Russian stage folk costumes for ensembles. Stage costume, theater costumes, stage clothing atelier, historical costume tailoring, stage clothing, dance dresses, orchestra costumes

- D To perform on stage, it is important not only to select the group’s repertoire, but also costumes. The stage image is remembered by the viewer and subsequently associated with the work of the vocal group. Each appearance on stage is an exciting moment, but these few minutes of performance are preceded by long preparation, which includes developing the image and style of the artists, performers and the group as a whole.

Design workshop "Etude" tailors custom costumes for creative groups and any thematic performances. All clothes are distinguished by originality and stylish design; they attract attention and make every creative performance unforgettable.

Our craftsmen will quickly produce clothes according to individual orders customers and will be pleased with the high quality of products. Having extensive experience and a high level of qualifications, the employees of our workshop will sew costumes for the choir and dance group. In the photo you can get acquainted with samples of our work and see the variety of topics in which the assortment is presented. We develop individual sketches to beautifully and effectively dress both a children's choir and an adult vocal group.

Our latest work is costumes for the creative team of the Moscow Children's Music School "Children's Music School named after V.V. Stasov"

TO What should costumes be like for performances?

It is the folk stage costume that is an important part of any performance. It conveys the mood, character and sets the motive performances of the group, therefore, its development and sewing must be approached very responsibly. In addition, stage costumes for a dance group should not only be bright, but also very comfortable. Depending on the type of stage clothing, there are a number of requirements for it:

  • costumes for folk dances are clothes in the Russian folk style. Usually they are sewn with a corresponding pattern, which should be clearly visible in the light of bright spotlights and spotlights. It should be taken into account that shiny fabrics also shimmer in bright light, and they should not irritate the viewer’s eye, but delight and create a festive mood;
  • clothes for the choir are costumes for the group, the shades and images on which must be perfectly combined and look like one. This applies to both children's and adult costumes. Depending on the style of performance, choral costumes can correspond to classical style, military themes or Soviet repertoire. Each of these areas requires a specific style and the use of suitable fabric. Here you can show limitless imagination and ingenuity by complementing the image of the folk choir with kokoshniks or gold braid, and for the children’s choir using bright colors and beadwork.
  • stage costumes for show groups are clothing that has special requirements. Performances by such groups often involve a lot of movement and some particularly difficult acrobatic and dance tricks. Therefore, it is important that the product harmoniously combines convenience, grace, elegant appearance and the ability to move freely;
  • concert costumes - they must amaze with their effectiveness, brightness, and unusual elements, which are invented and developed by designers and brought to reality by experienced craftsmen.
Our design workshop tailors costumes for groups in any stylistic direction. Work on creating clothes for stage performances begins with a careful study of the repertoire and the specifics of the creative performance. Based on this, a style and fabric for tailoring are selected that will look impressive not only on stage, but also in photographs and video recordings.

Our specialists will independently take measurements, offer the client a choice of fabrics, accessories and fittings for discussion, and coordinate sketches of models before sewing. This allows us to take into account all the wishes of customers and create costumes for groups with all the functional features and original appearance. The wildest fantasy can easily come true thanks to the efforts of the employees of the Etude design workshop. Our clients are the most popular and new groups who have already appreciated the quality of tailoring and continue to cooperate with us, proudly putting on ready-made costumes to go on stage.

In our workshop you can not only order tailoring according to individual sketches, but also get advice from an experienced designer on developing sketches of future products. Our services include the selection of fabrics and decorative elements. The professional team consists of highly qualified tailors and cutters, artists and designers. The production time for clothing is discussed with each client individually and depends on the order quantity and the complexity of the models.

The role of singing in a person’s life cannot be overestimated. Singing, being decisive in musical education, plays a significant role in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the human personality. The performance of songs, thanks to the fusion of music and words, makes it possible to express one’s feelings, as well as evoke an emotional response from listeners. IN last years Interest in choral singing has increased noticeably. The number of choirs is constantly increasing. Creating a choral group is a complex process consisting of a number of stages. The composition of the choir is determined by the number of performers, the type (homogeneous or mixed) and type (by the number of choral parts) of the choir are established. The next stage in creating a choral group is the selection of stage costumes.

