Scenario of entertainment for Mother's Day in the form of the game "My Child". Interesting competitions for Mother's Day for adults and children

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Every year on Mother's Day everyone unites their efforts educational institutions, families and the public to instill in children respect and love for their parents. Every preschool and secondary educational institution organizes a full cycle of events to coincide with this event. These include conversations dedicated to maternal work, children's themed exhibitions of photographs and drawings, evenings of music and poetry, theatrical performances and sports competitions for mothers and children, reading competitions, making cards and crafts as gifts for the upcoming holiday. And the most important, among all the abundance of exciting processes, is still the gala concerts for Mother’s Day in kindergartens and schools. Matinees and holiday events are able to combine almost all of the above points, giving guests, organizers and little participants the sea positive emotions and teachable moments. Be that as it may, the main purpose of the concert is entertainment, which means competitions on Mother's Day play a major role. Let's talk about them!

Funny competitions for children on Mother's Day in kindergarten

Literally all elements of organizing a holiday dedicated to mothers are necessary and important. This includes decorating the room with balloons (ribbons, flowers, bows), and preparing musical accompaniment, and a selection of outfits for little participants, and a selection of funny competitions for children on Mother's Day in kindergarten. But if a holiday can take place without decorations or dresses, then without well-chosen entertainment it is doomed to failure. The main thing to remember is that funny children's competitions for Mother's Day in kindergarten should not be too complicated, long or abstruse. A saddened and offended baby will not please anyone.

Funny competition "Mom's hands" for children in kindergarten

To participate in the game, one baby and 5 mothers are chosen, one of which is his own. The child is blindfolded and asked to identify his mother by feeling the hands of 5 parents. If the participant finds his beloved mother, it is worth rewarding him with a delicious candy. The game can then be repeated with the next participant. The number of repetitions is limited exclusively to the time allocated for the competition.

"Flowers for Mommy" - competition for Mother's Day in kindergarten

Funny children's competition for Mother's Day is to guess atypical riddles. For each correct answer, the child receives an artificial flower (made in advance during the labor lesson), from which he will eventually put together a bouquet for his mother. The winner will be the baby whose holiday bouquet for the mother turns out to be the most lush, bright and beautiful.

Everything is dressed in white snow,

that means it's coming... Winter

At night every window

dimly illuminates... Moon

Crows awake

dear, kind... Rooster

Four lions under the tree

one gone left... three

Who's about to fly off the flower?

Multicolored... Moth

From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

jumps deftly... Monkey

Scenarios for Mother's Day competitions for mothers

The Mother's Day holiday is considered successful if parents not only watch the progress of the matinee, enjoying the successes of their children, but also take an active part in the performances. Competition scenarios for mothers allow the culprits to show their talents, demonstrate imagination and a creative approach to business , express the depth of love for your children and simply plunge into childhood. Competitions for Mother's Day can be planned exclusively for the participation of mothers, or held together with fathers and children. Eg:

Competition for mothers "Children's karaoke" in kindergarten

An ordinary karaoke competition for mothers will become much more interesting if the participants have to sing children's songs along with their children, trying to copy the voice of the fairy-tale character performer as accurately as possible. For this case, the following compositions are suitable:

"Draw me, mommy!" - competition script for kindergarten on Mother's Day

In this game, participating mothers will have to draw an image of their baby with a marker on an A4 sheet of paper in 1 minute. You can complete any decorations or distinctive features, as long as the child recognizes himself. The winners will be all those mothers whose children identify their portrait without any prompts.

Scenario for the "Question and Answer" competition in kindergarten for Mother's Day

A typical question-and-answer game for this type of event will help not only entertain guests, but also point out to parents the gaps in their communication with their children. Before the game starts, the children answer the leader by ten tricky questions like “mom’s ugliest dish” or “mom’s most beautiful hairstyle.” Then the same questions are asked to the mothers in the room and the answers are compared with the children’s. The winner is the mother-child pair whose maximum amount matches in answers. The rest will have to communicate more with their babies.

