Useful seminar or unauthorized entry allowed. Methodology of the seminar

IN modern world It is important to be able to conduct seminars. This is an interactive form of transfer of knowledge, information obtained through research, etc. Moreover, the audience is given a chance to engage with the topic by asking questions or commenting. In this article we will tell you how to conduct a seminar. There are also services for conducting a seminar - good company, which can organize work at a high level.

IN next list Suggestions and recommendations for preparing your seminar are presented:

  • Choose an interesting topic.

Although choosing your topic may seem like a routine task, it is a very important factor in determining the success of your presentation. Topics that are too broad will have so much information that it will be impossible to cover everything in, for example, a 40-minute conversation. On the other hand, it will be very difficult to gather enough information to fill 40 minutes if your topic is very specific. It is best to do some preliminary research to determine the amount of information available before you begin.

  • Collect information on your chosen topic.

You can start with a Google search, but keep in mind that most of the information you find online will be inappropriate or unnecessary for your workshop. In most cases, you should NOT use information that ONLY appears on a website for your presentation. Online scientific journals are an exception to this rule. You can find websites that show which researchers are working in your area of ​​interest and may even have copies of some of theirs scientific articles. You may also find informal research reports, but these should only be used as starting points for detailed study already in the library. When will you have general review topics, it's time to focus on the primary scientific literature. Primary literature refers to articles that have been carefully reviewed by other scientists before they are published.

Much of your library research can be done using a computer. There are some great databases out there that you can dig through, and in many cases you'll be able to find full text articles on the Internet. If the article you want is not available online, it may be available in print from your library, or you may need to request it from another library. It is very likely that you will have to request several articles from other libraries, so you should start your search early.

It is important to maintain a complete record for each of your sources of information. For each source, you should record the following: author, date of publication, title of publication, publisher, and page numbers. For websites, there is also the web address (URL) and the date you viewed (as the site may change over time). This information should be presented in the form of a bibliography when you present your seminar.

Workshop workshop how to do?

Remember that if your seminar is a workshop, then your event should be aimed at juniors. You can assume that your audience will have basic experience in the field you want to talk about, such as biology (assuming everyone has taken the course), but you cannot assume that everyone knows something about biochemistry, developmental biology, immunology or plankton ecology. Therefore, the introduction of your seminar should include a section in which you present reference material, essential for understanding your conversations. This information is usually found in secondary sources such as textbooks, review articles, and general periodicals. The majority of the remainder of your seminar should focus on Primary Literature such as journal articles, conference proceedings, etc. Your information should be as current as possible, preferably within the last 5 years.

How many links do you need? This will vary from topic to topic, but you should choose a topic in which you can find at least 10 articles in the primary literature.

How to organize a seminar?

The information collected should be inserted into the following sections:


  1. A brief description of your topic indicating why it is an important and interesting topic
  2. The history of your topic leading to the information that will be presented in your conversation.

Main part:

  • Use the information you've gathered to talk about the major questions and concerns that surrounded your topic. Then, talk about the research that was conducted to find answers to these questions.
  • For most topics, there is still debate among scientists about how and why certain things happen. You must present the opinions of all parties and then provide your own interpretation and assessment of the given situation or problem.
  1. Summarize
  2. Discuss additional questions that need to be answered to make your topic clearer

Now you know how to organize a seminar.

It must be scientific in nature and based on primary references (original research published in peer-reviewed journals). Don't just report the results of people's research, but state how the science was done. Data, experimental methods, and statistics should be an important part of your seminar. How to conduct a seminar correctly? To do this, your seminar should try to answer the following questions:

  • What is the mechanism?
  • How do we know?
  • What is the evidence?
  • Audiovisual media.

Use illustrations, charts, and tables to illustrate your conversations and clarify key points. To do this, you can use the Power Point program. Don’t forget to indicate the source of your videos and audio so that anyone can find and watch something else from your topic.

