Celebration of the Last Call "The Best Film". Scenario

Traditionally, the last bell at school is organized by the eleventh graders themselves - they are the ones who choose the form of the holiday, the storyline of the conference, prepare the main concert numbers and congratulations to the teachers.

The success of this holiday largely depends on how accurately the chosen plot fits into the specific school situation of specific graduates. Other people's brilliant jokes and script will remain so strangers, if they do not resonate with the traditions and relationships that have developed at school.

And one more secret: the chosen script should be liked, first of all, by the graduates, and then the Last Bell will sound like magic music for everyone!

The best option is to take as a basis an idea you like or a ready-made script and fill it with your own content, changing, omitting or adding something. We offer several to choose from script ideas Last call.

1. Original ideas for the Last Call script.

Life in our country is constantly changing, and we are changing along with it. Many modern graduates, experienced in television and media shows, also want, as a plot for their last bell celebration, something unusual or stylized to resemble a certain program or movie.

It is no coincidence that a very popular form of congratulating teachers has become the awarding of various nominations, prizes, etc. Thus, by analogy with the annual Golden Gramophone award, a plot of congratulations to teachers has been written . Also very dynamic, modern and unobtrusive, all the traditional moments for the last call are included in such a plot as “A movie is being made” - you can see it in the document:

Of course, a classic presentation with beautiful touching poems and dedication songs to each teacher is a wonderful and proven way to conduct such events, but if the class is active, artistic and creative, they will be cramped within these frameworks. As an alternative, you can take KVN as a basis - a conference and concert numbers as a gift, as in “Travel to hot-air balloon", adjusting it to suit you.

In the script "Journey to the Island" the theme of adventure is explored more traditionally. And graduates who are “obsessed” with IT technologies will most likely like the idea of ​​holding the Last Bell in a computer style; as an example, we recommend looking at the “School Supersite” scenario.

(to download - click file)

It is better to decide which plot to choose by majority vote, because it may turn out that the winning idea is related, for example, to any of the popular television shows: “Minute of Fame,” “House-2,” “Star Factory” or a parody show. If graduates are interested in this, why not, because any plot can include traditional greetings from children, words of gratitude to teachers and parents, and touching words of farewell.

2. The idea for the script "The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and

Dr. Watson."

A very winning idea is to hold the last call in the style of any popular film, for example, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson.”

Let the main intrigue be that famous detectives are investigating what event they happened to be at. Such naive ignorance can be explained by the fact that our heroes are English and are not well acquainted with Russian school traditions.

The detectives appear only after the high school students, to the sounds of fanfare, enter the hall and line up. Visiting guests seem to break into the planned order of the holiday. It will look plausible if the school administration itself - the director, the head teachers - play along with Holmes and Watson, declaring that they will deal with them later, and for now let the detectives stand on the sidelines.

It is best if the detectives stand at the opposite end of the hall from the director and head teacher: this way the event will have two “poles”. The administration will set the official tone, guests from England will give their comments.

We recommend making the director’s person the first “evidence”: Holmes says that he has information on this person. He reads them out: “By profession, a teacher..., she/he is the mother/father of school experiments. The character is balanced and persistent. Vigilant, merciless to violators of cleanliness and order, has keen hearing and a commanding voice. Sees everything, hears everything, knows everything.” This gives rise to the assumption that this is the boss of this institution.

As if confirming his conclusion, the director reads out the order to allow the children to take the exams.

This is followed by a presentation by the first graders, which emphasizes the idea of ​​growing up quickly. Detectives conclude that the gathered youth once dreamed of the same thing. The parents' lyrical speech about the transience of time gives a hint that the young people have reached a certain milestone in their lives.

The performance of eleventh graders with a comic oath of loyalty to the covenants of their “senior comrades” is a reason to assume that those gathered in the hall are leaving their native land. In general, any concert number or performance should make Holmes and Watson think that they are graduates. And the traditional procession of first-graders with a bell makes them think that for these teenagers the school bell rings in last time.

Well-recognized phrases from the film, successfully chosen to match the plot of the conference, will create an atmosphere of humor and light sadness, which will be a very good shade against the backdrop of the solemnity of the moment.

Scenario for the Last Call holiday in the style of your favorite cartoon "In the Footsteps of Bremen Town Musicians"You can look .

