Motorized rifle division of the Russian Armed Forces: everything about it. How many people are in a company, battalion, platoon, etc.

Very often in feature films and literary works On military topics, terms such as company, battalion, and regiment are used. The number of formations is not indicated by the author. Military people, of course, are aware of this issue, as well as many others related to the army.

This article is addressed to those who are far from the army, but still want to navigate the military hierarchy and know what a squad, company, battalion, division is. The number, structure and tasks of these formations are described in the article.

Smallest formation

A division, or department, is the minimum unit in the hierarchy of the Armed Forces of the Soviet and later Russian army. This formation is homogeneous in its composition, that is, it consists of either infantrymen, cavalrymen, etc. When performing combat missions, the unit acts as a single unit. This formation is led by a full-time commander with the rank junior sergeant or sergeant. Among military personnel, the term “chest of drawers” ​​is used, which is short for “squad commander.” Depending on the type of troops, the units are called differently. For artillery the term “crew” is used, and for tank troops “crew”.

Unit composition

This formation consists of 5 to 10 people serving. However, a motorized rifle squad consists of 10-13 soldiers. Unlike the Russian army, in the United States the smallest army formation is a group. The US division itself consists of two groups.


In the Russian Armed Forces, a platoon consists of three to four sections. It is possible that there are more of them. The number of personnel is 45 people. The leadership of this military formation is carried out by a junior lieutenant, lieutenant or senior lieutenant.


This army formation consists of 2-4 platoons. A company can also include independent squads that do not belong to any platoon. For example, a motorized rifle company may consist of three motorized rifle platoons, a machine gun and an anti-tank squad. The command of this army formation is exercised by a commander with the rank of captain. The size of a battalion company ranges from 20 to 200 people. The number of military personnel depends on the type of military service. Thus, in a tank company the smallest number of military personnel was noted: from 31 to 41. In a motorized rifle company - from 130 to 150 military personnel. There are 80 soldiers in the landing force.

A company is the smallest military formation of tactical importance. This means that company soldiers can perform small tactical tasks independently on the battlefield. In this case, the company is not part of the battalion, but acts as a separate and autonomous formation. In some branches of the military, the term “company” is not used, but is replaced by similar military formations. For example, cavalry is equipped with squadrons of one hundred people each, artillery with batteries, border troops with outposts, and aviation with units.


The size of this military formation depends on the type of troops. Often the number of military personnel in this case ranges from 250 to a thousand soldiers. There are battalions of up to one hundred soldiers. Such a formation is equipped with 2-4 companies or platoons, operating independently. Due to their significant numbers, battalions are used as the main tactical formations. It is commanded by an officer of at least the rank of lieutenant colonel. The commander is also called “battalion commander”. Coordination of the battalion's activities is carried out at the command headquarters. Depending on the type of troops using one or another weapon, the battalion can be tank, motorized rifle, engineering, communications, etc. A motorized rifle battalion of 530 people (on BTR-80) may include:

  • motorized rifle companies, - mortar battery;
  • logistics platoon;
  • communications platoon.

Regiments are formed from battalions. In artillery the concept of battalion is not used. There it is replaced by similar formations - divisions.

Smallest tactical unit of armored forces

A TB (tank battalion) is a separate unit at the headquarters of an army or corps. Organizationally, a tank battalion is not included in tank or motorized rifle regiments.

Since the TB itself does not need to enhance its firepower, it does not contain mortar batteries, anti-tank or grenade launcher platoons. The TB can be reinforced by an anti-aircraft missile platoon. 213 soldiers - this is the size of the battalion.


In the Soviet and Russian armies, the word “regiment” was considered key. This is due to the fact that the regiments are tactical and autonomous formations. Command is exercised by a colonel. Despite the fact that regiments are called by types of troops (tank, motorized rifle, etc.), they may contain different units. The name of the regiment is determined by the name of the predominant formation. An example would be a motorized rifle regiment consisting of three motorized rifle battalions and one tank. In addition, the motorized rifle battalion is equipped anti-aircraft missile division, as well as companies:

  • communications;
  • intelligence;
  • engineering and sapper;
  • repair;
  • material support.

In addition, there is an orchestra and a medical center. The regiment's personnel does not exceed two thousand people. In artillery regiments, unlike similar formations in other branches of the military, the number of military personnel is smaller. The number of soldiers depends on how many divisions the regiment consists of. If there are three of them, then the number of military personnel in the regiment is up to 1,200 people. If there are four divisions, then the regiment has 1,500 soldiers. Thus, the strength of a battalion of a division regiment cannot be less than 400 people.


Just like the regiment, the brigade belongs to the main tactical formations. However, the number of personnel in the brigade is higher: from 2 to 8 thousand soldiers. In a motorized rifle brigade of motorized rifle and tank battalions, the number of military personnel is twice as large as in a regiment. The brigades consist of two regiments, several battalions and a auxiliary company. The brigade is commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel.

Division structure and strength

The division is the main operational-tactical formation, composed of various units. Just like a regiment, a division is named according to the branch of service that predominates in it. The structure of a motorized rifle division is identical to that of a tank division. The difference between them is that a motorized rifle division is formed from three motorized rifle regiments and one tank, and a tank division is formed from three tank regiments and one motorized rifle. The division is also equipped with:

  • two artillery regiments;
  • one anti-aircraft missile regiment;
  • jet division;
  • missile division;
  • helicopter squadron;
  • one chemical defense company and several auxiliary ones;
  • reconnaissance, repair and restoration, medical and sanitary, engineering and sapper battalions;
  • one electronic warfare battalion.

In each division under the command of a major general, from 12 to 24 thousand people serve.

What is the body?

The army corps is a combined arms formation. In a tank, artillery, or corps of any other type of army there is no predominance of one or another division. There is no uniform structure when forming buildings. Their formation is significantly influenced by the military-political situation. The corps is an intermediate link between such military formations as a division and an army. Corps are formed where it is impractical to create an army.


The concept “army” is used in the following meanings:

  • The country's armed forces as a whole;
  • large military formation for operational purposes.

An army usually consists of one or more corps. It is difficult to indicate the exact number of military personnel in the army, as well as in the corps themselves, since each of these formations has its own structure and strength.


Military affairs is developing and improving every year, enriched with new technologies and branches of the military, thanks to which in the near future, as the military believes, the way of waging wars may be radically changed. And this, in turn, will entail an adjustment in the number of personnel of many military formations.

The regiment appears. The size of its composition depends on the type of troops, and its full complement of personnel is one of the factors in ensuring the combat effectiveness of the army. The regiment consists of smaller structural units. Let's find out what a company, regiment, battalion is, the number of these units by main branches of the military. We will pay special attention to the equipment of the artillery regiment.

What is a regiment?

First of all, let's find out. We'll find out the number of personnel in the various branches of the military in this unit later.

A regiment is a combat unit, often commanded by an officer with the rank of colonel, although there are exceptions. of the Russian Federation, the regiment is the main tactical unit on the basis of which it is formed

The regiment includes smaller structural units - battalions. The regiment itself can either be part of a formation or be a separate combat force. It is the regimental command that in most cases makes tactical decisions during a large-scale battle. Although quite often shelves are used as completely separate and independent units.

Number of members

Now let's find out the number of military personnel in the regiment, taking as a basis the composition of the rifle regiment as the most typical. This military unit usually contains from 2000 to 3000 soldiers. Moreover, approximately this number is observed in almost all (except perhaps artillery and some other types of troops) and even in law enforcement agencies. A similar number of military personnel, for example, has an infantry regiment, the number of soldiers in which also ranges from two to three thousand people. Although there are exceptions, the minimum number of military personnel in a regiment in any case cannot be less than 500 people.

A typical rifle regiment consists of a headquarters where the main decisions are made, three motorized rifle battalions, a communications company, and a tank battalion. This unit should also include anti-aircraft division, reconnaissance company, anti-tank battery, communications company, engineer company, repair company, chemical, biological and radiation protection company. Lately more and more important functions performed by a company Although in Soviet times this unit was also very significant. The regiment's composition is supplemented by auxiliary units: a commandant platoon, a medical company and an orchestra. But they are additional only conditionally, since, for example, a medical company performs functions that are much more important, so to speak, than other units. After all, the lives of other soldiers depend on the soldiers of this structural unit.

A typical regiment has approximately this structure. You can see photos of the fighters of this formation above.

Battalion composition

Typically, two to four battalions form a regiment. We will now consider the number of servicemen in the battalion.