  • Length.

Your seminar should last as long as you are allotted. But the materials should be available for a time that is 2 times longer than the established one. This is in case any technical difficulites, and instead of showing audio and video, you will have to tell more about the topic.

How to conduct a seminar in an interesting way

Many people ask how to make a seminar memorable. Except interesting topic, this will require your personal qualities. Such as: a sense of humor (especially at the beginning you can joke somehow), oratory skills (the audience gets tired of monotonous speech), and even clothes. Remember to include your audience by asking them questions. And at the end you can take a group photo with all the seminar participants. This will definitely make your event memorable.


We told you how to organize a seminar or training from scratch.

Now, in order to consolidate the knowledge gained, we invite you to choose a topic that interests you, conduct library research on this topic and present the results of your research to your classmates or fellow students.

Workshops and events have always been conducted to ensure that participants have a fulfilling experience. Thus, organizing an event requires extensive planning and execution of large preparatory work at least several months before the event date. In most cases, seminars seem to run like clockwork, with all events running smoothly according to schedule. However, in reality, most of the substantive work is carried out with the aim of developing the necessary atmosphere in addition to gaining useful experience for the participants.

1. Determining the theme of the event

Each event follows a theme and purpose that will control and guide the event process. potential clients or participants, guests and marketing approach. In general, business events like international conferences specific industry, are addressed to participants whose business activities are related to the industry being discussed, as well as sponsors, who benefit from communicating their products during the event.

In addition, the topic of the seminar will also determine the type of marketing channels through which advertising will be carried out. This also makes sense for the marketing team, who need to know the topic of the seminar in order to correctly identify the target participants and companies that the event will target.

2. Choosing a venue.

Choosing a meeting place in highest degree depends on the scale of the event. It is usually determined by the number of participants, the presence of honored guests (for example, special people or politicians), the activities carried out during the event or the existence of an additional platform necessary to demonstrate any important things.

A typical seminar, designed for an audience of 100 to 200 people, can be held comfortably in a hotel seminar room set up in a theater style or classroom-like setting. However, large-scale events with attendance ranging from 500 to 1,000 people will likely require a large hall, ballroom, auditorium or conference room.

The location and representativeness of the meeting are also very important, especially if the event involves the participation of VIP guests. For this reason, the venue must be reputable and must also be equipped with a wide range of affordable and high quality equipment needed to support the seminar. Before making a decision, it would be wise for you to consider several venues, suitability of their location, level of service, environment and costs.

Of course, seminar marketing is the most important and often the most challenging and problematic task in organizing an event, and is also often seen as the most important factor success of the event. This is because the number of participants speaking during a seminar highly depends on the strength of the marketing campaign and advertising. One way or another, will the seminar achieve its goals, i.e. whether organizers go home with a profit or a loss largely depends on the competitiveness of the event. This means that the right choice of marketing strategy or location of the seminar must be taken into account in order for the event to be carried out adequately for all organizational efforts.

For the most part, event organizers who have large budgets will seek to create strong marketing through advertisements in newspapers and magazines as well as radio and television advertisements to publicize the event. Newspapers may also feature press releases and interviews to create awareness of the upcoming event. Additionally, information can be purchased advertising banners and logos to advertise the event in the busiest areas. Potential clients for your event who purchase your used print advertising, certain magazines or newspapers should constitute the bulk of their readers. Also, all information posted on media pages should be able to attract attention by highlighting the broad benefits of participation.

If your budget is limited, then the following tips can also be very effective. If the topic of the seminar is a specific industry, it would be reasonable and feasible to fax information to companies whose activities are directly related to the industry being discussed. Marketing through television is a very effective advertising channel for reaching the right groups of participants. Moreover, ideal and effective strategy it would be if you sent commercial staff to attend to large groups of participants. Bulk mailing emails are one of the most effective and worthwhile methods aimed at reaching potential clients. This method could actually be very effective if the event organizers already had a database in place. If this is not the case, then a list of potential client names can be rented from companies with the necessary databases to achieve the same results.

