Job interview after maternity leave. How to successfully pass an interview after maternity leave: tips for a successful interview

It would be a good idea to send your resume to recruitment agencies. After sending your resume to suitable vacancies, be proactive and find out the fate of your resume by calling the employer. This can be a good reason to interest the employer over the phone in aspects of your biography. 4. They greet you based on their clothes and see them off based on their intelligence! Before you go for an interview or return to your previous job, we recommend that you put your own wardrobe in order. Change your usual jeans and sweaters to a business suit and a couple of dresses. Go to a beauty salon for a manicure, probably during maternity leave there was no time for that. When you come to an interview, you must impress not only with your appearance, but also interest the employer as a professional. Speak in a professional and business-like manner.

How to successfully pass an interview after maternity leave?


Relatives, nannies, neighbors, spouses - whoever these people are, but define their role in advance and reassure the employer. 5. Tell us about work during maternity leave. Maternity leave is also work.


The employer values ​​information about the skills acquired during maternity leave. You can certainly talk about multitasking, focus on results, and responsibility without a twinge of conscience.

If during maternity leave you still managed to find time for self-development or part-time work, be sure to tell us about it. Finding time for something else while caring for a child is like a feat, and there is no need to be embarrassed to talk about such successes.

What you need to know about an interview after maternity leave

Before sending your resume, think about your competitive advantages, for example, these could be: higher motivation for work and self-realization or a guarantee that you will not go on maternity leave in the near future. 3. Initiate the process! Inaction is equal to counteraction.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. You can remember a bunch of proverbs to convey an important idea - be proactive in developing yourself and when looking for a job. While on maternity leave, try to compensate for the break in work.

Read professional literature, magazines, communicate in communities, keep in touch with work colleagues, and if possible, take advanced training courses. All this will help you quickly integrate into the work process and keep abreast of events.
After you have compiled your resume, use the Internet and periodicals to search for vacancies.

How to pass a job interview when returning from maternity leave

Often, bosses are afraid that young employees will soon go on maternity leave. But since you have Small child, it is unlikely that you will be going on maternity leave again in the near future.

In addition, young mothers who have devoted a year or several years to raising a child miss work. They enjoy learning, are goal-oriented, organized, hard-working, and readily take on new things.

Always remember - every rule has its exceptions. An employer is always interested in an effective employee.

If you can convince him of your effectiveness, then your dream job will definitely be in your pocket. Fair elimination of competition To get the right position, you need to convince the employer that this is a truly valuable future employee.

  1. Write a good resume and covering letter.

Returning to work after maternity leave. secrets of success

Ekaterina Kovalevskaya shares tips for passing interviews with parents after maternity leave with readers. 1. Skip the stories about your child Of course, your child is special and talented. But it is better not to overuse talking about your child during an interview if you are not asked about it. If such a task is difficult for you a priori, then talk to someone before the interview. 2. Prepare thoroughly You've probably been out of the work environment for a while. long time. To return to your profession and not feel like a black sheep, you need to thoroughly prepare. Take a few weeks to find and study information about significant events in your professional environment over the past six months, new products, and trends.
Maternity leave is a fairly long period in the life of a young mother. The first years are the most important for a child. This is a time of active development and establishing an emotional connection with family.

Therefore, all mothers, while on maternity leave, try to spend as much time as possible with their child. In addition, it is quite difficult to combine professional activity And breast-feeding. Alas, often a woman loses her qualifications during this period, and her skills and knowledge no longer meet the requirements of the constantly developing modern world. Therefore, after maternity leave, it can be difficult for a mother to return to her previous job, much less find a new one.

It is rare to find a woman who, while staying at home with her child, has not lost confidence in herself and her business skills. Well, unless she went straight from the maternity hospital straight to the meeting, which, you see, is also a rarity. Of course, the most painless option for a young mother is to go to old job, where if they are not waiting for her with open arms, then they certainly will not show her the door. But it often happens that while we are raising a baby, we break away from the daily bustle of the office and seem to soar above the situation. And it turns out that the hatched workplace has not excited the blood for a long time, does not arouse enthusiasm and does not promise much growth. In general, one thing is clear: you are ripe to conquer new heights. So go for it!

