Dagestani thumbs up. Thumb up and protruding little finger or what the “Shaka” gesture means among young people

In most cases, a person supplements his speech with gestures. Often we make movements involuntarily, that is, without thinking about their meaning. In addition, using gestures, you can find out information of interest from foreign citizen, for example, while traveling. In this article we will look at what popular finger gestures mean.

Gesture meanings


The V-shape is made with the index and middle fingers. The sign means "peace" and "victory". However, in a number of countries (Great Britain, Ireland, Australia) the gesture is offensive if the palm is facing towards the person.


A gesture in the form of an outstretched palm. Usually means a request to stop.

In Greece this gesture is considered offensive.


A gesture in the form of a ring, which is formed by connecting the index and thumb means "everything is fine."

In the capital of Italy, the sign means "worthless". And in Japan the gesture means “money”.

Thumbs up and down

Thumbs up means agreement and approval. The sign is often used when hitchhiking to catch a car.

In Thailand, this gesture is a sign of condemnation. And in Iran, giving a thumbs up is considered an offensive gesture.

If the thumb is pointing down, then this sign has the meaning of disapproval.


Forefinger used for one or another gesture depending on the situation. For example, if you put a finger to your lips, the sign will mean “silence.”

If the finger is raised up, it means “attention” or “stop”.

If the interlocutor shakes his index finger from side to side, it means he does not agree with what was said. A slightly inclined swinging finger is used when teaching (for example, when scolding children).

If you twirl your finger at your temple, you recognize your interlocutor as “crazy.”

Middle finger

Protruding middle finger is an offensive gesture in many countries. The sign can be replaced with a less crude fig.


Or in other words, fig - a gesture in the form of a fist, where the thumb is inserted between the index and middle fingers. Used in cases of disagreement with the interlocutor. "Rejection" also has the meaning.

Another sign is often used as “protection” from the evil eye.

IN South America the gesture is considered friendly and is used to wish good luck.

Crossing your fingers

In many countries, crossing the index and middle fingers is used to attract good luck.

In Vietnam this sign has an offensive meaning.


A popular sign among rock musicians, which looks like a raised index finger and little finger.

In Russia, this gesture is used to entertain young children, associating the sign with a “horned goat.”

However, in some European countries, including America, the sign means “cuckold.”

In Colombia, this sign is shown when people want to wish them good luck.


Type of gesture - raised thumb and little finger. Often the gesture means "telephone receiver" and is shown when a person asks to call him.

In Hawaii, the gesture is a sign of greeting. And among drug addicts, the sign means “smoke.”


The gesture looks like joined fingertips. Confident people use it. Usually the sign is used by people who are more inclined to talk than to gesture.

Often the speaker places the spire with his fingers up, and the listener, on the contrary, points down.

Closed thumb and index fingers

This gesture is used when it is necessary to draw attention to something. A sign often complements speech. The narrator at this moment wants the listener to understand the essence of his words.

Rubbing the tips of others with your thumb

In this case, the gesture means "money".

Sometimes a sign is used when trying to remember an event or word. If the result is positive, the sign changes to a click.

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Gestures made from combinations of fingers in different cultures have very different meanings. So, for example, the “thumbs up” symbol can speak both of a decision to pardon the vanquished (a famous gesture during the fight of Roman gladiators), and of a common request for a ride, to take a fellow traveler (hitchhiking), if we are talking about a thumb raised up by the road somewhere in America. The index finger carries other information. Let's take a closer look.

What is this thumbs up symbol?

It is clear that the meaning of the symbol depends on which country and which finger is used. And here there are a great many options: from greetings and approval to indecent analogies.

  1. Forefinger right hand, raised upward, among Muslims is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian it means: “There is no God but Allah!”
  2. In Germany, this gesture says: “Everything is fine.”
  3. IN Slavic countries an index finger raised up means a call for the attention of others, and in American schools, students thus ask the teacher for permission to answer a question.
  4. If during a conversation you raise your index finger up and shake it from side to side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand this as a refusal of what was proposed or an unwillingness to discuss the topic.