Competitions for Mother's Day at school - the best ideas

Best ideas You don’t need to search for a long time for competitions for Mother’s Day at school in sponsors or Internet portals. Enough to turn to the good old school games, slightly remake them to fit the holiday theme, add a few congratulatory moments - and fun competitions ready. A classic sports relay race, an intellectual duel, a humorous competition with mothers and much more will certainly brighten up the school holiday for Mother's Day.

Competition at school "Mom, Dad, I..."

A small sports relay race on a festive stage or in the school yard (subject to good weather) will be an excellent end to the festive event. They don’t necessarily measure themselves in strength exercises. You can choose popular ones for the competition funny Games: tug of war “mothers against children”, sack jumping “students against parents”, etc. Several family teams or two groups of opponents “adults” and “students” can take part in the competition. Gifts for mothers can be crafts prepared by schoolchildren in advance for the celebration.

“Your best gift...” - the idea of ​​a competition at school for Mother’s Day

Autumn is time greatest choice natural materials for needlework. One of the numbers at the holiday can be associated with making impromptu gifts for mothers in a short period of time. The winner is determined by the number of votes from the audience. To carry out the game, you need to prepare cardboard, paper, beads, ribbons, natural materials, glue and other stationery materials in advance, so that everyone who wants to participate can make beads, a figurine, a postcard, a picture, an applique for their mommy within 5 minutes. Such a competition will bring pleasure not only to the winner’s mother, but also to all the parents of the participants.

Competitions for Mother's Day in school and kindergarten are an important component of a successful celebration. To children's party It turned out to be bright, cheerful and unusual; it is better to prepare prizes and scenarios for mothers and children in advance. Don’t forget, even classic poetry and drawing competitions require careful preliminary preparation.

Surprise competitions "Mother's Day" in elementary school

Event goals

1. Contribute to the development in every child of love and respect for his mother and her work.

2. Help strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between mother and child through joint play activities.

3. Develop Creative skills students.


1. Creation of a “Bank of Ideas” by children.

2. Drawing up by the class teacher of a competition script based on the ideas proposed by the students.

3. Design of an exhibition of crafts made jointly by mothers and children.

4. Preparation of amateur performances by schoolchildren and the class teacher.

5. Making postcards and souvenirs for mothers during labor lessons.

6. Parents purchase everything necessary for tea drinking.

7. Determination of the composition of the jury.

Students of 1st, 3rd and 4th grades who study in the same mixed-age group participate. study group, their mothers, class teacher and guests.

On the table class teacher- tape recorder, disc with the phonogram of the song “Hello, Moms!” Sets of clothing have been prepared according to the number of competing pairs (hats, jackets, scarves, gloves), hair bands; plates with porridge, spoons; sheets of white paper, felt-tip pens; scraps of fabric, needles, scissors, threads, buttons; blindfolds; toys; cards with animal names.

The progress of the holiday

Classroom teacher. Today we have gathered to honor the greatest, kindest, wisest and most patient woman - a woman-mother.

Any trouble will fade away and disappear,

Like roaring thunder in spring,

If she is with you, if she is always near

She might be 33 or 73.

No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it -

In restlessness, business from dawn to dusk

The person who holds the house together.

Her husband is a general, an astronaut or a poet,

Can be a tractor driver, a driver, a doctor.

She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that -

The person who holds the house together.

Very rarely, but still sometimes sick.

And then everything around is topsy-turvy, upside down.

Because she, because she

The person who holds the house together.

And no matter what spring comes,

We go to work or to kindergarten,

She always treats us like children,

The person who holds the house together.

The rapid age is taking us somewhere.

In the bustle, we sometimes forget that

That she is not a foundation, she is a person.

The person who holds the house together.

So that there is light in both the heart and the house,

Respond to her kindness with kindness.

Let him always feel love and warmth

The person who holds the house together.

Dear mothers, children have prepared a surprise for you.

1st student

Hello, kindest ones,

Smart and beautiful

The most wonderful -

Our beloved mothers!

2nd student

Congratulations now

Happy holiday to this wonderful

And we believe that our evening will be for you

Pleasant and interesting.

3rd student

Believe me, we are very sad,

If we upset you.

Listen to you, always help

We all promise now.

