Son of Andrew Elizabeth 2 Queen of England. The story of Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward, Duke of York, the middle son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who is divorced from the much-hated royal family Sarah Fergusson (pictured right), has found himself in the crosshairs of the world press due to the scandal surrounding the sale of his Sunninghill Park estate , built of red brick in the famous racecourse town of Ascot in Berkshire, bought for him as a wedding gift in 1986.

"Energy tycoon Kenes Rakishev, 29, has reportedly purchased the Sunninghill Park estate from the prince, paying £3 million over its estimated value of £12 million," RIA Novosti notes.

also in Lately British press I have paid attention more than once to Prince Andrew’s friendship with shown in the photo a prominent and wealthy representative of the Kazakh business community, holding the post of executive director of the Munaigas Engineering company, Gogoi Ashkenazi (Gauhar Berkalieva, Ruspres news agency: mistress of Timur Kulibayev, husband of the daughter of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev Dinara).

The Duke of York introduced Goga Ashkenazi to Queen Elizabeth last year, they spoke together at a trade conference in Qatar and were seen dining together at Ascot last December.

Of course, this is not the first time the prince has been mentioned in scandalous relationships. Before this, there were many articles about his love affairs.

Then youngest daughter(pictured left) the middle son of the Queen of Great Britain, Prince of York Andrew and, accordingly, the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, gave her grandmother an unpleasant surprise on her official birthday - one of the school teachers discovered 18-year-old Princess Eugenia frolicking in the college yard in the nude, reports the British tabloid "Sun".

According to the newspaper, the teacher woke up in the middle of the night from an unexpected noise - under his windows about ten girls were dancing in an Eva costume, including the princess. Fortunately, there were no young people nearby. It later turned out that the girls did not take drugs, but were under the influence of alcohol.

The name of Princess Eugenie appears from time to time in gossip columns, but not as often as the name of her sister, Princess Beatrice, a lover of nightclubs and riotous entertainment.

Goga Ashkenazi (Berkalieva)

Born in Dzhambul region. Kazakh. Mother - Saule Aralbaeva.

She was educated in England, where she has lived since the early 1990s. Studied recent history and economics at Oxford.

The international media called her " ex-wife Aidar Akayev, son of ex-President of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akayev" (in 1998-99), "wife of American millionaire Stefan Ashkenazy", "mistress of Prince Andrew of York", "girlfriend of international playboy and Formula 1 organizer Flavio Briatore (with 2002)".

Since 2007 - chief executive manager in the London office of the Kazakh oil and gas company MunaiGas Engineering Ltd and, according to the News of the World tabloid, owner of a 5% stake in the Altyn Almas corporation, 5% in the Kazturboremont plant, and the MunaiGas Engineering company. , which is building the fourth workshop of the Opornaya compressor station and oil and gas pipelines in the Mangystau region... she is credited with friendship with T.A. Kulibayev" ("Megapolis", No. 43 (408) dated 12/01/2008).

He lives with his mother and son either in a country house in Surrey or in a $56 million mansion in Holland Park in London.

Currently time (12.2008) - divorced. Son - Adam Berkaliev (born December 27, 2007, London, father, according to the newspaper "Events and People", No. 5, April 7 - 14, 2008 - Timur Kulibaev).

The son of Elizabeth II conquered the tallest building in Europe. Prince Andrew, 52, rappelled from London's Shard skyscraper. this moment being the largest in Europe, from the 87th to the 20th floor. The prince's team consisted of 40 people. The event was held for charitable purposes - the proceeds will go to educational projects for children all over the world.

“I won’t even tell you whether it was easy and simple or not. “I will never do this again,” said the prince immediately after the descent.

According to the Daily Mail, the prince prepared thoroughly for the descent. During his summer training with Marines in Arbroath, he was able to climb 67 floors in just 30 minutes.

“Thanks to the training, I was able to start the descent without too much shaking. It was very important to take the first step,” said the Duke of York.

This event brought in more than 350,000 euros in charitable contributions. Despite the fact that the organizers expected an income of one million pounds (1.2 million euros), the prince was pleased with the result, notes Sky News. Some of the donations were made by relatives and friends of the 52-year-old prince. For example, 500 pounds (about 600 euros) were contributed by his daughter, Princess Eugenie, who said that she was proud of her father's action.

"One is very good man on the roof warned me - you'll be sliding and hitting the windows first, it might look awkward, but use your knees. That's exactly what I did. Indeed, I simply skimmed through the first sections. To be honest, it was scary,” he said after the descent.

The proceeds will be shared by two charities - the educational foundation Outward Bound Trust, one of whose leaders is Prince Andrew, and the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, which helped participants in the action prepare for the risky descent.

