The most famous lacto-vegetarians in the world. Famous vegetarians

Internet ratings and top lists are a lie. Moreover, lists of vegetarians. You read them, and then it turns out that no one checked the participants, half of them are not averse to finishing off a well-cooked rack of lamb, and in the end this is not a list, but so-so - green gossip.

To avoid the accumulation of useless information garbage in the heads of our readers, we followed the proven editorial path - we selected the best and asked everyone: “Are you really a vegetarian? And why? How long have you not eaten meat? What do you even eat then?”

We were annoying and behaved like bores. This is how we got the clearest picture of well-known, proven and honest vegetarians in Russia. A lot of people dropped off our initial list in a friendly and independent manner, including: Andrei Bartenev, who said that he eats meat, and not eating it at all nowadays is expensive, Olga Shelest, who stopped not eating animal corpses during the period of feeding and bearing children, and Eduard Boyakov, who, according to rumors, still periodically, like many bohemian creatures, sometimes eats meat, sometimes not. They haven’t called BG, Dzhigurda, Drozdov and Zadornov yet: these men are great in any case, because they pay attention to their health.

Actress and singer Sati Casanova, 32 years old(photo: Nata Oreshnikova)

“It all started ten years ago with yoga classes, where I went on the advice of my loved one. My motivation was strange: I just didn’t want to refuse him. After a year and a half of practice, the body itself refused meat, I didn’t notice how I stopped eating it. Five years ago I stopped eating chicken, and I haven’t eaten fish for three years.”

Favorite dishes:“I have a lot of them, most of all I loved porridge made from quinoa and dark Thai rice, spelled with vegetables, herbs and spices. I love adapted Indian cuisine – not greasy or spicy, it attracts me with spices and their various combinations.”

Olympic champion in arm wrestling and bobsleigh Alexey Voevoda, 35 years old

I gave up meat five years ago, the reason was simple: to lose excess weight in order to take part in team competitions. Protein diets caused tiredness and fatigue, and side effects there was a lot of them. Giving up meat and fish gave me the necessary energy and added lightness and elasticity to my entire body. And the raw food diet only consolidated the effect of lightness and strength throughout the body.

Favorite dishes:“In the morning I prefer water, fruit or vegetable smoothies, for lunch I really like salads, vegetarian soups, for example, borscht, and dishes with mushrooms. I eat cheese, but without rennet, and spaghetti, but not often.”

Restaurateur, owner of the Fresh restaurant chain, Irina Azarova, two children

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“For me, healthy food has always been tastier and more attractive than unhealthy food. Therefore, my vegetarianism was naturally born from a lifestyle. Fifteen years ago I gave up meat, then fish, and then yoga came into my life. I am a lacto-vegetarian, I eat dairy because I advocate moderation rather than strict limits. Place and circumstances vary and cannot be neglected. I can absolutely eat a dish with dough that has an egg added to it, because it's just delicious. In general, without fanaticism. My husband is a vegetarian, my children are not, but they are looking towards vegetarianism, but I am for the naturalness of the processes, the only way the result will be sustainable. How old am I? You know, I look at the people who come to us, and I notice one thing, vegetarians from some point simply lose age, because the energy charge and positive mood erase age boundaries."

Favorite dishes:“I can’t live without salads, my favorite ones are warm complex salads with the addition of warm foods: grilled avocado, tofu steaks, quinoa, mushrooms. With seeds, nuts, that is, everything in the “Fresh” style. The “All Stars” salad is popular among absolutely everyone, and I would like to remind you that ninety percent of our guests are not vegetarians. It’s just very satisfying and understandable for all people. I love different sauces for salads; with them, even plain foods like tofu with a neutral taste take on a different flavor, and there are many variations.”