4. Cooperation with sponsors.

Finding reputable sponsors for an event will help increase the credibility of the event, as well as reduce the costs of running it. Sponsors can also help with marketing by promoting your event to their customers. In addition, many sponsors may cover all costs of the workshop's venue rental in exchange for exhibit space or advertising for themselves. Sometimes a mandatory requirement of sponsors is voiceover short information about your company, which must be announced to participants during the event. Some people prefer to give participants samples or gifts.

5. Managing people and working with announcers.

A seminar will not be successful without people managing its process, as well as without speakers who share their knowledge with participants. Invite speakers with credibility and event experience who will provide relevant information regarding the work, industry or business of the participants. Prepare speakers in advance and work with them on what needs to be emphasized, as well as inform them about logistics processes, estimated timing and expected audience size. Pay attention to everything special requirements, such as the need for a hanging projector or additional microphones that will be used during the time allotted for answering questions of interest.

Carrying out all events requires a good team that does an excellent job of support, registration, customer service, as well as the presence of good financiers. Familiarize the team with any required event protocol items to eliminate the possibility of confusion or any errors. To ensure smooth execution, each person must be familiar with their individual role, i.e. everyone must know and do what is assigned to him. This can be achieved by preparing a detailed list of event activities along with the distribution of roles and responsibilities among all operating personnel. Ideally, the project manager should supervise the entire team and ensure that everyone performs their responsibilities conscientiously and effectively. In addition, the managing manager must also be given delegated authority to deal with all indirect and direct participants in the event, such as the management of the building in which the seminar is being held or the sponsors of the event.

6. Day of the event – ​​preparation, registration, support, feedback.

The planning and preparation of the seminar, the completion of 80% of all the work - all this is done for the sake of an event that can only last for a few hours or days. The day before the event, visit the venue to ensure everything is in order according to requirements and specifications. Microphones, projectors, audio and video systems - everything must be checked to ensure that it is in perfect working order. In the office, prepare a list and submit a sheet of all the required items regarding the meeting at least a day before the event. Seminar staff should be dispatched to prepare the site, including setting up booths, decorations, and promotional posters the day before the event.

On the day of the event, staff must be present at the meeting location at least one hour before the start of the event. Employees must report the situation at their positions and be ready to meet participants half an hour before the scheduled start time of the event. Check-in must be done at the door to ensure authorized access. Name tags, promotional gifts, event plans or brochures must be distributed before ushers direct participants to their seats in the room.

Staff will also be responsible for providing advice or assistance to participants throughout the event. Finally, participant feedback forms should be distributed, based on which the level of satisfaction regarding the experience gained from all aspects of the workshop covered will then be determined. This is to obtain pointers, ideas and tips for future improvements.

In this article we will tell you about this type of communication with the public as a seminar. This is necessary so that everyone who reads the information understands why seminars are held, how they are conducted and what is needed to conduct them. This type of interaction with the audience is very common in Lately. It is important to remember that in order to successfully conduct a seminar, everything matters: the place, the form of delivery, and the preparedness of the facilitator. Not every person can do this event. Now let's talk about all the information in more detail.

What is a seminar: the meaning of the word

To begin with, let us clarify that the word “seminar” itself comes from the Latin term seminarium, which translates as “greenhouse”, “breeding ground”. Of course, our seminars have nothing to do with gardening. But, drawing conclusions even from the word itself, one can understand that a seminar is a type of communication with people that implies the presence of an audience, that is, spectators, and the one who conducts the seminar.

