Pork soups. How and what is the most delicious pork broth soup made from?

Don't know what kind of soup to cook using pork broth? Then the suggested recipes will help you decide on the choice of dish. With their help, you will undoubtedly be able to prepare an amazingly tasty dish for dinner and delight yourself and your family with it.

Pea soup with pork broth - recipe


  • ready-made pork broth – 2 l;
  • split peas – 190 g;
  • potato tubers – 340 g;
  • onion – 110 g;
  • carrots – 80 g;
  • laurel leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • smoked meats – 75 g;
  • table salt - to taste;


It is better to soak peas for soup in water in the evening, after thoroughly rinsing them. We wash the swollen peas again and place them in boiling pork broth. Reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the container with a lid and leave to cook. When the peas become soft and loose, add chopped onions and carrots sautéed in butter, add peeled and diced potato tubers and chopped smoked meats. Let the dish boil again and cook until the vegetables are soft, seasoning it with salt, black and allspice peas and bay leaves in the process.

When ready, pour the soup into bowls and serve, garnished with fresh herbs.

Pork broth soup with buckwheat


  • ready-made pork broth – 2 l;
  • buckwheat – 80 g;
  • potato tubers – 340 g;
  • onion – 110 g;
  • carrots – 80 g;
  • allspice peas – 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • refined oil without aroma – 35 ml;
  • bay leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • fresh greens.


IN in this case The main filling of the pork broth soup will be buckwheat, which cooks much faster than peas and does not require additional soaking. Otherwise, the process of preparing the food is identical to that described above with minor changes.

Add washed buckwheat, potatoes and fried onions and carrots to the boiling pork broth at the same time and cook until all components are ready, not forgetting to season the dish with salt and spices. At the end of cooking, add chopped herbs to the soup and let the dish brew for about five minutes.

Delicious pork broth soup with dumplings


  • ready - 2 l;
  • bell pepper – 170 g;
  • potato tubers – 340 g;
  • onion – 80 g;
  • carrots – 80 g;
  • allspice peas – 3 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns – 5 pcs.;
  • refined oil without aroma – 35 ml;
  • bay leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • fresh herbs;

For the dumplings:

  • medium-sized chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • whole milk – 45 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sifted flour – 160 g.


First, prepare the base for the dumplings. Mix the egg with milk and salt, add flour and knead the dough thoroughly.

Place potato cubes and bell peppers cut into strips into the boiling broth, add fried onions and carrots and cook until the vegetables are soft. Now we take half a moistened teaspoon of the dough prepared earlier and lower it into the soup, forming dumplings step by step. We also add peppercorns and bay leaves to the soup. Throw in the salt, let the dish boil for five to seven minutes and we can serve it, pouring it into portioned plates and seasoning with herbs.

Nutritionists and healthy eating advocates say that eating first courses for lunch is extremely beneficial. They tune the body to process more solid foods and improve digestion. Today we will share with you several recipes for making pork soup.

Pork soup with potatoes

Potato soup with pork is incredibly simple to prepare, but still has an excellent taste.

  • pork – 400 g;
  • potato average size- 4 things.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • dill and parsley – 30 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


Cut the pork into pieces and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add chopped onions, grated carrots, and tomato paste, salt, spices and simmer until the meat is cooked. Meanwhile, fill the diced potatoes with water and put on fire. When the water boils, add the roasted meat, salt to taste, add Bay leaf and cook until the potatoes are ready. Add dill and parsley to the finished soup. The aromatic soup with pork meat is ready. Bon appetit!

Pork soup with noodles in a slow cooker

A multicooker is a wonderful assistant in the kitchen. Dishes in it turn out tastier than those cooked on a regular stove. Now we will tell you how to cook pork soup in it.


