Terrible and dangerous turtles and lizards. The most dangerous reptiles on earth

American scientists unexpectedly came to the conclusion that one of the most dangerous pets is... a turtle! No, red-eared turtles are sweet and kind animals that children love very much, but they are carriers of diseases that are deadly to humans. How not to get infected from pet and preserve your health and life?

Nowadays, many people want to have an exotic animal at home: it is prestigious, fashionable, and interesting.

Turtles especially suffer in this regard, and especially red-eared turtles. This type of turtle is sold en masse in pet stores and pet markets.

Young turtles measuring 5-6 cm in size are happily bought for children for fun, not suspecting that the animal can pose a mortal threat to the life and health of the child.

But the turtle is dangerous not as an insidious beast - everything is in order here. In a kind and harmless animal, danger lurks inside - the turtle is a spreader of salmonellosis - an acute intestinal infection. This disease is deadly and is especially severe in children.

Incredibly, but true: 90% of salmonellosis outbreaks recorded in the United States in just one year were caused by contact with pet turtles. Moreover, as a rule, children who have closer contact with these animals than adults get sick.

It also turned out that a dangerous infection persists in places where turtles are kept (aquarium, terrarium, etc.), even after the turtle has been disposed of. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and not keep turtles, experts say.

Currently, the main sources of salmonella are Domestic bird, eggs, meat and unpasteurized milk. In 15-20% of cases, salmonella can be infected from domestic animals: reptiles - about 90%; dogs - 10-27%; cats - 1-13%; ferrets and birds.

Experts estimate that reptiles such as lizards, snakes and turtles are kept in 3% of American households, with turtles being the most popular among children. It should be noted that pet turtles infected children with salmonellosis to such an extent that the sale of turtles less than 10 cm in length was banned in the United States in 1975. This measure was undertaken to protect children, for whom small turtles are most often purchased.

Nevertheless, the danger of infection of people and especially children with salmonella from these reptiles remains.

It should be noted that infection of children often occurs even when the child does not come into contact with the turtle, but due to hygienic errors of the persons caring for them.

How can you protect yourself and your children from salmonellosis? It is necessary to strictly follow the rules for keeping reptiles at home:

Pet reptiles should be kept away from kitchens and other food preparation areas.

Reptiles should not roam freely around the house.

Kitchen sinks should not be used to wash reptiles, their dishes, cages or aquariums. If a bathtub is used for these purposes, then it must be disinfected with chlorine-containing agents.

After handling reptiles and their cages, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Persons at increased risk of infection or who could potentially develop severe complications from infection (such as children under 5 years of age and those with immunocompromised conditions) should avoid contact with reptiles and not keep them as pets.

Families expecting a baby should remove reptiles from the home before the birth occurs.

Pet retailers, veterinarians, and doctors should provide information to owners and potential buyers of reptiles about the risk of salmonella infection from reptiles.

Reptiles should not be kept in children's centers and preschool groups.

Nothing instills fear more than a human encounter with a crocodile or snake. Today's reptiles are descendants of dinosaurs that went extinct many millions of years ago, and many of them are still as dangerous as their ancestors. We present to your attention a selection of the most terrible reptiles with which it is better not to meet.

Green iguana. The iguana has become quite a popular pet in last years, and this giant, prehistoric reptile is now serving as an alternative to the dog. Although the iguana is a herbivore, it can be unpredictable and has razor-sharp teeth. In a number of cases, severe injuries were sustained when the “tame” but powerful iguanas became agitated and rushed into the owners’ faces or tore their hands with their teeth and claws. An iguana can weigh up to 18 kg and reach 2 meters in length, making an attack by this giant lizard an event not to be joked about.

Leathery sea ​​turtle The leatherback sea turtle is the largest of all turtles, sometimes reaching 2.5 meters in length. These 900-pound omnivores are perhaps the most widespread vertebrates on Earth, but they are becoming rare and endangered due to pollution and overfishing. Turtles are usually quite quiet giants, but if disturbed, they can break bones with a crushing bite. There was a case when a turtle weighing more than 680 kg sank a small boat not far from the shore. The reptile barely escaped being chased by sharks, so it perceived the boat as a threat.

Mata Mata turtle. The South American Amazon is famous for its incredible, and sometimes unusual creatures. The unearthly Mata Mata turtles share the river with piranhas. The fate of the man who stepped on the Mata Mata is unknown, but the strange river reptile has an elongated, snake-like neck with a strange mouth filled with two sharp plates that resemble fused human teeth. These creepy carnivores prey on waterbirds, fish and other reptiles. We can only imagine what they will do to a boatman passing by.