It is important to know that during the seminar there is a discussion of some topic, an exchange of opinions, but all this happens only on the theoretical field. In order to conduct a seminar competently and effectively, it is necessary to prepare for it quite thoroughly. The topic of the seminar is always known in advance, so not only the presenter, but also the participants can prepare for this event. Scientists have proven that seminar forms of classes were used back in Ancient Rome and Greece. At that time, various issues were discussed in educational institutions, and teachers communicated with students. IN Soviet time conducting seminars was used in higher educational institutions, where some disciplines required more thorough and in-depth study.

Types of seminars

So, we have already understood that the seminar is communication with the audience. What types of seminars are there these days?

  • A business seminar is held in the company, and its goal is to improve the professional level of employees.
  • A scientific seminar is held to exchange experiences and communicate between people working in the same research area.
  • A training seminar is conducted to study a topic in detail.
  • A webinar, or online seminar, is conducted remotely and can have a different focus, both advisory and educational. The peculiarity is that it is not carried out in person, but using programs such as Skype, ooVoo, TrueConf and others.

Business and scientific seminars

Talking about scientific seminars, it should be noted that they are theoretical in nature. During such a seminar, scientists give presentations that they have prepared in advance. And although the essence of the report is based on practical experience, at the seminar, participants only present the result of their observations and work, answer questions from colleagues and listen to criticism or praise.

A business seminar is something else. Unlike scientific ones, such seminars are used not so much for the exchange of experience, but for training the personnel of a company or company in new working methods. Business seminars help to establish the right atmosphere in the company, improve the quality of work of employees, and raise their professional level. Business seminars can be both closed and open.

  1. A closed seminar is held within the company only for employees for a specific purpose.
  2. An open seminar is held for everyone, mainly for representatives of the same profession.

In conditions of aggressive competition, seminars greatly help company managers keep the skills and abilities of employees under control.

Training seminars

A training seminar means that students study a specific topic in depth. To begin with, preparations for the seminar are carried out. Students are told the topic in advance so that they can find as much information on it as possible from different sources. The teacher also conducts preparations, he draws up a plan for the seminar, divides the topic into subtopics, and thinks through methods and forms of communication with the audience. The goal of this is that after the lesson, students will know much more about the subject of discussion than they knew before.

The big advantage of this form of training is that at the seminar people learn tolerance, the ability to accept the opinions of other people, and not just impose their own vision of the problem. Seminars are also great for developing culture. proper communication and human search ability.

Seminar or training?

Some people confuse the concept of seminar and training. It is worth knowing that this is far from the same thing. What is the difference between a seminar and a training, and which one is better?

  • The seminar is a theoretical lesson. It may include many reports, examples, discussions, but all this is just theory. This is the main disadvantage of such events. After the seminar, the participants know a lot, but cannot apply it in practice, since usually theory alone is not enough. It also takes practice.
  • Training is practice. The word is derived from the English Training, which means “training”. the main task training - to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Working methods can be different: in groups, in pairs, independently, etc. Leading in this case is not the main thing actor, he only coordinates the actions of the participants.

Drawing a conclusion, we can confidently say that seminars are a fairly useful form of working with any team. The main thing is to choose the right form for conducting such a lesson and do not forget to supplement the theory with practical exercises.

Requirements for conducting the seminar


Dates of the seminar (tour mode).

Nearby cities are united by the time of the seminars in such a way that the seminars follow one after another with a weekly interval. To realize this point, it is necessary to maintain close contact with the organizers from the neighboring city. The coordinates of the organizers can be obtained from the authors of the seminar. Cities are united along the route - 4 seminars in one trip. The date of the seminar is set after confirmation of participation of 90% of required quantity participants and is coordinated with the authors of the seminar and the organizers of seminars in neighboring cities.

Dates for the two-day seminar.

The date of the seminar is set after confirmation of the participation of 90% of the required number of participants and is agreed upon with the authors of the seminar and the organizers of seminars in neighboring cities.

Two-day seminar option.

Moving to the destination city- Tuesday Wednesday.

Related lectures, meetings, interviews- Thursday Friday.

