

It is important to use a sprayer, an additional container in which forest moss and decorative pebbles are placed

If gardeners provide additional moisture at home, care must be taken to ensure that it does not dry out or become too wet.

If the moss has bloomed and the leaves begin to turn yellow. The plant does not receive oxygen if there is a musty smell of rot or the water begins to bloom.

What to do if the stem turns yellow

If a flower's stem begins to turn yellow, it is necessary to provide proper care to save the plant. To do this, take a sharp thin knife and cut off the yellowed part.

Note! When pruning is not done in a timely manner, yellowness begins to consume the entire plant.

IN end result the flower dies and cannot be saved. The resulting cut is left on a soft cloth or piece of paper to dry. The cut area must be treated.

For disinfection, ground charcoal or charcoal powder, which is sold in flower shops, is used.

After processing, the cut is left to lie for another 4 hours. Next, the remaining coal that has not been absorbed into the stem is carefully removed.

The cut must be handled carefully so as not to damage the wound of the indoor plant. Soft wax is applied on top. It should not be hot, otherwise the plant will get burned and may die.

Bamboo began to turn yellow on top: how to save a houseplant

If the plant begins to turn yellow on top, it is necessary to properly care for it. Special attention given to the root system. It develops quickly, and it is important to choose not a wide, but a high container.

The young plant is replanted every 2 years. Large dracaena is not touched, but every year upper layer soils need to be updated.

After transplantation, the stem wrinkles, so the upper leaves turn yellow. They need to be cut off.

When the plant takes root, the root part begins to absorb the required amount of moisture, so the leaves stop turning yellow. Maintenance requirements are minimal.

The plant grows well in any corner of the house or apartment. It is important to maintain optimal temperature regime- 10-30 degrees Celsius.

There are several common reasons why the top of a bamboo tree may turn yellow:

  1. Bright sun rays fall on the leaves. Active ultraviolet exposure leads to burning of the tips of the leaves. Damaged areas need to be trimmed.
  2. Fungal infection. When a plant becomes sick, yellowed spots form on the surface of the leaves.

    To prevent healthy areas from becoming infected, the damage is cut off with a sharp knife. Additionally, treatment is carried out with an antifungal agent, crushed charcoal.

  3. Excess or insufficient amount of fertilizers. The plant is fed once every 30 days.
  4. Dry air. Periodically, the plant needs additional moisture. The plant is sprayed or the surface of the leaves is wiped with a wet cloth.

So that bamboo has beautiful view, it needs to be pruned regularly. It helps stimulate the active growth of dense green foliage.

The stem is not touched, pruning is carried out at a distance of 4-5 cm. Cut leaves can be placed in water and grown as an independent plant.

Why does the IKEA flower turn yellow?

The IKEA store sells bamboo without soil. After purchasing it, you need to put it in water, and after 2-3 months, transplant it into the ground.

Dead or limp roots are cut off and yellowed areas on the leaves are removed.

During planting, be sure to make holes in the bottom of the pot and provide a drainage system. The plant begins to sprout new branches.

Important! When the bamboo trunk is standing in water, it is also necessary to provide fertilizing.

The water is changed every 3 days. Only settled liquid can be used. You can use artificial soil - hydrogel. It is intended for dracaena, bamboo, lilies.

The soil looks like small dry balls that absorb moisture and increase in size. The hydrogel absorbs fertilizers and fertilizing well.

Useful video

From previous articles you know that caring for bamboo is quite simple and not troublesome. Simply put, indoor bamboo or - a plant for those who do not have time to take special care of indoor flowers; it is enough to water or change the water on time. This article will be devoted to such moments when problems still arise and the plant needs your help.

What to do if you notice that:

The leaves have turned brown: the indoor air is too dry, the water is bad, the fertilizer is not suitable or you use it too often.
In such cases, discard the fertilizer for several months and replace the water with filtered or distilled water. Spray the air near the plant or place an additional container of water nearby.

The leaves have turned yellow: too much fertilizer or too much direct fertilizer sun rays.
As in the previous case, discard the fertilizer and move the bamboo away from direct sunlight.

The stems turn yellow below: too much fertilizer.
Discard the fertilizer and change the water as in the first case. If all else fails, cut off the bottom part and place it in water, waiting for the bamboo to take root again.

The stems became brown and soft: the roots have rotted.
There is nothing left to do but cut off the healthy part of the plant and grow it back.

Insects or larvae infested(white sticky growths on stems).
Soak the stems in soapy water for 5 minutes. To do this, dilute a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent or 2-3 shavings laundry soap in 1 liter of water. Then wash all the stems and the container where the bamboo grew.

