Permission to carry traumatic weapons. What is a traumatic pistol? Carrying a weapon of limited destruction

The use and storage of any type of weapon in Russia in 2019 requires documents that can be obtained from the relevant government agencies after the procedures established by law. Let's figure out how to get permission to traumatic weapon, And what you need to do?

Types of weapons permits in Russia

Weapons are divided into two main categories: for self-defense and hunting. The scope of its application is clear from the name of each group. Self-defense weapons, which include traumatic weapons, are designed to protect against various kinds ill-wishers. The design of pistols of this class is not intended to hit targets at long distances.

Who won't be able to get a gun permit in 2019?

Before you start collecting documents to obtain a license for a traumatic weapon, it is useful to find out who will not be able to obtain it. The “black list” includes the following categories:

  • Persons under the age of majority;
  • Persons with a criminal record for intentional violation of the law;
  • Persons with at least two administrative offenses related to an attack on public order;
  • Persons who do not have permanent registration;
  • Persons suffering serious illnesses who are registered with a narcologist and psychiatrist and have serious vision problems;
  • Persons who have not provided all the documents required to obtain permission to store and carry personal injury equipment.

If a person belongs to any of the listed groups, this may be a reason for refusal to issue a weapons license. In addition, a bad reference from the police or from a local police officer can block the path to legal possession of a weapon. Disagreement with the characterization, in the event of an official refusal, can be challenged by each person in court.

What does the process for obtaining a gun permit look like in 2019?

A permit to carry a traumatic weapon is issued at the Licensing and Permitting Department (OLRR). Each person must contact the department located closest to his place of residence according to registration. Before you start collecting all the documents, it is best to visit the OLRR to get answers to all your questions. Gathering everyone necessary documents takes about three months.

The permitting process consists of the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to undergo a medical examination at the hospital. You can contact us as if you were paying medical institution, and free. In general, this medical examination is similar to the one that takes place before entering a driving school. You will only have to buy a certificate of form 046-1, which costs approximately 300 rubles. To put a stamp on it, you need to go through all the doctors indicated on the form, and also visit neurological and narcological dispensaries so that they can confirm that you are not registered. As for vision, to obtain permission to use a weapon, one eye must see no worse than 0.5, and the other - no worse than 0.2;
  • To submit an application to the OLRR, you need to prepare the following documents:
    • An official statement written on a special form, which can be obtained upon your first visit to the department;
    • A copy of your passport;
    • Medical certificate form 046-1;
    • 2 photos 3x4.
  • After submitting all of the above documents to the licensing and permitting department, you will be given the following:
    • Referral to weapons safety training;
    • Receipt for payment of the state fee to obtain permission to store and carry personal injury equipment;
    • Direction to the local police officer.
  • Completion of gun safety training is verified test task of 10 questions. To receive a certificate, which you will then need to show to the OLRR, you need to answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly. First, you are given two attempts: the first is free, the second is paid. If you fail to pass the test two times, you will be required to attend a course of paid lectures on this topic;
  • When communicating with the district police officer, there will be a personal conversation and inspection of your home according to your registration. He will not sign until he is convinced that your home is well protected, as well as that there is a metal safe or cabinet in the house that has two locks. Therefore, you need to take care of purchasing a safe or cabinet for storing weapons in advance;
  • The state duty is paid at any bank and will cost you 30-100 rubles;
  • After you have prepared all the documents received by the OLRR, you will need to wait a month until a decision is made to issue you a permit. You will be notified of either consent to extradition or refusal. The refusal can be appealed through the court.

What to do next?

Having received a license, you need to remember that its validity period is limited. It will be valid for five years. After this period, you will need to go through the permit renewal procedure.

A traumatic weapon license allows each person to purchase up to five traumatic weapons. If this document is stolen or lost, no other person will be able to use it for personal gain. On front side the license contains all the information about its owner, as well as his official place of residence. On back side The document indicates the weapon purchased by the person.

