How to pump up a girl's legs at home. Practical tips for developing legs at home

But leg exercises have a number of features. Let's look at how to pump up legs at home for a girl and a man.


To learn how to properly swing your legs, you first need to understand how they are designed and how they work. Next, we will consider each component in order.

The thighs are made up of three muscle groups:

  • the anterior hip flexor muscles called quadriceps, that is, the quadriceps muscle;
  • the posterior hip extensor muscles, called the biceps femoris, that is, the biceps muscle;
  • medial muscles adducting the thigh.
The quadriceps femoris muscle, or quadriceps, is located on the front side of the thigh and is the largest and strongest muscle in the human body.

The main function of this muscle is to powerfully extend the leg at the knee. It is called the quadriceps because it consists of four different muscles:

  • straight- the longest of all;
  • lateral- a large muscle that is located on the outside of the leg;
  • medial- teardrop muscle, which is located on the inside of the leg;
  • vastus intermedius, which is located between the lateral and medial.

Although The quadriceps is the largest and strongest muscle on the front side of the leg., she is far from the only one.
The anterior thigh muscles also include the adductor muscles: pectineus, sartorius, gracilis and adductor (short, long and adductor). These muscles are called adductors because they are the ones that adduct the hip.

The biceps femoris muscle belongs to the back of the thigh, which consists of two muscles: the semitendinosus and the membranosus muscles.

The main function of the posterior muscle group is to flex the legs knee joints and extension of the torso when moving the lower leg.

The gluteal muscles are also classified as muscles of the lower extremities. In everything, the thickest and largest is considered the big one. gluteal muscle. It starts with pelvic bone and is attached to the back of the femur under the hip joint.
During the existence of the hip, she pulls her leg back. The gluteus maximus muscle is the most active when climbing a step, as it helps to straighten the hip joint.

It should also be said about the gluteus medius and minimus muscles. They lie under the big one, and thanks to their pumping, the buttocks look more rounded and attractive. To obtain the best result from an aesthetic point of view, all three muscles should be trained.

Did you know?IN human body there are about 650 muscles.

The lower leg muscles are represented by two parts: the gastrocnemius, located on the surface, and the soleus, which is hidden under the gastrocnemius. As with the glutes, for the best effect you need to pump both calf muscles.

The soleus is one-part, as it passes exclusively through the ankle joint. The calf joint is two-part because it passes through both the knee and ankle joints.
The calf muscle has two heads: lateral and medial. Their surface is represented by strong bundles of tendons. The gastrocnemius is much larger in size than the soleus and occupies the bulk of the lower leg.

The thick and flat soleus muscle lies under the gastrocnemius, it is much smaller in size, but at the same time performs an equally important function.

Best exercises

Later in the article we will look at the best and most effective exercises for leg training, including those that can be done at home. If you have always been interested in the question of how to quickly pump up your legs at home, carefully study the following sections.


This exercise is considered a classic because, according to professional trainers around the world, it is the most effective for toning the lower extremities.

Squats will give more results than all other exercises, including helping to pump up not only your hips, but also other muscle groups.
How to do squats:
  1. Go to the rack with the barbell, stand under it so that the bar is located on the upper back (on the trapezius).
  2. Grasp the barbell with your hands so that it is comfortable and has good fixation.
  3. Tighten and straighten your back as you lift the barbell from the rack and take a step back (but don't step back too far, as it will be difficult to work with more weight later).
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your entire foot very firmly on the floor.
  5. Next, keeping your back straight, squat so deeply that your upper thigh is parallel to the floor (the deeper you squat, the more better result workout).

Important! While doing squats, you need to look straight ahead. If you look around, you will lose your balance, and then injury cannot be avoided.

It should also be said about the position of the feet during training:

  1. If you place your feet shoulder-width apart, you will pump up your quadriceps more.
  2. To increase the load on the muscles of the inner thighs, place your feet wide.
  3. Narrow foot placement will allow you to pump up your outer thighs more.

Leg press in the simulator

If your goal is to build massive legs, this is the exercise for you. It is also done if there is a risk during squats with a barbell.

If you have the opportunity to do both a squat and a leg press, do it, this will allow you to build up large, powerful thighs.

How to do a leg press:

  1. First of all, you should choose the right exercise on the simulator, in which the buttocks and lower back will not come off the seat of the simulator, otherwise there is a very high risk of injury.
  2. Place your feet firmly in the middle of the platform, your feet should be shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  3. Firmly grasp the handles of the machine with your hands on the sides of the seat, hold on to them until the end of the exercise, this will give your torso stability.
  4. After this, remove the platform from the racks and slowly lower it towards yourself as far as possible so that your knees touch your chest. Next, squeeze the platform up, but do not straighten your knees completely, so as not to relax your quadriceps and injure your knee joint.

Lunges with a barbell (or dumbbells)

It is recommended to perform lunges on a Smith machine because you won't have to worry about balance. This exercise can also be performed at home or with dumbbells.
How to perform lunges with a barbell:

  1. As with barbell squats, place the bar on your back (traps).
  2. Take a big step forward with one leg, keeping your feet in line. Maintain such a distance between your legs that when you go down on one knee, both legs should be bent at right angles.
  3. The bar should be on the traps while one leg is in front and both feet are in line. Next, start lowering to one knee, lightly touching the floor (do not hit your knee on the floor, as this will cause injury), then return to the starting position.
  4. It is recommended to lunge on one limb first, and then on the other.

