The best prayer to a brownie for help. Brownie - who is it and how to get along with him

From my more than twenty years of experience, I can say that in every home, office, apartment and other premises for personal use or social significance there are brownies. They keep the traditions and foundations of their owners, and if you are a guest, then you, willingly or unwillingly, have to adopt them.

You might say it’s an old wives’ tale, but that’s not just my opinion. This is what others, bioenergetics and esotericists say.

Who is a brownie?

I define the concept of a brownie this way: it is an astral entity that rhymes with the house not only as a tangible object, but also spiritually corresponding to the essence of the house and family. Most often, brownies become people who have not worked out the relationship with their home during their lifetime. The reasons for “freezing” can be different, mainly this is a strong awareness of oneself with the space of the house (apartment) and attachment to housing, fear of leaving it, concern about its future fate.

Brownies may look like your idea of ​​them, but this is only if you and the brownie are spiritually in tune with each other. If you are in a foreign territory (a rented apartment, etc.), then the brownie there may look the way he was formed by his owner, or how he felt in this housing for the first time as a brownie.

The brownie and the homeowners usually have a common focus - taking care of housing, everyday life, relationships between people in the family, and protecting the family hearth. This is if the brownie is yours, family. All warnings from a brownie are usually in the nature of a hint of an event. The brownie can give hints like this: it could be a dream, an unexpected loss of objects, and at the most inopportune moment. As such, the brownie usually does not exert pressure on people in the family. Don't forget that in modern world a brownie can live in offices, garages, studios, workshops and others office premises. Make friends with a brownie, and your life and home will be under reliable protection, and family relationships will become more harmonious and respectful.

How to find a common language with a brownie if he turned out to be not very friendly? Three important rules

How to make friends with a brownie if he doesn’t accept you? Let's figure it out. There are no houses, premises, or apartments without brownies; they usually come with a family that has bought a new home. But if the housing is rented, that is, temporary, then there is a brownie there, which belongs to the family of the owner of the apartment (house). People living temporarily will always have to instinctively take into account the opinion of the brownie (in essence, respect the traditions and foundations of the house). If the brownie does not like a family or a person, then people will not live in this housing for a long time, they may begin to have quarrels, conflicts, problems with money, force majeure circumstances may arise in which this family will simply have to move to another apartment. But there is an option to try to find mutual language with Domovoy.

They recommend: if you notice that conflicts have begun in the family, problems with money, with health, then first of all, look to see if everything is normal in your everyday life, and what changes could affect your relationship with the brownie. First rule: never laugh at the brownie and his owners. Don’t show that you don’t believe in brownies, and if you do, then try not to be afraid of him; the brownie’s fear can become a weapon against you and your family. Second rule: if something unusual happens (dishes break, things get lost, new plumbing unexpectedly breaks, etc.), then you should, focusing on the brownie, imagining him figuratively, ask him to help sort out the problem that you have. If you sincerely request, he will certainly fulfill your request and improve the situation. Third rule: keep the housing in the order that, according to your feelings, is in tune with the mood and character of the brownie. It’s easy to understand, remember the moments when everything was great for you, and try to maintain the same order that you had at that time.

How to ask a brownie for help, and at what points does he help or hinder?

Usually, when you lose something that was lying in a visible place, you begin to frantically look for it, especially when you are in a hurry, nervous, or angry. At this moment, stop yourself mentally, count to 20, and say mentally or out loud the phrase: “Brownie, brownie, give back the item (keys, documents, things, etc.) that I lost. At the same time, you must focus mentally on this thing, imagine it visually. Depending on your sincerity and faith, you can immediately or through a short time find an object in the most visible place. I had this happen many times, and always when I asked, the item was found. The brownie can interfere in cases where the homeowners do not listen to his hints and warnings. Or, if you are strangers to him, they have come to his home, and he can start to survive you from there. You can find a common language with him if you still show respect for him. And you will try to establish a relationship by listening to him and his antics. Brownies usually have a name, or you name it yourself; you can draw lots, choose several names and write them on paper. Then, without looking, pull out one piece of paper, so even the brownie himself can tell you his name. Brownies love order, but, again, everyone has their own. There are houses in which creative chaos is better than perfect order. The ideal option is when the brownie is in tune with the character of the family, but this happens when he lives with his family for many years and moves from house to house when moving with them.

About brownies

It seems to me that the brownie is an obligatory resident of any apartment or house, and it doesn’t matter whether you know about him or not. The brownie is the spirit of the house (a kind of energy clot), he looks after the house, maintains energy balance in it and cozy atmosphere, cleanses minor energetic dirt.