Here are the problems that can arise with indoor bamboo. In general, as you can see, solving them is not difficult; at worst, you can always cut off a healthy section of the stem and grow a new one.

Follow the rules described in the article and do not use fertilizer frequently; it is better to keep the bamboo in water rather than in a pot with soil, and preferably in a transparent container away from direct sunlight.

I hope these tips will make caring for bamboo even easier and more enjoyable.

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To the question, the trunk of an indoor bamboo has completely turned yellow, what should I do? given by the author Art the best answer is
There are two factors as a result of which the leaves of a plant begin to turn yellow:
Too much direct sunlight
Tap water is too salty or hard.
Therefore, in order for bamboo to grow well, it is necessary to keep it away from direct sunlight and also add purified water.
It is necessary to cut off the yellowed section of the trunk, dry it, and treat the cut with crushed activated carbon, and then remove excess coal and fill it with wax.
Care Tips
Dracaena sandera - perennial ornamental plant, which is characterized by increased unpretentiousness. It will outlive all the flowers in the bouquet and will grow and develop beautifully even in a glass of water. If you wish, you can plant your “lucky talisman” in the soil. With minimal care, the “bamboo of happiness” will delight you for many years.
* Dracaena Sandera loves water. It needs plenty of watering in summer and moderate in winter. Do not allow the soil to dry out.
* If your stem grows in water, you need to update the water once every 2 weeks, adding mineral fertilizers to it for growth (in natural conditions All useful material come to the plant from the soil). Water must be filtered, or preferably distilled, at room temperature. Otherwise, the leaves may turn yellow.
* When choosing a place for your indoor “bamboo”, avoid a sun-drenched window sill. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves. For Dracaena Sander, diffused light is preferable.
* “Bamboo of Happiness” tolerates dry air well and does not require constant spraying. Wipe the leaves from dust from time to time.
* Comfortable temperature for plant growth is 18–35°C.
* The spiraling shoot of Dracaena Sander is a wonderful addition to a bouquet addressed to a man. After all, bamboo in many cultures personifies male will and inflexibility.
* The bare stems of the “bamboo of happiness” look great in a transparent vessel filled with colored hydrogel.
* As a primer for the “bamboo of happiness,” you can use any flower mixture or a special one for dracaenas. The plant needs good drainage (small stones or expanded clay should be placed at the bottom of the pot). “Happy Bamboo” grows well in a mixture of equal parts of flower soil and sand.
* Feeding: fertilizers for dracaenas.
* It is enough to replant once a year in the spring.
* Dracaena is propagated by apical cuttings rooted in water or moist soil, as well as by stem segments with “dormant” buds.
Over time, a real tree about 70 centimeters high with an erect stem and long leaves will grow from the planted shoot. Don’t expect the stem to continue to curl and the leaves to fall off on their own (beautiful curves are given to the plant artificially). Despite the fact that the “bamboo of happiness” will begin to resemble its prototype less and less, it will not lose any of its decorative value, thanks to its thick green foliage. If you want to enjoy the bare stem, you will have to break off the growing shoots.
Caring for the Lucky Bamboo is quite easy; all you have to do is keep it in clean water. Moreover, fresh water must be added every week at a distance of about an inch from the base of the roots. Lucky bamboo is very resilient and prefers a room with plenty of light or no light but no direct sunlight on it. Although there are many versions of how to care for bamboo, keep in mind that Lucky Bamboo is a living organism that periodically needs the addition of fertilizer or food suitable for Dracaena.

Bamboo It looks simple, but at the same time it is one of the common indoor plants. A healthy plant symbolizes good luck and happiness, which is why it is so popular to grow at home. However, bamboo also has its drawback - its trunk and leaves can turn yellow, for various reasons.

Causes of yellowing leaves

Yellow leaves and stem are a sign of a diseased plant. This is the most the main problem in bamboo cultivation. main reason plant diseases are caused by improper care of it. Several main factors can be identified.