To succeed in an interview, you must, of course, be prepared. So, let's imagine an ordinary recruiter. He is sure that a woman with a small child has poor motivation (mentally she is always at home or in kindergarten), abuses time off and sick leave (children often get sick or are unexpectedly left without nannies) - in general, he does not faint with happiness at our very appearance on the doorstep (which, of course, is a pity...). What about ourselves? We are worried and nervous. And the more we like the proposed vacancy, the more excited and nervous we become.

So, below are 8 arguments that will help convince the most severe employer:

1. I know what I want

Everyone seems to know that the first impression is the most important. But they probably forget about it out of excitement. Your decisive appearance, calm, firm gaze - and potential employer from the very beginning he sees: this candidate knows what she wants, she is confident in herself. To avoid spoiling this impression, ask yourself in advance the key questions that you know will be asked during the interview. To do this, carefully read your resume, imagine what information may be of particular interest to this particular employer, think about your “weak points”: how to explain breaks in work or gaps in education. In any case, you should not be caught off guard during the interview. Practice with your husband or girlfriend answering the following questions clearly and confidently: why is this work important to me, can I refuse it if I don’t like something, at what points am I ready to make reasonable concessions? Prepare arguments and counter-arguments, while remembering that the interview should not feel like “close combat”, and you should not be on the defensive all the time: you should remain open to discussion.

2. I'm ready to start right now

We have an advantage over a candidate for a position working elsewhere: we are ready to go to work immediately! But this readiness should concern not only the date of conclusion of the contract, but also daily work. A good answer to the question: “When are you ready to start work?” - sounds something like this: “I spent enough time with my child, recharged my batteries and am ready to start work tomorrow.” The interlocutor will see that in front of him is a person who misses work and is ready to take it up right away. All that remains is to prove that you will be full of enthusiasm not only when applying for a job, but also in the future. Explain that at first, in order to get into the swing of things, you are ready to take extra hours - the interlocutor will immediately feel that you have thought through everything in advance important questions, and will be imbued with trust.

3. I'm mobile

Of course, the employer understands: we are young mothers and children need us. This means that it will be difficult to get us to work on weekends or send us on an urgent business trip. But this does not mean that everything is so bad (for the employer) and the issue of mobility should not be discussed at all. From the very beginning, you need to set out the conditions: I have to pick up the child from kindergarten at 19:00, I’m ready to work in this mode; I won't be able to do more (say, go out on the weekends), but I will keep these promises. But it is imperative to touch upon force majeure situations that happen at any job. For example, like this: “But if something unexpected happens, I will find someone to leave the child with.” Nothing will reassure a recruiter more than the very fact of discussing this issue: he will understand that you have thought through everything and will be able to adapt.

4. I am open to negotiations

Basically, negotiations in our case happen when discussing the possibility of a more free schedule (except for discussing salary, of course). In France, for example, the 4/5 law was recently adopted: if the employer agrees, a person can work only four days out of five, accordingly receiving a lower salary. But we don’t have such a law, which means you have to test the waters yourself: how necessary is your presence in the office at a strictly defined time, how the company treats lateness. The ideal option is if you can talk to one of the employees, even former ones. This doesn’t have to be a close friend who will tell you everything without concealment - even a casual acquaintance is enough to find out the true work schedule. One young mother, for example, was convinced during an interview that at 18.00 all employees calmly go home, and “intelligence” reported that anyone who dares to leave the office before seven or even eight in the evening is looked upon as extremely unreliable. Your goal is to combine your desires and reality, as well as your interests and the interests of the employer.

5. I'm organized

What definitely distinguishes any mother of a family is organization. A significant trump card in an interview, isn’t it? Show that your organizational abilities exceed your wildest expectations. Prove that, if necessary, you can not only delegate any responsibilities, but also monitor their implementation. This is a very useful skill - and in professional life, and in the family. Moreover, the working day sometimes drags on, and you have to think about everything: who will take care of the children in the evening, who will feed them and with what. Of course, you already have the answers ready: “I’m planning a menu for the week at once”; “If I come back late, the nanny puts the children to bed herself.” This is the lifestyle that will allow you not to drive yourself down. Having described a logical and clear scheme for “managing children”, explain to the employer that you can easily apply the same organizational principle in the workplace - for even greater efficiency.