Actor Ivan Makarevich, 28 years old(photo: Razhden for Glamor)

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“The first time was in childhood, at the age of fourteen, when I asked my mother what we were eating, and my mother decided to answer me honestly. After that I didn’t eat meat for three years. Mom was happy; she herself is practically a vegetarian. Well, then I myself began to understand the issue more deeply. Initially, the considerations were purely ethical: more than anything else, I didn’t want to eat pieces of bodies, and I learned that it was also useful much later. I don’t remember when everything came together. I stopped eating fish and other animal products nine years ago, I love dairy.”

Favorite dishes:“I love to cook, I recently started baking bread. Lately I often make curry stew: zucchini, onions, tomatoes, garlic, curry leaves, a lot of spices, and all this with coconut milk - it turns out very tasty.”

Presenter Irena Ponaroshku, 32 years old

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“This happened eight years ago. I was instantly “reforged” by my future husband. He has been a vegetarian for 18 years. I was so in love that I gave up meat, fish and chicken in one day. And then I became imbued with the concept and became a conscious herbivore.

In my wardrobe there are leather bags, shoes, and a couple of fur coats. I am a vegetarian not so much for ethical reasons as for health reasons. Besides, I just don't feel comfortable eating corpses. I can’t say that I have changed somehow radically after switching to a meat-free life, but I feel completely organic with my food system. It doesn't require any extra effort from me. On the contrary, I feel that I am doing everything right and this gives me self-confidence. From subjective feelings, it seems to me that I have more energy, less viscous laziness.”

Favorite dishes: Most of all I love buckwheat porridge with milk and “Four Cheese” pizza.

Chef of cafe KM20 Ivan Dubkov, 31 years old, two children

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“Three years ago, while working as a chef for Dream Industries. There productivity depended on me and wellness team employees. I delved deeper into the subject of food and came to the conclusion that vegetarian food is the best option not only for maintaining human health, but also on a global level benefits ecosystems and the whole world.”

Favorite dishes:“Right now I love chia seeds with fruit and a sauce of Jerusalem artichoke syrup, lemon and mint.”

Designer Vika Gazinskaya, 31 years old(photo: Adam Katz)

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“First clear visual memory of meat: I’m five years old, and there’s a raw piece meat. I ask myself: how can you eat a corpse?

At the age of ten, I made an attempt to give up meat, but my parents prepared me sandwiches with doctor’s sausage for school, and I succumbed to the “herd reflex.” But I clearly knew that the day would come when I would wake up and stop eating it. This happened at the age of sixteen. ": in the morning I told myself: today I don’t eat meat anymore. True, I continued to eat fish and seafood. And eight years later I stopped eating them too. Now I’m a 100% vegetarian."

Favorite dishes: I love everything, there is nothing so special.

Founder of VKontakte and Telegram Pavel Durov, 31 years old

When Pavel Durov was advised on Twitter to make a Telegram logo with bacon, he replied that “it would be neither kosher nor halal. And definitely not vegetarian." That is, Paul’s views on a meat-free lifestyle extend beyond food itself. He didn't respond to our questions in any of the messengers, but that didn't stop us from adding this super-busy libertarian to our rankings.

When and how did you become a vegetarian? The founder of the VKontakte network stopped eating meat back in student years, and above all for ethical reasons. On the Internet, he has repeatedly spoken out about giving up meat, and his most famous quote is “I am a peaceful creature, I don’t like war, I’m a vegetarian.”

Favorite food: Since he lived in Italy for a long time as a child, Pavel prefers Italian cuisine: it has a million variations for those who do not like to eat meat.

Model and blogger Tatyana Korsakova, one child

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“Four years ago, it happened completely naturally for me. I noticed that the more I practice yoga, the less I want to eat meat. At some stage, I simply stopped perceiving its smell and taste. In addition to changes in taste preferences I also experienced metamorphoses in the ethical side of this issue. There are so many animals on my small farm: rabbits, goats, lambs, horses, let there be more of them, and they all live a happy life.”

Favorite dishes: quinoa, avocado, coconut water and almond butter.