When everything in the house is in order, clean and tidy, there is no energetic dirt, then the brownie feels great. He loves the owner of such a house and helps him in every possible way, ensuring the safety of things. In such a house, everything will work, dishes will not break and equipment will not break. The brownie helps find missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: “Master-father, help, tell me where this and that lies...” He also monitors small children and prevents various troubles. A brownie will never allow a fire, an accident, or theft - provided, of course, that he likes the owner. The brownie can wake up the owner in the morning if he has important things to do. It can also remind you of forgotten things.

You should address the brownies with respect, for example, calling him “Father-Domoveyushka.” Treat him with something tasty or just give him some clean water. Set aside a special corner for his plate, preferably near the stove or stove, but so that your pets do not get to it. When you give him a treat, be sure to say: “House-Father, help yourself.” Let the treat sit, and the next day or the day after, remove it and give it to the animals. Since brownies love to play with all sorts of beads, buttons, etc., make him a small box filled with such “good stuff” and place it in a secluded corner. At the same time, you can say: “Grandfather brownie! Here's some money for boots and sunflower seeds. I give it from my heart, I give it to you!”

Brownies do not like tobacco smoke and cannot stand whistling. This is where the sign came from that you can’t whistle in the house - you can “whistle” your brownie. You can’t leave knives, forks, and scissors on tables overnight because they use such sharp objects to fight evil spirits, and since the brownie treats her the same way (even though he is your assistant), this will prevent him from moving around the house. You should also be sure to remember that you shouldn’t energetically clean your apartment very often, because you can drive your brownie out this way. There are very good way, which can be used before such cleaning: simply ask the brownie to leave the house for a while, explain why this is needed, and promise that as soon as you finish cleaning, you will call him back.

When I decided to clean my apartment not so long ago, that’s exactly what I did. Before the cleansing began, I closed my eyes, turned to the brownie and asked to leave the apartment for the duration of the cleansing. The cleaning itself took me an hour and a half, but during this time I managed to feel that the atmosphere in the apartment had become somehow “sterile”; It's hard to explain, but there really was a lack of "spirit of home." After finishing all the procedures, I closed my eyes again and asked the brownie to return. And I got the impression that a cheerful crowd of about five “people” had poured into the door. One of them was a brownie, the second was my energy apartment cleanser, created to help him. And the question still interests me: who were the others?

You can get to know your brownie through meditation. Just call him, ask him what his name is (if the brownie reveals his name, this is very good sign), ask what you could do for him. It is very good if it becomes a habit to say hello to the brownie and say goodbye when you leave home.

Animals see and feel brownies, so if your cat or dog follows something with their eyes, although there is no one in the room, or behaves somehow unusually, it means that a brownie is nearby (they really like to walk around their property). You, too, may notice some flickering shadow, and you don’t need to prove to yourself that it was just an illusion. Usually the brownie sleeps somewhere under the ceiling. Yes, he can fly, and the force of gravity does not affect him. In his free time from sleep, he wanders around the apartment, does his various things, and plays with animals.

You can talk to the brownie out loud, although he perfectly reads our thoughts. Ask him for help, treat him to something delicious, communicate with him, and you will feel changes in the house, I mean - on the energy level. It will simply become more comfortable and somehow “warmer”. If the brownie starts to play pranks, scold him: “Such an old grandfather plays pranks. Ah ah ah!" He will feel ashamed and will try to make amends.

Sometimes a brownie can openly appear to people. This happens in two cases - either before a good event or before a bad one. And then you can ask him: “For worse or for better?” And the brownie will answer in a dull voice: “For worse!” or “Good luck!”

The brownie loves to appear to small children; they mistake him for a large plush toy and fiddle and play with him with all their hearts. Outwardly, the brownie looks like a shaggy little man (about one meter tall), with a face similar to the face of the head of the family, but can also appear in other guises. If a brownie likes to fuss with your baby, this is a good sign. He will not only play with it, but also protect it from minor troubles - matches, scissors, etc.

I have already said that when you move to a new place of residence, you can take your brownie with you. When leaving your old apartment, say at the threshold: “My master, come with me.” Or at night the head of the family should invite him, giving him a treat - a loaf of bread with salt and a cup of milk, and say: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.” The brownie is carried in a bag, into which he is politely asked to climb. The material embodiment of the brownie becomes a coal or an awl, which should be put in a bag. The brownie will not go with you without an invitation. And he will remain lonely and abandoned. And with your home, your well-being in your new place is guaranteed.

IN real life a brownie can appear in the guise of a cat, so when moving to a new place of residence, this is the animal they let in first and say: “Here, master, is a shaggy animal for a rich life.” If there is a stove in the house, you should bow to it nine times, then offer the cat with the same words: “Here is a shaggy animal for you, master, for a rich life.”