Prince Andrew's noble act could not have come at a better time. The fact is that a few days earlier, his nephew Prince Harry found himself at the center of a scandal, once again jeopardizing the reputation of the royal family.

Another august son was filmed naked during a party in Las Vegas. The young man, having met a group of pretty girls in a bar, went up with them to his VIP suite at the five-star Wynn hotel, where the group played strip billiards, as a result of which the prince soon found himself without clothes.

The photos spread all over the world in just a few minutes.

Prince Andrew did not comment on the story with his nephew, but the British media, which were prohibited from publishing photographs of Prince Harry under threat of court, did not fail to note the variety of the august “entertainment.”

Prince Andrew was born on February 19, 1960 in Buckingham Palace. He became the third child and second son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He was named after his paternal grandfather, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark.

Like his older brothers and sisters, he was entrusted to a governess who was involved in his upbringing and education. By the age of 19 he had received a diploma in the history of economic and political sciences and went to the Royal naval college. In 1979, Prince Andrew joined the Royal Navy to train as a military helicopter pilot. The Prince was later accepted as a military helicopter trainee, signing a contract for 12 years from 11 May 1979.

Already on September 1 he received a promotion, and in 1980 he was awarded green beret. Until 1982, the prince took advanced training courses and became a full-fledged pilot. He joins Naval Airlift Squadron 820 aboard the USS Invincible, where he continues to serve.

On April 2, 1982, the so-called Falklands War began between Great Britain and Argentina over the disputed islands. the main role In this war, the Royal Navy and naval aviation were assigned, so the British cabinet made every effort to return the prince from the danger zone, but Queen Elizabeth insisted on her son's desire to remain in service and participate in the war.

After the end of the war, the Invincible returned to Portsmouth, where it was greeted by the Queen and Prince Philip, along with the families of the other crew members. In his book about that war, Commander Nigel Ward said that the Argentine government was specially preparing a series of assassination attempts on the prince. The commander described Andrew himself as “an excellent pilot and a very promising officer.”

In February 1984, the prince received the rank of lieutenant, after which the Queen appointed him as her personal assistant-adjutant. After this, the prince commanded several units in different regions planets.

As for the prince's personal life, on July 23, 1986, he married Sarah Ferguson, whom he had known since childhood. At the wedding and in the first years after it, they were very happy. They had two daughters. However, the prince's constant travel associated with his military career increasingly overshadowed this marriage, which eventually ended in divorce on May 30, 1996. After the divorce, the media repeatedly noted the very warm relationship between the former spouses.

“We managed to work together to bring happiness to our children,” Sarah Ferguson said in an interview.

IN last years Prince Andrew served as the UK's special trade representative.

Since the Duke has no sons, there are no heirs to the title (peerages, except in special cases, are inherited only in the direct male line). If Prince Andrew does not remarry and have a son, then after his death the title "Duke of York" will revert to the crown and can be re-appropriated.

He is 4th in the line of succession to the British throne (after the birth of Prince Harry in 1984).

As a member of the royal family, he has his own coat of arms, based on the national coat of arms of Great Britain.

As is known, fairy tales stories about princes and princesses that children love to hear always have a happy ending. The heirs to the throne in them are distinguished by ambition, valor and are guided by the ideals of goodness and justice. However, in reality, as practice shows, children of monarchs often find themselves at the center of scandals and become participants in lawsuits that are initiated in connection with their far from exemplary behavior. Prince Andrew, Duke of York, was no exception in this sense. His business reputation in the British kingdom, where conservative foundations and traditions are strong, has certainly suffered. But does the moral character of the above-mentioned heir to the throne really leave much to be desired? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Curriculum Vitae

Prince Andrew was born on February 19, 1960 at Buckingham Estate.

The boy became the second male offspring born to Queen Elizabeth II in her marriage to the Duke Edinburgh Philip. He was named in honor of his paternal grandfather, who bore the title of Prince of Greece and Denmark. Prince Andrew, like other children of the royal family, was raised by a governess. By the age of 19, the young man already had a diploma in the history of economic and political sciences. Taking the document with him, he goes to study at the Royal Naval College, and soon he is enrolled in the flotilla, where he begins to learn the basics of the profession of “military helicopter pilot.”

Beginning of a pilot's career

It didn’t take long for the heir to the British throne to become a trainee on a military aircraft. In May 1979, Prince Andrew signed an aviation contract for twelve years.

In 1980, the young man received a green beret. Over the next two years, the member of the royal family takes advanced training courses and then becomes a professional pilot. He joins the crew of Naval Airlift Squadron 820, which serves aboard the aircraft carrier USS Invincible.