Big-headed turtle. The big-headed turtle is strange looking with a long, snake-like tail almost as long as her body. The turtle won't hesitate to use its crushing bone beak if it senses danger, so it's best to stay away from it. She is also capable of climbing trees. Unfortunately this amazing creature is endangered due to poaching.

Soft-shelled turtles. They hide in the sand, waiting for prey before striking it with their sharp teeth. The sheer size and force of the bite can cause horrific injuries. However, this species is unfortunately currently endangered.

Nile monitor lizard. The Nile monitor reaches 3 meters in length. This fearsome lizard often preys on young crocodiles, in addition to its diet of mammals and birds, and has an extremely powerful bite. Giant reptiles are sold as pets, but owners should be careful due to reports of serious injuries and the fact that these lizards can "break a cat's neck in an instant and then swallow it whole." Children should stay out of the reach of these lizards, as the possibility of an attack is not excluded with these predators.

Venomtooth. The Venomtooth is the largest reptile in North America, it reaches more than 0.6 meters in length and is the only poisonous lizard. Venom teeth are endangered and protected by law. Unfortunately, this experience is based on several tragic cases of human death

Malayan water monitor. The Malayan water monitor is the second largest lizard in the world and hides in deep rivers and swamps South-East Asia. The lizard has curved teeth and feeds on carrion. If a living human falls into water where several monitor lizards are feeding, it is very likely that the reptile's hunting instinct will be activated by the human's vulnerability, provoking an attack. Aquatic monitor lizards are able to feed on a wide variety of animals, having little trouble only with large prey. They reach a weight of about 70 kg, and their length can be up to 3 meters.

Vulture turtle. The largest freshwater turtle in the world, and today it is the most dangerous. The strange-looking reptile, weighing over 90kg, has a spine-covered, dinosaur-like shell and a massive beak that can quickly bite off any part of the body and is capable of tearing apart a broom handle at lightning speed. A swimmer who accidentally steps nearby can easily lose part of his leg. Although no deaths have been confirmed, drownings may have gone unnoticed. The hypothetical report of 180 kg turtles is supported by the continued growth of individuals of this species throughout their lifespan, which can reach 200 years.

Komodo dragon. The Komodo dragon is found in the woodlands, beaches and plateaus of Indonesia, posing a threat to almost everyone alive. Weighing 136 kg and 3 meters long, the animals are the largest lizards on Earth. Komodos feed on prey as large as buffalo and will also attack and eat humans. Komodos knock down their prey and then brutally attack and tear it off big pieces flesh. Scientists have suggested Komodo evolved to feed on the island's now-extinct pygmy elephants.

Based on materials from: daypic.ru

Reptile Attack: Nothing strikes terror into the human mind faster than an encounter between a prehistoric crocodile or poisonous snake And modern man. However, we will not talk about these known dangers. In this shocking list, we take a look at the frightening monstrous lizards and terrifying turtles living on Earth these days. Some of them are capable of killing, while others are capable of dismembering or simply gnawing off your hand. Just the sight of a hard shell or a thin tail can already signal danger beyond your wildest expectations...

10. Common iguana (Green Iguana)

The iguana has become quite a popular pet in recent years, and iguana advocates would say that keeping this giant, prehistoric reptile is no different than owning a dog. Despite being herbivores, iguanas can be unpredictable and have razor-sharp teeth. In some cases, serious injuries have been caused when tame but powerful iguanas became nervous about something and lunged at their owners' faces or cut their hands with their teeth and claws. An iguana can weigh up to 8 kilograms and reach more than 180 centimeters in length, making an attack by this giant lizard quite a serious matter. For your visit to the Park Jurassic a visit to the ER may well follow.

9. Leatherback Sea Turtle

The leatherback turtle is the largest of all turtles, sometimes reaching over 2.5 meters in length. These 2,000-pound omnivores are arguably the widest-growing vertebrates on Earth, but their populations are declining every year due to industrial development, pollution and being caught as bycatch. These turtles are usually quite gentle giants, however if disturbed they can bite and their bite can break bones as they are very strong and powerful. In one strange case, a huge leatherback turtle, likely weighing more than 680 kilograms, directed its aggression towards the small boat and rammed it. Shortly before, the turtle was being chased by a shark, so it considered the boat a potential threat.

8. Fringed turtle or mata mata (Mata Mata Turtle)

The Amazon of South America is famous for its incredible and sometimes creepy creatures. In the same river with piranhas and river dolphins lives a bizarre fringed turtle. What will happen if a person steps on a fringed turtle is unknown, but this strange river reptile has an elongated, snake-like neck and a strange mouth containing two sharp plates that resemble human teeth fused together. This uniquely creepy carnivore's lunch menu includes waterbirds, fish and other reptiles. We can only imagine what will happen to a person who reaches out from the boat to touch the strange lump visible from the water...