What will be the consequences of carrying a traumatic weapon without permission?

Having a traumatic weapon without a license can lead to administrative or even criminal charges. criminal liability.

If there is a permit for a traumatic weapon, but any rules for storing or carrying such a weapon were violated, this may cause the owner to be brought to administrative liability. The fine for various violations can range from 500 to 2000 rubles.

A traumatic pistol without a license may result in the owner being brought to criminal liability. Any illegal possession, use or sale of such weapons. In addition, it is prohibited to threaten anyone with the use of this weapon without a license. Violation of these rules may result in criminal liability and threaten the offender with imprisonment or a large fine.

That is why it is better not to use a traumatic weapon without a license, but to spend two to three months on a legal procedure, after which it will be possible to use it without any complaints from the law.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them

The Federal Law “On Weapons” divides firearms depending on the purposes of its use: civilian, service and combat.

Types of weapons intended for civilians, which they can use for self-defense, for hunting or sports:

  • smooth-bore long-barreled firearms, including those with traumatic cartridges;
  • firearms without a barrel with cartridges of traumatic, gas and light-sound action;
  • gas weapon, which includes pistols, revolvers and mechanical tear guns;
  • electroshock devices and spark gaps.

Citizens of Russia have the right to bear arms from the age of 21 under the following conditions:

  • absence of mental illness;
  • psychological stability in extreme situations so that a person can be accountable for his actions;
  • compliance with the requirements for storing weapons so that unauthorized people and minor children do not gain access to them;
  • provision of the necessary package of documents to obtain a license.

Before purchasing a weapon, check in advance to see if it is on the list of permitted weapons for civilians. This information can be obtained on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When using a weapon for self-defense, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure: first you need to fire a warning shot into the air with your hand raised high.

This expresses the seriousness of your intentions on the one hand, and gives the people attacking you the opportunity to leave the scene.

On the other hand, you will protect yourself from the accusation that you attacked first, which is strictly prohibited by law for all gun owners.

To obtain a firearms license, applicants must undergo training in the safe handling of firearms. limited damage.

To obtain a license for a traumatic weapon, persons who are police officers or active military personnel do not need to undergo training; it is enough to provide information about the service weapon assigned to them at the place of service.

In principle, it is believed that it is impossible to kill a person or cause serious injury with a traumatic weapon, which is why it was allowed for use by private individuals. But a number of cases have refuted this opinion, so since 2014 the rules for obtaining a license have been tightened.

The procedure for obtaining a license for traumatic weapons in 2014

The process of obtaining permission to carry traumatic weapons for civilians consists of several stages.

First you need to obtain a medical certificate in form 046-1, for which you need to be examined by the following doctors:

  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • therapist.

If the decision is positive, it is necessary to take courses on the safety rules for carrying, storing and using traumatic weapons. Training is paid!

Training companies exist in every city. But it would be in your best interest to check their license for this type of activity. Otherwise, you may waste both time and money, and their certificate will be invalidated by the ATS.

If you have a question about where to get training, you can contact the Department of Internal Affairs; they usually recommend specific organizations that definitely have permits.

During the training process, weapons handling skills are developed, practical shooting is carried out and knowledge is provided legal norms, which gun owners should know.

After completing the courses, each student passes the standards, and only then can receive a certificate of completion.

If the result is positive, submit an application to the police department at your place of residence and attach all the documents you received, namely:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • 2 photographs 3x4;
  • certificate of passing a medical examination 046-1;
  • certificate of completion of courses on the safety rules for carrying, storing and using traumatic weapons;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for permitting services and production of a certificate;
  • report from the district police officer on checking the storage conditions of traumatic weapons (presence of a safe, its level of protection, reliability of fastening).

The police officer who accepted your documents issues you a dated acceptance notice. Usually the issue is considered within 10 days, and after a month you receive all the permits.

After receiving a license, you have six months to purchase a traumatic weapon for yourself.

After purchasing a revolver or pistol, it must be registered with the OLRR (licensing and permitting department), where it will be experimentally shot.