Soon a military conflict begins to develop between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands. Strike forces European powers were, of course, naval aviation and the Royal Navy, so the English Cabinet did not want to endanger the health and life of Elizabeth II’s middle son. However, she did not support this idea and insisted that Prince Andrew participate in the war for national interests. After her, the royal couple met their son in Portsmouth, where he arrived on the ship Invincible.

The heir to the throne received gratitude from the commander, who called him a promising officer and a highly qualified pilot.

Career peak

Prince Andrew (son of Elizabeth 2), whose biography undoubtedly deserves separate consideration, continues to rise through career ladder: in 1984, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and his mother appointed him as a personal assistant - adjutant. Subsequently, the royal scion is entrusted with command of the army in various parts of the planet.

In the winter of 2010, the Duke of York, in honor of his fiftieth birthday, receives another military rank- He is now an honorary rear admiral. After some time, Prince Andrew (Elizabeth's son) decides to end his military career and switch to civil service as a special UK trade representative.

Personal life

The relationship between the son of the British Queen and the opposite sex has become the subject of many rumors and rumors. Prince Andrew got married when he was 26 years old.

His chosen one was the daughter of Prince Charles' sports manager, Sarah Margaret Ferguson. They knew each other since youth, but the real spark of love ran between them in 1985. Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson met by chance at the royal races. Sharks of the pen wrote that Princess Diana, who wanted to distract the prince from an unsuccessful romance with actress Koo Stark, played an important role in starting the relationship. The wedding took place in the summer of 1986 at Westminster Abbey, at which time Prince Andrew was awarded the title Duke of York. Andrew gave his wife a truly royal gift - wedding ring, inlaid with Burmese ruby.

In the early 90s, when the head of the family “went to sea,” Prince Andrew’s wife led a far from reclusive life. She was often seen in male society. This is how the first crack appeared in the relationship between Ferguson and the Prince of York. In 1992, the royal couple announced that their union was coming to an end, but only four years later an official divorce was filed. In their marriage, Andrew and Sarah had two daughters - Beatrice (1988) and Eugenia (1990). Subsequently, the ex-wife of the Prince of York and his offspring moved to live in the family residence. Sarah Ferguson remained and remains on friendly terms with Andrew.

Scandal No. 1

One of the unpleasant incidents that negatively affected business reputation Prince of York, is related to his ex-wife.

She was accused of the following: she wanted to get a large sum money for organizing the acquaintance of his ex-husband with an entrepreneur who was having problems in his business. It was expected that the royal scion, who held the high post of special trade representative, would help resolve the “business” troubles of his new acquaintance. The transaction amount was estimated at £500,000. Moreover, “close to the court” gladly accepted an advance for her work. Subsequently, the fraud was revealed, and Prince Andrew, whose photos began to appear en masse in the British media, hastened to declare that he knew nothing about his wife’s intentions. Sarah Ferguson said that she “decided on such a a brave deed“only because he is experiencing financial difficulties.

Scandal No. 2

Another painful incident for the Prince of York is the accusation of sexual harassment against an underage girl. The plaintiff appealed to the American court so that justice would prevail.
She claimed that the son of Elizabeth II repeatedly ended up in bed with her: they say, he really liked the girl’s figure and slender legs. The victim added that for the “night of love” she received 15 thousand dollars from the Prince of York. The plaintiff also added that she worked as a courtesan for a certain banker Jeffrey Epstein. Among him regular customers Prince Andrew was there too. One way or another, the defendant in every possible way denied sexual relations between him and Epstein’s concubine.

An unusual case...

An extraordinary incident occurred with the second son of Elizabeth II when he was in residence at Buckingham Palace.

Law enforcement agencies mistook him for a thief. Prince Andrew decided to take a walk around the palace garden in the evening. Seeing the man and not recognizing him, the police asked to show documents. In addition, the guards pointed a gun at the heir to the throne, but the police rejected this version of what was happening. This reaction of law enforcement officers was explained by the fact that on the eve of the incident, a certain person tried to illegally enter the palace territory. Naturally, the police apologized to Prince Andrew for the inconvenience caused.

Finally, we note that the Duke of York has no male children: if he does not marry again and does not have a son, his title may revert to the Crown.

The British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth II, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor) along with her husband, Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh. The queen's husband, by law, does not bear the title "king" and cannot be a co-regent of the monarchy.

Four children were born into their family.

