Celebration of outdoor and sports games in the summer camp They won’t catch up with us.... Fun starts in the camp for junior squads


Sverdlovskaya comprehensive school №9

Holiday scenario


For school camp


teacher of the school camp “Vesnushka”

Kobtseva Natalya Viktorovna


Goals and objectives:

    formation healthy image life;

    increasing social activity and improving the health of students;

    introducing them to physical culture as an integral element of national culture;

    consolidation and improvement of motor skills;

    assistance in the formation of vital physical qualities;

    formation of physical beauty, strength, dexterity.

Progress of the event:

Presenter 1: - Good afternoon, Dear friends, dear guests! We gathered to get to know each other better and become stronger friends, to see what we can do. And it doesn’t matter who becomes the winner in this comic competition, and there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is

Presenter 2

Everybody wants to compete
Joking and laughing
Show strength and agility
And prove your skill.

Presenter 1 :

We are all happy about this meeting
We did not gather for a reward.
We need to meet more often
So that we all live together.

Presenter 2:

- “Fun Starts” is friendship, perseverance, the will to win; it is a beautiful and fair sport. And sport is the world. Long live physical education and sports, long live “Fun Starts”! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Presenter 1 .

Sport is health!

Sport means strong muscles!

In sports at all times

There must be a will of steel.

Sport is courage.

Sport is a skill.

Plus discipline.

Plus Friendship.

Only then will it be...

Students . Victory.

Presenter 2

The athlete overcame himself.

And that means a lot.

And the main thing here is not even records,

And not even a victory,

Health is the main thing - it brings...

Students . Sport.

Presenter 1 - Before any competition it is necessary to warm up, i.e. prepare your body for physical activity, stretch all your muscles, just like serious athletes.

Warm up, warm up,
Look at us!
Rhythmic, beautiful,
Athletic, healthy
We love to exercise both in the garden and at home.
So let's get up
And repeat after me.

Presenter 2

Aunt Motya has four sons,

Aunt Motya has four sons.

They play, they laugh

And they never get bored.

Right hand!

The leader moves vigorously right hand, the guys must repeat after him. Then, continuing to move his right hand, he repeats the quatrain and adds left hand, right leg, left leg, stomach, head, tongue, as a result of which the whole body should move.

Personal introduction.

The first task is a relay race, in which each participant must introduce himself personally as follows: both teams in full force go to the starting line. Ahead, about fifty meters away, stands an impromptu mountain. There is an inscription on it: “There were...” and then the space is divided by a line.
At the signal, the first team members must run to the “mountain”, using chalk or a felt-tip pen, already prepared in advance and located there, and write their name in the space provided, for example: “Kolya”. Next, leaving the chalk (felt-tip pen) there, the competitor must turn around and quickly run to his team. The next player runs to the “mountain”, writes his name and returns in the same way...

The first team to complete the “personal introduction procedure” wins.

Presenter 1:" The fun starts continue... Let's compete to see who can throw something next

Although the projectile can be an ordinary sports one - a ball or a frisbee, you can throw something funny and unsportsmanlike. For example, felt boots or rubber slippers.

We suggest throwing plastic cups. Markings are made: the place where the participant will stand is marked. The flight range markers are inscribed:

very far;

Very close.

Victory will go to the team whose players throw the cup the furthest.

Presenter 2: The accuracy competition is an indispensable test for the relay participants. Children will aim carefully and shoot accurately.

More precisely than everyone else

For this task, you need to prepare bottles of water and, having made small holes in the lids, give the children the opportunity to shoot at targets - hoops. At a signal, one participant from the team runs to the line, takes a bottle of water and makes a water shot. After this, he runs back to his team and passes the baton to the next player.

Presenter 1 : Of course, now there will be running.


And not just running, but running with obstacles, so small obstacles can be placed on the path of the runners - pins along the entire test route, so that children can run around them. Each runner runs to a given place, takes the desired item from a bucket with objects and runs back to the team. The team that is the first to collect a certain number of items wins.

Presenter 2: How to compete in strength? Let's start a tug of war.