The battalion is considered the main tactical unit of ground forces. The range of personnel in this unit generally ranges from 400 to 800 people. It includes several platoons, as well as individual companies.

If we consider artillery, then the combat unit that corresponds to a battalion is called a division.

As a rule, a battalion is commanded by a soldier with the rank of major. Although, of course, there are exceptions. They can be found especially often during combat operations, when an acute shortage of personnel officers may arise in the armed forces of a country or a separate unit.

Let's look at the structure of a battalion using an example. As a rule, the backbone of this structural unit is three motorized rifle companies. In addition, the battalion includes a mortar battery, a grenade launcher platoon, an anti-tank platoon, and a control platoon. Additional, but no less important units are platoons of material and technical support, as well as a medical center.

Company size

A company is a smaller structural unit that is part of a battalion. As a rule, it is commanded by a captain, and in some cases a major.

The size of a battalion company varies greatly depending on the specific type of troops. Most of the soldiers are in the companies of construction battalions. There their number reaches 250 people. In motorized rifle units it varies from 60 to 101 servicemen. Slightly fewer personnel in airborne troops. The number of army personnel here does not exceed 80 people. But the fewest soldiers are in tank companies. There are only 31 to 41 military personnel there. In general, depending on the type of troops and the specific state, the number of military personnel in a company can vary from 18 to 280 people.

In addition, in some branches of the military there is no such unit as a company, but at the same time there are analogues. For cavalry this is a squadron, which includes about a hundred people, for artillery - a battery, for border troops - an outpost, for aviation - a link.

The company consists of command staff and several platoons. Also, a company may include special squads that are not part of platoons.

Smaller units

A platoon consists of several sections, and the number of its personnel varies from 9 to 50 people. As a rule, the platoon commander is a soldier with the rank of lieutenant.

The smallest permanent unit in the army is the squad. The number of military personnel in it ranges from three to sixteen people. In most cases, a soldier with the rank of sergeant or senior sergeant is appointed as the squad commander.

Number of artillery regiments

The time has come to take a closer look at what an artillery regiment is, the number of personnel in this unit and some other parameters.

An artillery regiment is a structural unit of such troops as artillery. As a rule, it is included as an integral part of an artillery division, consisting of three or four units.

The size of an artillery regiment is smaller than the corresponding unit in other branches of the military. This indicator depends on how many divisions are included in the regiment. With three divisions, its strength ranges from 1000 to 1200 people. If there are four divisions, then the number of military personnel reaches 1,500 soldiers.

Artillery regiment structure

Like any other military unit, an artillery regiment has its own structure. Let's study it.

The structural elements of an artillery regiment are divided into three main groups: control, logistics and combat support units, as well as the main striking force itself - line units.

It is these elements that make up an artillery regiment. A photo of the regiment structure is located above.

Regimental control composition

In turn, the regiment's management is divided into the following elements: command, headquarters, technical unit and rear.

The command includes the regiment commander (most often with the rank of colonel or lieutenant colonel), his deputy, the chief of physical training and assistant commander for educational work. The last position in Soviet times corresponded to the post of political officer.

The headquarters unit includes the chief of staff, his deputy, as well as the chiefs of intelligence, topographic service, communications, secret unit, computer department and a combat assistant.

In the rear part of the regiment's control there are the deputy commander for logistics, the heads of the food, clothing, fuel and lubricants and clothing services.

The technical part of the regiment's management includes the deputy for armament, the chiefs of the armored, automobile and missile and artillery services.

In addition, the heads of financial, chemical and medical services report directly to the regiment commander.

Composition of the logistics and combat support unit

The logistics and combat support unit is divided into the following structural elements: medical center, club, repair company, material support company, battery and control battery.

This unit is commanded by the deputy commander of the regiment for rear affairs, who himself is part of the administrative part of the regiment, as mentioned above.

Composition of linear units

It is the linear units that are entrusted with the main function of the existence of an artillery regiment, since they fire directly at the enemy from guns.

The regiment consists of four linear divisions: self-propelled, mixed, howitzer and jet. Sometimes there may be no mixed division. In this case, three units remain the backbone of the regiment.

Each division is divided, as a rule, into three batteries, which, in turn, consist of three to four platoons.

Number and structure of the division

As mentioned above, three or four regiments form an artillery division. The number of personnel in such a unit reaches six thousand people. As a rule, the command of a division is entrusted to a soldier with the rank of major general, but there have been cases when these units were commanded by colonels and even lieutenant colonels.

Two divisions form the largest unit in the artillery - the corps. The number of military personnel in artillery corps can reach 12,000 people. Such a unit is often commanded by a lieutenant general.

General principles for forming the number of units

We studied the size of a division, regiment, company, battalion, division and smaller structural units of various branches of the military, with an emphasis on artillery. As you can see, the number of military personnel in similar units in different troops can vary significantly. This is due to the direct purpose of the various branches of the armed forces. The basis is the most optimal number of military personnel to perform specific tasks. Each indicator is not only the product of strict scientific calculations, but also the experience of conducting combat operations in practice. That is, each figure is based on the shed blood of the fighters.

Thus, we see that in the army there are both very small units in terms of personnel, in which the number of military personnel can be equal to even three people, and the largest units, where the total number is tens of thousands of military personnel. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account that in foreign countries the number of similar units may differ significantly from domestic options.

Like everything in this world, the science of warfare is progressing, new technologies and even new types of troops are appearing. For example, in Russia not long ago the Aerospace Forces appeared, which are a product of evolution and development Air Force. With the advent of new types of troops and changes in forms of warfare, it is certainly possible to adjust the number of personnel in units taking into account new conditions.

Battalion- the smallest tactical unit of the Ground Forces in the USSR and in the Russian Federation. In Russia battalion in the postal address of the military unit it has the number of the military unit with the addition of a letter. For example, “military unit 03426-B” - that is, this is the 2nd battalion of military unit No. 03426.

If the battalion is a separate formation (military unit), positions such as assistant chief of staff, head of the financial service, head of the food and clothing service, and head of the secret unit are introduced in the structure of the unit in the officer corps of the battalion. and so on. These full-time positions increase operational autonomy separate battalion in administrative and economic terms.

Motorized rifle battalion

The staff structure of the motorized rifle battalion Russian Armed Forces (option)

Motorized rifle battalion (abbreviated as SME, see below motorized rifle troops.
The battalion's staff includes:

  • three motorized rifle companies ( msr). The MSR may be armed with BTR-70, BTR-80, BMP-2, BMP-3 and MT-LB (for areas Far North) and so on.
  • Mortar battery ( minbatr). In service - 6 2B14 "Tray" mortars (82 mm) (1st and 2nd fire platoons), three 2B9 "Vasilyok" automatic mortars (3rd fire platoon).
  • Control platoon ( woo). 14 trucks, 5 in 1 ogv, three in 2 ogv, 4 in 3 ogv, two in VU.
  • Anti-tank platoon ( PTV). In service - portable anti-tank missile systems (ATGM) "Fagot"
  • Grenade launcher platoon ( grv). It is armed with the AGS-17 “Flame” or AGS-30 grenade launcher.
  • WTO).
  • WMO).
  • Battalion Medical Station (MP) b).

Part SME the anti-tank platoon is not included in the BMP due to the presence of an ATGM launcher as part of the BMP's weapon system. Part battalion may include other units. Thus, in most battalions, a mortar battery has six 120 mm mortars or the same number of self-propelled or towed Nona series mortars of the same caliber of various modifications. Number of personnel in SME on the BTR-80 - 530 people. IN SME on BMP-2 - 498 people.

    • Note on terminology: In Soviet military school terms motorized And motorized infantry were and are applied exclusively to the troops of a potential enemy. Term motorized rifle battalion denoted an infantry battalion with standard vehicles. Term motorized infantry battalion - denoted an infantry battalion armed with an armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle. Since in the 50s the infantry units of the Soviet Army began to use light armored vehicles in large quantities, the rifle battalions were renamed motorized rifle . In the Soviet Army, after the advent of motorized rifle troops, there were never infantry formations with motor vehicles - hence the term motorized - not used. Even in the so-called rear security divisions, available in all military districts and representing cadres of infantry units (without artillery and tank units), there were standard light armored vehicles reserved for long-term storage. In the armed forces of the United States, Great Britain and other countries, troops similar to motorized infantry are called mechanized infantry or mechanized troops, and the term “motorized infantry” (motorized infantry) usually (except in some countries of the former Warsaw Pact) refers to infantry transported on trucks and not using armored personnel carriers or BMP.

Parachute battalion (air assault battalion)

Parachute battalion ( pdb listen)) is the basic smallest tactical unit of the airborne forces.