And then you need to make a pie. Knead the dough: 800 g flour, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 200 g butter, 2 pinches of salt. Bake a loaf of bread. Do not touch the product for three days. After the specified period, in the evening, set the table for the whole family, put out an extra cutlery and a glass. The eldest in the house pours wine and cuts a loaf of bread. He divides one half among everyone, and leaves the second along with a glass on the table with the words: “Father brownie, love me, guard and take care of my property, accept my treat and drink from a full cup of wine.” If after 24 hours the wine is drunk, then you need to top it up again, saying the same words, and if not, you need to ask the brownie nine times in your own words to accept the treat.

If you moved to new house, but you didn’t have the opportunity to pick up your brownie, you can attract a new one. On the new moon, when you start having dinner, prepare two saucers with a treat. Pour a little milk into one and place it under the stove or near the oven with the words: “Take a bite, drink, grandpa, as much as you want, and live with me.” In the second saucer, put a little of what you have on the table. When you start putting it on, you need to say: “Take a bite, grandpa, as much as you want, and live with me.” If you speak sincerely, the brownie will certainly appear and stay with you.

The brownie not only performs the duties of the invisible owner of the house, but also protects livestock, takes care of him.

When the purchased cattle are brought into the stall, they bow on all four sides and say: “Here, master, is my (animal’s name), love, water and feed.” When transferring from the old yard to the new one, the elder in the family says: “Breadwinner-father, as I love these (animal names), so do you love them.”

I want to tell you about my experience of communicating with a brownie.

It started when I started feeding him periodically, but then there was a period when I “didn’t get around to it.” After some time, I began to notice that in the closet where the books were, the books on one shelf were pushed together. It was as if someone had taken and moved all the books a little back, although they remained as they were on the other shelves. I corrected them, but a day or two later I noticed the same thing, but on a different shelf. And so it goes: I align the books, and after a day or two I notice that they are shifted.

At first I thought it was someone from the family. I conducted an investigation - no one touched anything. I started thinking about the cat: sometimes he jumps on top of the closet and sleeps there, and then jumps off. I brought the cat to stress by putting him on the closet and waiting for him to jump off. I made five or six attempts. The cat did not touch the book when jumping off.

And then it suddenly came to mind that I had not fed the brownie for a long time. I put some delicious food for him - and to this day no one touches the books. Now I try to always leave him something.

Sometimes it occurs to me that I need to pour him some milk. I walk around with this obsessive thought until I buy milk and pour it for him. And I noticed that after such obsessive thoughts and actions, the milk was drunk a little. And when I pour milk just like that, it just stands untouched. For skeptics, I’ll note that my cat doesn’t like milk.

There was an incident that I still remember. I wasn’t feeling well, and I stood in the kitchen near the stove, heating the kettle. I dreamed of going to bed as soon as possible. And suddenly I felt something furry touch my leg from behind. I looked back - I thought it was a cat. I look - he is sleeping in the corridor. That is, he physically could not run up, touch and, running away, pretend to be asleep.

When I need to find something and can’t remember where I put it, I ask my brownie for help. And then very quickly I find what I was looking for. And one day, during meditation, our brownie revealed his name to me. This was a complete surprise.

I decided to get to know the spirit of the house through meditation. It was evening. To further relax, I turned off the lights and turned on the music. She closed her eyes, entered, so to speak, “into character” and began calling to the brownie.

And then in my ear - a wild cry: “Meow!!!” I didn’t just jump, I fell off the sofa. It turned out that my cat was hungry and decided to remind him that it was time to feed him. I laughed for a long time afterwards. When I leave home, I say goodbye to all the inhabitants of the apartment, including the brownie and the “space purifier”. And when you come home, “Hello!” I say the same to everyone.

We had a good relationship with our housekeeper; he often reminded me about the open tap or other similar things, and it was always very timely. Why do I say “were”? Because we moved to a new place of residence, but the brownie remained at the same place. I thought for a long time whether to take it with me or not, and still left it. There were reasons for this, and the brownie was not against it, he even promised to help us find a new brownie when needed.

Now we are temporarily living with our parents in their house. And naturally, with the local brownie.

On the second or third day after moving, I meditated to get to know him. In meditation, I feel more precisely those images or information that I am dealing with. So, the brownie who came to me “felt” older than our previous one, and if ours was “reckless” (I couldn’t find a word to describe it for a long time), and even in my first meditation he “broke into” and not “entered”, then this one seems sedate and more homely. I asked his name, and I was confused that their names were a little similar. I immediately asked for confirmation. In the evening before going to bed, I lit a candle for a while, and in the morning, on the table near the saucer with the candle, I saw frozen wax in the form of small footprints. Only much later did I realize that this was confirmation of the answer to my question. And just a day later, for some reason, there was a ruler in our bed. The brownie turned out to be not only homely, but also with a sense of humor. From the book Treatise on the Apparitions of Angels, Demons and Spirits by Calmet Augustin