What are we talking about when we raise our thumbs up?

Symbol - the index and thumb connected with the rest raised up, means in America and most European countries: "Everything is fine!". But in Brazil and Turkey such a gesture will be perceived as an insult.

A resident of Holland, inviting you to a friendly drinking session, will raise his little finger up and his thumb to the side. This is where you probably want to respond to him with the gesture described above. Still: “Everything is great”! And a Frenchman can raise his little finger in response, which will mean: “Leave me alone!”

If someone raises their thumb up, the symbol hardly needs any special decoding - it is a sign of wishes for good luck, recognition that everything is going as it should, agreement with the proposed program of action, etc.

True, in Turkey and Arab countries such a gesture is a phallic symbol, and in Greece it is a demand: “Shut up!”

Most common symbol

Thumbs up in other cases too. The truth is not one, but two: we are talking about the V-shaped sign with the index and middle fingers, known in European countries.

It was introduced during the Second World War by Winston Churchill to signify victory, and since then the gesture has become very popular. True, for the English, one nuance is important in it: which side is the palm facing the speaker at that moment. If it is from the back, then it is: “victory”, but if it is with the palm, then its interpretation becomes offensive.

Another gesture is no less popular: “goat”. It's about about the index finger and little finger raised up. In the CIS this is a notorious “rocker” symbol. A thumbs up is raised in a similar way as a sign of superiority over someone, a desire to humiliate him. Although in mystical rituals this sign is protection from dark forces.

What does the index finger up sign mean for Muslims?

Quite often in Lately You can see in photographs or video reports how Muslim militants raise their index finger. It turns out that this gesture in itself does not mean anything offensive or provocative for Muslims. This is simply a statement expressed by a gesture that Allah is one, that is, the index finger simply means one. Although some people seriously suspected that this gesture was an analogue of the European raised middle finger, and I even had to read an explanation that this was an offensive gesture, because this finger in the desert lands is considered an analogue of the Russian burdock.


The Muslim gesture - the index finger raised up - means "Allah is one"(there is no God but Allah).

I don’t understand why they should do this for show, take pictures while performing this gesture, etc.

It’s strange when the same gesture is made by non-Muslims (the same militants, terrorists). They contradict themselves: after all, Islam does not condone the killing of people.


This does not mean at all the well-known gesture where the raised middle finger of the hand carries an offensive tone. We are talking about the index finger of the right hand raised vertically. This is a religious gesture, such a gesture is considered a sign of tawhid, which expresses the Muslim faith in the uniqueness of Allah.

Why do Muslims always show their index finger up? What does this gesture mean?

Alla ㋛ ♠♣♦

The raised finger of the right hand is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism among Muslims) by the way, among those who profess Islam, left hand considered "unclean". Therefore, if you offer a gift or money with your left hand, you may offend a Muslim.)

Evgeny Ardynsky, is your god Jesus? You don’t even know who your God is, how can you call everything else evil!?
The central figure for Christian worship is the Son of God - Jesus
Christ (hence the name “Christians”).
It is through him that Christians come
to God the Father. God the Father is the one image of God for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

They heard a ringing, but they don’t know where it came from! Among Wahhabis, a common sign is the index finger extended upward. According to the naive ideas of the “Salafis”, this sign should demonstrate their commitment to monotheism - after all, God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in photos with such a “finger,” thereby wanting to show their “monotheism.” However, there are no hadiths that speak of such a finger as a symbol of Islam or monotheism.
Where did this gesture come from?
The fact is that the index finger extended upward is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from the ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized a person’s connection with “ higher powers"(that is, Satan).
Also, in black magic rituals, Satan himself is usually depicted with his finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.
Thus, since Wahhabism was an invention of English Freemasonry, someone introduced this sign into it so that the “Salafis” would bear the satanic mark on themselves.

What does a raised index finger mean for Muslims?

On the Internet you can often find images of Muslims raising their right index finger up.

Like many other gestures, this one has its own meaning. different nations.

Among Russians, a straightened index finger with the rest bent at the same time is used as a regular pointer, and well-mannered citizens consider this gesture to be too deliberate and therefore unacceptable.