In terms of its organizational structure, it is practically no different from a motorized rifle battalion. The difference lies in the weapons. In service pdb consists of lightweight airborne armored vehicles - BMD-2, BMD-3, BMD-4, BTR-D.

Air Assault Battalion (abbreviated as dshb listen)) is the main smallest tactical unit of air assault troops within the ground forces. In service dshb armored vehicles may stand as standard for pdb, and standard for a motorized rifle battalion - BTR-80, BMP-2.

There were dshb, which were not armed with armored vehicles, but only airborne modifications of GAZ-66 trucks for delivering personnel. In such cases dshb were called "on foot". State difference pdb(Also dshb with airborne equipment) and dshb was in stock Airborne Support Platoon(abbreviated vdo). vdo was engaged in technical support of parachute landing equipment for armored vehicles pdb.

Number of personnel for pdb- 360-400 people, for dshb- 450-530 people.

Battalion in the Marine Corps

Since Soviet times, there have been two types of battalions in marine units. This battalion Marine Corps And air assault battalion. The main difference between them is the presence of a parachute company within the air assault battalions, capable of carrying out parachute landings and training personnel for landing from helicopters.

  • Marine Battalion (bmp/obmp as part of a marine regiment or a separate unit as part of a marine brigade. Usually it contains:
    • Battalion Directorate
    • )
    • three to five companies of Marine Corps ( rmp)
    • air assault company ( dshr)
    • battalion medical center ( BMP)

Part separate marine battalion is added artillery battery

  • Air Assault Battalion (dshb/odshb) - a structural unit consisting of Marine Regiment or a separate part in the composition Marine brigade. Usually it contains:
    • Battalion Directorate
    • Separate platoons at battalion headquarters ( grenade launcher, communications, reconnaissance, support)
    • 3 air assault companies ( dshr)
    • parachute company ( pdr)
    • Battalion medical station ( BMP)

Part separate air assault battalion is added artillery battery.

In terms of armament, both types of battalions are practically no different from motorized rifle battalion except that the artillery unit ( artillery battery) as part of battalions is armed with more powerful and long-range artillery pieces than those of motorized rifles (2B16 “Nona-K”). Number OBMP And ODSB reaches 650-700 people.

Tank battalion

The standard structure of the tank battalion Russian Armed Forces (option)

A tank battalion is the smallest tactical unit of tank forces.

Abbreviated spelling of a tank battalion - TB. Organizationally TB was and is part of both tank or motorized rifle regiments/brigades, and was a separate unit at the headquarters of the corps / army ( otb). A tank battalion does not contain units that are part of a motorized rifle battalion to enhance firepower - minbatr, PTV, grv. The use of mortars in conjunction with tanks is also complicated by the fact that the majority of mortars are not self-propelled. To the regular staff battalion includes (option):

  • three tank companies ( tr).
  • Control platoon ( woo).
  • Technical support platoon ( WTO).
  • Material support platoon ( WMO).
  • Medical platoon ( medv).

Number of tanks on staff battalion Russian Armed Forces - 31 vehicles (this is if battalion is part of a tank regiment or brigade). In tanks battalions included in motorized rifle regiments or brigades - 40 combat vehicles. The difference is due to the number of tanks in a tank platoon - three tanks for a platoon of a tank battalion of a tank regiment/brigade and 4 tanks for a platoon of a tank battalion in a motorized rifle regiment/brigade.

This rule for the formation of tank units has been enshrined in the Soviet Army since the 50s, from the beginning of the formation of motorized rifle troops. This was explained by the fact that, according to the rules of Soviet tactics, tank battalion V motorized rifle regiment/brigade, in the event of large-scale hostilities, dispersed for fire reinforcement along motorized rifle battalions- platoon for each company. Which required increasing the number of combat vehicles in a tank platoon to 4. According to the same rules - tank regiments/brigades acted in the direction of concentrating the main attack on the enemy, consisting of at least one tank company, for which the presence of three tanks in a platoon was optimal.

Number of personnel TB as part of a tank regiment/brigade on the T-72 - 174 people, as part of a motorized rifle regiment/brigade - 213 people.

Reconnaissance Battalion

Tank and motorized rifle divisions engaged in collecting intelligence data.

Abbreviated as separate reconnaissance battalions the term reconnaissance battalion or orb.

Battalion in the Signal Corps

Separate division ( obs) in the division/corps structure bs) V separate regiment/brigade of communications, engaged in providing communications to the troops. Organizationally communications battalion may consist of two or three mouth connection And economic part. Economic part represents separate platoons for repair and maintenance of communications equipment, for motor transport support, for economic support, for the maintenance and repair of batteries for portable radio equipment. Signal companies are directly involved in providing all types of communications between the formation headquarters and subunits and military units both at the point of permanent deployment and in the field.

  • Engineer battalion. Separate division ( oisb) in the structure of a division/corps or structural unit ( isb) V separate engineer-sapper regiment/brigade, engaged in complete engineering support for troops. Organizationally isb/oisb
    • Engineer company- installation of minefields, installation of engineering barriers, mine clearance
    • Engineering and technical company- equipment of trench lines, shelters and fortifications, organization of field power supply, organization of field water supply
    • Road Engineering Company- equipment of temporary dirt roads and construction of bridges
    • Pontoon Company- provision of pontoon crossing
  • Engineering and technical battalion. Separate division ( OHS) in the structure of the corps/army/military district or structural unit ( ITB) V separate engineer-sapper (engineering-technical) regiment/brigade, engaged in partial engineering support for troops. Difference from engineer battalion is the absence in its composition engineering company . In this connection, the battalion cannot carry out engineering reconnaissance of troops on the offensive and is the unit responsible for engineering support in the rear of the troops. Also on ITB entrusted with engineering measures to restore the combat effectiveness of troops and eliminate the consequences of enemy nuclear strikes. Organizationally ITB/OHS may consist of the following companies performing specific tasks:
    • Road and Bridge Company- maintenance and repair of temporary dirt roads and bridges
    • Camouflage company- equipping combat units with camouflage means, installing false mock-ups of military equipment and equipping false positions
    • Road Engineering Company- equipment of temporary dirt roads and construction of bridges, organization of field water supply

The following battalions in engineering and engineering units are highly specialized:

  • Engineer Barrage Battalion (ibz) - structural unit in engaged in setting up engineering barriers for the defending troops
  • Engineer Barrage Battalion (IBR) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade engaged in the removal of engineering barriers for advancing troops
  • Engineer position battalion (IPB) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade, engaged in the equipment of control points
  • pontoon bridge battalion (pomb) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade or in separate pontoon-bridge regiment/brigade, engaged in the equipment of pontoon crossing
  • field water supply battalion (bPV) - structural unit in separate engineer-sapper brigade engaged in field water supply

Personnel oisb- about 300 people.

Battalion in the Chemical Forces

In the Chemical Troops, battalions differ depending on the tasks they perform.

  • Separate battalion of radiation and chemical reconnaissance (obrkhbr) - structural unit in . Engaged in reconnaissance and monitoring of radiation, chemical and biological contamination of the area.
  • Separate battalion of radiation, chemical and biological protection (obrkhbz) - structural unit in separate radiation, chemical and biological protection brigade, or as part of motorized rifle division. Deals with a full range of measures to protect personnel of linear units in radiation, chemical and biological protection. If included in motorized rifle division, also carries out reconnaissance and monitoring of radiation, chemical and biological contamination of the area. obrkhbz may include the following divisions:
    • Control
    • Radiation, chemical, biological reconnaissance platoon
    • Two companies of radiation, chemical, biological protection
    • Degassing and disinfection company (uniforms and equipment)
    • Headquarters Company
    • Repair platoon
    • Logistics Platoon
    • Electrical platoon
    • Medical Center

Personnel obrkhbz- from 200 to 550 people.

Medical battalion (medical battalion)

A separate unit within the division's structure that provides medical support to military personnel.

Separate medical battalion usually called for short omedsanb or medical battalion (an outdated term used in oral speech are still in use) separate medical battalion - omedb. Between omedb And omedsanb there is no difference.

