Social project is the best in the profession. Social project on the theme: “Discover yourself, find your way” (development of a model of career guidance work, pre-vocational training)

KGK SK OU "Comprehensive boarding school of the VIII type No. 9"

R. Pereyaslavka village, Khabarovsk Territory

Social project

"Your professional choice."

Prepared by:

teacherIqualification category,

Savochka Valentina Alexandrovna


Methodological passport of the project “Your Professional Choice”.

Job title : teacher

Project type - research and creative.

Project participants: 8th grade students; school teachers - educator, psychologist, social educator.

Project type - short-term.

Project topic: "Your professional choice."

Technology for organizing educational and research activitiesin the process of psychological support of pre-profile training, it allows students to be included in a system of joint practice-oriented activities: project, research.

Relevance. The modernization of education has set the modern school the task of raising competent, creatively thinking students.

A mandatory component of the Federal State Educational Standard is extracurricular activities. In the draft educational standards, extracurricular activities are considered as specially organized activities of students within the framework of the variable part of the educational plan.

Graduates of a correctional school are faced with the need to choose the future direction of their own activities. For the first time in their lives, the children will have to take such a serious step, on which their future fate, their path to success will depend.

Objective of the project: Students will be provided with the conditions to form an informed choice of profession.


    Development of professional interests, inclinations, ability to plan an educational and professional career, qualities important for professional self-determination.

    Training in the basics of choosing professions.

    Making independent, conscious and responsible choices regarding one’s educational and professional advancement in a changing society and labor market.

    Designing your educational and professional (career) route.

Description of the project.

Project activities of students when studying the material “Your professional choice.” The project is exploratory, open-ended and intended for 8th grade students. Working in this project allows students to navigate modern world professions, to form the psychological readiness of students to choose a profession based on knowledge about their professional and personal potential.

Project product.

The results of students’ independent cognitive work are documented by students in the form of a presentation on their chosen profession.

Security - logistical, educational, methodological, informational:

visual arts equipment (paper, pencils, markers, pencils); dictionaries; newspapers “Present”, “From Hand to Hand”; Internet resources, computers.

Intersubject and metasubject connections: social studies, history, reading, computer science and ICT, psychology, career guidance and self-determination.

Project implementation plan.

The project relates to extracurricular activities and consists of the following stages:

Stage name

Implementation deadlines

1. Preparatory stage. Immersion in the project.

    highlighting proposed areas of work;

    preliminary familiarization with introductory settings for the project day;

    Questionnaire “Sheet for choosing a profession” - teacher Savochka V.A.;

    Testing for “Professional aptitude” - teacher Savochka V.A.;

    Methodology “Profile” (“Map of Interests” by A.E. Golomshtok modified by G.V. Rezapkina) - educational psychologist of the school;

    Questionnaire “World of Professions” (

    Differential diagnostic questionnaire (

    development of criteria for drawing up professional charts;

    the beginning of work on collecting information about blue-collar professions for presentations.

Preparation of drawings on the topic “The World of Professions”

2 weeks before the project day

2. Main stage. Implementation of the idea.

    continuation of work on collecting information on blue-collar professions;

    virtual tour of vocational schools in Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur;

    excursion to the Lazo District Employment Center;

    systematization and analysis of the obtained data;

    discussion of ways to present the final results;

    summing up, reporting results.

A week before the project day

3. Final stage

    presentation of the project during the business game “Your Professional Choice”;

    presentation of the results of the completed project in the form of a material product (drawings, presentations of students about professions);


On the day of the project

As a result of analyzing the information received, students will be able to self-determine their choice of profession and assess the future prospects of their chosen profession.

Methodological development of the final lesson on project implementation

The date of the: February 3, 2014

Event theme : "Your professional choice" Slide number 1 Event form: Business game
Target: Pupils will have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the world of professions and methods of employment.

1. Educational: introduce students to the methods available to them to find a job.

2. Corrective - developmental: correction of a defect of volitional quality - lack of initiative based on the development of cognitive activity; develop abstract thinking skills based on elements of a business game.

3. Educational: to cultivate tolerance, trust in each other, the ability to express one’s opinion, observing the norms of modern etiquette.