PART II COLLECTION OF Pagan Opinions and Medieval Beliefs, folk superstitions, prejudices and anecdotes about the phenomena of geniuses and spirits, brownies and ghosts, about departed souls, about the state afterlife, about sorcerers and witches I. About the phenomena of geniuses and spirits and about the form in which genius

From the author's book

II. About brownies, ghosts and the appearance of the souls of departed people. Opinions of pagans, medieval folk beliefs, superstitions and prejudices “The eye is the most deceptive instrument of the senses. After the eye, the ear is the most deceptive instrument of the senses.” Sir David

From the author's book

CHAPTER VI Folk beliefs about brownies Folk beliefs also include the phenomena and actions of brownies, which are supposedly in houses, stables, courtyards, in mountain caves and mines, among the phenomena and actions of evil spirits. Ordinary Russian people call them masters. "To the owner,

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Appeal to the brownie

Appeal to the brownie

If trouble does come to your home, perform this ritual. One difficulty is that for it you need to have a painted egg saved from Easter.

Early in the morning, when it is still dark, in complete silence, take an egg in one hand and a lit candle in the other. Be baptized first with an egg. Then use a candle, then change hands and say:

Uncle brownie, uncle yard, come to me in the light of the candle. From the egg that the Easter cakes were holy to the green like an oak leaf, to the blue like a river bank. Come as I am, I will give you the egg of Christ. Help me, help me, take my grief (describe what happened) from my home, from my yard, from my family, from me. Hostess, sir, help me in my misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Leave the candle and egg where you read the plot, and go on to sleep. The brownie himself knows what to do...

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Conspiracies and appeals to the brownie for help

The brownie brings happiness, how to ask the brownie for help?

28/January (February 10) is the day of honoring the Master of the House and bringing him special needs.

However, he responds to the call provided that he likes the way the house is run and if he is not angry with the residents.

How to contact him? You can ask for help in your own words, but it is best to carry out small rituals.
If you notice that your husband has begun to pay less attention to you, then place a new pin under the stove or oven, with the words of the conspiracy:

Housewife, my mistress, help, help, turn my husband to me. So that he doesn’t wander around with others, doesn’t stagger, but sticks to me. Let it be so!

Then provide treats for the brownie - milk and bread. After 3 days, take out a pin and pin it to your husband’s clothes.

If you are starting to get tired of your husband’s unjustified jealousy, then to get rid of it,
on the waning moon, place any treat for the brownie near the stove or in the kitchen and say the spell 5 times:

My master-father! Help, calm down your husband’s jealousy! So that he doesn’t break my white hands, he doesn’t get jealous anymore. Let it be so!

After 5 days, feed the treat (if there is any left) to the animals or birds.

If your children study poorly and do not obey you, then to enlist the help of a brownie,
At night on a full moon, place any treat in the kitchen, and next to it a glass of water and say the spell 3 times:

Brownie, fill the water with wisdom and meekness, so that my children will be meek, obedient, and smart. Help me, master-father!

The next day, add the charmed water to the children’s food or drink.

The brownie will help even if you suffer from unrequited love.

At the stroke of midnight, sit near the stove or stove, close your eyes and imagine those moments of childhood when you were especially happy.
Then sharply open your eyes and say the spell once:

Brownie, brownie, help me forget my sadness and melancholy. Don’t think, don’t remember about (name of lover), don’t suffer anymore! Take away my melancholy, drive away the pain.

Then leave milk and bread by the stove, and in the morning, as a sign of respect, drink the milk and eat the bread yourself.

Everyone knows that the brownie is an insidious creature who loves to play mischief. But often he can play too much or be offended by the owner for something, as a result of which serious troubles may arise for you. So, some people even ask this question: “Why does the brownie strangle in his sleep?” and isn’t it time for them to change their place of residence?

But moving to another living space does not guarantee that your Barabashka will not move there with you and will not begin to annoy you again. Yes, and this is a costly and troublesome business - housewarming. It is much easier to know how to make friends with a brownie. For this purpose, there is a special conspiracy and a corresponding ritual. It’s better not to wait for the moment when this touchy and vulnerable entity harbors a grudge against you and begins to take revenge. Go to the candy store, buy some gingerbread, chocolates and caramel. At the same time, the price of sweets does not matter - the brownie loves any, even the most simple delicacies. In the tableware department, buy three beautiful plates or tea saucers.

Brownie conspiracy
When you come home, put gingerbread on one saucer, candy on another, and caramel on the third. Place the first dessert in a secluded corner in the bathroom (for example, under the bath), the second in the kitchen (for example, behind the stove), and the last in your bedroom (in the far corner under the bed). These are the three main places in the apartment where the brownie prefers to live and, accordingly, play pranks and mischief.

Before each plate of sweets, speak in this way: “Brownie-brownie, you are with me, and I am with you. We will be friends, you and I are one family.” And when you hide the treats, say every time: “Help yourself, brownie. Help yourself, dear."