For personnel omedb Characteristically, there is a high percentage of military personnel in the officer rank and in the rank of warrant officers. This is due to the fact that half of the full-time positions in medical battalions are positions of doctors of various specifications and medical specialists, requiring candidates to have higher and secondary specialized medical education (nurses, paramedics, radiologist, laboratory assistants, pharmacist, etc.). Organizational and staffing structure OMedB presented this way:

  • heads omedb- battalion commander (organizing doctor);
    • control- includes a number of substituents;
    • medical platoon- two surgeons, a therapist, an anesthesiologist;
    • evacuation platoon
    • logistics platoon(platoon commander - warrant officer)
    • medical company- company commander (surgeon, and leader);
      • reception and sorting platoon- two surgeons;
      • surgical dressing platoon- 5 surgeons;
      • department of anesthesiology and resuscitation- two anesthesiologists;
      • hospital platoon- 2 therapists;
      • dental office- dentist.

Total staff: 157 people. Medical staff: 18 people. Surgeons: 10 people.

Repair and restoration battalion

A separate unit within the structure of a division/corps/army, engaged in repair and restoration work of automotive and military equipment, communications and weapons.

Abbreviated name for repair battalions or separate repair and restoration battalions - rembat or ORVB. Also at the base rembats complex regulatory and adjustment work is carried out, for the implementation of which the necessary equipment is supplied to specialized repair units in military units ( Repair Companies as part of regiments/brigades and repair platoons as part of separate battalions/ units) was and is considered inappropriate.

Commandant's Battalion

A separate unit within large garrisons or a structural unit within commandant regiments or road commandant brigades V group of troops, responsible for organizing the commandant service in war and peacetime.

Reports directly to the garrison commandant. In the event of martial law being introduced separate commandant battalion (okb) ensures discipline and order in the military units of the garrison. Also specialized commandant battalions organize the advancement of military columns, and therefore their full name sounds like this - separate road commandant battalion (CSTO).

On the basis of the 99th separate commandant battalion, the 154th separate commandant regiment was created, which is a military unit of the Moscow military commandant's office.

Construction battalion

VSO represented battalion consisting of 3-6 companies. The battalion's staff and equipment varied depending on the tasks it performed - construction of defense facilities, construction of roads and bridges, construction of residential buildings, etc.

...On June 23, 1986, a military construction detachment from the Urals with a total number of up to 600 people, consisting of five companies and service personnel, provided with everything necessary, including firewood and coal (even weapons were issued), left for Ukraine. ...

In colloquial speech the construction battalion was called by the term "construction battalion". "Stroybat" was a militarized analogue of a civilian construction enterprise and was equipped with all the necessary construction equipment - trucks, tractors, bulldozers, cranes, excavators, concrete mixers, etc.

Due to the large number of construction battalions in the USSR Armed Forces, in the military environment they were jokingly called "royal troops" .

Let them say “The construction battalion is ineffective”
Let them say that there is only melancholy in him
But I'm proud that I served in the construction battalion
After all, these are royal troops

Airfield Maintenance Battalion

A unit in the structure of the aviation technical base (ATB) of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces until 2009. bateau structurally consists of companies of special vehicles designed to directly provide aircraft at the airfield with fuel, oils, special liquids, gases, electricity, etc. Consists of departments of fuel tankers (TZ), air tankers (AT), airfield mobile electrical units (APU), electric hydraulic units (EGU), mobile hydraulic units (UPG), special fluid tankers (ZSZH), oxygen tankers (AKZS and TRZhK), nitrogen tankers (AZOS), tractors, NPSK all-terrain vehicles, transport group vehicles, etc. - in aviation, the staffing structure of units is highly dependent on location of the airfield and its classification, types of aircraft operated and accepted. It should be noted that almost all special airfield support vehicles are equipped with a crew of two people. To the structure bateau may not include units of the airfield operational company (bateau): snow removal equipment, engineering vehicles, wind blowers with gas turbine engines, etc., as well as vehicles of the ATB fire brigade, vehicles of the ammunition supply service, special vehicles of the housing and communal services and a number of other materiel.

Battalions of internal troops

Due to the broad specificity of the issues being addressed, since the Soviet period there have been several types of line battalions in the internal troops.


Detachment of the GRU General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces

Organizational and staffing structure of the 177th separate special forces detachment for the summer of 1982.

Combined battalions from separate brigades special purpose(Main Intelligence Directorate under the General Staff) of the USSR Armed Forces, which were equipped (deployed) for combat operations in the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan, and subsequently in the territory of Transcaucasia during interethnic conflicts, were called Squads. The full names of the squads are: separate special forces units (ooSpN).

The consolidation of the battalions was that the regular staff separate special forces battalion, which consisted of three reconnaissance companies, three more companies were additionally included (reduced) - grenade launcher, engineering flamethrower (engineering mortar) And transport company. Also, in addition to the indicated companies, separate platoons/groups were added to the battalion staff - anti-aircraft artillery group And repair platoon. Similar own units for equipment and weapons in the state special forces brigades was not available, therefore, the recruitment of military personnel and the supply of military equipment to additional units was carried out from other military units belonging to various branches of the military. The purpose of such a change in the organizational structure of the battalion was to increase the firepower of the units and increase the autonomy of the battalion during combat operations. In total, 11 years passed through the Afghan War. separate special forces units (ooSpN). Subsequently, by February 1984 8 detachments were organized organizationally into two brigades. For the sake of secrecy, it was customary to call them in official capacity separate motorized rifle battalions (omsb).

Artillery battalion

For example, in analog motorized rifle battalion USSR Armed Forces - in motorized infantry battalion The mechanized (tank) division of the US Army has 896 people (versus 498-530 in the Soviet SME).

Another example - Tank battalion USA. It consists of 560 people (versus 174-213 people in the Soviet TB) .

The indicated difference is due to the large composition Headquarters Company- standard combat and logistics support unit at battalion headquarters in armies

Which is infantry equipped with vehicles and fire support. Nowadays, motorized rifle troops are the basis of most armies in the world. Their main task is to conduct large-scale ground operations, both independently and in coordination with other branches of the military. In the West, MSVs are often called “mechanized infantry.”

Motorized riflemen can fight in any terrain, day or night and in any weather, on foot or in their combat vehicles. The main advantages of MSVs are their mobility, maneuverability and great versatility.

Motorized rifle units include artillery, tank and anti-aircraft units, as well as a number of special military formations (for example, engineering units, chemical and radiation protection units). Modern infantry is armed with tactical missile systems capable of using nuclear weapons.

In Russian modern history, motorized rifle troops have repeatedly taken part in hostilities. In particular, the 201st Motorized Rifle Division of the Russian Army fought on the side of the legitimate government of Tajikistan in the civil conflict of the early 90s. Russian motorized riflemen were engaged in security state border of this country. The main burden of both fell on the shoulders of motorized riflemen. Chechen campaigns. Russian motorized rifle troops also took part in the war with Georgia in 2008.

The Day of Motorized Rifle Troops of the Russian Federation is celebrated on August 19. The unofficial flag of the motorized rifle troops is a black cloth on which crossed Kalashnikov assault rifles are framed by laurel wreaths. The emblem is complemented by two St. George ribbons and the MSV motto: “Mobility and maneuverability.” The flag of the motorized rifle troops completely replicates the sleeve patch of the motorized rifle troops.

The MSV is the modern embodiment of the infantry, the oldest branch of the military, on whose shoulders from time immemorial the main burdens of war fell. Hoplites, Roman legionnaires, landsknechts, the “grey-overcoated bastard” of the First World War - they have always formed the backbone of any army, because the war ends exactly at the point on which the foot of the infantryman sets foot.

From the history of motorized rifle troops

The widespread use of automobiles began during the First World War. This significantly increased the mobility and maneuverability of the infantry. Started in 1916 new era- The first tanks were created in Great Britain. And at the end of the First World War, the British developed a transport tank - the prototype of a modern armored personnel carrier on which infantry could move during battle.

After the end of the First World War, the world's advanced armies embarked on the path of mechanization and motorization. In addition to tanks and trucks, various types of armored personnel carriers, armored vehicles and tractors were developed.

In the USSR in 1939 appeared the new kind units - motorized division. It was planned that the movement of personnel of such units would occur using vehicles. However, Soviet industry was not yet ready to provide the Red Army with a sufficient number of high-quality vehicles. During the war, the issue of mobility of the Red Army ground formations was mainly resolved through lend-lease equipment - American armored personnel carriers and excellent Studebaker trucks.

Huge emphasis on motorization ground forces paid in Hitler's Germany. The Germans carefully studied the experience of using motorized vehicles during the First World War and came to the conclusion that increasing the mobility of ground forces is one of the main components of success, both in offense and defense. Large-scale infantry motorization made a significant contribution to the success of the new German concept of warfare - blitzkrieg tactics.