4th student

Mommies! We love you very much,

We adore you.

For affection, love, for sleepless nights

We thank you

And we give you a song as a gift.

Students sing the song “Hello, Moms!” (lyrics by K. Ibryaev, music by Y. Chichkov).

Classroom teacher. All our mothers are very busy people. How many worries and troubles they have! What are they doing?

The children answer.

Yes, our mothers work, run the house, and raise children. And very rarely you can spend the whole day with them without anything interfering or distracting you from each other.

And today you can not only chat, but also play with your mother. And today we will try to spend the day with mom. We invite each couple (mother and child) to create a team and take part in competitions. The competitions will be assessed by an independent jury. So let's begin.

First competition "Dress me". Each couple receives a set of clothes (hat, jacket, scarf, gloves). Mothers should get their baby dressed as quickly as possible.

After the competition, the girls perform a dance for their mothers.

Second competition “Mom-hairdresser”. Moms are given hair ties. The winner is the mother who manages to tie as many “tails” to her child as possible within a certain time.

Third competition "Breakfast". The teams receive bowls of porridge. A blindfolded mother must feed her child. The winner is the pair that completes the task more accurately and faster than the rest.

Children perform comic ditties as gifts for their mothers.


We are funny friends

We dance and sing.

And now we will tell you,

How my mothers and I live.

Our mothers sew and wash

And the food is delicious.

We must learn from them

Do everything perfectly.

And I'm trying to mommy

Never upset.

I love to sew, knit, cook

And get straight A's.

I'm proud of my mom

And she me too.

I try to be in everything

Looks like her.

My mother is cheerful -

And I'm having fun too.

Even if he scolds,

I'm not angry with her.

Our dear mothers,

Don't scold us for laziness.

We will learn lessons

A+ every day.

Classroom teacher. Our next competition is called "Artist's Workshop". While holding a felt-tip pen, the couple must draw a little man. Speed ​​and similarity are assessed.

The fourth competition "Cooks". Contestants must come up with names of dishes that begin with one letter (for example: jelly, compote, chicken, kulebyaka, loaf, etc.). The couple with the longest list will win.

Boys and girls sing the song “Pie for Mom.”

Classroom teacher. Do our teams know how to put on a patch or sew on a button? The next Atelier competition will show us this. Holding hands, the couple must thread the needle and sew on the button. Speed ​​and quality are assessed.

Fifth competition “Spring cleaning”. Blindfolded children must collect toys scattered on the floor. Mothers can give children clues where the toy is. The couple that collects the most toys wins.

Classroom teacher. Evening comes, and then night. Usually mothers tell their children fairy tales. And today we will do the opposite. I propose a competition called “Pantomime”.

Each team receives a card with the name of an animal (fox, cat, hare, cow, etc.). With the help of facial expressions and gestures, children must show the animal, and mothers must guess.

Our day with mom was friendly and fun. And for you, dear mothers, children will read poetry.


Thank you all for your participation,

Thanks for the jokes and laughter,

May the holiday be like a drop of happiness

Will remain in everyone's heart.


And now mom will smile,

I stand there, very worried.

A gift like a drop of sunshine

I give it to my beloved mother.

Children give their mothers postcards and handmade souvenirs.

Summing up the results of competitions. All participating couples are awarded in the following categories:

- “The most dexterous”;

— “Skillful hands”;

— “The most careful”;

— “The most erudite”;

— “Best Artists”;

— « Best Actor»;

— “Best Spectator”;

- “The most resourceful”;

- “The most friendly”

- “The most fun.”

The class teacher invites mothers and children to put a flower in the vase whose name matches their mood after the competition (cheerful, sad, calm).

The competitions end with a tour of the “We Do It Yourself” crafts exhibition and a tea party.


Yarovaya L.N. and etc. Extracurricular activities. 2nd grade. M., 2004.

MBOU "Iozefovskaya secondary school"



Game "Mom and Me"

Senchenko N.M.

November 2014


  1. Formation of active citizenship among students.
  2. Fostering respect for the older generation.
  3. Promote continuity in family education.


  1. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards mothers and a desire to help them.
  2. Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.
  3. Development of children's creative and acting abilities.