Owner of Caps Lock Shop Rita Nesterets, 26 years old

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“I stopped eating meat when I was a child, before I was ten years old. My parents didn’t mind, at the age of sixteen I gave up chicken, and then I started going to eastern energy practices and at eighteen I stopped eating fish because I learned about the Vedas and karma. And recently dairy disappeared from my diet.”

Favorite dishes: fruits, smoothies and falafel.

Creator of the blog and the 365 detox project Olya Malysheva, 28 years old

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“At the age of 18 I started doing yoga, and where there is yoga, there is vegetarianism. I quickly forgot about burgers and chicken legs and plunged headlong into a new way of life. I tried many different approaches on myself - from Ayurveda to strict veganism and raw food diet, but over time I came to understand that an individual and comprehensive approach is important. To be or not to be a vegetarian should be a personal and conscious choice, and not a tribute to fashion. I would advise you not to rush to put one label or another on yourself. Before calling yourself a vegan or raw foodist, you must not only study as much information as possible, weigh the pros and cons, but also prepare your body. You can start by gradually and wisely replacing meat with whole meats. herbal products, also excluding flour, sugar, canned food and fried foods. It's very fast better side affect both the figure and the skin, and the state of vigor during the day.”

Favorite dishes: I love avocados, Thai mangoes, green juices, spinach and seaweed. I publish my favorite recipes on my blog - quinoa salads, cashew “cheesecakes” and vegan ice cream. It so happened that my passion and lifestyle grew into my favorite job.

Yoga Journal Editor-in-Chief, Ellen Verbeek, three children

Of course, our list would not be complete without the main apologist for yoga and vegetarianism in Russia, the wife of media magnate Derk Sauer and co-founder of Cosmopolitan, now the editor-in-chief of the most authoritative yoga magazine in Russia and a strict vegan.

When and how did you become a vegetarian?“I have been a vegetarian for many years. I remember that as a child, when I learned that meat comes from cows and pigs, the desire to eat it disappeared. But I have always been what is called a flexetarian - a vegetarian who sometimes allowed myself fish or meat in a restaurant with friends.

Everything changed after a teacher training in Jivamukti Yoga in India, where I went to delve into the practice, study of Sanskrit and the basics of teaching. When I returned, I became a strict vegan. You might think that I was simply “brainwashed” there by regularly showing terrible films about the meat industry and cruel treatment of animals, but there is no turning me away from this road: no animal products for food, no clothes made of leather and fur. Not to mention that there is no meat, fish, honey or the like on my menu. This lifestyle may seem difficult in a metropolis and the hustle and bustle of work, but in practice it is very easy.”

Favorite dishes:“I love to cook and try new recipes. Some of my favorite dishes now: Indian curry and Moroccan couscous. My favorite vegetable is spinach, and I’m easily tempted by sweet potato chips.”

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Photo of Sati: Nata Oreshnikova, project “Morning in the city» specially for

Many people love nature and animals so much that they cannot calmly eat what once lived. They decided that they could be fed and clothed without resorting to murder. Some of them even refused honey and milk, because according to nature’s plan, bees and cows make them not for people, but for themselves. It’s not that easy; some of us tried it, but they didn’t succeed.

There are many vegetarians and vegans among the actors. They not only changed their eating habits, but often engage in advocacy for protection environment and humane treatment of animals. There is, of course, not everything here; it is impossible to embrace the immensity. But some of this list surprised us.

Jared Leto

Vegetarian. Sometimes accepts vegan restrictions. At forty he looks twenty-five. Perhaps this is what it's all about. Or maybe he has an aging portrait somewhere in his attic.

Woody Harrelson

Frame: Lionsgate

Vegan. Passionate animal advocate and environmentalist.

Tobey Maguire

Frame: Sony/Columbia

Vegan. The actor who plays Spider-Man says that he never had a desire to eat meat: “Even when I was a child, it was hard for me. It had to be a perfect piece, without fat, cartilage, bones or anything like that. I don't judge people who eat meat - it's none of my business, but this problem really upsets me."