Strongest of all

To make it easier for small children to do this, you need to tie several knots at each end of the rope in advance, so the children’s hands will not slip. Each team should have 6–8 participants. The players' task is to pull the opposing team or the center of the rope onto their territory.

Note: You can limit this competition by time or number of attempts.

Presenter 1 :

A game for fans.

Participants are divided into two teams (territorially). Then the names of the hands are learned.

One is called "goal"

the other is “by”

when the arms are crossed, the whole hall shouts “barbell”.

The team that one of the hands is pointing at must shout out the name of the hand loudly. The presenter's job is to confuse the participants. To heighten passions, the presenter keeps score. If one person in the team makes a mistake, then the other team gets one point. You can keep the score strictly, or you can do it the way the leader wants.

Presenter 2:

Broom racing

The entire team runs on a broom in a zigzag pattern past 10 towns placed at a distance of 2–3 meters from one another. The winner is the one who runs through all the towns faster, knocking down the least number of them.

Presenter 1 :


Pins are placed in a row near the gymnastics wall (six or seven pieces at a distance of a meter from one another). Now we need the penalty mark, from which the participants in the game will take the penalty. Each player has one attempt. Task: knock down a pin with a ball. If this is successful, the player is entitled to an additional hit (this hit is not included in the ten attempts). For each pin knocked down - a point. The team whose players score the most points wins.

Presenter 2:

Ring throw.

Each team player from a certain distance must throw a cardboard ring onto a plastic one and a half liter bottle. The winner is the team with large quantity hits.

Presenter 1 :

Captains competition.


At this stage there is 1 participant - the captain. A labyrinth is drawn on the asphalt area.

The team selects 1 “navigator” who will guide the movement of their commander through the labyrinth.

The team captain is blindfolded and asked to go through the maze, using only the tips of the “navigator” - forward, right, left. If the captain steps on or goes beyond the maze line, he loses. The one who completes the maze in less time wins.

Presenter 2:


At the start, in front of each team there are sticks according to the number of players. A hoop is placed in front of each team, at a distance of 5-7 m. The task of the relay participants is to take turns, at the leader’s signal, running out with sticks and placing them in rays around their hoop (“draw a sun”). The team that completes the task faster wins.

Presenter 1 :

Final relay


Players stand one after another at intervals of up to five steps. A driver is selected, who will have to squat down with his head bent. The rest of the participants must jump over it. So, in turn, the players jump over each person standing in front, resting their hands on his back

The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition for fans.

Presenter 2: While the jury is summing up the results, guess the riddles.

I don't look like a horse

And I have a saddle.

There are knitting needles, I must admit,

Not suitable for knitting.

Not an alarm clock, not a tram,

And I’m calling, so you know. (Bike)

I'm not sitting on a horse,

And on the tourist's back. (Backpack)

On an empty stomach

They beat me - unbearably!

The players shoot accurately

I get punches with my feet. (Soccer ball)

I don’t understand, who are you guys?

Birders, fishermen?

What kind of net is there in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game!

You'd better go away

We play... (volleyball).

When spring takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

Well, she does it through me. (Jump rope)

Presenter 1 : And now we will learn our signature applause. Repeat after me. I went light rain- clap your palm with one finger. The rain began to intensify - we clap our palms with two fingers. Became even stronger - clap three fingers on the palm. I went heavy rain- four fingers clap the palm. It began to rain - with all its might.” After losing once, the host can offer to learn the ending of the game. When he waves his hand, the whole audience must say: “Yes,” and the rain stops, silence sets in.

The jury summarizes the results of the relay race. Presentation of commemorative medals and prizes.

Sports festival scenario

at summer camp with day stay children

"Sports Kaleidoscope"

Target: development of dexterity, accuracy, resourcefulness, the ability to correlate one’s actions with the actions of other team members.

Necessary equipment: colored flags, balls of different sizes, a tennis ball, ropes, hoops, story pictures, a target, a rubber ring, a soft toy.

"Sports Kaleidoscope" presents several short sports competitions. They develop dexterity, as well as accuracy, resourcefulness, and the ability to relate their actions to the actions of others.