  • pork (pulp) – 300 g;
  • medium-sized onion – 1 pc.;
  • medium carrots – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 300 g;
  • vermicelli – 100 g;
  • olive oil – 30 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • dill – 50 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


Like all other dishes, pork noodle soup in a slow cooker is not difficult to prepare. So, let's get started: peel the vegetables, cut the potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots on a medium grater, chop the onion. Cut the meat into small pieces. Pour into the multicooker container olive oil, add vegetables, turn on the “Baking” mode and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the frying is ready, add potatoes, meat, spices and fill with water. Set the “Stewing” mode for 1.5 hours, adding vermicelli 20 minutes before the end. IN ready dish add finely chopped dill. Soup in a slow cooker turns out tastier than usual due to the fact that in the “Stewing” mode it does not boil intensively, but simmers, retaining maximum taste and aroma.

Pork bone soup with beans

If you like rich broths, you will probably like pork soup on the bone. This dish cannot be called light, but in the cold season, when more high-calorie food is required, this soup will be especially relevant.


  • pork on the bone – 500 g;
  • potatoes – 400 g;
  • beans - 1 cup;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • dill and parsley - 1 bunch;
  • water – 2 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


First soak the beans for 3 hours. In the meantime, let’s make the broth: wash the meat, divide it into pieces, pour cold water and bring to a boil, be sure to skim off any foam that has formed. Now add the beans to the water and cook until the meat and beans are half cooked, add the chopped potatoes. Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion and fry on sunflower oil. Add the prepared roast to the boiling soup, throw in the bay leaf, chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Add chopped herbs to the finished soup.

Smoked pork knuckle soup



Peel the vegetables, cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots into slices, chop the onion, celery stalk, and chop the spinach. Boil the beans for a couple of minutes, then set aside for an hour and drain in a colander. Then combine the knuckle and beans, add water and cook for about 1 hour. Now take out the knuckle, separate the meat from the bone, chop it and set it aside. Add all the vegetables to the broth and cook over low heat for 20–25 minutes. Add the shank pulp, ham, spinach, lemon juice, salt and pepper and boil for another 7-10 minutes. The soup is ready, add parsley and serve.

Soup is a first course, the basis of which is liquid. It is cooked in meat, fish or lean broth with the addition of vegetables, cereals, mushrooms or legumes. In today's post you will find several original recipes pork soups.

With mushrooms and green peas

This hearty and flavorful soup is ideal for a complete family lunch. Its only drawback is the relatively long cooking time of the broth. Therefore, you need to cook it only when you are not in a hurry. Before you try this pork soup recipe at home, be sure to double-check that you have:

  • 500 g meat on the bone.
  • 400 g raw champignons.
  • Small onion.
  • Medium carrot.
  • 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste.
  • Stem celery.
  • Frozen peas.
  • Salt, bay leaf, spices and vegetable oil.

The meat is washed and placed in a deep vessel. Salt, bay leaf, spices and water are also added to it. All this is placed on the stove and cooked over low heat until the pork begins to fall off the bone. Then the meat is removed from the pan, cut into small pieces and returned to the strained broth. Mushrooms fried with carrots, onions, celery and tomato paste are also loaded there. All this is brought to a boil again, supplemented with green peas and after five minutes removed from the stove.

With tomatoes and bell peppers

This recipe for pork soup was invented by Georgian chefs. It involves the use of not only meat and vegetables, but also large quantity spices To cook this lunch you will need:

  • 800 g pork pulp.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • Small onion.
  • Several medium potatoes.
  • Small bell pepper.
  • Thyme, garlic and dill.
  • Adjika, salt and hot pepper.

The washed and chopped pork is poured with filtered water and placed on a working stove. After boiling, a gruel of grated onion and potatoes is added to a common bowl. All this is salted, peppered and left to simmer over low heat. After a short time, pieces of tomatoes and potato slices are loaded into the broth. After another twenty minutes, add adjika and chopped bell pepper to the future soup and bring it all to full readiness. Immediately before consumption, the dish is supplemented with thyme, crushed garlic and chopped dill.