7. Big-headed Turtle

The big-headed turtle is a bizarre-looking creature with a long, snake-like tail that is almost equal to length her body. This turtle is endemic to Southeast Asia, where it hunts a variety of prey in rivers. The large head does not retract into the shell, and is very equipped powerful jaws. If a turtle feels threatened, it will not hesitate to use its beak, which can crush bones, so it is better to keep your distance from them. Incredibly, this creature, living in Asia, is able to climb trees, where it can sit like a bird. Unfortunately, this amazing creature is endangered due to poaching, which must be constantly combated.

6. Soft-shelled Turtles

Looking like flat human-reptile hybrids from alien horror films, soft-bodied turtles compensate for their lack of shell by greatly strong bite. Among the many species of softshell turtles from around the world, the most feared is Cantor's Giant Softshell turtle, endemic to China. She hides in the sand, waiting for prey, and then jumps out and bites the prey with sharp teeth. The turtle's sheer size and the force of its bite can cause horrific injuries. However, this species is unfortunately currently endangered. However, more common species of softshell turtles, such as the Florida Soft Shell, can be found throughout the world and are quite capable of biting an unwary fisherman.

5. Nile monitor (Nile Monitor)

The Nile monitor lives in the Nile and others African rivers along with crocodiles and can grow up to 2.7 meters in length. This terrifying lizard often feeds on young crocodiles, in addition to its diet of mammals and birds, and has an incredibly strong bite that almost always causes infection. When the Nile monitor feels threatened by humans or other potential intruders, it latches onto the enemy's body with its bone-crushing bite, and it is not at all easy to release its jaws. The giant reptiles are sold locally as pets, but owners should be careful with them as there have been many reports of serious injuries caused by them. It's also worth considering the fact that these lizards can "bite through a cat's neck in an instant and then swallow it whole." Children should stay out of the reach of these lizards as they can be easily attacked by these predators.

4. Arizona Gila Monster

The Arizona common lizard is North America's largest lizard, measuring over 60 centimeters in length, and is the only venomous lizard in the region. Arizona hornbills are endangered and protected by law, but people who encroach on their territory may find themselves on the brink of death. If disturbed, the venom can bite into the legs or arms of its attacker and sink its teeth into it, quickly releasing a dose of extremely potent, neurotoxic venom. Before people became aware of the poisonous nature of this reptile and before an antidote was developed, more than one person died. Having no fangs, the Arizona serpentine claws with great force into a person's hand, slowly biting its flesh and leaving ripped, venom-soaked wounds after the bite. The only way to stop the Arizona snaketooth is by immersing it in water.

3. Striped Monitor (Malayan Water Monitor)

The striped monitor lizard is the second heaviest lizard in the world and lives in the deep rivers and swamps of Southeast Asia. This lizard's teeth are curved backwards, and they are known to sometimes feed on... corpses. If a living human falls into water where several striped monitor lizards are feeding, it is very possible that the reptile's hunting instinct will be activated by the human's vulnerability, provoking an attack. Striped monitor lizards are capable of eating a wide variety of animals, and have no problem hunting large prey, in some cases weighing more than 70 kg. Their body length can reach 3 meters...

2. Alligator Snapping Turtle

The snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in the world, and by far the most dangerous. Weighing more than 90 kilograms, the strange-looking reptile has a dinosaur-like cone-covered shell and a massive beak that can be used to completely amputate any body part that comes within its immediate vicinity. A snapping turtle can bite through a broom handle in the blink of an eye. A swimmer who accidentally steps near this turtle can easily lose part of his leg. Although deaths associated with snapping turtles have not been confirmed, drownings may have occurred undetected. The hypothetical report of a 181-kilogram turtle is supported by the continued growth of members of this species throughout their lifespan, which can be 200 years.

1. Komodo Dragon

The Komodo dragon lives in Indonesian woodlands, beaches and plateaus, posing a threat to almost all living things, like prehistoric predator higher order. The lizards, which measure 3 meters in length and weigh more than 136 kilograms, are the largest on Earth, forming a microcosm of a prehistoric world ruled by reptiles. Komodo dragons feed on large prey such as water buffalo. There were cases when they attacked, dismembered and absorbed people. When attacking such large prey, Komodo dragons will knock it down and then brutally attack, tearing large chunks of flesh from it. Toxic saliva and bacteria weaken the animal, which does not die immediately. Scientists have suggested that Komodo dragons evolved to feed on the now extinct pygmy elephants that previously lived in the area.