This conspiracy on the brownie will perfectly contribute to the fact that the brownie will see your disposition and respect for him, will appreciate it and will begin to help you with household little things, which you, of course, will not clearly notice, much less associate it with the essence. Don't forget to replace old sweets with fresh ones about once a week. It is recommended to do this on any day of the week except Friday and Saturday. And each time repeat the above conspiracies.

Perhaps, of all the inhabitants of the subtle world, we most often encounter the Domovoi, or Grandfather, as our ancestors called him. As a rule, the brownie sympathizes with those who live on “his” territory, warning of impending troubles and even trying to prevent them. But, it happens, something comes over him and the Owner begins to make noise, hide and spoil things!

First, you should know that you can and even need to talk out loud with a brownie. Ask him to help with something, promise him something tasty and toys. If the brownie gets spoiled, then you should scold him: “Grandfather is such a grown-up, but you’re playing pranks. Ay-yay-yay!” He, a simple-minded creature, will most likely feel ashamed, and he will try to make amends.

Sometimes he should be given porridge (about once every six months). More milk in the saucer. Sweets or sugar, jam, cookies, soft bread - every first day of the month. It is better to place goodies under the radiator in a saucer. If there are dogs, cats or other animals in the house, then place the saucer on the refrigerator or in a corner so that the brownie is comfortable: away from human eyes. When placing treats, you should say: “This is for you, Grandfather the housewife.” Then there will be more happiness in the house and peace between household members. All the food that was given to the brownie is then thrown away or given to pets. The porridge is removed the next day, and monthly sweets are kept until the next first day.

Special dates in the life of a brownie: January 28, which experts consider the day of the brownie. February 10 is Petrovich's name day. These days he needs to be especially pampered: when preparing soup, pour the first spoon into his saucer and leave it together with a wooden spoon until the evening, not in a corner, but on the table. The same should be done with any other dish in which meat was not used (the brownie is a vegetarian). Don’t forget about porridge, milk and sweets too. Wish the little housekeeper happiness, congratulate him on his birthday or name day and put him to bed. In the morning, wash dishes with perishable treats.

Another option: cast a spell over a sweet pie and a glass of vodka and leave it on the table: “Father Brownie, guardian and zealot of my family. Come back with wide roads to his father's house, to his corner. Father brownie, hostess glow, sit down next to each other, let's talk well. Amen".

For the holidays, it’s good to give a toy to your little housemate. What does the brownie like to play with? Old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him and put it in secret place. No one should touch the box or its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued together, or taken ready-made and decorated with all sorts of papers, pictures, and rain.

It is customary to address the brownie as follows: Grandfather, Grandfather - housewife, Master - father, Sudar - brownie, Petrovich, Kuzmich. You can come up with your own message - the main thing is that he understands that you are talking to him, and not to one of your family members or acquaintances on the phone.

Never leave sharp or cutting objects on the table overnight: forks, knives, scissors, as well as salt, pepper, garlic, onions - all this greatly hinders the brownie’s fight against evil forces. Although he is considered cousin trait, but fights against his powers, protecting us. Let's not create obstacles for him in this.

The brownie considers himself the owner of your home. If someone outside, in the absence of the owners, intends to spend the night where the conscientious Grandfather lives, then the guests will not sleep well. He will stage a “poltergeist”, or maybe even fall on you and strangle you, giving you nightmares. To prevent this from happening, when stopping for the night in someone else’s house, say in your sleep: “Grandfather is a brownie, accept not to live forever, but to spend the night” - you will sleep peacefully. Advise guests who are left alone to stay at home to do the same.

If you can’t come to an agreement with the brownie (he continues to hide things and especially if he pesters women), take a broom and, saying: “I’m sweeping you, you harmful brownie, I’m kicking you out,” sweep the floors, looking into every corner with a broom. And so every day, except Friday, all week. However, first you must try all the methods of influencing it indicated here. And scold, and caress, and scold.

Only if nothing works out and he is really furious, then kick him out. But in this case you will have to lure someone else’s brownie. February 10, if it doesn’t work out, then on any Thursday, Friday or Sunday on the waxing moon after sunset, but before midnight, so that instead of the brownie some evil spirits do not enter the house, open the window, throw a white towel over the windowsill onto the street and three times say: “Grandfather is a brownie, the owner is a priest, come to our rich yard for happiness, health, joy and wealth.” After a while, remove the towel, close the window, and place a treat on the table for the brownie on a clean white tablecloth. If you follow all of the above, you will be surprised at how much your life at home has changed. Relationships will become smoother, you will feel better, more confident, calmer and, as a result of all this, luckier.

First you need to appease the brownie, this is easy to do: stand in the doorway, turn to the far corner and say with a bow:
“Grandfather Brownie, welcome new owners into the house, not to spend the night for an hour, but to live forever. They won’t hurt you, and you don’t hurt them.”