Did you know? When walking calmly, a person uses about a quarter of all his muscles.

Hack squats

Hack machine squats are a variation of squats with a barbell on the shoulders. But they allow you to relieve a large axial load on the spine.

How to do squats on a hack machine:

  1. Position yourself on the machine, sitting on it, bend your knees, place your feet shoulder-width apart (feet should be parallel to each other) in the middle of the platform. Lean the back of your body against the back of the hack machine, rest your shoulders against the support (your head should go between the rollers and not come off until the end of the squat).
  2. Unlock the mechanism of the machine, but do not straighten all the way, as this will relax the quadriceps at the top and place more stress on the knee joint.
  3. Inhale and slowly squat down as deeply as you can.
  4. At the bottom point, focusing on your heels (not your toes), push off from the platform and straighten your legs. They should not be completely straightened.
Different placement of the legs on the platform in this exercise will allow you to focus on different muscles.

Leg extension - isolation exercise, loading only the quadriceps. It is used as the last part of a set of exercises or as a warm-up.
This exercise does not build muscle in the thighs because it is isolated and not used with large scales. Its function is to give beautiful shape and relief of the upper thigh.

After you sit on the machine, place the roller over your feet and slowly straighten your legs.

Lying leg curls

The bend, like the previous exercise, is isolated and pumps the back muscles of the thighs. Fitness trainers recommend doing this exercise at the end of your workout.

You should also not focus on the heavy weight, since the main thing in lying leg curls is the execution technique. Otherwise, there is no point in wasting time on such training. How to do lying leg curls:

  1. Do not lift your pelvis off the machine bench; it should be pressed tightly the entire time you perform it.
  2. The roller should be placed on the back of the foot or slightly above the foot, but not on the lower leg.
  3. Do not allow the joints to flex spontaneously and quickly. Try to hold your feet at the top point, and then slowly lower the projectile to the starting position. Do not lower it all the way, do not throw it at the lowest point, otherwise the effect of the exercise will not be so strong.

Calf raises (sitting, standing)

Calf raises are used to pump up the calf and soleus muscles.
To make the lesson effective, you need to follow these tips:

  • the range of motion of the ankle joint should be as large as possible, this stretches the muscles and increases the load;
  • use weights so that you can do a maximum of 10-12 repetitions.
With a standing barbell, the exercise should be performed as follows:
  • take the bar and lift the barbell;
  • feet should be shoulder width apart;
  • rise carefully onto your toes, try not to lose your balance.
Performing seated calf raises shifts the load to the soleus muscles. It’s very easy to do in the simulator:
  • set the desired weight, sit on the machine and place your knees on the bolsters;
  • straightens and flexes the ankle joint required amount once.

With dumbbells, the technique is slightly different:
  • sit on a flat bench and take dumbbells, place your feet fully in front of you.
  • ask the trainer to place dumbbells on your knees, since doing this yourself is dangerous.
  • holding the dumbbells with your hands, straighten your ankle.

If you are new to the gym, then first you need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of muscle growth, since without this knowledge growth muscle mass impossible.

Basic recommendations for beginners:
  1. Exercises are divided into muscle groups and according to the number of muscles involved in the work (isolating and basic). For beginners, it is recommended to do only the basic ones. They are responsible for fast growth muscles. Basic exercises include exercises using free weights (for example, dumbbells or barbells). Isolation exercises should be avoided. Isolating exercises include training on simulators.
  2. Need to do correct order exercises. You need to start with large muscles, and then move on to small ones.
  3. For quality exercises, you need to do 6 to 12 repetitions. This will promote maximum muscle growth. A series of repetitions is called a “set” or “set.”
  4. For a good muscle load, 3-4 sets are needed in one exercise.
  5. You should rest for about 2 minutes between sets.
  6. The average workout time should be 40–45 minutes.
These are the basic recommendations that a beginner should follow when performing leg training.

Approximate complex for legs

Let's look at leg training programs for different categories of athletes. By following the training rules, you can achieve the desired result.


You need to start training with. To do this, start with the easy ones. You need to run at a speed of up to 8 km/h for 5–7 minutes.

Next comes the usual one, at a speed of 10–12 km/h and a duration of 10 minutes. The pulse should be in the range of 80 to 90 beats per minute. Then comes the explosive run. The speed is 14 km/h, the duration is 5 minutes.
The pulse should remain in the range of 110–120 minutes. After jogging, you need to rest for 3-5 minutes while walking.

After 20 minutes on the treadmill, the muscles are fully warmed up and are now prepared for heavy loads. If it is difficult for you to run in this mode, then it is recommended to select a comfortable speed on the treadmill and run for 15 minutes.

  • pancakes weighing 5–7 kg, perform 8–12 times;
  • pancakes weighing 10–12 kg, perform 8–12 times;
  • pancakes 15 kg, perform 6-10 times.