When organizing this holiday, do not forget that in addition to the solemn and official component, the last bell at school is also a symbol of farewell to childhood, and therefore it is quite possible to “invite” your favorite fairy tale or book heroes from childhood to the role of hosts. We offer several ideas on how this can be brought to life:

3. The idea for the script "The Little Prince".

To have a holiday With storyline associated with the work of Exupery, you need to think carefully musical accompaniment. It will be great if at the beginning of the holiday the graduates are greeted not only by their parents and teachers, but also by characters from Exupery’s fairy tale: the Rose, the Fox, the King and, of course, the Little Prince - such a reception will set a special mood from the very beginning.

Let such a last call open the opening speech of the Prince, who will continue to lead the event in the manner and style of his hero.

Having set a course for such a reverent literary image, we invite you to make the first number of the program a performance of couples engaged in ballroom dancing. After a beautiful waltz, it is appropriate to read a poem about strong friendship. Let it be a duet of the Prince and the Fox.

We recommend prefacing official speeches by the director and head teachers with warm words about their merits, for example, from the lips of another fairy tale character - Rose.

But the stubborn King could well have announced such numbers as the staged song of first-graders “What They Teach at School.” Graduates would be pleased to receive a kind of greeting from ninth-graders, who are also faced with the problem of choosing their path - this idea can be acted out in a small skit or sung about it in ditties.

4. The idea for the script "Last call - farewell to childhood."

This option might also be a good idea - invite to
last call eleventh-graders fairy-tale and cartoon characters from their childhood: Cheburashka, Thumbelina, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Tin Soldier, etc. And it is better to invite professional animators to play these roles, who will take an active part in the program and set the tone for the entire event.

It is these characters, dear to any youth’s heart, who, upon entering the school, will present graduates with badges in the form of bells, and then lead them to the assembly hall.

After the official greeting, you can arrange a small concert, something like kindergarten. Why not? Invite high school students to redo it in advance school theme different popular songs: each class can perform one or two verses.

Prepare humorous riddles about teachers, first love or school life. For example, “In a white field there are blue / Stretched lines. / And friends walk under them, / Leading each other by the hand” (alphabet and cursive).

A general round dance (or a round dance among those who wish, if there are more than 40 graduates) can be an excellent entertainment moment. At the same time, we recommend singing a funny song from the cartoon “A Big Secret for a Small Company” (“It’s no secret that friends don’t grow in the garden”). Have another physical session or fun starts. To do this, you need to call those interested from the hall.

It is quite appropriate to present each class with a certificate with a humorous inscription and wishes for excellent exams and a fun graduation. This will be a good end to the holiday.

If you have chosen a fairy-tale plot, then it is better to carry it out in a fairy-tale style too, see how this can be done, we suggest in this scenario:

(to download - click on the file)

5. The idea for the "School Bell Stealing" script.

In this case, start the holiday as it should be: the anthem, reading the order about those admitted to the exams, good parting words from the teachers. Suddenly, a noise passes through the “ranks” of the school administration: the director and head teachers are talking and looking around. Let someone run into the hall with a confused face and loudly announce that everything is lost - the school bell has been stolen! Hence the whole drama: how to make a call last? We highly recommend that you appear at this moment dressed up in costumes of all kinds of evil heroes and unceremoniously start dancing, pestering the graduates along the way.

Then the leader of the mummers must demand five (or however many) “excellent students” as hostages, whom he will subject to various tests: dancing the Macarena, fighting with evil spirits in a tug-of-war, singing karaoke of a famous excerpt from an opera (for example, “The Heart of Beauties” from "Rigoletto" by Verdi).

So that the rest of the people don’t get bored, the main villain can force them to finish composing poems: you give the beginning of lines that need to be continued in rhyme (In our class ... / “Two” is the best ...).

With each completed task, there are fewer and fewer “striped devils” in the hall, and then their crying leader gives away the school bell.

Parents can also offer their ideas or come up with a couple of surprises for graduates (for example, invite artists or animators for the formal part, or order a buffet table, bowling alley, or field trip after it ends).