Sample plan:

To conduct the kaleidoscope, several playgrounds are created. Teachers are preparing necessary equipment. Classes (squads) form teams of 10-12 people, choose a captain, draw up a record sheet (for example, in the form of a multi-colored circle, divided into as many sectors as the number of competitions planned by the organizers). The reverse side indicates the team number, class (squad), and the names of team members.

After this, the teams participate in relay races, perform various tasks, including creative ones, answer quiz questions, etc.

The “Sports Kaleidoscope” tasks can be completed in any order. It is important that the team manages to take part in all competitions within the allotted time (1-1.5 hours). The judges' results are entered into registration card, which is handed over to the jury, who draw the final results.

Tasks for teams:

"Arms - legs - head"

The relay race is carried out in four stages: “Wheelbarrow” (one walks on his hands - the other holds his legs), “Ostrich” (running together - the head of one is under the armpit of the other), “Turtle” (running on all fours with his back to the ground), “Three-legged” (the right leg of one runner is tied to the left leg of the other).

"Electric train" »

At the finishing flags for each team there are 10 towns-“cars”. The first participant, having taken the town, places it near the line of additional flags “on the butt”. The remaining participants place their “cars” close together, as if forming an “electric train”. The team that completes the task first receives 10 points, the second - 9, the third - 8, etc. A committed and uncorrected mistake is punishable by a fine - minus 0.5 points.

"Letka-enka »

Teams line up at their starting flags in a column one at a time and place their hands on the belt of the person in front. In this position, they dance to the music, moving towards the finish line. If a team gets to it “broken”, it is awarded penalty points (depending on the number of breaks).

"The ball is in the center »

Each team forms a circle. At the referee's signal, the captains standing in the center take turns throwing the ball to each player of their teams and immediately receiving it back. The final challenge to the captain is the final. Penalty points are awarded for a player skipping or for the ball falling on the floor.

"Accurate shot"

Three targets of different sizes and shapes, such as a small toy, a rubber ring and a volleyball, are suspended at a height of 1.5 m from the ground. Each team member makes three shots at any target with a tennis ball. Hitting a large target - 3 points, a medium one - 4, a small one - 5. For students in grades 1-3, the distance to the target should be 2 m, for grades 4-5 - 3 m, for grades 6-8 - 4 m.

"Perpetual motion machine" »

1 person is invited from each team. With hoops in their hands, they form a circle with a diameter of 8-10 m. At a signal, everyone begins to twirl their hoop with one hand. The participant whose hoop spun the longest brings his team 5 points, the rest - 4, 3, 2, 1 point, respectively.

"Sports Guessing Game"

without looking, they draw cards with images of various sports, name the sport in which it is used;

identify the sports depicted by pictograms;

in 1-1.5 minutes find ten differences between two pictures based on a sports story;

Using pictures depicting elements of refereeing in various game situations, determine the type of sport and the meaning of the referee’s gesture.

I also recommend making a crossword puzzle “Outstanding Athletes”, holding a quiz “Salute, Olympics!”, opening a portrait gallery “The Pride of Russian Sports” (children must sign the names of the athletes depicted, indicate the type of sport they are involved in).

Intricate inventors. Make a detailed caption for a photograph, drawing, poster on a sports theme; compose a sports ditty; in 3 minutes, imagine a sculptural image of an athlete (skater, weightlifter, basketball player, etc.).

For a task completed within the designated time, the team is awarded 5 points. Those who do not meet the allotted minutes are fined, and incentive points are added for early response and originality.


Winner's reward ceremony

You can hold a paramilitary competition for all units. To do this, you need to gather detachments (“cities”) in the main square and hand them route sheets indicating the location of “military objects” and obstacles, as well as the order of their passage. The squads move in a circle, replacing each other at stations.

1. “Mined Bridge.” The leader stands near a log or gymnastic bench. 5-6 of his assistants stand to the left and right of the log (bench, bench) - this is the “bridge”. The squad must cross the bridge one by one under enemy fire. (The leader’s assistants “shoot” pine cones at those running along the log.) When calculating points, the time spent crossing, as well as the number of “soldiers” knocked out by pine cones, are taken into account.

2. "Minefield". If the camp has a sandy beach, then you can bury 10-15 plastic covers on it - these are “mines”. They need to be found as soon as possible.

