An advertisement appears on the phone after a call. How to remove ads on Android

The operating systems of modern mobile tablet computers are considered to be sufficiently secure. However, users are well aware of the situation when, while surfing the Internet on a tablet, advertisements constantly pop up - experts and advanced users who have successfully solved this problem will tell you what to do. But the main thing to understand is that advertising modules launch modules that do not belong to the category of viruses! Such tablet “bastards” can and should be dealt with.

Applications to combat pop-up ads

It is clear that advertising is the real “bread” for marketers of production companies, as well as owners of websites that the user visits. However, users care little about this; it is important for them to “surf” the Internet calmly and as pleasantly as possible, communicate, watch clips and films. To provide such comfort, special applications have been developed. There are many plugins, but two of the whole mass have become the most popular.

AdBlock Plus - against all advertising on Android

A program that simply has no competitors in terms of combating online advertising. This is a blocker that performs its functions perfectly, which, according to experts, caused significant losses to a wide range of businesses (about $22 billion in the first half of 2015 alone). The program is not provided in the Google market for tablets (only for computers), and therefore users will have to install it themselves:

  1. Download on the official website Adblock Plus.
  2. Using the package installer, run the file.
  3. In the tablet computer settings, find the security or application category in the general menu. In the window that opens, you will need to click on the “Unknown sources” button and highlight it.
  4. After the installation is complete, you need to open the blocker, after which the user will see a message about the need to manually change the proxy settings. You need to look for them in the WiFi settings. After pressing and holding the network icon, you will need to change the network settings by manually selecting your proxy (enter the hostname of proxy 2020 or proxy localhost).
  5. All settings should be saved.

To remove the locking program, you must return all settings to their original positions.

AdGuard – a taboo for advertising in games, movies, browsers

To install, you should:

  • Download the blocker.
  • Start the installation. If during the process a message appears stating that installation is prohibited, you should go to the additional menu and allow the use of unknown sources.
  • Save all settings and follow further according to the program instructions.

Users often wonder: why are there ads in applications and how to remove ads on Android? In this article we will look at several effective and simple ways remove advertising. We’ll also figure out where advertising comes from and why it’s important to block ads on the Internet, games and applications.

Why is it important to get rid of ads?

Advertising in browsers, games and applications is a way to make money. Often, advertising is contained in free applications. For this purpose, a block is allocated at the bottom for display, but in some programs, pop-up advertising takes up the entire window. Cunning advertisers often resort to aggressive hard sell advertising banners, which appear after 1-3 actions, and sometimes do not contain a close button. Because of such actions, the user involuntarily clicks on the banner, and in order to disable advertising, he is forced to purchase full versions of the applications.

There are several good reasons to block ads:

  1. An advertising banner, as well as advertising in browsers, consume additional Internet traffic.
  2. The downloaded file may infect your phone with a virus.
  3. Advertising in Android takes up some of the random access memory and affects battery consumption.
  4. A pop-up advertising banner interferes with your game or work.

We remove advertising in the browser, games and applications

An easy way to remove ads is to install an ad blocking application: Adaway, Adblock Plus, Adfree or Adguard. It's worth noting that some apps are not available on Google Play due to the search giant's policies. To solve the problem, you need to download the apk file from the official website and then install the application on your mobile device.


The program removes advertising in browsers, games and applications. The essence of the work is to block requests to advertising servers. Required for full operation root rights. It is also worth noting that ad blocking will continue even if you delete the application.

  1. Install the Adaway application.
  2. We wait for the files to finish downloading, and then reboot the device.

Main advantages:

  • Ease of use.
  • Creating and editing lists with ad servers.

Main disadvantages:

  • Requires root rights.
  • On a 3G network, some advertisements are not blocked.

Adblock Plus

The program disables advertising in the browser, applications and games. The operating principle is based on filtration mobile traffic from the given list. For best results The program requires root rights. Then traffic coming from Wi-Fi and mobile network. If there is no root, then only the Wi-Fi network is filtered.

The setup instructions are as follows:

  1. Install the application.
  2. Click the button to activate filtering.
  3. Select a subscription for the appropriate region. Renew your subscription if necessary.
  4. Uncheck the “acceptable ads” box to block some unobtrusive ads.

Main advantages:

  • Blocks mobile and Wi-Fi network advertising.
  • Allows you to disable pop-up advertising.