Sewing a costume for a choir

Costumes for the choir are developed individually for each group and depend on many factors. Firstly, you need to know for what repertoire the costume for the choir will be sewn. Classics, romances, Russian songs, songs of Soviet composers - each of these repertoires requires completely different styles, styles, fabrics. True, there is one thing general rule: the details and decoration of the costumes should not be very small, and the fabrics should be quite bright, since the audience is at a certain distance from the stage and may not appreciate the efforts of the costume designers. An important point When creating a costume, it is important to take correct measurements of the ensemble members. It is advisable to take measurements after the costume sketches have been approved, taking into account the body features of each participant. Often, the composition of choral groups tends to change members and, as a rule, everyone’s size and figure are different. Therefore, when choosing material for a suit the best option There will be the use of knitted fabrics that have the ability to stretch one or two sizes. It is also necessary to take into account that, according to the director’s plan, the actors on stage can not only delight the ears with singing, but also perform dances, which means that clothes should not get underfoot, hinder movement, or touch sleeves and trim elements.

When creating costumes for the choir, fashion designers have the opportunity to be very creative. Bright dresses can be complemented with beautiful kokoshniks, long light scarves, belts embroidered with beads, gold braid and pearls. Such belts are reflected very beautifully in the light of the spotlights, striking viewers with their whimsical pattern motifs.

You can order and buy a costume for the choir at the Moscow Souvenir factory. Here, at a high professional level, any models of suits and accessories for them will be made for you in the shortest possible time. The quality of fabrics and tailoring of suits meets the highest high requirements. Payment for the order can be made in cash or by bank transfer, or by cash on delivery.

Stage costume for vocalists is very important. After all, it is through it that the viewer begins to perceive the picture that is happening on stage. Yes, of course, he is heard by voice, but it is the appearance of the performer that makes the initial impression. Over almost a decade of work, our workshop has created a lot of different images of all kinds of music, productions and repertoires. We have worked and are working with famous and not so famous artists, musicians, children's groups and ensembles of pensioners. And only with us individual approach to each client is prerequisite fruitful cooperation!

We understand that a vocalist's costume is an image in which the performer himself should feel comfortable. This applies to the type of fabric, its appropriateness at a certain time of year, and the thoughtfulness of the image. For example, we try to sew costumes for children’s vocalists taking into account the peculiarities of psychology. Agree that if children under 7-9 years old are still interested in performing in the guise of gnomes, bells and other fictional characters, then teenagers will no longer agree to wear such an outfit. That is why we are trying to offer more interesting solutions for teenagers, even if they perform a song on stage from the same fictional characters.

When choosing a stage costume for a vocal ensemble, you should focus only on good taste designer. And we have these! It seems that it could be easier than sewing the same type of suits? But even in this case, we try to highlight each participant by adding a small feature to his image. Naturally, we always consult with the manager or the person who acts as the customer. We advise, suggest, suggest, but never insist. This is probably why, over the years, we have a well-coordinated team of professionals, and our client base is constantly growing and delights us with new orders.

A pop costume for vocalists, just like a costume for a vocal ensemble, can be sewn according to a ready-made sketch, or we will offer our own vision of the image. It is worth noting that our fashion designers regularly improve their knowledge of the features of costumes from previous years, and also follow all the fashionable modern trends. This is why we find our clients the most of different ages and hobbies, genres and trends. We also work with absolutely any type of fabric, draw sketches and can sew shoes for performances. But costumes for a children's vocal ensemble performing folk songs can be ordered with kokoshniks, crowns or any other headdresses at the request of the client. We can handle every job, even the most difficult one. And the workshop’s impeccable reputation, quantity regular customers They are only direct confirmation of this.

If you are still thinking about creating an image, look for options, come to our workshop - and we will make every effort to ensure that you are satisfied with absolutely everything - from the sketch to the finished product.