In-depth seminar– Saturday – Sunday (from 11-00 to 19-00).

Video filming and audio recording is prohibited.

Approximate estimate for 2 days of the seminar.

  • Moving. Approximately 500 USD

Moving is paid for two people from the city where the previous seminar took place or (if it was not held at previous week) from Odessa. Return travel is paid for two people to Odessa. If after the seminar the next seminar takes place in another city, relocation will be at the expense of the host city.

  • Organizing the relocation of the seminar authors.

If the seminars are conducted as a tour (at least 3 cities), then travel from place to place is carried out by plane or train (SV compartment for two). Meeting and escort to your place of residence and the location of the seminar is required.

  • Accommodation. Approximately 450 USD

One-room or two-room apartment, without shared space. Daily rent. Accommodation option Necessarily agreed in advance with the authors of the seminar electronically. The location of the place of residence is not far from the seminar venue. The duration of stay in the tour mode is a week.

  • Lecture hall rental. Approximately 400 USD
  • The fee for the authors of the seminar is 1000 USD.

Total: approximately 2350 USD - one city.

Minimum The cost of participation in a two-day seminar per person in a city with a population of less than 2 million is 100 USD. In the rest – 150 USD

Additional lectures during your stay in the city are negotiated separately. The organizers have the right to set the price additional events and transfer 50% of the funds received to the authors of the seminar. The minimum cost for any event with the participation of the seminar authors is 30 USD. Some promotional meetings can be held without paying for participation, but the format of such events must be discussed in advance with the authors of the seminar. Organization of additional lectures (2-3 hours), interviews, meetings at the discretion of the seminar organizers, but in agreement with the authors. The organizers have the right to set any maximum cost of attending the seminar for participants. If the organizers’ income from the seminar exceeds the author’s fee, this excess income is distributed as follows:

Number of participants:

A two-day seminar requires a minimum of 24 people.

At lectures - unlimited.

Additional income for the organizers (not the authors):

· Income from additional lectures, interviews.

· Dividends from using the seminar to promote services, etc.

Additional costs due to the organizers and proceeds from the seminar participants:

· Printing (posters, posters, banners, booklets)

PR and promotion.

  • It is possible to transfer all rights to conduct a tour-seminar to organizations involved in organizing such events on a professional basis. To do this, please contact the authors of the seminar. It is advisable to use tour seminars.
  • A television. Advertising of the seminar on TV channels is welcome, but with the consent of the authors of the seminar.
  • It is possible to conduct interviews on TV channels during the seminar in the city.
  • Posting advertising posters. (only based on the layouts of the seminar authors)
  • Advertising the seminar on boards. (only based on the layouts of the seminar authors)
  • Internet including (VKontakte). The conditions for advertising on the Internet are the use of a single visual style for events.
  • It is possible to create a new website telling about the tour and have an On-line video mode (in case of a seven-day presence).
  • Charity organisations, environmental organizations and parties, yoga clubs, etc. may be included in the authors’ plan to attend the seminar. The plan for visiting the city by the authors of the seminar may include various speeches, visits and popularization healthy image life and Taoism.

Prepayment of participation:

  • 50% of the fee for the authors of the seminar is transferred in advance to the bank account provided by the author.
  • The remainder of the royalty is transferred to the author straightaway upon the author’s arrival in the city where the seminar will be held.
  • Funds to pay for travel tickets are transferred to the author of the seminar a week in advance .

Alfa-Bank card number - 5486 7320 0201 0411

Account details (rubles) Full name: MACHNEVA KRISTINA LEONIDOVNA Account number: 40820810308490000354 (RUR) Recipient bank: JSC Alfa-Bank

Recipient / Beneficiary: Machneva Kristina Leonidovna Recipient's account / Beneficiary's Acc No.:
40820840708490000173 (USD) Correspondent bank:
Bank of New York, New York, One Wall Street, New York, NY 10286

At the end of the seminar, copies of all video recordings made with the permission of the author are transferred to the author of the seminar. In case of violation by the organizers of the agreements with the authors of the seminar, responsibility for its postponement or cancellation rests with the organizers. Prepayment is not refundable.