3. "Grenade Launcher". All the guys, from the same distance, take turns throwing grenades into the “trench” - a depression in the ground in the shape of a square with a side of 1.5 meters.

4. "Rope Bridge". At a height of 160-180 centimeters from the ground, a rope bridge (a rope ladder hung horizontally) is stretched. You need to move along it from tree to tree:

* Holding with hands only;

*Holding with your hands and hooking your feet.

Note. To catch the bridge, children may need the help of adults, or they can place a stool at the beginning of the rope.

5. "Medsanbat". The guys are divided into threes: two of them are orderlies, one is a wounded man. It is necessary to move the wounded from the front line (start) to the rear (to the finish). When one troika overcomes this distance, the next one begins to move. The girls are carried by sitting them on the crossed arms of the “orderlies,” and the boys are carried like this: the first orderly supports the wounded man with his hands under his knees, and the second holds the wounded man with his hands under his armpits and clasping his chest.

6. "Under Barbed Wire". The guys take turns crawling on their bellies along a corridor made of 5-6 poles attached to stakes. The length of the corridor is six to seven meters, the height is fifty centimeters.

7. “To the embrasure”. The guys take turns running along a forest path for 30 meters and jumping into a “window” made of two poles between the trees.

8. "Swamp". Run along the stumps, near which there are cones, pick up one of them and throw it into the tree, standing on the last stump. (The task is performed one by one.)

9. "By" thin ice». Walk along the rope lying on the ground, looking at it in the direction of the binoculars that removes objects.

Note. To play the game you will need two binoculars. While one “soldier” walks on thin ice with binoculars, the next player receives a second binocular from the leader’s assistants. (If there are no binoculars in the camp, then let the guys, walking along the rope, jump over a ditch one and a half meters wide.)

10. "Observation point". The guys come to the station. The presenter invites them to look carefully at the landscape and remember its details. Then they stand with their backs to what they were looking at and answer the presenter's questions, thus testing their attention and visual memory.

11. "Over the Abyss." One by one, you need to jump over a 2-3 meter wide “ditch” marked on the ground, swinging on a rope tied to a thick tree branch.

12. "Sappers". You need to find green-painted matches or toothpicks (20-30 pieces) in the grass, spending as little time as possible.

13. "On Target". Each “soldier” makes 2-3 “shots” with cones at the target - this could be the figure of a soldier in a German helmet, with a hole in the chest with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters. “Shots” are fired from the same distance.

Attention! When summing up the results of the game, it is necessary to take into account the number of children in the squads.

You can hold games in the forest outside the camp between two squads.

14. "Two Cities". Both groups come to a forest road or clearing, which divides the forest into two approximately equal sections. They set up headquarters right on this road (they attach signs to the trees). The organizer of the game gives each squad a set of the same number of letters, for example, 9 pieces. These letters make up the name of some really existing city (Chelyabinsk, Khabarovsk, Volgograd, Yaroslavl, and so on). One squad has red letters, the other yellow. At the first signal from the organizer, the squads disperse in different directions and distribute the letters throughout the forest, hanging them on twigs and branches. At the second signal (this could be a flare gun, a whistle, or a firecracker explosion), the troops again enter the clearing. When all the children have left the forest, the organizer gives a command, and the groups go to the side of the forest where their opponents hid the letters. They try to find them as quickly as possible, bring them to their headquarters and make up the name of the city from the letters. The team that completes the task faster wins.

15. “Release of prisoners.” The game is played according to the same scheme as the previous one, with the only difference that at the beginning of it, each squad takes 5-6 guys from the opposing squad to its territory - these are “prisoners”. He distributes them in his section of the forest and leaves with each of them a “guard” who makes sure that the prisoners do not scream or move. When those who hid the prisoners return to the clearing, the command is given to look for their guys on enemy territory. The squad that frees its soldiers the fastest wins.

Attention! The guards do not prevent opponents from taking prisoners away.