Samuel L. Jackson

Peter Yang/August

Vegan. I decided to change the nutrition paradigm in order to “live forever”; if he continues to act all this time, it will be great!

Christina Applegate

Andrew MacPherson

Vegetarian. Christina says she gave up meat so long ago that she literally forgot its taste. And he can’t imagine that he can eat differently.

Leonardo DiCaprio


Vegetarian. And a fierce advocate for the environment and wildlife. He donates most of his fees to foundations dealing with environmental issues.

Russell Brand

Vegetarian since 14 years old. But after watching the movie “Forks over Knives,” I decided to change my habits and switched to veganism. He stated that he did not change his vegetarianism, even when he had problems with drugs and struggled with his drug addiction.

Kal Penn

The actor may have gone on a hamburger hunt in " Harold and Kumar break away", but in real life chooses vegetables instead of meat.

Peter Dinklage


Vegetarian. The Game of Thrones star has not eaten meat since he was 16 and has repeatedly stated that he has always had respect for animals.

Brad Pitt

Vegetarian is already very long time. He is so faithful to his way of eating that he even tried to instill it in his children. And he gets very upset when his wife eats meat.

Natalie Portman

She has been a vegetarian for over 20 years. According to Natalie, “each animal is an individual with its own character.” In addition, she is confident that in the future vegetarianism will become the absolute norm of life, and eating meat will become as shocking and outdated as racism or slavery.

Joaquin Phoenix

Mark Seliger

The actor says that the turning point in his choice to become a vegetarian was fishing with his father at the age of three. Seeing the caught fish fluttering on the shore, Joaquin firmly decided never to kill animals.

Emily Deschanel

Vegetarian. The star of the series “Bones” changed the paradigm of her diet more than 15 years ago and actively promotes vegetarianism. She believes even the dairy industry is cruel.

Cillian Murphy

Vegetarian. But he believes that the role is the most important thing, and for the sake of a small role in the film “Girl with a Pearl Earring” (2003), where Kililan was supposed to play the role of a butcher, Murphy, a convinced vegetarian, went to train in handling pigs at a slaughterhouse.

Alicia Silverstone

Don Flood/InStyle

Vegetarian. “When people have the chance to spend time around farm animals - pigs, cows, chickens or turkeys - they find that they treat these animals the same way they treat cats and dogs. Usually people just don't think about it because they see these animals on their plates. Why should these animals become food while other animals are pets? I won’t eat my dogs.”

Mayem Bielik


Vegan. The actress and neuroscientist was a vegetarian for a very long time, but some time ago she decided to switch to veganism. Her husband and sons are also vegan.

Jessica Chastain

Lorenzo Agius/Telegraph

Vegan. Jessica absorbed this food system as a child; her mother is a chef in a vegan restaurant.

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Many popular actors have long given up eating meat, each for their own reasons. Some people think it is unethical to kill innocent animals, others had to give up meat due to medical reasons. Today we bring you a list of the most famous vegetarian and vegan actors.

In one of his last interviews in 2013 with GQ magazine, Jared claims that good sleep and special nutrition, consisting of 20 years of experience first as a vegetarian and then a vegan diet, help him stay healthy and forever young.

Woody Harrelson became a vegan at age 24 on the advice of a friend. He suffered from acne and a constant cough, but after just 3 days of changing his diet, the mucus in his lungs and pimples were gone for good. Now Woody is a raw foodist.

Tobey Maguire became a vegetarian in 1992, and in 2009 the actor gave up all animal products. The actor who plays Spider-Man admits that he never had a desire to eat meat: “Even when I was a child, it was hard for me.”

Samuel L. Jackson switched to a vegan diet to improve his health and “live forever.” Jackson announced that he had decided to give up meat completely. meat products and milk. According to the actor, he was forced to do this primarily by his age, as well as the desire to stay healthy as long as possible.