If you have other options for conducting the seminar and suggestions for organization, please contact the authors of the seminar to discuss.

Technical nuances for conducting the seminar. Memo for the organizer.

· Availability of hangers for outerwear or wardrobe;

· Board with sheets and markers (30 sheets for 2 days);

· Sufficient number of sockets, extension cords;

· Possibility to hang 2 banners with a height of 210 cm and a width of 100 cm;

· The hall should not be a basement, with windows, clean, tidy, spacious, ventilated, bright.

· Availability of chairs for each participant.


· Radio microphone, headset, speakers (if required);

· Projector or plasma (if required);


· Several pens and notebooks for those who forgot;

· Three breaks a day for 10 minutes and one for 30 minutes in the middle of the day;

Responsibilities of the organizer immediately before and during the seminars:

· Meeting the seminar participants and escorting them to the hall if necessary;

· Arrangement of chairs;

· Registration of new participants;

· Setting up sound and additional equipment;

· Ventilate windows during breaks as needed;

· Photo and/or video recording of certain moments of the seminar may be required;

· Hanging banners in the hall;

· Providing accounting after the completion of all events in the city;

In view of the above points, the organizer must have at least one assistant.

Responsibilities of the organizer during Konstantin and Christina’s stay in the city where the seminar is held:

· Assistance in preparing documents required for foreigners to stay in the city;

· At the end of the seminar, provide a financial report;

· Possible assistance in solving everyday issues;

· Transfer to the seminar venue, if the apartment is more than 5 km away or there is no direct metro line nearby;

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2017-12-07

I. Sheleketova

A little experience in conducting seminars: what you need to know, what you need to remember when your company conducts a seminar.

Today, the educational business is experiencing a clear rise, and attracts attention first of all practical knowledge. That's why it's so popular practical trainings, seminars and conferences.

The story below will be of interest primarily to companies that do not practice seminar activities every week and hold training and presentation events infrequently. Accordingly, there is no specialist on staff who is engaged only in this activity, who swims in it like a fish in water, knowing all the pitfalls and dangerous currents.

In such a situation, the work of organizing and conducting the seminar falls on the shoulders of the marketing department employees. It is this scheme that I will talk about. The proposed material was the result own experience. All the cases cited here happened either directly to me or to my colleagues who kindly shared their “adventures” while conducting an event such as a seminar or training.

A few more words for those who plan to read about how to correctly formulate a topic, how to conduct an information campaign, how to attract an audience, but today we are not talking about that. These topics are interesting and, due to their self-sufficiency, require separate consideration. Today I will only talk about a few organizational issues, which is important, very important to pay attention to.