With peas and bacon

Although this tasty and high-calorie dish cannot be considered dietary, it is optimal for a full lunch. To feed both large and small households to the full, you will need:

  • 500 g pork on the bone.
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes.
  • 200 g dry split peas.
  • 150 g bacon.
  • Medium bulb.
  • A small carrot.
  • Bay leaf, water, black peppercorns, salt and any seasonings.

This is one of the most simple recipes pea soup with pork. It was invented by Russian culinary specialists and quickly gained popularity among domestic housewives. First you need to tackle the peas. It is poured into a deep container, filled with water and left at room temperature for at least four hours. After this, it's time to start processing the meat. It is washed, filled with 3.5 liters of filtered water and sent to the switched on stove. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, add black peppercorns, bay leaves and onions cut in half.

After two and a half hours, the pork is removed from the pan, separated from the bone and returned to the strained broth. Swollen peas are also sent there. Thirty minutes later, slices of potatoes and carrots, fried in fat rendered from lard, are loaded into the future soup. All this is salted, sprinkled with seasonings and brought to full readiness.

With rice and nuts

This savory first course is better known as kharcho. The pork soup recipe is slightly different from classic version. But despite this, it can be used to prepare a hearty and tasty lunch relatively quickly. To do this you will need:

  • 500 g pork pulp.
  • 150 g dry rice.
  • 2 onions.
  • 3 ripe red tomatoes.
  • 100 g shelled walnuts.
  • 1 tbsp. l. hops-suneli and tomato paste.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • ½ tsp. mixture of ground peppers.
  • 1 tsp. Svan salt.
  • 3 liters of filtered water.
  • Refined oil and herbs (parsley or cilantro).

This is one of the simplest and most interesting recipes. The preparation of pork kharcho soup begins with processing the meat. It is washed, cut into small pieces, filled with water and boiled until tender. Then heat-treated rice, crushed nuts and onions, fried with tomatoes and tomato paste, are loaded into a pan with broth. All this is lightly salted, sprinkled with spices and continued cooking. Shortly before the end of the process, bay leaf and crushed garlic are added to the kharcho. Immediately before use, each serving is decorated with fresh herbs.

With dumplings

Lovers of hearty home-cooked dinners will probably need another not-so-good one. complex recipe soup with pork. You can see the photo of the dish itself a little later, but now let’s look at its composition. To prepare it you will need:

  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
  • 600 g lean pork pulp.
  • 3 potatoes.
  • A small carrot.
  • Medium bulb.
  • Choice egg.
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour.
  • Bay leaf, salt, any aromatic spices and vegetable oil.

The washed meat is poured with filtered cold water, placed on the stove and cooked over low heat, periodically removing the resulting foam. After an hour and a half, the pork is removed from the pan, and potato slices are loaded into the boiling broth. After a short time, chopped onions fried with carrots are sent there. All this is lightly salted, sprinkled with aromatic spices and supplemented with bay leaf. Ten minutes before turning off the burner, boiled meat, cut into small pieces, is returned to the future soup, and dumplings made from flour and eggs are laid out. Before serving, you can sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

With melted cheese

Lovers of delicate and unusual first courses will certainly need one more interesting recipe. You can see a photo of pork soup with melted cheese a little lower, but for now let’s figure out what is needed to prepare it. You should have at hand:

  • 4 potatoes.
  • 300 g of quality processed cheese.
  • 700 g pork.
  • Medium carrot.
  • Small onion.
  • Salt, water, any aromatic spices and refined oil.

First of all, you need to deal with the meat. It is rinsed, filled with filtered water, salted and boiled over low heat, systematically removing any foam that appears. After an hour and a half, remove the pork from the pan and transfer it to a plate. The strained broth is brought to a boil again. As soon as the first bubbles appear on its surface, potato slices are immersed in it, processed cheese and frying onions and carrots. All this is seasoned with aromatic spices and brought to full readiness. Shortly before turning off the stove, return the chopped meat to the pan.