16. “On the trail of the commander”. The players choose commanders who, following the exact instructions on the route sheet-map, each go their own way, leaving marks on it. But, even before setting out on the route, the commanders, secretly from each other, explain to the units what marks they should look for. Players remember (or write down) the features of the marks in a notebook in the order in which the commanders will leave them until the final destination. It is to this point that the members of the detachment should later arrive, using marker signs. The marks can be very different: a broken dry twig, a pile pine cones, a piece of colored paper, a small depression in the ground, any sign made of twigs, and the like.

As soon as the commanders move away from the starting line and hide in the forest, one scout player from each enemy team is sent on their trail. They are given similar route sheets and maps as the commanders, but they do not know the signs that the commanders used to mark their path.

The scouts' task is to find these signs and destroy them. You don’t have to look at it for long, because ten minutes after the scouts enter the route, detachments enter the route. If one or another scout successfully completes the task, he will put the enemy team in a difficult position. After all, she will not be able to find the marks so quickly and reach the goal within the set time.

Naturally, the team that manages to find the marks missed by the scout and reach the goal wins.

17. “The detachment leaves the encirclement.” This game can be played with the entire camp. Even and odd units form two Armies. One of the Armies, having left the camp territory, determines the location of its headquarters, leaves 5-8 guys there and goes into the forest at a distance of up to 1 kilometer.

(The part of the forest where the game is played must be limited to clearings, dirt roads, a river or high voltage line. The guys need to be warned that they are not allowed to go outside the playing area!)

Arriving at the place, the guys learn that they are surrounded, and their task is to reach their headquarters alive. Each soldier receives a paper rectangle with a letter or number written on it. It must be quickly sewn at the top edge to the sleeve of the T-shirt. The guys are given a task: not to lose this rectangle, not to give it to the “enemies” who are trying to disrupt it on the way to the headquarters. If the leaf is torn off, the soldier is considered killed.

Attention! In no case should the organizers of the game focus the children’s attention on the letters and numbers written on the rectangles, and certainly not talk about their purpose.

About thirty minutes after the first Army leaves, the second one leaves the camp. The guys are informed that a group of the enemy has landed on their territory and is trying to smuggle an important secret report to their Headquarters. The task of the Second Army is to create its headquarters not far from the camp, leave 5-8 cryptographers in it and, dispersed throughout the forest, try to tear pieces of paper from the sleeves of the enemies. As soon as the piece of paper is torn off, it must be urgently delivered to headquarters.

At the signal, the first Army begins to make its way to its headquarters, the second catches the guys and tears off the papers from them. Thus, each Army will deliver some portion of the papers to its headquarters. No one should know the code for the report except the organizer of the game.

As the pieces of paper arrive at each headquarters, both cryptographers try to read the message. Some should guess that numbers of the same color mean the number of letters of the same color in the word. For example: the following motto was encrypted: “The city takes courage.” The letters of the first word were written in red, the second in blue, and the third in brown. A total of 19 cards with letters were issued to 19 children of the First Army. Everyone else got numbers: either 7 (red), or 6 (blue), or 5 ( Brown). There can be as many cards with numbers as you like, but there should be approximately an equal number of fives, sixes, and sevens.

The Army that quickly deciphers the motto and communicates it to the organizer wins.

You can encrypt not a motto, but designate the place in the camp where the Flag is hidden. For example: “Bridge over the river.” Then the Army that finds the Banner or Flag faster will win.

Once in the Khvoyny camp, both Armies almost simultaneously guessed where the Flag was. The fate of the victory was decided by the speed of the soldiers running to the bridge.


For encryption, it is better to take phrases of 3-4 words. The number of letters in these words should be different;

The remaining guys of the first Army learn about the true mission from the organizer at a time when their Army has already gone quite far, and the second Army has not yet left the camp;

It is desirable that each Army have some kind of identification mark: caps of a certain color, or colored paper headbands on their heads, or arm bands.

If there are many squads in the camp, it is advisable to play the game with the older guys, and with the younger ones you can play “Zarnichka”.

Sports and recreational event at summer camp

“The jump rope, the hoop and I are a friendly family.”

Goals and objectives:- Organize healthy rest for children;

Develop strength, agility, endurance;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance and camaraderie;

Instill a love for activities physical culture and sports.

Venue: stadium.

Time: 11.30

Equipment - jump ropes, hoops, skittles.