Technologies used:

    project-based learning


    information and communication;

    “creating a situation of success”;




Verbal – questioning, explanation, story; practical – assignment, exercise; visual – slide show.

Location: class

Time spending: 45 minutes

Equipment and materials: computer with multimedia projector, presentations; resume forms, pens, task cards, newspapers with job advertisements, a ball, an exhibition of books about professions.
Preliminary preparation: students were asked to divide into groups (plasterers, painters, cooks, masons, turners), find information on their chosen specialty, and prepare presentations; got acquainted with professional institutions that train graduates of boarding schools; visited the Lazo District Employment Center; designed an exhibition of drawings “The World of Professions”.

Lesson No. 1

Progress of the lesson:

I . Organizational part:

Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson, motivating learning activities.

(When working with a crossword frontal work is carried out with a group of children, during which pupils remember various professions.)

    Using a crossword puzzle, identify and name the main word of our lesson.

Vertical: 1. ? Slides No. 2-11

Horizontally: 1. Insert the missing word into the Russian proverb “….. and sniffing will fill you up”

Cook - a person whose profession is cooking; currently, as a rule, in catering establishments.

Horizontal: 2. Riddle:

He gives us the goods and a receipt

Not a philosopher, not a sage

And not a superman

And the usual...

Salesman - a person acting as an intermediary between the manufacturer of a product and the buyer. In the most general outline The seller's task is to provide the buyer with the product he needs and to receive money for this product.
Horizontal: 3. Riddle:

Who brings us newspapers,

And greetings from grandma?

Postman: Haven't figured it out yet Email, the people delivering letters played a huge role. So, we are talking about a postman - a person who delivers correspondence and newspapers. This man brings good and bad news in envelopes.
Horizontally: 4. The turner turns the parts, and ………. - grinds it out.
Milling operator - specialist in working on a milling machine. Today, the milling machine profession is in demand in all metal and woodworking industries around the world. Russia and China have a huge demand for specialists in this field.

Horizontal: 5. Breeds bees……..

Beekeeper - specialist in breeding bees, keeping them and obtaining bee products.

Horizontal: 6. Who cannot do without the following items: hammer, nails, plane.

Carpenter - The current profession is currently acquiring new spheres of influence. Basically, a carpenter is an employee of construction or repair and construction organizations who provides all kinds of wood processing services.

Horizontal: 7. He protects nature

Drives away poachers

And in winter at the feeders

Forest animals are waiting for you to visit.


Short description: Our people, like many others, owe a lot to the forest. This is a generous gift from nature to us and must be preserved. So, protecting the forest from intruders and fires is the main responsibility of a forester. These people work in forestry, or, as they also say, in forestry. It would seem that the forester all year round on a sortie, but in fact, such work also implies certain difficulties and even dangers.
Horizontal: 8. Who is sung about in the song: “First of all, first of all, planes, and then the girl, and then the girls”?


Horizontal: 9. A representative of what profession is advised: “Measure twice and cut once”?

Seamstress Slide number 12

Name the main word.

The teacher's word.

We will talk about professions. After 9th grade, you will have to choose the profession in which you will continue your further education.

This is exactly what we will talk about today. The theme of our business game: “Your professional choice.” Choosing a profession is one of the most important steps into your future. Many of you have already decided during the implementation of the project who to be and where to go. But, for sure, some have not yet answered themselves whether I want to become one.

By choosing the right profession, that is, a profession to our liking, we find happiness. One kind and wise writer said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and want to go home in the evening.”

So, in order for you to want to go to work every morning for many years to come, now you need to ... (continue the sentence).

Children's answers(think about the future, decide who to become, choose a job you like, find your place in life).

You have heard these words “decide what to become” more than once from teachers and parents. But still, deep down in your soul, you understand that the time will soon come when you will face this question face to face.
II . Main part

1. Working with an explanatory dictionary.

What is a profession, specialty, qualification? Slide number 13

    Profession - This is a type of work that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood.

    Speciality - type of occupation within one profession (for example, the specialty of a doctor - surgeon, therapist, etc.).

    Qualification - level of preparedness, degree of suitability for any type of work.

    Job title - this is the position you occupy at work, your job responsibilities.