With cauliflower

The following method produces a very tasty and rich pork soup. The recipe for this dish requires the use of a specific food set, so check in advance whether you have everything you need in your kitchen. This time you will need:

  • 500 g pork meat on the bone.
  • 5 potatoes.
  • 2 medium-sized carrots.
  • Medium head of cauliflower.
  • 4 tbsp. l. tomato paste.
  • Bay leaf, salt, water and peppercorns.

The washed pork is boiled until tender, separated from the bone, and not cut in large pieces and transfer to a plate. Potato cubes and grated carrots are loaded into the boiling, strained broth. After a quarter of an hour, cabbage inflorescences, pieces of pork, bay leaves, peppercorns, salt and tomato paste are sent there. All this is brought to full readiness and removed from the stove.

With canned beans

This pork soup recipe will certainly not go unnoticed by lovers of nutritious lunches. To feed your family this first course, you will need:

  • 2 small onions.
  • 450 g pork ham.
  • 700 g potatoes.
  • 250 g young cabbage.
  • 400 g canned beans.
  • 2 tsp. paprika powder.
  • 2 lavrushki.
  • Salt and ground pepper.

The ham is poured with cool water and left for at least eight hours. Then it is placed in a saucepan and cooked over low heat, taking the time to remove any foam that appears. The finished meat is cut into large pieces and returned to the broth. Potato blocks and paprika are also sent there. After twenty minutes, add cabbage to the boiling liquid and canned beans. All this is salted, peppered and brought to readiness.

With eggplants

The recipe for pork soup described below will certainly come in handy for those who are not afraid of culinary experiments. It allows you to quickly and without much hassle prepare a delicious and satisfying lunch for the whole hungry family. To cook this soup, you will need:

  • 500 g fresh pork.
  • 3 medium-sized eggplants.
  • 5 medium potatoes.
  • Fleshy Bell pepper.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • 2 small carrots.
  • Bulb.
  • 2 mushroom stock cubes.
  • Salt, water, herbs and refined oil.

The washed meat is boiled until cooked, not forgetting to season it with mushroom cups. Then the pork is taken out, cut into small pieces and returned to the boiling, strained broth. Potato slices, salt, aromatic spices and chopped vegetables, pre-fried in refined oil, are also sent there. Just before serving, each serving is decorated with greens.

With vermicelli

This simple but very tasty soup is equally suitable for both adults and children. children's menu. Because you can feed them enough big family. To cook such a dinner, you will need:

  • 300 g pork.
  • 100 g thin vermicelli.
  • 2 potatoes.
  • Small onion.
  • 2 tomatoes.
  • A bunch of any fresh herbs.
  • Salt, refined oil, water and aromatic spices.

You need to start the process of preparing a delicious dinner by processing the pork. It is washed, cut into small pieces, filled with one and a half liters of clean, filtered water and sent to the switched on stove. After about an hour, put the potato cubes into a container with boiling broth. After another ten minutes, the onions are added there, stewed with the addition of tomatoes and refined oil. All this is lightly salted, seasoned with any aromatic spices and brought to full readiness. Shortly before turning off the heat, add noodles to the soup. Just before serving, sprinkle each portion with any chopped herbs.

Simple and delicious recipes soups for every day

Looking for the perfect meat soup recipe? Try it classic soup pork according to our family recipe with photo. Treat your loved ones to a delicious and hearty soup.

1 hour

240 kcal

5/5 (3)

It turns out that classic pork soup is considered dietary dish– the broth in which it is prepared can be made less fatty and high in calories than beef or even chicken. However, there are several pitfalls in the process, which sometimes directly affect the fact that you end up with a soup that is not exactly the one you expected to make.