  1. Exhibition of drawings and crafts “To My Mother”.
  2. Mother's Day emblem.
  3. Musical accompaniment (songs about mom, music)
  4. Props for competitions.


Assembly Hall.


Students of grades 1-9, parents, administration representatives, guests.

Game "Mom and Me"


Good afternoon, Dear friends! I am very pleased to see you all in this room! It’s especially nice to see the mothers of our schoolchildren here, because it was in your honor that we organized this event! On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates the most important, most important day for every person - Mother's Day!

Today is a holiday! Today is a holiday!
Holiday of grandmothers and mothers,
This is the kindest holiday,
Comes to us in the fall.
This is a holiday of obedience,
Congratulations and flowers,
Diligence, adoration -
A holiday of the best words!

After all, it was our mother who gave us life, who surrounded us with care and affection, attention and warmth; it was our mother who supports us in difficult times and rejoices with us in our success.

Leading: Our mothers are also the bravest. They are ready to do anything for their children. They are ready to go on stage and take part in our family game: "Mom and I!".

(teams of mothers and children take the stage)

Teams come up with a name for their team. (Introduction of teams. The presenter calls the name of each team)

The game begins: 1 competition. Do you know your children well? (question for moms). And you will never confuse your child with someone else's? Yes? Let's check it now. The first competition is called: “Recognize your child by... his palm.”
(Moms are blindfolded. They are brought to the children. Each child extends his hand. Mothers must find out whose hand belongs to her son or daughter)


Next competition:

for mothers - “Mutual assistance”. You all know how many lessons our children are given. Sometimes they simply don’t have the strength to put together a briefcase. What to do? Of course, mom will come to the rescue. Now our mothers will need to get their children ready for school, in accordance with the lesson schedule.
1. Chemistry
2. Physics
3. Algebra
4. Literature
5. Social studies.

On the table there are notebooks, pencil cases, textbooks of all the children participating in the competition. 3 minutes are allotted for the competition.

(Looking at the contents of the briefcases with comments from the presenter.)
for children - competition “Cinderella”

It is necessary to separate the buckwheat from the rice from the cereal mixture. This competition is for a while.

What you need: rice, buckwheat, plates, music.

(After the time has passed, the jury evaluates the correctness of the task).

And we move on to the next competition called “Connoisseurs”. As children, our mothers read fairy tales to us, and then they taught us to read. What are your favorite fairy tales and books? (asks the teams a question) Great! Now we will check how well you remember them.

(A competition is held in which teams are asked questions about the plot of fairy tales and books from childhood and school curriculum. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point.)

"In the world of fairy tales"

1 Tale of farming on growing vegetables (“Turnip”).

2. How many times did the old man go to the sea in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? What did the net bring and what did the old man ask for? (The old man went to the sea six times: a net came with only mud, the first time he went - a net came with sea grass, a net came with one fish; the second time - he asked for a trough, the third time - a hut, the fourth - his wife wants to be a pillar noblewoman, the fifth - a free queen, for the sixth time - the mistress of the sea.)

3. Which fairy tale talks about bad work director, about his evil character and the plight of the actors? (A. Tolstoy. “The Adventures of Pinocchio, or the Golden Key”)

4. How many times did Prince Guidon fly to the kingdom of Tsar Saltan and who did he turn into? (Three times: mosquito, fly, bumblebee.)

5. A tale about overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building (“Teremok”).

6. A fairy tale about how love turns an animal into a man (“The Scarlet Flower”).

7. A fairy tale about the advantage of stone buildings over straw ones (“The Three Little Pigs”).

8: The Tale of the Girl Who Nearly Fell Three Times unequal marriage, but then she finally found her prince (“Thumbelina”).

- You, of course, think that you know your mothers very well. It's right?
(Addresses the guys. The guys agree.)

- Well, mothers also believe that they know their children from all sides. Am I saying this correctly?
(Addresses mothers, they also agree.)

- Well, okay, now we'll check it.
(Four participants are called, two teenagers and their mothers, they are asked to stand with their backs to each other, then questions are asked alternately, first to one pair, then to the other.)