In modern society, a profession is understood as a person’s occupation that:

    requires special preparation and training;

    practiced by a person regularly;

    serves as a source of livelihood.

A modern worker must have knowledge in various fields, including computer skills. It is impossible to operate complex modern machines, to work at machines without knowledge of the profession. In the modern world, people in working professions are especially in demand.

    Tell me, please, what blue-collar professions do you know? (carpenter, tailor, plasterer, painter, cook, bricklayer, janitor)

    Who knows where you can get a working profession?

That's right, a profession can be obtained in vocational schools and colleges.

In these educational institutions They train specialists in many working professions. Vocational schools in our country train specialists in more than a thousand professions. At a vocational school or college, you will gain knowledge in your chosen profession, and upon completion you will receive a document - a certificate.

So, you can get a working profession in vocational colleges and technical schools where correctional groups are open. Where are the children from our school accepted? Look at the slide to see how many educational institutions can accept you.Slide number 14

On January 15, we took a virtual tour of the Khabarovsk Territory PU. Slide number 15


Come here to study

Student and student

There are many different professions here,

You don’t know what to choose right away.

In life, each will do,

You just have to learn.

2) Professionogram competition.
Our class was divided into groups in advance, on the tables there were tables with the names of the groups, that is, the professions you had chosen: turner, mason, plasterer - painter and cook. And the task of each group today is to defend your chosen profession, to prove that your profession is the best, the best, the best.
Each group received the task: to draw up a professional profile according to the following plan:
1. Short description
2. History
3. The importance of the profession
4. Uniqueness
5. Risks
6. Where to get this profession.
Each group defends a presentation.

III . Results of the lesson. Reflection.

Guys! Let's list the professions that we became acquainted with during the implementation of the project (the students list them).

- Where are these professions taught?

-Where can I work?

-What specialty can you acquire? (carpenter) , and retrain?

(for example: turner-welder, milling machine operator, etc.)

Lesson No. 2

Progress of the lesson:

I . Organizational part:

1) Competition “Guess the proverb” (finish the end of the proverb): Slide number 16

Guys, read the proverbs.

    Patience and work….(everything will grind.)

    You can’t pull it out without difficulty... (and the fish from the pond)

    The sun paints the earth...(and man’s work)

    Labor feeds a person... (and laziness spoils)

-Tell me, what are they talking about?

These are proverbs about work.

Proverbs about work.

    What do you think we will talk about in class?

I think we will talk about labor, about work.

It seems to me that we will talk about work, about labor.

II . Main part

    After graduating from vocational school, what do you plan to do? (work)

    But first of all, you need to find a job.

    How many words does this word consist of? - labor and device. Slide number 17

    Choose synonyms for the word labor.

WORK - work, occupation, business.

    What is it like to arrange?



Job vacancy

What do you think a job should be like to be called good?

Slide number 18

Good job

Decently paid

Comfortable conditions

labor and working hours

Labor and working hours

Friendly production


Modern instruments


Social guarantees

(Social package)

2) Exercise “Legal and illegal work” Slide number 19

Material: several sets of cards according to the number of mini-groups.

Story about the availability of legal and illegal work on the labor market (social educator).

Task: arrange the cards according to the pros and cons of legal and illegal work.

Issues for discussion:

    Why did they decide this?

    What did you prefer when applying for a job?

A Russian proverb says “Everyone is the smith of his own happiness.”How do you understand?(students' answers) Everyone makes their own happiness. Happiness is when a person earns his bread by doing what he loves (profession).

3) Exercise “Ball plus profession, or who can name more professions?”

Everyone stands in a circle. Participants throw the ball to each other and name their profession. The one who names the most professions wins.

Note. You cannot throw the ball to the same player twice in a row, repeat the already named profession and hold the ball for more than three seconds.

Question: “What were the difficulties?” [Tell me where to go if you don’t have a job?]

You can contact the Employment Center.

You can look for work through newspaper advertisements.

You can visit the Internet.

Consult with parents and friends. WITH lead number 20

-What is an employment center or labor exchange? Slide number 21

This is a government agency that provides employment to the unemployed, helps them learn a new profession (retrain) and pays cash benefits to the unemployed.