Next you can do leg presses.
This basic exercise can sometimes be used instead of squats (if there are problems with the spine or leg joints).

When performing the exercise, make sure that your lower back is pressed against the machine. And there is no need to straighten your legs in the second phase.

Approaches are performed in this order:

  • pancakes weighing 10 kg, perform 12–15 times;
  • pancakes weighing 12–15 kg, perform 8–12 times;
  • pancakes weighing 20 kg, perform 6–10 times.

The next exercise is the lying leg curl.

This exercise works the back of the thigh. In order to enhance the effect of the exercise, the training roller should lie on the tendon. And it is not recommended to place your knees on the platform of the exercise machine.

Approaches are performed in this order:

  • weight 15–20 kg, perform 15–20 repetitions;
  • weight 20–25 kg, perform 15–20 repetitions;
  • weight 20–25 kg, perform 12–15 repetitions;
  • weight 30–35 kg, perform 8–12 repetitions.

Finish the set of exercises by straightening the lower limbs while sitting. When performing this exercise, only the quadriceps are loaded. The approaches are performed in this order:

  • weight 10–15 kg, perform 10–25 repetitions;
  • weight 15–17 kg, perform 15–20 repetitions;
  • weight 20–25 kg, perform 12–15 times.

This workout is good for beginners. After 1.5–2 months of training, the muscles get used to the load. Such basic exercises give general development legs After 3 months of performing such a complex, you can complicate the program.

For an amateur

For amateurs, leg training takes a secondary place. Amateurs do not focus on these workouts for the following reasons:

  1. Pumped up leg muscles visually make your arms and shoulders smaller.
  2. When performing active workouts for the legs, the cartilage surfaces can be destroyed due to the use of heavy weight.
  3. When training the lower extremities great importance It has correct technique execution. Also, do not forget to warm up before exercise - it improves the elasticity of the ligaments, improves blood circulation in the hips, and prepares the joints for exercise.
For amateurs, it is enough to perform several types of exercises:
  • squat with a heavy bar;
  • lying leg curls on a machine;
  • straightening the legs on the simulator.

A squat with a heavy barbell is performed in this way: the barbell must be placed higher on the shoulders and the back must be kept straight while doing so.

You need to look ahead of you with your head raised. The first set should be 12 repetitions. For the second approach, add weight and do 10 repetitions. The third approach is heavier weight and 8 repetitions. The fourth approach is even more weight and 6 repetitions.

Leg curls on the machine in a supine position develop the hamstrings, and the lower limbs look more voluminous.

When doing this exercise top part keep your body motionless, only your lower limbs move. It will be enough to perform 5 sets of 12 repetitions. Strictly adhere to the technique of performing the exercise.
Extending the legs on the machine develops the quadriceps. This exercise is performed at the final stage of training, as it does not load the lower back and does not require large quantity oxygen.

It will be enough to perform 5 sets of 15 repetitions, using the maximum weight possible for you.

Important! If you are interested in building muscle mass in your legs, it is recommended to perform these exercises 2 times a week. To simply maintain good physical shape, it is enough to perform this complex once a week.

For a professional

The program is an example of classical training. This program is recommended only for experienced athletes. According to the program, training is performed 2 times a week. Set of exercises:

  • barbell squats- 8 repetitions, three sets;
  • lunges- 12 repetitions, three sets;
  • leg curls- 15 repetitions, three sets;
  • calf raises- 25 repetitions, three sets;
  • Romanian deadlift
  • Barbell Bends- 10 repetitions, three sets;
  • roman bench- 25 reps, five sets.

Coleman's program is high-intensity and volumetric. You can optimize it for yourself and use extreme weights. Set of exercises:

  • leg extension- 30 repetitions, four sets;
  • barbell squat- 15 repetitions, five approaches;
  • Hack squats-15 reps, three sets;
  • Romanian deadlift- 15 repetitions, four sets;
  • donkey exercise- 30 repetitions, four sets.

The Frank Zane Program is a very popular training regimen that Zane used at one point in his bodybuilding career. Program for lower extremities:

  • moving the leg back
  • leg curl- 8–12 repetitions, 3 sets;
  • leg extension- 8–12 repetitions, 3 sets;
  • squats- 8–12 repetitions, 3 sets;
  • Romanian deadlift- 8–12 repetitions, 3 sets;
  • back lunge- 8–12 repetitions, 3 sets;
  • donkey exercise- 30 repetitions, 3 sets;
  • sitting calf raise- 30 repetitions, 3 sets.

If done correctly and consistently, thigh and calf training can achieve good results.

The given examples from the programs help you individually select exercises and understand how to pump up a man’s legs at home in a week.

The article also contains exercises that show how to pump up thin legs for a guy or girl.

Home workouts are just as effective as workouts in the gym. To pump up a girl’s legs at home, it is not necessary to have exercise equipment, a stepper, or use a barbell. Leg training at home can be done using only the weight of your body. Some exercises may require the use of a chair. The main thing is to have good motivation, and also know which movements best work the gluteal, calf, internal and posterior thigh muscles, and quadriceps.