The composition of the German tank divisions - spearheads driving forces Blitzkrieg - included several motorized rifle regiments armed with Sd.Kfz armored personnel carriers. 251 and had a significant number of vehicles.

Gradually, ordinary German infantry divisions were saturated with armored personnel carriers and vehicles, after which they received the status of motorized and motorized grenadier divisions.

Motorization and mechanization of the ground forces became one of the main directions of modernization of the Soviet army after the end of the war. Soviet generals realized the need to increase the mobility of infantry formations. In June 1945, the State Defense Committee issued a decree on the replenishment of armored and mechanized formations of the Red Army. However, the issue of saturating the ground forces with vehicles and armored personnel carriers will only be completely resolved by 1957. As a result, 1958 was the year of the appearance of Soviet motorized rifle troops.

Soviet motorized rifles were the first in the world to adopt a new type of armored vehicles - infantry fighting vehicles. These versatile vehicles could not only transport infantry, but also effectively support them in battle. The BMP-1 began to enter combat units of the Soviet army in 1966. Later, the Soviet concept of using infantry fighting vehicles was picked up by most Western countries. It should be noted that almost all armored vehicles of the USSR motorized rifle troops could independently overcome water obstacles and were well protected from weapons of mass destruction.

In the USSR, motorized rifle troops were the most numerous in the armed forces; we can say that the MRF became the basis of the Soviet army. At the end of the 80s, there were more than 150 motorized rifle divisions. In addition, each tank division included one or two motorized rifle regiments.

A typical Soviet motorized rifle division (MSD) of the late 1980s consisted of three motorized rifle regiments, in addition to one tank, an anti-aircraft missile and artillery regiment, a rocket artillery battalion and a battalion anti-tank guns. The MSD also included support units.

Motorized rifle regiments of the Soviet army were of two types: armed with armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles. Typically, the MSD included two regiments with armored personnel carriers and one with infantry fighting vehicles. It should be noted that the regiments armed with infantry fighting vehicles were planned to be used in the first echelon of the attack.

There were also separate motorized rifle brigades armed exclusively with infantry fighting vehicles.

At the end of the 80s it was strengthened air defense motorized rifle regiments - the anti-aircraft battery was expanded to a division.

It should be noted that the USSR had deployed motorized rifle divisions only abroad (late 80s): in Afghanistan, Germany, Eastern Europe. These MSDs included from 10 to 15 thousand military personnel. On the territory of the USSR, the number of divisions was usually about 1,800 people.

Several senior military officers trained officers for motorized rifle troops. educational institutions: Military Academy named after. Frunze and nine combined arms military schools.

As in Soviet times, the motorized rifle troops of the Russian Federation are the basis of the ground forces modern army. Since 2000, they have gradually switched to the brigade principle of formation.

It is believed that motorized rifle brigades (compared to divisions) are a more flexible and versatile tool for solving various combat missions. According to Russian strategists, the brigade structure of motorized rifle troops is more suitable to the realities of the present time. It is believed that the threat of a large-scale war is a thing of the past, and for local conflicts brigades are much better suited than numerous and cumbersome divisions. Brigades can conduct combat operations in any terrain and climatic conditions using both conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

IN recent years There is more and more talk about a partial return to the divisional structure of motorized rifle troops. The Taman division has already been recreated, motorized rifle divisions will appear in the Far East, Tajikistan and the western part of the country.

Motorized rifle battalion

The motorized rifle battalion (MSB) is the main combined arms tactical unit in the MRB. Its staffing composition has remained virtually unchanged since the times of the USSR - in the Russian army, changes affected units of a higher order - divisions were replaced by brigades united in districts.

The SME includes three motorized rifle companies, one mortar battery, and three platoons: anti-tank, grenade launcher and anti-aircraft missile. In addition, the SME includes support units (communications platoon, medical center).

The motorized rifle battalion on an armored personnel carrier includes 539 military personnel, 43 armored personnel carriers, 42 vehicles, three Vasilek mortars, six 82-mm mortars, six 9K111 Fagot ATGMs and nine 9K115 Metis ATGMs.

The infantry fighting vehicle motorized rifle battalion includes 462 military personnel, 39 BMP-2 units

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Boss military department Colonel

__________ ___V. Matveychuk


Methodological development was reviewed and discussed at a meeting of the tactical cycle Protocol No. __________ dated



in general tactics (BUS 030403 and VUS.030600)


Purpose of the lesson:

Know the organization of a motorized rifle battalion, a tank battalion, an artillery battalion, an anti-tank artillery battalion and the organization of the artillery of a motorized rifle regiment, the tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons;

To instill in students pride and love for their branch of the military, faith in the reliability of military equipment and weapons.

Time: 2 hours

Delivery method: lecture

Material support: diagrams, posters.

Literature: school Tactics (b-on, company), pp. 43-51.

Collection of organizations of Sukhoi units. Troops


This lecture provides basic data on the organization and armament of a motorized rifle battalion, a tank battalion, an artillery division of an artillery regiment, an anti-tank battalion and the organization and armament of the artillery of a motorized rifle regiment. Begin the lecture with a clear, unhurried announcement of the topic, purpose, and questions so that all students can write them down. The topic of the lecture can be written on the board. Recommended literature will be provided upon completion of the lecture. At the end of the lecture, draw general conclusions and leave 3-5 minutes to answer questions. In case the audience does not have questions, the teacher should always have ready required material, which could end the lecture, sum up the results. The teacher has the right to postpone answers to questions to the next lecture or consultation.

When answering questions, you should not repeat verbatim the provisions that have already been discussed in the lecture; it is better to give them additional evidence and justification or, depending on the nature of the question, provide new material. The lecture material should be presented with conviction and confidence. During the lecture, continuously maintain contact with the students, observe the audience’s reaction to the material presented. Evaluate how the expressed thoughts reach the consciousness of the students, whether they have time to take notes

During a lecture, the teacher must behave confidently with dignity, but modestly, and not make unnecessary gestures and movements, such as frequently correcting his hair, periodically raising his hand with a watch to his eyes, putting his hands in his pockets, etc. The teacher is obliged to periodically conduct a control survey of students before the start of lectures on the completed part of the theoretical course, if necessary, review the students’ notes and call them for consultation. A well-prepared lecture is the fruit of the lecturer’s extensive teaching work.


1. For students of BUS 030403 - do not organize an anti-tank artillery division;

2. When describing the organization of a motorized rifle battalion, give the difference between an SME and an armored personnel carrier, as well as the difference between a SME tank battalion and a tank battalion of a tank regiment.



1. Organization and armament and combat equipment of a motorized rifle battalion

2. Organization and armament and military equipment of a tank battalion

3. Organization and armament and military equipment of the artillery division (only for VU 010403)

4. Organization and armament of a separate anti-tank artillery unit

division (only for VUS 030600).



The most important indicator of the combat power of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is their equipping with all modern means of armed warfare, which ensure reliable defense of the country.

When addressing issues of improving the country's defense power and the combat readiness of the Armed Forces, the government fully takes into account the political, economic, spiritual and military resources of the state. Currently, the Armed Forces are equipped with the most modern types of weapons and military equipment, their organizational structure is constantly improving, and the art of war, theory and practice of training and educating troops are constantly being improved.

Armored vehicles represent a significant striking force. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and other models have reliable bronze protection, powerful rapid-fire weapons, effective devices for navigation and targeted fire, increased mobility, maneuverability and service life. Motorized rifle and tank units have great firepower, which is achieved through the massive equipping of personnel with automatic small arms, various anti-tank systems, and other weapons.

The design features and tactical and technical characteristics of domestic models of military equipment give a clear idea of ​​the level of development of military affairs that has been achieved in modern conditions. They also testify to the amount of requirements that are placed on personnel who have mastered this technique.

It is necessary to know and constantly remember that in armed struggle, technology only determines the possibility of achieving victory. Man turns this possibility into reality.



Equipped with modern weapons, combat and other equipment, the motorized rifle battalion has powerful fire, high maneuverability, armor protection and resistance to enemy weapons of mass destruction; it can march over long distances, quickly use the results of nuclear strikes, successfully conduct an offensive and hold the occupied area on the defensive in various terrain and in any weather, and also destroy airborne assault forces, airplanes, helicopters and other low-flying enemy targets. A motorized rifle battalion can be equipped with armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles. A motorized rifle battalion on an armored personnel carrier consists of:

from battalion control, headquarters

Combat units:

Three motorized rifle companies;

Mortar battery;

Anti-tank platoon;

Grenade launcher platoon;

Anti-aircraft missile platoon.