On January 23-24, we visited the Lazo District Employment Center and learned about the procedure for registering and completing the necessary documents. Slide number 22

Working with an explanatory dictionary.

    Job vacancy position, place.

    Okay, that's right, there are many ways to find a job. We will conduct a business game “I’m looking for a job.”

    How will we look for work? We have various information.

Please give me the Rabota newspaper.

I want to find a job in the job vacancy database.

I'll read the advertisements, can I have the newspaper?

I turn to the Internet.

I will consult with relatives (by phone)

4) Exercise. Find an advertisement in a newspaper for employment (determine completion time, distribute newspapers, advertisements, etc.)Slide number 23

-What job did you choose?

I chose a job...

- Well done everyone for choosing a job. Tell me, how did you choose your job?

I was interested in the high salary.

I chose according to my place of residence.

I chose a job... because I love... .

I chose this job... because I like working on the computer.

I love to draw and want to work as a graphic designer.

    Well done, everyone chose a job based on their interests. Masha by..., Sergey by...

    Let's draw a conclusion. How should you choose a job?

A job must be chosen taking into account abilities, aptitudes and interests.

An important point when looking for a job issummary - short form presentation of the basic personal and professional data of the applicant. (Working with a dictionary - the concept of “resume”)

This type of self-presentation has already become quite firmly entrenched in the Russian labor market.
When writing a resume, you must remember that your success in finding a job largely depends on how you present your professional experience in it. A resume is the document from which the employer receives the first information about the applicant for a vacancy and forms his opinion about him.

Your goal is to get the employer to want to meet with you in person.

What information is absolutely necessary to create a resume?Slide number 24

    Last name, first name and patronymic.


Briefly, but very specifically describe what position you are applying for.

    Contact coordinates.

Indicate your postal address, telephone numbers with contact times (for example, from 10.00 to 19.00 on weekdays), e-mail, fax. Remember: the employer can read your resume at any time convenient for him. He should be able to reach out to the phone or type your address on the keyboard - and contact you. If he postpones the communication session, tomorrow he may be interested in other candidates for the position.


List the schools, courses, technical schools that you graduated from or are studying at.

    Work experience.

Thismain part of the resume form .

    Work skills.

In this sectionsummary You should indicate your capabilities that may be useful at the proposed place of work, although they are not related to your direct job responsibilities. Here you can mention having a driver's license and computer skills.

    Additional Information.

5) Exercise “Learning to write a resume” Slide number 25

Material: resume templates.

It is necessary to fill out a resume (an idea about your professional qualities ah when applying for a job to the employer).

Issues for discussion:

    Why do you need a resume?

    How to write a good resume?

You can attach copies of documents confirming your identity and profession to your resume. Even if a resume is not required, these documents must be presented to the employer for further employment.

What documents are needed for employment? Slide number 26

1. Education document

2. Passport

3. TIN

4. Insurance pension certificate

5. Photos

6. Summary

7. Job application

8. Characteristics

9. Medical book

10. Work bookSlide number 27

III . Results of the lesson. Reflection.

Question: “What will my future be?” Every person asks himself, and the choice of profession is now one of the most important elements of the step into the future. There are two ways to choose a profession. The first is the trial and error method: a person searches blindly, trying himself in different professions. Until he understands what it is. But this is the most difficult and long way, because there are other joys in life. And the second is also possible: we need to study, first of all, ourselves, everything that makes each of us unique and unrepeatable - our interests and inclinations, peculiarities of thinking, memory and attention, peculiarities nervous system. Learning about professions now, about their characteristics is the beginning of the path to success and well-being in the future.

Guys! Let's list the professions with which we became acquainted (the students list them).

- Where are these professions taught?

-Where can I work?

- Why does a person work? - (children's answers). Need, money, interest, pastime...

- Which organization will help you find a job?
Let's return to the topic of our event again. Determine by its title. What is our the main objective was on it?
- (children's answers).Expand knowledge about working professions, ways of employment, decide on the choice of profession for today.