Leonardo DiCaprio
Not just a vegetarian, but an ardent environmentalist. The popular actor organizes events and creates films in support of animals.

American actor Peter Dinklage, star of the series “Game of Thrones,” said: “I decided to become a vegetarian when I was a teenager. Of course, firstly, it was a decision made out of love for animals. However, secondly, everything happened because of the girl.” Dinklage did not specify which girl inspired him to give up meat.

Brad Pitt has long been a vegetarian and gets very angry when his wife eats meat.

Natalie Portman. She has been a vegetarian for over 20 years. According to Natalie, “each animal is an individual with its own character.” In addition, the actress is convinced that the time will come when vegetarianism will become the norm, and eating meat will be shocking and outdated.

Actor Joaquin Phoenix spoke about the reasons for switching to veganism: “I was three years old. I remember that day very well. Together with my family we were fishing on a boat. One fish began to struggle desperately when it was caught and thrown forcefully onto the side of the boat. The truth horrified me: we treat animals horribly. A living, pulsating creature that tried to survive died a brutal death at the hands of man. I realized this clearly.”

Cillian Murphy is a vegetarian due to the unhealthy methods and drugs used in animal agriculture.

Jessica Chastain has been vegan since birth. She grew up in a family where plant-based foods and respect for all living things were a priority. Moreover, everything is very strict, the Chastain family does not eat not only meat and fish, but also honey, eggs, and dairy products.

All over the world, every year there are more and more fans and followers of such a popular movement as vegetarianism. Each person comes to this, guided by his own beliefs. Some people simply strive to lead a healthy life, others find it unbearable to realize the suffering of animals, and others think globally, worrying about the future of our planet. Most vegetarians are like the most ordinary people, and celebrities, consider it a kind of life philosophy and take compliance with its rules very seriously.

Famous vegetarians, among whom there are many representatives different areas activities are a subject to be imitated, because numerous fans are interested in their lives. You can often hear that famous people deliberately spread widely about their vegetarianism in order to increase interest in themselves.

It is quite clear that such “PR campaigns” also take place. But still, the list of celebrities who take vegetarianism seriously is very long. In many cases, stars claim that the transition to this system of nutrition and life helped them reassess their values ​​and philosophy of life. Moreover, some vegetarian celebrities say that after such changes they have found the real meaning of life and now look at the world and the people around them in a completely different way.

The fact that every year everything large quantity famous people in Russia, as well as celebrities around the world, are switching to or vegetarianism, also indicates that among their fans these trends will begin to be discovered more and more more people. The article below will discuss which of the most famous people in various fields are staunch vegetarians and how exactly each of them came to this decision.

Famous vegetarians: dietary habits are not a barrier to success

Most meat eaters are confident that without animal food a person cannot live. active image life and thrive both physically and mentally. However, the most famous scientists, athletes, actors, etc., who have adhered to the principles of vegetarianism for many years, completely cross out this belief. The wide list convinces us that when proper organization vegetarians can achieve incredible success in various fields of activity.

Scientists and writers

Many world-famous people of intellectual labor practiced precisely such life principles and nutritional systems. Many great scientists and brilliant writers were vegetarians.

Among the writers one can single out such, without exaggeration, brilliant people who were vegetarians:

  • - an outstanding writer. He began to profess the principles of vegetarianism after talking with the English vegetarian writer William Frey.
  • Franz Kafka - a writer whose works are known for their special impact on readers and are recognized a unique phenomenon in world literature.
  • Mark Twain - “father” of Tom Sawyer and author of many other artistic and journalistic works.
  • Richard Bach - American writer who created the work “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” and many others.
  • Charlotte Bronte - English writer who created the novel Jane Eyre.