Main disadvantages:

  • For full operation you need root.
  • The application does not work on all devices.


The program allows you to block advertisements for games and applications, as well as Internet traffic. It’s an analogue of Adaway and works on the same principle – making entries in the HOSTS file to block access to ad servers.

Main advantages:

  • Simple and not overloaded interface.
  • Removes pop-up ads on the Internet, games and Android applications.

Main disadvantages:

  • Root rights are required for full operation.
  • This application is not on Google Play.


The free version of the program allows you to get rid of browser advertising and phishing. The paid version offers ad blocking in applications, as well as the ability to remove pop-up ads outside applications.

The principle of operation is to create a VPN server through which traffic is filtered. The application also provides a choice of filtering algorithm and a white list for trusted sites. And the main advantage over analogues is that there is no need for root rights.

Main advantages:

  • An effective tool for removing ads in the browser, games and applications.
  • Protects smartphones and tablets from phishing.
  • Saves mobile traffic.
  • Keeps track of saved traffic.
  • Does not require superuser rights.

Main disadvantages:

  • Some features are not available in free version applications.

Blocking ads in games and applications on Android

The easiest way to protect your smartphone or tablet from advertising in games and applications is to install one of the programs: Lucky Patcher or LBE Security Master.

Lucky Patcher

This multifunctional utility will allow you to completely get rid of in-app advertising and Google Play license verification once and for all. The program only works with root rights.

After the first launch on android device, the application will scan installed programs. Utilities marked green, require license verification, and blue indicates the presence of advertising. A long press will bring up a menu asking you to make the appropriate change. Afterwards, you need to close the window, run the program and check the result.

Main advantages:

  • An effective way to block ads free games and in Android device applications.
  • Ability to install patches to cancel license verification.
  • A good way to get rid of game currency restrictions.

Main disadvantages:

  • Root rights required.

LBE Security Master

An application with a wide range of functions, contains a tool for detecting and blocking ads on Android. To do this, you need to go to the appropriate section. In addition, the program allows you to obtain root rights for some models of smartphones and tablets.

Main advantages:

  • Protection mobile devices from advertising in applications.
  • This application allows you to root your Android device.

Main disadvantages:

  • For full operation, root rights are required.
  • In some applications, advertisements pop up despite being blocked.
  • The new version of the application is installed manually.

Blocking ads on the Internet

A free way to get rid of advertising on the Internet is to install an Internet browser: Adblock Browser, Firefox or UC Browser. In terms of efficiency, Adblock Browser is better than its competitors from the list, since it does not require the installation of constantly freezing plugins and add-ons.


If you start seeing pop-ups and aggressive advertising offers, use one of the methods described above to block ads. To disable advertising only in applications, Lucky Patcher or LBE Security Master are suitable. To block advertising on the Internet - Adblock Browser. For complex blocking using root rights - Adaway, Adblock Plus or Adfree. If you don't have root rights, use Adguard. (1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The Android system is the most open mobile operating system based on Linux, openness combined with an already familiar environment - causes a large flow of developers creating applications for the operating system. Developers are "people too" so they want to be rewarded for their work - saying in simple language: Many applications are created solely for the purpose of making a profit. There are not many applications created “for people,” but in this article we will only talk about those.

The first thing any user who downloads faces free application or a game - advertising! Sometimes it doesn’t interfere or they give you a reward for watching it, this good example, but there are also bad ones. It’s very unpleasant when, due to the abundance of advertising in an application, you cannot use its functionality normally, or when advertising appears after each level in a game, and the ubiquitous advertising on websites is completely terrifying. There are several most popular advertising formats, and we will protect ourselves from them.

Reasons to dislike advertising

I think you have noticed that advertising sometimes “guesses” what we want, or if we think about something, discuss it with friends, it immediately appears in advertising. Do you know how this happens? We are being watched :) Every action you take, be it a character entered or a page opened, is all saved in your “advertising identifier”, and according to those who show us ads, the data is used only to select more suitable ads.

Even the sound and geographical position are recorded for the selection of advertisements! You can simply go to a digital equipment store, this information will enter your ID and the system will decide that you are now interested in purchasing equipment. Sound can be recorded to improve results!!!

If you are worried about your personal data, don’t want all this surveillance, and are simply fed up with advertising in games and applications, we strongly recommend using the blockers from the list above.