Well-developed legs are not only necessary for runners and athletes. Strong lower limbs make a person much more resilient in Everyday life, and also give the figure an athletically toned slimness. If you spend enough time training your legs, after a short period of time you will notice how much easier it has become to climb stairs. Don't worry about your level physical training. Exercises to pump up the lower body are not difficult and can be performed even by those who have not previously devoted much time to sports and training.

Most movements do not require the use of weights or weights, but provide good load thanks to your own body. If we talk about home workouts, there are many exercises that do not require the purchase of any sports equipment or equipment. They allow you to increase your endurance when walking, and, therefore, get tired much less and achieve more in life. Another advantage is the ability to prepare yourself for serious stress both in the sports field and when performing ordinary everyday tasks.

Pumping up your legs at home is not only a doable task, but also incredibly useful. Exercises that load the lower limbs bring the muscles involved in everyday life into good tone. Squats, which imitate the movement made when a person sits on a chair, help not only strengthen the leg muscles, but also improve posture. Squat raises require pushing through your heels and squeezing your core. In other words, a person develops useful habits that are applicable not only during training, but also in everyday life.

Beautiful posture, correct seating, and the absence of rapid fatigue when walking are just some of the positive benefits of leg training. Simple exercises that do not require good physical preparation will be an excellent basis for moving on to more complex training with the addition of weights. Well-developed leg muscles are of paramount importance for many difficult exercises with weights. Another advantage of movements without the use of additional sports equipment is that they allow you to hone the execution technique to the point of automaticity, but at the same time pump up your lower limbs.

If you have never performed lunges and squats before, then immediately doing such exercises with weights is strongly not recommended. This will lead to difficulties in mastering the technique, since most of the effort will be aimed at holding the weights. There is little benefit from such training. Home basic training for pumping up your legs helps you hone literally every movement in a familiar environment, become the owner of strong and developed lower limbs, and prepare for more intense exercise. The last point is a pleasant bonus for those who have seriously decided to make their figure more athletic and toned.

The best exercises for training legs at home

There are many effective and powerful movements, the technique of which is quite simple to master. They do not require serious physical training or the use of special sports equipment and exercise machines. For girls who do not want to stop there, this complex will help them become stronger and more resilient in order to move on to a new, more complex training involving weights.


  1. They stand up straight. Feet are shoulder-width apart. Shifting Weight own body on the heels, toes slightly pointed to the sides.
  2. The body is slightly tilted forward. The pelvis is pulled back and lowered into a squat position. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor when bending your knees.
  3. To return to the starting position, push off your heels from the floor surface and straighten your body.
  4. When lifting, make sure that your core muscles are tense and your buttocks are tight.


    1. Take the starting position, standing straight, with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
    2. Step back with your left or right foot, placing it on your toe. Both knees are bent at right angles.
    3. They push off with the heel of a stable leg, that is, the one that is not pulled back, and return to the starting stance.
    4. When rising, the knee of the back leg is pulled towards the chest.

    Repeat all movements on the second leg.


    1. Take the starting position for the squat, but point your toes out to the sides, and place your hands either on your hips or hold them at chest level (in front of you).
    2. Squat until your thighs and floor are parallel to each other.
    3. Remain in a squat, lift both heels off the floor and stay in this position for a couple of seconds.
    4. Drop your heels.


    1. In a standing position, spread your feet slightly wider than your hips.
    2. Leaning forward, the pelvis is pulled back a little, lowered in a squat, bending the knees until a parallel is formed between the thighs and the floor.
    3. Jump up, straightening their legs. To make the most high jump, arms are lowered along the body. The back is kept straight and the chest is slightly raised.
    4. Land on your knees and immediately do another squat.


    1. Take a chair or a box. Stand facing the selected item. Hands are held along the body or on the belt.
    2. Touch the bench (box) with the toe of the left foot, and then the right. The shift should take place alternately and fairly quickly.
    3. Make sure that rib cage rose, but the back remained straight.


    1. Stand up straight. Feet are hip-width apart.
    2. Step widely to the right side, bending the knee and moving the pelvis back. The left leg is kept straight.
    3. When doing a side lunge, make sure that the core muscles are tightened and the chest remains raised.

    Repeat on left leg.


    1. In the starting position, the feet are placed directly hip-width apart.
    2. Raise the knee to hip level. Hands are held either behind the head or on the belt. You need to choose the option that allows you to better maintain balance.
    3. Toes point forward. The core muscles are tense. The heel of the standing leg is lifted off the floor, balancing only on the toe. They try to rise as high as possible.
    4. Remain in the accepted position for three seconds and lower the raised heel to the floor.

    Repeat the same procedure on the other side.


    1. Standing, place your feet at hip level.
    2. Step back with your right leg so that it is behind your left leg, that is, diagonally, bending your knees and lowering into a lunge.
    3. Push off with the heel of your right foot and pull yourself up. Return to the starting position.

    Repeat similar movements, but on the left leg.


    1. Stand up straight. Feet are brought together.
    2. They tear off the left leg a couple of centimeters and pull it forward, and pull the toe towards themselves.
    3. Bend your right knee, lean your body forward and squat, while raising your left leg to hip level. The arms are extended forward to maintain balance.
    4. A more complicated variation of the exercise involves bending the knee to right angle. It is not always possible to do this the first time.
    5. Push off with the right heel, straighten the leg and return to the starting position.