In Muslim society it has a completely different meaning.

Origin of the gesture

Islam is one of the youngest world religions, incorporating the experience of many others. cultural traditions and beliefs.

The gesture of an upraised index finger was borrowed from the pagans of the Mediterranean. First of all, among the Greeks, for whom it denoted an invisible connection with the world of the gods. During the Renaissance, famous masters of painting often depicted heroes of ancient epics, historical figures, even angels with their fingers raised. This can be seen in the works of da Vinci, Raphael, and other artists and sculptors.

The raised finger literally points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam, as a monotheistic religion, could not borrow this gesture from the pagans in exactly the same meaning.

If a Muslim raises his index finger, he thereby affirms monotheism. The gesture literally symbolizes that neither in this sublunary world nor in heaven there is any other Lord except Allah. Muslims seem to say: “God is one, just like this raised finger.” This gesture is often used when reciting the Shahadah “La Ilaha Illallah.” This is the main prayer-testimony of faith in the One God Allah and his Prophet Muhammad.

Wahhabism and other movements

Not all Muslims use the gesture of an index finger raised to the sky. It is popular among representatives of some movements of Islam, for example, Wahhabism. This is one of the newest trends, formed around the 18th century. Wahhabis often raise their index finger to emphasize their commitment to monotheism.

Opponents of the Wahhabis (usually traditionalist Muslims) do not accept this gesture. Some even argue that it does not indicate religious zeal, but the worship of Satan. Among Satanists one can often find an image of the devil with a similar gesture.

Others believe that it is used by Freemasons.
Source: What does a raised index finger mean for Muslims?

What does the index finger raised up mean?

Slavic peoples regard this gesture as a request to pay attention, a desire to interrupt the interlocutor’s speech, or to make an emphasis, a pause (depending on the text). If you bring your index finger to your chin, this may mean that the person is listening attentively and is thinking, and if you bring it to your lips, it may mean that you are asking the other person to shut up. In Muslim countries, this right hand gesture signifies monotheism: “There is no other God but Allah.” In France, you can use this gesture to ask the waitress for another glass of wine, in Germany - “Everything is fine,” “Excellent.” In American schools, this gesture is analogous to raising your hand in class in our schools, if you want to give an answer. Well, if you shake your raised index finger from side to side, then this is almost everywhere perceived as denial, disagreement, “No!”


Each nation has its own concepts on this matter.

For example, at Slavic peoples a raised index finger may mean that the interlocutor wants to interrupt you to say something.

This may be an objection.

This could be to attract the attention of the interlocutor (for example, a teacher at school, when children are angry in class). It could be swearing, like Nununu! Or maybe just indicating the upward direction. It all depends on the context that accompanies this gesture. This concerns the Slavs.

In the Muslim world, this gesture means only one thing:

And there is also the meaning of this gesture in the Lezginka dance:

And now a little humor on this topic.


It’s not difficult to see people with a raised finger in a photo, what does this gesture mean, what is the trend? Somewhere they even interpret it as a sign taken from Satanism. But the most plausible explanation is quite simple. For Muslims, this gesture carries the expression, God is one, like the index finger. A gesture used by one people has a different meaning for another people. In the Philippines, this gesture would mean that you rate the person you are communicating with below you and the gesture serves to humiliate the person. In the photo the gesture does not mean anything bad.

Most likely, such a gesture means that the person thought about it and came up with something. Perhaps a person had an idea that he really liked. In general, the index finger pointing up can mean anything, it all depends on the situation.

A question for Muslims and those who know. What does a raised index finger or ring finger mean?

3. Imran's family
In the name of Allah, the merciful, the merciful
1. Alif. Lam. Mime.

2. Allah - there is no deity except Him, the Living, the Sustainer of life.

3. He sent down to you the Scripture with the truth to confirm what was before it. He sent down the Taurat (Torah) and the Injil (Gospel),

4. which were formerly guides for the people. He also sent down the Discrimination (Quran). Indeed, those who do not believe in the signs of Allah are destined for severe torment, for Allah is Mighty, Capable of retribution.