When installing the application on your phone, be prepared for pop-up advertisements. But do you need them? In this article we will look at best ways removing ads from Android phone. Get rid of annoying ad blocks forever.

Ad blocking with the best programs for Android

Many specialized programs for blocking advertising banners have been developed. They can be downloaded from the Google Play store. They may differ slightly in functionality or ease of use. But the principle is usually the same: the utility recognizes advertisements in one way or another and prevents them from appearing.

Please note: you need to download such software from reliable sources. If you downloaded a blocker from some little-known site, do not be surprised that it itself turns out to be infected with a virus!

Getting rid of advertisements in games and applications on Android

If you look at it, all Internet advertising blocking boils down to one thing: you just need to block incoming advertising traffic. To do this, the sources of such traffic are included in special list; Whenever accessing the Internet, the device simply prohibits everything that comes from sources on this list. The easiest way is to organize the storage of the list in a special hosts file.

This file is always available on any gadget or desktop computer. It determines which sites are allowed to be displayed and which are not. Therefore, blocking ads simply comes down to editing this file, that’s all.

The bad thing is that this file is a system file and access to it is limited. In addition, if you make a mistake, you can lose all access to the Internet. Therefore, manual management of the hosts file is recommended only for experienced users.

If you are confident and know what you are doing, then here is a step-by-step algorithm:

  1. Download a list of advertising sources from the Internet. Often these are ready-made hosts files. For example:,, It is better to use sources where the lists are constantly updated.
  2. Combine all received lists into one file, for which use a simple text editor, for example, Notepad. Avoid using Word and other word processors because they add unnecessary formatting to the text. The finished file should have the name hosts without any extensions or periods.
  3. Open a file manager on your smartphone. (Don't forget that you must have root access for this operation). Find the hosts file, it should be located in the /etc or /system/etc folder.
  4. Make a backup copy of it. To do this, just rename it, for example hosts.txt or oldhosts.
  5. Copy the previously prepared hosts file to its place.
  6. Reboot your device.

The caveat is that the hosts file that you created is not updated automatically, and new advertising sources appear every day. Therefore, you will have to manually update it regularly.

Types of advertising in Android applications

Advertising that is used on mobile platforms does not come in many formats. They depend on at what point or at what event it is profitable for the advertiser to show you their product or service.

  • The largest formats are pop-up banners that fill the entire screen. Such a banner covers everything, and to get rid of it you need to find a close button on it, and this is sometimes not easy.
  • Small static advertisements that sometimes appear at the top or bottom of the program window. They do not completely block the useful interface, you can continue to work.
  • Ads integrated into the interface. Usually found in mobile games and also do not really interfere with the game process (although not always).
  • "Advertising to make money." They actually offer you to earn a little money by simply viewing advertising banners, or sometimes clicking on them. Of course, it’s impossible to earn much this way, unless you manage to pay for Internet access from a provider, and even then it’s unlikely.

Why is it so important to turn off advertising?

First of all, it's just wildly annoying. When advertising banners pop up on the screen one after another without interruption, this serious challenge your patience. But there are also objective reasons why annoying advertising is undesirable.

Advertising consumes traffic. Each advertising page downloads something from the Internet - a new picture, or a fresh test. Unless you have an unlimited connection, sooner or later you will feel that the load on your wallet has increased - bills from your provider will increase.

Ads may lead to infected pages. If you become interested in an ad and click on it, you risk getting a new virus on your smartphone. After all, no one guaranteed that all such advertising came from bona fide sources.

Advertising consumes smartphone resources. Because each such page is a separate process in memory, a separate thread of processor calculations. Your device may begin to slow down and the battery may drain faster.

Blocking ads on Android devices

Let's now take a quick look at a few programs designed specifically for blocking unwanted mobile ads.


The utility works by replacing the hosts file, as described above. Therefore, to install it, you must be a superuser on your device, that is, root access is required.

After installation, the program connects to the Internet, downloads the latest hosts file and writes it to the system instead of the old one, which was there by default. As a result, all traffic from advertiser sites is cut off.

The program includes black and whitelists. That is, you can decide for yourself whether to block any suspicious site, or, conversely, exclude it from blocking.