    Final point.
    I would like to finish our game with the following poem.
    Fate prepares a thousand paths,
    Keeps hundreds of mysteries in stock.
    What will it be like - your path,
    You have to prove this.
    Will you drive ships?
    Or learn the secrets of centuries,
    Will you build a bridge from the Moon to the Earth,
    Maybe you'll start forging iron.
    You will grow up to be a clown - the funniest one -
    And the world will bloom with smiles.
    The world also needs clowns -
    You won't know until the door opens.
    Try to walk the path as a human being,
    Believe in your strength, believe in victory. (“Path”, Samatova L.S.)

Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession. They say about such a person that he is in his place, or that he has golden hands. I hope and believe in you. As I leave the class, I would like you to understand that the true treasure for people is to find themselves in work.

Thank you all for participating!

Used Books:

1. Karlina R.P. “The system of educational work in a correctional institution: planning, developmental programs, methodological support” - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.

2. Rodionova S.A., Korepanova T.A. “Social adaptation of students. Grades 5-9: programs, planning, thematic lesson.” – Volgograd: Teacher: I.P. Grinin L.E., 2014.

3. Khudenko E.D. “Organization and planning of educational work in a special (correctional) boarding school, orphanage: A manual for educators and teachers.” – M.: ARKTI, 2008.

Appendix No. 1


Profession - This is a type of work that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Speciality - type of occupation within one profession (for example, the specialty of a doctor - surgeon, therapist, etc.).

Qualification - level of preparedness, degree of suitability for any type of work.

Job title - this is the position you occupy at work, your job responsibilities.

WORK - work, occupation, business.

Arrange - this means identifying, finding a good place to work.

Employment - it means to find a good place work.

Job vacancy - the presence of an unoccupied workplace, a position for which a new employee can be hired

Job vacancy - vacant position.

Employer - a person who gives work.

Certificate of maturity - education document.

Summary – questionnaire, self-promotion.

Employment center or labor exchange - This is a government agency that provides employment to the unemployed, helps them learn a new profession (retrain) and pays cash benefits to the unemployed.

The job must be chosen taking into accountabilities, aptitudes and interests .

Capabilities - natural inclination to do something; talent, talent.

Tendencies represent certain relationships of a person to activity

Interest - This Special attention to something, the desire to get to the bottom of it, to find out, to understand. Show interest in the matter.

Appendix No. 2

    Irregular working hours: you can work 2 hours a day, or you don’t come to work at all, the main thing is to submit the task on time.

    Employment history.

    An employment contract, which stipulates your rights and obligations; in case of disagreements with management about failure to fulfill the points specified in the contract, you have the right to sue him. Salary + “FREE”.

    Registration with the Pension Fund. The longer the work experience, the higher the pension in old age.

    No taxes.

    Social benefits (benefits, paid maternity leave, etc.). For example, teachers have benefits for rent, electricity, and water. Police officers, tax inspectors - free travel on public transport, etc.

    Combining several jobs (studies).

    Law annual leave. There is no probationary period. (see also "-").

    Monthly salary.

    No responsibility

    Career growth.

    Ease of employment.

    Paid business trips, retraining courses, sick leave.

    Job rights and responsibilities (if you are an accountant at an enterprise, then you have no right to force you to do the work of a secretary or mechanic).

    Standardized working day (if your contract stipulates that your working day is 8 hours, then you cannot be forced to work 12 hours.)

    Paid trial period.

    No work experience and work book(no accruals for future pensions).

    There is no get rich quick opportunity.

    Bound by contract.

    Unpaid vacation, business trip, sick leave, maternity leave.


    There is no “ball” earnings.

    State taxes. Lack of social benefits.

    Possibility of deception. Not receiving money earned.


    “Paperwork” (a lot of running around and filling out papers when applying for a job).

    There is no employment contract.

    Mandatory work (you do not have the right to leave work early, even if you have redone all the work - “Sit and count the flies on the window!!!”).

    Illegal activity.

    Irregular working hours (you can work 12 – 15 hours a day, which violates the conditions Labor Code(law).

    You have no right to leave your job without giving a month’s notice.

    Unlawful dismissal.

    Sometimes there are no days off.

    If there is a probationary period, it is unpaid.