    Repeat the exercise on the other leg.

    They lie on their side. Straight legs are placed one on top of the other. The body rests on the forearm or is completely lowered. The exercise is best done on a mat.


    1. The upper leg is slowly raised up.
    2. The movement should be carried out by the force of the gluteal and thigh muscles, and not by the lower back.
    3. Return to the starting position.

    The movement is repeated on the other leg.


    1. They lie on their side. The legs are laid one on top of the other. The body is either on the floor or rests on the forearm.
    2. The leg lying on top is bent at the knee and placed crosswise in front of the lower leg. The foot of the forward leg should be at the level of the lower knee.
    3. Raise the lower leg. Constantly monitor the preservation of body immobility throughout the entire exercise.
    4. They lower their leg.

    Repeat the same procedure, but on the other side.


    1. Lie on your back. The legs are bent at the knee. Feet on the floor.
    2. The right leg is straightened and raised up. The thighs are parallel to each other. The sock reaches towards the ceiling.
    3. Push off the floor with your heel, lifting your hips by contracting your buttocks. It is necessary to ensure that the shoulders and knee form an even diagonal.
    4. Maintain the accepted position for one or two seconds and lower.

    Repeat the movement on the second leg.


    1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet pressed to the floor. The right leg is raised up, connecting the thighs together, and straightened, with the shadow towards the ceiling.
    2. Lower the right leg over the side to the right. You must try to lower it as low as possible. At the same time, the hips should remain motionless, and the lower back should be pressed to the floor.
    3. The leg is returned to its original position.

    Repeat the same procedure for the other leg.

    The program presented above is not the only one. Another complex consisting of ten exercises allows you to diversify your home workouts.

    Instructions for performing the complex

    Start your workout with a warm-up. This is true both for those who work out in the gym and for girls who prefer home workouts. Before each lesson, be sure to warm up the muscles and joints well, which has a positive effect on the lessons and protects against injury.

    After the warm-up, proceed to the exercises:

    1. “Run” with knees raised for 60 seconds. You should try to raise your knees to waist level, and then slowly lower them onto your toes.
    2. Cross lunges are done for 30 and 30 seconds. Transfer the weight to the right foot, take a wide step back with the left foot and place it behind the right foot. The knee is bent so that the right thigh is parallel to the floor and returned to the starting position. Your toes should point in the same direction as your knees.
    3. Do side leg raises for half a minute and another half a minute.. Lie on your side, place your upper leg forward so that it crosses your lower leg. The toes of the lower leg pull towards you, lower and raise the leg for 30 seconds, and then change sides.
    4. Jack squats do 45 seconds. Feet apart, knees bent, pelvis pulled back. They push off the floor with their heels, jump and return to the starting position.
    5. Bear squats are also performed in sets of 45 seconds.. Get on all fours, straighten your legs, raise your pelvis and return to the starting position.
    6. Split squats (Bulgarian). Do 30 seconds on each side. Use either a bench or a step platform. The projectile is placed behind. Place your foot on the bench, bend your knee and lower your pelvis until a parallel is formed between the floor and your left thigh. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other leg.
    7. Skaters. Do it for 45 seconds. Lean forward, but do not bend in the back, moving the left foot back, and left hand- forward. Jump to the left, bringing the right arm forward, moving the right leg back.
    8. Plie squat with calf raises. Completed within 45 seconds. The feet are spread as wide as possible. Socks point to the sides. Hips parallel to the floor. The heels are lifted off the floor, pinching calf muscles. They lower themselves onto their feet and rise again.
    9. . Do 30 seconds on each side. They lie down. stretching your arms along your body. The knees are bent, the feet are pressed to the floor. One leg is lifted and the pelvis is pulled up as far as possible. They lower themselves and change legs.
    10. Wall Squat. Do this for 45 seconds. The back is pressed against the wall. Knees bent. The accepted position is held for exactly 45 seconds.

    Important! Each exercise is done three times, with a pause of a minute between approaches.

Beautiful, slender legs are what every woman strives for. But often overweight, cellulite, loose skin settle on the legs. And then women think about how to put this part of the body in order. Many people go on a diet, buy expensive creams and masks for body care. But all efforts may be ineffective if you do not start performing special complexes physical exercise. If you exercise regularly, devoting 30-60 minutes to exercise 3-4 times a week, then with the help of effective leg exercises at home you can significantly improve appearance your legs.

The most effective leg exercises at home

During the first training, each exercise should be performed 8-10 times in one approach. Gradually the number of repetitions increases to 15-20, the number of approaches - to three or four.

Exercise 1. Works the muscles of the inner thighs. Stand straight, hands on your waist, feet wider than shoulder width, toes apart. Do slow squats until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then rise up smoothly. It is important to ensure that your back is straight and your pelvis does not fall back.

Exercise 2. On the thigh muscles. Stand facing a support (the back of a chair, a window sill), rest your hands on it. Swing your straight right leg in front of you to the left and right, the toe of your foot should be extended. After completing the required number of repetitions, change legs. Turn your left side towards the support, hold on to it with your left hand, right hand at the waist. Swing your right leg forward and backward, making sure that the toe of your foot is pulled towards you. Repeat the exercise, switching sides.