There were many adherents of just such a philosophy among brilliant thinkers and scientists:

  • Pythagoras - a mathematician and philosopher, whose teaching was based on the ideas of justice and humanity, forbade harming animals and killing them.
  • Plato - philosopher, teacher of Aristotle. I have always preferred the simplest possible plant foods and refrained from excesses.
  • Leonardo da Vinci - scientist and artist, author of many most important inventions for humanity. Stopped eating meat since early childhood, believing that one day killing an animal will be equivalent to killing a person.
  • Albert Einstein - scientist and humanist, outstanding physicist, Nobel Prize Laureate.
  • Nikola Tesla - inventor, physicist, author of revolutionary ideas in the field of electricity.
  • Steve Jobs – our outstanding contemporary was also a vegetarian. In addition, he ate very extravagantly. For example, for several weeks he could only eat carrots or eat fruit smoothies. Jobs himself considered this approach a kind of philosophy of asceticism. Later, despite the recommendations of doctors and requests from loved ones, Steve Jobs continued to eat in the same way, remaining very ascetic until the end of his life.


Despite the belief of many people that it is impossible to achieve high results in sports with a vegetarian diet, famous athletes who consume only plant foods are proof of the opposite. Here's just a small list:

  • Carl Lewis – he is still considered the best athlete of all times. After all, the athlete won nine Olympic medals and became an eight-time world champion. Interestingly, the athlete is a vegan, that is, he consumes exclusively plant foods.
  • Mike Tyson - a world-famous boxer, author of three records, world champion. This legendary boxer, despite the fact that he is a supporter of a plant-based diet, has many achievements and a reputation as the most recognizable athlete in the boxing world.
  • Muhammad Ali – is rightfully considered the founder of modern boxing. His ease in the ring, according to the athlete himself, was achieved through a healthy diet.
  • - an outstanding professional wrestler who has never been defeated in his entire career. He had phenomenal strength and endurance.
  • Marina Navratilova - this tennis player won the Wimbledon tournaments nine times. Throughout her career she received 166 awards.
  • Scott Yurek – an athlete-runner who “specializes” in marathons. Managed to win one of the toughest races in the world - 216 kilometers in Death Valley (California).
  • Serena Williams – tennis player, Olympic champion, won the Wimbledon tournament twice. She is the most decorated American tennis player.
  • Bill Pearl - famous American bodybuilder. When the athlete was approaching forty, doctors diagnosed him with a high level. Due to the high risk of developing serious illnesses, doctors recommended the athlete switch to a vegetarian diet. The only animal foods left on his menu were eggs and dairy products. But this did not stop him from continuing to train and achieve serious results in sports.

In addition to those listed famous athletes, many more modern athletes are vegetarians or vegans, as well as those who have written their names in the history of sports. Therefore, the conclusion is clear: vegetarianism is not an obstacle to achieving sports results.

Show business stars

Many modern movie stars, singers, and musicians have already given up meat. Some famous people actively promote this lifestyle and diet. Since their army of fans is very large, the vegetarian philosophy of life is confidently increasing the number of followers.

This singer and actress is already well over forty, but she looks great. She herself often talks about how her youth and freshness are the result of a complete rejection of animal products.

The star consumes exclusively plant foods, minimizes the amount of sugar and bread in her diet and claims that every morning she feels real vigor and a desire to live.

Natalie Portman

The actress, who once won an Oscar, gave up meat products at the age of eight. Only during pregnancy did she break her vegetarian diet. However, now she adheres to it again and, moreover, actively defends the rights of animals, refusing products made of leather, fur, and suede.

Jared Leto

Although this actor and musician has long passed his fifties, he also looks great. He explains this by eating habits. At one time, Jared became a vegetarian, and then completely abandoned animal foods and turned into a real vegan, which he has been for more than twenty years. By the way, the star also practically does not drink alcohol, and also urges everyone not to use real fur.

For many years now, this famous and beloved actor has been a convinced vegan. On this issue, Pitt often clashed with Angelina Jolie, who was never able to become a vegetarian.