Progress of the holiday.

Leading. Hello guys!

Jump rope: “I am the most important for the guys.”

Hoop: “No! I am more important."

Jump rope: “You’re wrong. After all, children play with me more often than with you."

Hoop: “Oh, oh, oh!” They often play with me too."

Jump rope: “But they play games with me that you can’t play with you.”

Hoop: “But games with me are more difficult and interesting.”

Storyteller - “So they argued and argued.”

Host - Guys, let's help the skipping rope and hoop resolve their dispute and become just as cheerful and friendly again. And we will do this with the help of our relay races.

Jump and sit down.

Teams become pairs. At the signal, the first couple takes the rope by the ends and begins to carry it along the column at knee level. Participants jump over. Having reached the end of the column, they return back, carrying the rope at shoulder level, the players must sit down. Then the baton is passed to another pair. And so on until all pairs complete the task. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Get through the hoop .

The teams stand in a column. Five hoops lie in front of them at a distance.

At the signal, the first player runs, takes the hoop, puts it on over himself, puts the hoop in place and runs to the next one. And so goes through all the hoops. Then he runs around the chip and comes back, passing the baton to the next one. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Teams stand in a column in pairs. The first couple has a jump rope in their hands. At the signal, the first pair begins to move, jumping over the rope. Having jumped to the chip, they take the rope in their hands and run back, passing the rope to the next pair. The team that finishes the relay first wins.


Each team has high jump racks in front of them. Hoops are attached to the rack bar. At the signal, the participants, holding the belts of the players in front, begin to move. And, without letting go of each other, crawling like a snake through the hoop. They run to the chip, run around it and come back in the same way. The team that finishes first wins.


Teams stand in a column one at a time. The first ones have a hoop on their belt. At the signal, the first ones run, run around the chip, come back and put the second one in the hoop. The couple runs to the chip. The first numbers remain, the second ones return for the third numbers. And so it goes. Until the whole team is on the other side.

Change the projectile.

Teams stand in a column one at a time. The first numbers have a jump rope in their hands. At the signal, the first numbers, jumping over the rope, move to the chip, put the rope there, take the hoop and roll it to their team. Pass the hoop to the second player. He rolls it to the chip, exchanges it for a jump rope and, jumping over it, returns back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Run - don't drop it.

Teams are built in pairs. Each couple has their own hoop. At the signal, the first number begins to roll the hoop, the second player tries to run into the rolling hoop. This way they reach the chip. And they switch roles. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Big relay race.

Teams stand in pairs.

The first couple has a jump rope in their hands. At a signal, they begin to rotate the rope and, jumping over it, move to the chip and, holding hands, run back.

Second pair. The first one rolls the hoop, the second one runs through the hoop. The chips change roles.

Third pair. The players have their near legs tied with a rope. At the signal, holding hands, they run on three legs to the chip, run around it and return back.

Fourth pair. The first player puts the rope around his neck, passing it under his arms, the second takes the ends of the rope in his hands. At the signal, they run to the chip, change roles there and return back.

Fifth pair. Holds a hoop in his hands. At the signal, they start running, run around the chip, return to the team, put all the players in the hoop and move towards the chip.

Jump rope: “Yes, hoop, the guys need both of us. And they have now proven it.”

Hoop: “You’re right as always, sis.” We shouldn't have fought. Let’s go and thank the guys and present them with awards.”

Team building

Scripts for summer camp- Sports festival "Berendey's Day" at the school health camp

Goals: to educate careful attitude to nature; learn to work in a group; develop physical qualities: agility, speed, strength.

Equipment: gymnastic mats, ball, gymnastics pommel horse, skittles, hoops, cut-out plans of the area, matches, 2 candles, 2 tables, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, soundtrack, various plants.

Venue: sports hall.

Progress of the event

In the hall there is an exhibition of works of figurines of forest men (large ones), presented by each detachment. Children's drawings and bouquets of flowers are presented.

Host: Today we will go to visit Berendey. Guys, who is Berendey? (Forest King). Berendey protects the forest and takes care of its wards: animals and plants. But before we go into the forest, let's close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest.