Leave some porridge in a saucer overnight. The brownie will not scare those who want to buy a house, but will show them everything in the best possible way.

After this, you can read the plot to sell the house. Take as many grains of wheat as there are corners in your rooms. Bowing before each corner, place a grain in it and read this plot:
“Golden grain, when a money merchant comes, you come out of the corner, invite him to visit, show him my mansions, about happy life tell me. Kindle the desire in him, and take a mountain of gold from every corner.”

After the deal takes place, to thank the forces that helped you successfully sell your house or apartment, collect all the grains and plant them in the ground away from crowded places. Despite the fact that it seems very easy, this plot to quickly sell an apartment works :-)

When moving into a new apartment, we must not forget that you will definitely need help from the brownie. He is the boss of the house, so if you don’t want to complicate your life, you need to treat him with respect, and even better, make friends.

The brownie, the brownie, lives on and does not grow old.

How can I calm you down? I can't handle you.

You slowly swing the curtain, slam the door, the window,

You'll scare away a parrot sleeping on a perch,

You sneeze little by little and the floorboards creak.

Maybe it's just rain or something I'm dreaming about?

You walk quietly behind you. It always seems to me

Why are you playing with me, making fun of me?

I can't possibly meet you.

Your outrages never end.

The lock is jammed again and the door won't lock.

It’s time for me to calm you down, and for you to repent.

I can’t find the thread again - I’m darning the color...

Wait, when I catch you, I'll spank you

To put it bluntly, your reputation is bad.

Well, for me personally, your service is faithful.

All in worries: day and night on my farm,

How can I help you? Am I grumbling? So loving!

Maybe you have a bad conscience,

Only your devotion is kind, radiant.

I'm leaving far away, you're on guard - not for the first time.

Returning, I’ll whisper: Hello, brownie watchman!”

No slippers? I shout to him: “I played around and give it back!”

"I did not take!" - the answer from the closet, - “put it back in its place!”

From the sudden answer I froze and couldn’t breathe.

“You’ve already got me, everyone is losing me, I’m looking!”

To prevent the brownie from ruining your life, use these conspiracies:.

Plot for the brownie on the first day after moving into the house .

If you want to make friends with a brownie, then you definitely need to feed and water him. Late in the evening, before going to bed, leave a small apple, a plate of milk, some bread, and a cup of cottage cheese in a secluded place in the kitchen. Say the words of the conspiracy:

Come into my little house,
Eat some bread
Listen to the new owner.
Eat, help yourself, don’t be offended by me,
Save happiness, guard the house,
Kick out the strangers.

Then cross the leftover treat and go to bed. Before going to bed, read the Lord's Prayer three times.

Conspiracy to the brownie on the second day

Very important on the second day of your stay new apartment, continue contact with the brownie. In the evening, treat the brownie and be sure to appease him with wine. It is preferable to put honey in a comb on a plate; brownies really like it. You can add a few sweets to the honey, it’s better if they are simple “Dunka’s Joy” pads. Pour only red wine, brownies especially love Cahors. When leaving a treat for the brownie, read the plot:

Sweet little brother,
Perhaps to my new home,
You won't feel cramped in it,
Help yourself to something sweet
Stay with me.
Don't be offended by me, guard the house,
Kick out the strangers.

Also cross what you left and read the “Our Father” before going to bed.

Conspiracy to the brownie on the third day

This is the last day to fully bond your dorm with the brownie. Place a piece of boiled meat on a plate fried fish, bread. Pour vodka into a glass. For what is left, read the final plot:

Gray-haired matchmaker!
Eat well
Listen to me.

Help in the house so that they can live richly and well,
So that you gain fat every day and don’t fast,
So that you are full and drunk, and have fun.
Invite happiness and good luck, welcome money,
Don't let strangers in, save our happiness.

And cross the treat again and read the “Our Father” when going to bed.

Place a piece of lump sugar in secluded places in your house and let it lie there. The brownie will always be on your side and help you in difficult times.

Never ask a brownie for help in a CONSPIRACY FOR LOVE; his job is to maintain prosperity and well-being in your home.

I’ll write another conspiracy to ask the brownie for help:

Contacting a brownie asking for help

This plot is best done after Easter. Take the painted consecration from the church Easter Egg and a church candle bought after the morning service. The plot needs to be read late in the evening.

IN right hand take the egg, in the left - the lit candle. First cross your hand with the egg, then also cross yourself with a candle. After this, transfer the egg and candle from hand to hand and say:

Grandfather brownie, little brownie, come to me for the candle light, for the Easter egg. Come to me as you are, I will feed you with Christ’s egg. Help me, the servant of God (your name), take away the grief (say what kind of grief you have) from my house, from our yard, from the solid porch. Grandpa brownie, help me in my trouble. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Leave the candle to burn out where you read the plot, place the egg next to it. The brownie himself will deal with your grief.