When organizing a holiday, try to make a high-quality mix of mandatory official ceremonies, established traditions and entertaining moments. The heroes of the occasion, along with awareness of the importance of what is happening, should feel the atmosphere of the holiday, attention to themselves and, in turn, be sure to have time to say their words of gratitude to teachers and parents.

The last call script was prepared by: Saidova Maya Yurievna, Deputy Director for Educational Management, teacher of Russian language and literature, Omsk secondary school No. 148, email: [email protected]

Seven declarations of love from graduates to their school.


Ved 1. Good afternoon Dear friends, parents, teachers, guests! We are glad to welcome you to our holiday! Last call holiday.

Ved 2. Any happy life manifestation

And the audacity of the lines that came for a reason:

Everything arose from a feeling of surprise,

Everything started from scratch.

Ved 1. The desire to comprehend the properties of objects,

Find them proper places -

Everything was preceded by the heat of anxiety,

It all started from scratch

Ved 2. If you think about it, your whole school life is a huge book... Not just one, but probably a whole library. Judge for yourself: passing exams is science fiction; physics test - optimistic tragedy, cool watch- detective series...

Ved 2. Today we are making a presentation unusual book- “Seven declarations of love from graduates to their school.” A book that tells about 11 years of life. And the following are invited to the hall: Chief Editor books – classroom teacher 11th grade Galina Nikolaevna and its authors - 11th grade students.

→ Last call>" url="http://scenarii.ru/scenario/index1.php?raz=2&prazd=525&page=1">

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 8883 person

Leading. Attention attention!
Presenter. What are the birds singing to us about today?
What did the breeze whisper about in the morning?
Leading. What event will happen at school?
What is our holiday?
Together. Last call!

Leading. Who main character at our holiday?
Presenter. Whom...

Examples of cool congratulations from parents on graduation for graduates of 2018

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 2132 person

Today on this day
You have become completely grown up,
No lessons, no changes,
No school problems

This is the day that sadly
You will often remember
And a transparent tear,
There will be jumping on your cheeks,

I really want a parting word for you...

Last Bell script for grades 9, 11

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 6435 Human

LEADING. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state called “Secondary School”, one very an important event! We have been waiting for this event for a long time - no more, no less, as much as eleven years! And finally, we waited!

They take the stage...

"Scenario of the ceremonial line"

05.04.2018 | Looked at the script 4999 Human

1st chapter:
Today is an extraordinary day:
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the lesson for the last, farewell
The graduation class is leaving.

2nd lead:
May day plays on the line,
The breeze whispers gently in the leaves,
Seeing off our graduates on their way...

Last call script "Anniversary cruise "Aerobatics""

27.05.2015 | Looked at the script 11195 Human

The hall is filled with guests, music and songs about aviation are heard: “Moscow - Odessa” (Spanish: V. Vysotsky), “Small Plane” (Spanish: Valeria), “The Sky Chose Us” (Spanish: A. Domogarov and I. Rudakov) .

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"Celebration of Youth"

26.05.2015 | Looked at the script 14579 Human

Solemn music sounds and the presenters come out.

1st presenter: The poplar leaves are trembling,
The birch tree rustles gently.
Today is a holiday at our school:
The last bell will ring.

2nd presenter: Graduation classes are making noise, worrying,
They ring with a farewell echo...

Scenario for the last bell line for 11th grade "The whole world is a theater..."

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 17848 Human

The presenters come out: a young man and a girl, dressed in tunics and with classical Greek masks in their hands - smiling and crying, comedy and tragedy. When the guys speak, the masks need to be brought to their faces. Tunics can be made from ordinary...

Scenario. Line dedicated to “Last Call”

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 20352 person

1st reader. Attention! Attention! Listen up everyone!
2nd reader. Remember this day!
3rd reader. Remember this hour!
4th reader. Today is a special holiday.
5th reader. The hour of parting has come! From our family to the distant life path brothers and sisters leave.


Scenario for the last bell celebration in 9th grade “Farewell, merry time!”

14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 11278 Human

Two presenters appear on stage

1st presenter: Remember this day!
2nd presenter: Remember this hour!

1st presenter: Today our ninth-graders say goodbye to their class and boldly declare: “We have graduated from basic school and are ready to enter the threshold...