Kitchen tools

If possible, prepare in advance the dishes, utensils and tools that you will definitely need when preparing pork soup: a non-stick pan with a volume of at least 3 liters, a large frying pan with a diameter of 25 cm, several bowls (deep) with a capacity of 300 to 800 ml , teaspoons, linen and cotton towels, wooden spatula, medium grater, slotted spoon, oven mitts, tablespoons, measuring utensils or kitchen scales, cutting board and sharp knife. Additionally, you may need a food processor or blender to properly prepare some of the ingredients before adding them to the soup.

Did you know? Remember that for preparing soups, especially with meat ingredients, the use of plastic dishes and appliances - this even applies to storage after cooking. Plastic, even seemingly safe for food, contains microelements harmful to the body, which can not only harm you, but also irreparably spoil a tasty and aromatic dish.

Required Ingredients

The basis

Important! Instead of ribs, you can choose bone-in pork chops, as well as regular pulp or giblets. Also, remember that pork meat soup is low calorie dish, so in any case, you should use meat for it, and not lard, which will make your dish too heavy for the body.


  • 7 g table salt;
  • 10 g garlic powder;
  • 2 – 3 bay leaves;
  • 6 g dried basil;
  • 5 – 6 black peppercorns;
  • 70 g of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • 2 peas of allspice.


  • 25 ml sunflower oil.

Did you know? In addition to the spices just listed, you can add your favorite ones to the soup - for example, I usually add a little marjoram, since in combination with basil it gives the soup a unique taste. You can also use generic seasoning blends such as French Herbs or Aroma de Provence.

Cooking sequence


Important! I am often asked: how long does it take to cook pork for soup? In general, it depends on the characteristics of your stove and the quality of the selected meat. For example, in my case, pork is boiled until tender in about half an hour of boiling over low heat. The softness of the meat is checked by piercing the cooking piece with a knife - if the procedure was easy, the pork is ready.

First stage

Second phase

Did you know? An absolutely delicious pork soup can be prepared according to the simplest recipe in a multicooker: to do this, first boil the potatoes and meat using the “Soup” or “Cooking” program, and then add vegetables prepared in a frying pan to it, stir and set the “Baking” or “Bake” program. Soup". Cook the dish for about forty minutes, then leave the multicooker in the “Warming” mode for another ten minutes.

Just great job, your amazingly aromatic soup is completely ready! Now you know the exact answer to the question of how to properly cook pork soup. Pour it into serving bowls and garnish with green onions, parsley and basil leaves.

And in no case do not forget about sour cream - such a soup is simply impossible to imagine without it, but some particularly capricious lovers prefer to eat the dish with mayonnaise, so it is best to give everyone at the table the right to choose.

Remember that whatever soup you make from pork, store it in the refrigerator, preferably close to the wall, and try to consume it all within three to four days - after such a period of time, taste qualities the dishes will start to deteriorate.

Video recipe for making pork and potato soup

In this video you can see the complete process of preparing a wonderful pork soup, as well as learn some secrets about cooking meat soups.

But that is not all! I can't feel at ease without recommending a few more delectable examples of meat and vegetable soups, fortunately I got my hands on this. For example, pay attention to the simplest and very quick one - our grandmothers prepared such soups, and now it’s time for us to please our own family with a wonderful dish.

Also, don't miss the original and surprisingly gentle VKontakte

Pork soup prepared with the addition of various ingredients: vegetables, apples, green peas, champignons, etc. Every time you can get a tasty and original first course.

Pork soup: recipes

Recipe with apple


Small spoon of sugar
- potatoes – 4 pcs.
- apple
- vinegar - a couple of tablespoons
- carrot
- salt and pepper
- pork pulp – 295 g
- onion


Wash the meat slices, dry them, chop them finely, fry until golden brown, and finally add the chopped onion. Once everything is browned, add more water. Place carrots and potatoes, cut into rings. Cook for another 20 minutes. Heat a frying pan, add oil, fry apple slices on both sides. Add vinegar, fried apples, salt, sugar to the soup. Simmer with the lid closed for at least 10 minutes.