6. I'm ready to make concessions

Now that we are almost ready to rush into battle for a place in the sun, let’s make a short stop. Yes, we must be confident in ourselves, yes, we must discuss all conditions and achieve the best. But. A firm position has back side: if from the very beginning of the interview we try to agree on everything once and for all, fixing every little detail in the contract, then the recruiter may have doubts: whether you will work “from call to call” without investing much effort and time. Therefore, there is no need to go too far: emergency is an emergency for all employees, and not just for the childless.

And let’s not lose hope: it is quite possible that over time we will be able to agree on a more flexible schedule. For example, you will prove to your boss that you are capable of completing the same amount of work in slightly less time. Or try to arrange your schedule so that you can be free early, for example, by taking a lunch break.

In any case, it is easier to achieve any “easing of the regime” later, when you have already become part of the team and are involved in work.

7. I see perspective

At the end of the interview, we may come to an unexpected conclusion: we are not at all encouraged by what the employer is offering. Let's be optimistic and look at things from a different angle: firstly, what now seems uninteresting may actually turn out to be much more exciting; and secondly, you can never predict how your status in the company will change. Much, you see, is in our hands! If we manage to show our bosses that we are full of ideas (and good ones!) and are ready to invest, it is quite possible that reality will “catch up” to our initial expectations. Of course, a lot depends on the traditions of the company and the reward system - but whoever doesn’t take risks gets nothing!

8. I have the strength to start over.

Sometimes we are looking new job not because we want to expand our horizons, but because we have lost the old one: you see, anything can happen. But this should not affect self-esteem. You need to convince your interlocutor that you have already done this kind of work, which means you have experience, and if you have to learn something in the process, you will definitely learn. Such confidence in yourself and in your abilities, plus the willingness to immediately begin work, will reassure the recruiter, you can be sure. He will see that you are not discouraged by the loss previous place, and make sure of the ability to regenerate. So you need to turn your dismissal into a positive experience - it should become an engine that tirelessly moves you towards the job of your dreams.

2 prohibited phrases

We already know what sentences we need to say, but here are the phrases that we shouldn’t say even when alone. Actually, there are only two of them:

"I can not!"
You carried and gave birth to a baby, fed and raised (at least you are in the process) - and you can’t do something? We don't believe it!

"You can not do it this way!"
Can. You can build your life in any way - the main thing is that your family is comfortable.

3 pitfalls to avoid:

  • Excessive self-confidence. You don’t have to show up for an interview by kicking the door open and telling the recruiter, “Whatever you say, I want it to be this way and that way.” Remain open, gentle, and attentive to the flow of the conversation.
  • Excessive timidity. All phrases must be constructed in the present tense. By saying, “I’ll try to be very organized,” we show the other person that we are not ready to take on the work entirely, although we hope to. It’s better to say: “I’m an organized person, you can judge that for yourself.”
  • Unnecessary details of personal life. It’s unfortunate, but during the interview no one is interested in your children’s hobbies and their favorite treats. This is not the place or time for such stories: we come to work, not to engage in small talk. You must remain restrained, and if a “personal” question is asked, answer simply and briefly.

Unfortunately, our people do not know how to protect themselves. But it is impossible to explain on the pages of the site. If you want, let's talk. Good luck. My answer is your feedback. Lychagina Yana Dmitrievna (02/05/2016 at 11:13:37) According to Art. 256 Labor Code RF At the request of a woman, she is granted maternity leave until the child reaches the age of three years. The procedure and timing of payment of state benefits social insurance during the period of the specified vacation are determined federal laws. Parental leave can be used in full or in parts by the child’s father, grandmother, grandfather, other relative or guardian actually caring for the child.

How to successfully pass an interview after maternity leave?

If after maternity leave you want to change your occupation or are just starting career path, then lifehacks for passing an interview from Mikhail Pritula will help you. 3. Chat with those who did not leave the profession If you are returning to your previous place of work, make an appointment with one of your colleagues who worked all the time.
Find out about news in the team and in the field of activity in general. This information may not be useful to you at the interview, but the very understanding that you know everything will give you confidence in the interview.
4. Know exactly the answers about safety net. A mandatory question at an interview, the answer to which you need to know in detail - who can protect you and help you when you urgently need to pick up a child from somewhere, when a child is sick and in any other situations that are difficult to predict, but solved need it quickly.