Exercise 3. The muscles of the inner and outer thighs are trained.

Lie on your left side, resting on the forearm of your left hand, which is located perpendicular to your torso, stretch your legs straight. Bend your right leg at the knee and place your foot behind the knee of your left leg. Raise your left leg up. Make movements slowly and smoothly. Repeat as many times as necessary, switch sides.

Exercise 4. The muscles of the front and back of the thighs work.

Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body, abdominal muscles tense. Take a wide step forward with your right foot and lower into a lunge. Make sure your right knee is directly above your ankle, your left knee is pointing toward the floor, and your heel is raised. Then straighten up, step forward with your left foot and lunge. This will count as one repetition of the exercise.

Exercise 5. The muscles of the front and back of the thighs are involved.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms crossed over your chest, abs tense. Bend your right leg slightly, lift your left knee so that the ankle of your left leg is at the level of the calf of your right leg. Using your thigh muscles, straighten your left leg with your heel forward. Return to the starting position, then move your left leg to the side, keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position again and repeat the exercise for the right leg.

Exercise 6. The calf muscles work.

Stand straight, place your feet at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. Stretch your arms with dumbbells along your body. Begin to slowly rise onto your toes, hold in the upper position for a few seconds, and return to the starting position.

Effective stretching exercises for legs

Many fitness experts emphasize the importance of stretching after exercise. Such exercises prevent the appearance of muscle pain after the first exercises, relax the muscles that were worked on, and consolidate the results of training.

Stretching exercise 1. Stand straight, place your right leg forward at a distance of 40-60 cm from your left. Bend your left leg slightly at the knee and straighten your right leg completely. Slowly bend towards your right leg, trying to gradually touch your feet with your hands. In the extreme position, hold for 5-10 seconds, feeling the back of your thigh stretch. Return to the starting position, repeat for the left leg.

Stretching exercise 2. Sit on the floor, legs extended forward, relaxed feet in a natural position. Lowering your head down, bend towards your feet, placing your hands on the floor next to your hips. Tilt your body down more and more, moving your hands closer to your feet, without lifting your feet off the floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds in the extreme position and just as slowly return to the starting position.

Stretching exercise 3. Stand directly next to the support, the upper surface of which is located at the level of the pelvis. Place your right leg on a support. Place your hands on your right leg, lower your head, and slowly bend down. Make sure that your right leg does not bend at the knee. The left leg should also be straightened, with the toe facing forward. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for your left leg.

How to give a woman beautiful legs? It would seem easy. If they are thin, pump them to the fullest. If your legs are swollen, you can run, ride a bicycle ergometer, etc. But this is impossible without a sports complex or gym, because exercise requires equipment; Working out on aerobic machines is also much more pleasant than running around the house. But for some reason, not all women who visit the fitness room can boast of excellent leg shape.

This happens because women do not work in the gym as they should. Some people overdo it with aerobics - hoping that by losing weight body fat, they will take the desired shape. Others load themselves with countless exercises on all kinds of machines, hoping that quantity will definitely turn into quality. In both cases, large volume does not guarantee quality. Too much aerobic exercise will help you get rid of body fat, but it will also “help” you get rid of muscle mass. And a lot of exercise with frivolous intensity is a waste of time.

It turns out that beautiful legs cannot be achieved without grueling work in the gym and the watchful eye of an instructor. Then what should women do who work flexible hours or simply do not have access to a fitness center?

Work from home. You can achieve beautiful legs at home! And for this you don’t need exercise equipment at all: neither athletic nor aerobic. All that is needed in this case are collapsible dumbbells, leg weights, loose clothing and desire make your lower body more attractive. These tools and leg exercises are enough to pump up beautiful and beautiful legs at home. slender legs both for “skinny” women and for those with curvy figures.

Exercises for beautiful legs at home.

The basis is four types of exercises: squats, deadlifts, horse, bridge. First, let's look at how to do each exercise correctly, after which we'll move on to a home workout program for beautiful and slender legs.


Take dumbbells, stand straight, feet hip-width apart, squat and place the dumbbells on the outside of your feet so that the dumbbells lie parallel to your feet . We clasp the dumbbells with our palms and rise (the rise should be due to the legs) to a straight position. Remember that lifting your body weight should only be done using the strength of your legs. After the straight position, we perform a squat again: the hip and knee joints bend, and the buttocks stretch back. Squat deeply, to the level where the line of your pelvis is noticeably below the line of your knees (as in the picture), while you need to keep your back straight and your stomach, your abs should be tense.


Deadlifts resemble bending, but the exercises are complicated by dumbbells and proper technique.

We stand on the floor, feet can be shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. This exercise also performed with dumbbells or other weights (barbell, kettlebell). Place the weight in front of you first. You need to take it with an overhand grip so that your palm covers the bar, thumb should be facing your body. Using an underhand grip can cause injury.

When lifting dumbbells or a barbell, your back should remain straight, your gaze directed ahead, your neck straight, your stomach should be tense, your shoulder blades should be straight, your shoulders should be turned. During the exercise, you need to keep your arms straight (do not bend your elbows). You need to bend down until your dumbbells are in the middle of your shin and return back (as shown in the picture). The exercise can be done both with bent legs and straight legs.