Appendix No. 3


JOB VACANCY: _________________________________________________________________________________

FULL NAME: _________________________________________________________________________________

CONTACT NUMBER: _________________________________________________________________________________

Floor: __________

Age: __________

Family status: _______________________________

Education: _______________________________________________________________________________

Work experience (underline): no experience / less than a year / 1 year / 2 years / 3 years / 4 years / more than 5 years

Nationality: ______________________

Area of ​​residence: ________________________________

Having a driver's license: _________________________________

I can work with a computer (yes or no)____________






Any additional information you would like to provide about yourself:




Date: "____" ________________ 20___. Signature: ____________________________ advanced training courses, professional retraining and vocational training. Low prices. More than 9000 educational programs. State diploma for courses, retraining and vocational training. Certificate for participation in webinars. Free webinars. License.

1. Description of the problem.

We want to draw your attention to those people who have not been realized in life, who live aimlessly, who, having lived their lives, have not been realized as individuals. As a rule, these people are embittered, they are often lonely. Many of them drown their grief in alcohol and die from drugs. Because of this, violence occurs in families, divorces, where children suffer.

Let's look at the root, at the beginning of this problem. Let us pay attention to when these people graduated from school and were faced with a choice future profession. What did they want to become in life? Many of them dreamed, but never achieved their dreams. They could not realize themselves in their future profession.

This could be prevented by the social environment, economic changes, the influence of parents, and one’s own uncertainty. After all, the majority do not know themselves, their abilities and talents at all. Such people do not dream of anything and do not know who they would like to be.


Graduates are not fully aware of who they really want to be.

Choosing a profession is a complex and lengthy process. The problem lies not so much in its overall duration as in the sequence of stages. There is a danger here—high school students delaying and postponing professional self-determination due to the lack of any expressed and stable interests. In addition, the world of professions, like everything else at this age, often seems black and white: in a “good” profession everything is good, in a “bad” profession everything is bad. The level of awareness of high school students both about their future profession and about themselves is very important. The choice of profession reflects a certain level of personal aspirations, including an assessment of one’s objective capabilities.

In modern educational institution There is no effective work to prepare the younger generation for effective behavior in the modern labor market.

Accordingly, the need to develop a model of career guidance and pre-vocational training for the younger generation in a modern educational institution becomes clear.

2.Goals and objectives

Ø Creating conditions for the development of an independent, actively developing creative personality, capable of adaptation in society.

Ø Development of a model of career guidance work, pre-vocational training for the younger generation.

Ø Combine labor education with moral education, making vocational guidance an element of free social self-determination of the individual.

Ø Send high school students to special centers so that they discover themselves, recognize their inclinations. So that there is a desire to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and not stop there.

Ø Therefore, we are organizing a team of social volunteers with a prepared program, which includes tests and professional seminars. We will show you a presentation of your future profession.


Ø Create conditions for conscious professional self-determination of students in accordance with abilities, inclinations, personal characteristics, the needs of society, the region in personnel, the formation of the ability for social and professional adaptation in society.

Creative name

"My life choice"

Subject areas

  • Social pedagogy
  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Acmeology

Educational theme of the project

Career guidance for schoolchildren

Age category of participants

The project is aimed at children of teenage (11-14 years old) and high school age (15-17 years old).

Triad of questions

Fundamental question:

  • Is my future in my hands?

Study topic questions:

  • What factors influence the choice of profession?
  • What types of professions are there?
  • How to avoid mistakes when choosing a profession?

Specific questions (Research questions):

  • Do you know your own abilities, inclinations, interests?
  • How well do you navigate the world of professions? What areas of professional activity can you name?
  • Have you decided on your future profession?

Final product

Preparation of career guidance documentation for cool hours, conversations and evenings on career guidance

While working on the project, students become familiar with and improve the technology of using office programs. As a result of the research, the following are prepared: Wiki article, presentations, booklets

Didactic goals

The project is aimed at creating:

  • information culture of students
  • the ability to understand one’s own inclinations and abilities; relate them to opportunities;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • moral values.

It is important that after completing the project, students will be able to use knowledge computer technology when working independently, including when searching for information related to choosing a profession.

Methodological tasks

During the implementation of the project, the teacher:

  • introduces students to the world of modern professions;
  • gives students the opportunity to find themselves in this world.