Adblock Plus

Genre Connection
Rating 4,0
Settings 1 000 000+
Developer eyeo GmbH
Russian language Yes
Estimates 8 784
Version 1.1.4
apk size 2.1M

This is a very well-known ad blocker, distributed as a browser plugin. It is capable of blocking 99% of all advertising traffic. In place of advertising banners in the browser there will be just empty spaces. So, there is also a version of this application for mobile devices.

AdblockPlus does not require root access to operate. True, you will have to configure the program manually. You can read how to do this in the manual on the official website. The program works as a proxy server, that is, your Internet traffic passes through Adblock servers and is analyzed there. You will need to configure the connection parameters to this proxy server. If superuser rights have already been obtained, then the setup will happen automatically and the utility will work immediately.


Another utility for easy editing hosts file. This means that before installing it, you need to make sure that the smartphone is rooted, that is, it has root access. Able to disable advertising in almost any program, including browsers.


Genre Tools
Rating 4,1
Settings 1 000 000+
Russian language Yes
Estimates 14 530
Version 2.1.2
apk size 4.3M

An excellent choice for ordinary users who do not want to understand the intricacies. Does not require root. The trial version only works in browsers; the paid version can disable advertising everywhere. There is an Anti-banner tool, black and white lists of applications, and a VPN connection.

Lucky Patcher

This utility is intended for slightly different purposes. Namely, to “treat” commercial programs so that they do not require a license key. The program puts “patches” into their code, and thus expands their functionality to full versions. But in the same way, it is able to “cure” applications from annoying advertising built into them.

Requires root access to work.

Adblock Browser

This is exactly a browser for surfing the Internet. It has all the necessary mechanisms for filtering advertising traffic built into it, and the database of advertising sources is automatically updated. Does not require root. An ideal option if you only browse the Internet on your gadget. Because it does not protect against advertising in other programs.

Bottom line

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to get rid of pop-up advertising banners. But there is another one, simple and completely legal. This method is to simply pay for the application!

As a rule, mobile programs have two versions: paid and free. Advertising modules are built into free ones. Thus, by viewing advertisements, you seem to pay the developers for their work. And by purchasing the paid version, you will legally get rid of advertising in this application. Mobile programs usually cost 100–150 rubles. It's not expensive at all, and the problem is completely solved.

Ad blocks on many sites are not any kind of virus or scam. In fact, this is a completely legitimate income for website owners, just like advertising on TV channels or YouTube videos. It’s another matter when advertising pops up during any action, and wherever possible.

In this case, it is likely that you are faced with a spam virus that is terrorizing both computers and phones in particular. In this article you will learn what to do if ads pop up on Android - how to remove them.

Ads pop up in Android games and apps

IN Lately Many Android application developers embed advertisements that pop up during operation and interfere with full use. It's one thing when advertising is in certain place, but it’s completely different if the banner fills the entire screen, in which case it must be removed using special programs.

The best program V in this case will AdBlock Mobile(ABP), which can be downloaded from their official website. Just download the program, activate it and go into the application - as a rule, advertisements will no longer pop up.

If advertising is still interfering, it means that AdBlock simply did not turn it off due to a certain limitation. The fact is that AdBlock developers do not specifically block advertising on a Wi-Fi connection, giving game creators the opportunity to earn a little money.

  1. To do this, open your Wi-Fi connection and go to its properties.
  2. Next, change the properties according to AdBlock prompts, editing the host and port.
  3. Save your settings and use applications without advertising.

It is worth noting that AdBlock Mobile works in a similar way when blocking ads on websites. With the most “strict” settings, AdBlock can completely disable any advertising on Android, both contextual from Google and viral banners.

Spam viruses on Android phones

Also, pop-up advertisements may appear due to a spam virus that could have entered the phone along with files downloaded from unverified sites. Another reason could be an application with a virus that changed the settings in Android. To determine which application displays advertising, you should use special program entitled AirPush Detector. You can download this application from Google play, then simply turn on the scan and remove the found culprit.

Next time, try to install applications only with Google play!

If advertising still pops up, then the spam virus may be stored not in applications, but in music, pictures or other third-party files. To find and destroy them, you need to download anti-virus software to mobile phones Best suited for Android Dr.Web Light or 360 Mobile Security Antivirus. Install a mobile antivirus and perform a full scan, it will take about 20-30 minutes. When finished, remove all viruses and reboot your phone.