Make sure that the dumbbells move strictly vertically, otherwise this will be an exercise not for the legs, but for the lower back. The difference between dumbbell deadlifts and bent-over exercises is that the first exercise uses the hamstrings, while the second exercises the lumbar muscles.


The horse exercise is an excellent exercise for the buttocks. It is better to perform it after squats, then the effectiveness will be better than if you do it separately. It should be performed with leg weights. You can, of course, perform countless repetitions of 5 minutes or more, but most of this training will go down the drain.

The exercise is performed on a mat. Starting position on all fours. The back is straight, without arching in the lower back. Bend one leg at 90-degree angles and try to push the ceiling with it. As you push your leg up, try to maintain a 90-degree angle between your thighs and shins. This exercise is done in 20 approaches on each leg.


The “Bridge” exercise is also performed while lying on the mat. Lie down straight and bend your knees. Place your feet as close to your buttocks as possible, as if resting your feet on the floor. Hands lie flat on the floor.

The exercise begins as you inhale, you begin to lift your torso using the strength of your legs, your arms and head are motionless. The body is lifted until the angle at the knees is 90 degrees. Stay at this point for 2-3 seconds. And at the exit, carefully return the body to its original position. Maintain even breathing, smooth movements, without jerking.

If you can easily do 20 repetitions, then you can add weights. You can use a bar or regular dumbbells as weights.

Leg workout program at home.

A few basic training rules will help you achieve your goal and get beautiful legs:

  • A set of these exercises should be performed at home 3 times a week: the first 2 times - every other day, after the 3rd - 2 days off.
  • On days off from training, you don’t need to overload yourself with aerobics. Just long walks with minimal intervals are enough. For those who are not used to walking for a long time, it is better to start with 2 kilometers. In the second week of classes, the mileage can be increased by 500 meters. Don't increase your mileage in the first week, even if you feel it's very easy for you. Aerobic exercise on the “day off” should be gentle - in order to save energy for gymnastics.
  • Stick to 15 – 18 reps for squats and deadlifts, and at least 20 for the other two.
  • Don't be lazy! But don't overexert yourself. Working with extremely light weights It will only tire you out unpleasantly and slow down your progress. Take dumbbells that you can handle specified quantity repetitions, if you don’t lift more than 0.5 kg, don’t force yourself.
  • In your first workout, do 3 sets (repetitions) of squats and deadlifts, and then 2 sets of “minor” exercises (horse and bridge). For the second workout, increase the number of sets by one. And only on the third workout do 5 sets.

If your goal is to pump up your legs at home, perform each exercise in 5 sets, resting 3 to 4 minutes between exercises.

If you want to make your legs slender, you better prefer the “circular” series: do 15 – 18 repetitions of squats, then - without rest - move on to deadlifts; and in this order - the rest of the exercises. After the 4th exercise, rest for 5 minutes and proceed to new series. Only 5 episodes.

In the first week, allow an interval between exercises of 1.5 - 2 minutes. But in the third training session it should be kept to a minimum. A five-minute rest after each series should always be present.

Train in full gear good mood, and without any concern for your body. By fulfilling these conditions, you are guaranteed to transform your feet at home beyond recognition!

At the end of the article, I offer you an excellent video training for beautiful legs:

Many girls work on their body, but they prefer working out at home instead of going to the gym: at home you can work out almost all muscle groups (back, buttocks, legs, arms, chest) on your own.

You need to pump up your butt and legs, and not just for the sake of beauty! The following facts speak about this:

  1. The largest muscles in humans are located in the legs, and training them has a positive influence for the whole body.
  2. It has been scientifically proven that trained leg muscles help the heart ensure good blood circulation in the body.
  3. Due to weak gluteal muscles, the load on the body is incorrectly distributed, and gradually this causes pain in the knee joints and lower back.
  4. By using physical activity The activity of the fat-burning hormone glucagon increases. That is, working out the buttocks and legs will not only make the body more beautiful, but will also speed up the metabolism, helping to burn calories faster.

And finally, girls with toned muscles legs are more likely to please opposite sex, because when he sees a beautiful, slender girl, a man’s subconscious triggers an attitude that was laid down many centuries ago: slim means healthy, healthy means suitable for conceiving and bearing healthy offspring.
Now that it has become clear that working on the muscles of the legs and buttocks is simply necessary, it’s time to start training.

What do you need to know before you start training?

So that classes bring maximum effect, you must follow some rules. It is imperative to ensure that there are no contraindications by consulting your doctor. Contraindications include:

  • high blood pressure;
  • acute viral or infectious diseases;
  • any surgical intervention;
  • cancer in the past;
  • heart diseases;
  • high degree of myopia;
  • phlebeurysm.

Before the exercises, you should warm up thoroughly, running in place for at least a few minutes, turning your head, elbows, shoulders, knees, body, swinging your arms, and jumping. Such movements will warm up the muscles and prepare them for stress, and also reduce the risk of injury.

Important! After training, it is necessary to stretch those muscle groups that were worked on. Stretching will improve blood circulation, which will reduce muscle pain later.