Implementation deadlines

The project is being implemented over six months.

Project plan

Preliminary stage

Before starting the project, the teacher holds a preliminary meeting with the students, which takes the form of a conversation.

The teacher presents a presentation to the students.

Additionally, you can use the technique “Map of interests” by A.E. Golomshtok And "Professional aptitude" test

After conducting and processing the results of the methods, the teacher provides the class with a table with examples of professions for a particular personality type.

Project groups choose areas of activity and come up with names for their groups.

Each group is tasked with searching for materials on their chosen topic.

Students receive homework– create a group work plan. Students answer research planning questions and thus everyone gets involved in planning the project together. First, the discussion takes place with the whole group, after which everyone works in their own subgroup, participates in determining the goals and objectives, the results of the work of each subgroup, and discusses the activity plan.

The result of this stage is the formation of research groups and the choice of research method.

Project development

Students work in groups independently: complete assignments, work with the proposed literature, complete creative works. Discussion, assessment of the feasibility of implementation, and adjustment of the plan take place in group consultation mode at a specially designated time after classes.

The third meeting takes place in the computer lab. Students present the material collected on the topic. Organizing a discussion will help students see the internal quality characteristics of their work through evaluating the work of other participants.

Teacher presents newsletter, booklet, presentation, wiki article templates. Here students systematize the selected material and choose forms for presenting the results of their work.

Registration of performance results

The last meeting between the teacher and students before defending the project takes place in consultation mode with each group separately. Teams demonstrate ready-made material and receive the latest recommendations from the teacher. There is a discussion and adjustment before the final stage. Self-assessment is carried out at this stage, which will give students the opportunity to evaluate their own progress, their thoughts and learning, and methods for improving them.

Examples of student work

Completion of the project

In the first part of the project-ending meeting, each student gives a report he has prepared about one profession of his choice. Then the subgroups present the results of their research work and ask questions to other participants. Reflection on the work on the project is carried out through writing an essay on the topic problematic issues and reflection on what succeeded and failed to do in this project, what issues need to be discussed, or addressed in future work. Students talk about what fascinated them most, interested them, upset them, etc. During the summing up, an assessment is made according to the criteria for the effectiveness of the completed project, and a general conclusion is formulated. The teacher re-conducts



Student Career Guidance Project

« Professions we choose »

Project leaders:

Deputy Director for UMR Proskuryakov S.V.

Teacher special disciplines Pakhomova I.A.

Labinsk 2016


The need to develop readiness among ninth-graders to make a conscious choice of future professional activity is obvious. Graduate school students experience enormous difficulties in professional self-determination. They have virtually no understanding of the labor market, the world of professions, the requirements for personal qualities and professional training of specialists, working conditions and employers, and what needs to be taken into account when choosing a profession.

The choice of profession is one of the main life choices made by a person in at a young age, because when choosing a profession, he chooses a way of life. The number of professions these days is in the four figures, and their world is a moving picture. According to various researchers, ninth-graders, for example, can name on average only 20-30 professions. A study of the motives for choosing a profession by schoolchildren showed that the advice of others plays a significant role in this: 25% of children choose a profession under the influence of a friend who is more independent, 17% on the advice of their parents, 9% under the influence of money mass media. Another 9% are guided by minor factors, for example, the proximity of a college or university to their home. And only 40% of teenagers choose a profession based on the content of the activity. But professional intentions turn out to be more stable, and mastery of activities is faster and more effective if main reason choice is an orientation towards the content of labor. Unfortunately, many teenagers do not know enough about the specific features of each type of activity, and do not always take into account their professional interests and inclinations. Therefore, special training in the technology of professional choice and future career planning is necessary.

The period of choosing a profession chronologically coincides with adolescence and young adulthood. Characteristic of this period of life, the formation of a new level of development of self-awareness, the development of one’s own worldview, and the determination of a position in life activate the processes of personal self-determination and designing oneself in the profession. Along with this, this age is characterized by an almost complete lack of professional experience in any field. Therefore, a teenager should make a choice only on the basis of studying his personality, understanding his interests and obtaining comprehensive information about the features and requirements of a particular profession.