  1. Malnutrition. Bamboo requires intensive feeding. Approximately every two to three weeks you need to use fertilizers to nourish the plant with valuable minerals. The main elements that bamboo needs for normal development, are nitrogen and phosphorus. Finding fertilizer specifically for bamboo is quite difficult, but the composition used to feed dracaenas is suitable for it. If the soil contains enough organic and minerals, the plant will develop normally.
  2. Water for irrigation. Use only soft water to water bamboo. It is forbidden to take water from the tap and immediately water the plant. It needs to at least stand for the sediment to fall to the bottom. The best option is to use rainwater. You can also take distillate or boiled water. Don't take it too hot or too cold water, it should be at normal room temperature.
  3. Lack of drainage. If there are no drainage holes in the pot, then excess moisture is not removed from the soil. In this case, the roots will rot, which will lead to yellowing of the leaves.
  4. No additional hydration in hot weather. IN hot weather bamboo needs additional moisture. To do this, use sprayers and additional containers with water.
Also, leaves can turn yellow from diseases and from unsuitable growing conditions for the plant.
  • leaves turn yellow when the light is too bright, direct rays of the sun burn the leaves;
  • if the yellow leaves are flaccid, there are elements of rot on them, then this means rotting of the roots, stop watering and replant the flower in new pot with soil replacement.

Thus, by creating the necessary conditions for bamboo, you will get a green, spiked plant without yellow leaves.

What to do if the leaves have already turned yellow?

To a sick person indoor plant requires special care. Yellow leaves do not add beauty to it; neither you nor the plant need them at all. That's why you need to carefully remove them. Use a knife for this so that the cut is as even as possible. If small ones have just begun to appear on the leaves yellow spots, trim them too, without sparing. Subsequently, the yellowness will spread further, which may well lead to the death of the flower.

Disinfection of the cut is required, but first let it dry for three hours. Disinfection is carried out with charcoal powder purchased at a flower shop. Another option is to crush charcoal into fine dust and treat the wounds with this composition. Four hours after processing, very carefully remove the remaining charcoal from the bamboo, being careful not to touch the cuts themselves. Some of the coal will be absorbed, this is quite enough.

Apply wax on top of the coal. It is better to buy wax in a store and soften it in your hands. But you can also take a regular wax candle. Light it and wait until the wax starts to drip. Then collect the resulting mass, knead it with your hands and apply it to the sections. Under no circumstances should you drip hot wax onto the plant, as this will only ruin it. After this treatment, the plant will recover on its own.

Indoor bamboo, Dracaena Sander - growing at home. Why do the tips of bamboo leaves turn yellow? Read in today's article about growing an exotic plant that will be an excellent home decoration in 2018.

Global trends in decorating residential premises are constantly moving in an easterly direction. The currently popular Japanese and Chinese religious and philosophical systems are: Zen Buddhism, Wabi-Sabi- indicate the obsolescence of Western eclectic methods of home improvement. Restrained tones, an abundance of light, simple designs and shapes, an abundance of natural materials and greenery are returning to fashion. Home bamboo or indoor Dracaena Sander– the best travel companion in new system values.

Dracaena Sandera - indoor bamboo:

  • Unpretentious plant;
  • Loves diffused lighting;
  • Grows in water;
  • Develops at +20-35° C, not lower;
  • Comfortable with high humidity air;
  • Does not tolerate drying out;
  • Can do without fertilizing;

Green bamboo- it is beautiful. For the sake of its natural color, the gardener chose bamboo for cultivation and tried with all his might to grow the purchased baby into a giant.

Why do bamboo leaf tips turn yellow?

  • The water has rotted;
  • Not enough water or poor composition;
  • Exposure to direct rays;
  • Decrease in temperature;
  • There is not enough feeding;

How to care for bamboo so that the tips of the leaves do not turn yellow?

Yellow leaf tips are the first reaction of bamboo to discomfort in care. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the water, since Sander bamboo is grown without the use of land. The water could have spoiled, but the grower did not pay attention in time. It is also worth choosing only settled or distilled water, without pouring tap water into the flowerpot - bleach will only spoil the bamboo.

It is not recommended to expose the plant to direct rays- yellow spots may remain, but diffused abundant lighting is welcome. Yellowing of bamboo due to exposure to the sun begins with the appearance of spots and drying of the tips.

The same thing, but without stains, appears on bamboo if underfed. Bamboo has yellow leaf tips - feed with mineral fertilizers. Despite the fact that the system of caring for Sander bamboo or “lucky bamboo” is far from the usual, feeding is needed. Mineral fertilizers in liquid form are added a few drops to the water. Regularity of feeding : once every 4 weeks from mid-spring to early autumn . Of course, don’t forget to change the water.

When the air temperature drops bamboo reacts either by yellowing of the leaves or by rapid wilting. The air temperature at home should not fall below +20° C, otherwise all resuscitation procedures are meaningless. Even at +18° C, bamboo is already beginning to turn yellow. Sandera is easy to care for if you do not deviate from the course taken: plenty of moisture, warmth in the house, diffused lighting, regular fertilizing and water changes.

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