Service and support divisions:

Communications platoon;

Support platoon;

Battalion medical station

For the teacher:

Show the diagram of the motorized rifle battalion, give time to draw the diagram.

Describe the purpose and composition of the battalion units

The battalion command includes the battalion commander, his deputy for personnel affairs and his deputy for weapons.

The battalion headquarters includes the chief of staff, who is also the deputy battalion commander, the battalion communications chief, who is also the commander of the communications platoon, a chemical instructor (warrant officer) and a clerk.

The communications platoon is designed to organize radio and wire communications in battalion units.

The communications platoon consists of a command armored personnel carrier (the squad commander is also a senior radiotelephonist, an armored personnel carrier driver) and two radio squads, each consisting of a squad commander, a senior radio master of a low-power radio station in the first squad and a senior radiotelephonist in the second squad, an armored personnel carrier driver-electrician in the first squad and the driver of an armored personnel carrier in the second compartment.

In total, there are 13 personnel in the communications platoon, 1 command armored personnel carriers, wheeled armored personnel carriers- 2, radio stations - 22, cable - 8 km.

A motorized rifle company is a tactical unit that performs tasks, as a rule, as part of a SME, but can also perform tasks independently in reconnaissance and security, as a tactical airborne assault force or special squad behind enemy lines.

A motorized rifle company on an armored personnel carrier consists of a company command, three motorized rifle platoons (each with three motorized rifle squads) and an anti-tank machine gun platoon, consisting of an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) squad and a machine gun squad. The company has 9 RPG-7s.

A mortar battery is a fire and tactical artillery unit. The battery is designed to suppress and destroy manpower and fire weapons located openly, in trenches and dugouts, on the reverse slopes of heights and ravines. Depending on the nature of the target, the duration of fire and the consumption of shells, it can suppress manpower in an area of ​​2-4 hectares and conduct barrage fire at a front of up to 400 m.

A mortar battery consists of: a battery command (battery commander, political deputy, sergeant major, medical instructor, senior driver), a control platoon (platoon commander, reconnaissance department, communications department), two fire platoons (each with four 120 mm mortars) . In total, the mortar battery contains: personnel - 66 people, radio stations - 4, mortars - 8, tractor units - 8, cables - 4 km.

Anti-tank platoon - an artillery fire unit designed to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles enemy. It can also be used to destroy other enemy fire weapons, including those located in fortifications.

An anti-tank platoon consists of a platoon command (platoon commander, deputy platoon commander, 2 armored personnel carrier machine gun gunners, senior armored personnel carrier driver, armored personnel carrier driver), three ATGM squads and three grenade launcher squads

An ATGM squad consists of a squad commander (also a senior operator), a senior operator, two operators, a BRT machine gunner, a senior BTR driver and a driver. Launch complexes 9K111-2, armored personnel carrier.

The grenade launcher squad consists of a squad commander, a grenade launcher commander, a grenade launcher gunner, and two gun numbers. SPG-9M-1 grenade launchers.

In total, the anti-tank platoon has 42 personnel, 9K11-6 ATGM launchers, 3 SPG-9M grenade launchers, and 5 armored personnel carriers.

Grenade launcher platoon - powerful fire weapon motorized rifle battalion. Designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons located outside shelters, in open trenches (trenches) and behind folds of terrain.

A grenade launcher platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander, those squads (in each squad commander, 2 senior grenade launcher gunners, 2 grenade launcher gunners, an armored personnel carrier machine gunner, a senior driver or driver).

In total, the platoon of personnel - 26 people, 30-mm automatic grenade launchers AGS-17-6, armored personnel carriers - 3.

The anti-aircraft missile platoon is designed to destroy enemy aircraft, helicopters, unmanned vehicles and airborne assault forces at low and medium altitudes.

A platoon consists of a platoon commander, a deputy platoon commander (also known as a squad leader), three squads (each with a squad commander, 2 anti-aircraft gunners, an armored personnel carrier machine gunner, a senior armored personnel carrier driver and a driver).

In total, the platoon of personnel is 16 people, launchers 9P 58M "Strela-2" -9, BTR-3.

The battalion medical center is designed to collect the wounded in the battalion and evacuate them, as well as to provide pre-medical care. The platoon consists of the head of the medical post (warrant officer), a medical instructor, 2 orderlies, a senior driver, and 3 driver-orderlies.

In total there are: personnel - 8 people, wheeled conveyors - 3, ambulance, trailer 1-AP-1.5.

The support platoon is designed for uninterrupted logistics support, maintenance of routine repairs of the battalion’s combat and transport equipment,

A platoon consists of a platoon commander (warrant officer) and a deputy platoon commander (also known as squad commander), from the squad Maintenance, automobile department, economic department.

The maintenance department consists of a department commander, a senior auto electrician-battery mechanic, a car mechanic (installer), and a driver-car mechanic.

The department has: personnel - 4 people, a workshop for maintaining MTO-AT-1, ZIL-131, ZIL-157 vehicles under MTO-AT-1.

The automobile squad consists of a squad leader (also deputy platoon commander), 3 senior drivers and 5 drivers. The department has: personnel - 9 people, GAZ-66 trucks for personal belongings and company property - 3; GAZ-66 trucks for kitchens and food - 4; Ural-375 trucks for ammunition - 2. The commander of the automobile department is the deputy commander of the support platoon.

The economic department consists of a department commander, a senior cook and 3 cooks. The department has: personnel - 5 people, trailer kitchens - 4, car trailers 1-AP-1.5, kitchens - 4, portable kitchen KS-75.

In total, there are 19 people in the personnel support platoon, and 10 trucks.

In total, the motorized rifle battalion has 530 personnel on armored personnel carriers, 120-mm mortars - 8, AGS-17 - 6, SPG-9 - 3, ATGM - 15, anti-aircraft launchers "Strela-2" - 9, armored personnel carriers - 49, PK - 9, RPK -27, machine guns - 352, RPG - 33, trucks - 20.



Battalion Directorate;

Communications platoon;

Three motorized rifle company;

Mortar battery;

Grenade launcher platoon;

Medical station;

Support platoon.

The organizational structure of a motorized rifle battalion on an infantry fighting vehicle is approximately the same as on an armored personnel carrier, but instead of an armored personnel carrier, the unit is armed with infantry fighting vehicles. A motorized rifle battalion on an infantry fighting vehicle does not have an anti-tank platoon. In addition, in a motorized rifle battalion or company on an infantry fighting vehicle, instead of an anti-tank machine-gun platoon, a machine-gun platoon is included, consisting of two machine-gun sections of three company machine guns each. In total, the company has 110 personnel, BMTN - 12, RPG - 9, machine guns - 63, PK - 6, RPK - 9. In total, the motorized rifle battalion has 498 personnel on infantry fighting vehicles, 120 mm mortars - 8, AGS -17 - 6, Strela-2M anti-aircraft launchers - 9, BMP-1 - 42, BMP-1K - 1, PK - 18, RPK - 27, machine guns - 315, RPG-7-39.

CONCLUSION. Further improvement of weapons and military equipment, the organizational structure of units entailed a change in the nature of combined arms combat and methods of conducting combat operations. Equipping troops with nuclear weapons and other types of new military equipment makes it possible to strike on the move and conduct battle at a high pace.

All this requires commanders and staffs to creatively use techniques and methods for solving combat missions, skillfully organizing and conducting combat.

Motorized rifle battalion, having modern weapons and combat vehicles, is capable of conducting stubborn and lengthy battles, and solving various tactical tasks.

Basic data of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers







Crew (landing force), people.


73mm navel "Thunder"

30mm automatic a gun

100mm gun

Machine guns:

7.62mm PKT machine gun

14.5mm PKVT machine gun



Through the barrel of a 100mm cannon along a laser beam

Sighting range

shooting, m.:

73mm guns

30mm cannon (height)

100mm guns

7.62mm PKT machine gun

(ground targets)

14.5mm PKVT machine gun

(ground targets)

(air targets)

Engine power, l/s

Speed, km/h:


Cruising range on the highway, km.


bulletproof reinforced



The creation of the BMP-1 began in the late 50s. Subsequently, it served as the basis for a number of special, command and staff, command and other vehicles. One of them, the BMP-1K, was developed in 1972. Its data is the same as that of the BMP-1. In addition to seats for the crew, there are three workstations for officers. The BMP-1K is equipped with VHF radio stations, intercom and communication equipment, and navigation aids.

Since 1976, the BMP-1KSh command and staff vehicle has been mass-produced. It provides seven workstations for officers, one KB radio station, 3 VHF radio stations, equipment for automatic telephone and telegraph conversations, internal communications and communications, as well as telephone sets. There is a set of tank navigation equipment.