5. Truly, nothing is hidden from Allah, either on earth or in heaven.

6. He is the One who gives you in the womb such a form as He wishes. There is no deity but Him, the Mighty, the Wise.

7. He is the One Who sent down to you the Scripture, in which there are clearly stated verses that constitute the mother of the Scripture, as well as other verses that are allegorical. Those whose hearts turn aside follow the allegorical verses, wanting to sow confusion and achieve interpretation, although no one knows the interpretation except Allah. And those who have thorough knowledge say: “We believed in him. All this is from our Lord." But only those with intelligence remember edification.

What is this thumbs up symbol?

It is clear that the meaning of the symbol depends on which country and which finger is used. And here there are a great many options: from greetings and approval to indecent analogies.

  1. For Muslims, the index finger of the right hand raised up is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian it means: “There is no God but Allah!”
  2. In Germany, this gesture says: “Everything is fine.”
  3. In Slavic countries, a raised index finger means a call for attention from others, and in American schools, students thus ask the teacher for permission to answer a question.
  4. If during a conversation you raise your index finger up and shake it from side to side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand this as a refusal of what was proposed or an unwillingness to discuss the topic.

What are we talking about when we raise our thumbs up?

The symbol - the index and thumb connected with the rest raised up, means in America and most European countries: “Everything is fine!” But in Brazil and Turkey such a gesture will be perceived as an insult.

A resident of Holland, inviting you to a friendly drinking session, will raise his little finger up and his thumb to the side. This is where you probably want to respond to him with the gesture described above. Still: “Everything is great”! And a Frenchman can raise his little finger in response, which will mean: “Leave me alone!”

If someone raises their thumb up, the symbol hardly needs any special decoding - it is a sign of wishes for good luck, recognition that everything is going as it should, agreement with the proposed program of action, etc.

True, in Turkey and Arab countries such a gesture is a phallic symbol, and in Greece it is a demand: “Shut up!”

Most common symbol

Thumbs up in other cases too. The truth is not one, but two: we are talking about the V-shaped sign with the index and middle fingers, known in European countries.

It was introduced during the Second World War by Winston Churchill to signify victory, and since then the gesture has become very popular. True, for the English, one nuance is important in it: which side is the palm facing the speaker at that moment. If it is from the back, then it is: “victory”, but if it is with the palm, then its interpretation becomes offensive.

Another gesture is no less popular: “goat”. We are talking about the index finger and little finger raised up. In the CIS this is a notorious “rocker” symbol. A thumbs up is raised in a similar way as a sign of superiority over someone, a desire to humiliate him. Although in mystical rituals this sign is protection from dark forces.

Why do Muslims always show their index finger up? What does this gesture mean?

Alla ㋛ ♠♣♦

The raised finger of the right hand is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism among Muslims) by the way, for those who profess Islam, the left hand is considered “unclean”. Therefore, if you offer a gift or money with your left hand, you may offend a Muslim.)

Evgeny Ardynsky, is your god Jesus? You don’t even know who your God is, how can you call everything else evil!?
The central figure for Christian worship is the Son of God - Jesus
Christ (hence the name “Christians”).
It is through him that Christians come
to God the Father. God the Father is the one image of God for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

They heard a ringing, but they don’t know where it came from! Among Wahhabis, a common sign is the index finger extended upward. According to the naive ideas of the “Salafis”, this sign should demonstrate their commitment to monotheism - after all, God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in photos with such a “finger,” thereby wanting to show their “monotheism.” However, there are no hadiths that speak of such a finger as a symbol of Islam or monotheism.
Where did this gesture come from?
The fact is that the index finger extended upward is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized a person’s connection with “higher powers” ​​(that is, Satan).
Also, in black magic rituals, Satan himself is usually depicted with his finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.
Thus, since Wahhabism was an invention of English Freemasonry, someone introduced this sign into it so that the “Salafis” would bear the satanic mark on themselves.

What does it mean ☝☝☝ this index finger up?