Questions for teenagers:
What color is your mom's hair?
How old is she?
What color are mom's eyes?
What flowers does she like?
What is her middle name?
What color is her dress?
What time of year does she adore?
Her favorite song?

Questions for moms:
What is the name of your child's friend?
What is the last grade in the diary?
Favorite dish?
What kind of music does he like?
How many friends does he/she have?
What's in fashion now?
What is your child's hobby?
Who does he want to be?

- Based on the answers, I conclude that you are almost strangers.

(If the answers were correct, then the phrase changes.)

- Let's friends check how you and your mothers work. Do you help them with housework?

A competition “Plant Potatoes” is being held.Two teams of six people compete (with the participation of mothers). There are ten potatoes in a bucket, the first one must “plant” the potatoes, that is, lay them out exactly in a line, then run around the chair and give the bucket to another participant, who must collect the potatoes, and so on. The team that finishes it faster wins. Small prizes will be pleasant for the players.)

Leading: Well done! It’s immediately obvious that mothers have helpers! And we only have one competition left! I ask the teams to take their places at the table.

(Participants are given newspapers, tape, paper clips, ribbons, bows and similar props.)

Leading : How often do our mothers ask the question “What to wear?” Now your children will help you with this! The task for the participants is to build an outfit for your mother from available materials!

Well, mothers come up with outfits for their children. You have 10 minutes to do everything! So, let's start!

(Cheerful music plays. The jury evaluates the outfit and artistry on a scale from 1 to 10 points.)

Host: Wonderful! I am delighted with your outfits. They are worthy of Paris Fashion Week! Thank you!

Competition “Collect proverbs”

It’s warm in the sun….(it’s good when mother)

Maternal care does not burn in fire... (and does not drown in water)

The bird is happy about spring...(and the baby is mother)

Motherly affection….(doesn’t know the end)

There is no dearer friend... (than my dear mother)

Mother feeds children... (like the land of people)

The kid’s finger will hurt... (and the mother’s heart will hurt)
Presenter: Our 3rd competition: “Crocodile”. This famous game. For those who are not familiar with this game, let me remind you of the rules. A word will appear on the screen, and everyone will be able to read it except the mother participating in the competition. The child must explain this word to his mother in two minutes using gestures and facial expressions, and the mother must guess it.

The jury of the competition, represented by me, finds it difficult to choose the winners. Because every mother is the best (mothers are given medals), and for every mother her son is the best, and her daughter is the best. So I consulted with myself and decided that everyone was a winner today. And everyone gets prizes! But by lot. I will ask the children to draw a card with the name of the prize.

1. Mini hanger for outerwear in the country. (Nail.)
2. Small-sized washing machine. (Eraser).
3. Thought transmitter at a distance. (Envelope)
4. Modern vacuum cleaner. (tassel)
5. The most practical gift. (Plastic bag.)
6. Mini-palace. (Handkerchief.)

Leading: These are joke prizes. You have already received the most valuable prize in your life - your love for each other. Thank you, our dear mothers, for being you, for taking part in the game, for sitting in the hall and “cheering” for the participants. Thank you for your dedication, your patience, your daily hard work! Let a smile shine on your faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in your eyes when you are together, as it was today!

Natalia Chernikova

The proposed games will help in organizing holidays and leisure activities dedicated to Mother's Day, which will be celebrated in many educational institutions in November.

1. Competition “Find a child”

Mothers take part in the competition. Children stand in a circle, the mother of one of the children is in the center of the circle, she is blindfolded with a scarf. She will have to move in a circle, she can take the children by the hands, or the second option: feel the heads and try to find her child.

The competition can be organized among individual mothers or among teams in which mothers participate.

2. Creative competition"Portrait of a Mother"

Children draw portraits of their mothers (you can use paints and markers).

Then they organize an exhibition of works and the mothers guess whose portrait it is.

3. Competition “Who is bigger”

Teams consisting of mother and child participate. The mother is holding a hoop in her hands, and the child Balloons. The distance between them is 2-3 meters. The children's task is to throw as many balls as possible into the mother's hoop. Mothers can help catch balls with a hoop, but should not go beyond the line between them and their children.