Most people are well aware of the dangers posed by crocodiles and snakes, but much less aware of the dangers that can come from turtles and lizards. Our list includes monsters of the reptile class, meeting which does not bode well:

Big-headed turtle (Platysternon megacephalum)

It is the only species of the genus of the same name from the family of snapping turtles. It got a rather strange appearance due to its long, snake-like tail, almost as long as its body. Habitat: Southeast Asia. Freshwater reptile cannot retract big head into the shell, which is compensated by very powerful jaws, so it is better to keep your distance from it. Able to climb trees, sitting on branches as a perch. Unfortunately, this species of reptile is endangered due to poaching.

Venomtooth (Helodermatidae)

The only one in the animal world poisonous lizard is the largest in North America: it usually reaches a length of more than 0.6 m. When disturbed, the reptile can fend for itself: the poison tooth grabs the legs or arms of its enemy, then plunges its teeth into them and quickly releases its extremely neurotoxic venom. Several deaths occurred after encounters with venom teeth until scientists were able to develop a treatment. These lizards do not have fangs, so they use enormous power, slowly chewing on a human hand and leaving behind flesh soaked in poison. If you immerse a reptile in water, there is a chance that it may release its prey. Representatives of the family of vultures are endangered and protected by law.

Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

The largest of all turtles: its length can reach 2.5 m and weight – 900 kg. Unfortunately, the population of these omnivorous creatures is declining. It is not recommended to disturb the tranquility of these rather gentle giants, as they are capable of breaking bones with one crushing blow. There was a case when one turtle barely broke away from the sharks pursuing it and sank a small boat that got in its way, perceiving it as a threat.

Common turtle (Macroclemys temminckii)

The largest freshwater turtle on Earth, and by far the most dangerous. The more than 90-pound reptiles are covered in a spiked shell much like dinosaur skin and have a massive beak that can be used to bite off any part of the body. A swimmer who accidentally steps next to you can easily lose part of his leg. Individuals of this species grow throughout their lifespan (which can reach 200 years), so adult snapping turtles can reach a weight of about 180 kilograms.

Large softshell turtle (Pelochelys bibroni)

What it lacks in shell it makes up for with a powerful bite. The most terrible individuals - the giant soft-bodied Cantor turtles - are common in China. Hiding in the sand, they wait for their prey and then strike it with their sharp teeth. Due to its enormous size and bite force, it is a real threat to the unwary person. Unfortunately, this reptile species is endangered.

Common iguana, or green iguana(Iguana iguana)

Despite the fact that this reptile is a herbivore, it nevertheless has sharp razor teeth and can be quite unpredictable. A number of cases have been recorded in which owners keeping “tame” iguanas at home received rather severe injuries: when excited, the animals rushed into their faces, tearing the skin with their claws and teeth. Some representatives of this class of reptiles can reach 18 kilograms in weight and 2 meters in length, thereby representing a creature that it is better to try to avoid meeting.

Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)

Some individuals can reach 3 meters in length. The creepy lizard feeds on young crocodiles, mammals and birds, hunting them with the help of its powerful poisonous bite. If it feels (from a person or animal) a threat of attack, it grabs it in a vice with crushing force, then reluctantly releases its prey.

Fringed turtle, or Mata-Mata (Chelus fimbriatus)

These creatures live in South America, in river basins from the Orinoco to the Amazon, sharing the water space with river dolphins and piranhas. What will happen to a person who is unlucky enough to step on it is unknown, but this reptile with a bizarre appearance has an elongated snake-like neck and a strange mouth filled with two sharp plates reminiscent of fused human teeth. The unusually creepy carnivores hunt waterbirds, fish and other reptiles.

Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis)

It lives on the beaches, plateaus and woodlands of the Indonesian islands, being a threat to almost every living thing, like a prehistoric predator. Komodo dragons reach a length of 3 meters and weigh about 136 kg, being the most large lizards on the planet. This type of reptile feeds on buffaloes and can attack and eat people: knocking down large prey, these monsters then attack, tearing off large pieces of flesh. With their toxic saliva and bacteria, they weaken the prey, which does not die immediately. According to scientists, Komodo dragons evolved to feed on the already extinct dwarf elephants of Komodo Island.

Malayan water monitor (Varanus salvator)

The second heaviest lizard on the planet. It lives in the deep waters of rivers and swamps in Southeast Asia. The reptile has curved teeth and will not refuse to eat corpses, in addition to a wide variety of invertebrate and vertebrate animals. A person falling into water in which several monitor lizards are feeding at once can awaken their hunting instinct and provoke their attack. Typically, Malayan water monitors reach a length of up to 3 meters, while weighing about 70 kilograms.