The phonogram sounds -"Sounds of the Forest".


Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

What are you making noise about in the leaves?

On a dark, stormy night!

What are you whispering at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide:

You see - we are our own!

Host: Berendey’s assistants have prepared various tasks for you. Each squad will try to win the favor of the forest king and receive a forest prize from his hands.

The hedgehog has prepared your first task. Guess forest riddles:

Gives time to the young man,

Every year around the ring. (Tree)

Children in skullcaps

The branches stuck around. (Acorns)

It sleeps in winter and makes noise in summer. (River)

The belt surrounded both the lawn and the forest. (Path)

Hey bells Blue colour

With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bell)

In the forest near the stump there is running and bustling:

The working people are busy all day. (Ants)

Not a lamb or a cat,

Wears a fur coat all year round.

Gray fur coat - for summer,

For winter - a different color. (Hare)

He stands under the birch tree,

Covered with a black hat. (Mushroom)

The spider has prepared the second task for you.

« Fun starts »: 2 teams are invited to the start.

1. Moving like a spider ( movement on 4 limbs).

2. Moving like a “lizard” ( on his hands, and his legs drag along the floor).

3. Team task"centipede" ( all participants, one after another, in a squat, take hold of the belt of the person in front and move without uncoupling"snake" around the pins).

4. " Grasshopper jumping» ( jumping from a hoop to hoop).

5. "Friendly Ants" ( the captain transports all team members one by one over the line).

The third task has been prepared for you by the mole.

In the hands of the presenter is a bouquet of different plants. One participant from each team is invited to identify the plant from this bouquet by touch and smell. Participants are blindfolded.

The fourth task has been prepared for you by the squirrel.

Other animals will never understand

She’s not white—they call her a squirrel?!

A squirrel is building a house in a tree,

Cones are prepared in it for the winter.

The squirrel has a tail and tufted ears.

She dries mushrooms for herself for the winter.

The squirrels are all too empty-headed.

Pine nuts love to eat.

A squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

We see a squirrel on a delicious candy.

All the squirrels are jumping on the branches

And I don’t mind spinning in the wheel.

The squirrel has a very fluffy tail...

All the guests ask him to give him powder.

Playful squirrels love out of boredom

Play catch-up in the forest at your leisure.

Two teams of 5 people compete in a game on a field of gymnastic mats« rugby kneeling».

Rules of the game: the task of each team, without standing up, with the help of passes to each other, is to place (but not throw) the ball on the floor behind the opponent’s end line (beyond the mat line). If the ball goes beyond the end line during the game, the neighboring team resets. Fight forOnly 2 players can ball.

The fifth task has been prepared for you by the fox.

From each team, 4 participants are invited who will be able to draw silhouettes of birch, maple, rowan, and aspen leaves in 1 minute.

The sixth tourist task has been prepared for you by the old man - the forester.

Host: You and I have been walking through the forest for a long time, it’s time to take a break. Before us is a wonderful forest clearing, but the path to it is blocked by a tree that fell during a thunderstorm.

Task No. 1

Sitting on a tree (gymnastic horse), without touching the floor, crawl under it and return back.

Host: We are tired, we want to make tea, find water.

Task No. 2

Fold the cut map and find the location of the spring on the map.

Host: We need to build a well for the spring.

Task No. 3

Who can build an improvised well using matches the fastest?

Host: We cooked food on the fire and, leaving the forest, we must put out the fire.

Task No. 4

The teams stand in a circle, in the center of which there is a lit candle on the table. It is necessary to blow out the candle as quickly as possible.

Host: When leaving the forest, let's leave the flowers in the clearing. Who liked it in the forest - a blossoming flower; who is thinking about something - a slightly open flower; whoever was bored today - little bud.

Berendey watched our walk and wants to give his forest souvenir to the most active group.

In conclusion, I would like to convey a request from Berendey’s assistants:« Come to the forest as if it were your home. Don't litter, don't shout, don't offend us!»

The stream flows loudly,

Thunder falls from the sky.

This is its eternal melody

The world is filled with nature!

Birds meet the sunrise

The swallow is glad to see the sun!

Sensitive music lives everywhere,

You just need to listen!