What you need to know about an interview after maternity leave

If you are applying for a creative position, then it is better to avoid dry and standard phrases in your resume. After all, the employer will see your resume first, and the impression you make will determine whether you will be invited for an interview.

It is not necessary to indicate in your resume Family status and having children. First, interest a potential employer in your professional experience.

You will tell us about the children when we meet. Be sure to write cover letters. An original cover letter will allow you to stand out from other applicants and often even obliges the recruiter to contact you (the phrase “I look forward to your call” works in 80% of cases).

  • Search for information.
    Try to find out as much as possible about the organization you are planning to work for and its personnel requirements.

How to pass a job interview when returning from maternity leave

Grandmothers, nannies, husband, kindergarten - be sure to tell who your child will be with throughout your working day. Also prepare for the question of who will look after the child during illness. At the interview, it is important to be fully prepared - rested, healthy and convey a desire for speedy social integration.
Never get upset or give up. Each unsuccessful interview makes you more experienced, which means success is just around the corner! One of the mommies on the forum shares own experience: “I went back to work after 3 years of maternity leave. To increase my chances of getting a job, I deliberately wrote the phrase in my resume: “There is no need for frequent sick leave, since the children are cared for by a nanny.”

Returning to work after maternity leave. secrets of success


How, after such a long break from work, not to lose your touch and be interesting to employers? Indeed, today, most employers are wary of hiring women on maternity leave, fearing frequent sick leave and a long understanding of the work process. Everything is much simpler if you return to your previous place, but what if you decide to look for a new job? How to draw the employer's attention to your strengths, how to position yourself correctly at an interview or in an old team? What should be included in your resume and what should you do to get the coveted “Yes!”? We will look at the answer to these questions here.

You must be able to explain why you are interested in working for this particular company.

Maternity leave is a fairly long period in the life of a young mother. The first years are the most important for a child. This is a time of active development and establishing an emotional connection with family. Therefore, all mothers, while on maternity leave, try to spend as much time as possible with their child. In addition, it is quite difficult to combine professional activities and breastfeeding. Alas, often a woman loses her qualifications during this period, and her skills and knowledge no longer meet the requirements of the constantly developing modern world. Therefore, after maternity leave, it can be difficult for a mother to return to her previous job, much less find a new one.

The oversaturation of the personnel market with young specialists makes the task even more difficult.

The situation may seem hopeless to you, but mothers also have some advantages over other specialists.

Often, bosses are afraid that young employees will soon go on maternity leave. But, since you have a small child, it is unlikely that you will be going on maternity leave again in the near future. In addition, young mothers who have devoted a year or several years to raising a child miss work. They enjoy learning, are goal-oriented, organized, hard-working, and readily take on new things.

Always remember - every rule has its exceptions. An employer is always interested in an effective employee. If you can convince him of your effectiveness, then your dream job will definitely be in your pocket.

Fair elimination of competition

To get the right position, you need to convince the employer that this is a truly valuable future employee.