However, after breaking up with Angelina, Pitt did not change his habits. He does not eat meat and is an active animal rights activist. In addition, he often tells everyone around him about the dangers of meat for the body and negative impact meat-eating on the environment.

Demmy Moor

At one time, the actress gave up meat to lose weight. Later, she became convinced that plant foods are an effective path to slimness, since she did not gain all three weights during the period. In addition, Moore prefers to eat foods in natural form. In her diet, only a quarter of the products are thermally processed; the actress eats all other plant products raw. She also regularly drinks fresh juices, eats herbs and sprouted grains. As a result, the star looks great.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress not only practices vegetarianism herself, but also tries to convince the general public that meat is not beneficial for the body. She is the author of a book on healthy eating and traditionalists macrobiotics . This philosophy involves avoiding household chemicals, fast food, and food from the supermarket.

The famous musician adheres to a microbiotic diet and is actively involved in yoga . Long time he practiced vegetarianism, but recently Sting started eating meat again.

The thing is that the singer has a so-called organic farm where animals are bred. It is their meat that Sting eats. That is, the singer’s dietary habits are based not on the principles of animal protection, but on maintaining his own health.

Keanu Reeves

Although this actor is not a strict vegetarian, he still tries not to consume unhealthy food, and sometimes goes for months without eating meat. This helps him look very young, even though Reeves was born in 1964.

Alice Milano

The actress, who played a witch in the TV series “Charmed,” began practicing vegetarian principles of nutrition in 2000. However, it is not so easy for her to comply with them, because the actress lives on soybeans. In addition, Milano loves animals very much. She does not wear fur and encourages everyone to actively take action to help their little brothers.

Paul McCartney

At one time, Sir McCartney watched sheep and realized that he could not eat meat. Later he stopped eating fish too. He raised his children as vegetarians, published books about vegetarianism, and does not wear fur. The musician is convinced that if people give up meat, it will help solve many of the world's problems - hunger, cruelty, environmental problems.

The actor refused meat products, citing the fact that such food has a harmful effect on the body and, moreover, is a product of a very cruel industry.

Affleck very often speaks unflatteringly about meat producers and urges his fans to give up animal products.

Tobey Maguire

For 14 years, Tobey Maguire practiced vegetarianism, and then he also gave up dairy products and eggs. It's very rare that an actor can afford a little cheese. He also eats milk chocolate and honey

Vladimir Zeldin

The famous actor, who lived to be 101 years old, did not adhere to the principles of vegetarianism too strictly, but always preferred vegetables and fruits to meat. In addition, I tried not to eat after seven in the evening. The actor's favorite dish was cabbage soup with sorrel.


The singer is a vegetarian, but she came to this thanks to her passion for Kabbalah. Madonna gave up sweets and drinks special water. And it looks great at the same time.

In addition to the world-famous people mentioned above, vegetarianism - strict or not - was once practiced or is currently being practiced by many other stars from different fields of activity. Orlando Bloom, Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise, Anne Hathaway, Olivia Wilde, Julia Roberts and many others prefer plant-based foods, which they mentioned more than once when communicating with a wide audience.

They all claim that vegetarianism was their conscious choice, and this happened as a result various reasons. IN modern world Vegetarianism is both a popular trend, and principles, and a desire for healthy life. And if you look closely at vegans and vegetarians, the conclusions arise naturally, because they look great. However, all the stars work closely with nutritionists and other specialists, so their menu is usually balanced and contains all the substances necessary for the body. Therefore, fans of stars who decide to follow the example also need to carefully plan their menu and switch to a vegetarian diet gradually.

Vegetarianism has become very fashionable these days. People adopt a vegetarian diet out of curiosity, for health benefits, as a result of accepting new religious beliefs, or simply out of compassion for animals. Historical facts show that many communities around the world were built on the basis of vegetarianism or veganism. A vegetarian lifestyle is followed in India. It is from this country that most of the world's vegan celebrities brought their commitment to following a natural green diet. Here are some famous names. All these people adhered and adhere to strict vegetarianism.