The accumulated experience allowed the designers to create a more advanced infantry vehicle, the BMP-2. It went into serial production in 1982 and was developed specifically for use in Afghanistan. It is equipped with a two-plane weapon stabilizer and a combined gunner's sight with dependent field of view stabilization. To enhance the protection of the crew and troops, additional side screens were installed and an armor plate was placed under the commander’s and driver’s workstations.

At the end of the 80s, the BMP-3 was created, taking into account the experience of the war in Afghanistan. It differs sharply from BMP-1, BMP-2. First of all, the layout of the machine has been changed. The BIP-3 has combined armor: the hull and turret are made of aluminum and steel alloys, which allows the crew to be protected from fire from small-caliber and automatic guns, heavy shell fragments and mines. The vehicle is equipped with periscope viewing devices, IR observation and aiming devices in poor visibility conditions. IR spotlights can be used to illuminate the area and targets at night. The low-profile turret has 100mm and 30mm automatic cannons installed in pairs. An ATGM guided by a laser beam can also be launched through the barrel of a 100mm cannon, with a rate of fire of 10 r/min. In addition, there are three PKT machine guns. Currently, the BMP-3 has no analogues in the world.



The main striking force of motorized rifle and tank units and subunits are tank battalions, which are combined arms tactical units and the basis for organizing the interaction of units of military branches in battle. Tank units, possessing great firepower, reliable armor protection, high mobility and maneuverability, are able to make full use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes and achieve the final objectives of the battle in a short time.

Firepower tanks lies in their ability to hit enemy tanks and other targets at actual fire ranges, and to fire on the move both day and night. To increase fire capabilities, modern tanks are equipped with a fire control system, stabilizers, night sights and other devices. Armor protects tank crews from fire, small arms, fragments of aerial bombs, artillery shells and mines, from direct hits from small-caliber artillery shells.

To overcome water obstacles underwater, the tanks have underwater driving equipment (OPVT). It ensures reliable tightness of the tank and normal air supply to the crew. For digging out trenches and shelters, some tanks have special attachments.

Combat capabilities tank units allow them to quickly create a strong defense and successfully repel the advance of superior enemy forces. On the offensive, conduct active combat operations day and night, in a significant separation from other troops, defeat enemy groups in oncoming combat, and immediately overcome vast zones of radioactive contamination and water obstacles.

A tank battalion carries out combat missions as part of a unit in cooperation with motorized rifle, artillery, engineer and engineer units or independently.

The organizational tank battalion of a tank regiment consists of:

Battalion Command;

Party-political apparatus;

Communications platoon;

Three tank companies;

Medical station;

Support platoon.

The battalion command includes:

Battalion Commander;

Deputy for sub-unit

Deputy Battalion Commander for Technical Services

The battalion headquarters includes:

Chief of Staff;

Chief of Communications (aka communications platoon commander);

Chemistry instructor;

The communications platoon consists of:

Battalion commander's tank with crew (tank commander, senior driver, radio operator-loader);

BMP-1K command combat vehicle (combat vehicle commander, radiotelephone operator, driver);

Radio departments (squad commander, radiotelephone operator, armored personnel carrier driver - electrician, armored personnel carrier, three radio stations).

There are 9 people in the platoon.

The tank company consists of:

Company management (company commander, deputy commander for political affairs, deputy company commander for technical affairs (senior lieutenant for battalions armed with tanks with a crew of 3 people, senior technical warrant officer for battalions armed with tanks with a crew of 4 people), foreman, tank commander , senior driver mechanic, radio operator-loader);

Three tank platoons with 3 tanks in each platoon. The medical station consists of:

The head of the medical center, a medical instructor, three orderlies

(private soldiers), driver-medicine instructor.

In total, the personnel department contains six people, a UAZ-452A ambulance, and an AP-0.5 trailer.

The support platoon consists of:

Platoon commander (warrant officer) and technician (warrant officer);

Maintenance departments;

Automobile department;

Economic department.

The maintenance department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior repairman for tank electrical and special equipment;

Working master of low power radio stations;

Locksmith driver.

In total in the personnel department - 6 people, RPG-7, technical vehicle. MTO service, car ZIL-131 (ZIL-157). The automobile department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior refueling driver;

Senior driver;

Two refueling drivers;

Five drivers.

In total, there are 10 people in the personnel department, Ural trucks

375 for ammunition - 5, for personal belongings and company property - 1, for spare parts - 1, fuel tankers ATM-4, 5-375 - 3. The economic department consists of:

Squad commander - cook;


Total in the department: personnel - 3 people, automobile kitchen PAK-

200 (PAK-170), ZIL-131 car, AL-1.5 trailer.

In total, the tank battalion has 174 personnel and 31 tanks.

The organizational structure of a tank battalion of a motorized rifle regiment is approximately the same as that of a tank regiment, with the exception of the increased number of tanks.

A tank battalion has three tank companies with three tank platoons and four tanks in each platoon. In total, the tank company has 55 personnel. And 13 tanks, in the battalion - 213 people. and 40 tanks.

Basic tank data.



Crew, people


125mm smoothbore

cannon D-81 "Rapier"

7, b2mm PKT machine gun

12.7mm machine gun NSVT "Utes"

Sighting range

shooting, m.:

125mm guns

7.62mm PKT machine gun

12.7mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun

For ground targets

For air targets

Direct range

shot, m. (N c = 2 m.)

125mm guns

12.7mm NSVT machine gun

7.62mm PKT machine gun

Rate of fire, h/min:

125mm guns

7.62mm PKT machine gun

12.7mm NSVT machine gun

Initial projectile speed

(bullets), m/sec:

125mm guns

12.7mm NSVT machine gun

Engine power, hp




gas turbine

Speed, km/h

Cruising range on the highway, km

anti-ballistic with protective

anti-cumulative screens

multi-layer, anti-ballistic, with dynamic protection containers

The creation of the T-64 and T-72 tanks in the 60s and 70s marked the beginning of the development of main battle tanks, which replaced the medium and heavy ones. At the end of the 70s, the T-80 tank was put into service.

The main thing in a tank is its weapons. These tanks consist of a 125mm D-81TM smoothbore cannon, known in the West as "Rapira-3", a coaxial 7.62mm PKT machine gun, a 12.7mm NSVT anti-aircraft machine gun and smoke grenade launchers.

The gun is installed in the turret and stabilized in two planes using an electro-hydraulic stabilizer. It is controlled by the handles of the gunner's console, but manual guidance is also provided using a lift-and-turn mechanism. The gun's ammunition includes OFS, cumulative and armor-piercing sub-caliber BPS shells. BPS allows you to penetrate armor modern tanks at a distance of over 2000 meters. All operations for feeding the projectile and cartridge case into the barrel are performed by the automatic loader. In addition, the T-72, T-80 tanks have a tank ballistic computer TBV, into which Tv, Tz, Atmosphere pressure and bore wear. Having noticed the target, the gunner measures the range to it with a laser rangefinder, which is automatically entered into the TBC. The gun, based on the TBV signal, takes the required elevation angle, corrections are introduced for the projectile ballistics, wind, data on the speed and roll of the vehicle. By the time the gun is fired, it occupies a strictly defined position. If the tank shakes on a pothole and the axis of the barrel no longer coincides with the direction chosen by the gun, the shot will not fire. A special block will resolve it only after the stabilizer returns the gun to the desired angle.

To ensure effective shooting at night, night vision devices are used. There is an infrared sight, with which you can take aim at a target at a distance of 800 m at night.

While the T-64 and T-72 tanks have anti-ballistic armor, the T-80 has a spaced multi-layer design on the front hull and the front part of the turret. The sides are covered with armor and rubber-fabric screens, and the front of the hull, roof and turret armor are covered with dynamic protection containers. The armored structure of the T-80 can withstand fire from tanks and anti-tank weapons from a distance of 1.5-2 kilometers in the range of firing angles from 0° to 30 - 45°.

All T-80 tanks are equipped with a collective defense system against weapons of mass destruction. If it happens dangerously close nuclear explosion, then even before the shock wave approaches, the engine will be automatically turned off and the blinds will be closed, and after its passage the supercharger with the FVU will turn on.

Tanks T-64, T-72, T-80 are equipped with a high-speed fire extinguishing system.

Tanks can overcome various obstacles: ditches up to 2.8 meters wide, vertical walls up to 0.85 meters high, water obstacles with a “mirror” up to 1 km and a depth of a two-story house (5 meters).