  1. Write a good resume and cover letter. If you are applying for a creative position, then it is better to avoid dry and standard phrases in your resume. After all, the employer will see your resume first, and the impression you make will determine whether you will be invited for an interview. It is not at all necessary to indicate your marital status and presence of children in your resume. First, interest a potential employer in your professional experience. You will tell us about the children when we meet. Be sure to write cover letters. An original cover letter will allow you to stand out from other applicants and often even obliges the recruiter to contact you (the phrase “I look forward to your call” works in 80% of cases).
  2. Search for information. Try to find out as much as possible about the organization you are planning to work for and its personnel requirements. You must be able to explain why you are interested in working for this particular company.
  3. Prepare answers to the questions that are most often asked during an interview. You can plan a short one-minute story about yourself in advance, as employers often ask. Tell us about your education, previous place of work and hobbies.
  4. Focus on your potential. After all, you were probably an excellent specialist before maternity leave, and now you only need a little practice to refresh your forgotten skills. But if you want to compensate for gaps in knowledge and “get your teeth into” again, it’s not a problem at all! It is important to demonstrate that, despite household chores, you have not lost interest in the profession and career growth. No matter how angry or biased the personnel department employees may seem to you at first glance, believe me, it is important for them to fill the vacancy. They worry no less than you and really want to find the most worthy employee. Therefore, try to perceive the interview as a useful and mutually beneficial communication. Try to focus the interviewer's attention on your professional strengths. Tell us about new ones professional knowledge and the skills that you acquired while on maternity leave, what books you were inspired by. It is important to show that, despite a lot of household chores, you have not lost interest in the profession and are ready to devote time to a potential employer.
  5. Tell us what value you can provide to the company. Do you have a lot of fresh ideas, are you enthusiastic and confident that you can become a great employee? The interview is the time to talk about it!
  6. Take control of the situation. Try to answer positively even questions about your negative qualities. If an employer is trying to find out your weak spots, let him do it, but don't overdo it. For example, you shouldn’t spend 30 minutes talking about how it’s difficult for you to get enough sleep with a small child, and that’s why you’re always late in the morning... You can mention that occasionally you can be late for 5-10 minutes, but you’re always ready to stay after the end of the working day and work being late / finishing work.
  7. Smile and act confident. A positive attitude helps the conversation flow smoothly. Remember that this is a conversation, not a strict exam! Try to ensure that your meeting takes place in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Try to make the interview stress-free for both you and the employer. Of course, this does not mean that you need to laugh heartily and tell all the known jokes. But a confident look and a smile will definitely help you get the desired place.
  8. Pay attention to your appearance before going for an interview. A strict hairstyle and clothes (for example, a suit or blouse with a classic skirt), discreet makeup will allow you to look like a business woman. However, you should not overdo it, so as not to scare away potential superiors with excessive severity.
  9. Tell the truth. Try not to go too far when showing yourself off the best side. In the end, every lie will be revealed. You can slightly embellish the reality, but you shouldn’t deceive. It is better to firmly decide how much time you are willing to devote to work (full or part-time) and provide yourself with the support of your family. If you have confidence that your loved ones will always help you with your child if necessary, then it will not be difficult to convince the employer of this. Grandmothers, nannies, husband, kindergarten - be sure to tell who your child will be with throughout your working day. Also prepare for the question of who will look after the child during illness.

At the interview, it is important to be fully prepared - rested, healthy and convey the desire for speedy social integration. Never get upset or give up. Each unsuccessful interview makes you more experienced, which means success is just around the corner!

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

One of the mothers on the forum shares her own experience: “I went back to work after 3 years of maternity leave. To increase my chances of getting a job, I deliberately wrote the phrase in my resume: “There is no need for frequent sick leave, since the children are cared for by a nanny.” Because I got the impression that women with babies are less willing to be hired, fearing that they will always be at home on sick leave...” You may find this advice useful, but only if you are really sure that children will not get sick too often or have someone to help you.

If you decide that it’s time to go to work, you need to not only find, but also successfully pass the interview and make a positive impression on the employer.

Remember that the first impression of you is formed 40 seconds after meeting you. For this short period the interlocutor evaluates everything: appearance, clothes, facial expressions, posture, the look of a new acquaintance. Then the potential employer evaluates several more important nuances.

What does the employer evaluate?

1. Punctuality. Being late is the first irritating factor. If precision is not your thing, on the day of the interview, do everything possible to arrive at your destination on time, or better yet, early.

2. Clothes. Try to find out the dress code rules of your future place of work. Or stick to neutral options.

3. Conversation. Personnel officers are sure: poor self-presentation at an interview is the main reason for the failure of the applicant.

4. Manners. Turn off your phone. In 80% of cases, answering a mobile phone call during a conversation will be regarded as disrespectful. Irritants also include a vacant gaze, obsessive movements, chewing gum, and even the timbre of the voice. You should not try to defuse the situation with anecdotes, jokes and examples from life.

5. Gestures. During a conversation, do not cross your legs or arms. This pose is considered closed and demonstrates your isolation. Also, do not lean back in your chair - it is better to keep your back straight, slightly tilting your body towards the interlocutor.

6. Questions. Please note: the interviewer will probably ask why you left your previous company. Answering “It's too personal” won't score you any points. Reluctance to answer important questions leads to suspicion. Blaming the previous boss for everything is also a mistake. Optimal answer. “I want to try myself in a new activity.”

7. Interest. Don't be afraid to show it. Clarify future responsibilities, work schedule, availability of social benefits. It would be a good idea to inquire about the size. wages. But “being interested” and “bargaining” are two different things.