In psychological terms, a self-determined personality is a subject who has realized:

    what he wants (goals, life plans, inclinations),

    what he is (intelligence, personal and physical properties),

    what he can (capabilities and abilities),

    what society wants from him, and what he expects from society.

Taking into account the age characteristics of older teenagers, their need for personal and professional self-determination, for self-realization, the project “Professions We Choose” has been developed, which is offered to 9th grade students to try themselves in the profession of Cook

Project goals:

    formation psychological readiness to make an informed professional choice;

    show students the importance and necessity of working professions;

    attract the attention of schoolchildren to the development and improvement of the economy and social sphere through professional self-determination of youth, taking into account regional specifics and in accordance with government policy in the field of education.


    awareness of your desires and capabilities; research of abilities, interests, intellectual and personal characteristics;

    familiarization with the basic principles of choosing a profession;

    getting to know the features modern market labor;

    drawing up an individual educational plan or program

    self-development in accordance with diagnostic data.

The organization of the “Professions We Choose” classes is based on the use of the following important principles:

    free expression of one's opinion;

    mutual respect;




Features of the organization:

Place of classes: GBPOU KK LSTT

Project duration: academic year


    lecture method of knowledge transfer;

    psychodiagnostic methods of personality research;

    methods of socio-psychological training: discussion method of discussing various career guidance problems, method of analyzing specific situations, educational and game activities.

    training according to the program vocational training by profession

16675 Cook.

In order to choose the right profession, a person must have a significant amount of information at two levels:

    information about the world of professions in general, the basic principles of choice;

    information about the profession 16675 Cook.

Students should know:

    the importance of professional self-determination, requirements for drawing up a personal and professional plan;

    rules for choosing a profession;

    the concept of the interests, motives and values ​​of professional work, as well as the psychophysiological and psychological resources of the individual in connection with the choice of profession;

    understand the essence and social significance future profession, show sustained interest in it;

    search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

Students should be able to:

    correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of a specific profession;

    draw up a personal, professional plan and change it on the fly;

    use self-improvement techniques in educational and work activities, skills of self-presentation and confident behavior;

    analyze information about professions according to general characteristics of professional activity, as well as modern forms and methods in modern market conditions;

    classify professions, separate concepts related to career guidance science (“profession”, “specialty”, etc.);

    use information about ways to obtain vocational education.

Alleged final results, the procedure for their control and evaluation, prospects for the development of the project, long-term effect.

As a result of the implementation of the author’s project aimed at the socio-economic development of the region, it is expected to achieve results aimed at creating an active life position of students, increasing their civic consciousness, developing the personality of a young person, his spiritual and moral formation and preparation for life and professional self-determination.

Work on career guidance for students will continue in the 2017–2020 academic years with annual interim monitoring of the results obtained. Assessment of expected results and long-term effect from the implementation of the project assumes the qualitative development of human resources Krasnodar region through the training of specialists to work in organizations and institutions from among local residents.


There cannot be absolute professional suitability because all people are different, and seemingly the same qualities have different shades, being characteristic different people, and there are also many professions. Everything is in the hands of a person, since with desire and diligence he can achieve anything. The task of career guidance is to help him, at least by naming the qualities that a person will need for a given profession, what qualities he already has, and what qualities he will have to develop. It is necessary to help the student choose exactly the profession so that the requirements it places on the worker coincide with his personal qualities and capabilities.


    Klimov, E.A. How to choose a profession / E.A. Klimov. – M.: Education, 1990. - 653 p.

    Potemkina, O.F., Tests for teenagers / O.F. Potemkina, E.V. Potemkina E.V. – M.: AST-PRESS KNIGA, 2006. – 320 pp.: ill.

    Psychological support for choosing a profession / ed. L. M. Mitina. – M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute: Flint, 2003. – 184 p.

    Career guidance training for high school students “Your choice”: [Collection] /N. V. Afanasyeva, N. V. Malukhina, M. G. Pashnina; [Afanasyeva N.V., Maluzina N.V., Pashnina M.G.]; edited by N.V. Afanasyeva. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. – 365 p.

    Pryazhnikov, N.S. Career guidance at school: games, exercises, questionnaires (grades 8-11) / N.S. Pryazhnikov - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 288 p.