Our designers managed to create machines that were original in their quality. In terms of their combat effectiveness, the T-80 is in no way inferior to foreign tanks, and in many ways superior to them, and the T-72AK tank fully meets the requirements of modern combat.

Tank units are armed with T-80, T-90, T-72 tanks.

CONCLUSION. Thus, possessing powerful weapons, reliable protection and high mobility, tank units are capable of destroying tanks and other armored targets, enemy manpower with fire on the move, from short stops or from a place, destroying his defensive structures, fighting low-flying targets, as well as solve other problems.

Tank forces constitute the main striking force of the ground forces. They are capable of making full use of the results of nuclear and fire strikes and in a short time achieving the final goals of the battle and operation.


(only for VUS 030403)

The basis of artillery units are artillery battalions, which are the main tactical units of artillery.

As an artillery fire unit, the division is capable of hitting various targets with high accuracy, which can be open and covered, stationary and moving, observed and unobserved, ground and surface, and perform other fire missions.

The ability of an artillery battalion to move quickly and carry out continuous interaction with combined arms units fighting at a high tempo characterizes it as a tactical artillery unit.

An artillery division is organizationally part of artillery and motorized rifle (tank) formations and units.

Depending on its combat purpose and weapons, a division may have a different organization. Let's consider the organization of the 122 mm G N-30 artillery battalion.

For the teacher: it shows the organization of the artillery division, reveals its content, and gives time for drawing its diagram.

The artillery battalion of 122 mm M-30 howitzers consists of:


Communications platoon and reconnaissance and surveillance department;

Three artillery batteries;

Support platoon

The division command includes the division commander, his deputy for political affairs and the division paramedic. The division headquarters includes:

Chief of Staff - Deputy Division Commander;

Chief of Communications - platoon commander of the division control;

Chemist-instructor The communications platoon consists of:

Wireline departments

Radio communication departments

The reconnaissance and related surveillance department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior reconnaissance observer;

Three reconnaissance observers;



In service there are: PAB-2-1, DAK-1-1 or DS-2-1, RT-2, binoculars-4.

A battery is a fire and tactical artillery unit. A battery can simultaneously hit one or two targets by firing from a closed firing position or several targets, depending on the number of guns in the battery, with direct fire.

The artillery battery consists of:

Platoon control;

Two fire platoons;

Driver departments.

The control platoon is designed to conduct reconnaissance and provide communications.

The control platoon consists of:

Platoon commander;

Intelligence departments;

Liaison departments The intelligence department consists of:

Squad commander;

Senior Scout;

Scout Observer;



The department has: PAB-2A-1, DS-1-1, binoculars-2.

The communications department consists of:

Squad commander;

Two senior telephone operators;

Three radiotelephonists.

In the radio station department R-108M (R-108) - 4, telephone sets - 4 cable P-297 - 8 km. Personnel - 12 people.

A fire platoon is an artillery fire unit. The platoon performs battery fire missions as part of a battery or independently.

The fire platoon consists of:

Platoon commander;

Three gun crews (7 people each: crew commander, gunner, assistant gunner, loader, installer, projectile, loader and one 122 mm M-30 howitzer)

In total there are 22 people in the platoon of personnel, 3 - 122 mm G M-30,

grenade launcher - 1.

The drivers (traction) department consists of:

Squad commander;

Two senior drivers;

Six drivers.

Total battery: personnel - 65 people,

Tractors (vehicles) for guns - 6;

Spare tractor - 1;

There are 2 cars on the b/p;

Grenade launchers - 2. The support platoon consists of:

Platoon commander;

Economic department (department commander - cook, two cooks, two drivers);

Maintenance departments (department commander, senior electrician-battery mechanic, driver-car mechanic).

Total in the division support platoon:

Personnel - 9 people;

Trucks: MTO-AT-1 (ZIL-131), GAZ-66 for kitchens and food - 2, trailed kitchens - 2, car trailers 1-All-1.5 for kitchens - 2, grenade launchers - 1.

Total in artillery battalion

122 mm M-30 howitzers;

Personnel - 235 people;

122 mm G M-30- 18pcs .;

Cars - 30 pcs.;

Radio stations - 16 pcs.;

Officers - 18 people.

For the teacher: familiarize students with the tactical and technical characteristics of the main artillery systems (122 mm G D-30, 2S-1, 152 mm G D-1) in service in artillery battalions and give time for recording.

CONCLUSION. The division, possessing powerful and accurate fire, is capable of hitting a variety of sheltered and openly located ground and underwater targets, and continuously supporting combined arms units in battle with fire.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the main artillery systems

System name


System weight, kg. in combat position

Rate of fire rds/min

Projectile weight, kg.

Used, pcs.

Calculation, pers.

Armor penetration,

Transportation speed; km/hour


direct shot

152mm P "Hyacinth"


152mm SG2S-ZM

152mm SG-P "Meta-S"

Main tactical and technical characteristics of the 100-mm anti-tank gun

System name

Caliber, mm.


Far straight rd.

Rate of fire

System weight,

Projectile weight, kg.

Used, pcs.

Armor penetration

Travel speed

PT gun T-12

PT gun BS-3

9P-148 "Competition"


Separate anti-tank artillery battalion designed to destroy tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy. It can also be used to destroy fire weapons, including those located in fortifications.

Anti-tank artillery units are assigned to anti-tank reserves or attached to motorized rifle units.

A separate anti-tank artillery division consists of:

Division Commands;

Combat units;

Two anti-tank artillery batteries;

ATGM batteries;

Service and support divisions;

Division control platoon (reconnaissance squad 5 people, two

Liaison office 7 and 6 people);

Support platoon;

Repair platoon;

Medical Center;

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance departments;

Economic department.

For the teacher: - shows the diagram and gives time to draw the diagram;

Describes the purpose and composition of the units

The division command includes the division commander, his deputy for work with personnel and technical units.

The division headquarters includes the chief of staff, who is also the deputy division commander; the chief of communications, who is also the commander of the communications platoon;

chemical instructor.

Anti-tank artillery battery - fire and tactical unit anti-tank artillery, operates, as a rule, as part of a division, but cannot be assigned to motorized rifle units.

The battery consists of:

Intelligence departments (4 people);

Communications departments (7 people);

Two fire platoons (23 people each).

A fire platoon is a fire unit that operates, as a rule, as part of a battery. Consists of three crews, each with one 100 mm anti-tank gun.

Main tactical and technical characteristics of 100 mm anti-tank gun

Anti-tank guided missile battery - fire and tactical unit. Designed to destroy tanks and other armored targets. It operates, as a rule, as part of a division, but can be attached to motorized rifle units.

The battery consists of:

Three ATGM platoons;

Management departments;

Simulator departments.

An ATGM platoon is a fire unit that operates, as a rule, as part of a battery, but can also act independently.

Consists of three crews of combat vehicles. Each crew has 2 people. The vehicle commander is a senior operator and driver-operator, armed with:

Grenade launcher - RPG-7 - 1

AKM-74 assault rifle - 1

Pistol PM - 1pri

Rocket launcher - 1.

The combat vehicle has a radio station R-123 and R-108.

The control department is designed to monitor the actions of the enemy and friendly troops, determine tank-dangerous directions for monitoring the results of their fire.

Squad leader - radiotelephonist - 1

Senior Scout - 1

Scouts - 2

Radiotelephone operator - 1

Driver - 1

The simulator department is an electron-optical training complex and is designed to develop operators’ shooting skills from combat vehicles.

The department includes the head of the simulator - the instructor and the driver of the car.

Rear units of the division:

Material support platoon - designed to transport materiel to the division, as well as to transport ammunition and fuel to batteries;

Repair platoon - designed for repair and maintenance of equipment and weapons;

Housekeeping department - designed for uninterrupted provision of division units with food and preparation hot food;

Medical station - designed to collect the wounded, provide first aid and evacuate them.

Main performance characteristics of BM 9P148

CONCLUSION. A separate anti-tank artillery division is a powerful means of combating tanks and other armored vehicles.

CONCLUSION. Rapidly developing military equipment and weapons, fundamentally new, high-precision weapons and effective ways their use causes significant changes in the content of modern combined arms combat, methods of command and control based on automated systems, methods of fire destruction and action of troops, in the organization and implementation of their comprehensive support, i.e. in tactics - the most important component of Soviet military art.

Summarize. Give a task for self-preparation:

Textbook "Tactics" part 2, pp. 43-51.

The methodological development was made by:

Senior lecturer, sub-student V. Marchuk