The weapon must be provided in a holster, otherwise you will have to pay a fine for failure to comply with the carrying rules.

A month after registering the traumatic weapon you purchased with the OLRR, you receive permission to carry and store it.

To do this, you must provide the following documents:

  • application for a permit to carry and store weapons;
  • sales receipt from the store;
  • spent cartridges in special packaging;
  • weapon insurance contract;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for registration;
  • 2 photos 3x4.

Remember that failure to comply with the rules for carrying and storing traumatic weapons can lead to more than just administrative fines, but also to criminal prosecution!

Legal Rules Everyone Should Know to Get a Gun License

Unfortunately, statistics show low level legal literacy of people, leading to the fact that a large number of Those who wish to do so are not given a weapons permit.

In this regard, our legal portal draws your attention in advance to the following regulations:

  1. Article 14 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Methods of self-defense must be proportionate to the violation and not go beyond the actions necessary to suppress it.
  2. Federal Law “On Weapons”, Article 24. The possibilities of use are prescribed here individuals weapons, and in what cases it is prohibited by law.
  3. Federal Law “On Weapons”, Article 22. The article describes the rules for storing weapons and ammunition for them.

New rules for renewing a license for traumatic weapons

Based on the federal law “On Weapons,” permission to carry traumatic weapons must be renewed every 5 years. Supreme Court The Russian Federation introduced a new provision on license renewal on December 6, 2012.

Persons who own traumatic weapons, when extending the period of permission to carry and store them, are not required to undergo special training on safe handling again.

Now it is enough to take courses on the rules of carrying and using weapons once. In the future, submitting a certificate of completion of training to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not required.

Who will be denied a license for a traumatic weapon?

According to the federal law “On Weapons”, Article 13, a license is not granted to the following persons:

Medical indicators, non-compliance with which may result in refusal to obtain a license:

  • diagnosis of epilepsy at various stages;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • drug addiction, substance abuse;
  • serious mental illness;
  • use of antidepressants;
  • physiological deficiencies in the form of absence of the index and thumb;
  • Corrected visual acuity is below 0.5 in one eye and below 0.2 in the other or 0.7 in one eye with no vision in the other.

In 2017, citizens of the Russian Federation were given the opportunity to carry traumatic weapons, but this requires obtaining permission.

First of all, you need to collect medical certificates, take courses in handling weapons, purchase a safe and obtain a license. The permit can be obtained for a period of 5 years.

Documents receiving

How to obtain a permit for traumatic weapons in 2016? Initially, you should obtain a license to purchase and store traumatic weapons (Article 9 of Federal Law No. 150, as amended on December 29, 2015).

According to the amendments made to the law, traumatic weapons are LOOP (Firearms of Limited Damage).

Important: Citizens over 21 years of age can draw up documents.

You can obtain a license and permit only at your place of permanent residence, but not at your place of residence.

Important: If you change your place of residence or registration, you must exchange documents for traumatic weapons within two weeks, regardless of their validity period.

How to get a license

Required documents:

  • Statement.
  • Medical certificate No. 046-1. To obtain a certificate, you must undergo an examination: an ophthalmologist (vision of at least 0.5 in one eye, in the absence of one eye - at least 0.7), a therapist (if there is no index and thumb on one hand or three fingers on one hand - unambiguous contraindication). You need to get certificates from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries. After collecting all the certificates, you need to go to the clinic at your place of residence or to a medical center. institution that has the authority to issue a certificate in form No. 046-1.
  • Make copies of pages 2.3 of the passport (if lost, you will have to pay), as well as the registration sheet at the place of residence. If your passport is expired, it is not suitable for presentation.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (payment details in OLLR).
  • You must complete firearms safety training courses, pass exams, and obtain an appropriate license or certificate. Courses should be conducted educational institutions having the appropriate license. The received document must contain: certificate number, name of the organization, examination marks.
  • Matte photo 2 pcs. size 3x4 cm.
  • An inspection report from the local police officer who checked the presence of the safe (the safe must have 2 mortise locks and a certificate). A report on checking the safe is submitted by the police officer who accepted the application. The police officer must visit the citizen, check the presence and reliability of the safe and confirm this in writing.
  • You may need a certificate of home security with connection to the central control panel. This requirement is not reflected in the legislation, but it may be mandatory by local authorities.