Eldest son - Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales(Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales), heir to the throne, born November 14, 1948. He is married for the second time. The first marriage took place on July 29, 1981 with Diana, Princess of Wales. nee lady Diana Francis Spencer (1961-1997); divorced August 28, 1996. The second marriage took place on April 9, 2005 with Camilla Parker Bowles, née Camilla Shand (b. 1947). She bears the title of Duchess of Cornwall (except in Scotland, where she uses the title Duchess of Rothesay).

Charles has two sons with the late Princess Diana - William, Duke of Cambridge, full name William Arthur Philip Louis (born 1982), and Henry (Harry) of Wales. Henry (Harry) of Wales), full name Henry Charles Albert David (born 1984).

April 29, 2011 ( Kate Middleton), full name Catherine Elizabeth Middleton. After the wedding, Catherine received the title of Duchess of Cambridge.

© Leon Neal

Princess Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise(The Princess Anne, Princess Royal, Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise), only daughter Queen Elizabeth II. Born August 15, 1950. She is rightly called one of the most active and popular members of the British royal family. In 1973, Princess Anne married Lieutenant Mark Anthony Peter Phillips of the Royal Dragoons. Having given birth to two children, Peter Phillips (born 1977) and Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips (born 1981), the princess separated from Phillips in 1992 and then married Navy Captain Timothy Lawrence (Timothy James Hamilton Laurence), who later became vice admiral.

Peter Phillips, the Queen's eldest grandson, is a graduate of Gordonstown Private School and the University of Exeter.

Summer 2007 The Royal Family announced his engagement to a simple, unknown girl, a native of Canada, Autumn Kelly. The Queen personally agreed to the wedding of Peter and Autumn, which took place on May 17, 2008.

December 29, 2010. On this day, Peter and Autumn had a daughter, Savannah Phillips. On March 29, 2012, the couple had a second daughter, Isla Phillips.

Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anne and granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II - European champion in equestrian competition, brought Britain gold medal at the World Equestrian Games in Aachen, Germany. In 2012, she won a silver medal at equestrian competitions at summer olympics in London.
Zara Phillips takes part in many charity events.
On July 30, 2011, Zara Phillips married her boyfriend, rugby player Mike Tindall, whom she met in 2003.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York(Prince Andrew, Duke of York), full name Andrew Albert Christian Edward, third child and second son of Elizabeth II, was born on February 19, 1960. He has held the title Duke of York since 1986, after his marriage to Sarah Margaret Ferguson. The Duke of York and Sarah, Duchess of York, from whom he has been divorced since 1996, have two children: Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York, born in 1988, and Princess Eugenie Victoria Helen of York. Victoria Helena of York), born in 1990.

Prince Edward Anthony Richard Louis, Earl of Wessex (The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Edward Antony Richard Louis), youngest child and third son of Queen Elizabeth II, born 10 March 1964. In 1999, he married Sophie Helen Rhys Jones, born in 1965. On their wedding day, Prince Edward received the title HRH Earl of Wessex (Sophie became HRH Countess of Wessex). In 2003, Edward and Sophie had a daughter, Lady Louise Mountbatten Windsor. It was announced that all children of the Earl and Countess would not be called Princes and Princesses and Royal Highnesses. Girls born from this marriage will be called ladies. The first son will bear the title of Viscount Severn, subsequent sons - the prefix "Honourable".

On December 17, 2007, Earl of Wessex Edward and his wife Sophie gave birth to their second child - son James Alexander Philip Theo Mountbatten Windsor, who became Elizabeth II and her husband Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

The boy bears the title of Viscount Severn.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

The entire family of Elizabeth II: Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Duke of Edinburgh, The Queen, Prince Edward and Prince Charles, 1972

This year, the whole of Great Britain is celebrating Prince Charles's 70th birthday, and it's quite significant date not only because we're talking about about the heir to the throne. 70 years ago - November 14, 1948, to be exact - the beloved Queen Elizabeth II became a mother for the first time. However, then she was just Princess Lilibet, who gave British subjects a real national holiday - much like Kate Middleton in 2013.

Coronation of Elizabeth II, June 2, 1953

Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip's first child arrived almost exactly a year after the couple's wedding ( read also: “The Feast After the Plague: How Great Britain Married the Future Queen Elizabeth II”). In August 1950, Princess Anne was born, and three years later, Elizabeth II officially ascended to the throne (after her coronation). Having taken the throne, Her Majesty chose to focus on the affairs of the kingdom and only thought about a third heir in 1960. Thus, Prince Andrew was born, and four years later, Prince Edward.

“This is the only work that really matters,” this is how the monarch described the joy of motherhood in a conversation with actress Kate Winslet. But what did these words mean to her? After all, despite the fact that the Queen developed a special relationship with each heir, not all of these relationships were equally warm and close.