4. Competition “Tell me about your mother”

Children stand in a circle. They have to talk about their mothers one sentence at a time. At the same time, they can give each other a ball or a ball. For example: “My mother is the kindest”, “And my mother bakes delicious pies“,” “My mother takes care of me,” etc. The most important thing is not to remain silent and not to repeat yourself, because in this case you can drop out of the competition. The winner is the last player.

5. “Shopping” competition

Teams consisting of mother and child participate. There are replicas of food items on trays on the tables. Opposite are the teams. The distance between tables and teams is 8-10 meters. Moms have a grocery list and a basket. At the signal, the teams of participants begin shopping. Mom names the first thing to buy from the list, the child runs up to the table and chooses the right product and runs back, puts it in mom’s basket. Then he does the same until he buys everything he needs. The team that completes the task first wins.

6. “Holiday Lunch” Competition

Teams consisting of mother and child participate. The child must feed his mother, for example, a banana or fruit salad using a teaspoon. During lunch, mothers' hands rest on their laps.

The team that finishes lunch faster will be considered the winner of the competition.

7. Sketch “Mothers and Daughters”

Each family receives a card with the task of acting out a skit. The card says what situation needs to be staged. The main condition is that the child and mother change roles: the child takes on the role of the mother, and the mother takes on the role of the child. The tasks can be very diverse: “Mom feeds her daughter porridge, but she doesn’t like it,” “My daughter is sick, my mother is treating her,” “Mom is teaching her daughter to read,” etc.

8. Competition “Help Mom get ready for work”

Teams consisting of mother and child participate. Mom is sitting on a chair, next to her on the table is a bag, jewelry, wallet, comb, keys. All teams have the same set of items. The children’s task is to help their mother get ready for work when given a signal (mothers do not help children; you can put your hands on your knees). For example, children should put clips, beads, a hat on their mothers, put a comb, a wallet and keys in their purse. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Publications on the topic:

Games for matinees for March 8 and Mother's Day Games for matinees “March 8th and Mother’s Day” Game “TIE A SCARF” A rope is attached between two chairs, and strings are tied to the rope.

I qualifying round of the city reading competition “Zvonochek” dedicated to World Day child and Mother's Day in Russia. 1. Goals: 1. Popularization.

Games and competitions for children Game “Plant and Harvest” Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans. 2 teams of 4 people each participate. 1st participant.

Cosmonautics Day is coming soon. Activities dedicated to this event will be held in kindergartens. You can organize themed leisure activities and include them.

Easter is coming soon. Preparations for the holiday are already in full swing. Teachers make crafts with children and decorate group rooms. I offer games.

1. "Cheerful broom." We need 2 teams - 4 mothers and 4 children. You need to run a broom between the pins balloon. Whose team can do it faster?

Municipal budget educational institution for preschool and younger children school age"Bushevetskaya secondary school Primary School- kindergarten"

Competitions and skits for an event dedicated to

Mother's Day "Dear Mom."

Prepared by the teacher primary classes

Fedorova Larisa Zinovievna

Competitions for Mother's Day .

1 . Game “Cooking Porridge”, cooking competition.

The participants of the game come out, take a card and need to stick a sign with the name of the product on an improvised pan. One team cooks borscht, and the other – pilaf.

On the cards are the names of the products: meat, rice, carrots, onions, garlic, salt, butter, Bay leaf, beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, meat, onions, salt, tomatoes.

Well done! The result was delicious borscht and pilaf!

2.Game: “Who can dress the child for a walk faster?” »:

Required with eyes closed dress the child.

3. Game: “Riddles”.
The Word has hidden somewhere, The Word has hidden and is waiting.
Let the guys find me. Come on, who will find me?

Mom, dad, brother and me -
That's my whole... (family)

Our hands were covered in soap.
We washed the dishes ourselves.
We washed the dishes ourselves -
Helped our... (mother!)

We plant flowers in the garden,
We water them from a watering can.
Asters, lilies, tulips
Let them grow for our... (mother)

4. Recipe competition: You have to draw recipes at random. They list the main ingredients of dishes you are familiar with. You need to guess this dish correctly and quickly.