Who can't get a license

  • Persons under 21 years of age.
  • A citizen with an outstanding criminal record:
  • A citizen, after committing an administrative offense (violation of public order), can issue a document after 1 year.
  • For medical contraindications.
  • The existence of other circumstances that are not reflected in the legislation. For example, a citizen is registered as a participant in the UCG or has had a criminal record for illegal production, alteration of OOP, illegal trafficking in narcotic substances, etc.

Receiving a document

After you have collected all the documents, you need to contact the local police department at the district police department. OLRR - Department of Licensing and Permitting Work. After checking the information received, a license is issued a month later - LOA for the purchase, carrying and storage of equipment.

Important:the license is issued for a period of 6 months and gives the right only to purchase weapons in a specialized store. If you do not purchase OOP during this period, the document will be automatically canceled.

According to the document received, you need to purchase a traumatic weapon in a specialized store within 6 months (they usually do not sell traumatic weapons). If you do not purchase the OOP within the specified period, the license will be revoked.

Important:mandatory requirement, you need to purchase “trauma” together with the holster. Carrying a PLO without a holster is prohibited and a fine may be imposed.

Getting permission

After purchase, it is necessary to register the traumatic weapon with ORLL within the prescribed period (14 calendar days). To do this, together with the OOP must be in a holster, contact your local ORLL. During registration, experimental shooting is carried out.

Documents required for registration:

  • statement;
  • receipt for the purchase of OOP;
  • cartridges that were used during shooting;
  • insurance for OOP;
  • check for government payment duties.

After registering an LLC, after 30 days a license is issued instead, a permit (ROKha) to carry and store the LLC. The permit is valid for 5 years; during this period, a citizen has the right to carry and store PPE, as well as use it for self-defense.

Refers to weapons non-lethal action, you also need permission to wear it.

Those wishing to purchase a pistol or revolver for self-defense must obtain a license for a traumatic weapon.
In Article 13 Federal Law“On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996 N 150-FZ states that on the basis of a license with subsequent registration within 2 weeks with the internal affairs bodies, Russian citizens can purchase the following weapons:

The main stages of obtaining a license and permit for traumatism

How is a permit for a traumatic weapon issued and what does its future owner need to do? We will talk about all this in this article.

To obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon, only 5 steps are required:

  • undergo a medical examination,
  • collect and submit documents to the OLR - licensing and permitting department
  • be tested in a special training center
  • attend a reception with the local police officer and obtain a permission signature from him
  • pay the state fee.

Let's look at each stage in more detail.

Body check

A medical examination includes a visit to a psychiatrist, narcologist, ophthalmologist and local therapist. Permits for traumatic weapons will not be issued to those who are registered in a psychoneurological or drug treatment clinic. Examinations by an ophthalmologist are also not just for show. It is necessary that the visual acuity of one eye is not lower than 0.5 (the top 5 lines of the table are visible), and the second eye is not lower than 0.2 (at least the top 2 lines are visible). The result of a positive medical examination is the receipt of a certificate in form 046-1. Many experts also recommend asking the clinic for a copy of its certificate - a license to carry out medical activities.

Collection of documents

  • application in the prescribed form indicating the type of weapon,
  • photocopy of passport,
  • certificate 046-1,
  • 2 photographs, size 3x4,
  • referral to weapons handling courses,
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee for permission to wear traumatic clothing,
  • referral to the local police officer.

Subsequently, these documents are added to:

  • certificate of completion of courses on the safety of carrying, storing and using traumatic weapons,
  • a report from a local police officer stating that he checked the storage conditions of traumatic weapons and inspected the living conditions of its owner.