Time spending

The timing is directly related to the topic and the audience. But in any situation, it is worth considering an indispensable condition - the higher the rank of the audience, the shorter the seminar should be. Company directors and top managers are very busy people, it is not easy for them to find time for training, they value their minutes and expect to receive maximum information per unit of time. Therefore, seminars for them should be as intense as possible, well organized, without delays or delays. For this audience, the day of the week, as experience shows, does not matter. It is quite possible to conduct training events on weekends. But for this, the organizers will need twice as many arguments to convince the participants to spend their weekends and, of course, seriously take care of the cultural program after the end of the training course. When holding an event for VIPs, one of the most important tasks is preliminary, advance information and subsequent tactful reminders about the upcoming event. Managers usually plan their work schedule, trips, meetings, meetings well in advance. And the organizing company, interested in such important and busy participants, should take this into account. Invite general director large company in 2 - 5 days - it’s not solid, not beautiful, and most importantly, ineffective, he won’t come anyway. Although, perhaps, he will not refuse immediately, he will leave hope. But on the last day, the secretary will call back and inform in a polite tone that Ivan Ivanovich has left for a meeting with shareholders and therefore will not be able to attend your training.
When planning the timing of a seminar designed for mid- and lower-level employees, it is worth considering several points. If the event takes place during the week, on a working day, then, of course, it should not be Monday. No wonder people say: “Monday is a hard day.” And not because yesterday was Sunday, but because there is a new one ahead. work week, which needs to be planned, organized, scheduled, given instructions... Although this statement definitely does not apply to multi-day seminars, say, week-long ones, where the optimal period is from Monday to Friday.
Most effective days- Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. In the summer season, you should be wary of Friday and take into account that most city residents inexorably strive to leave the city, to their dachas, and into nature. And therefore, few people want to languish in the classroom until the evening. But, on the other hand, if the event does not last long and ends by 16.00, then this will be its big advantage - participants will be able to finish their working day 2 - 3 hours earlier. Agree, few people go to the office in the summer, on Friday afternoon... If you believe, for example, astrologers, then the most favorable time for work, and for study, and for committing various kinds deals day is Wednesday. This particular day is under the patronage of the planet Mercury - the god of trade and entrepreneurship.


One or two, two or three? How many days should the seminar last? This issue is resolved, of course, at the very beginning when developing the program, defining goals, based on the experience of the presenter. Therefore, I will note only one point - you should always strive for the minimum. For example, a seminar lasts 8 hours. It is better to read it in one day, rather than stretch it over two four hours. Undoubtedly, working for 4 hours is easier for both the participants and the presenter. But it is more difficult for students to organize their work schedule by fitting a seminar into it for two days in a row. We constantly survey participants in our company's seminars, and the answer remains the same: the majority prefer a full 8-hour training day to the easier option of two 4-hour days.

Little things you shouldn't forget

If the theater begins with a hanger, then when holding an event it is impossible to forget about such points as a wardrobe, a smoking room, toilets, a first-aid post, a parking lot, access control, a working elevator, the possibility of accessing stairs, air conditioning, lighting. It makes no sense to dwell in detail on all these nuances, because in each situation they are individual and unique. It’s just that everyone who is preparing a seminar must have answers to the questions: where is it located, in what mode does it work, what are the conditions?
I will give several examples where shortcomings in an organization led to negative results. The seminar was held in a hotel complex in the city center. Despite the fact that the hotel complex has its own parking lot and there seems to be no reason to worry, none of the managers of the hotel complex warned that parking must be negotiated and paid for in advance, communicating with a completely different service at the hotel. As a result, one of the event participants had a very unpleasant conversation with the security service, with the managers of the event service, because of parking her car. Unfortunately, all conversations, persuasion and attempts to somehow resolve this issue were in vain. They offered to park the car only on the other side of the avenue, very far from the venue. The guest left very upset, and the company employees then worked for a long time to restore good relations. After all, the guest doesn’t care whose fault something didn’t work out, he came to an event of a specific company “X”, and all the positive and negative aspects will be subconsciously associated in the future with this company, and not with the hotel complex where it all happened .
One more example. An hour before the start of the event, the promised air conditioning turned out to be mere ventilation. It worked so poorly that it was impossible to invite 50 guests into the hall, where it was already stuffy even for one person - people could simply become ill. What to do? Well, there is an hour of time to resolve unsolvable issues: we managed to persuade the administration to open the door to the balcony, which had not been opened for a whole year, and to promise, on their own responsibility, that none of the guests would smoke on the balcony, because there is no place for ashtrays, but to shake off Ashes on the heads of the visitors of the summer cafe sitting below are not a solution to the situation.
You won’t have to deal with access control if the company holds the event in modern hotels and business centers. Especially if these are foreign hotels - with their culture and their openness policy. But not everywhere and not always everything is so easy. In many organizations that now offer premises for holding events, the organizing company may face access restrictions. You shouldn’t think that this is a negative reason for holding an event in this particular place, you just need to warn everyone about this and organize as conveniently as possible for guests to receive a pass and pass through a security or police station. Most often, the provided list of seminar participants is sufficient. But it is imperative to warn the participants so that they say the “cherished words”: “to the seminar of company X.” If documents are required, again notify the guests that they have a passport or driver’s license with them.