A raised index finger in Germany means “wonderful,” but a French waitress will mistake this gesture for ordering one glass of wine.
There are differences in the gestures of different peoples.
A raised index finger in Germany means “wonderful,” but a French waitress will mistake this gesture for ordering one glass of wine.
Two fingers raised up means:
in Germany - victory
in France - peace
in the UK - 2
in Greece - go to hell, damn it.
Five fingers raised up have the meaning:
V Western countries – 5
everywhere - stop!
in Turkey - go away
in other countries - believe me, I'm telling the truth!
Raised little finger and index finger:
in the Mediterranean - your wife is cheating on you
in Malta and Italy - a sign that protects against danger and the evil eye
Raised index finger and thumb:
in Europe – 2
in the UK – 1
in the USA - please serve me, bring the bill
in Japan it is an insult.
Raised little finger:
in France - leave me alone!
in Japan - woman
in Mediterranean countries - sexual innuendo
Thumbs up:
in Europe – 1
in Greece - swear word
in Japan – man, 5
in other countries - beautifully done, good, a sign to stop traffic on the road.
The index finger and thumb are connected; the other fingers are raised up:
in Europe and North America- good, great
in the Mediterranean, Russia, Brazil, Turkey - swearing, sexual insult,
in Tunisia, France – 0
The little finger raised up and the finger pointed to the side:
in Holland - how about having a drink?
in Hawaii - no panic! Calm down!

Index finger up on the right hand. What does this mean?

★ஐ✽ นңңα ✽ஐ★

Gestures made from combinations of fingers in different cultures have very different meanings. So, for example, the “thumbs up” symbol can speak both of a decision to pardon the vanquished (a famous gesture during the fight of Roman gladiators), and of a common request for a ride, to take a fellow traveler (hitchhiking), if we are talking about a thumb raised up by the road somewhere in America. The index finger carries other information. Let's take a closer look.
What is this thumbs up symbol?

It is clear that the meaning of the symbol depends on which country and which finger is used. And here there are a great many options: from greetings and approval to indecent analogies.
1. For Muslims, the index finger of the right hand raised up is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian it means: “There is no God but Allah!”
2. In Germany, this gesture says: “Everything is fine.”
3. In Slavic countries, the index finger raised up means a call for the attention of others, and in American schools, students thus ask the teacher for permission to answer a question.
4. If during a conversation you raise your index finger up and shake it from side to side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand this as a refusal of what was proposed or an unwillingness to discuss the topic.
What does the thumbs up symbol mean?

Gestures made from combinations of fingers in different cultures have very different meanings. So, for example, the “thumbs up” symbol can speak both of a decision to pardon the vanquished (a famous gesture during the fight of Roman gladiators), and of a common request for a ride, to take a fellow traveler (hitchhiking), if we are talking about a thumb raised up by the road somewhere in America. The index finger carries other information. Let's take a closer look.

What is this thumbs up symbol?

It is clear that the meaning of the symbol depends on which country and which finger is used. And here there are a great many options: from greetings and approval to indecent analogies.

  1. For Muslims, the index finger of the right hand raised up is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism, that is, translated into Russian it means: “There is no God but Allah!”
  2. In Germany, this gesture says: “Everything is fine.”
  3. In Slavic countries, a raised index finger means a call for attention from others, and in American schools, students thus ask the teacher for permission to answer a question.
  4. If during a conversation you raise your index finger up and shake it from side to side, then the interlocutor of almost any nationality will understand this as a refusal of what was proposed or an unwillingness to discuss the topic.

What are we talking about when we raise our thumbs up?

The symbol - the index and thumb connected with the rest raised up, means in America and most European countries: “Everything is fine!” But in Brazil and Turkey such a gesture will be perceived as an insult.

A resident of Holland, inviting you to a friendly drinking session, will raise his little finger up and his thumb to the side. This is where you probably want to respond to him with the gesture described above. Still: “Everything is great”! And a Frenchman can raise his little finger in response, which will mean: “Leave me alone!”

If someone raises their thumb up, the symbol hardly needs any special decoding - it is a sign of wishes for good luck, recognition that everything is going as it should, agreement with the proposed program of action, etc.