Let's move on to the stages during which a certificate and report are issued.

Courses and testing by local police officer

To obtain a certificate of completion of weapons handling courses, you must come with a referral in hand to a special training center. It teaches the skills of safe use of traumatic weapons for self-defense, studies the shooting of weapons, as well as the features of using optical and collimator sights, laser target designators.

The program includes studying:

  • theories about the use of weapons,
  • shooting techniques,
  • safety measures when handling weapons
  • legal information on the wearing and use of trauma equipment and the process of obtaining permits for it.

The program also includes training shooting at a shooting range or training ground, designed to ensure that the future owner of a traumatic weapon learns how to handle it in the shortest possible time. Students learn accurate and efficient shooting skills (correct stance, grip of a pistol or shotgun, loading and unloading it, aiming, pulling the trigger), and then apply the acquired skills in practice.

Obtaining a traumatic weapon is impossible without the appropriate psychological preparation at the training center. The gun owner must correctly assess the situation, make an accurate decision about the advisability of using the weapon, and concentrate on an effective shot.

The training center also conducts testing, during which you need to answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly. There are also conditions here:

  • 1 attempt - free,
  • 2nd attempt - paid,
  • 3rd attempt - only after completing a course of paid lectures on handling weapons.

If the test is successfully passed, the owner receives the necessary certificate of completion of courses on the safety of carrying, storing and using traumatic weapons.

Next, you need to make an appointment with your local police officer. The policeman will ask a series of questions, after which, together with the future owner of the weapon, he will inspect his living space. This is necessary to assess living conditions and, in particular, storage conditions for traumatic weapons. It must be kept in special safes or metal cabinets. How to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon without having furniture to store it? No way. This required condition to receive a signed report from the district police officer on checking the storage conditions of traumatic weapons and examining the living conditions of its owner.

State duty and waiting periods for issuing a license

After communicating with the local police officer, the owner pays the state fee. Then, when all the documents are collected and submitted to the Department of Human Rights, the waiting period begins for a decision on issuing a license to purchase trauma equipment. The owner is notified of this in writing.

As a rule, the maximum waiting period is a month. Quite often, the issue is considered within 10-15 days, and at the end of the month the owner receives permission.

If a positive decision is made, then you can come to the OLR and pick up a license to purchase weapons. If the answer is negative, then it can be appealed in court.

This completes the process - a person who has been issued a license can buy 1 unit of traumatic weapon within six months from the date of receipt. It must be registered within 2 weeks from the date of purchase.

Issuance of a permit to carry traumatic equipment

The weapon must be presented in a holster for registration and permitting. Otherwise, the owner will be charged a fine for failure to comply with the rules for wearing an injury. Within a month, the traumatic weapon provided to the police department is registered, after which its owner is issued a permit for the traumatic weapon (to carry and store it).

To obtain a permit, the following documents are required:

  • application for permission to carry and store traumatic weapons
  • sales receipt from the store where the weapon was purchased,
  • spent cartridges in special packaging,
  • contract for insurance of traumatic weapons,
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for registration,
  • 2 photos, size 3x4.

License (permit) for weapons

traumatic, gas, smoothbore, pneumatic, rifled

We provide consulting services for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region for Official and Fast obtaining a permit (license) for self-defense weapons (traumatic or gas), as well as smooth-bore, pneumatic and rifled weapons.


  • Permits and licenses can be obtained ONLY at the place of registration (not issued with temporary registration!);
  • A license for any type of weapon is NOT issued if there is an outstanding criminal record and with a “rubber” registration (practised in the Moscow region). In case of an expunged criminal record, it is MANDATORY to provide a copy of the verdict and a certificate of expungement of the criminal record;
  • Obtaining permission to rifle possible only after 5 years of owning a smooth-bore hunting weapon;
  • When applying for a permit, installing a gun safe at home is MANDATORY;
  • When changing your registration, it is MANDATORY to re-issue weapons licenses within 2 weeks, regardless of their expiration date;
  • If the license for a rifle is expired, renewal is possible only after 1 year;
  • If the smoothbore is overdue - obtaining a rifled license 1 year after the renewal of the smoothbore;
  • Registration of purchased weapons - no later than 2 weeks from the date of purchase.