1st recipe: sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets and potatoes, green pea And sunflower oil. (the vinaigrette)

2nd recipe : boiled egg, onion, carrots, beets and boiled potatoes, mayonnaise, herring. (Herring under a Fur Coat)

3rd recipe: mayonnaise, onion, boiled carrots, boiled potatoes, boiled egg, green peas, sausage. (Olivier salad)

5. Competition “Find out a fairy tale” “Moms are storytellers »

Now let's remember what fairy tales you told your children. In turn, each team names one fairy tale. Let's not repeat ourselves. The Last Tale the team wins the competition.

1. Kolobok lived and visited a woman and her grandfather. He was once lying on the window. And then the mouse ran and waved its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running and ate everything, leaving the crumbs behind. They ran home, and the crumbs were scattered along the path. The geese and swans flew in and began pecking at the crumbs and drinking from the puddle. And the learned cat says to them: “Don’t drink, otherwise you’ll become little goats.” (Kolobok, chicken Ryaba, Wolf and seven kids, Geese-swans, Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.)

2. Once upon a time there were 3 bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice hut. So a mouse-norushka, a frog-a frog ran past, they saw huts and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and turn your front to us!” The hut stands and does not move. They decided to enter. We walked to the door and pulled the handle. They pull and pull, but they cannot pull. And Sleeping Beauty lay there and waited for Emelya to kiss her. (3 bears, Zayushkina’s hut, Teremok, Turnip, Sleeping beauty, At the command of the pike.)

6. Task-game – “The One”
We invite our beloved mothers (3 mothers each) to come out. They stand at the board.Two children are selected, and their mothers must stand at the board) . The first one is blindfolded, the mothers change places, the child must feel the mothers hands and guess where exactly his mother is.

7. Game "Guess the cereal »

(different cereals are poured into bags, the guys determine the name of the cereal by touch).

8. Game “Collect cereals from plates”

(the class is divided into two groups; two cereals are mixed in two plates; each group is given a plate of cereals and asked to sort them

Teacher:We can help mom not only in the kitchen. Let's play this game: I'll start the poem, and you finish it:

I like to work, I don't like to be lazy.
I myself know how to lay my own evenly and smoothly...(crib)
I will help my mother, I will wash with her...
I didn’t sit idle, I did a lot of things:

The dishes are all washed and not even...

9. Game "Wash" »

Now guys, let’s help our mothers wash their clothes.(We imitate movements when washing).

Let's start, take the soap and wash.
Wash and spin.
Oh, water is leaking from the laundry, that’s really not a problem.
Let's twist it better, it will become drier.
We “twist” the laundry and “hang it up.”
Now the laundry is dry, what else should we do?
We'll pet him and get it over with quickly.
“Ironing” and “folding” the laundry.

10 . So that our mothers don’t get bored, stretch their legs and arms, we invite them to join the circle and play a dance game:"Playing the Orchestra" .

1 verse.(two hand claps)
If you have fun, do this
(two hand claps)
If life is fun, we will smile at each other,

If you have fun, do this
(two clapping hands).

In the second verseInstead of clapping their hands, children should click their fingers twice.

In third– two claps of palms on the knees.

In the fourth- two foot stamps.

In the fifth verseInstead of rhythmic movements, the word “good” should be pronounced:

If you're having fun, shout "okay"
If life is fun,
We will smile at each other.
If you're having fun, shout "okay"

11. "Find Mom"

(the presenter throws a ball to the children and names the baby animals, and they call them mothers)

tiger cub - tigress

calf - cow

pig - pig

lion cub - lioness

bunny - hare

wolf cub - she-wolf

chicken - chicken

duckling - duck

baby elephant - mother elephant

baby squirrel - squirrel

owlet - owl

little fox - fox

bear cub - she-bear.

12. "Find your child"

(children stand in a circle; the mother is blindfolded and she guesses her child by touch; in this case, you can put a small child on a high chair; remove the girl’s bow...)

13. “Collect a proverb”

There is no sweeter friend, / ………….. than my dear mother.

When the sun is warm, / …………..when mother is good.