Holding a seminar, for example in a building educational institutions, is a 100% access system. And if the list is not carefully prepared, the organizers forgot to make the latest, “hot” changes to it, then the guests will be stuck near the police post for a long time, and only their charm, tenacity, impudence, mobile phone(who does what better...) will allow them to pass. And it will probably be late. But someone may leave, and with resentment.

The passage inside the building - at first glance, what could be difficult here. But it’s worth remembering the hero Semyon Farada from the film “Sorcerers”: “Lyu-di!!! Lu-di!!! Lu-di!!! Who builds like that, well, who builds like that?..” - and it will become clear that in In some administrative buildings it's easy to get lost. Signs with arrows and signs can be a solution to the problem. Moreover, experience suggests that it is not enough to make them, you also need to hang them up, place them exactly in those places where people will pay attention to them, where they are needed, where people simply “stumble upon” them, and there is no longer any need to specify by arrow - this is where, here or further? It is important to see in advance what the signs look like in order to make the signs strictly in size. By printing a horizontal A4 sheet, you can simply go unnoticed behind the big, bold arrow.

Completely separate, large and independent question when organizing a seminar or training - this is food. As a rule, a lot of attention and money is paid to hot lunches and coffee breaks. Both the host party is interested in this, since all this is not free, and the organizing company - participants should feel comfortable and not faint from hunger. But in addition to “serious food”, you should take care of just water, coffee or tea and the lightest food - “just chew”. These could be cookies, fruits, nuts... If the event starts early, then there will never be too much coffee on the tables. In order for it to appear there, it is worth checking whether it can be brought from the restaurant by a certain time, whether it can be covered indoors in advance by preparing thermoses, or whether you can simply boil the kettle yourself. Informal tea drinking greatly contributes to the creation of a pleasant, sincere atmosphere and often becomes the beginning of an open informal dialogue. Undoubtedly, it would be very nice to get to know each other over a cup of coffee, thereby breaking the tension of the first minutes of mutual staring.
In the event that the seminar involves just such an open and democratic form of communication, it is worth thinking through everything more carefully (mugs, spoons, sugar, sweetener, cream, napkins... You may even need to pay attention to the color of the service). If morning coffee is just to cheer you up, then it is important that guests feel comfortable.

Reporting financial documents

Anyone who has ever organized something, gone on a business trip or ordered a service knows what to do - this is half the battle, you need to report everything to the accounting department. In order for the event to not leave a bitter imprint in the memory, even if the guests and management were satisfied, you need to consult with the accounting department of your company about what kind of reporting documents are needed, in what form, and by what deadline. Contracts, invoices, certificates of work performed, letters of guarantee, statements about bringing in and taking out equipment are just what comes to mind right away. In each specific case, some other necessary, necessary paper arises, about which no one for some reason said anything in advance. It happens, and you just need to be prepared for it.

Evaluation criterion

There can be no trifles in organizing a seminar, because its goal is to increase the efficiency of the participants’ business. Accordingly, optimal conditions must be created for work. If a participant (regardless of his status) is hungry, sits on a swinging chair, writes everything down on his knee in a stuffy room, and at the same time no, no, and even remembers that his expensive car is parked somewhere in a gateway on the other side of the street - the effectiveness of perception can be reduced, and therefore the effectiveness of implementation new information in business will not be so significant. The seminar organizer should become a hospitable host who cares about his dear guest. And not only because the guest, as a rule, paid to participate, but even if this event is free, today's guest can become a regular participant, and then a client.