What do you think? An amazing combination, you should definitely try it.

How to make pork soup

Required Products:

- pork on the bone
- medium potato – 3 pcs.
- petiole celery – 2 pcs.
- medium carrot – 2 pcs.
- champignons – 395 g
- bay leaf – 2 pieces
- peppercorns (black) – 10 pcs.
- frozen green pea– 400 g
- salt
- marjoram
- large spoon of tomato paste

Cooking steps:

Place the meat in a saucepan, throw in the black peppercorns and bay leaves, add a couple of liters of water, bring to a boil, reduce the flame, simmer covered until the flesh begins to fall away from the bone. Wash and remove the top layer of vegetables. Chop the champignons into thin slices. Chop the onion, chop the celery and carrots. Chop the potatoes into cubes. Heat vegetable fat in a frying pan, fry until golden, add marjoram and mushrooms, fry while stirring. Transfer the mushrooms to a plate. Add celery and carrots to the pan and sauté for 8 minutes. Add tomato paste, fry for another minute. Remove the finished meat from the water, cool slightly, and chop into small pieces. Place potatoes in boiling broth, boil, cook for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms and vegetables. Add peas and boil for 5 minutes. Place the pork in the container, and after heating for a couple of minutes, remove from the heat.

Do the same. This a good option for any holiday.

Pork soup with photo

You will need:

Pork – ½ kg
- pasta - a couple of tablespoons
- pearl barley – 2/3 tbsp.
- mushrooms – 245 g
- potatoes – 2 pcs.
- carrot
- onion
- salt
- a large spoon of tomato paste
- laurel
- red hot pepper


Peel the washed vegetables. Dry the meat with a paper towel and chop into cubes. Select a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the oil in it, add the meat pieces, and brown on all sides. Pour in hot water, cook and skim off the foam all the time. Chop the celery and carrots into strips and fry until translucent. Add the chopped mushrooms and simmer until the liquid evaporates. Add tomato paste and fry lightly. Add potatoes, cook for 8 minutes. after the start of seething. Add pasta and pearl barley. Throw in the bay leaf and add the roast. You can add a little garlic to taste.

Try also.

Soup with basil and peas

You will need:

- pork pulp – 295 g
- peas – 400 g
- salt with spices
- dried basil
- medium potatoes – a couple of pieces
- vegetable oil
- large carrot


Soak the peas for a couple of hours in advance. First fry the pork pieces in oil, and then transfer them to a container of water and boil. Be sure to skim off the fat. Peel the potatoes, chop them into cubes, and chop the onion and carrots. Place the washed peas in a saucepan with meat and cook until soft. Place the roasted vegetables, add a few pinches of basil, and season. Simmer the finished soup a little more so that it is saturated with aromas.

Please your family and...

Pork kharcho soup recipe

Required Products:

Bulb, fresh tomato– 3 pcs.
- pork – ½ kg
- rice cereal – 150 g
- a tablespoon of tomato paste
- Svan salt – small spoon
- kitchen salt
- a mixture of peppers
- garlic clove – 4 pcs.
- walnuts– 90 g
- khmeli-suneli – tablespoon
- vegetable oil
- parsley with kenza
- 3 liters of water

Cooking steps:

Chop the meat into slices, add water, place on the fire, boil, remove the foam. Add half of the chopped onion to the broth. Sprinkle with salt to taste. Cook the soup until the meat is soft. Boil rice cereal until half cooked. Chop the remaining onion into rings and fry until translucent. Add tomato cubes and add tomato paste. Chop the nuts. Transfer the sauce to the broth, add walnuts. Add all the spices: a mixture of peppers, suneli hops, svanka salt. Boil the kharcho for several minutes, add the missing garlic and bay leaves. Immediately turn off the heat and leave pork kharcho soup cool down.