You can also advise setting aside a certain time for home workouts and sticking to this schedule. No need to study home clothes, better change into sports uniform, and after class take a cool shower.

Sets of exercises for working the muscles of the buttocks and legs

So, after the warm-up is done, you can proceed directly to the workout. The complex is the most useful exercises consists of the following elements:

  1. Squats (classical, plie).
  2. Lunges (classic, reverse, Bulgarian).
  3. Jumping to higher ground.
  4. Gluteal bridge.

It is better to perform the elements as a complex, rather than separately. This way you can achieve maximum results.


If you follow the technique of doing squats, they not only properly load your legs and buttocks, but also use the muscles of the whole body.

Classic squats

You need to do squats carefully and correctly, since these exercises are technically more difficult than they seem at first glance:

  1. The legs are located slightly wider than the shoulders, the back is straight.
  2. Lower your pelvis back, as if there is a chair behind you that you need to sit on.
  3. Squat down deeply until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  4. Stand up. At the same time, the back remains straight all the time, and the lower back does not bend.

Perform 4 sets of 20 times. The gluteus maximus muscle is worked best when the legs are set wide and the squat is deep.

They are also called sumo squats, or wide squats. This type of squats, in addition to the butt muscles, provides a load on inner side hips and is also one of the most effective elements for working the legs and buttocks:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward diagonally, hands on the waist. Perform squats, moving your pelvis back.
  2. Squat as low as possible.
  3. Return to the starting pose.

Do 20 times in 4 approaches.

Lunges perfectly form sculpted legs and beautiful, strong roundness on the butt.
Classic forward lunges

  1. Stand straight, back straight, hands on your waist.
  2. Take a wide step forward, rest on your leg and squat so that the angle at the knee is 90 degrees.
  3. Return the leg to its original position.

Repeat the same complex on the other leg.

This exercise is one of the most effective in home workouts and perfectly pumps up the butt.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing straight, arms at your waist or extended in front of you.
  2. As you inhale, take a long step back with your leg, while the other leg bends at the knee 90 degrees.
  3. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Then repeat on the other leg.

It is unknown where this name came from, but despite its unusual nature, gymnastics is very effective:

  1. Stand with your back to a chair, which should not be higher than knee level.
  2. Take your leg back and place it on a chair. Hands on the belt.
  3. As you inhale, lunge forward with your leg, and as you exhale, lift it back up.
  4. Repeat the element for the second leg.

All lunges must be performed in turn on the right and left legs. They are done 4 sets of 10 times.

Attention! The main thing in execution is to follow the technique and watch the knee of the working leg so that it does not protrude beyond the toe.

Jumping to higher ground

For the exercise you will need a chair or a stable stool that you can jump onto.

  1. The starting position is to stand facing a hill 30-40 cm from it.
  2. Perform a jump on a stool, during which you need to avoid strong swings of your arms: the exercise should be performed by working the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  3. Return to the starting position by simply descending without jumping.

Perform 4 sets of 10 times.

Gluteal Bridge

This exercise perfectly works the gluteus maximus muscle.

  1. Lie on your back, arms extended along your body. Move your heels so that your fingers can reach them. Bend your legs, placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. As you exhale, raise your pelvis as high as possible.
  3. Hold the pose for a second or two and return to the starting position, returning the body down. The pelvis does not touch the floor.

Repeat the element 15-20 times.

Walking on the buttocks

Exercise allows you to pump up your butt and thighs, and in addition, speed up blood circulation in problem areas and help overcome cellulite.

  1. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. The back is straight. Close your hands behind your head.
  2. Raising the thigh of one leg, take a “step” with your hip forward, then “step” the other leg in the same way.
  3. “Walk” in this way 20-25 times on each leg.

With the help of walking on the butt, a gentle massage of the pelvic organs is carried out, i.e. exercise also has a general health effect.

You need to take dumbbells or another weighting agent, for example, water in plastic bottles. A five-kilogram weight is enough at first. The exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Stand straight, knees slightly bent. Dumbbells in hands.
  2. As you inhale, bend forward while keeping your back straight.
  3. As you exhale, you lift up, and it is necessary to bring your shoulder blades together, because... this helps relieve tension from the back muscles.

20 repetitions are done. The angle at the knees remains unchanged throughout the entire execution of the element.

For reference! Proper execution This set of exercises will make your buttocks rounded, toned, and your legs strong and attractive.

How to make your home workouts more effective

In order for the fight against flabby muscles of the legs and butt to give good results, you need to remember some important points:

  1. The main principle is regularity. Having embarked on the path of struggle for strong buttocks and slender legs, you must not give up! You need to download them at least three times a week. But you shouldn’t overdo it either. There is no need to load one muscle group too often, because... muscle fibers will not be able to fully recover. Therefore, you cannot train every day.
  2. Correct breathing. It is important to ensure that the effort (for example, a jump) is performed while exhaling. And muscle relaxation should begin with inhalation.
  3. Increase the load gradually. When it becomes clear that the elements being performed are already too easy and there are not enough of them, you need to add several approaches or a load in the form of dumbbells or leg weights.