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14.05.2014 | Looked at the script 18524 person

Radio announcement:

Attention! Fast train route School - Adulthood will be sent from school platform No. 18 at 10:00 am. Those accompanying and departing are kindly requested to proceed to the boarding area.

Excited cool people come out from different sides of the stage...

A thoroughly thought-out holiday program must be supplemented beautiful design. And balloons in this matter are the best solution, always a win-win and affordable option for any event. With their help, you can quickly and effectively transform even the most dull room, add color and childish playfulness to it, not to mention thematic compositions with a well-played plot. They will certainly delight both schoolchildren and parents and teachers.

Balloons and colorful compositions made from them must be used to decorate the stage where the festive performance will take place. The main areas for decoration are the backdrop, the wings and the edge of the stage. The choice of decorations should be made taking into account whether there will be a static screen in the center. If yes, then the decorations in his area should be simple and not distract attention (flowers, stars). At the same time, the backstage can be decorated more brightly, for example, with fountains, bouquets, life-size figures of graduates, the edge can be decorated with a wicker garland or thematic compositions.

If the center of the backdrop is free, then it is better to put all the emphasis on it. As decorations you can use volumetric panels, arches, helium chains, and a bell. In this case, the backstage can be decorated more modestly, for example, with flowers, small fountains, and the edge of the stage cannot be decorated at all or draped with fabric.

It’s good when the elements present on stage have their continuation in the hall. For example, curtains, a path between rows, and an entrance area are decorated in the same style. Here you can choose simpler jewelry, but the main thing is that they are in harmony with each other and create a single image.

In addition to the stage, it would be nice to decorate the halls leading to assembly hall, and stairs if it is located on the second floor. Fountains and helium chains are also suitable here. On the railing you can attach a twisted garland or flowers, bouquets, and other compositions in a chaotic manner.

If your budget allows, you can install arches in the foyer and corridors, and decorate the ceilings with balloon clouds, a figurine of the sun, or a flock of flying inflatable pigeons.

It is also important to decorate the front entrance to the school and the entrance area inside, so that children feel the holiday from the moment they enter. Traditionally, arches are used here or a twisted garland is fixed along the opening. On the sides you can install fountains, life-size figures, stands with large balls on which it is written: “Goodbye, school!”

If you plan to launch balloons, and this is mandatory, since today almost no last bell rings without this deeply rooted and beloved tradition by children, then you can decorate the school yard: install an arch, a bell on the stand, and figures of schoolchildren. It is better to choose voluminous, densely made compositions, or structures on a frame, so that the wind or other vagaries of the weather do not damage the decorations. For the same reason, exterior decoration cannot be done several days in advance.

You can launch not only single helium balloons with ribbons. The launch of bouquets or an inflatable figure tied to a bunch of balloons, for example, a voluminous bell, looks interesting. Launching from the net will also be spectacular. At the same time, 300, or even 1000 balls rise into the sky, while 100 - 150 can be launched from your hands.

Last call: interesting designer ideas

But the Internet seems to be full of photos and video materials for decorating the last call with your own hands; only a qualified decorator can decorate the holiday in an original, stylish way, without unnecessary details.

Our decor workshop professionally designs school events:

  • specialists from Anastasia Danilova’s studio always follow fashion and new products in aerodesign and actively implement them into their work;
  • for the last call we can offer many interesting and unhackneyed ideas, even traditional elements will look fresh and original;
  • For those who want to decorate their holiday in an unusual way, we develop individual designs, for example, themed decorations in the style of “Hipsters,” “Retro,” “Oscar,” etc.

Decorators of our studio participate in international festivals in aerodesign, they take prizes. Last year's achievement was 1st place in the major league at the BACI 2014 festival in Italy.

In our projects we use the widest variety of materials:

  • helium balloons;
  • glossy, matte, foil;
  • frame and frameless structures;
  • inflatable figures, numbers, letters;
  • surprise balloon, launch balloons, reset balloons and much more.

If you have any interesting ideas for the last call, graduation, other event, or you need something exclusive, we will be happy to take on the project. The only thing we ask is that you place your order in advance. There are more than 1,500 schools in Moscow that require the services of designers on the same date. We physically won’t have time to do the registration for everyone. Do not put off your order until later, and you will receive the most Better conditions cooperation!

Graduation decoration Making the last call Launching balls