True, in Turkey and Arab countries such a gesture is a phallic symbol, and in Greece it is a demand: “Shut up!”

Most common symbol

Thumbs up in other cases too. The truth is not one, but two: we are talking about the V-shaped sign with the index and middle fingers, known in European countries.

It was introduced during the Second World War by Winston Churchill to signify victory, and since then the gesture has become very popular. True, for the English, one nuance is important in it: which side is the palm facing the speaker at that moment. If it is from the back, then it is: “victory”, but if it is with the palm, then its interpretation becomes offensive.

Another gesture is no less popular: “goat”. We are talking about the index finger and little finger raised up. In the CIS this is a notorious “rocker” symbol. A thumbs up is raised in a similar way as a sign of superiority over someone, a desire to humiliate him. Although in mystical rituals this sign is protection from dark forces.

What does a raised index finger mean?


A raised index finger in Germany means “wonderful,” but a French waitress will mistake this gesture for ordering one glass of wine.
There are differences in the gestures of different peoples.

A raised index finger in Germany means “wonderful,” but a French waitress will mistake this gesture for ordering one glass of wine.

Two fingers raised up means:

In Germany - victory
in France - peace
in the UK - 2
in Greece - go to hell, damn it.
Five fingers raised up have the meaning:

In Western countries – 5
everywhere - stop!
in Turkey - go away
in other countries - believe me, I'm telling the truth!
Raised little finger and index finger:

In the Mediterranean - your wife is cheating on you
in Malta and Italy - a sign that protects against danger and the evil eye
Raised index finger and thumb:

In Europe – 2
in the UK - 1
in the USA - please serve me, bring the bill
in Japan it is an insult.
Raised little finger:

In France - leave me alone!
in Japan - woman
in Mediterranean countries - sexual innuendo
Thumbs up:

In Europe – 1
in Greece - swear word
in Japan – man, 5
in other countries - beautifully done, good, a sign to stop traffic on the road.
The index finger and thumb are connected; the other fingers are raised up:

In Europe and North America - good, great
in the Mediterranean, Russia, Brazil, Turkey - swearing, sexual insult,
in Tunisia, France – 0
The little finger raised up and the finger pointed to the side:

In Holland - how about having a drink?
in Hawaii - no panic! Calm down!


The straightened index finger of the right hand is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism among Muslims.
The raised index finger of the right hand means not “Allahu Akbar”, but “La Ilaha Ilalah”!
Everyone who has prayed at least once in their life knows this, because while performing rak’ah, the person praying raises his finger up to read the “Shahadah” - the statement that there is no God except Allah (Lord) - in Arabic “La Ilaha Ilalah”!

Danil Arnaut

Among Wahhabis, a common sign is the index finger extended upward. According to the naive ideas of the “Salafis”, this sign should demonstrate their commitment to monotheism - after all, God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in photos with such a “finger,” thereby wanting to show their “monotheism.”
However, there are no hadiths that speak of such a finger as a symbol of Islam or monotheism.
Where did this gesture come from?

Christina Kim

What does this gesture mean?

What does the index finger up sign mean for Muslims?

Quite often lately you can see in photographs or video reports how Muslim militants raise their index finger up. It turns out that this gesture in itself does not mean anything offensive or provocative for Muslims. This is simply a statement expressed by a gesture that Allah is one, that is, the index finger simply means one. Although some people seriously suspected that this gesture was an analogue of the European raised middle finger, and I even had to read an explanation that this was an offensive gesture, because this finger in the desert lands is considered an analogue of the Russian burdock.


The Muslim gesture - the index finger raised up - means "Allah is one"(there is no God but Allah).

I don’t understand why they should do this for show, take pictures while performing this gesture, etc.

It’s strange when the same gesture is made by non-Muslims (the same militants, terrorists). They contradict themselves: after all, Islam does not condone the killing of people.


This does not mean at all the well-known gesture where the raised middle finger of the hand carries an offensive tone. We are talking about the index finger of the right hand raised vertically. This is a religious gesture, such a gesture is considered a sign of tawhid, which expresses the Muslim faith in the uniqueness of Allah.