Please ask the brownie to find lost item

A very useful spell. You need to take a ribbon or a bright ribbon. Tie it around a chair leg. And, having crossed yourself, say: “Jesus Christ, forgive my grave sins.”

Then whisper quietly into the ribbon:

“Brownie, brownie, play, after playing, give it to me.”

You can be sure that in a few minutes the brownie will return your lost item to you.

If you have moved into a new house, you will need the support of a brownie. Because he’s been living in this house for a long time, he has his own rules, and then you start establishing new rules! Often, if the owners are greedy or treat the brownie without respect, he ruins their life. It's always better to be friends with him.

Maria Fedorovskaya told me that one should not underestimate the influence of brownies on one’s life. home life. Brownies live in every house, in every apartment; those people who think that brownies live only in villages are mistaken. You need to be friends with brownies, and if you neglect them or test them, it will only get worse. The brownie can do so much harm that you will never guess that it was his doing. But there will be problems, troubles... Maria Semyonovna says: “I remember one story that happened to one of my friends.

She didn’t believe in anything - neither in brownies, nor in conspiracies, she laughed at it all. And for the time being I lived normally. But then I got married. Everything was fine with them: there was love, and prosperity, and the husband didn’t drink, he didn’t touch his wife and didn’t look to the left. And she even had a good relationship with his parents, although they first lived with her husband’s parents. They lived without grieving for three years, and then Grusha became pregnant, and she and her husband decided to move to a separate house so as not to embarrass anyone: parents' house Although it was cozy, it was small. But strange things began to happen in the new house, all sorts of small dirty tricks. Grusha has always been an excellent housewife, but suddenly, as soon as she prepares the soup, it turns sour; The dishes always began to fall out of her hands, although she was always neat. Or even worse - as soon as she sweeps, dirty footprints appear from somewhere on the floor.

But what surprised her most was this. Pear always washed the dishes after dinner and covered the table with a tablecloth. So, every morning the tablecloth was lying on the floor. Then it got even worse: she saw voices everywhere. The husband decided that she had lost her mind because of the pregnancy, and began to sit with her all day, calming her down. But you can’t sit like that for long, you have to earn money. And those voices were cunning. Like a husband at home, they remain silent. He’s over the threshold, and they start laughing. Grusha was completely confused. And she came to me to ask for help. I immediately understood everything: the brownie didn’t like her. I asked to stay at her house for a couple of days, to see what was going on there. And I realized this: the brownie really loves the wooden kitchen table, so he gets mad that Grusha covers it with a tablecloth at night. I told her not to do that again, and taught her how to make friends with a brownie. At first, Grusha didn’t believe that everything was so simple and that there was nothing wrong with her head, but she decided to try it out of curiosity. And after a week they began to live calmly, everything was going well in her hands again. Only at night she no longer covers the table; instead, she puts a jar of sour cream and tea on a sweet saucer - their brownie really craves these delicacies.”

Listen to us.

So that there is a rich and well-fed life in the house,

So that you can fatten up every day and not fast,

So that you are drunk and happy,

Bring happiness and good luck into your home,

Save money and welcome it,

And don't throw anything out the door.

Help yourself, don’t be offended by the owners.

Guard our house, preserve our happiness.

Don't let strangers come to us.

Cross your food and go to sleep. At night, read the “Our Father” nine times.

Even a skeptical person has at least once in his life thought about the presence of an outside force in the house. A suddenly dropped item, the clatter of dishes, the creaking of the floor or cabinet doors evoke thoughts of mysticism.

The benefits of friendship with a brownie

There has always been a respectful attitude towards the brownie in Rus'. He was called the owner and keeper of the home. The brownie loves order in the house, peace and harmony, and a positive emotional environment.

Thanks to good relationship s, you can get in him a protector not only of the home, but also of the family. All this may seem like a fairy tale, but in real life there have been more than one cases when people dreamed that they forgot to turn off the water or turn off the gas. When they woke up, they discovered all this in reality.

A brownie can protect a family from evil spirits and anticipate damage. If a person comes to you with evil intentions, the brownie will try to drive him away by knocking over cups from his hands, dropping and breaking objects. Protecting the home in the absence of the owners is also a responsibility. Even if you accidentally forgot to close the door, nothing will happen to your property.

How to return what was lost

The brownie loves pranks and positive emotions. He plays with little ones, animals and his owners' things. Quite often there are situations when a person is 100% sure that he put an item in some place, but this item does not turn out to be there.

You can ask the brownie to return the lost item. To do this, you need to say three times: “Brownie, brownie, play, yes.” After which the item is usually found either in a visible place or where it has already been looked for. And instead of gratitude, the person thinks that he accidentally did not notice it.