Prince Charles

Elizabeth plays with Prince Charles, September 28, 1952

The Queen's attitude towards her firstborn was often the subject of intense debate. Prince Charles was barely five when his parents embarked on their first Commonwealth tour since Her Majesty's coronation, which lasted six months. Charles and Anne stayed at home - the Queen was part of a generation who preferred to entrust the care of young children to palace staff. There is still a version that the Prince of Wales never formed a strong enough connection with his mother, and that his nannies and his grandmother, the Queen Mother, turned out to be closer to him.

According to historian Robert Lacey, the Queen thought it best to leave her children in the care of nannies rather than transport them around the world: “After all, she herself was brought up in a similar style. Her parents left her at home and entrusted her education to invited teachers and governesses.”

The Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles and Princess Anne on a walk, 1951

Columnist Jonathan Dimbleby, in his controversial biography of Charles, quotes His Highness as saying about the "inevitable nannies" who taught him to play, witnessed his first steps, punished him and encouraged him.

Historian Sally Bedell Smith takes a similar view. “When Elizabeth became queen after her father's death, her commitment to royal duties meant she would have even less time to devote to her children. She increasingly relied on her husband to make important family decisions and was always dependent on nannies.” According to the historian, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh saw their children after breakfast and during tea parties, but "in the manner of representatives of the upper class, without showing any feelings."

Elizabeth with her eldest son, 1969

And, most likely, this is exactly how the relationship between mother and son remains to this day. How else can we explain Her Majesty’s genuine reaction to the word “mummy” uttered by the Prince of Wales on her birthday?

Prince Charles, however, was very close to his grandmother, the Queen Mother. At her funeral in 2002, the heir made an emotional speech, emphasizing: “She meant everything to me, and I was afraid, afraid of this moment, like many others. Somehow I never thought this would happen. She seemed invincible, I adored her since I was a child."

Princess Anne

Little Princess Anne walks with her mother, Queen Elizabeth, and aunt, Princess Margaret, August 21, 1951

The Queen's only daughter recently revealed that as a child she "hated" being a princess. However, she also publicly opposed the traditional idea that her mother was not as caring and involved in her upbringing as perhaps she should have been. “I just don't believe there is any evidence that she didn't care. I can’t wrap my head around it,” Anna said in BBC interview on the occasion of the Queen's Golden Jubilee in 2002.

Elizabeth walks with her daughter and son on the grounds of Balmoral Castle, September 1, 1952

According to Lacy, Anna was very attached to her mother when she was a teenager: "With a shared love of horses, Anna developed a particularly close relationship with her mother." The historian also clarifies that the princess often discussed issues of fashion and choice of clothing with Her Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip with Prince Charles and Princess Anne at Sandrigham, 1970

Lacey also cites the recollections of Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip's uncle, who spoke of "a night without Mabel." When Mabel, Charles and Anne's nanny, had a day off, Elizabeth could bathe the children herself before bed, read to them at night, and put the children to bed in her own bed. It was the Queen's favorite day of the week.

Elizabeth II and royal princess in Austria, 1969

However, there is an opinion that Princess Anne has always been, rather, daddy's daughter. Thus, royal biographer Ingrid Seward notes that it was Prince Philip, for example, who encouraged his daughter to take up equestrian sports. The Duke of Edinburgh was generally admired by the girl’s iron character, while Elizabeth herself paid much more attention to the condition of Charles, suppressed by his father’s authority - so much so that, according to some sources, she was once even politely advised not to create situations in which children would compete for her attention.

Prince Andrew

Elizabeth II with little Prince Andrew, 1960

Elizabeth had been ruling the country for eight years when Prince Andrew was born, and, according to Lacey, by this time Her Majesty had become “more flexible” and began to relate warmer to family members. She even gave up some royal duties in order to spend more time with her young sons.

Elizabeth II with Princes Andrew and Edward, 1971

“In the early 60s, Her Majesty decided that she had fulfilled her duty to the country and for the most part enjoyed 18 months of her “second family” - communication with the little princes Andrew and Edward,” explains the historian.

Prince Edward

The Queen and Prince Philip with baby Prince Edward at Trooping the Color, 13 June 1964

Her Majesty's youngest son was born in 1964. In the late 60s, the royal family allowed the BBC to film documentary film about themselves in a home environment, and the British saw their Queen in a very unusual role - “a cheerful mother who relaxes with her children.” The film included footage that showed Her Majesty tenderly holding her youngest son's hand while walking through the grounds of Windsor Castle. To this day, the Queen maintains a particularly close relationship with her fourth child.