When submitting documents for SELF-DEFENSE WEAPONS (GAS) or TRAUMATIC WEAPONS (OOOP), just in case, check with the store under what specific license the weapon you plan to purchase is sold. These are two DIFFERENT licenses. We will give you advice on paperwork and, if possible, help you choose the weapon itself and tell you where it is best to buy it.

In 2012, amendments to the Weapons Law (Article 13) came into force, according to which persons first-time applicants for civilian firearms, must undergo TRAINING!!! Also, when renewing this type of weapon, it is necessary to provide documents on passing an exam on knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons.

Before submitting documents, you must complete training in the “Safe Handling of Weapons” program and provide a copy of the Diploma. Training is carried out in specialized educational institutions.


to obtain licenses (permissions) for weapons (gas, traumatic, pneumatic, smoothbore and rifled):

Name of service

Cost, rub.)

according to M o s k v e

Cost, rub.)

in the Moscow region

Initial license acquisition (or permit extension) for weapons

Traumaticweapons (OOOP) or self-defense weapons (gas)

from 9 000

from 12 000

Smoothbore hunting weapon

from 11 000

from 14 000

Smoothbore hunting weapon + traumatic weapons (OOOP)

from 14 000

from 17 000

Pneumatichunting weapon

from 11 000

from 14 000

Rifledhunting weapon

from 17 000

from 20 000

Additional license

Additional license for purchase 1 unit smooth-bore, traumatic or rifled weapons (when submitting documents for several units at once!!!)

from 2 500

from 2 500

Registration (registration) purchased weapons

Registration (registration) of purchased weapons

from 5 000

from 6 500

Collector's license

Collector's license for weapons


Hunting ticket

Hunting ticketnew unified state model

from 3 000

from 3 000

SH T R A F for an administrative violation

Upon renewalexpired gun permits

from 2500 (depending on the period and number of permits)

Diploma + certificate 9,000 rub.

Act (for extension of LLC)7,500 rub.

Diploma + certificate + medical certificate+ hunting ticket (for initial submission to OOOP and Smoothbore hunting weapons)14,000 rub.

Certificate + medical certificate + hunting license 12,500 rub.

Diploma + certificate + medical certificate (for initial submission to LLCOP)11,000 rub.

Act + medical certificate (for renewal of OOOP and Smoothbore hunting weapons)9,500 rub.


for getting Licenses(Permissions) for weapons:

  • photocopy of passport (first page and registration);
  • photo 3x4 (black and white or color matte) :
  1. for traumatic weapons (OOOP) – 3 pcs. for each unit;
  2. for gas, smooth-bore, pneumatic and rifled weapons - 2 pcs. for each unit;
  3. for a hunting ticket – 2 pcs. (if not and need to do);
  4. for medical certificate 046-1 – 2 pcs. (if not and needs to be done);
  5. for Diploma and Certificate – 2 pcs. (if not and need to do).
  • medical reference f046-1 (or +2,000 rub..) ;
  • copy hunting ticket (in case of initial receipt or renewal of a Permit for smooth-bore hunting weapons or +3,500 rub..) ;
  • copies of all valid weapons permits (if there is);
  • for those registered in the Higher Administrative Okrug, it is necessary to provide a certificate from the PND and ND from the place of residence;
  • job information (name of organization, position, address and telephone number - you can write it by hand!);
  • original valid permits (if they are extended!!!);
  • copy Diploma and a copy Acta about completing the training course “Safe Handling of Weapons” (or +9,000 rub. when obtaining a weapons license for the first time, or +7,500 rub. only in case of renewal of the Permit for traumatic or gas weapons).