Why do Muslims always show their index finger up? What does this gesture mean?

Alla ㋛ ♠♣♦

The raised finger of the right hand is a symbol of the proclamation of monotheism among Muslims) by the way, for those who profess Islam, the left hand is considered “unclean”. Therefore, if you offer a gift or money with your left hand, you may offend a Muslim.)

Evgeny Ardynsky, is your god Jesus? You don’t even know who your God is, how can you call everything else evil!?
The central figure for Christian worship is the Son of God - Jesus
Christ (hence the name “Christians”).
It is through him that Christians come
to God the Father. God the Father is the one image of God for Christians, Jews and Muslims.

They heard a ringing, but they don’t know where it came from! Among Wahhabis, a common sign is the index finger extended upward. According to the naive ideas of the “Salafis”, this sign should demonstrate their commitment to monotheism - after all, God is one, like a finger. Wahhabis love to pose in photos with such a “finger,” thereby wanting to show their “monotheism.” However, there are no hadiths that speak of such a finger as a symbol of Islam or monotheism.
Where did this gesture come from?
The fact is that the index finger extended upward is one of the main symbols of Freemasonry, which, in turn, borrowed it from ancient pagan religions, where this finger symbolized a person’s connection with “higher powers” ​​(that is, Satan).
Also, in black magic rituals, Satan himself is usually depicted with his finger raised up, as can be seen in the photo below.
Thus, since Wahhabism was an invention of English Freemasonry, someone introduced this sign into it so that the “Salafis” would bear the satanic mark on themselves.

What does a raised index finger mean? READ EXPLANATION

I know that this gesture is among Muslims, such as Allah is one. But not long ago I saw a photo on the Internet where RUSSIANS have a thumbs up


If the finger is raised vertically, it means “stop!” , "attention!" .
If you shake your finger to the side at the same time, this gesture will mean refusal.
A finger tilted slightly forward and swinging up and down means a threat or a lesson.
If you twist your index finger at your temple, it means they consider you a fool.
A hand raised up with an index finger says: “Attention, I want to say something!” .
There is one hidden position of the index finger: if a person speaks and his gaze is directed in one direction, and the index finger in the other, while it is slightly bent, then the person is telling a lie.

On the Internet you can often find images of Muslims raising their right index finger up. Like many other gestures, this one has its own meaning among different peoples. Among Russians, a straightened index finger with the rest bent at the same time is used as a regular pointer, and well-mannered citizens consider this gesture to be too deliberate and therefore unacceptable. In Muslim society it has a completely different meaning.
Origin of the gesture Islam is one of the youngest world religions, incorporating the experience of many other cultural traditions and beliefs. The gesture of an upraised index finger was borrowed from the pagans of the Mediterranean.
First of all, among the Greeks, for whom it denoted an invisible connection with the world of the gods. During the Renaissance, famous masters of painting often depicted heroes of ancient epics, historical figures, even angels with their fingers raised. This can be seen in the works of da Vinci, Raphael, and other artists and sculptors. The raised finger literally points to the sky, where immortal deities live. But Islam, as a monotheistic religion, could not borrow this gesture from the pagans in exactly the same meaning. If a Muslim raises his index finger, he thereby affirms monotheism. The gesture literally symbolizes that neither in this sublunary world nor in heaven there is any other Lord except Allah. Muslims seem to say: “God is one, just like this raised finger.” This gesture is often used when reciting the Shahadah “La Ilaha Illallah.” This is the main prayer-testimony of faith in the One God Allah and His Prophet Muhammad. Wahhabism and other movements
Not all Muslims use the gesture of an index finger raised to the sky. It is popular among representatives of some movements of Islam, for example, Wahhabism. This is one of the newest trends, formed around the 18th century. Wahhabis often raise their index finger to emphasize their commitment to monotheism. Opponents of the Wahhabis (usually traditionalist Muslims) do not accept this gesture. Some even argue that it does not indicate religious zeal, but the worship of Satan. Among Satanists one can often find an image of the devil with a similar gesture. Others believe that it is used by Freemasons.