In addition to asking to give back the lost item, you can tie a bow on a chair leg. It is believed that this will be compensation for the item that the brownie will return. The cup ritual helps some people: you need to place an inverted cup or glass on a completely empty table. After some time the thing will be found.

To establish and maintain friendly relations with the brownie, you need to talk to him. You can periodically give him small gifts. For example, beautiful bright buttons, beads or jewelry should be put in a secluded place and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him. Treats in the form of a saucer of milk or will also appease the home owner. But the brownie cannot stand the smell of alcohol and tobacco.

When moving to a new house, you can invite a good brownie with you. To do this, you need to sweep the floor and collect dust, pouring it into your new home. Say: “Brownie, come live with us” and rest assured, your home is under reliable protection.

Taking present, you know perfectly well how to behave, because this is taught from childhood. But there are circumstances when present must be returned to the donor. Not everyone is ready for such a situation and has no idea how to refuse a gift without hurting the feelings of the person who presented it.


First of all, always give thanks for present. Even if you cannot accept it, you appreciate the attention and care that was shown to you. If present arrived by mail or was brought by a courier, still try to thank the donor personally by calling him. If present was presented publicly, try to refuse it in private.

Express your regrets that you cannot accept such a generous gift. Make it clear that the donor's choice is wonderful, but there are circumstances in which you are forced to refuse.

Explain the reason why you cannot accept present. If this is an official gift and taking it is contrary to the company’s principles, it is better to write a letter to the sender in which you quote the clause that prohibits you from accepting such gifts. If this present for your child, and you cannot allow him to have such things, or a gift for you, but you do not accept such expensive gifts from people other than relatives, be honest about this. Explain openly and directly in order to avoid similar situations with the donor in the future, because if you are deceitful, he may present you with something similar another time and the unpleasant situation will repeat.

Return present along with the packaging, keeping it sealed as much as possible. Then the donor may be able to return it to the store and avoid unnecessary expenses and an expensive reminder of what happened.

Video on the topic


If the donor refuses to accept back a gift given to you as an employee of the corporation, notify your superiors, attaching any existing correspondence.

Helpful advice

If you receive a gift that has an obvious sexual connotation from someone who is not that close to you, you have every right to send the gift back without polite apology or explanation.

The brownie is the mythical “master”, the patron of the house, monitoring the well-being of the family. It is believed that lived before in every hut. Now residents of apartment buildings are interested in whether there is a protective spirit in their homes. It's easy to check.

You will need

  • - a candle from the church;
  • - milk;
  • - honey;
  • - gingerbread;
  • - candies;
  • - a broom or shoe.


According to legend, the brownie lives behind the stove (in modern version- behind the stove). If he is not comfortable there, he can choose a cozy dark corner. This is where the habit of sweeping crumbs behind the stove came from - to treat the owner of the house.

In order to understand whether you have a brownie, listen to the night rustles in your apartment. Perhaps you are so accustomed to them that you don’t notice how something is cracking, knocking, or rattling in the kitchen or hallway. If your household members or animals are also resting at this time, most likely the spirit of the house is in charge there.

Those living in a private house can, according to the beliefs of their ancestors, see a brownie on Christmas, Easter or Maundy Thursday. For this you will need church candle, with which you will first defend the entire service. Go up to the attic with a lit candle, and the brownie will appear to you, if that is his desire.

You can also detect a brownie by following the traces of its “life activity”. It is known that he is a gourmand, preferring honey, milk, gingerbread, and candy. Leave a treat for the brownie behind the stove or in a dark corner, and if the next morning you find that the sweets are gone, it means the owner of the house has accepted your gift. Do not be afraid that your pets will profit from the treat - the brownie will not get angry, he loves animals and plays with them.

If, after an unsuccessful search, you realize that the brownie has ignored your apartment, do not be upset - you can find him for yourself in another place. Go to a village where there are houses abandoned by their inhabitants. Choose the hut that is cleanest and most attractive to you. A brownie will probably live in this, maintaining order while awaiting the arrival of the owners. Place a treat on the floor and invite the brownie to come live with you.

Enter this house after a while. If a spirit throws an object at you (that is, an object unexpectedly falls on you) or howls, it means that it does not intend to live with you. And if he knocks on the wall, offer a broom or shoe. Say out loud: “Brownie, get in the sleigh, come with us.” The house spirit will accept your invitation and you can bring it into your apartment.

Moving is a responsible undertaking that requires care and precision. It is important not only to transport all your property, but also to pack it so that things do not break or get lost. Prepare for the event in advance and take your time - then in a new place you won’t have to frantically look for the necessary items.

You will need

  • - packing tape;
  • - carton boxes;
  • - durable bags;
  • - scotch;
  • - scissors;
  • markers;
  • - paper for labels;
  • - notebook.