The bird is happy about spring, /………………. and the child is the mother.

Mother's affection /………………….. knows no end.

14. “Portrait competition” »

(there are pre-drawn portraits of their mothers on the board, and mothers must recognize themselves)

15. GAME: “Whose circle will gather sooner?

Two mothers are participating. Around the first are girls, around the second are boys. Everyone runs around to the sound of cheerful music; at the end of the music, everyone needs to stand up to their mother. Then the game is repeated, with the participation of other mothers.

16. Game "Compliment ".

You meet your mother halfway and say compliments and kind words at every step. (Students stand opposite their mothers, take turns, come up, hug and kiss on the cheek.)

17 . Game "Venicoball"

( circle the balloon between the pins with a broom)


1. Sketch "Three Mothers"

(There is a table in the center, around 4 chairs. An elegant doll sits on a children’s highchair.)


Tanyusha in the evening
I came from a walk
And the doll asked:


How are you, daughter?
Did you crawl under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster!

Go to lunch, spinner.

(The girl takes the doll and places it at the table.)


Tanya's mom
I came back from work
And Tanya asked:


How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
“Dinner!” - granny shouted a hundred times,
And you answered: “Now, yes now!”
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!

(The daughter sits down at the table.)


Grandma is here
Mom's mom, she's here
And I asked my mother:


How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day.
Again there was not a minute to eat,
Did you eat a dry sandwich in the evening?
You can't sit all day without lunch!
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go to lunch, spinner!

(Mom and grandmother sit down at the table.)


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

Everyone (in unison):

Oh, how difficult it is to be mothers!

2. Scene : (6 boys come out, dressed in aprons and chef’s hats; someone is stained with flour)

1 boy:

Mom's holiday!
Mom's holiday!
Smells like delicious pie

And fresh flowers in a vase...

Dad back and forth all around!

2nd boy:

Our mother is resting:
Dad is a cook and caretaker...

He sighs very sadly,

Sweat on my forehead and my nose is covered in dough!

On this day for all men
There are a hundred reasons to worry!

(Read each line one by one) :

Is it the right type of perfume given?
– Is the tea well brewed?
– How long do soups take to cook?

– How much grain should I put in the porridge?
How long does it take to cook chicken?

– Does the meat need to be stewed?
– Where can I buy a cake for the holiday?

3 boy:

Our dear mothers!
We declare without embellishment -
Honestly, sincerely and directly -

We love you very, very much!

4 boy:

Although the open spaces beckon us,
We are not a step away from mom!

Dad and I can move mountains...

If mom tells me how!

5 boy:

Our mothers are our joy,
There are no words for us that are dearer,
So please accept my gratitude

To you, from loving children!

6 boy:

And there is nothing more beautiful at work
Mothers of brave warriors
Everything that dads can’t handle...
Moms will do it for them!

3. Sketch “Who’s the boss in the house!” (students speak):

1. And we had an intern! This time!

We wrote a dictation! That's two!

Thirdly, we read a book

It's about one boy,

He invented the helicopter -

Flying backwards! And you?

2. And here Natasha is a crybaby,

There is a blot in her notebook.

Natka roars all day long,

Natka will not erase the blot! And you?

3. And we have Petya Vasiliev,

He is the strongest in the world:

Two boys had their noses broken -

Dad came to school!

4. And my dad is a champion!

He goes to the stadium.

He throws weights up -

Will be the strongest in the world!

5. Although men are strong,

They don't know how to bake pancakes...

You men are klutzes,

educate you, teach you,

And parsley from dill

You can't tell the difference!

6. You don’t want to cook borscht!

Don't fry the cutlets...

You should run off to work,

Well, there's no point anymore

7. Are men of no use?

Is this talent not given to us?

Who nailed the bookshelf?

Fixed the faucet in the kitchen?

8. By the way, who does the laundry at home?

God didn't give you talent...

TV "consuming"

You lie down on the sofa.

9. You, thorny thorn,

You don't know men well.

Every now and then you shed tears

And also for no reason.

You say barbed words, timid...

Daddy's the head of the house

GIRLS ALL TOGETHER -Mom is the neck of the house.