Famous vegetarians:

Leonardo da Vinci. The world-famous artist from Italy is famous not only for his paintings, but also for his vegetarian lifestyle. His love for animals was so deep that he bought animals from meat markets. It was he who said: “As long as people slaughter animals, they will kill each other.”

Paul McCartney. One of the participants in the popular music group"Beatles". He decided to follow a vegetarian diet with his wife Linda McCartney, an animal rights activist. In one of his interviews, he expressed the following thought: “If slaughterhouses were built with glass walls, everyone would be vegetarians.”

Thiruvalluvar. A saint whose worship is common in the southern part of India. His statement became famous: “How can a person who eats the meat and flesh of living beings show compassion.”

Pamela Anderson. Popular Canadian actress and dancer. Adheres to vegetarianism adolescence. He defends animal rights and is the founder of many charity campaigns.

Tobey Maguire. Hollywood's Spider-Man is a committed vegetarian. He has changed his diet significantly and even abstains from eating eggs and dairy products. In addition, you will not find a single animal leather product in his home.

Mike Tyson. American-born former boxer. He is the undisputed heavyweight champion. He won his first title at the age of 20 and successfully defended it nine times in subsequent years. Follows a completely vegetarian diet.

Amitabh Bachchan. A Bollywood star, his popularity rating is higher than that of Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro. He has been strictly vegetarian for a significant part of his life.

World famous vegetarian actors:

  • Pamela Anderson (Canada);
  • Jim Carrey (USA);
  • Amitabh Bachchan (India);
  • John Abraham (India);
  • Casey Affleck (USA);
  • Gillian Andersen (USA);
  • Alec Baldwin (USA);
  • James Cromwell (USA);
  • Tobey Maguire (USA);
  • Lisa Edelstein (USA);
  • Joaquin Phoenix (USA);
  • Brad Pitt (USA);
  • Alicia Silverstone (USA);
  • Billy West (USA);
  • Christian Bale (Great Britain);
  • Julie Christie (UK);
  • Sadie Frost (UK);
  • Anne Hathaway (USA);
  • Natalie Portman (USA).

World famous vegetarian athletes:

  • Adam Myerson (cycling, USA);
  • Greg Chapel (cricket, Australia);
  • Martina Navratilova (tennis, Czech Republic);
  • Sachin Tendulkar (cricket, India);
  • Mike Tyson (Boxing, USA).

Other famous personalities past and present:

  • Leonardo da Vinci, artist
  • Amos Bronson Alcott, transcendentalist
  • Confucius, Chinese philosopher
  • Dalai Lama 14th, spiritual leader
  • Albert Einstein, physicist
  • Adolf Hitler, Nazi leader
  • Aristotle, philosopher and thinker
  • Plato, philosopher and thinker
  • Pythagoras, mathematician
  • Socrates, philosopher and thinker
  • Mahatma Gandhi, Indian leader
  • Swami Vivekananda, philosopher
  • George Bernard Shaw, playwright
  • Isaac Newton, scientist
  • Leo Tolstoy, writer
  • Mark Twain, writer
  • Michael Jackson, singer
  • Benjamin Franklin, American politician
  • Henry Ford, entrepreneur
  • Louisa May Alcott, writer
  • H.G. Wells, writer
  • Ringo Starr, singer
  • George Harrison, singer
  • Charlotte Brontë, writer
  • Charles Darwin, naturalist
  • Bryan Adams, singer
  • Gulu Lalwani, entrepreneur
  • Heather Mills, community activist
  • Mac Danzig, martial arts champion
  • Prince, singer
  • Dr. Abdul Kalam, scientist
  • Rabindranath Tagore, poet and artist
  • Paul McCartney, singer
  • Chelsea Clinton.

Of course, this list is not complete and is erroneous in some places. But it is thanks to many of these individuals that more and more people are becoming adherents of vegetarianism.