Today, turtles take pride of place on pet lists. Of course not of any kind. It is customary to keep only the red-eared turtle in homes. She is calm and unpretentious. And, besides, it is completely safe.

And yet it happens that the reptile bites. Why are such bites dangerous for children and how safe is this animal in the house? She needs a spacious terrarium with a volume of about 100 or 150 liters. Then it develops well and grows to medium size. There must be a small stone island inside its home “house” so that the turtle can rest on it.

Refers to Pond slider to the category of predators, and therefore it is worth pampering it often with raw meat.

Observing the life of such a pet has a very beneficial effect on the central nervous system person. Therefore, turtles are also kept for therapeutic purposes, to calm the nerves.

Yes, despite its calmness and regularity, the red-eared turtle still has a certain level of danger for children, like, in fact, any other pet from the fauna world.

This reptile is also capable of inflicting long-healing and long-lasting injuries. In addition, turtle bites are quite painful.

So, the first thing that a turtle is dangerous for a child is its bite. Despite the lack of teeth, turtles bite quite painfully. Such a painful bite is due to the presence of hard and powerful bone jaws in the reptile. The animal closes them tightly and can injure a person’s fingers until they bleed. Therefore, you should not disturb the turtle too much, this is especially dangerous when it is eating.

The second danger comes from turtle claws. They can scratch her. Its claws are sharp, long and very dense. With their help, the turtle moves quite successfully on land. And when you pick it up, it can push off with its hind legs and unintentionally cause injuries.

If a turtle bites or scratches a child, the wound must be quickly treated with antiseptic agents, after thoroughly washing with warm water and soap. It is strictly forbidden to scratch the site of a bite or scratch. Thus, it can become infected and the wound will begin to fester.

The most dangerous moments when you should not disturb a turtle are eating, mating and pregnancy.

What can you get infected from a turtle bite?

Reptiles are susceptible to several diseases. But these diseases are not terrible for humans. The danger is that turtles can be carriers of certain infectious agents, and if they bite or scratch a person, they can easily infect him. Such infections include:

In any case, if any symptoms arise in a child after “communicating” with a pet, you should consult a doctor. And in cases where a child develops atopic dermatitis, the doctor strongly recommends getting rid of pets.


To avoid infection and bites from a red-eared turtle, it is very important to explain to your child the rules of behavior and communication with this pet.

First of all, the child should know not to come into contact with a turtle if it is pregnant or eating. If you start playing with him at this moment or period, the turtle may perceive this as an attack and will defend himself, trying to bite or scratch the child.

Also, to avoid being scratched by the turtle’s sharp and powerful claws, it is very important to be extremely careful when removing it from the terrarium.

To prevent fungal infectious diseases, it is very important to always follow all the rules of personal and sanitary hygiene of the premises.

After handling a turtle, you should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap. And while playing with the turtle, you should not touch your face or mouth with your hands. You cannot kiss a turtle or bring it close to your mouth.

If changes are noticed in the animal’s behavior, it is best to immediately take it to the veterinarian to avoid any possible consequences. negative consequences and contracting an infection.

This is interesting

The largest turtle in the world is called the leatherback turtle. Its weight can reach 900 kg and its length is 3 m. If such a turtle encounters a boat on the open sea, the passengers are in mortal danger.

Among land turtles The Galapagos elephant tortoise is especially large. Its length can reach 1.8 m and weight up to 400 kg.

The most dangerous species is the snapping turtle. During the mating season, the male easily mistakes a bathing person for a female and drowns him with his weight. In addition, this turtle bites strongly and can injure a person.

Vulture turtles are also dangerous. Their jaws are razor-sharp and can easily bite off a finger.

People can become poisoned by eating turtle meat. This is due to the fact that many species of turtles feed poisonous mushrooms and jellyfish, and accordingly, toxins and poisons accumulate in their tissues.

At the same time, turtles are animals that can easily do without food at all. They can withstand this period for up to five years.

Turtles can also hold their breath for 10 hours. When the climate is unfavorable for them, they fall into suspended animation, and when conditions are good for them, they wake up and lead their usual lives.

Turtles are reptiles that live on almost everything. globe. They are not found exclusively in Antarctica.


The red-eared turtle is the most suitable type of reptile to keep at home as a pet.

But, in order to avoid various troubles, it is important to immediately teach the child all the rules of behavior and communication with his younger friend. And then their friendship will be strong and bring only good emotions.
